/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using libsecondlife; using log4net; using Mono.Addins; using Nini.Config; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers; using OpenSim.Framework.Statistics; using OpenSim.Region.ClientStack; using OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local; using OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1; using OpenSim.Region.Environment; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes; using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager; namespace OpenSim { public class OpenSimMain : RegionApplicationBase { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// /// Holds a human readable build version for this server. /// protected string buildVersion; protected string proxyUrl; protected int proxyOffset = 0; protected const string DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME = "prim-backup.xml"; public string m_physicsEngine; public string m_meshEngineName; public string m_scriptEngine; public bool m_sandbox; public bool user_accounts; public bool m_gridLocalAsset; public bool m_see_into_region_from_neighbor; protected LocalLoginService m_loginService; protected string m_storageDll; protected List m_clientServers = new List(); protected List m_regionData = new List(); protected bool m_physicalPrim; protected bool m_standaloneAuthenticate = false; protected string m_standaloneWelcomeMessage = null; protected string m_standaloneInventoryPlugin; protected string m_standaloneAssetPlugin; protected string m_standaloneUserPlugin; private string m_standaloneInventorySource; private string m_standaloneAssetSource; private string m_standaloneUserSource; protected string m_assetStorage = "local"; public ConsoleCommand CreateAccount = null; protected bool m_dumpAssetsToFile; protected List m_plugins = new List(); protected IniConfigSource m_config; public IniConfigSource ConfigSource { get { return m_config; } set { m_config = value; } } public BaseHttpServer HttpServer { get { return m_httpServer; } } public List ClientServers { get { return m_clientServers; } } public List RegionData { get { return m_regionData; } } protected ModuleLoader m_moduleLoader; public ModuleLoader ModuleLoader { get { return m_moduleLoader; } set { m_moduleLoader = value; } } public OpenSimMain(IConfigSource configSource) : base() { IConfig startupConfig = configSource.Configs["Startup"]; // The Mono addin manager (in Mono.Addins.dll version occasionally seems to corrupt its addin cache // Hence, as a temporary solution we'll remove it before each startup if (Directory.Exists("addin-db-000")) Directory.Delete("addin-db-000", true); if (Directory.Exists("addin-db-001")) Directory.Delete("addin-db-001", true); m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: PLEASE IGNORE THE SCANNING ERRORS BELOW. These are the result of a temporary problem with our plugins manager."); AddinManager.Initialize("."); AddinManager.Registry.Update(null); Application.iniFilePath = startupConfig.GetString("inifile", "OpenSim.ini"); m_config = new IniConfigSource(); //check for .INI file (either default or name passed in command line) if (File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { m_config.Merge(new IniConfigSource(Application.iniFilePath)); m_config.Merge(configSource); } else { Application.iniFilePath = Path.Combine(Util.configDir(), Application.iniFilePath); if (File.Exists(Application.iniFilePath)) { m_config.Merge(new IniConfigSource(Application.iniFilePath)); m_config.Merge(configSource); } else { // no default config files, so set default values, and save it m_config.Merge(DefaultConfig()); m_config.Merge(configSource); m_config.Save(Application.iniFilePath); } } ReadConfigSettings(); } public static IConfigSource DefaultConfig() { IConfigSource DefaultConfig = new IniConfigSource(); if (DefaultConfig.Configs["Startup"] == null) DefaultConfig.AddConfig("Startup"); IConfig config = DefaultConfig.Configs["Startup"]; if (config != null) { config.Set("gridmode", false); config.Set("physics", "basicphysics"); config.Set("physical_prim", true); config.Set("see_into_this_sim_from_neighbor", true); config.Set("serverside_object_permissions", false); config.Set("storage_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); config.Set("storage_connection_string", "URI=file:OpenSim.db,version=3"); config.Set("storage_prim_inventories", true); config.Set("startup_console_commands_file", String.Empty); config.Set("shutdown_console_commands_file", String.Empty); config.Set("script_engine", "OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.dll"); config.Set("asset_database", "sqlite"); } if (DefaultConfig.Configs["StandAlone"] == null) DefaultConfig.AddConfig("StandAlone"); config = DefaultConfig.Configs["StandAlone"]; if (config != null) { config.Set("accounts_authenticate", false); config.Set("welcome_message", "Welcome to OpenSimulator"); config.Set("inventory_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); config.Set("inventory_source", ""); config.Set("userDatabase_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); config.Set("user_source", ""); config.Set("asset_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); config.Set("asset_source", ""); config.Set("dump_assets_to_file", false); } if (DefaultConfig.Configs["Network"] == null) DefaultConfig.AddConfig("Network"); config = DefaultConfig.Configs["Network"]; if (config != null) { config.Set("default_location_x", 1000); config.Set("default_location_y", 1000); config.Set("http_listener_port", NetworkServersInfo.DefaultHttpListenerPort); config.Set("remoting_listener_port", NetworkServersInfo.RemotingListenerPort); config.Set("grid_server_url", "" + GridConfig.DefaultHttpPort.ToString()); config.Set("grid_send_key", "null"); config.Set("grid_recv_key", "null"); config.Set("user_server_url", "" + UserConfig.DefaultHttpPort.ToString()); config.Set("user_send_key", "null"); config.Set("user_recv_key", "null"); config.Set("asset_server_url", "" + AssetConfig.DefaultHttpPort.ToString()); config.Set("inventory_server_url", "" + InventoryConfig.DefaultHttpPort.ToString()); } if (DefaultConfig.Configs["RemoteAdmin"] == null) DefaultConfig.AddConfig("RemoteAdmin"); config = DefaultConfig.Configs["RemoteAdmin"]; if (config != null) { config.Set("enabled", "false"); } if (DefaultConfig.Configs["Voice"] == null) DefaultConfig.AddConfig("Voice"); config = DefaultConfig.Configs["Voice"]; if (config != null) { config.Set("enabled", "false"); } return DefaultConfig; } protected virtual void ReadConfigSettings() { m_networkServersInfo = new NetworkServersInfo(); IConfig startupConfig = m_config.Configs["Startup"]; if (startupConfig != null) { m_sandbox = !startupConfig.GetBoolean("gridmode", false); m_physicsEngine = startupConfig.GetString("physics", "basicphysics"); m_meshEngineName = startupConfig.GetString("meshing", "ZeroMesher"); m_physicalPrim = startupConfig.GetBoolean("physical_prim", true); m_see_into_region_from_neighbor = startupConfig.GetBoolean("see_into_this_sim_from_neighbor", true); m_storageDll = startupConfig.GetString("storage_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); if (m_storageDll == "OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite.dll") { m_storageDll = "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"; Console.WriteLine("WARNING: OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite.dll is deprecated. Set storage_plugin to OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll."); Thread.Sleep(3000); } m_storageConnectionString = startupConfig.GetString("storage_connection_string", "URI=file:OpenSim.db,version=3"); m_storagePersistPrimInventories = startupConfig.GetBoolean("storage_prim_inventories", true); m_scriptEngine = startupConfig.GetString("script_engine", "OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine.dll"); m_assetStorage = startupConfig.GetString("asset_database", "local"); } IConfig standaloneConfig = m_config.Configs["StandAlone"]; if (standaloneConfig != null) { m_standaloneAuthenticate = standaloneConfig.GetBoolean("accounts_authenticate", false); m_standaloneWelcomeMessage = standaloneConfig.GetString("welcome_message", "Welcome to OpenSim"); m_standaloneInventoryPlugin = standaloneConfig.GetString("inventory_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); m_standaloneInventorySource = standaloneConfig.GetString("inventory_source",""); m_standaloneUserPlugin = standaloneConfig.GetString("userDatabase_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); m_standaloneUserSource = standaloneConfig.GetString("user_source",""); m_standaloneAssetPlugin = standaloneConfig.GetString("asset_plugin", "OpenSim.Data.SQLite.dll"); m_standaloneAssetSource = standaloneConfig.GetString("asset_source",""); m_dumpAssetsToFile = standaloneConfig.GetBoolean("dump_assets_to_file", false); } //if (!m_sandbox) //m_SendChildAgentTaskData = false; m_networkServersInfo.loadFromConfiguration(m_config); } private ManualResetEvent WorldHasComeToAnEnd = new ManualResetEvent(false); /// /// Performs initialisation of the scene, such as loading configuration from disk. /// public override void StartUp() { // // Called from app startup (OpenSim.Application) // m_log.Info("===================================================================="); m_log.Info("========================= STARTING OPENSIM ========================="); m_log.Info("===================================================================="); m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Running in background {0} mode", m_sandbox ? "sandbox" : "grid"); InternalStartUp(); // We are done with startup m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Startup complete, serving {0} region{1}", m_clientServers.Count.ToString(), m_clientServers.Count > 1 ? "s" : ""); WorldHasComeToAnEnd.WaitOne(); m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Shutdown complete, goodbye."); Environment.Exit(0); } /// /// Print the version information available to the library. This include a subversion number if the root /// .svn/entries file is present. /// protected void printAvailableVersionInformation() { // Set BuildVersion String for Show version command string svnFileName = "../.svn/entries"; string inputLine; int strcmp; if (File.Exists(svnFileName)) { StreamReader EntriesFile = File.OpenText(svnFileName); inputLine = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); while (inputLine != null) { // using the dir svn revision at the top of entries file strcmp = String.Compare(inputLine, "dir"); if (strcmp == 0) { buildVersion = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); break; } else { inputLine = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); } } EntriesFile.Close(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildVersion)) { m_log.Info("[STARTUP]: OpenSim version: " + VersionInfo.Version + ", SVN build r" + buildVersion + "\n"); } else { m_log.Info("[STARTUP]: OpenSim version: " + VersionInfo.Version + "\n"); } } /// /// Performs initialisation of the scene, such as loading configuration from disk. /// protected void InternalStartUp() { printAvailableVersionInformation(); StatsManager.StartCollectingSimExtraStats(); // Do baseclass startup sequence: OpenSim.Region.ClientStack.RegionApplicationBase.StartUp // TerrainManager, StorageManager, HTTP Server // This base will call abstract Initialize base.StartUp(); // StandAlone mode? m_sandbox is determined by !startupConfig.GetBoolean("gridmode", false) if (m_sandbox) { LocalInventoryService inventoryService = new LocalInventoryService(); inventoryService.AddPlugin(m_standaloneInventoryPlugin, m_standaloneInventorySource); LocalUserServices userService = new LocalUserServices(m_networkServersInfo, m_networkServersInfo.DefaultHomeLocX, m_networkServersInfo.DefaultHomeLocY, inventoryService); userService.AddPlugin(m_standaloneUserPlugin, m_standaloneUserSource); LocalBackEndServices backendService = new LocalBackEndServices(); CommunicationsLocal localComms = new CommunicationsLocal(m_networkServersInfo, m_httpServer, m_assetCache, userService, inventoryService, backendService, backendService, m_dumpAssetsToFile); m_commsManager = localComms; m_loginService = new LocalLoginService(userService, m_standaloneWelcomeMessage, localComms, m_networkServersInfo, m_standaloneAuthenticate); m_loginService.OnLoginToRegion += backendService.AddNewSession; // set up XMLRPC handler for client's initial login request message m_httpServer.AddXmlRPCHandler("login_to_simulator", m_loginService.XmlRpcLoginMethod); // provides the web form login m_httpServer.AddHTTPHandler("login", m_loginService.ProcessHTMLLogin); // Provides the LLSD login m_httpServer.SetLLSDHandler(m_loginService.LLSDLoginMethod); CreateAccount = localComms.doCreate; } else { // We are in grid mode m_commsManager = new CommunicationsOGS1(m_networkServersInfo, m_httpServer, m_assetCache); m_httpServer.AddStreamHandler(new SimStatusHandler()); } proxyUrl = ConfigSource.Configs["Network"].GetString("proxy_url", ""); proxyOffset = Int32.Parse(ConfigSource.Configs["Network"].GetString("proxy_offset", "0")); // Create a ModuleLoader instance m_moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader(m_config); ExtensionNodeList nodes = AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes("/OpenSim/Startup"); foreach (TypeExtensionNode node in nodes) { m_log.InfoFormat("[PLUGINS]: Loading OpenSim application plugin {0}", node.Path); IApplicationPlugin plugin = (IApplicationPlugin)node.CreateInstance(); plugin.Initialise(this); m_plugins.Add(plugin); } } protected override void Initialize() { // // Called from base.StartUp() // m_httpServerPort = m_networkServersInfo.HttpListenerPort; IAssetServer assetServer; if (m_assetStorage == "grid") { assetServer = new GridAssetClient(m_networkServersInfo.AssetURL); } else { SQLAssetServer sqlAssetServer = new SQLAssetServer(m_standaloneAssetPlugin, m_standaloneAssetSource); sqlAssetServer.LoadDefaultAssets(); assetServer = sqlAssetServer; } m_assetCache = new AssetCache(assetServer); m_sceneManager.OnRestartSim += handleRestartRegion; } public LLUUID CreateUser(string tempfirstname, string templastname, string tempPasswd, uint regX, uint regY) { return m_commsManager.AddUser(tempfirstname,templastname,tempPasswd,regX,regY); } /// /// Execute the region creation process. This includes setting up scene infrastructure. /// /// /// /// public IClientNetworkServer CreateRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, bool portadd_flag) { return CreateRegion(regionInfo, portadd_flag, false); } /// /// Execute the region creation process. This includes setting up scene infrastructure. /// /// /// /// public IClientNetworkServer CreateRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo) { return CreateRegion(regionInfo, false, true); } /// /// Execute the region creation process. This includes setting up scene infrastructure. /// /// /// /// /// public IClientNetworkServer CreateRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, bool portadd_flag, bool do_post_init) { int port = regionInfo.InternalEndPoint.Port; // set initial RegionID to originRegionID in RegionInfo. (it needs for loding prims) regionInfo.originRegionID = regionInfo.RegionID; // set initial ServerURI regionInfo.ServerURI = "http://" + regionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + regionInfo.InternalEndPoint.Port.ToString(); regionInfo.HttpPort = m_httpServerPort; if ((proxyUrl.Length > 0) && (portadd_flag)) { // set proxy url to RegionInfo regionInfo.proxyUrl = proxyUrl; Util.XmlRpcCommand(proxyUrl, "AddPort", port, port + proxyOffset, regionInfo.ExternalHostName); } IClientNetworkServer clientServer; Scene scene = SetupScene(regionInfo, proxyOffset, out clientServer); m_log.Info("[MODULES]: Loading Region's modules"); List modules = m_moduleLoader.PickupModules(scene, "."); // This needs to be ahead of the script engine load, so the // script module can pick up events exposed by a module m_moduleLoader.InitialiseSharedModules(scene); //m_moduleLoader.PickupModules(scene, "ScriptEngines"); //m_moduleLoader.LoadRegionModules(Path.Combine("ScriptEngines", m_scriptEngine), scene); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_scriptEngine)) { m_log.Info("[MODULES]: No script engien module specified"); } else { m_log.Info("[MODULES]: Loading scripting engine modules"); foreach (string module in m_scriptEngine.Split(',')) { string mod = module.Trim(" \t".ToCharArray()); // Clean up name m_log.Info("[MODULES]: Loading scripting engine: " + mod); try { m_moduleLoader.LoadRegionModules(Path.Combine("ScriptEngines", mod), scene); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[MODULES]: Failed to load script engine: " + ex.ToString()); } } } scene.SetModuleInterfaces(); //moved these here as the terrain texture has to be created after the modules are initialized // and has to happen before the region is registered with the grid. scene.CreateTerrainTexture(true); scene.RegisterRegionWithGrid(); // We need to do this after we've initialized the scripting engines. scene.StartScripts(); scene.loadAllLandObjectsFromStorage(regionInfo.originRegionID); scene.LandChannel.PerformParcelPrimCountUpdate(); m_sceneManager.Add(scene); m_clientServers.Add(clientServer); m_regionData.Add(regionInfo); clientServer.Start(); if (do_post_init) { foreach (IRegionModule module in modules) { module.PostInitialise(); } } return clientServer; } protected override StorageManager CreateStorageManager(string connectionstring) { return new StorageManager(m_storageDll, connectionstring, m_storagePersistPrimInventories); } protected override Scene CreateScene(RegionInfo regionInfo, StorageManager storageManager, AgentCircuitManager circuitManager) { SceneCommunicationService sceneGridService = new SceneCommunicationService(m_commsManager); return new Scene(regionInfo, circuitManager, m_commsManager, sceneGridService, m_assetCache, storageManager, m_httpServer, m_moduleLoader, m_dumpAssetsToFile, m_physicalPrim, m_see_into_region_from_neighbor); } public void handleRestartRegion(RegionInfo whichRegion) { m_log.Error("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Got restart signal from SceneManager"); // Shutting down the client server bool foundClientServer = false; int clientServerElement = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_clientServers.Count; i++) { if (m_clientServers[i].HandlesRegion(new Location(whichRegion.RegionHandle))) { clientServerElement = i; foundClientServer = true; break; } } if (foundClientServer) { m_clientServers[clientServerElement].Server.Close(); m_clientServers.RemoveAt(clientServerElement); } //Removing the region from the sim's database of regions.. int RegionHandleElement = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_regionData.Count; i++) { if (whichRegion.RegionHandle == m_regionData[i].RegionHandle) { RegionHandleElement = i; } } if (RegionHandleElement >= 0) { m_regionData.RemoveAt(RegionHandleElement); } CreateRegion(whichRegion, true); } # region Setup methods protected override PhysicsScene GetPhysicsScene() { return GetPhysicsScene(m_physicsEngine, m_meshEngineName); } /// /// Handler to supply the current status of this sim /// /// Currently this is always OK if the simulator is still listening for connections on its HTTP service /// protected class SimStatusHandler : IStreamedRequestHandler { public byte[] Handle(string path, Stream request) { return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("OK"); } public string ContentType { get { return "text/plain"; } } public string HttpMethod { get { return "GET"; } } public string Path { get { return "/simstatus/"; } } } #endregion /// /// Performs any last-minute sanity checking and shuts down the region server /// public override void Shutdown() { if (proxyUrl.Length > 0) { Util.XmlRpcCommand(proxyUrl, "Stop"); } m_log.Info("[SHUTDOWN]: Closing all threads"); m_log.Info("[SHUTDOWN]: Killing listener thread"); m_log.Info("[SHUTDOWN]: Killing clients"); // TODO: implement this m_log.Info("[SHUTDOWN]: Closing console and terminating"); m_sceneManager.Close(); WorldHasComeToAnEnd.Set(); base.Shutdown(); } /// /// Get the start time and up time of Region server /// /// The first out parameter describing when the Region server started /// The second out parameter describing how long the Region server has run public void GetRunTime(out string starttime, out string uptime) { starttime = m_startuptime.ToString(); uptime = (DateTime.Now - m_startuptime).ToString(); } /// /// Get the number of the avatars in the Region server /// /// The first out parameter describing the number of all the avatars in the Region server public void GetAvatarNumber(out int usernum) { usernum = m_sceneManager.GetCurrentSceneAvatars().Count; } /// /// Get the number of regions /// /// The first out parameter describing the number of regions public void GetRegionNumber(out int regionnum) { int accounter = 0; //List regionNameList = new List(); m_sceneManager.ForEachScene(delegate(Scene scene) { accounter++; }); regionnum = accounter; } } }