/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Timers; using log4net; using NDesk.Options; using Nini.Config; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers; using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes; using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces; namespace OpenSim { /// <summary> /// Interactive OpenSim region server /// </summary> public class OpenSim : OpenSimBase { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); protected string m_startupCommandsFile; protected string m_shutdownCommandsFile; protected bool m_gui = false; protected string m_consoleType = "local"; protected uint m_consolePort = 0; /// <summary> /// Prompt to use for simulator command line. /// </summary> private string m_consolePrompt; /// <summary> /// Regex for parsing out special characters in the prompt. /// </summary> private Regex m_consolePromptRegex = new Regex(@"([^\\])\\(\w)", RegexOptions.Compiled); private string m_timedScript = "disabled"; private int m_timeInterval = 1200; private Timer m_scriptTimer; public OpenSim(IConfigSource configSource) : base(configSource) { } protected override void ReadExtraConfigSettings() { base.ReadExtraConfigSettings(); IConfig startupConfig = Config.Configs["Startup"]; IConfig networkConfig = Config.Configs["Network"]; int stpMinThreads = 2; int stpMaxThreads = 15; if (startupConfig != null) { m_startupCommandsFile = startupConfig.GetString("startup_console_commands_file", "startup_commands.txt"); m_shutdownCommandsFile = startupConfig.GetString("shutdown_console_commands_file", "shutdown_commands.txt"); if (startupConfig.GetString("console", String.Empty) == String.Empty) m_gui = startupConfig.GetBoolean("gui", false); else m_consoleType= startupConfig.GetString("console", String.Empty); if (networkConfig != null) m_consolePort = (uint)networkConfig.GetInt("console_port", 0); m_timedScript = startupConfig.GetString("timer_Script", "disabled"); if (m_timedScript != "disabled") { m_timeInterval = startupConfig.GetInt("timer_Interval", 1200); } string asyncCallMethodStr = startupConfig.GetString("async_call_method", String.Empty); FireAndForgetMethod asyncCallMethod; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(asyncCallMethodStr) && Utils.EnumTryParse<FireAndForgetMethod>(asyncCallMethodStr, out asyncCallMethod)) Util.FireAndForgetMethod = asyncCallMethod; stpMinThreads = startupConfig.GetInt("MinPoolThreads", 15); stpMaxThreads = startupConfig.GetInt("MaxPoolThreads", 300); m_consolePrompt = startupConfig.GetString("ConsolePrompt", @"Region (\R) "); } if (Util.FireAndForgetMethod == FireAndForgetMethod.SmartThreadPool) Util.InitThreadPool(stpMinThreads, stpMaxThreads); m_log.Info("[OPENSIM MAIN]: Using async_call_method " + Util.FireAndForgetMethod); } /// <summary> /// Performs initialisation of the scene, such as loading configuration from disk. /// </summary> protected override void StartupSpecific() { m_log.Info("===================================================================="); m_log.Info("========================= STARTING OPENSIM ========================="); m_log.Info("===================================================================="); //m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: GC Is Server GC: {0}", GCSettings.IsServerGC.ToString()); // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb384202.aspx //GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.Batch; //m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM MAIN]: GC Latency Mode: {0}", GCSettings.LatencyMode.ToString()); if (m_gui) // Driven by external GUI { m_console = new CommandConsole("Region"); } else { switch (m_consoleType) { case "basic": m_console = new CommandConsole("Region"); break; case "rest": m_console = new RemoteConsole("Region"); ((RemoteConsole)m_console).ReadConfig(Config); break; default: m_console = new LocalConsole("Region", Config.Configs["Startup"]); break; } } MainConsole.Instance = m_console; LogEnvironmentInformation(); RegisterCommonAppenders(Config.Configs["Startup"]); RegisterConsoleCommands(); base.StartupSpecific(); MainServer.Instance.AddStreamHandler(new OpenSim.SimStatusHandler()); MainServer.Instance.AddStreamHandler(new OpenSim.XSimStatusHandler(this)); if (userStatsURI != String.Empty) MainServer.Instance.AddStreamHandler(new OpenSim.UXSimStatusHandler(this)); if (managedStatsURI != String.Empty) { string urlBase = String.Format("/{0}/", managedStatsURI); MainServer.Instance.AddHTTPHandler(urlBase, StatsManager.HandleStatsRequest); m_log.InfoFormat("[OPENSIM] Enabling remote managed stats fetch. URL = {0}", urlBase); } if (m_console is RemoteConsole) { if (m_consolePort == 0) { ((RemoteConsole)m_console).SetServer(m_httpServer); } else { ((RemoteConsole)m_console).SetServer(MainServer.GetHttpServer(m_consolePort)); } } // Hook up to the watchdog timer Watchdog.OnWatchdogTimeout += WatchdogTimeoutHandler; PrintFileToConsole("startuplogo.txt"); // For now, start at the 'root' level by default if (SceneManager.Scenes.Count == 1) // If there is only one region, select it ChangeSelectedRegion("region", new string[] {"change", "region", SceneManager.Scenes[0].RegionInfo.RegionName}); else ChangeSelectedRegion("region", new string[] {"change", "region", "root"}); //Run Startup Commands if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_startupCommandsFile)) { m_log.Info("[STARTUP]: No startup command script specified. Moving on..."); } else { RunCommandScript(m_startupCommandsFile); } // Start timer script (run a script every xx seconds) if (m_timedScript != "disabled") { m_scriptTimer = new Timer(); m_scriptTimer.Enabled = true; m_scriptTimer.Interval = m_timeInterval*1000; m_scriptTimer.Elapsed += RunAutoTimerScript; } } /// <summary> /// Register standard set of region console commands /// </summary> private void RegisterConsoleCommands() { MainServer.RegisterHttpConsoleCommands(m_console); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "force update", "force update", "Force the update of all objects on clients", HandleForceUpdate); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "change region", "change region <region name>", "Change current console region", ChangeSelectedRegion); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "save xml", "save xml", "Save a region's data in XML format", SaveXml); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "save xml2", "save xml2", "Save a region's data in XML2 format", SaveXml2); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "load xml", "load xml [-newIDs [<x> <y> <z>]]", "Load a region's data from XML format", LoadXml); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "load xml2", "load xml2", "Load a region's data from XML2 format", LoadXml2); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "save prims xml2", "save prims xml2 [<prim name> <file name>]", "Save named prim to XML2", SavePrimsXml2); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "load oar", "load oar [--merge] [--skip-assets]" + " [--default-user \"User Name\"]" + " [--force-terrain] [--force-parcels]" + " [--no-objects]" + " [--rotation degrees] [--rotation-center \"<x,y,z>\"]" + " [--displacement \"<x,y,z>\"]" + " [<OAR path>]", "Load a region's data from an OAR archive.", "--merge will merge the OAR with the existing scene (suppresses terrain and parcel info loading).\n" + "--default-user will use this user for any objects with an owner whose UUID is not found in the grid.\n" + "--displacement will add this value to the position of every object loaded.\n" + "--force-terrain forces the loading of terrain from the oar (undoes suppression done by --merge).\n" + "--force-parcels forces the loading of parcels from the oar (undoes suppression done by --merge).\n" + "--no-objects suppresses the addition of any objects (good for loading only the terrain).\n" + "--rotation specified rotation to be applied to the oar. Specified in degrees.\n" + "--rotation-center Location (relative to original OAR) to apply rotation. Default is <128,128,0>.\n" + "--skip-assets will load the OAR but ignore the assets it contains.\n\n" + "The path can be either a filesystem location or a URI.\n" + " If this is not given then the command looks for an OAR named region.oar in the current directory.", LoadOar); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Archiving", false, "save oar", //"save oar [-v|--version=<N>] [-p|--profile=<url>] [<OAR path>]", "save oar [-h|--home=<url>] [--noassets] [--publish] [--perm=<permissions>] [--all] [<OAR path>]", "Save a region's data to an OAR archive.", // "-v|--version=<N> generates scene objects as per older versions of the serialization (e.g. -v=0)" + Environment.NewLine "-h|--home=<url> adds the url of the profile service to the saved user information.\n" + "--noassets stops assets being saved to the OAR.\n" + "--publish saves an OAR stripped of owner and last owner information.\n" + " on reload, the estate owner will be the owner of all objects\n" + " this is useful if you're making oars generally available that might be reloaded to the same grid from which you published\n" + "--perm=<permissions> stops objects with insufficient permissions from being saved to the OAR.\n" + " <permissions> can contain one or more of these characters: \"C\" = Copy, \"T\" = Transfer\n" + "--all saves all the regions in the simulator, instead of just the current region.\n" + "The OAR path must be a filesystem path." + " If this is not given then the oar is saved to region.oar in the current directory.", SaveOar); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "edit scale", "edit scale <name> <x> <y> <z>", "Change the scale of a named prim", HandleEditScale); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "rotate scene", "rotate scene <degrees> [centerX, centerY]", "Rotates all scene objects around centerX, centerY (defailt 128, 128) (please back up your region before using)", HandleRotateScene); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "scale scene", "scale scene <factor>", "Scales the scene objects (please back up your region before using)", HandleScaleScene); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "translate scene", "translate scene xOffset yOffset zOffset", "translates the scene objects (please back up your region before using)", HandleTranslateScene); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Users", false, "kick user", "kick user <first> <last> [--force] [message]", "Kick a user off the simulator", "The --force option will kick the user without any checks to see whether it's already in the process of closing\n" + "Only use this option if you are sure the avatar is inactive and a normal kick user operation does not removed them", KickUserCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Users", false, "show users", "show users [full]", "Show user data for users currently on the region", "Without the 'full' option, only users actually on the region are shown." + " With the 'full' option child agents of users in neighbouring regions are also shown.", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Comms", false, "show connections", "show connections", "Show connection data", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Comms", false, "show circuits", "show circuits", "Show agent circuit data", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Comms", false, "show pending-objects", "show pending-objects", "Show # of objects on the pending queues of all scene viewers", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "show modules", "show modules", "Show module data", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "show regions", "show regions", "Show region data", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "show ratings", "show ratings", "Show rating data", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Objects", false, "backup", "backup", "Persist currently unsaved object changes immediately instead of waiting for the normal persistence call.", RunCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "create region", "create region [\"region name\"] <region_file.ini>", "Create a new region.", "The settings for \"region name\" are read from <region_file.ini>. Paths specified with <region_file.ini> are relative to your Regions directory, unless an absolute path is given." + " If \"region name\" does not exist in <region_file.ini>, it will be added." + Environment.NewLine + "Without \"region name\", the first region found in <region_file.ini> will be created." + Environment.NewLine + "If <region_file.ini> does not exist, it will be created.", HandleCreateRegion); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "restart", "restart", "Restart the currently selected region(s) in this instance", RunCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("General", false, "command-script", "command-script <script>", "Run a command script from file", RunCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "remove-region", "remove-region <name>", "Remove a region from this simulator", RunCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Regions", false, "delete-region", "delete-region <name>", "Delete a region from disk", RunCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Estates", false, "estate create", "estate create <owner UUID> <estate name>", "Creates a new estate with the specified name, owned by the specified user." + " Estate name must be unique.", CreateEstateCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Estates", false, "estate set owner", "estate set owner <estate-id>[ <UUID> | <Firstname> <Lastname> ]", "Sets the owner of the specified estate to the specified UUID or user. ", SetEstateOwnerCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Estates", false, "estate set name", "estate set name <estate-id> <new name>", "Sets the name of the specified estate to the specified value. New name must be unique.", SetEstateNameCommand); m_console.Commands.AddCommand("Estates", false, "estate link region", "estate link region <estate ID> <region ID>", "Attaches the specified region to the specified estate.", EstateLinkRegionCommand); } protected override void ShutdownSpecific() { if (m_shutdownCommandsFile != String.Empty) { RunCommandScript(m_shutdownCommandsFile); } base.ShutdownSpecific(); } /// <summary> /// Timer to run a specific text file as console commands. Configured in in the main ini file /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void RunAutoTimerScript(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_timedScript != "disabled") { RunCommandScript(m_timedScript); } } private void WatchdogTimeoutHandler(Watchdog.ThreadWatchdogInfo twi) { int now = Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue; m_log.ErrorFormat( "[WATCHDOG]: Timeout detected for thread \"{0}\". ThreadState={1}. Last tick was {2}ms ago. {3}", twi.Thread.Name, twi.Thread.ThreadState, now - twi.LastTick, twi.AlarmMethod != null ? string.Format("Data: {0}", twi.AlarmMethod()) : ""); } #region Console Commands /// <summary> /// Kicks users off the region /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams">name of avatar to kick</param> private void KickUserCommand(string module, string[] cmdparams) { bool force = false; OptionSet options = new OptionSet().Add("f|force", delegate (string v) { force = v != null; }); List<string> mainParams = options.Parse(cmdparams); if (mainParams.Count < 4) return; string alert = null; if (mainParams.Count > 4) alert = String.Format("\n{0}\n", String.Join(" ", cmdparams, 4, cmdparams.Length - 4)); IList agents = SceneManager.GetCurrentSceneAvatars(); foreach (ScenePresence presence in agents) { RegionInfo regionInfo = presence.Scene.RegionInfo; if (presence.Firstname.ToLower().Equals(mainParams[2].ToLower()) && presence.Lastname.ToLower().Equals(mainParams[3].ToLower())) { MainConsole.Instance.Output( String.Format( "Kicking user: {0,-16} {1,-16} {2,-37} in region: {3,-16}", presence.Firstname, presence.Lastname, presence.UUID, regionInfo.RegionName)); // kick client... if (alert != null) presence.ControllingClient.Kick(alert); else presence.ControllingClient.Kick("\nThe OpenSim manager kicked you out.\n"); presence.Scene.CloseAgent(presence.UUID, force); break; } } MainConsole.Instance.Output(""); } /// <summary> /// Opens a file and uses it as input to the console command parser. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of file to use as input to the console</param> private static void PrintFileToConsole(string fileName) { if (File.Exists(fileName)) { StreamReader readFile = File.OpenText(fileName); string currentLine; while ((currentLine = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { m_log.Info("[!]" + currentLine); } } } /// <summary> /// Force resending of all updates to all clients in active region(s) /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private void HandleForceUpdate(string module, string[] args) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Updating all clients"); SceneManager.ForceCurrentSceneClientUpdate(); } /// <summary> /// Edits the scale of a primative with the name specified /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="args">0,1, name, x, y, z</param> private void HandleEditScale(string module, string[] args) { if (args.Length == 6) { SceneManager.HandleEditCommandOnCurrentScene(args); } else { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Argument error: edit scale <prim name> <x> <y> <z>"); } } private void HandleRotateScene(string module, string[] args) { string usage = "Usage: rotate scene <angle in degrees> [centerX centerY] (centerX and centerY are optional and default to Constants.RegionSize / 2"; float centerX = Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f; float centerY = Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f; if (args.Length < 3 || args.Length == 4) { MainConsole.Instance.Output(usage); return; } float angle = (float)(Convert.ToSingle(args[2]) / 180.0 * Math.PI); OpenMetaverse.Quaternion rot = OpenMetaverse.Quaternion.CreateFromAxisAngle(0, 0, 1, angle); if (args.Length > 4) { centerX = Convert.ToSingle(args[3]); centerY = Convert.ToSingle(args[4]); } Vector3 center = new Vector3(centerX, centerY, 0.0f); SceneManager.ForEachSelectedScene(delegate(Scene scene) { scene.ForEachSOG(delegate(SceneObjectGroup sog) { if (!sog.IsAttachment) { sog.RootPart.UpdateRotation(rot * sog.GroupRotation); Vector3 offset = sog.AbsolutePosition - center; offset *= rot; sog.UpdateGroupPosition(center + offset); } }); }); } private void HandleScaleScene(string module, string[] args) { string usage = "Usage: scale scene <factor>"; if (args.Length < 3) { MainConsole.Instance.Output(usage); return; } float factor = (float)(Convert.ToSingle(args[2])); float minZ = float.MaxValue; SceneManager.ForEachSelectedScene(delegate(Scene scene) { scene.ForEachSOG(delegate(SceneObjectGroup sog) { if (!sog.IsAttachment) { if (sog.RootPart.AbsolutePosition.Z < minZ) minZ = sog.RootPart.AbsolutePosition.Z; } }); }); SceneManager.ForEachSelectedScene(delegate(Scene scene) { scene.ForEachSOG(delegate(SceneObjectGroup sog) { if (!sog.IsAttachment) { Vector3 tmpRootPos = sog.RootPart.AbsolutePosition; tmpRootPos.Z -= minZ; tmpRootPos *= factor; tmpRootPos.Z += minZ; foreach (SceneObjectPart sop in sog.Parts) { if (sop.ParentID != 0) sop.OffsetPosition *= factor; sop.Scale *= factor; } sog.UpdateGroupPosition(tmpRootPos); } }); }); } private void HandleTranslateScene(string module, string[] args) { string usage = "Usage: translate scene <xOffset, yOffset, zOffset>"; if (args.Length < 5) { MainConsole.Instance.Output(usage); return; } float xOFfset = (float)Convert.ToSingle(args[2]); float yOffset = (float)Convert.ToSingle(args[3]); float zOffset = (float)Convert.ToSingle(args[4]); Vector3 offset = new Vector3(xOFfset, yOffset, zOffset); SceneManager.ForEachSelectedScene(delegate(Scene scene) { scene.ForEachSOG(delegate(SceneObjectGroup sog) { if (!sog.IsAttachment) sog.UpdateGroupPosition(sog.AbsolutePosition + offset); }); }); } /// <summary> /// Creates a new region based on the parameters specified. This will ask the user questions on the console /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmd">0,1,region name, region ini or XML file</param> private void HandleCreateRegion(string module, string[] cmd) { string regionName = string.Empty; string regionFile = string.Empty; if (cmd.Length == 3) { regionFile = cmd[2]; } else if (cmd.Length > 3) { regionName = cmd[2]; regionFile = cmd[3]; } string extension = Path.GetExtension(regionFile).ToLower(); bool isXml = extension.Equals(".xml"); bool isIni = extension.Equals(".ini"); if (!isXml && !isIni) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Usage: create region [\"region name\"] <region_file.ini>"); return; } if (!Path.IsPathRooted(regionFile)) { string regionsDir = ConfigSource.Source.Configs["Startup"].GetString("regionload_regionsdir", "Regions").Trim(); regionFile = Path.Combine(regionsDir, regionFile); } RegionInfo regInfo; if (isXml) { regInfo = new RegionInfo(regionName, regionFile, false, ConfigSource.Source); } else { regInfo = new RegionInfo(regionName, regionFile, false, ConfigSource.Source, regionName); } Scene existingScene; if (SceneManager.TryGetScene(regInfo.RegionID, out existingScene)) { MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat( "ERROR: Cannot create region {0} with ID {1}, this ID is already assigned to region {2}", regInfo.RegionName, regInfo.RegionID, existingScene.RegionInfo.RegionName); return; } bool changed = PopulateRegionEstateInfo(regInfo); IScene scene; CreateRegion(regInfo, true, out scene); if (changed) m_estateDataService.StoreEstateSettings(regInfo.EstateSettings); scene.Start(); } /// <summary> /// Runs commands issued by the server console from the operator /// </summary> /// <param name="command">The first argument of the parameter (the command)</param> /// <param name="cmdparams">Additional arguments passed to the command</param> public void RunCommand(string module, string[] cmdparams) { List<string> args = new List<string>(cmdparams); if (args.Count < 1) return; string command = args[0]; args.RemoveAt(0); cmdparams = args.ToArray(); switch (command) { case "backup": MainConsole.Instance.Output("Triggering save of pending object updates to persistent store"); SceneManager.BackupCurrentScene(); break; case "remove-region": string regRemoveName = CombineParams(cmdparams, 0); Scene removeScene; if (SceneManager.TryGetScene(regRemoveName, out removeScene)) RemoveRegion(removeScene, false); else MainConsole.Instance.Output("No region with that name"); break; case "delete-region": string regDeleteName = CombineParams(cmdparams, 0); Scene killScene; if (SceneManager.TryGetScene(regDeleteName, out killScene)) RemoveRegion(killScene, true); else MainConsole.Instance.Output("no region with that name"); break; case "restart": SceneManager.RestartCurrentScene(); break; } } /// <summary> /// Change the currently selected region. The selected region is that operated upon by single region commands. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdParams"></param> protected void ChangeSelectedRegion(string module, string[] cmdparams) { if (cmdparams.Length > 2) { string newRegionName = CombineParams(cmdparams, 2); if (!SceneManager.TrySetCurrentScene(newRegionName)) MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Format("Couldn't select region {0}", newRegionName)); else RefreshPrompt(); } else { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Usage: change region <region name>"); } } /// <summary> /// Refreshs prompt with the current selection details. /// </summary> private void RefreshPrompt() { string regionName = (SceneManager.CurrentScene == null ? "root" : SceneManager.CurrentScene.RegionInfo.RegionName); MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Format("Currently selected region is {0}", regionName)); // m_log.DebugFormat("Original prompt is {0}", m_consolePrompt); string prompt = m_consolePrompt; // Replace "\R" with the region name // Replace "\\" with "\" prompt = m_consolePromptRegex.Replace(prompt, m => { // m_log.DebugFormat("Matched {0}", m.Groups[2].Value); if (m.Groups[2].Value == "R") return m.Groups[1].Value + regionName; else return m.Groups[0].Value; }); m_console.DefaultPrompt = prompt; m_console.ConsoleScene = SceneManager.CurrentScene; } protected override void HandleRestartRegion(RegionInfo whichRegion) { base.HandleRestartRegion(whichRegion); // Where we are restarting multiple scenes at once, a previous call to RefreshPrompt may have set the // m_console.ConsoleScene to null (indicating all scenes). if (m_console.ConsoleScene != null && whichRegion.RegionName == ((Scene)m_console.ConsoleScene).Name) SceneManager.TrySetCurrentScene(whichRegion.RegionName); RefreshPrompt(); } // see BaseOpenSimServer /// <summary> /// Many commands list objects for debugging. Some of the types are listed here /// </summary> /// <param name="mod"></param> /// <param name="cmd"></param> public override void HandleShow(string mod, string[] cmd) { base.HandleShow(mod, cmd); List<string> args = new List<string>(cmd); args.RemoveAt(0); string[] showParams = args.ToArray(); switch (showParams[0]) { case "users": IList agents; if (showParams.Length > 1 && showParams[1] == "full") { agents = SceneManager.GetCurrentScenePresences(); } else { agents = SceneManager.GetCurrentSceneAvatars(); } MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Format("\nAgents connected: {0}\n", agents.Count)); MainConsole.Instance.Output( String.Format("{0,-16} {1,-16} {2,-37} {3,-11} {4,-16} {5,-30}", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Agent ID", "Root/Child", "Region", "Position") ); foreach (ScenePresence presence in agents) { RegionInfo regionInfo = presence.Scene.RegionInfo; string regionName; if (regionInfo == null) { regionName = "Unresolvable"; } else { regionName = regionInfo.RegionName; } MainConsole.Instance.Output( String.Format( "{0,-16} {1,-16} {2,-37} {3,-11} {4,-16} {5,-30}", presence.Firstname, presence.Lastname, presence.UUID, presence.IsChildAgent ? "Child" : "Root", regionName, presence.AbsolutePosition.ToString()) ); } MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Empty); break; case "connections": HandleShowConnections(); break; case "circuits": HandleShowCircuits(); break; case "modules": SceneManager.ForEachSelectedScene( scene => { MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("Loaded region modules in {0} are:", scene.Name); List<IRegionModuleBase> sharedModules = new List<IRegionModuleBase>(); List<IRegionModuleBase> nonSharedModules = new List<IRegionModuleBase>(); foreach (IRegionModuleBase module in scene.RegionModules.Values) { if (module.GetType().GetInterface("ISharedRegionModule") == null) nonSharedModules.Add(module); else sharedModules.Add(module); } foreach (IRegionModuleBase module in sharedModules.OrderBy(m => m.Name)) MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("New Region Module (Shared): {0}", module.Name); foreach (IRegionModuleBase module in nonSharedModules.OrderBy(m => m.Name)) MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("New Region Module (Non-Shared): {0}", module.Name); } ); MainConsole.Instance.Output(""); break; case "regions": ConsoleDisplayTable cdt = new ConsoleDisplayTable(); cdt.AddColumn("Name", ConsoleDisplayUtil.RegionNameSize); cdt.AddColumn("ID", ConsoleDisplayUtil.UuidSize); cdt.AddColumn("Position", ConsoleDisplayUtil.CoordTupleSize); cdt.AddColumn("Size", 11); cdt.AddColumn("Port", ConsoleDisplayUtil.PortSize); cdt.AddColumn("Ready?", 6); cdt.AddColumn("Estate", ConsoleDisplayUtil.EstateNameSize); SceneManager.ForEachScene( scene => { RegionInfo ri = scene.RegionInfo; cdt.AddRow( ri.RegionName, ri.RegionID, string.Format("{0},{1}", ri.RegionLocX, ri.RegionLocY), string.Format("{0}x{1}", ri.RegionSizeX, ri.RegionSizeY), ri.InternalEndPoint.Port, scene.Ready ? "Yes" : "No", ri.EstateSettings.EstateName); } ); MainConsole.Instance.Output(cdt.ToString()); break; case "ratings": SceneManager.ForEachScene( delegate(Scene scene) { string rating = ""; if (scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.Maturity == 1) { rating = "MATURE"; } else if (scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings.Maturity == 2) { rating = "ADULT"; } else { rating = "PG"; } MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Format( "Region Name: {0}, Region Rating {1}", scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, rating)); }); break; } } private void HandleShowCircuits() { ConsoleDisplayTable cdt = new ConsoleDisplayTable(); cdt.AddColumn("Region", 20); cdt.AddColumn("Avatar name", 24); cdt.AddColumn("Type", 5); cdt.AddColumn("Code", 10); cdt.AddColumn("IP", 16); cdt.AddColumn("Viewer Name", 24); SceneManager.ForEachScene( s => { foreach (AgentCircuitData aCircuit in s.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuits().Values) cdt.AddRow( s.Name, aCircuit.Name, aCircuit.child ? "child" : "root", aCircuit.circuitcode.ToString(), aCircuit.IPAddress != null ? aCircuit.IPAddress.ToString() : "not set", Util.GetViewerName(aCircuit)); }); MainConsole.Instance.Output(cdt.ToString()); } private void HandleShowConnections() { ConsoleDisplayTable cdt = new ConsoleDisplayTable(); cdt.AddColumn("Region", 20); cdt.AddColumn("Avatar name", 24); cdt.AddColumn("Circuit code", 12); cdt.AddColumn("Endpoint", 23); cdt.AddColumn("Active?", 7); SceneManager.ForEachScene( s => s.ForEachClient( c => cdt.AddRow( s.Name, c.Name, c.CircuitCode.ToString(), c.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), c.IsActive.ToString()))); MainConsole.Instance.Output(cdt.ToString()); } /// <summary> /// Use XML2 format to serialize data to a file /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void SavePrimsXml2(string module, string[] cmdparams) { if (cmdparams.Length > 5) { SceneManager.SaveNamedPrimsToXml2(cmdparams[3], cmdparams[4]); } else { SceneManager.SaveNamedPrimsToXml2("Primitive", DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } } /// <summary> /// Use XML format to serialize data to a file /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void SaveXml(string module, string[] cmdparams) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("PLEASE NOTE, save-xml is DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. If you are using this and there is some reason you can't use save-xml2, please file a mantis detailing the reason."); if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { SceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml(cmdparams[2]); } else { SceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } } /// <summary> /// Loads data and region objects from XML format. /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void LoadXml(string module, string[] cmdparams) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("PLEASE NOTE, load-xml is DEPRECATED and may be REMOVED soon. If you are using this and there is some reason you can't use load-xml2, please file a mantis detailing the reason."); Vector3 loadOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); if (cmdparams.Length > 2) { bool generateNewIDS = false; if (cmdparams.Length > 3) { if (cmdparams[3] == "-newUID") { generateNewIDS = true; } if (cmdparams.Length > 4) { loadOffset.X = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[4], Culture.NumberFormatInfo); if (cmdparams.Length > 5) { loadOffset.Y = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[5], Culture.NumberFormatInfo); } if (cmdparams.Length > 6) { loadOffset.Z = (float)Convert.ToDecimal(cmdparams[6], Culture.NumberFormatInfo); } MainConsole.Instance.Output(String.Format("loadOffsets <X,Y,Z> = <{0},{1},{2}>",loadOffset.X,loadOffset.Y,loadOffset.Z)); } } SceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml(cmdparams[2], generateNewIDS, loadOffset); } else { try { SceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME, false, loadOffset); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Default xml not found. Usage: load-xml <filename>"); } } } /// <summary> /// Serialize region data to XML2Format /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void SaveXml2(string module, string[] cmdparams) { if (cmdparams.Length > 2) { SceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml2(cmdparams[2]); } else { SceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToXml2(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } } /// <summary> /// Load region data from Xml2Format /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void LoadXml2(string module, string[] cmdparams) { if (cmdparams.Length > 2) { try { SceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml2(cmdparams[2]); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Specified xml not found. Usage: load xml2 <filename>"); } } else { try { SceneManager.LoadCurrentSceneFromXml2(DEFAULT_PRIM_BACKUP_FILENAME); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Default xml not found. Usage: load xml2 <filename>"); } } } /// <summary> /// Load a whole region from an opensimulator archive. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void LoadOar(string module, string[] cmdparams) { try { SceneManager.LoadArchiveToCurrentScene(cmdparams); } catch (Exception e) { MainConsole.Instance.Output(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// Save a region to a file, including all the assets needed to restore it. /// </summary> /// <param name="cmdparams"></param> protected void SaveOar(string module, string[] cmdparams) { SceneManager.SaveCurrentSceneToArchive(cmdparams); } protected void CreateEstateCommand(string module, string[] args) { string response = null; UUID userID; if (args.Length == 2) { response = "No user specified."; } else if (!UUID.TryParse(args[2], out userID)) { response = String.Format("{0} is not a valid UUID", args[2]); } else if (args.Length == 3) { response = "No estate name specified."; } else { Scene scene = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; // TODO: Is there a better choice here? UUID scopeID = UUID.Zero; UserAccount account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, userID); if (account == null) { response = String.Format("Could not find user {0}", userID); } else { // concatenate it all to "name" StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(args[3]); for (int i = 4; i < args.Length; i++) sb.Append (" " + args[i]); string estateName = sb.ToString().Trim(); // send it off for processing. IEstateModule estateModule = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEstateModule>(); response = estateModule.CreateEstate(estateName, userID); if (response == String.Empty) { List<int> estates = scene.EstateDataService.GetEstates(estateName); response = String.Format("Estate {0} created as \"{1}\"", estates.ElementAt(0), estateName); } } } // give the user some feedback if (response != null) MainConsole.Instance.Output(response); } protected void SetEstateOwnerCommand(string module, string[] args) { string response = null; Scene scene = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; IEstateModule estateModule = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEstateModule>(); if (args.Length == 3) { response = "No estate specified."; } else { int estateId; if (!int.TryParse(args[3], out estateId)) { response = String.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid ID for an Estate", args[3]); } else { if (args.Length == 4) { response = "No user specified."; } else { UserAccount account = null; // TODO: Is there a better choice here? UUID scopeID = UUID.Zero; string s1 = args[4]; if (args.Length == 5) { // attempt to get account by UUID UUID u; if (UUID.TryParse(s1, out u)) { account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, u); if (account == null) response = String.Format("Could not find user {0}", s1); } else { response = String.Format("Invalid UUID {0}", s1); } } else { // attempt to get account by Firstname, Lastname string s2 = args[5]; account = scene.UserAccountService.GetUserAccount(scopeID, s1, s2); if (account == null) response = String.Format("Could not find user {0} {1}", s1, s2); } // If it's valid, send it off for processing. if (account != null) response = estateModule.SetEstateOwner(estateId, account); if (response == String.Empty) { response = String.Format("Estate owner changed to {0} ({1} {2})", account.PrincipalID, account.FirstName, account.LastName); } } } } // give the user some feedback if (response != null) MainConsole.Instance.Output(response); } protected void SetEstateNameCommand(string module, string[] args) { string response = null; Scene scene = SceneManager.CurrentOrFirstScene; IEstateModule estateModule = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEstateModule>(); if (args.Length == 3) { response = "No estate specified."; } else { int estateId; if (!int.TryParse(args[3], out estateId)) { response = String.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid ID for an Estate", args[3]); } else { if (args.Length == 4) { response = "No name specified."; } else { // everything after the estate ID is "name" StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(args[4]); for (int i = 5; i < args.Length; i++) sb.Append (" " + args[i]); string estateName = sb.ToString(); // send it off for processing. response = estateModule.SetEstateName(estateId, estateName); if (response == String.Empty) { response = String.Format("Estate {0} renamed to \"{1}\"", estateId, estateName); } } } } // give the user some feedback if (response != null) MainConsole.Instance.Output(response); } private void EstateLinkRegionCommand(string module, string[] args) { int estateId =-1; UUID regionId = UUID.Zero; Scene scene = null; string response = null; if (args.Length == 3) { response = "No estate specified."; } else if (!int.TryParse(args [3], out estateId)) { response = String.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid ID for an Estate", args [3]); } else if (args.Length == 4) { response = "No region specified."; } else if (!UUID.TryParse(args[4], out regionId)) { response = String.Format("\"{0}\" is not a valid UUID for a Region", args [4]); } else if (!SceneManager.TryGetScene(regionId, out scene)) { // region may exist, but on a different sim. response = String.Format("No access to Region \"{0}\"", args [4]); } if (response != null) { MainConsole.Instance.Output(response); return; } // send it off for processing. IEstateModule estateModule = scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEstateModule>(); response = estateModule.SetRegionEstate(scene.RegionInfo, estateId); if (response == String.Empty) { estateModule.TriggerRegionInfoChange(); estateModule.sendRegionHandshakeToAll(); response = String.Format ("Region {0} is now attached to estate {1}", regionId, estateId); } // give the user some feedback if (response != null) MainConsole.Instance.Output (response); } #endregion private static string CombineParams(string[] commandParams, int pos) { string result = String.Empty; for (int i = pos; i < commandParams.Length; i++) { result += commandParams[i] + " "; } result = result.TrimEnd(' '); return result; } } }