/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://www.openmetaverse.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using OpenSim.Physics.Manager; using OpenSim.Framework.Inventory; using OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.RegionServer.Client; using Axiom.MathLib; namespace OpenSim.RegionServer.Simulator { public partial class Avatar : Entity { public static bool PhysicsEngineFlying = false; public static AvatarAnimations Animations; public string firstname; public string lastname; public ClientView ControllingClient; public LLUUID current_anim; public int anim_seq; private static libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock AvatarTemplate; private bool updateflag = false; private byte movementflag = 0; private List forcesList = new List(); private short _updateCount = 0; private Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion bodyRot; private LLObject.TextureEntry avatarAppearanceTexture = null; private byte[] visualParams; private AvatarWearable[] Wearables; private LLVector3 positionLastFrame = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); private LLVector3 positionFrameBeforeLast = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); private int positionRoundedX = 0; private int positionRoundedY = 0; private int positionParcelHoverLocalID = -1; //Local ID of the last parcel they were over private int parcelUpdateSequenceIncrement = 1; private ulong m_regionHandle; //private Dictionary m_clientThreads; private string m_regionName; private ushort m_regionWaterHeight; private bool m_regionTerraform; private bool childAvatar = false; public Avatar(ClientView TheClient, World world, string regionName, Dictionary clientThreads, ulong regionHandle, bool regionTerraform, ushort regionWater) { m_world = world; // m_clientThreads = clientThreads; m_regionName = regionName; m_regionHandle = regionHandle; m_regionTerraform = regionTerraform; m_regionWaterHeight = regionWater; OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.Verbose("Avatar.cs - Loading details from grid (DUMMY)"); ControllingClient = TheClient; localid = 8880000 + (this.m_world._localNumber++); Pos = ControllingClient.startpos; visualParams = new byte[218]; for (int i = 0; i < 218; i++) { visualParams[i] = 100; } Wearables = new AvatarWearable[13]; //should be 13 of these for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) { Wearables[i] = new AvatarWearable(); } this.Wearables[0].AssetID = new LLUUID("66c41e39-38f9-f75a-024e-585989bfab73"); this.Wearables[0].ItemID = LLUUID.Random(); this.avatarAppearanceTexture = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-5005-000000000005")); //register for events ControllingClient.OnRequestWearables += new ClientView.GenericCall(this.SendOurAppearance); ControllingClient.OnSetAppearance += new SetAppearance(this.SetAppearance); ControllingClient.OnCompleteMovementToRegion += new ClientView.GenericCall2(this.CompleteMovement); ControllingClient.OnCompleteMovementToRegion += new ClientView.GenericCall2(this.SendInitialPosition); ControllingClient.OnAgentUpdate += new ClientView.GenericCall3(this.HandleAgentUpdate); ControllingClient.OnStartAnim += new StartAnim(this.SendAnimPack); ControllingClient.OnChildAgentStatus += new ClientView.StatusChange(this.ChildStatusChange); } public PhysicsActor PhysActor { set { this._physActor = value; } get { return _physActor; } } public void ChildStatusChange(bool status) { this.childAvatar = status; if (this.childAvatar == true) { this._physActor.Velocity = new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 0); ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock terseBlock = CreateTerseBlock(); ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket terse = new ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket(); terse.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle; // FIXME terse.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096; terse.ObjectData = new ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1]; terse.ObjectData[0] = terseBlock; List avList = this.m_world.RequestAvatarList(); foreach (Avatar client in avList) { client.SendPacketToViewer(terse); } } else { LLVector3 startp = ControllingClient.StartPos; lock (m_world.LockPhysicsEngine) { this._physActor.Position = new PhysicsVector(startp.X, startp.Y, startp.Z); } } } public override void addForces() { lock (this.forcesList) { if (this.forcesList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.forcesList.Count; i++) { NewForce force = this.forcesList[i]; PhysicsVector phyVector = new PhysicsVector(force.X, force.Y, force.Z); lock (m_world.LockPhysicsEngine) { this._physActor.Velocity = phyVector; } this.updateflag = true; this.velocity = new LLVector3(force.X, force.Y, force.Z); //shouldn't really be doing this // but as we are setting the velocity (rather than using real forces) at the moment it is okay. } for (int i = 0; i < this.forcesList.Count; i++) { this.forcesList.RemoveAt(0); } } } } public static void SetupTemplate(string name) { FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(name); long numBytes = fInfo.Length; FileStream fStream = new FileStream(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fStream); byte[] data1 = br.ReadBytes((int)numBytes); br.Close(); fStream.Close(); libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock objdata = new ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(); // new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(data1, ref i); SetDefaultPacketValues(objdata); objdata.TextureEntry = data1; objdata.UpdateFlags = 61 + (9 << 8) + (130 << 16) + (16 << 24); objdata.PathCurve = 16; objdata.ProfileCurve = 1; objdata.PathScaleX = 100; objdata.PathScaleY = 100; objdata.ParentID = 0; objdata.OwnerID = LLUUID.Zero; objdata.Scale = new LLVector3(1, 1, 1); objdata.PCode = 47; System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos = new LLVector3(objdata.ObjectData, 16); pos.X = 100f; objdata.ID = 8880000; objdata.NameValue = enc.GetBytes("FirstName STRING RW SV Test \nLastName STRING RW SV User \0"); libsecondlife.LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(100f, 100f, 23f); //objdata.FullID=user.AgentID; byte[] pb = pos.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, objdata.ObjectData, 16, pb.Length); Avatar.AvatarTemplate = objdata; } protected static void SetDefaultPacketValues(ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock objdata) { objdata.PSBlock = new byte[0]; objdata.ExtraParams = new byte[1]; objdata.MediaURL = new byte[0]; objdata.NameValue = new byte[0]; objdata.Text = new byte[0]; objdata.TextColor = new byte[4]; objdata.JointAxisOrAnchor = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); objdata.JointPivot = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); objdata.Material = 4; objdata.TextureAnim = new byte[0]; objdata.Sound = LLUUID.Zero; LLObject.TextureEntry ntex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-5005-000000000005")); objdata.TextureEntry = ntex.ToBytes(); objdata.State = 0; objdata.Data = new byte[0]; objdata.ObjectData = new byte[76]; objdata.ObjectData[15] = 128; objdata.ObjectData[16] = 63; objdata.ObjectData[56] = 128; objdata.ObjectData[61] = 102; objdata.ObjectData[62] = 40; objdata.ObjectData[63] = 61; objdata.ObjectData[64] = 189; } public void CompleteMovement() { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.Verbose("Avatar.cs:CompleteMovement() - Constructing AgentMovementComplete packet"); AgentMovementCompletePacket mov = new AgentMovementCompletePacket(); mov.AgentData.SessionID = this.ControllingClient.SessionID; mov.AgentData.AgentID = this.ControllingClient.AgentID; mov.Data.RegionHandle = this.m_regionHandle; // TODO - dynamicalise this stuff mov.Data.Timestamp = 1172750370; mov.Data.Position = this.ControllingClient.startpos; mov.Data.LookAt = new LLVector3(0.99f, 0.042f, 0); ControllingClient.OutPacket(mov); } public void HandleAgentUpdate(Packet pack) { this.HandleUpdate((AgentUpdatePacket)pack); } public void HandleUpdate(AgentUpdatePacket pack) { if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY) != 0) { if (this._physActor.Flying == false) { this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["FLY"]; this.anim_seq = 1; this.SendAnimPack(); } this._physActor.Flying = true; } else { if (this._physActor.Flying == true) { this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["STAND"]; this.anim_seq = 1; this.SendAnimPack(); } this._physActor.Flying = false; } if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_POS) != 0) { Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z); if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot)) { if (((movementflag & 1) == 0) && (!this._physActor.Flying)) { this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["WALK"]; this.anim_seq = 1; this.SendAnimPack(); } //we should add a new force to the list // but for now we will deal with velocities NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce(); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(1, 0, 0); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3; direc.Normalize(); //work out velocity for sim physics system direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f); if (this._physActor.Flying) direc *= 4; newVelocity.X = direc.x; newVelocity.Y = direc.y; newVelocity.Z = direc.z; this.forcesList.Add(newVelocity); movementflag = 1; this.bodyRot = q; } } else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_POS) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying)) { if (((movementflag & 2) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying) { //we should add a new force to the list // but for now we will deal with velocities NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce(); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, 1); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3; direc.Normalize(); //work out velocity for sim physics system direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2); newVelocity.X = direc.x; newVelocity.Y = direc.y; newVelocity.Z = direc.z; this.forcesList.Add(newVelocity); movementflag = 2; } } else if ((((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_UP_NEG) != 0) && (PhysicsEngineFlying)) { if (((movementflag & 4) == 0) && this._physActor.Flying) { //we should add a new force to the list // but for now we will deal with velocities NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce(); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(0, 0, -1); //Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = v3; direc.Normalize(); //work out velocity for sim physics system direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f * 2); newVelocity.X = direc.x; newVelocity.Y = direc.y; newVelocity.Z = direc.z; this.forcesList.Add(newVelocity); movementflag = 4; } } else if (((uint)pack.AgentData.ControlFlags & (uint)MainAvatar.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_AT_NEG) != 0) { Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion q = new Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion(pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.W, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.X, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Y, pack.AgentData.BodyRotation.Z); if (((movementflag & 8) == 0) || (q != this.bodyRot)) { //we should add a new force to the list // but for now we will deal with velocities NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce(); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 v3 = new Axiom.MathLib.Vector3(-1, 0, 0); Axiom.MathLib.Vector3 direc = q * v3; direc.Normalize(); //work out velocity for sim physics system direc = direc * ((0.03f) * 128f); if (this._physActor.Flying) direc *= 2; newVelocity.X = direc.x; newVelocity.Y = direc.y; newVelocity.Z = direc.z; this.forcesList.Add(newVelocity); movementflag = 8; this.bodyRot = q; } } else { if (movementflag == 16) { movementflag = 0; } if ((movementflag) != 0) { NewForce newVelocity = new NewForce(); newVelocity.X = 0; newVelocity.Y = 0; newVelocity.Z = 0; this.forcesList.Add(newVelocity); movementflag = 0; // We're standing still, so make it show! if (this._physActor.Flying == false) { this.current_anim = Animations.AnimsLLUUID["STAND"]; this.anim_seq = 1; this.SendAnimPack(); } this.movementflag = 16; } } } //really really should be moved somewhere else (RegionInfo.cs ?) public void SendRegionHandshake(World regionInfo) { OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.Verbose("Avatar.cs:SendRegionHandshake() - Creating empty RegionHandshake packet"); System.Text.Encoding _enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; RegionHandshakePacket handshake = new RegionHandshakePacket(); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.Verbose("Avatar.cs:SendRegionhandshake() - Filling in RegionHandshake details"); handshake.RegionInfo.BillableFactor = 0; handshake.RegionInfo.IsEstateManager = false; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange00 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainHeightRangeNW; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange01 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainHeightRangeNE; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange10 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainHeightRangeSW; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainHeightRange11 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainHeightRangeSE; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight00 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainStartHeightNW; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight01 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainStartHeightNE; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight10 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainStartHeightSW; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainStartHeight11 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainStartHeightSE; handshake.RegionInfo.SimAccess = 13; handshake.RegionInfo.WaterHeight = m_regionWaterHeight; uint regionFlags = 72458694; if (this.m_regionTerraform) { regionFlags -= 64; } handshake.RegionInfo.RegionFlags = regionFlags; handshake.RegionInfo.SimName = _enc.GetBytes(m_regionName + "\0"); handshake.RegionInfo.SimOwner = regionInfo.m_regInfo.MasterAvatarAssignedUUID; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase0 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainBase0; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase1 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainBase1; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase2 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainBase2; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainBase3 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainBase3; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail0 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainDetail0; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail1 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainDetail1; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail2 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainDetail2; handshake.RegionInfo.TerrainDetail3 = regionInfo.m_regInfo.estateSettings.terrainDetail3; handshake.RegionInfo.CacheID = new LLUUID("545ec0a5-5751-1026-8a0b-216e38a7ab37"); OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainConsole.Instance.Verbose("Avatar.cs:SendRegionHandshake() - Sending RegionHandshake packet"); this.ControllingClient.OutPacket(handshake); } public static void LoadAnims() { Avatar.Animations = new AvatarAnimations(); Avatar.Animations.LoadAnims(); } public override void LandRenegerated() { Pos = new LLVector3(100.0f, 100.0f, m_world.Terrain[(int)Pos.X, (int)Pos.Y] + 50.0f); } } public class NewForce { public float X; public float Y; public float Z; public NewForce() { } } }