/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Xml.Serialization; using libsecondlife; namespace OpenSim.Framework { public enum ProfileShape : byte { Circle = 0, Square = 1, IsometricTriangle = 2, EquilateralTriangle = 3, RightTriangle = 4, HalfCircle = 5 } public enum HollowShape : byte { Same = 0, Circle = 16, Square = 32, Triangle = 48 } public enum PCodeEnum : byte { Primitive = 9, Avatar = 47, Grass = 95, NewTree = 111, ParticleSystem = 143, Tree = 255 } public enum Extrusion : byte { Straight = 16, Curve1 = 32, Curve2 = 48, Flexible = 128 } [Serializable] public class PrimitiveBaseShape { private static readonly LLObject.TextureEntry m_defaultTexture; private byte[] m_textureEntry; public ushort PathBegin; public byte PathCurve; public ushort PathEnd; public sbyte PathRadiusOffset; public byte PathRevolutions; public byte PathScaleX; public byte PathScaleY; public byte PathShearX; public byte PathShearY; public sbyte PathSkew; public sbyte PathTaperX; public sbyte PathTaperY; public sbyte PathTwist; public sbyte PathTwistBegin; public byte PCode; public ushort ProfileBegin; public byte ProfileCurve; public ushort ProfileEnd; public ushort ProfileHollow; public LLVector3 Scale; public byte State; // Sculpted [XmlIgnore] public LLUUID SculptTexture = LLUUID.Zero; [XmlIgnore] public byte SculptType = (byte)0; // Flexi [XmlIgnore] public int FlexiSoftness = 0; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiTension = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiDrag = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiGravity = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiWind= 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceX = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceY = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float FlexiForceZ = 0f; //Bright n sparkly [XmlIgnore] public float LightColorR = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightColorG = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightColorB = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightColorA = 1f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightRadius = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightCutoff = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightFalloff = 0f; [XmlIgnore] public float LightIntensity = 1f; [XmlIgnore] public bool FlexiEntry = false; [XmlIgnore] public bool LightEntry = false; [XmlIgnore] public bool SculptEntry = false; static PrimitiveBaseShape() { m_defaultTexture = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("89556747-24cb-43ed-920b-47caed15465f")); } public PrimitiveBaseShape() { PCode = (byte) PCodeEnum.Primitive; ExtraParams = new byte[1]; Textures = m_defaultTexture; } [XmlIgnore] public LLObject.TextureEntry Textures { get { return new LLObject.TextureEntry(m_textureEntry, 0, m_textureEntry.Length); } set { m_textureEntry = value.ToBytes(); } } public byte[] TextureEntry { get { return m_textureEntry; } set { m_textureEntry = value; } } public ProfileShape ProfileShape { get { return (ProfileShape) (ProfileCurve & 0xf); } set { byte oldValueMasked = (byte) (ProfileCurve & 0xf0); ProfileCurve = (byte) (oldValueMasked | (byte) value); } } public HollowShape HollowShape { get { return (HollowShape) (ProfileCurve & 0xf0); } set { byte oldValueMasked = (byte) (ProfileCurve & 0x0f); ProfileCurve = (byte) (oldValueMasked | (byte) value); } } public static PrimitiveBaseShape Default { get { PrimitiveBaseShape boxShape = CreateBox(); boxShape.SetScale(0.5f); return boxShape; } } public static PrimitiveBaseShape Create() { PrimitiveBaseShape shape = new PrimitiveBaseShape(); return shape; } public static PrimitiveBaseShape CreateBox() { PrimitiveBaseShape shape = Create(); shape.PathCurve = (byte) Extrusion.Straight; shape.ProfileShape = ProfileShape.Square; shape.PathScaleX = 100; shape.PathScaleY = 100; return shape; } public static PrimitiveBaseShape CreateCylinder() { PrimitiveBaseShape shape = Create(); shape.PathCurve = (byte) Extrusion.Curve1; shape.ProfileShape = ProfileShape.Square; shape.PathScaleX = 100; shape.PathScaleY = 100; return shape; } public void SetScale(float side) { Scale = new LLVector3(side, side, side); } public void SetHeigth(float heigth) { Scale.Z = heigth; } public void SetRadius(float radius) { Scale.X = Scale.Y = radius * 2f; } // TODO: void returns need to change of course public virtual void GetMesh() { } public PrimitiveBaseShape Copy() { return (PrimitiveBaseShape) MemberwiseClone(); } public static PrimitiveBaseShape CreateCylinder(float radius, float heigth) { PrimitiveBaseShape shape = CreateCylinder(); shape.SetHeigth(heigth); shape.SetRadius(radius); return shape; } public void SetPathRange(LLVector3 pathRange) { PathBegin = LLObject.PackBeginCut(pathRange.X); PathEnd = LLObject.PackEndCut(pathRange.Y); } public void SetSculptData(byte sculptType, LLUUID SculptTextureUUID) { SculptType = sculptType; SculptTexture = SculptTextureUUID; } public void SetProfileRange(LLVector3 profileRange) { ProfileBegin = LLObject.PackBeginCut(profileRange.X); ProfileEnd = LLObject.PackEndCut(profileRange.Y); } public byte[] ExtraParams { get { return ExtraParamsToBytes(); } set { ReadInExtraParamsBytes(value); } } public byte[] ExtraParamsToBytes() { ushort FlexiEP = 0x10; ushort LightEP = 0x20; ushort SculptEP = 0x30; int i = 0; uint TotalBytesLength = 5; uint ExtraParamsNum = 0; if (FlexiEntry) { ExtraParamsNum++; TotalBytesLength += 16;// data TotalBytesLength += 4; // type } if (LightEntry) { ExtraParamsNum++; TotalBytesLength += 16;// data TotalBytesLength += 4; // type } if (SculptEntry) { ExtraParamsNum++; TotalBytesLength += 17;// data TotalBytesLength += 4; // type } byte[] returnbytes = new byte[TotalBytesLength]; uint paramlength = ExtraParamsNum; // Stick in the number of parameters returnbytes[i++] = (byte)ExtraParamsNum; if (FlexiEntry) { byte[] FlexiData = GetFlexiBytes(); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(FlexiEP % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiEP >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(FlexiData.Length % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 16) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((FlexiData.Length >> 24) % 256); Array.Copy(FlexiData, 0, returnbytes, i, FlexiData.Length); i += FlexiData.Length; } if (LightEntry) { byte[] LightData = GetLightBytes(); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(LightEP % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightEP >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(LightData.Length % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 16) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((LightData.Length >> 24) % 256); Array.Copy(LightData, 0, returnbytes, i, LightData.Length); i += LightData.Length; } if (SculptEntry) { byte[] SculptData = GetSculptBytes(); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(SculptEP % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptEP >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)(SculptData.Length % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 8) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 16) % 256); returnbytes[i++] = (byte)((SculptData.Length >> 24) % 256); Array.Copy(SculptData, 0, returnbytes, i, SculptData.Length); i += SculptData.Length; } if (!FlexiEntry && !LightEntry && !SculptEntry) { byte[] returnbyte = new byte[1]; returnbyte[0] = 0; return returnbyte; } return returnbytes; //m_log.Info("[EXTRAPARAMS]: Length = " + m_shape.ExtraParams.Length.ToString()); } public void ReadInUpdateExtraParam(ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data) { const ushort FlexiEP = 0x10; const ushort LightEP = 0x20; const ushort SculptEP = 0x30; switch (type) { case FlexiEP: if (!inUse) { FlexiEntry = false; return; } ReadFlexiData(data, 0); break; case LightEP: if (!inUse) { LightEntry = false; return; } ReadLightData(data, 0); break; case SculptEP: if (!inUse) { SculptEntry = false; return; } ReadSculptData(data, 0); break; } } public void ReadInExtraParamsBytes(byte[] data) { const ushort FlexiEP = 0x10; const ushort LightEP = 0x20; const ushort SculptEP = 0x30; bool lGotFlexi = false; bool lGotLight = false; bool lGotSculpt = false; int i = 0; int totalLength = 1; byte extraParamCount = data[i++]; for (int k = 0; k < extraParamCount; k++) { ushort epType = Helpers.BytesToUInt16(data, i); i += 2; uint paramLength = Helpers.BytesToUIntBig(data, i); i += 4; switch (epType) { case FlexiEP: ReadFlexiData(data, i); lGotFlexi = true; break; case LightEP: ReadLightData(data, i); lGotLight = true; break; case SculptEP: ReadSculptData(data, i); lGotSculpt = true; break; } } if (!lGotFlexi) FlexiEntry = false; if (!lGotLight) LightEntry = false; if (!lGotSculpt) SculptEntry = false; } public void ReadSculptData(byte[] data, int pos) { byte[] SculptTextureUUID = new byte[16]; LLUUID SculptUUID = LLUUID.Zero; byte SculptTypel = data[16+pos]; if (data.Length+pos >= 17) { SculptEntry = true; SculptTextureUUID = new byte[16]; SculptTypel = data[16]; Array.Copy(data, pos, SculptTextureUUID,0, 16); SculptUUID = new LLUUID(SculptTextureUUID, 0); } else { SculptEntry = false; SculptUUID = LLUUID.Zero; SculptTypel = 0x00; } SculptTexture = SculptUUID; SculptType = SculptTypel; //m_log.Info("[SCULPT]:" + SculptUUID.ToString()); } public byte[] GetSculptBytes() { byte[] data = new byte[17]; SculptTexture.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0); data[16] = (byte)SculptType; return data; } public void ReadFlexiData(byte[] data, int pos) { if (data.Length-pos >= 5) { FlexiEntry = true; FlexiSoftness = ((data[pos] & 0x80) >> 6) | ((data[pos + 1] & 0x80) >> 7); FlexiTension = (float)(data[pos++] & 0x7F) / 10.0f; FlexiDrag = (float)(data[pos++] & 0x7F) / 10.0f; FlexiGravity = (float)(data[pos++] / 10.0f) - 10.0f; FlexiWind = (float)data[pos++] / 10.0f; LLVector3 lForce = new LLVector3(data, pos); FlexiForceX = lForce.X; FlexiForceY = lForce.Y; FlexiForceZ = lForce.Z; } else { FlexiEntry = false; FlexiSoftness = 0; FlexiTension = 0.0f; FlexiDrag = 0.0f; FlexiGravity = 0.0f; FlexiWind = 0.0f; FlexiForceX = 0f; FlexiForceY = 0f; FlexiForceZ = 0f; } } public byte[] GetFlexiBytes() { byte[] data = new byte[16]; int i = 0; // Softness is packed in the upper bits of tension and drag data[i] = (byte)((FlexiSoftness & 2) << 6); data[i + 1] = (byte)((FlexiSoftness & 1) << 7); data[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(FlexiTension * 10.01f) & 0x7F); data[i++] |= (byte)((byte)(FlexiDrag * 10.01f) & 0x7F); data[i++] = (byte)((FlexiGravity + 10.0f) * 10.01f); data[i++] = (byte)(FlexiWind * 10.01f); LLVector3 lForce = new LLVector3(FlexiForceX, FlexiForceY, FlexiForceZ); lForce.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, i); return data; } public void ReadLightData(byte[] data, int pos) { if (data.Length - pos >= 16) { LightEntry = true; LLColor lColor = new LLColor(data, pos, false); LightIntensity = lColor.A; LightColorA = 1f; LightColorR = lColor.R; LightColorG = lColor.G; LightColorB = lColor.B; LightRadius = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 4); LightCutoff = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 8); LightFalloff = Helpers.BytesToFloat(data, pos + 12); } else { LightEntry = false; LightColorA = 1f; LightColorR = 0f; LightColorG = 0f; LightColorB = 0f; LightRadius = 0f; LightCutoff = 0f; LightFalloff = 0f; LightIntensity = 0f; } } public byte[] GetLightBytes() { byte[] data = new byte[16]; // Alpha channel in color is intensity LLColor tmpColor = new LLColor(LightColorR,LightColorG,LightColorB,LightIntensity); tmpColor.GetBytes().CopyTo(data, 0); Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightRadius).CopyTo(data, 4); Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightCutoff).CopyTo(data, 8); Helpers.FloatToBytes(LightFalloff).CopyTo(data, 12); return data; } } }