using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Types; using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities; using libsecondlife; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using Mono.Data.SqliteClient; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.SQLite { public class SQLiteInventoryStore : IInventoryData { private const string invItemsSelect = "select * from inventoryitems"; private const string invFoldersSelect = "select * from inventoryfolders"; private DataSet ds; private SqliteDataAdapter invItemsDa; private SqliteDataAdapter invFoldersDa; /// /// Initialises the interface /// public void Initialise() { Initialise("inventoryStore.db", "inventoryDatabase"); } public void Initialise(string dbfile, string dbname) { string connectionString = "URI=file:" + dbfile + ",version=3"; MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Inventory", "Sqlite - connecting: " + dbfile); SqliteConnection conn = new SqliteConnection(connectionString); TestTables(conn); SqliteCommand itemsSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(invItemsSelect, conn); invItemsDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(itemsSelectCmd); // SqliteCommandBuilder primCb = new SqliteCommandBuilder(primDa); SqliteCommand foldersSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(invFoldersSelect, conn); invFoldersDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(foldersSelectCmd); ds = new DataSet(); ds.Tables.Add(createInventoryFoldersTable()); invFoldersDa.Fill(ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]); setupFoldersCommands(invFoldersDa, conn); MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Populated Intentory Folders Definitions"); ds.Tables.Add(createInventoryItemsTable()); invItemsDa.Fill(ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]); setupItemsCommands(invItemsDa, conn); MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Populated Intentory Items Definitions"); ds.AcceptChanges(); return; } public InventoryItemBase buildItem(DataRow row) { InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(); item.inventoryID = new LLUUID((string)row["UUID"]); item.assetID = new LLUUID((string)row["assetID"]); item.assetType = Convert.ToInt32(row["assetType"]); item.invType = Convert.ToInt32(row["invType"]); item.parentFolderID = new LLUUID((string)row["parentFolderID"]); item.avatarID = new LLUUID((string)row["avatarID"]); item.creatorsID = new LLUUID((string)row["creatorsID"]); item.inventoryName =(string) row["inventoryName"]; item.inventoryDescription = (string) row["inventoryDescription"]; item.inventoryNextPermissions = Convert.ToUInt32(row["inventoryNextPermissions"]); item.inventoryCurrentPermissions = Convert.ToUInt32(row["inventoryCurrentPermissions"]); item.inventoryBasePermissions = Convert.ToUInt32(row["inventoryBasePermissions"]); item.inventoryEveryOnePermissions = Convert.ToUInt32(row["inventoryEveryOnePermissions"]); return item; } private void fillItemRow(DataRow row, InventoryItemBase item) { row["UUID"] = item.inventoryID; row["assetID"] = item.assetID; row["assetType"] = item.assetType; row["invType"] = item.invType; row["parentFolderID"] = item.parentFolderID; row["avatarID"] = item.avatarID; row["creatorsID"] = item.creatorsID; row["inventoryName"] = item.inventoryName; row["inventoryDescription"] = item.inventoryDescription; row["inventoryNextPermissions"] = item.inventoryNextPermissions; row["inventoryCurrentPermissions"] = item.inventoryCurrentPermissions; row["inventoryBasePermissions"] = item.inventoryBasePermissions; row["inventoryEveryOnePermissions"] = item.inventoryEveryOnePermissions; } private void addFolder(InventoryFolderBase folder) { DataTable inventoryFolderTable = ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]; DataRow inventoryRow = inventoryFolderTable.Rows.Find(folder.folderID); if (inventoryRow == null) { inventoryRow = inventoryFolderTable.NewRow(); fillFolderRow(inventoryRow, folder); inventoryFolderTable.Rows.Add(inventoryRow); } else { fillFolderRow(inventoryRow, folder); } this.invFoldersDa.Update(ds, "inventoryfolders"); } private void addItem(InventoryItemBase item) { DataTable inventoryItemTable = ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]; DataRow inventoryRow = inventoryItemTable.Rows.Find(item.inventoryID); if (inventoryRow == null) { inventoryRow = inventoryItemTable.NewRow(); fillItemRow(inventoryRow, item); inventoryItemTable.Rows.Add(inventoryRow); } else { fillItemRow(inventoryRow, item); } this.invItemsDa.Update(ds, "inventoryitems"); } public void Shutdown() { // TODO: DataSet commit } /// /// Closes the interface /// public void Close() { } /// /// The plugin being loaded /// /// A string containing the plugin name public string getName() { return "SQLite Inventory Data Interface"; } /// /// The plugins version /// /// A string containing the plugin version public string getVersion() { return "0.1"; } /// /// Returns a list of inventory items contained within the specified folder /// /// The UUID of the target folder /// A List of InventoryItemBase items public List getInventoryInFolder(LLUUID folderID) { List retval = new List(); DataTable inventoryItemTable = ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]; string selectExp = "parentFolderID = '" + folderID.ToString() + "'"; DataRow[] rows = inventoryItemTable.Select(selectExp); foreach (DataRow row in rows) { retval.Add(buildItem(row)); } return retval; } /// /// Returns a list of the root folders within a users inventory /// /// The user whos inventory is to be searched /// A list of folder objects public List getUserRootFolders(LLUUID user) { return null; } /// /// Returns the users inventory root folder. /// /// The UUID of the user who is having inventory being returned /// Root inventory folder public InventoryFolderBase getUserRootFolder(LLUUID user) { List folders = new List(); DataTable inventoryFolderTable = ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]; string selectExp = "agentID = '" + user.ToString() + "' AND parentID = '" + LLUUID.Zero.ToString() + "'"; DataRow[] rows = inventoryFolderTable.Select(selectExp); foreach (DataRow row in rows) { folders.Add(buildFolder(row)); } if (folders.Count == 1) { //we found the root //System.Console.WriteLine("found root inventory folder"); return folders[0]; } else if (folders.Count > 1) { //err shouldn't be more than one root //System.Console.WriteLine("found more than one root inventory folder"); } else if (folders.Count == 0) { // no root? //System.Console.WriteLine("couldn't find root inventory folder"); } return null; } /// /// Returns a list of inventory folders contained in the folder 'parentID' /// /// The folder to get subfolders for /// A list of inventory folders public List getInventoryFolders(LLUUID parentID) { List folders = new List(); DataTable inventoryFolderTable = ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]; string selectExp = "parentID = '" + parentID.ToString() + "'"; DataRow[] rows = inventoryFolderTable.Select(selectExp); foreach (DataRow row in rows) { folders.Add(this.buildFolder(row)); } // System.Console.WriteLine("found " + folders.Count + " inventory folders"); return folders; } /// /// Returns an inventory item by its UUID /// /// The UUID of the item to be returned /// A class containing item information public InventoryItemBase getInventoryItem(LLUUID item) { DataRow row = ds.Tables["inventoryitems"].Rows.Find(item); if (row != null) { return buildItem(row); } else { return null; } } /// /// Returns a specified inventory folder by its UUID /// /// The UUID of the folder to be returned /// A class containing folder information public InventoryFolderBase getInventoryFolder(LLUUID folder) { DataRow row = ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"].Rows.Find(folder); if (row != null) { return buildFolder(row); } else { return null; } } /// /// Creates a new inventory item based on item /// /// The item to be created public void addInventoryItem(InventoryItemBase item) { this.addItem(item); } /// /// Updates an inventory item with item (updates based on ID) /// /// The updated item public void updateInventoryItem(InventoryItemBase item) { this.addItem(item); } /// /// /// /// public void deleteInventoryItem(InventoryItemBase item) { DataTable inventoryItemTable = ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]; DataRow inventoryRow = inventoryItemTable.Rows.Find(item.inventoryID); if (inventoryRow != null) { inventoryRow.Delete(); } this.invItemsDa.Update(ds, "inventoryitems"); } /// /// Adds a new folder specified by folder /// /// The inventory folder public void addInventoryFolder(InventoryFolderBase folder) { this.addFolder(folder); } /// /// Updates a folder based on its ID with folder /// /// The inventory folder public void updateInventoryFolder(InventoryFolderBase folder) { this.addFolder(folder); } /*********************************************************************** * * Data Table definitions * **********************************************************************/ private void createCol(DataTable dt, string name, System.Type type) { DataColumn col = new DataColumn(name, type); dt.Columns.Add(col); } private DataTable createInventoryItemsTable() { DataTable inv = new DataTable("inventoryitems"); createCol(inv, "UUID", typeof(System.String)); //inventoryID createCol(inv, "assetID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(inv, "assetType", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(inv, "invType", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(inv, "parentFolderID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(inv, "avatarID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(inv, "creatorsID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(inv, "inventoryName", typeof(System.String)); createCol(inv, "inventoryDescription", typeof(System.String)); // permissions createCol(inv, "inventoryNextPermissions", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(inv, "inventoryCurrentPermissions", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(inv, "inventoryBasePermissions", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(inv, "inventoryEveryOnePermissions", typeof(System.Int32)); inv.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { inv.Columns["UUID"] }; return inv; } private DataTable createInventoryFoldersTable() { DataTable fol = new DataTable("inventoryfolders"); createCol(fol, "UUID", typeof(System.String)); //folderID createCol(fol, "name", typeof(System.String)); createCol(fol, "agentID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(fol, "parentID", typeof(System.String)); createCol(fol, "type", typeof(System.Int32)); createCol(fol, "version", typeof(System.Int32)); fol.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { fol.Columns["UUID"] }; return fol; } private void setupItemsCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("inventoryitems", ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("inventoryitems", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["inventoryitems"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from inventoryitems where UUID = :UUID"); delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", typeof(System.String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } private void setupFoldersCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("inventoryfolders", ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("inventoryfolders", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["inventoryfolders"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from inventoryfolders where UUID = :UUID"); delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", typeof(System.String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } private InventoryFolderBase buildFolder(DataRow row) { InventoryFolderBase folder = new InventoryFolderBase(); folder.folderID = new LLUUID((string)row["UUID"]); = (string)row["name"]; folder.agentID = new LLUUID((string)row["agentID"]); folder.parentID = new LLUUID((string)row["parentID"]); folder.type = Convert.ToInt16(row["type"]); folder.version = Convert.ToUInt16(row["version"]); return folder; } private void fillFolderRow(DataRow row, InventoryFolderBase folder) { row["UUID"] = folder.folderID; row["name"] =; row["agentID"] = folder.agentID; row["parentID"] = folder.parentID; row["type"] = folder.type; row["version"] = folder.version; } /*********************************************************************** * * SQL Statement Creation Functions * * These functions create SQL statements for update, insert, and create. * They can probably be factored later to have a db independant * portion and a db specific portion * **********************************************************************/ private SqliteCommand createInsertCommand(string table, DataTable dt) { /** * This is subtle enough to deserve some commentary. * Instead of doing *lots* and *lots of hardcoded strings * for database definitions we'll use the fact that * realistically all insert statements look like "insert * into A(b, c) values(:b, :c) on the parameterized query * front. If we just have a list of b, c, etc... we can * generate these strings instead of typing them out. */ string[] cols = new string[dt.Columns.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { DataColumn col = dt.Columns[i]; cols[i] = col.ColumnName; } string sql = "insert into " + table + "("; sql += String.Join(", ", cols); // important, the first ':' needs to be here, the rest get added in the join sql += ") values (:"; sql += String.Join(", :", cols); sql += ")"; SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(sql); // this provides the binding for all our parameters, so // much less code than it used to be foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType)); } return cmd; } private SqliteCommand createUpdateCommand(string table, string pk, DataTable dt) { string sql = "update " + table + " set "; string subsql = ""; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ", "; } subsql += col.ColumnName + "= :" + col.ColumnName; } sql += subsql; sql += " where " + pk; SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(sql); // this provides the binding for all our parameters, so // much less code than it used to be foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType)); } return cmd; } private string defineTable(DataTable dt) { string sql = "create table " + dt.TableName + "("; string subsql = ""; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ",\n"; } subsql += col.ColumnName + " " + sqliteType(col.DataType); if(col == dt.PrimaryKey[0]) { subsql += " primary key"; } } sql += subsql; sql += ")"; return sql; } /*********************************************************************** * * Database Binding functions * * These will be db specific due to typing, and minor differences * in databases. * **********************************************************************/ /// /// This is a convenience function that collapses 5 repetitive /// lines for defining SqliteParameters to 2 parameters: /// column name and database type. /// /// It assumes certain conventions like :param as the param /// name to replace in parametrized queries, and that source /// version is always current version, both of which are fine /// for us. /// ///a built sqlite parameter private SqliteParameter createSqliteParameter(string name, System.Type type) { SqliteParameter param = new SqliteParameter(); param.ParameterName = ":" + name; param.DbType = dbtypeFromType(type); param.SourceColumn = name; param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; return param; } /*********************************************************************** * * Test and Initialization code * **********************************************************************/ private void InitDB(SqliteConnection conn) { string createInventoryItems = defineTable(createInventoryItemsTable()); string createInventoryFolders = defineTable(createInventoryFoldersTable()); SqliteCommand pcmd = new SqliteCommand(createInventoryItems, conn); SqliteCommand scmd = new SqliteCommand(createInventoryFolders, conn); conn.Open(); pcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); } private bool TestTables(SqliteConnection conn) { SqliteCommand invItemsSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(invItemsSelect, conn); SqliteDataAdapter pDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(invItemsSelectCmd); SqliteCommand invFoldersSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(invFoldersSelect, conn); SqliteDataAdapter sDa = new SqliteDataAdapter(invFoldersSelectCmd); DataSet tmpDS = new DataSet(); try { pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "inventoryitems"); sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "inventoryfolders"); } catch (Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException) { MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "SQLite Database doesn't exist... creating"); InitDB(conn); } pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "inventoryitems"); sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "inventoryfolders"); foreach (DataColumn col in createInventoryItemsTable().Columns) { if (! tmpDS.Tables["inventoryitems"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName) ) { MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Missing required column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } foreach (DataColumn col in createInventoryFoldersTable().Columns) { if (! tmpDS.Tables["inventoryfolders"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName) ) { MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Missing required column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } return true; } /*********************************************************************** * * Type conversion functions * **********************************************************************/ private DbType dbtypeFromType(Type type) { if (type == typeof(System.String)) { return DbType.String; } else if (type == typeof(System.Int32)) { return DbType.Int32; } else if (type == typeof(System.Double)) { return DbType.Double; } else if (type == typeof(System.Byte[])) { return DbType.Binary; } else { return DbType.String; } } // this is something we'll need to implement for each db // slightly differently. private string sqliteType(Type type) { if (type == typeof(System.String)) { return "varchar(255)"; } else if (type == typeof(System.Int32)) { return "integer"; } else if (type == typeof(System.Double)) { return "float"; } else if (type == typeof(System.Byte[])) { return "blob"; } else { return "string"; } } } }