/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using libsecondlife; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Data.MSSQL { /// /// A management class for the MS SQL Storage Engine /// internal class MSSQLManager { private static readonly log4net.ILog m_log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// /// The database connection object /// private IDbConnection dbcon; /// /// Connection string for ADO.net /// private readonly string connectionString; public MSSQLManager(string dataSource, string initialCatalog, string persistSecurityInfo, string userId, string password) { try { connectionString = "Data Source=" + dataSource + ";Initial Catalog=" + initialCatalog + ";Persist Security Info=" + persistSecurityInfo + ";User ID=" + userId + ";Password=" + password + ";"; dbcon = new SqlConnection(connectionString); dbcon.Open(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error initialising Sql Database: " + e.ToString()); } } private DataTable createRegionsTable() { DataTable regions = new DataTable("regions"); createCol(regions, "regionHandle", typeof (ulong)); createCol(regions, "regionName", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "uuid", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionRecvKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionSecret", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionSendKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionDataURI", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "serverIP", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "serverPort", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "serverURI", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "locX", typeof (uint)); createCol(regions, "locY", typeof (uint)); createCol(regions, "locZ", typeof (uint)); createCol(regions, "eastOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); createCol(regions, "westOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); createCol(regions, "southOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); createCol(regions, "northOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); createCol(regions, "regionAssetURI", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionAssetRecvKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionAssetSendKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionUserURI", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionUserRecvKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionUserSendKey", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "regionMapTexture", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "serverHttpPort", typeof (String)); createCol(regions, "serverRemotingPort", typeof (uint)); // Add in contraints regions.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {regions.Columns["UUID"]}; return regions; } protected static void createCol(DataTable dt, string name, Type type) { DataColumn col = new DataColumn(name, type); dt.Columns.Add(col); } protected static string defineTable(DataTable dt) { string sql = "create table " + dt.TableName + "("; string subsql = String.Empty; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ",\n"; } subsql += col.ColumnName + " " + SqlType(col.DataType); if (col == dt.PrimaryKey[0]) { subsql += " primary key"; } } sql += subsql; sql += ")"; return sql; } // this is something we'll need to implement for each db // slightly differently. private static string SqlType(Type type) { if (type == typeof (String)) { return "varchar(255)"; } else if (type == typeof (Int32)) { return "integer"; } else if (type == typeof (Double)) { return "float"; } else if (type == typeof (Byte[])) { return "image"; } else { return "varchar(255)"; } } /// /// Shuts down the database connection /// public void Close() { dbcon.Close(); dbcon = null; } /// /// Reconnects to the database /// public void Reconnect() { lock (dbcon) { try { // Close the DB connection dbcon.Close(); // Try reopen it dbcon = new SqlConnection(connectionString); dbcon.Open(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("Unable to reconnect to database " + e.ToString()); } } } /// /// Runs a query with protection against SQL Injection by using parameterised input. /// /// The SQL string - replace any variables such as WHERE x = "y" with WHERE x = @y /// The parameters - index so that @y is indexed as 'y' /// A Sql DB Command public IDbCommand Query(string sql, Dictionary parameters) { SqlCommand dbcommand = (SqlCommand) dbcon.CreateCommand(); dbcommand.CommandText = sql; foreach (KeyValuePair param in parameters) { dbcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.Key, param.Value); } return (IDbCommand) dbcommand; } /// /// Runs a database reader object and returns a region row /// /// An active database reader /// A region row public RegionProfileData getRegionRow(IDataReader reader) { RegionProfileData regionprofile = new RegionProfileData(); if (reader.Read()) { // Region Main regionprofile.regionHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["regionHandle"]); regionprofile.regionName = (string) reader["regionName"]; regionprofile.UUID = new LLUUID((string) reader["uuid"]); // Secrets regionprofile.regionRecvKey = (string) reader["regionRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionSecret = (string) reader["regionSecret"]; regionprofile.regionSendKey = (string) reader["regionSendKey"]; // Region Server regionprofile.regionDataURI = (string) reader["regionDataURI"]; regionprofile.regionOnline = false; // Needs to be pinged before this can be set. regionprofile.serverIP = (string) reader["serverIP"]; regionprofile.serverPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverPort"]); regionprofile.serverURI = (string) reader["serverURI"]; regionprofile.httpPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverHttpPort"]); regionprofile.remotingPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverRemotingPort"]); // Location regionprofile.regionLocX = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locX"]); regionprofile.regionLocY = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locY"]); regionprofile.regionLocZ = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locZ"]); // Neighbours - 0 = No Override regionprofile.regionEastOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["eastOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionWestOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["westOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionSouthOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["southOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionNorthOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["northOverrideHandle"]); // Assets regionprofile.regionAssetURI = (string) reader["regionAssetURI"]; regionprofile.regionAssetRecvKey = (string) reader["regionAssetRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionAssetSendKey = (string) reader["regionAssetSendKey"]; // Userserver regionprofile.regionUserURI = (string) reader["regionUserURI"]; regionprofile.regionUserRecvKey = (string) reader["regionUserRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionUserSendKey = (string) reader["regionUserSendKey"]; // World Map Addition string tempRegionMap = reader["regionMapTexture"].ToString(); if (tempRegionMap != String.Empty) { regionprofile.regionMapTextureID = new LLUUID(tempRegionMap); } else { regionprofile.regionMapTextureID = new LLUUID(); } } else { reader.Close(); throw new Exception("No rows to return"); } return regionprofile; } /// /// Reads a user profile from an active data reader /// /// An active database reader /// A user profile public UserProfileData readUserRow(IDataReader reader) { UserProfileData retval = new UserProfileData(); if (reader.Read()) { retval.UUID = new LLUUID((string) reader["UUID"]); retval.username = (string) reader["username"]; retval.surname = (string) reader["lastname"]; retval.passwordHash = (string) reader["passwordHash"]; retval.passwordSalt = (string) reader["passwordSalt"]; retval.homeRegion = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["homeRegion"].ToString()); retval.homeLocation = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationX"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationY"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationZ"].ToString())); retval.homeLookAt = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtX"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtY"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtZ"].ToString())); retval.created = Convert.ToInt32(reader["created"].ToString()); retval.lastLogin = Convert.ToInt32(reader["lastLogin"].ToString()); retval.userInventoryURI = (string) reader["userInventoryURI"]; retval.userAssetURI = (string) reader["userAssetURI"]; retval.profileCanDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["profileCanDoMask"].ToString()); retval.profileWantDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["profileWantDoMask"].ToString()); retval.profileAboutText = (string) reader["profileAboutText"]; retval.profileFirstText = (string) reader["profileFirstText"]; retval.profileImage = new LLUUID((string) reader["profileImage"]); retval.profileFirstImage = new LLUUID((string) reader["profileFirstImage"]); retval.webLoginKey = new LLUUID((string)reader["webLoginKey"]); } else { return null; } return retval; } /// /// Reads an agent row from a database reader /// /// An active database reader /// A user session agent public UserAgentData readAgentRow(IDataReader reader) { UserAgentData retval = new UserAgentData(); if (reader.Read()) { // Agent IDs retval.UUID = new LLUUID((string) reader["UUID"]); retval.sessionID = new LLUUID((string) reader["sessionID"]); retval.secureSessionID = new LLUUID((string) reader["secureSessionID"]); // Agent Who? retval.agentIP = (string) reader["agentIP"]; retval.agentPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["agentPort"].ToString()); retval.agentOnline = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["agentOnline"].ToString()); // Login/Logout times (UNIX Epoch) retval.loginTime = Convert.ToInt32(reader["loginTime"].ToString()); retval.logoutTime = Convert.ToInt32(reader["logoutTime"].ToString()); // Current position retval.currentRegion = (string) reader["currentRegion"]; retval.currentHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["currentHandle"].ToString()); LLVector3.TryParse((string) reader["currentPos"], out retval.currentPos); } else { return null; } return retval; } public AssetBase getAssetRow(IDataReader reader) { AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(); if (reader.Read()) { // Region Main asset = new AssetBase(); asset.Data = (byte[]) reader["data"]; asset.Description = (string) reader["description"]; asset.FullID = new LLUUID((string) reader["id"]); asset.InvType = Convert.ToSByte(reader["invType"]); asset.Local = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["local"]); // ((sbyte)reader["local"]) != 0 ? true : false; asset.Name = (string) reader["name"]; asset.Type = Convert.ToSByte(reader["assetType"]); } else { return null; // throw new Exception("No rows to return"); } return asset; } /// /// Creates a new region in the database /// /// The region profile to insert /// Successful? public bool insertRegionRow(RegionProfileData profile) { //Insert new region string sql = "INSERT INTO regions ([regionHandle], [regionName], [uuid], [regionRecvKey], [regionSecret], [regionSendKey], [regionDataURI], "; sql += "[serverIP], [serverPort], [serverURI], [locX], [locY], [locZ], [eastOverrideHandle], [westOverrideHandle], [southOverrideHandle], [northOverrideHandle], [regionAssetURI], [regionAssetRecvKey], "; sql += "[regionAssetSendKey], [regionUserURI], [regionUserRecvKey], [regionUserSendKey], [regionMapTexture], [serverHttpPort], [serverRemotingPort]) VALUES "; sql += "(@regionHandle, @regionName, @uuid, @regionRecvKey, @regionSecret, @regionSendKey, @regionDataURI, "; sql += "@serverIP, @serverPort, @serverURI, @locX, @locY, @locZ, @eastOverrideHandle, @westOverrideHandle, @southOverrideHandle, @northOverrideHandle, @regionAssetURI, @regionAssetRecvKey, "; sql += "@regionAssetSendKey, @regionUserURI, @regionUserRecvKey, @regionUserSendKey, @regionMapTexture, @serverHttpPort, @serverRemotingPort);"; Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); parameters["regionHandle"] = profile.regionHandle.ToString(); parameters["regionName"] = profile.regionName; parameters["uuid"] = profile.UUID.ToString(); parameters["regionRecvKey"] = profile.regionRecvKey; parameters["regionSecret"] = profile.regionSecret; parameters["regionSendKey"] = profile.regionSendKey; parameters["regionDataURI"] = profile.regionDataURI; parameters["serverIP"] = profile.serverIP; parameters["serverPort"] = profile.serverPort.ToString(); parameters["serverURI"] = profile.serverURI; parameters["locX"] = profile.regionLocX.ToString(); parameters["locY"] = profile.regionLocY.ToString(); parameters["locZ"] = profile.regionLocZ.ToString(); parameters["eastOverrideHandle"] = profile.regionEastOverrideHandle.ToString(); parameters["westOverrideHandle"] = profile.regionWestOverrideHandle.ToString(); parameters["northOverrideHandle"] = profile.regionNorthOverrideHandle.ToString(); parameters["southOverrideHandle"] = profile.regionSouthOverrideHandle.ToString(); parameters["regionAssetURI"] = profile.regionAssetURI; parameters["regionAssetRecvKey"] = profile.regionAssetRecvKey; parameters["regionAssetSendKey"] = profile.regionAssetSendKey; parameters["regionUserURI"] = profile.regionUserURI; parameters["regionUserRecvKey"] = profile.regionUserRecvKey; parameters["regionUserSendKey"] = profile.regionUserSendKey; parameters["regionMapTexture"] = profile.regionMapTextureID.ToString(); parameters["serverHttpPort"] = profile.httpPort.ToString(); parameters["serverRemotingPort"] = profile.remotingPort.ToString(); bool returnval = false; try { IDbCommand result = Query(sql, parameters); if (result.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) returnval = true; result.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("MSSQLManager : " + e.ToString()); } return returnval; } /// /// Inserts a new row into the log database /// /// The daemon which triggered this event /// Who were we operating on when this occured (region UUID, user UUID, etc) /// The method call where the problem occured /// The arguments passed to the method /// How critical is this? /// Extra message info /// Saved successfully? public bool insertLogRow(string serverDaemon, string target, string methodCall, string arguments, int priority, string logMessage) { string sql = "INSERT INTO logs ([target], [server], [method], [arguments], [priority], [message]) VALUES "; sql += "(@target, @server, @method, @arguments, @priority, @message);"; Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); parameters["server"] = serverDaemon; parameters["target"] = target; parameters["method"] = methodCall; parameters["arguments"] = arguments; parameters["priority"] = priority.ToString(); parameters["message"] = logMessage; bool returnval = false; try { IDbCommand result = Query(sql, parameters); if (result.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) returnval = true; result.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } return returnval; } /// /// Creates a new user and inserts it into the database /// /// User ID /// First part of the login /// Second part of the login /// A salted hash of the users password /// The salt used for the password hash /// A regionHandle of the users home region /// Home region position vector /// Home region position vector /// Home region position vector /// Home region 'look at' vector /// Home region 'look at' vector /// Home region 'look at' vector /// Account created (unix timestamp) /// Last login (unix timestamp) /// Users inventory URI /// Users asset URI /// I can do mask /// I want to do mask /// Profile text /// Firstlife text /// UUID for profile image /// UUID for firstlife image /// Success? public bool insertUserRow(LLUUID uuid, string username, string lastname, string passwordHash, string passwordSalt, UInt64 homeRegion, float homeLocX, float homeLocY, float homeLocZ, float homeLookAtX, float homeLookAtY, float homeLookAtZ, int created, int lastlogin, string inventoryURI, string assetURI, uint canDoMask, uint wantDoMask, string aboutText, string firstText, LLUUID profileImage, LLUUID firstImage, LLUUID webLoginKey) { string sql = "INSERT INTO users "; sql += "([UUID], [username], [lastname], [passwordHash], [passwordSalt], [homeRegion], "; sql += "[homeLocationX], [homeLocationY], [homeLocationZ], [homeLookAtX], [homeLookAtY], [homeLookAtZ], [created], "; sql += "[lastLogin], [userInventoryURI], [userAssetURI], [profileCanDoMask], [profileWantDoMask], [profileAboutText], "; sql += "[profileFirstText], [profileImage], [profileFirstImage], [webLoginKey]) VALUES "; sql += "(@UUID, @username, @lastname, @passwordHash, @passwordSalt, @homeRegion, "; sql += "@homeLocationX, @homeLocationY, @homeLocationZ, @homeLookAtX, @homeLookAtY, @homeLookAtZ, @created, "; sql += "@lastLogin, @userInventoryURI, @userAssetURI, @profileCanDoMask, @profileWantDoMask, @profileAboutText, "; sql += "@profileFirstText, @profileImage, @profileFirstImage, @webLoginKey);"; Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); parameters["UUID"] = uuid.ToString(); parameters["username"] = username.ToString(); parameters["lastname"] = lastname.ToString(); parameters["passwordHash"] = passwordHash.ToString(); parameters["passwordSalt"] = passwordSalt.ToString(); parameters["homeRegion"] = homeRegion.ToString(); parameters["homeLocationX"] = homeLocX.ToString(); parameters["homeLocationY"] = homeLocY.ToString(); parameters["homeLocationZ"] = homeLocZ.ToString(); parameters["homeLookAtX"] = homeLookAtX.ToString(); parameters["homeLookAtY"] = homeLookAtY.ToString(); parameters["homeLookAtZ"] = homeLookAtZ.ToString(); parameters["created"] = created.ToString(); parameters["lastLogin"] = lastlogin.ToString(); parameters["userInventoryURI"] = String.Empty; parameters["userAssetURI"] = String.Empty; parameters["profileCanDoMask"] = "0"; parameters["profileWantDoMask"] = "0"; parameters["profileAboutText"] = String.Empty; parameters["profileFirstText"] = String.Empty; parameters["profileImage"] = LLUUID.Zero.ToString(); parameters["profileFirstImage"] = LLUUID.Zero.ToString(); parameters["webLoginKey"] = LLUUID.Random().ToString(); bool returnval = false; try { IDbCommand result = Query(sql, parameters); if (result.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) returnval = true; result.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } return returnval; } /// /// Execute a SQL statement stored in a resource, as a string /// /// public void ExecuteResourceSql(string name) { try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(getResourceString(name), (SqlConnection) dbcon); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("Unable to execute query " + e.ToString()); } } public SqlConnection getConnection() { return (SqlConnection) dbcon; } /// /// Given a list of tables, return the version of the tables, as seen in the database /// /// public void GetTableVersion(Dictionary tableList) { lock (dbcon) { Dictionary param = new Dictionary(); param["dbname"] = dbcon.Database; IDbCommand tablesCmd = Query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_CATALOG=@dbname", param); using (IDataReader tables = tablesCmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (tables.Read()) { try { string tableName = (string) tables["TABLE_NAME"]; if (tableList.ContainsKey(tableName)) tableList[tableName] = tableName; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(e.ToString()); } } tables.Close(); } } } private string getResourceString(string name) { Assembly assem = GetType().Assembly; string[] names = assem.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (string s in names) if (s.EndsWith(name)) using (Stream resource = assem.GetManifestResourceStream(s)) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(resource)) { string resourceString = resourceReader.ReadToEnd(); return resourceString; } } throw new Exception(string.Format("Resource '{0}' was not found", name)); } /// /// Returns the version of this DB provider /// /// A string containing the DB provider public string getVersion() { Module module = GetType().Module; string dllName = module.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name; Version dllVersion = module.Assembly.GetName().Version; return string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", dllVersion.Major, dllVersion.Minor, dllVersion.Build, dllVersion.Revision); } } }