using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Web; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; namespace OpenSim.Framework.RestClient { /// /// Implementation of a generic REST client /// /// /// This class is a generic implementation of a REST (Representational State Transfer) web service. This /// class is designed to execute both synchroneously and asynchroneously. /// /// Internally the implementation works as a two stage asynchroneous web-client. /// When the request is initiated, RestClient will query asynchroneously for for a web-response, /// sleeping until the initial response is returned by the server. Once the initial response is retrieved /// the second stage of asynchroneous requests will be triggered, in an attempt to read of the response /// object into a memorystream as a sequence of asynchroneous reads. /// /// The asynchronisity of RestClient is designed to move as much processing into the back-ground, allowing /// other threads to execute, while it waits for a response from the web-service. RestClient it self, can be /// invoked by the caller in either synchroneous mode or asynchroneous mode. /// public class RestClient { /// /// The base Uri of the web-service e.g. /// private string _url; /// /// Path elements of the query /// private List _pathElements = new List(); /// /// Parameter elements of the query, e.g. min=34 /// private Dictionary _parameterElements = new Dictionary(); /// /// Request method. E.g. GET, POST, PUT or DELETE /// private string _method; /// /// Temporary buffer used to store bytes temporarily as they come in from the server /// private byte[] _readbuf; /// /// MemoryStream representing the resultiong resource /// MemoryStream _resource; /// /// WebRequest object, held as a member variable /// private HttpWebRequest _request; /// /// WebResponse object, held as a member variable, so we can close it /// private HttpWebResponse _response; /// /// This flag will help block the main synchroneous method, in case we run in synchroneous mode /// public static ManualResetEvent _allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false); /// /// Default time out period /// const int DefaultTimeout = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds timeout /// /// Default Buffer size of a block requested from the web-server /// const int BufferSize = 4096; // Read blocks of 4 KB. /// /// if an exception occours during async processing, we need to save it, so it can be /// rethrown on the primary thread; /// private Exception _asyncException; /// /// Instantiate a new RestClient /// /// Web-service to query, e.g. public RestClient(string url) { _url = url; _readbuf = new byte[BufferSize]; _resource = new MemoryStream(); _request = null; _response = null; } /// /// Add a path element to the query, e.g. assets /// /// path entry public void AddResourcePath(string element) { if(isSlashed(element)) _pathElements.Add(element.Substring(0, element.Length-1)); else _pathElements.Add(element); } /// /// Add a query parameter to the Url /// /// Name of the parameter, e.g. min /// Value of the parameter, e.g. 42 public void AddQueryParameter(string name, string value) { _parameterElements.Add(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(name), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value)); } /// /// Web-Request method, e.g. GET, PUT, POST, DELETE /// public string RequestMethod { get { return _method; } set { _method = value; } } /// /// True if string contains a trailing slash '/' /// /// string to be examined /// true if slash is present private bool isSlashed(string s) { return s.Substring(s.Length - 1, 1) == "/"; } /// /// return a slash or blank. A slash will be returned if the string does not contain one /// /// stromg to be examined /// slash '/' if not already present private string slash(string s) { return isSlashed(s) ? "" : "/"; } /// /// Build a Uri based on the intial Url, path elements and parameters /// /// fully constructed Uri Uri buildUri() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(_url); foreach (string e in _pathElements) { sb.Append("/"); sb.Append(e); } bool firstElement = true; foreach (KeyValuePair kv in _parameterElements) { if (firstElement) { sb.Append("?"); firstElement = false; } else sb.Append("&"); sb.Append(kv.Key); if (kv.Value != null && kv.Value.Length != 0) { sb.Append("="); sb.Append(kv.Value); } } return new Uri(sb.ToString()); } /// /// Async method, invoked when a block of data has been received from the service /// /// private void StreamIsReadyDelegate(IAsyncResult ar) { try { Stream s = (Stream)ar.AsyncState; int read = s.EndRead(ar); // Read the HTML page and then print it to the console. if (read > 0) { _resource.Write(_readbuf, 0, read); IAsyncResult asynchronousResult = s.BeginRead(_readbuf, 0, BufferSize, new AsyncCallback(StreamIsReadyDelegate), s); // TODO! Implement timeout, without killing the server //ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(asynchronousResult.AsyncWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(TimeoutCallback), _request, DefaultTimeout, true); return; } else { s.Close(); _allDone.Set(); } } catch (Exception e) { _allDone.Set(); _asyncException = e; } } /// /// Async method, invoked when the intial response if received from the server /// /// private void ResponseIsReadyDelegate(IAsyncResult ar) { try { // grab response WebRequest wr = (WebRequest)ar.AsyncState; _response = (HttpWebResponse)wr.EndGetResponse(ar); // get response stream, and setup async reading Stream s = _response.GetResponseStream(); IAsyncResult asynchronousResult = s.BeginRead(_readbuf, 0, BufferSize, new AsyncCallback(StreamIsReadyDelegate), s); // TODO! Implement timeout, without killing the server // wait until completed, or we timed out // ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(asynchronousResult.AsyncWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(TimeoutCallback), _request, DefaultTimeout, true); } catch (Exception e) { _allDone.Set(); _asyncException = e; } } // Abort the request if the timer fires. private static void TimeoutCallback(object state, bool timedOut) { if (timedOut) { HttpWebRequest request = state as HttpWebRequest; if (request != null) { request.Abort(); } } } /// /// Perform synchroneous request /// public Stream Request() { _request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(buildUri()); _request.KeepAlive = false; _request.ContentType = "text/html"; _request.Timeout = 200; _asyncException = null; IAsyncResult responseAsyncResult = _request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(ResponseIsReadyDelegate), _request); // TODO! Implement timeout, without killing the server // this line implements the timeout, if there is a timeout, the callback fires and the request becomes aborted //ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(responseAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle, new WaitOrTimerCallback(TimeoutCallback), _request, DefaultTimeout, true); _allDone.WaitOne(); if(_response != null) _response.Close(); if (_asyncException != null) throw _asyncException; return _resource; } #region Async Invocation public IAsyncResult BeginRequest(AsyncCallback callback, object state) { /// /// In case, we are invoked asynchroneously this object will keep track of the state /// AsyncResult ar = new AsyncResult(callback, state); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(RequestHelper, ar); return ar; } public Stream EndRequest(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)asyncResult; // Wait for operation to complete, then return result or // throw exception return ar.EndInvoke(); } private void RequestHelper(Object asyncResult) { // We know that it's really an AsyncResult object AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)asyncResult; try { // Perform the operation; if sucessful set the result Stream s = Request(); ar.SetAsCompleted(s, false); } catch (Exception e) { // If operation fails, set the exception ar.HandleException(e, false); } } #endregion Async Invocation } }