/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenMetaverse.StructuredData; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications { /// <summary> /// A temp class to handle login response. /// Should make use of UserProfileManager where possible. /// </summary> public class LoginResponse { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private Hashtable loginFlagsHash; private Hashtable globalTexturesHash; private Hashtable loginError; private Hashtable uiConfigHash; private ArrayList loginFlags; private ArrayList globalTextures; private ArrayList eventCategories; private ArrayList uiConfig; private ArrayList classifiedCategories; private ArrayList inventoryRoot; private ArrayList initialOutfit; private ArrayList agentInventory; private ArrayList inventoryLibraryOwner; private ArrayList inventoryLibRoot; private ArrayList inventoryLibrary; private ArrayList activeGestures; private UserInfo userProfile; private UUID agentID; private UUID sessionID; private UUID secureSessionID; // Login Flags private string dst; private string stipendSinceLogin; private string gendered; private string everLoggedIn; private string login; private uint simPort; private uint simHttpPort; private string simAddress; private string agentAccess; private Int32 circuitCode; private uint regionX; private uint regionY; // Login private string firstname; private string lastname; // Global Textures private string sunTexture; private string cloudTexture; private string moonTexture; // Error Flags private string errorReason; private string errorMessage; // Response private XmlRpcResponse xmlRpcResponse; // private XmlRpcResponse defaultXmlRpcResponse; private string welcomeMessage; private string startLocation; private string allowFirstLife; private string home; private string seedCapability; private string lookAt; private BuddyList m_buddyList = null; public LoginResponse() { loginFlags = new ArrayList(); globalTextures = new ArrayList(); eventCategories = new ArrayList(); uiConfig = new ArrayList(); classifiedCategories = new ArrayList(); loginError = new Hashtable(); uiConfigHash = new Hashtable(); // defaultXmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); userProfile = new UserInfo(); inventoryRoot = new ArrayList(); initialOutfit = new ArrayList(); agentInventory = new ArrayList(); inventoryLibrary = new ArrayList(); inventoryLibraryOwner = new ArrayList(); activeGestures = new ArrayList(); xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // defaultXmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); SetDefaultValues(); } private void SetDefaultValues() { DST = "N"; StipendSinceLogin = "N"; Gendered = "Y"; EverLoggedIn = "Y"; login = "false"; firstname = "Test"; lastname = "User"; agentAccess = "M"; startLocation = "last"; allowFirstLife = "Y"; SunTexture = "cce0f112-878f-4586-a2e2-a8f104bba271"; CloudTexture = "dc4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621"; MoonTexture = "ec4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621"; ErrorMessage = "You have entered an invalid name/password combination. Check Caps/lock."; ErrorReason = "key"; welcomeMessage = "Welcome to OpenSim!"; seedCapability = String.Empty; home = "{'region_handle':[r" + (1000*Constants.RegionSize).ToString() + ",r" + (1000*Constants.RegionSize).ToString() + "], 'position':[r" + userProfile.homepos.X.ToString() + ",r" + userProfile.homepos.Y.ToString() + ",r" + userProfile.homepos.Z.ToString() + "], 'look_at':[r" + userProfile.homelookat.X.ToString() + ",r" + userProfile.homelookat.Y.ToString() + ",r" + userProfile.homelookat.Z.ToString() + "]}"; lookAt = "[r0.99949799999999999756,r0.03166859999999999814,r0]"; RegionX = (uint) 255232; RegionY = (uint) 254976; // Classifieds; AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 1, "Shopping"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 2, "Land Rental"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 3, "Property Rental"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 4, "Special Attraction"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 5, "New Products"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 6, "Employment"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 7, "Wanted"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 8, "Service"); AddClassifiedCategory((Int32) 9, "Personal"); SessionID = UUID.Random(); SecureSessionID = UUID.Random(); AgentID = UUID.Random(); Hashtable InitialOutfitHash = new Hashtable(); InitialOutfitHash["folder_name"] = "Nightclub Female"; InitialOutfitHash["gender"] = "female"; initialOutfit.Add(InitialOutfitHash); } #region Login Failure Methods public XmlRpcResponse GenerateFailureResponse(string reason, string message, string login) { // Overwrite any default values; xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); // Ensure Login Failed message/reason; ErrorMessage = message; ErrorReason = reason; loginError["reason"] = ErrorReason; loginError["message"] = ErrorMessage; loginError["login"] = login; xmlRpcResponse.Value = loginError; return (xmlRpcResponse); } public OSD GenerateFailureResponseLLSD(string reason, string message, string login) { OSDMap map = new OSDMap(); // Ensure Login Failed message/reason; ErrorMessage = message; ErrorReason = reason; map["reason"] = OSD.FromString(ErrorReason); map["message"] = OSD.FromString(ErrorMessage); map["login"] = OSD.FromString(login); return map; } public XmlRpcResponse CreateFailedResponse() { return (CreateLoginFailedResponse()); } public OSD CreateFailedResponseLLSD() { return CreateLoginFailedResponseLLSD(); } public XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginFailedResponse() { return (GenerateFailureResponse("key", "Could not authenticate your avatar. Please check your username and password, and check the grid if problems persist.", "false")); } public OSD CreateLoginFailedResponseLLSD() { return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD( "key", "Could not authenticate your avatar. Please check your username and password, and check the grid if problems persist.", "false"); } /// <summary> /// Response to indicate that login failed because the agent's inventory was not available. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginInventoryFailedResponse() { return GenerateFailureResponse( "key", "The avatar inventory service is not responding. Please notify your login region operator.", "false"); } public XmlRpcResponse CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse() { return (GenerateFailureResponse("presence", "You appear to be already logged in. " + "If this is not the case please wait for your session to timeout. " + "If this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner. " + "Please wait 5 minutes if you are going to connect to a region nearby to the region you were at previously.", "false")); } public OSD CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponseLLSD() { return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD( "presence", "You appear to be already logged in. " + "If this is not the case please wait for your session to timeout. " + "If this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner", "false"); } public XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginBlockedResponse() { return (GenerateFailureResponse("presence", "Logins are currently restricted. Please try again later", "false")); } public OSD CreateLoginBlockedResponseLLSD() { return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD( "presence", "Logins are currently restricted. Please try again later", "false"); } public XmlRpcResponse CreateDeadRegionResponse() { return (GenerateFailureResponse("key", "The region you are attempting to log into is not responding. Please select another region and try again.", "false")); } public OSD CreateDeadRegionResponseLLSD() { return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD( "key", "The region you are attempting to log into is not responding. Please select another region and try again.", "false"); } public XmlRpcResponse CreateGridErrorResponse() { return (GenerateFailureResponse("key", "Error connecting to grid. Could not percieve credentials from login XML.", "false")); } public OSD CreateGridErrorResponseLLSD() { return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD( "key", "Error connecting to grid. Could not percieve credentials from login XML.", "false"); } #endregion public virtual XmlRpcResponse ToXmlRpcResponse() { try { Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); loginFlagsHash = new Hashtable(); loginFlagsHash["daylight_savings"] = DST; loginFlagsHash["stipend_since_login"] = StipendSinceLogin; loginFlagsHash["gendered"] = Gendered; loginFlagsHash["ever_logged_in"] = EverLoggedIn; loginFlags.Add(loginFlagsHash); responseData["first_name"] = Firstname; responseData["last_name"] = Lastname; responseData["agent_access"] = agentAccess; globalTexturesHash = new Hashtable(); globalTexturesHash["sun_texture_id"] = SunTexture; globalTexturesHash["cloud_texture_id"] = CloudTexture; globalTexturesHash["moon_texture_id"] = MoonTexture; globalTextures.Add(globalTexturesHash); // this.eventCategories.Add(this.eventCategoriesHash); AddToUIConfig("allow_first_life", allowFirstLife); uiConfig.Add(uiConfigHash); responseData["sim_port"] = (Int32) SimPort; responseData["sim_ip"] = SimAddress; responseData["http_port"] = (Int32)SimHttpPort; responseData["agent_id"] = AgentID.ToString(); responseData["session_id"] = SessionID.ToString(); responseData["secure_session_id"] = SecureSessionID.ToString(); responseData["circuit_code"] = CircuitCode; responseData["seconds_since_epoch"] = (Int32) (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; responseData["login-flags"] = loginFlags; responseData["global-textures"] = globalTextures; responseData["seed_capability"] = seedCapability; responseData["event_categories"] = eventCategories; responseData["event_notifications"] = new ArrayList(); // todo responseData["classified_categories"] = classifiedCategories; responseData["ui-config"] = uiConfig; responseData["inventory-skeleton"] = agentInventory; responseData["inventory-skel-lib"] = inventoryLibrary; responseData["inventory-root"] = inventoryRoot; responseData["inventory-lib-root"] = inventoryLibRoot; responseData["gestures"] = activeGestures; responseData["inventory-lib-owner"] = inventoryLibraryOwner; responseData["initial-outfit"] = initialOutfit; responseData["start_location"] = startLocation; responseData["seed_capability"] = seedCapability; responseData["home"] = home; responseData["look_at"] = lookAt; responseData["message"] = welcomeMessage; responseData["region_x"] = (Int32)(RegionX * Constants.RegionSize); responseData["region_y"] = (Int32)(RegionY * Constants.RegionSize); //responseData["inventory-lib-root"] = new ArrayList(); // todo if (m_buddyList != null) { responseData["buddy-list"] = m_buddyList.ToArray(); } responseData["login"] = "true"; xmlRpcResponse.Value = responseData; return (xmlRpcResponse); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn("[CLIENT]: LoginResponse: Error creating XML-RPC Response: " + e.Message); return (GenerateFailureResponse("Internal Error", "Error generating Login Response", "false")); } } public OSD ToLLSDResponse() { try { OSDMap map = new OSDMap(); map["first_name"] = OSD.FromString(Firstname); map["last_name"] = OSD.FromString(Lastname); map["agent_access"] = OSD.FromString(agentAccess); map["sim_port"] = OSD.FromInteger(SimPort); map["sim_ip"] = OSD.FromString(SimAddress); map["agent_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(AgentID); map["session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SessionID); map["secure_session_id"] = OSD.FromUUID(SecureSessionID); map["circuit_code"] = OSD.FromInteger(CircuitCode); map["seconds_since_epoch"] = OSD.FromInteger((int)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds); #region Login Flags OSDMap loginFlagsLLSD = new OSDMap(); loginFlagsLLSD["daylight_savings"] = OSD.FromString(DST); loginFlagsLLSD["stipend_since_login"] = OSD.FromString(StipendSinceLogin); loginFlagsLLSD["gendered"] = OSD.FromString(Gendered); loginFlagsLLSD["ever_logged_in"] = OSD.FromString(EverLoggedIn); map["login-flags"] = WrapOSDMap(loginFlagsLLSD); #endregion Login Flags #region Global Textures OSDMap globalTexturesLLSD = new OSDMap(); globalTexturesLLSD["sun_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(SunTexture); globalTexturesLLSD["cloud_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(CloudTexture); globalTexturesLLSD["moon_texture_id"] = OSD.FromString(MoonTexture); map["global-textures"] = WrapOSDMap(globalTexturesLLSD); #endregion Global Textures map["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(seedCapability); map["event_categories"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(eventCategories); //map["event_notifications"] = new OSDArray(); // todo map["classified_categories"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(classifiedCategories); #region UI Config OSDMap uiConfigLLSD = new OSDMap(); uiConfigLLSD["allow_first_life"] = OSD.FromString(allowFirstLife); map["ui-config"] = WrapOSDMap(uiConfigLLSD); #endregion UI Config #region Inventory map["inventory-skeleton"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(agentInventory); map["inventory-skel-lib"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibrary); map["inventory-root"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryRoot); ; map["inventory-lib-root"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibRoot); map["inventory-lib-owner"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(inventoryLibraryOwner); #endregion Inventory map["gestures"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(activeGestures); map["initial-outfit"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(initialOutfit); map["start_location"] = OSD.FromString(startLocation); map["seed_capability"] = OSD.FromString(seedCapability); map["home"] = OSD.FromString(home); map["look_at"] = OSD.FromString(lookAt); map["message"] = OSD.FromString(welcomeMessage); map["region_x"] = OSD.FromInteger(RegionX * Constants.RegionSize); map["region_y"] = OSD.FromInteger(RegionY * Constants.RegionSize); if (m_buddyList != null) { map["buddy-list"] = ArrayListToOSDArray(m_buddyList.ToArray()); } map["login"] = OSD.FromString("true"); return map; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn("[CLIENT]: LoginResponse: Error creating LLSD Response: " + e.Message); return GenerateFailureResponseLLSD("Internal Error", "Error generating Login Response", "false"); } } public OSDArray ArrayListToOSDArray(ArrayList arrlst) { OSDArray llsdBack = new OSDArray(); foreach (Hashtable ht in arrlst) { OSDMap mp = new OSDMap(); foreach (DictionaryEntry deHt in ht) { mp.Add((string)deHt.Key, OSDString.FromObject(deHt.Value)); } llsdBack.Add(mp); } return llsdBack; } private static OSDArray WrapOSDMap(OSDMap wrapMe) { OSDArray array = new OSDArray(); array.Add(wrapMe); return array; } public void SetEventCategories(string category, string value) { // this.eventCategoriesHash[category] = value; //TODO } public void AddToUIConfig(string itemName, string item) { uiConfigHash[itemName] = item; } public void AddClassifiedCategory(Int32 ID, string categoryName) { Hashtable hash = new Hashtable(); hash["category_name"] = categoryName; hash["category_id"] = ID; classifiedCategories.Add(hash); // this.classifiedCategoriesHash.Clear(); } #region Properties public string Login { get { return login; } set { login = value; } } public string DST { get { return dst; } set { dst = value; } } public string StipendSinceLogin { get { return stipendSinceLogin; } set { stipendSinceLogin = value; } } public string Gendered { get { return gendered; } set { gendered = value; } } public string EverLoggedIn { get { return everLoggedIn; } set { everLoggedIn = value; } } public uint SimPort { get { return simPort; } set { simPort = value; } } public uint SimHttpPort { get { return simHttpPort; } set { simHttpPort = value; } } public string SimAddress { get { return simAddress; } set { simAddress = value; } } public UUID AgentID { get { return agentID; } set { agentID = value; } } public UUID SessionID { get { return sessionID; } set { sessionID = value; } } public UUID SecureSessionID { get { return secureSessionID; } set { secureSessionID = value; } } public Int32 CircuitCode { get { return circuitCode; } set { circuitCode = value; } } public uint RegionX { get { return regionX; } set { regionX = value; } } public uint RegionY { get { return regionY; } set { regionY = value; } } public string SunTexture { get { return sunTexture; } set { sunTexture = value; } } public string CloudTexture { get { return cloudTexture; } set { cloudTexture = value; } } public string MoonTexture { get { return moonTexture; } set { moonTexture = value; } } public string Firstname { get { return firstname; } set { firstname = value; } } public string Lastname { get { return lastname; } set { lastname = value; } } public string AgentAccess { get { return agentAccess; } set { agentAccess = value; } } public string StartLocation { get { return startLocation; } set { startLocation = value; } } public string LookAt { get { return lookAt; } set { lookAt = value; } } public string SeedCapability { get { return seedCapability; } set { seedCapability = value; } } public string ErrorReason { get { return errorReason; } set { errorReason = value; } } public string ErrorMessage { get { return errorMessage; } set { errorMessage = value; } } public ArrayList InventoryRoot { get { return inventoryRoot; } set { inventoryRoot = value; } } public ArrayList InventorySkeleton { get { return agentInventory; } set { agentInventory = value; } } public ArrayList InventoryLibrary { get { return inventoryLibrary; } set { inventoryLibrary = value; } } public ArrayList InventoryLibraryOwner { get { return inventoryLibraryOwner; } set { inventoryLibraryOwner = value; } } public ArrayList InventoryLibRoot { get { return inventoryLibRoot; } set { inventoryLibRoot = value; } } public ArrayList ActiveGestures { get { return activeGestures; } set { activeGestures = value; } } public string Home { get { return home; } set { home = value; } } public string Message { get { return welcomeMessage; } set { welcomeMessage = value; } } public BuddyList BuddList { get { return m_buddyList; } set { m_buddyList = value; } } #endregion public class UserInfo { public string firstname; public string lastname; public ulong homeregionhandle; public Vector3 homepos; public Vector3 homelookat; } public class BuddyList { public List<BuddyInfo> Buddies = new List<BuddyInfo>(); public void AddNewBuddy(BuddyInfo buddy) { if (!Buddies.Contains(buddy)) { Buddies.Add(buddy); } } public ArrayList ToArray() { ArrayList buddyArray = new ArrayList(); foreach (BuddyInfo buddy in Buddies) { buddyArray.Add(buddy.ToHashTable()); } return buddyArray; } public class BuddyInfo { public int BuddyRightsHave = 1; public int BuddyRightsGiven = 1; public UUID BuddyID; public BuddyInfo(string buddyID) { BuddyID = new UUID(buddyID); } public BuddyInfo(UUID buddyID) { BuddyID = buddyID; } public Hashtable ToHashTable() { Hashtable hTable = new Hashtable(); hTable["buddy_rights_has"] = BuddyRightsHave; hTable["buddy_rights_given"] = BuddyRightsGiven; hTable["buddy_id"] = BuddyID.ToString(); return hTable; } } } } }