/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers; using OpenSim.Region.Capabilities; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Cache { /// /// Manage asset transactions for a single agent. /// public class AgentAssetTransactions { private static readonly log4net.ILog m_log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); // Fields public List CapsUploaders = new List(); public List NotecardUpdaters = new List(); public LLUUID UserID; public Dictionary XferUploaders = new Dictionary(); public AgentAssetTransactionsManager Manager; private bool m_dumpAssetsToFile; // Methods public AgentAssetTransactions(LLUUID agentID, AgentAssetTransactionsManager manager, bool dumpAssetsToFile) { UserID = agentID; Manager = manager; m_dumpAssetsToFile = dumpAssetsToFile; } public AssetCapsUploader RequestCapsUploader() { AssetCapsUploader uploader = new AssetCapsUploader(); CapsUploaders.Add(uploader); return uploader; } public NoteCardCapsUpdate RequestNoteCardUpdater() { NoteCardCapsUpdate update = new NoteCardCapsUpdate(); NotecardUpdaters.Add(update); return update; } public AssetXferUploader RequestXferUploader(LLUUID transactionID) { if (!XferUploaders.ContainsKey(transactionID)) { AssetXferUploader uploader = new AssetXferUploader(this, m_dumpAssetsToFile); lock (XferUploaders) { XferUploaders.Add(transactionID, uploader); } return uploader; } return null; } public void HandleXfer(ulong xferID, uint packetID, byte[] data) { AssetXferUploader uploaderFound = null; lock (XferUploaders) { foreach (AssetXferUploader uploader in XferUploaders.Values) { if (uploader.XferID == xferID) { if (uploader.HandleXferPacket(xferID, packetID, data)) { uploaderFound = uploader; } break; } } // Remove the uploader once the uploader is complete //[don't think we can be sure a upload has finished from here, uploads are multi part things] // [or maybe we can if we do more checking like data lenght checks] if (uploaderFound != null) { // m_log.Info( // String.Format( // "[ASSET TRANSACTIONS] Removing asset xfer uploader with transfer id {0}, transaction {1}", // xferID, uploaderFound.TransactionID)); // XferUploaders.Remove(uploaderFound.TransactionID); //m_log.InfoFormat("[ASSET TRANSACTIONS] Current uploaders: {0}", XferUploaders.Count); } } } public void RequestCreateInventoryItem(IClientAPI remoteClient, LLUUID transactionID, LLUUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte type, byte wearableType, uint nextOwnerMask) { if (XferUploaders.ContainsKey(transactionID)) { XferUploaders[transactionID].RequestCreateInventoryItem(remoteClient, transactionID, folderID, callbackID, description, name, invType, type, wearableType, nextOwnerMask); } } /// /// Get an uploaded asset. If the data is successfully retrieved, the transaction will be removed. /// /// /// The asset if the upload has completed, null if it has not. public AssetBase GetTransactionAsset(LLUUID transactionID) { if (XferUploaders.ContainsKey(transactionID)) { AssetXferUploader uploader = XferUploaders[transactionID]; AssetBase asset = uploader.GetAssetData(); lock (XferUploaders) { XferUploaders.Remove(transactionID); } return asset; } return null; } // Nested Types public class AssetXferUploader { // Fields public bool AddToInventory; public AssetBase Asset; public LLUUID InventFolder = LLUUID.Zero; private IClientAPI ourClient; public LLUUID TransactionID = LLUUID.Zero; public bool UploadComplete; public ulong XferID; private string m_name = String.Empty; private string m_description = String.Empty; private sbyte type = 0; private sbyte invType = 0; private uint nextPerm = 0; private bool m_finished = false; private bool m_createItem = false; private AgentAssetTransactions m_userTransactions; private bool m_storeLocal; private bool m_dumpAssetToFile; public AssetXferUploader(AgentAssetTransactions transactions, bool dumpAssetToFile) { m_userTransactions = transactions; m_dumpAssetToFile = dumpAssetToFile; } /// /// Process transfer data received from the client. /// /// /// /// /// True if the transfer is complete, false otherwise or if the xferID was not valid public bool HandleXferPacket(ulong xferID, uint packetID, byte[] data) { if (XferID == xferID) { if (Asset.Data.Length > 1) { byte[] destinationArray = new byte[Asset.Data.Length + data.Length]; Array.Copy(Asset.Data, 0, destinationArray, 0, Asset.Data.Length); Array.Copy(data, 0, destinationArray, Asset.Data.Length, data.Length); Asset.Data = destinationArray; } else { byte[] buffer2 = new byte[data.Length - 4]; Array.Copy(data, 4, buffer2, 0, data.Length - 4); Asset.Data = buffer2; } ConfirmXferPacketPacket newPack = new ConfirmXferPacketPacket(); newPack.XferID.ID = xferID; newPack.XferID.Packet = packetID; ourClient.OutPacket(newPack, ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset); if ((packetID & 0x80000000) != 0) { SendCompleteMessage(); return true; } } return false; } /// /// Initialise asset transfer from the client /// /// /// /// /// True if the transfer is complete, false otherwise public bool Initialise(IClientAPI remoteClient, LLUUID assetID, LLUUID transaction, sbyte type, byte[] data, bool storeLocal, bool tempFile) { ourClient = remoteClient; Asset = new AssetBase(); Asset.FullID = assetID; Asset.InvType = type; Asset.Type = type; Asset.Data = data; Asset.Name = "blank"; Asset.Description = "empty"; Asset.Local = storeLocal; Asset.Temporary = tempFile; TransactionID = transaction; m_storeLocal = storeLocal; if (Asset.Data.Length > 2) { SendCompleteMessage(); return true; } else { ReqestStartXfer(); } return false; } protected void ReqestStartXfer() { UploadComplete = false; XferID = Util.GetNextXferID(); RequestXferPacket newPack = new RequestXferPacket(); newPack.XferID.ID = XferID; newPack.XferID.VFileType = Asset.Type; newPack.XferID.VFileID = Asset.FullID; newPack.XferID.FilePath = 0; newPack.XferID.Filename = new byte[0]; ourClient.OutPacket(newPack, ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset); } protected void SendCompleteMessage() { UploadComplete = true; AssetUploadCompletePacket newPack = new AssetUploadCompletePacket(); newPack.AssetBlock.Type = Asset.Type; newPack.AssetBlock.Success = true; newPack.AssetBlock.UUID = Asset.FullID; ourClient.OutPacket(newPack, ThrottleOutPacketType.Asset); m_finished = true; if (m_createItem) { DoCreateItem(); } else if (m_storeLocal) { m_userTransactions.Manager.CommsManager.AssetCache.AddAsset(Asset); } // Console.WriteLine("upload complete "+ this.TransactionID); if (m_dumpAssetToFile) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string filename = String.Format("{6}_{7}_{0:d2}{1:d2}{2:d2}_{3:d2}{4:d2}{5:d2}.dat", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second, Asset.Name, Asset.Type); SaveAssetToFile(filename, Asset.Data); } } ///Left this in and commented in case there are unforseen issues //private void SaveAssetToFile(string filename, byte[] data) //{ // FileStream fs = File.Create(filename); // BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); // bw.Write(data); // bw.Close(); // fs.Close(); //} private void SaveAssetToFile(string filename, byte[] data) { string assetPath = "UserAssets"; if (!Directory.Exists(assetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assetPath); } FileStream fs = File.Create(Path.Combine(assetPath, filename)); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(data); bw.Close(); fs.Close(); } public void RequestCreateInventoryItem(IClientAPI remoteClient, LLUUID transactionID, LLUUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte type, byte wearableType, uint nextOwnerMask) { if (TransactionID == transactionID) { InventFolder = folderID; m_name = name; m_description = description; this.type = type; this.invType = invType; nextPerm = nextOwnerMask; Asset.Name = name; Asset.Description = description; Asset.Type = type; Asset.InvType = invType; m_createItem = true; if (m_finished) { DoCreateItem(); } } } private void DoCreateItem() { //really need to fix this call, if lbsa71 saw this he would die. m_userTransactions.Manager.CommsManager.AssetCache.AddAsset(Asset); CachedUserInfo userInfo = m_userTransactions.Manager.CommsManager.UserProfileCacheService.GetUserDetails(ourClient.AgentId); if (userInfo != null) { InventoryItemBase item = new InventoryItemBase(); item.avatarID = ourClient.AgentId; item.creatorsID = ourClient.AgentId; item.inventoryID = LLUUID.Random(); item.assetID = Asset.FullID; item.inventoryDescription = m_description; item.inventoryName = m_name; item.assetType = type; item.invType = invType; item.parentFolderID = InventFolder; item.inventoryBasePermissions = 2147483647; item.inventoryCurrentPermissions = 2147483647; item.inventoryNextPermissions = nextPerm; userInfo.AddItem(ourClient.AgentId, item); ourClient.SendInventoryItemCreateUpdate(item); } } public AssetBase GetAssetData() { if (m_finished) { return Asset; } return null; } } #region Nested Classes currently not in use (waiting for them to be enabled) public class AssetCapsUploader { // Fields private BaseHttpServer httpListener; private LLUUID inventoryItemID; private string m_assetDescription = String.Empty; private string m_assetName = String.Empty; private LLUUID m_folderID; private LLUUID newAssetID; private bool m_dumpImageToFile; private string uploaderPath = String.Empty; // Events public event UpLoadedAsset OnUpLoad; // Methods public void Initialise(string assetName, string assetDescription, LLUUID assetID, LLUUID inventoryItem, LLUUID folderID, string path, BaseHttpServer httpServer, bool dumpImageToFile) { m_assetName = assetName; m_assetDescription = assetDescription; m_folderID = folderID; newAssetID = assetID; inventoryItemID = inventoryItem; uploaderPath = path; httpListener = httpServer; m_dumpImageToFile = dumpImageToFile; } private void SaveImageToFile(string filename, byte[] data) { FileStream output = File.Create(filename); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(output); writer.Write(data); writer.Close(); output.Close(); } public string uploaderCaps(byte[] data, string path, string param) { LLUUID inventoryItemID = this.inventoryItemID; string text = String.Empty; LLSDAssetUploadComplete complete = new LLSDAssetUploadComplete(); complete.new_asset = newAssetID.ToString(); complete.new_inventory_item = inventoryItemID; complete.state = "complete"; text = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(complete); httpListener.RemoveStreamHandler("POST", uploaderPath); if (m_dumpImageToFile) { SaveImageToFile(m_assetName + ".jp2", data); } if (OnUpLoad != null) { OnUpLoad(m_assetName, "description", newAssetID, inventoryItemID, LLUUID.Zero, data, String.Empty, String.Empty); } return text; } } public class NoteCardCapsUpdate { // Fields private BaseHttpServer httpListener; private LLUUID inventoryItemID; private string m_assetName = String.Empty; private LLUUID newAssetID; private bool SaveImages = false; private string uploaderPath = String.Empty; // Events public event UpLoadedAsset OnUpLoad; // Methods public void Initialise(LLUUID inventoryItem, string path, BaseHttpServer httpServer) { inventoryItemID = inventoryItem; uploaderPath = path; httpListener = httpServer; newAssetID = LLUUID.Random(); } private void SaveImageToFile(string filename, byte[] data) { FileStream output = File.Create(filename); BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(output); writer.Write(data); writer.Close(); output.Close(); } public string uploaderCaps(byte[] data, string path, string param) { LLUUID inventoryItemID = this.inventoryItemID; string text = String.Empty; LLSDAssetUploadComplete complete = new LLSDAssetUploadComplete(); complete.new_asset = newAssetID.ToString(); complete.new_inventory_item = inventoryItemID; complete.state = "complete"; text = LLSDHelpers.SerialiseLLSDReply(complete); httpListener.RemoveStreamHandler("POST", uploaderPath); if (SaveImages) { SaveImageToFile(m_assetName + "notecard.txt", data); } if (OnUpLoad != null) { OnUpLoad(m_assetName, "description", newAssetID, inventoryItemID, LLUUID.Zero, data, String.Empty, String.Empty); } return text; } } #endregion } }