/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Reflection; using log4net; using Mono.Data.SqliteClient; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Framework; namespace OpenSim.Data.SQLite { /// <summary> /// A User storage interface for the SQLite database system /// </summary> public class SQLiteUserData : UserDataBase { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// <summary> /// The database manager /// </summary> /// <summary> /// Artificial constructor called upon plugin load /// </summary> private const string SelectUserByUUID = "select * from users where UUID=:UUID"; private const string SelectUserByName = "select * from users where username=:username and surname=:surname"; private const string SelectFriendsByUUID = "select a.friendID, a.friendPerms, b.friendPerms from userfriends as a, userfriends as b where a.ownerID=:ownerID and b.ownerID=a.friendID and b.friendID=a.ownerID"; private const string userSelect = "select * from users"; private const string userFriendsSelect = "select a.ownerID as ownerID,a.friendID as friendID,a.friendPerms as friendPerms,b.friendPerms as ownerperms, b.ownerID as fownerID, b.friendID as ffriendID from userfriends as a, userfriends as b"; private const string userAgentSelect = "select * from useragents"; private const string AvatarAppearanceSelect = "select * from avatarappearance"; private const string AvatarPickerAndSQL = "select * from users where username like :username and surname like :surname"; private const string AvatarPickerOrSQL = "select * from users where username like :username or surname like :surname"; private Dictionary<UUID, AvatarAppearance> aplist = new Dictionary<UUID, AvatarAppearance>(); private DataSet ds; private SqliteDataAdapter da; private SqliteDataAdapter daf; private SqliteDataAdapter dua; private SqliteDataAdapter daa; SqliteConnection g_conn; public override void Initialise() { m_log.Info("[SQLiteUserData]: " + Name + " cannot be default-initialized!"); throw new PluginNotInitialisedException (Name); } /// <summary> /// <list type="bullet"> /// <item>Initialises User Interface</item> /// <item>Loads and initialises a new SQLite connection and maintains it.</item> /// <item>use default URI if connect string string is empty.</item> /// </list> /// </summary> /// <param name="connect">connect string</param> override public void Initialise(string connect) { // default to something sensible if (connect == "") connect = "URI=file:userprofiles.db,version=3"; SqliteConnection conn = new SqliteConnection(connect); // This sucks, but It doesn't seem to work with the dataset Syncing :P g_conn = conn; g_conn.Open(); Assembly assem = GetType().Assembly; Migration m = new Migration(g_conn, assem, "UserStore"); m.Update(); ds = new DataSet(); da = new SqliteDataAdapter(new SqliteCommand(userSelect, conn)); dua = new SqliteDataAdapter(new SqliteCommand(userAgentSelect, conn)); daf = new SqliteDataAdapter(new SqliteCommand(userFriendsSelect, conn)); daa = new SqliteDataAdapter(new SqliteCommand(AvatarAppearanceSelect, conn)); //if (daa == null) m_log.Info("[SQLiteUserData]: daa = null"); lock (ds) { ds.Tables.Add(createUsersTable()); ds.Tables.Add(createUserAgentsTable()); ds.Tables.Add(createUserFriendsTable()); ds.Tables.Add(createAvatarAppearanceTable()); setupUserCommands(da, conn); da.Fill(ds.Tables["users"]); setupAgentCommands(dua, conn); dua.Fill(ds.Tables["useragents"]); setupUserFriendsCommands(daf, conn); daf.Fill(ds.Tables["userfriends"]); setupAvatarAppearanceCommands(daa, conn); daa.Fill(ds.Tables["avatarappearance"]); } return; } public override void Dispose () { if (g_conn != null) { g_conn.Close(); g_conn = null; } if (ds != null) { ds.Dispose(); ds = null; } if (da != null) { da.Dispose(); da = null; } if (daf != null) { daf.Dispose(); daf = null; } if (dua != null) { dua.Dispose(); dua = null; } if (daa != null) { daa.Dispose(); daa = null; } aplist = null; } /// <summary> /// see IUserDataPlugin, /// Get user data profile by UUID /// </summary> /// <param name="uuid">User UUID</param> /// <returns>user profile data</returns> override public UserProfileData GetUserByUUID(UUID uuid) { lock (ds) { DataRow row = ds.Tables["users"].Rows.Find(uuid.ToString()); if (row != null) { UserProfileData user = buildUserProfile(row); return user; } else { return null; } } } /// <summary> /// see IUserDataPlugin, /// Get user data profile by name /// </summary> /// <param name="fname">first name</param> /// <param name="lname">last name</param> /// <returns>user profile data</returns> override public UserProfileData GetUserByName(string fname, string lname) { string select = "surname = '" + lname + "' and username = '" + fname + "'"; lock (ds) { DataRow[] rows = ds.Tables["users"].Select(select); if (rows.Length > 0) { UserProfileData user = buildUserProfile(rows[0]); return user; } else { return null; } } } #region User Friends List Data private bool ExistsFriend(UUID owner, UUID friend) { string FindFriends = "select * from userfriends where (ownerID=:ownerID and friendID=:friendID) or (ownerID=:friendID and friendID=:ownerID)"; using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(FindFriends, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", owner.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":friendID", friend.ToString())); try { using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); return true; } else { reader.Close(); return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[USER DB]: Exception getting friends list for user: " + ex.ToString()); return false; } } } /// <summary> /// Add a new friend in the friendlist /// </summary> /// <param name="friendlistowner">UUID of the friendlist owner</param> /// <param name="friend">UUID of the friend to add</param> /// <param name="perms">permission flag</param> override public void AddNewUserFriend(UUID friendlistowner, UUID friend, uint perms) { if (ExistsFriend(friendlistowner, friend)) return; string InsertFriends = "insert into userfriends(ownerID, friendID, friendPerms) values(:ownerID, :friendID, :perms)"; using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(InsertFriends, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", friendlistowner.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":friendID", friend.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":perms", perms)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(InsertFriends, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", friend.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":friendID", friendlistowner.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":perms", perms)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } /// <summary> /// Remove a user from the friendlist /// </summary> /// <param name="friendlistowner">UUID of the friendlist owner</param> /// <param name="friend">UUID of the friend to remove</param> override public void RemoveUserFriend(UUID friendlistowner, UUID friend) { string DeletePerms = "delete from userfriends where (ownerID=:ownerID and friendID=:friendID) or (ownerID=:friendID and friendID=:ownerID)"; using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(DeletePerms, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", friendlistowner.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":friendID", friend.ToString())); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } /// <summary> /// Update the friendlist permission /// </summary> /// <param name="friendlistowner">UUID of the friendlist owner</param> /// <param name="friend">UUID of the friend to modify</param> /// <param name="perms">updated permission flag</param> override public void UpdateUserFriendPerms(UUID friendlistowner, UUID friend, uint perms) { string UpdatePerms = "update userfriends set friendPerms=:perms where ownerID=:ownerID and friendID=:friendID"; using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(UpdatePerms, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":perms", perms)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", friendlistowner.ToString())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":friendID", friend.ToString())); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } /// <summary> /// Get (fetch?) the friendlist for a user /// </summary> /// <param name="friendlistowner">UUID of the friendlist owner</param> /// <returns>The friendlist list</returns> override public List<FriendListItem> GetUserFriendList(UUID friendlistowner) { List<FriendListItem> returnlist = new List<FriendListItem>(); using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(SelectFriendsByUUID, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":ownerID", friendlistowner.ToString())); try { using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { FriendListItem user = new FriendListItem(); user.FriendListOwner = friendlistowner; user.Friend = new UUID((string)reader[0]); user.FriendPerms = Convert.ToUInt32(reader[1]); user.FriendListOwnerPerms = Convert.ToUInt32(reader[2]); returnlist.Add(user); } reader.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[USER DB]: Exception getting friends list for user: " + ex.ToString()); } } return returnlist; } override public Dictionary<UUID, FriendRegionInfo> GetFriendRegionInfos (List<UUID> uuids) { Dictionary<UUID, FriendRegionInfo> infos = new Dictionary<UUID,FriendRegionInfo>(); DataTable agents = ds.Tables["useragents"]; foreach (UUID uuid in uuids) { lock (ds) { DataRow row = agents.Rows.Find(uuid.ToString()); if (row == null) infos[uuid] = null; else { FriendRegionInfo fri = new FriendRegionInfo(); fri.isOnline = (bool)row["agentOnline"]; fri.regionHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(row["currentHandle"]); infos[uuid] = fri; } } } return infos; } #endregion /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="queryID"></param> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> override public List<AvatarPickerAvatar> GeneratePickerResults(UUID queryID, string query) { List<AvatarPickerAvatar> returnlist = new List<AvatarPickerAvatar>(); string[] querysplit; querysplit = query.Split(' '); if (querysplit.Length == 2) { using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(AvatarPickerAndSQL, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":username", querysplit[0] + "%")); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":surname", querysplit[1] + "%")); using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { AvatarPickerAvatar user = new AvatarPickerAvatar(); user.AvatarID = new UUID((string) reader["UUID"]); user.firstName = (string) reader["username"]; user.lastName = (string) reader["surname"]; returnlist.Add(user); } reader.Close(); } } } else if (querysplit.Length == 1) { using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(AvatarPickerOrSQL, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":username", querysplit[0] + "%")); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":surname", querysplit[0] + "%")); using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { AvatarPickerAvatar user = new AvatarPickerAvatar(); user.AvatarID = new UUID((string) reader["UUID"]); user.firstName = (string) reader["username"]; user.lastName = (string) reader["surname"]; returnlist.Add(user); } reader.Close(); } } } return returnlist; } /// <summary> /// Returns a user by UUID direct /// </summary> /// <param name="uuid">The user's account ID</param> /// <returns>A matching user profile</returns> override public UserAgentData GetAgentByUUID(UUID uuid) { lock (ds) { DataRow row = ds.Tables["useragents"].Rows.Find(uuid.ToString()); if (row != null) { return buildUserAgent(row); } else { return null; } } } /// <summary> /// Returns a session by account name /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The account name</param> /// <returns>The user's session agent</returns> override public UserAgentData GetAgentByName(string name) { return GetAgentByName(name.Split(' ')[0], name.Split(' ')[1]); } /// <summary> /// Returns a session by account name /// </summary> /// <param name="fname">The first part of the user's account name</param> /// <param name="lname">The second part of the user's account name</param> /// <returns>A user agent</returns> override public UserAgentData GetAgentByName(string fname, string lname) { UserAgentData agent = null; UserProfileData profile = GetUserByName(fname, lname); if (profile != null) { agent = GetAgentByUUID(profile.ID); } return agent; } /// <summary> /// DEPRECATED? Store the weblogin key /// </summary> /// <param name="AgentID">UUID of the user</param> /// <param name="WebLoginKey">UUID of the weblogin</param> override public void StoreWebLoginKey(UUID AgentID, UUID WebLoginKey) { DataTable users = ds.Tables["users"]; lock (ds) { DataRow row = users.Rows.Find(AgentID.ToString()); if (row == null) { m_log.Warn("[USER DB]: Unable to store new web login key for non-existant user"); } else { UserProfileData user = GetUserByUUID(AgentID); user.WebLoginKey = WebLoginKey; fillUserRow(row, user); da.Update(ds, "users"); } } } private bool ExistsFirstLastName(String fname, String lname) { string FindUser = "select * from users where (username=:username and surname=:surname)"; using (SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(FindUser, g_conn)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":username", fname)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(":surname", lname)); try { using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); return true; } else { reader.Close(); return false; } } } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.Error("[USER DB]: Exception searching for user's first and last name: " + ex.ToString()); return false; } } } /// <summary> /// Creates a new user profile /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The profile to add to the database</param> override public void AddNewUserProfile(UserProfileData user) { DataTable users = ds.Tables["users"]; UUID zero = UUID.Zero; if (ExistsFirstLastName(user.FirstName, user.SurName) || user.ID == zero) return; lock (ds) { DataRow row = users.Rows.Find(user.ID.ToString()); if (row == null) { row = users.NewRow(); fillUserRow(row, user); users.Rows.Add(row); m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Syncing user database: " + ds.Tables["users"].Rows.Count + " users stored"); // save changes off to disk da.Update(ds, "users"); } else { m_log.WarnFormat("[USER DB]: Ignoring add since user with id {0} already exists", user.ID); } } } /// <summary> /// Creates a new user profile /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The profile to add to the database</param> /// <returns>True on success, false on error</returns> override public bool UpdateUserProfile(UserProfileData user) { DataTable users = ds.Tables["users"]; lock (ds) { DataRow row = users.Rows.Find(user.ID.ToString()); if (row == null) { return false; } else { fillUserRow(row, user); da.Update(ds, "users"); } } //AddNewUserProfile(user); return true; } /// <summary> /// Creates a new user agent /// </summary> /// <param name="agent">The agent to add to the database</param> override public void AddNewUserAgent(UserAgentData agent) { UUID zero = UUID.Zero; if (agent.SessionID == zero || agent.ProfileID == zero) return; DataTable agents = ds.Tables["useragents"]; lock (ds) { DataRow row = agents.Rows.Find(agent.ProfileID.ToString()); if (row == null) { row = agents.NewRow(); fillUserAgentRow(row, agent); agents.Rows.Add(row); } else { fillUserAgentRow(row, agent); } m_log.Info("[USER DB]: Syncing useragent database: " + ds.Tables["useragents"].Rows.Count + " agents stored"); // save changes off to disk dua.Update(ds, "useragents"); } } /// <summary> /// Transfers money between two user accounts /// </summary> /// <param name="from">Starting account</param> /// <param name="to">End account</param> /// <param name="amount">The amount to move</param> /// <returns>Success?</returns> override public bool MoneyTransferRequest(UUID from, UUID to, uint amount) { return false; // for consistency with the MySQL impl } /// <summary> /// Transfers inventory between two accounts /// </summary> /// <remarks>Move to inventory server</remarks> /// <param name="from">Senders account</param> /// <param name="to">Receivers account</param> /// <param name="item">Inventory item</param> /// <returns>Success?</returns> override public bool InventoryTransferRequest(UUID from, UUID to, UUID item) { return false; //for consistency with the MySQL impl } /// <summary> /// Appearance. /// TODO: stubs for now to do in memory appearance. /// </summary> /// <param name="user">The user UUID</param> /// <returns>Avatar Appearence</returns> override public AvatarAppearance GetUserAppearance(UUID user) { m_log.Info("[APPEARANCE] GetUserAppearance " + user.ToString()); AvatarAppearance aa = new AvatarAppearance(user); //try { aa.Owner = user; //aplist[user] = appearance; DataTable aap = ds.Tables["avatarappearance"]; lock (ds) { DataRow row = aap.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(user)); if (row == null) { m_log.Info("[APPEARANCE] Could not find appearance for " + user.ToString()); //m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Creating avatarappearance For: " + user.ToString()); //row = aap.NewRow(); //fillAvatarAppearanceRow(row, user, appearance); //aap.Rows.Add(row); // m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Syncing user database: " + ds.Tables["users"].Rows.Count + " users stored"); // save changes off to disk //daa.Update(ds, "avatarappearance"); } else { m_log.InfoFormat("[APPEARANCE] appearance found for {0}", user.ToString()); aa.BodyAsset = new UUID((String)row["BodyAsset"]); aa.BodyItem = new UUID((String)row["BodyItem"]); aa.SkinItem = new UUID((String)row["SkinItem"]); aa.SkinAsset = new UUID((String)row["SkinAsset"]); aa.HairItem = new UUID((String)row["HairItem"]); aa.HairAsset = new UUID((String)row["HairAsset"]); aa.EyesItem = new UUID((String)row["EyesItem"]); aa.EyesAsset = new UUID((String)row["EyesAsset"]); aa.ShirtItem = new UUID((String)row["ShirtItem"]); aa.ShirtAsset = new UUID((String)row["ShirtAsset"]); aa.PantsItem = new UUID((String)row["PantsItem"]); aa.PantsAsset = new UUID((String)row["PantsAsset"]); aa.ShoesItem = new UUID((String)row["ShoesItem"]); aa.ShoesAsset = new UUID((String)row["ShoesAsset"]); aa.SocksItem = new UUID((String)row["SocksItem"]); aa.SocksAsset = new UUID((String)row["SocksAsset"]); aa.JacketItem = new UUID((String)row["JacketItem"]); aa.JacketAsset = new UUID((String)row["JacketAsset"]); aa.GlovesItem = new UUID((String)row["GlovesItem"]); aa.GlovesAsset = new UUID((String)row["GlovesAsset"]); aa.UnderShirtItem = new UUID((String)row["UnderShirtItem"]); aa.UnderShirtAsset = new UUID((String)row["UnderShirtAsset"]); aa.UnderPantsItem = new UUID((String)row["UnderPantsItem"]); aa.UnderPantsAsset = new UUID((String)row["UnderPantsAsset"]); aa.SkirtItem = new UUID((String)row["SkirtItem"]); aa.SkirtAsset = new UUID((String)row["SkirtAsset"]); // Ewe Loon // Used Base64String because for some reason it wont accept using Byte[] (which works in Region date) String str = (String)row["Texture"]; byte[] texture = Convert.FromBase64String(str); aa.Texture = new Primitive.TextureEntry(texture, 0, texture.Length); str = (String)row["VisualParams"]; byte[] VisualParams = Convert.FromBase64String(str); aa.VisualParams = VisualParams; aa.Serial = Convert.ToInt32(row["Serial"]); aa.AvatarHeight = Convert.ToSingle(row["AvatarHeight"]); m_log.InfoFormat("[APPEARANCE] appearance set for {0}", user.ToString()); } } // aa = aplist[user]; // m_log.Info("[APPEARANCE] Found appearance for " + user.ToString() + aa.ToString()); // } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { // m_log.InfoFormat("[APPEARANCE] No appearance found for {0}", user.ToString()); // } return aa; } /// <summary> /// Update a user appearence /// </summary> /// <param name="user">the user UUID</param> /// <param name="appearance">appearence</param> override public void UpdateUserAppearance(UUID user, AvatarAppearance appearance) { appearance.Owner = user; //aplist[user] = appearance; DataTable aap = ds.Tables["avatarappearance"]; lock (ds) { DataRow row = aap.Rows.Find(Util.ToRawUuidString(user)); if (row == null) { m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Creating UserAppearance For: " + user.ToString()); row = aap.NewRow(); fillAvatarAppearanceRow(row, user, appearance); aap.Rows.Add(row); // m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Syncing user database: " + ds.Tables["users"].Rows.Count + " users stored"); // save changes off to disk daa.Update(ds, "avatarappearance"); } else { m_log.Debug("[USER DB]: Updating UserAppearance For: " + user.ToString()); fillAvatarAppearanceRow(row, user, appearance); daa.Update(ds, "avatarappearance"); } } } /// <summary> /// Returns the name of the storage provider /// </summary> /// <returns>Storage provider name</returns> override public string Name { get {return "Sqlite Userdata";} } /// <summary> /// Returns the version of the storage provider /// </summary> /// <returns>Storage provider version</returns> override public string Version { get {return "0.1";} } /*********************************************************************** * * DataTable creation * **********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * * Database Definition Functions * * This should be db agnostic as we define them in ADO.NET terms * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Create the "users" table /// </summary> /// <returns>DataTable</returns> private static DataTable createUsersTable() { DataTable users = new DataTable("users"); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "UUID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "username", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "surname", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "email", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "passwordHash", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "passwordSalt", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeRegionX", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeRegionY", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeRegionID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLocationX", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLocationY", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLocationZ", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLookAtX", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLookAtY", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "homeLookAtZ", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "created", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "lastLogin", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "rootInventoryFolderID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "userInventoryURI", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "userAssetURI", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileCanDoMask", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileWantDoMask", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileAboutText", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileFirstText", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileImage", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "profileFirstImage", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "webLoginKey", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "userFlags", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "godLevel", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "customType", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(users, "partner", typeof (String)); // Add in contraints users.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {users.Columns["UUID"]}; return users; } /// <summary> /// Create the "useragents" table /// </summary> /// <returns>Data Table</returns> private static DataTable createUserAgentsTable() { DataTable ua = new DataTable("useragents"); // this is the UUID of the user SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "UUID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "agentIP", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "agentPort", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "agentOnline", typeof (Boolean)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "sessionID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "secureSessionID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "regionID", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "loginTime", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "logoutTime", typeof (Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "currentRegion", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "currentHandle", typeof (String)); // vectors SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "currentPosX", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "currentPosY", typeof (Double)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "currentPosZ", typeof (Double)); // constraints ua.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {ua.Columns["UUID"]}; return ua; } /// <summary> /// Create the "userfriends" table /// </summary> /// <returns>Data Table</returns> private static DataTable createUserFriendsTable() { DataTable ua = new DataTable("userfriends"); // table contains user <----> user relationship with perms SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "ownerID", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "friendID", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "friendPerms", typeof(Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "ownerPerms", typeof(Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(ua, "datetimestamp", typeof(Int32)); return ua; } /// <summary> /// Create the "avatarappearance" table /// </summary> /// <returns>Data Table</returns> private static DataTable createAvatarAppearanceTable() { DataTable aa = new DataTable("avatarappearance"); // table contains user appearance items SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "Owner", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "BodyItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "BodyAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SkinItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SkinAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "HairItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "HairAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "EyesItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "EyesAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "ShirtItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "ShirtAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "PantsItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "PantsAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "ShoesItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "ShoesAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SocksItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SocksAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "JacketItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "JacketAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "GlovesItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "GlovesAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "UnderShirtItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "UnderShirtAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "UnderPantsItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "UnderPantsAsset", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SkirtItem", typeof(String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "SkirtAsset", typeof(String)); // Used Base64String because for some reason it wont accept using Byte[] (which works in Region date) SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "Texture", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "VisualParams", typeof (String)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "Serial", typeof(Int32)); SQLiteUtil.createCol(aa, "AvatarHeight", typeof(Double)); aa.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { aa.Columns["Owner"] }; return aa; } /*********************************************************************** * * Convert between ADO.NET <=> OpenSim Objects * * These should be database independant * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// TODO: this doesn't work yet because something more /// interesting has to be done to actually get these values /// back out. Not enough time to figure it out yet. /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static UserProfileData buildUserProfile(DataRow row) { UserProfileData user = new UserProfileData(); UUID tmp; UUID.TryParse((String)row["UUID"], out tmp); user.ID = tmp; user.FirstName = (String) row["username"]; user.SurName = (String) row["surname"]; user.Email = (row.IsNull("email")) ? "" : (String) row["email"]; user.PasswordHash = (String) row["passwordHash"]; user.PasswordSalt = (String) row["passwordSalt"]; user.HomeRegionX = Convert.ToUInt32(row["homeRegionX"]); user.HomeRegionY = Convert.ToUInt32(row["homeRegionY"]); user.HomeLocation = new Vector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLocationX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLocationY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLocationZ"]) ); user.HomeLookAt = new Vector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLookAtX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLookAtY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["homeLookAtZ"]) ); UUID regionID = UUID.Zero; UUID.TryParse(row["homeRegionID"].ToString(), out regionID); // it's ok if it doesn't work; just use UUID.Zero user.HomeRegionID = regionID; user.Created = Convert.ToInt32(row["created"]); user.LastLogin = Convert.ToInt32(row["lastLogin"]); user.RootInventoryFolderID = new UUID((String) row["rootInventoryFolderID"]); user.UserInventoryURI = (String) row["userInventoryURI"]; user.UserAssetURI = (String) row["userAssetURI"]; user.CanDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["profileCanDoMask"]); user.WantDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["profileWantDoMask"]); user.AboutText = (String) row["profileAboutText"]; user.FirstLifeAboutText = (String) row["profileFirstText"]; UUID.TryParse((String)row["profileImage"], out tmp); user.Image = tmp; UUID.TryParse((String)row["profileFirstImage"], out tmp); user.FirstLifeImage = tmp; user.WebLoginKey = new UUID((String) row["webLoginKey"]); user.UserFlags = Convert.ToInt32(row["userFlags"]); user.GodLevel = Convert.ToInt32(row["godLevel"]); user.CustomType = row["customType"].ToString(); user.Partner = new UUID((String) row["partner"]); return user; } /// <summary> /// Persist user profile data /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> private void fillUserRow(DataRow row, UserProfileData user) { row["UUID"] = user.ID.ToString(); row["username"] = user.FirstName; row["surname"] = user.SurName; row["email"] = user.Email; row["passwordHash"] = user.PasswordHash; row["passwordSalt"] = user.PasswordSalt; row["homeRegionX"] = user.HomeRegionX; row["homeRegionY"] = user.HomeRegionY; row["homeRegionID"] = user.HomeRegionID; row["homeLocationX"] = user.HomeLocation.X; row["homeLocationY"] = user.HomeLocation.Y; row["homeLocationZ"] = user.HomeLocation.Z; row["homeLookAtX"] = user.HomeLookAt.X; row["homeLookAtY"] = user.HomeLookAt.Y; row["homeLookAtZ"] = user.HomeLookAt.Z; row["created"] = user.Created; row["lastLogin"] = user.LastLogin; row["rootInventoryFolderID"] = user.RootInventoryFolderID; row["userInventoryURI"] = user.UserInventoryURI; row["userAssetURI"] = user.UserAssetURI; row["profileCanDoMask"] = user.CanDoMask; row["profileWantDoMask"] = user.WantDoMask; row["profileAboutText"] = user.AboutText; row["profileFirstText"] = user.FirstLifeAboutText; row["profileImage"] = user.Image; row["profileFirstImage"] = user.FirstLifeImage; row["webLoginKey"] = user.WebLoginKey; row["userFlags"] = user.UserFlags; row["godLevel"] = user.GodLevel; row["customType"] = user.CustomType == null ? "" : user.CustomType; row["partner"] = user.Partner.ToString(); // ADO.NET doesn't handle NULL very well foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables["users"].Columns) { if (row[col] == null) { row[col] = String.Empty; } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="user"></param> private void fillAvatarAppearanceRow(DataRow row, UUID user, AvatarAppearance appearance) { row["Owner"] = Util.ToRawUuidString(user); row["BodyItem"] = appearance.BodyItem.ToString(); row["BodyAsset"] = appearance.BodyAsset.ToString(); row["SkinItem"] = appearance.SkinItem.ToString(); row["SkinAsset"] = appearance.SkinAsset.ToString(); row["HairItem"] = appearance.HairItem.ToString(); row["HairAsset"] = appearance.HairAsset.ToString(); row["EyesItem"] = appearance.EyesItem.ToString(); row["EyesAsset"] = appearance.EyesAsset.ToString(); row["ShirtItem"] = appearance.ShirtItem.ToString(); row["ShirtAsset"] = appearance.ShirtAsset.ToString(); row["PantsItem"] = appearance.PantsItem.ToString(); row["PantsAsset"] = appearance.PantsAsset.ToString(); row["ShoesItem"] = appearance.ShoesItem.ToString(); row["ShoesAsset"] = appearance.ShoesAsset.ToString(); row["SocksItem"] = appearance.SocksItem.ToString(); row["SocksAsset"] = appearance.SocksAsset.ToString(); row["JacketItem"] = appearance.JacketItem.ToString(); row["JacketAsset"] = appearance.JacketAsset.ToString(); row["GlovesItem"] = appearance.GlovesItem.ToString(); row["GlovesAsset"] = appearance.GlovesAsset.ToString(); row["UnderShirtItem"] = appearance.UnderShirtItem.ToString(); row["UnderShirtAsset"] = appearance.UnderShirtAsset.ToString(); row["UnderPantsItem"] = appearance.UnderPantsItem.ToString(); row["UnderPantsAsset"] = appearance.UnderPantsAsset.ToString(); row["SkirtItem"] = appearance.SkirtItem.ToString(); row["SkirtAsset"] = appearance.SkirtAsset.ToString(); // Used Base64String because for some reason it wont accept using Byte[] (which works in Region date) row["Texture"] = Convert.ToBase64String(appearance.Texture.GetBytes()); row["VisualParams"] = Convert.ToBase64String(appearance.VisualParams); row["Serial"] = appearance.Serial; row["AvatarHeight"] = appearance.AvatarHeight; // ADO.NET doesn't handle NULL very well foreach (DataColumn col in ds.Tables["avatarappearance"].Columns) { if (row[col] == null) { row[col] = String.Empty; } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static UserAgentData buildUserAgent(DataRow row) { UserAgentData ua = new UserAgentData(); UUID tmp; UUID.TryParse((String)row["UUID"], out tmp); ua.ProfileID = tmp; ua.AgentIP = (String)row["agentIP"]; ua.AgentPort = Convert.ToUInt32(row["agentPort"]); ua.AgentOnline = Convert.ToBoolean(row["agentOnline"]); ua.SessionID = new UUID((String) row["sessionID"]); ua.SecureSessionID = new UUID((String) row["secureSessionID"]); ua.InitialRegion = new UUID((String) row["regionID"]); ua.LoginTime = Convert.ToInt32(row["loginTime"]); ua.LogoutTime = Convert.ToInt32(row["logoutTime"]); ua.Region = new UUID((String) row["currentRegion"]); ua.Handle = Convert.ToUInt64(row["currentHandle"]); ua.Position = new Vector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["currentPosX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["currentPosY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["currentPosZ"]) ); ua.LookAt = new Vector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["currentLookAtX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["currentLookAtY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["currentLookAtZ"]) ); return ua; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="ua"></param> private static void fillUserAgentRow(DataRow row, UserAgentData ua) { row["UUID"] = ua.ProfileID.ToString(); row["agentIP"] = ua.AgentIP; row["agentPort"] = ua.AgentPort; row["agentOnline"] = ua.AgentOnline; row["sessionID"] = ua.SessionID; row["secureSessionID"] = ua.SecureSessionID; row["regionID"] = ua.InitialRegion; row["loginTime"] = ua.LoginTime; row["logoutTime"] = ua.LogoutTime; row["currentRegion"] = ua.Region; row["currentHandle"] = ua.Handle.ToString(); // vectors row["currentPosX"] = ua.Position.X; row["currentPosY"] = ua.Position.Y; row["currentPosZ"] = ua.Position.Z; row["currentLookAtX"] = ua.LookAt.X; row["currentLookAtY"] = ua.LookAt.Y; row["currentLookAtZ"] = ua.LookAt.Z; } /*********************************************************************** * * Database Binding functions * * These will be db specific due to typing, and minor differences * in databases. * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupUserCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = SQLiteUtil.createInsertCommand("users", ds.Tables["users"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = SQLiteUtil.createUpdateCommand("users", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["users"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from users where UUID = :UUID"); delete.Parameters.Add(SQLiteUtil.createSqliteParameter("UUID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } private void setupAgentCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = SQLiteUtil.createInsertCommand( "useragents", ds.Tables["useragents"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = SQLiteUtil.createUpdateCommand( "useragents", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["useragents"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand( "delete from useragents where UUID = :ProfileID"); delete.Parameters.Add( SQLiteUtil.createSqliteParameter( "ProfileID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="daf"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupUserFriendsCommands(SqliteDataAdapter daf, SqliteConnection conn) { daf.InsertCommand = SQLiteUtil.createInsertCommand("userfriends", ds.Tables["userfriends"]); daf.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; daf.UpdateCommand = SQLiteUtil.createUpdateCommand("userfriends", "ownerID=:ownerID and friendID=:friendID", ds.Tables["userfriends"]); daf.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from userfriends where ownerID=:ownerID and friendID=:friendID"); delete.Parameters.Add(SQLiteUtil.createSqliteParameter("ownerID", typeof(String))); delete.Parameters.Add(SQLiteUtil.createSqliteParameter("friendID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; daf.DeleteCommand = delete; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="daf"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupAvatarAppearanceCommands(SqliteDataAdapter daa, SqliteConnection conn) { daa.InsertCommand = SQLiteUtil.createInsertCommand("avatarappearance", ds.Tables["avatarappearance"]); daa.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; daa.UpdateCommand = SQLiteUtil.createUpdateCommand("avatarappearance", "Owner=:Owner", ds.Tables["avatarappearance"]); daa.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from avatarappearance where Owner=:Owner"); delete.Parameters.Add(SQLiteUtil.createSqliteParameter("Owner", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; daa.DeleteCommand = delete; } override public void ResetAttachments(UUID userID) { } override public void LogoutUsers(UUID regionID) { } } }