:VERSION 1 # -------------------------- BEGIN Transaction; Create Sequence im_offiline_id increment by 1 start with 1; CREATE TABLE im_offline ( "ID" integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('im_offiline_id') , "PrincipalID" char(36) NOT NULL default '', "Message" text NOT NULL, "TMStamp" timestamp NOT NULL default now() ); COMMIT; :VERSION 2 # -------------------------- BEGIN; /* INSERT INTO `im_offline` SELECT * from `diva_im_offline`; DROP TABLE `diva_im_offline`; DELETE FROM `migrations` WHERE name='diva_im_Store'; */ COMMIT; :VERSION 3 # -------------------------- BEGIN; -- dropping the table here as there most likely is only one record in the table at the time of migration DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."im_offline"; CREATE TABLE "public"."im_offline" ( "ID" serial, "PrincipalID" uuid NOT NULL, "Message" text NOT NULL COLLATE "default", "TMStamp" timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT clock_timestamp(), "FromID" uuid NOT NULL ) WITH (OIDS=FALSE); ALTER TABLE "public"."im_offline" ADD PRIMARY KEY ("ID","PrincipalID","FromID") NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE; COMMIT;