/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using libsecondlife; using log4net; using OpenSim.Framework; namespace OpenSim.Data.MSSQL { /// /// A management class for the MS SQL Storage Engine /// public class MSSQLManager { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); /// /// Connection string for ADO.net /// private readonly string connectionString; public MSSQLManager(string dataSource, string initialCatalog, string persistSecurityInfo, string userId, string password) { SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); builder.DataSource = dataSource; builder.InitialCatalog = initialCatalog; builder.PersistSecurityInfo = Convert.ToBoolean(persistSecurityInfo); builder.UserID = userId; builder.Password = password; builder.ApplicationName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location; connectionString = builder.ToString(); } /// /// Initialize the manager and set the connectionstring /// /// public MSSQLManager(string connection) { connectionString = connection; } public SqlConnection DatabaseConnection() { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); //TODO is this good??? Opening connection here conn.Open(); return conn; } //private DataTable createRegionsTable() //{ // DataTable regions = new DataTable("regions"); // createCol(regions, "regionHandle", typeof (ulong)); // createCol(regions, "regionName", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "uuid", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionRecvKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionSecret", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionSendKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionDataURI", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "serverIP", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "serverPort", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "serverURI", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "locX", typeof (uint)); // createCol(regions, "locY", typeof (uint)); // createCol(regions, "locZ", typeof (uint)); // createCol(regions, "eastOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); // createCol(regions, "westOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); // createCol(regions, "southOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); // createCol(regions, "northOverrideHandle", typeof (ulong)); // createCol(regions, "regionAssetURI", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionAssetRecvKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionAssetSendKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionUserURI", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionUserRecvKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionUserSendKey", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "regionMapTexture", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "serverHttpPort", typeof (String)); // createCol(regions, "serverRemotingPort", typeof (uint)); // // Add in contraints // regions.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] {regions.Columns["UUID"]}; // return regions; //} /// /// /// /// /// /// protected static void createCol(DataTable dt, string name, Type type) { DataColumn col = new DataColumn(name, type); dt.Columns.Add(col); } /// /// Define Table function /// /// /// protected static string defineTable(DataTable dt) { string sql = "create table " + dt.TableName + "("; string subsql = String.Empty; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ",\n"; } subsql += col.ColumnName + " " + SqlType(col.DataType); if (col == dt.PrimaryKey[0]) { subsql += " primary key"; } } sql += subsql; sql += ")"; return sql; } /// /// Type conversion function /// /// a type /// a sqltype /// this is something we'll need to implement for each db slightly differently. public static string SqlType(Type type) { if (type == typeof(String)) { return "varchar(255)"; } else if (type == typeof(Int32)) { return "integer"; } else if (type == typeof(Double)) { return "float"; } else if (type == typeof(Byte[])) { return "image"; } else { return "varchar(255)"; } } /// /// Type conversion to a SQLDbType functions /// /// /// internal SqlDbType DbtypeFromType(Type type) { if (type == typeof(string)) { return SqlDbType.VarChar; } if (type == typeof(double)) { return SqlDbType.Float; } if (type == typeof(int)) { return SqlDbType.Int; } if (type == typeof(bool)) { return SqlDbType.Bit; } if (type == typeof(LLUUID)) { return SqlDbType.VarChar; } if (type == typeof(Byte[])) { return SqlDbType.Image; } if (type == typeof(uint)) { return SqlDbType.Int; } return SqlDbType.VarChar; } /// /// Creates value for parameter. /// /// The value. /// private static object CreateParameterValue(object value) { Type valueType = value.GetType(); if (valueType == typeof(LLUUID)) { return value.ToString(); } if (valueType == typeof(bool)) { return (bool)value ? 1 : 0; } if (valueType == typeof(Byte[])) { return value; } return value; } /// /// Create a parameter for a command /// /// Name of the parameter. /// parameter object. /// internal SqlParameter CreateParameter(string parameterName, object parameterObject) { return CreateParameter(parameterName, parameterObject, false); } /// /// Creates the parameter for a command. /// /// Name of the parameter. /// parameter object. /// if set to true parameter is a output parameter /// internal SqlParameter CreateParameter(string parameterName, object parameterObject, bool parameterOut) { //Tweak so we dont always have to add @ sign if (!parameterName.StartsWith("@")) parameterName = "@" + parameterName; SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter(parameterName, DbtypeFromType(parameterObject.GetType())); if (parameterOut) { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; } else { parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; parameter.Value = CreateParameterValue(parameterObject); } return parameter; } private static readonly Dictionary emptyDictionary = new Dictionary(); internal AutoClosingSqlCommand Query(string sql) { return Query(sql, emptyDictionary); } /// /// Runs a query with protection against SQL Injection by using parameterised input. /// /// The SQL string - replace any variables such as WHERE x = "y" with WHERE x = @y /// The parameters - index so that @y is indexed as 'y' /// A Sql DB Command internal AutoClosingSqlCommand Query(string sql, Dictionary parameters) { SqlCommand dbcommand = DatabaseConnection().CreateCommand(); dbcommand.CommandText = sql; foreach (KeyValuePair param in parameters) { dbcommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.Key, param.Value); } return new AutoClosingSqlCommand(dbcommand); } /// /// Runs a database reader object and returns a region row /// /// An active database reader /// A region row public RegionProfileData getRegionRow(IDataReader reader) { RegionProfileData regionprofile = new RegionProfileData(); if (reader.Read()) { // Region Main regionprofile.regionHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["regionHandle"]); regionprofile.regionName = (string)reader["regionName"]; regionprofile.UUID = new LLUUID((string)reader["uuid"]); // Secrets regionprofile.regionRecvKey = (string)reader["regionRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionSecret = (string)reader["regionSecret"]; regionprofile.regionSendKey = (string)reader["regionSendKey"]; // Region Server regionprofile.regionDataURI = (string)reader["regionDataURI"]; regionprofile.regionOnline = false; // Needs to be pinged before this can be set. regionprofile.serverIP = (string)reader["serverIP"]; regionprofile.serverPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverPort"]); regionprofile.serverURI = (string)reader["serverURI"]; regionprofile.httpPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverHttpPort"]); regionprofile.remotingPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["serverRemotingPort"]); // Location regionprofile.regionLocX = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locX"]); regionprofile.regionLocY = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locY"]); regionprofile.regionLocZ = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["locZ"]); // Neighbours - 0 = No Override regionprofile.regionEastOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["eastOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionWestOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["westOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionSouthOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["southOverrideHandle"]); regionprofile.regionNorthOverrideHandle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["northOverrideHandle"]); // Assets regionprofile.regionAssetURI = (string)reader["regionAssetURI"]; regionprofile.regionAssetRecvKey = (string)reader["regionAssetRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionAssetSendKey = (string)reader["regionAssetSendKey"]; // Userserver regionprofile.regionUserURI = (string)reader["regionUserURI"]; regionprofile.regionUserRecvKey = (string)reader["regionUserRecvKey"]; regionprofile.regionUserSendKey = (string)reader["regionUserSendKey"]; regionprofile.owner_uuid = new LLUUID((string) reader["owner_uuid"]); // World Map Addition string tempRegionMap = reader["regionMapTexture"].ToString(); if (tempRegionMap != String.Empty) { regionprofile.regionMapTextureID = new LLUUID(tempRegionMap); } else { regionprofile.regionMapTextureID = new LLUUID(); } } else { reader.Close(); throw new Exception("No rows to return"); } return regionprofile; } /// /// Reads a user profile from an active data reader /// /// An active database reader /// A user profile public UserProfileData readUserRow(IDataReader reader) { UserProfileData retval = new UserProfileData(); if (reader.Read()) { retval.ID = new LLUUID((string)reader["UUID"]); retval.FirstName = (string)reader["username"]; retval.SurName = (string)reader["lastname"]; retval.PasswordHash = (string)reader["passwordHash"]; retval.PasswordSalt = (string)reader["passwordSalt"]; retval.HomeRegion = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["homeRegion"].ToString()); retval.HomeLocation = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationX"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationY"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLocationZ"].ToString())); retval.HomeLookAt = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtX"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtY"].ToString()), Convert.ToSingle(reader["homeLookAtZ"].ToString())); retval.Created = Convert.ToInt32(reader["created"].ToString()); retval.LastLogin = Convert.ToInt32(reader["lastLogin"].ToString()); retval.UserInventoryURI = (string)reader["userInventoryURI"]; retval.UserAssetURI = (string)reader["userAssetURI"]; retval.CanDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["profileCanDoMask"].ToString()); retval.WantDoMask = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["profileWantDoMask"].ToString()); retval.AboutText = (string)reader["profileAboutText"]; retval.FirstLifeAboutText = (string)reader["profileFirstText"]; retval.Image = new LLUUID((string)reader["profileImage"]); retval.FirstLifeImage = new LLUUID((string)reader["profileFirstImage"]); retval.WebLoginKey = new LLUUID((string)reader["webLoginKey"]); } else { return null; } return retval; } /// /// Reads an agent row from a database reader /// /// An active database reader /// A user session agent public UserAgentData readAgentRow(IDataReader reader) { UserAgentData retval = new UserAgentData(); if (reader.Read()) { // Agent IDs retval.ProfileID = new LLUUID((string)reader["UUID"]); retval.SessionID = new LLUUID((string)reader["sessionID"]); retval.SecureSessionID = new LLUUID((string)reader["secureSessionID"]); // Agent Who? retval.AgentIP = (string)reader["agentIP"]; retval.AgentPort = Convert.ToUInt32(reader["agentPort"].ToString()); retval.AgentOnline = Convert.ToInt32(reader["agentOnline"].ToString()) != 0; // Login/Logout times (UNIX Epoch) retval.LoginTime = Convert.ToInt32(reader["loginTime"].ToString()); retval.LogoutTime = Convert.ToInt32(reader["logoutTime"].ToString()); // Current position retval.Region = (string)reader["currentRegion"]; retval.Handle = Convert.ToUInt64(reader["currentHandle"].ToString()); LLVector3 tmp_v; LLVector3.TryParse((string)reader["currentPos"], out tmp_v); retval.Position = tmp_v; } else { return null; } return retval; } /// /// /// /// /// public AssetBase getAssetRow(IDataReader reader) { AssetBase asset = new AssetBase(); if (reader.Read()) { // Region Main asset = new AssetBase(); asset.Data = (byte[])reader["data"]; asset.Description = (string)reader["description"]; asset.FullID = new LLUUID((string)reader["id"]); asset.Local = Convert.ToBoolean(reader["local"]); // ((sbyte)reader["local"]) != 0 ? true : false; asset.Name = (string)reader["name"]; asset.Type = Convert.ToSByte(reader["assetType"]); } else { return null; // throw new Exception("No rows to return"); } return asset; } /// /// Inserts a new row into the log database /// /// The daemon which triggered this event /// Who were we operating on when this occured (region UUID, user UUID, etc) /// The method call where the problem occured /// The arguments passed to the method /// How critical is this? /// Extra message info /// Saved successfully? public bool insertLogRow(string serverDaemon, string target, string methodCall, string arguments, int priority, string logMessage) { string sql = "INSERT INTO logs ([target], [server], [method], [arguments], [priority], [message]) VALUES "; sql += "(@target, @server, @method, @arguments, @priority, @message);"; Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); parameters["server"] = serverDaemon; parameters["target"] = target; parameters["method"] = methodCall; parameters["arguments"] = arguments; parameters["priority"] = priority.ToString(); parameters["message"] = logMessage; bool returnval = false; using (IDbCommand result = Query(sql, parameters)) { try { if (result.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) returnval = true; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } } return returnval; } /// /// Execute a SQL statement stored in a resource, as a string /// /// the ressource string public void ExecuteResourceSql(string name) { using (IDbCommand cmd = Query(getResourceString(name), new Dictionary())) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } /// /// Given a list of tables, return the version of the tables, as seen in the database /// /// public void GetTableVersion(Dictionary tableList) { Dictionary param = new Dictionary(); param["dbname"] = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString).InitialCatalog; using (IDbCommand tablesCmd = Query("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_CATALOG=@dbname", param)) using (IDataReader tables = tablesCmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (tables.Read()) { try { string tableName = (string)tables["TABLE_NAME"]; if (tableList.ContainsKey(tableName)) tableList[tableName] = tableName; } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(e.ToString()); } } tables.Close(); } } /// /// /// /// /// private string getResourceString(string name) { Assembly assem = GetType().Assembly; string[] names = assem.GetManifestResourceNames(); foreach (string s in names) if (s.EndsWith(name)) using (Stream resource = assem.GetManifestResourceStream(s)) { using (StreamReader resourceReader = new StreamReader(resource)) { string resourceString = resourceReader.ReadToEnd(); return resourceString; } } throw new Exception(string.Format("Resource '{0}' was not found", name)); } /// /// Returns the version of this DB provider /// /// A string containing the DB provider public string getVersion() { Module module = GetType().Module; // string dllName = module.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name; Version dllVersion = module.Assembly.GetName().Version; return string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", dllVersion.Major, dllVersion.Minor, dllVersion.Build, dllVersion.Revision); } public bool insertAgentRow(UserAgentData agentdata) { string sql = @" IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM agents WHERE UUID = @UUID) BEGIN UPDATE agents SET UUID = @UUID, sessionID = @sessionID, secureSessionID = @secureSessionID, agentIP = @agentIP, agentPort = @agentPort, agentOnline = @agentOnline, loginTime = @loginTime, logoutTime = @logoutTime, currentRegion = @currentRegion, currentHandle = @currentHandle, currentPos = @currentPos WHERE UUID = @UUID END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO agents (UUID, sessionID, secureSessionID, agentIP, agentPort, agentOnline, loginTime, logoutTime, currentRegion, currentHandle, currentPos) VALUES (@UUID, @sessionID, @secureSessionID, @agentIP, @agentPort, @agentOnline, @loginTime, @logoutTime, @currentRegion, @currentHandle, @currentPos) END "; Dictionary parameters = new Dictionary(); parameters["@UUID"] = agentdata.ProfileID.ToString(); parameters["@sessionID"] = agentdata.SessionID.ToString(); parameters["@secureSessionID"] = agentdata.SecureSessionID.ToString(); parameters["@agentIP"] = agentdata.AgentIP.ToString(); parameters["@agentPort"] = agentdata.AgentPort.ToString(); parameters["@agentOnline"] = (agentdata.AgentOnline == true) ? "1" : "0"; parameters["@loginTime"] = agentdata.LoginTime.ToString(); parameters["@logoutTime"] = agentdata.LogoutTime.ToString(); parameters["@currentRegion"] = agentdata.Region.ToString(); parameters["@currentHandle"] = agentdata.Handle.ToString(); parameters["@currentPos"] = "<" + ((int)agentdata.Position.X).ToString() + "," + ((int)agentdata.Position.Y).ToString() + "," + ((int)agentdata.Position.Z).ToString() + ">"; using (IDbCommand result = Query(sql, parameters)) { result.Transaction = result.Connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable); try { if (result.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { result.Transaction.Commit(); return true; } else { result.Transaction.Rollback(); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { result.Transaction.Rollback(); m_log.Error(e.ToString()); return false; } } } } }