/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using libsecondlife; using log4net; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes; namespace OpenSim.Data.MSSQL { /// <summary> /// A MSSQL Interface for the Region Server. /// </summary> public class MSSQLDataStore : IRegionDataStore { // private static FileSystemDataStore Instance = new FileSystemDataStore(); private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private const string m_primSelect = "select * from prims"; private const string m_shapeSelect = "select * from primshapes"; private const string m_itemsSelect = "select * from primitems"; private const string m_terrainSelect = "select top 1 * from terrain"; private const string m_landSelect = "select * from land"; private const string m_landAccessListSelect = "select * from landaccesslist"; private DataSet m_dataSet; private SqlDataAdapter m_primDataAdapter; private SqlDataAdapter m_shapeDataAdapter; private SqlDataAdapter m_itemsDataAdapter; private SqlConnection m_connection; private SqlDataAdapter m_terrainDataAdapter; private SqlDataAdapter m_landDataAdapter; private SqlDataAdapter m_landAccessListDataAdapter; private DataTable m_primTable; private DataTable m_shapeTable; private DataTable m_itemsTable; private DataTable m_terrainTable; private DataTable m_landTable; private DataTable m_landAccessListTable; /// <summary>Temporary attribute while this is experimental</summary> private bool persistPrimInventories; /*********************************************************************** * * Public Interface Functions * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// see IRegionDataStore /// </summary> /// <param name="connectionString"></param> /// <param name="persistPrimInventories"></param> public void Initialise(string connectionString, bool persistPrimInventories) { // Instance.Initialise("", true); m_dataSet = new DataSet(); this.persistPrimInventories = persistPrimInventories; m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: MSSql - connecting: " + connectionString); m_connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand primSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_primSelect, m_connection); m_primDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(primSelectCmd); SqlCommand shapeSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_shapeSelect, m_connection); m_shapeDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd); SqlCommand itemsSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_itemsSelect, m_connection); m_itemsDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(itemsSelectCmd); SqlCommand terrainSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_terrainSelect, m_connection); m_terrainDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(terrainSelectCmd); SqlCommand landSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_landSelect, m_connection); m_landDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(landSelectCmd); SqlCommand landAccessListSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_landAccessListSelect, m_connection); m_landAccessListDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(landAccessListSelectCmd); TestTables(m_connection); lock (m_dataSet) { m_primTable = createPrimTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_primTable); setupPrimCommands(m_primDataAdapter, m_connection); m_primDataAdapter.Fill(m_primTable); m_shapeTable = createShapeTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_shapeTable); setupShapeCommands(m_shapeDataAdapter, m_connection); m_shapeDataAdapter.Fill(m_shapeTable); if (persistPrimInventories) { m_itemsTable = createItemsTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_itemsTable); SetupItemsCommands(m_itemsDataAdapter, m_connection); m_itemsDataAdapter.Fill(m_itemsTable); } m_terrainTable = createTerrainTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_terrainTable); setupTerrainCommands(m_terrainDataAdapter, m_connection); m_terrainDataAdapter.Fill(m_terrainTable); m_landTable = createLandTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_landTable); setupLandCommands(m_landDataAdapter, m_connection); m_landDataAdapter.Fill(m_landTable); m_landAccessListTable = createLandAccessListTable(); m_dataSet.Tables.Add(m_landAccessListTable); setupLandAccessCommands(m_landAccessListDataAdapter, m_connection); m_landAccessListDataAdapter.Fill(m_landAccessListTable); } } public void StoreRegionSettings(RegionSettings rs) { } public RegionSettings LoadRegionSettings(LLUUID regionUUID) { return null; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="regionUUID"></param> public void StoreObject(SceneObjectGroup obj, LLUUID regionUUID) { // Instance.StoreObject(obj, regionUUID); lock (m_dataSet) { foreach (SceneObjectPart prim in obj.Children.Values) { if ((prim.GetEffectiveObjectFlags() & (uint)LLObject.ObjectFlags.Physics) == 0 && (prim.GetEffectiveObjectFlags() & (uint)LLObject.ObjectFlags.Temporary) == 0 && (prim.GetEffectiveObjectFlags() & (uint)LLObject.ObjectFlags.TemporaryOnRez) == 0) { //m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Adding obj: " + obj.UUID + " to region: " + regionUUID); addPrim(prim, obj.UUID, regionUUID); } else { // m_log.Info("[DATASTORE]: Ignoring Physical obj: " + obj.UUID + " in region: " + regionUUID); } } } Commit(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <param name="regionUUID"></param> public void RemoveObject(LLUUID obj, LLUUID regionUUID) { // Instance.RemoveObject(obj, regionUUID); m_log.InfoFormat("[REGION DB]: Removing obj: {0} from region: {1}", obj.UUID, regionUUID); DataTable prims = m_primTable; DataTable shapes = m_shapeTable; string selectExp = "SceneGroupID = '" + obj.ToString() + "'"; lock (m_dataSet) { foreach (DataRow row in prims.Select(selectExp)) { // Remove shapes row LLUUID uuid = new LLUUID((string)row["UUID"]); DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(uuid.UUID); if (shapeRow != null) { shapeRow.Delete(); } if (persistPrimInventories) { RemoveItems(new LLUUID((string)row["UUID"])); } // Remove prim row row.Delete(); } } Commit(); } /// <summary> /// Remove all persisted items of the given prim. /// The caller must acquire the necessrary synchronization locks and commit or rollback changes. /// </summary> /// <param name="uuid">The item UUID</param> private void RemoveItems(LLUUID uuid) { String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", uuid); DataRow[] itemRows = m_itemsTable.Select(sql); foreach (DataRow itemRow in itemRows) { itemRow.Delete(); } } /// <summary> /// Load persisted objects from region storage. /// </summary> /// <param name="regionUUID">The region UUID</param> public List<SceneObjectGroup> LoadObjects(LLUUID regionUUID) { // return Instance.LoadObjects(regionUUID); Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectGroup> createdObjects = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectGroup>(); List<SceneObjectGroup> retvals = new List<SceneObjectGroup>(); DataTable prims = m_primTable; DataTable shapes = m_shapeTable; string byRegion = "RegionUUID = '" + regionUUID.ToString() + "'"; string orderByParent = "ParentID ASC"; lock (m_dataSet) { DataRow[] primsForRegion = prims.Select(byRegion, orderByParent); m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: " + "Loaded " + primsForRegion.Length + " prims for region: " + regionUUID); foreach (DataRow primRow in primsForRegion) { try { string uuid = (string)primRow["UUID"]; string objID = (string)primRow["SceneGroupID"]; SceneObjectPart prim = buildPrim(primRow); if (uuid == objID) //is new SceneObjectGroup ? { SceneObjectGroup group = new SceneObjectGroup(); DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(prim.UUID); if (shapeRow != null) { prim.Shape = buildShape(shapeRow); } else { m_log.Info( "No shape found for prim in storage, so setting default box shape"); prim.Shape = PrimitiveBaseShape.Default; } group.AddPart(prim); group.RootPart = prim; createdObjects.Add(group.UUID, group); retvals.Add(group); } else { DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(prim.UUID); if (shapeRow != null) { prim.Shape = buildShape(shapeRow); } else { m_log.Info( "No shape found for prim in storage, so setting default box shape"); prim.Shape = PrimitiveBaseShape.Default; } createdObjects[new LLUUID(objID)].AddPart(prim); } if (persistPrimInventories) { LoadItems(prim); } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error("[DATASTORE]: Failed create prim object, exception and data follows"); m_log.Info("[DATASTORE]: " + e.ToString()); foreach (DataColumn col in prims.Columns) { m_log.Info("[DATASTORE]: Col: " + col.ColumnName + " => " + primRow[col]); } } } } return retvals; } /// <summary> /// Load in a prim's persisted inventory. /// </summary> /// <param name="prim"></param> private void LoadItems(SceneObjectPart prim) { //m_log.InfoFormat("[DATASTORE]: Loading inventory for {0}, {1}", prim.Name, prim.UUID); DataTable dbItems = m_itemsTable; String sql = String.Format("primID = '{0}'", prim.UUID.ToString()); DataRow[] dbItemRows = dbItems.Select(sql); IList<TaskInventoryItem> inventory = new List<TaskInventoryItem>(); foreach (DataRow row in dbItemRows) { TaskInventoryItem item = buildItem(row); inventory.Add(item); //m_log.DebugFormat("[DATASTORE]: Restored item {0}, {1}", item.Name, item.ItemID); } prim.RestoreInventoryItems(inventory); // XXX A nasty little hack to recover the folder id for the prim (which is currently stored in // every item). This data should really be stored in the prim table itself. if (dbItemRows.Length > 0) { prim.FolderID = inventory[0].ParentID; } } /// <summary> /// Store a terrain revision in region storage. /// </summary> /// <param name="ter">HeightField data</param> /// <param name="regionID">Region UUID</param> public void StoreTerrain(double[,] ter, LLUUID regionID) { int revision = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch(); m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Storing terrain revision r" + revision.ToString()); // DataTable terrain = m_dataSet.Tables["terrain"]; lock (m_dataSet) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into terrain(RegionUUID, Revision, Heightfield)" + " values(@RegionUUID, @Revision, @Heightfield)", m_connection); using (cmd) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RegionUUID", regionID.UUID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Revision", revision)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Heightfield", serializeTerrain(ter))); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } /// <summary> /// Load the latest terrain revision from region storage. /// </summary> /// <param name="regionID">The Region UUID</param> /// <returns>HeightField Data</returns> public double[,] LoadTerrain(LLUUID regionID) { double[,] terret = new double[256, 256]; terret.Initialize(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( @"select top 1 RegionUUID, Revision, Heightfield from terrain where RegionUUID=@RegionUUID order by Revision desc" , m_connection); // SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RegionUUID", regionID.UUID)); if (m_connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { m_connection.Open(); } using (SqlDataReader row = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { int rev = 0; if (row.Read()) { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream((byte[])row["Heightfield"]); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(str); for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) { terret[x, y] = br.ReadDouble(); } } rev = (int)row["Revision"]; } else { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: No terrain found for region"); return null; } m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Loaded terrain revision r" + rev.ToString()); } return terret; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="globalID"></param> public void RemoveLandObject(LLUUID globalID) { // Instance.RemoveLandObject(globalID); lock (m_dataSet) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from land where UUID=@UUID", m_connection)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UUID", globalID.UUID)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using ( SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from landaccesslist where LandUUID=@UUID", m_connection) ) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UUID", globalID.UUID)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="parcel"></param> public void StoreLandObject(ILandObject parcel) { lock (m_dataSet) { DataTable land = m_landTable; DataTable landaccesslist = m_landAccessListTable; DataRow landRow = land.Rows.Find(parcel.landData.globalID.UUID); if (landRow == null) { landRow = land.NewRow(); fillLandRow(landRow, parcel.landData, parcel.regionUUID); land.Rows.Add(landRow); } else { fillLandRow(landRow, parcel.landData, parcel.regionUUID); } using ( SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("delete from landaccesslist where LandUUID=@LandUUID", m_connection)) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LandUUID", parcel.landData.globalID.UUID)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } foreach (ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry entry in parcel.landData.parcelAccessList) { DataRow newAccessRow = landaccesslist.NewRow(); fillLandAccessRow(newAccessRow, entry, parcel.landData.globalID); landaccesslist.Rows.Add(newAccessRow); } } Commit(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="regionUUID">The region UUID</param> /// <returns></returns> public List<LandData> LoadLandObjects(LLUUID regionUUID) { List<LandData> landDataForRegion = new List<LandData>(); lock (m_dataSet) { DataTable land = m_landTable; DataTable landaccesslist = m_landAccessListTable; string searchExp = "RegionUUID = '" + regionUUID.UUID + "'"; DataRow[] rawDataForRegion = land.Select(searchExp); foreach (DataRow rawDataLand in rawDataForRegion) { LandData newLand = buildLandData(rawDataLand); string accessListSearchExp = "LandUUID = '" + newLand.globalID.UUID + "'"; DataRow[] rawDataForLandAccessList = landaccesslist.Select(accessListSearchExp); foreach (DataRow rawDataLandAccess in rawDataForLandAccessList) { newLand.parcelAccessList.Add(buildLandAccessData(rawDataLandAccess)); } landDataForRegion.Add(newLand); } } return landDataForRegion; } /// <summary> /// Load (fetch?) the region banlist /// </summary> /// <param name="regionUUID">the region UUID</param> /// <returns>the banlist list</returns> public List<RegionBanListItem> LoadRegionBanList(LLUUID regionUUID) { List<RegionBanListItem> regionbanlist = new List<RegionBanListItem>(); return regionbanlist; } /// <summary> /// STUB, add an item into region banlist /// </summary> /// <param name="item">the item</param> public void AddToRegionBanlist(RegionBanListItem item) { } /// <summary> /// STUB, remove an item from region banlist /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> public void RemoveFromRegionBanlist(RegionBanListItem item) { } /// <summary> /// Commit /// </summary> public void Commit() { if (m_connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { m_connection.Open(); } lock (m_dataSet) { // DisplayDataSet(m_dataSet, "Region DataSet"); m_primDataAdapter.Update(m_primTable); m_shapeDataAdapter.Update(m_shapeTable); if (persistPrimInventories) { m_itemsDataAdapter.Update(m_itemsTable); } m_terrainDataAdapter.Update(m_terrainTable); m_landDataAdapter.Update(m_landTable); m_landAccessListDataAdapter.Update(m_landAccessListTable); m_dataSet.AcceptChanges(); } } /// <summary> /// See <see cref="Commit"/> /// </summary> public void Shutdown() { Commit(); } /*********************************************************************** * * Database Definition Functions * * This should be db agnostic as we define them in ADO.NET terms * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static DataColumn createCol(DataTable dt, string name, Type type) { DataColumn col = new DataColumn(name, type); dt.Columns.Add(col); return col; } /// <summary> /// Create the "terrain" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createTerrainTable() { DataTable terrain = new DataTable("terrain"); createCol(terrain, "RegionUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(terrain, "Revision", typeof(Int32)); createCol(terrain, "Heightfield", typeof(Byte[])); return terrain; } /// <summary> /// Create the "prims" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createPrimTable() { DataTable prims = new DataTable("prims"); createCol(prims, "UUID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "RegionUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "ParentID", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "CreationDate", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "Name", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "SceneGroupID", typeof(String)); // various text fields createCol(prims, "Text", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "Description", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "SitName", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "TouchName", typeof(String)); // permissions createCol(prims, "ObjectFlags", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "CreatorID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "OwnerID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "GroupID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "LastOwnerID", typeof(String)); createCol(prims, "OwnerMask", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "NextOwnerMask", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "GroupMask", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "EveryoneMask", typeof(Int32)); createCol(prims, "BaseMask", typeof(Int32)); // vectors createCol(prims, "PositionX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "PositionY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "PositionZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "GroupPositionX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "GroupPositionY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "GroupPositionZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "VelocityX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "VelocityY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "VelocityZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AccelerationX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AccelerationY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "AccelerationZ", typeof(Double)); // quaternions createCol(prims, "RotationX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "RotationY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "RotationZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "RotationW", typeof(Double)); // sit target createCol(prims, "SitTargetOffsetX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOffsetY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOffsetZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOrientW", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOrientX", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOrientY", typeof(Double)); createCol(prims, "SitTargetOrientZ", typeof(Double)); // Add in contraints prims.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { prims.Columns["UUID"] }; return prims; } /// <summary> /// Create the "land" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createLandTable() { DataTable land = new DataTable("land"); createCol(land, "UUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "RegionUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "LocalLandID", typeof(Int32)); // Bitmap is a byte[512] createCol(land, "Bitmap", typeof(Byte[])); createCol(land, "Name", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "Description", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "OwnerUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "IsGroupOwned", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "Area", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "AuctionID", typeof(Int32)); //Unemplemented createCol(land, "Category", typeof(Int32)); //Enum libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelCategory createCol(land, "ClaimDate", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "ClaimPrice", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "GroupUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "SalePrice", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "LandStatus", typeof(Int32)); //Enum. libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelStatus createCol(land, "LandFlags", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "LandingType", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "MediaAutoScale", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "MediaTextureUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "MediaURL", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "MusicURL", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "PassHours", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "PassPrice", typeof(Int32)); createCol(land, "SnapshotUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(land, "UserLocationX", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "UserLocationY", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "UserLocationZ", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "UserLookAtX", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "UserLookAtY", typeof(Double)); createCol(land, "UserLookAtZ", typeof(Double)); land.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { land.Columns["UUID"] }; return land; } /// <summary> /// Create "landacceslist" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createLandAccessListTable() { DataTable landaccess = new DataTable("landaccesslist"); createCol(landaccess, "LandUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(landaccess, "AccessUUID", typeof(String)); createCol(landaccess, "Flags", typeof(Int32)); return landaccess; } /// <summary> /// Create "primsshapes" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createShapeTable() { DataTable shapes = new DataTable("primshapes"); createCol(shapes, "UUID", typeof(String)); // shape is an enum createCol(shapes, "Shape", typeof(Int32)); // vectors createCol(shapes, "ScaleX", typeof(Double)); createCol(shapes, "ScaleY", typeof(Double)); createCol(shapes, "ScaleZ", typeof(Double)); // paths createCol(shapes, "PCode", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathBegin", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathEnd", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathScaleX", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathScaleY", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathShearX", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathShearY", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathSkew", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathCurve", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathRadiusOffset", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathRevolutions", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathTaperX", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathTaperY", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathTwist", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "PathTwistBegin", typeof(Int32)); // profile createCol(shapes, "ProfileBegin", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "ProfileEnd", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "ProfileCurve", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "ProfileHollow", typeof(Int32)); createCol(shapes, "State", typeof(Int32)); // text TODO: this isn't right, but I'm not sure the right // way to specify this as a blob atm createCol(shapes, "Texture", typeof(Byte[])); createCol(shapes, "ExtraParams", typeof(Byte[])); shapes.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { shapes.Columns["UUID"] }; return shapes; } /// <summary> /// Create "primitems" table /// </summary> /// <returns>the datatable</returns> private static DataTable createItemsTable() { DataTable items = new DataTable("primitems"); createCol(items, "itemID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "primID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "assetID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "parentFolderID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "invType", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "assetType", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "name", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "description", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "creationDate", typeof(Int64)); createCol(items, "creatorID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "ownerID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "lastOwnerID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "groupID", typeof(String)); createCol(items, "nextPermissions", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "currentPermissions", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "basePermissions", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "everyonePermissions", typeof(Int32)); createCol(items, "groupPermissions", typeof(Int32)); // createCol(items, "flags", typeof(Int32)); items.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { items.Columns["itemID"] }; return items; } /*********************************************************************** * * Convert between ADO.NET <=> OpenSim Objects * * These should be database independant * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private SceneObjectPart buildPrim(DataRow row) { SceneObjectPart prim = new SceneObjectPart(); prim.UUID = new LLUUID((String)row["UUID"]); // explicit conversion of integers is required, which sort // of sucks. No idea if there is a shortcut here or not. prim.ParentID = Convert.ToUInt32(row["ParentID"]); prim.CreationDate = Convert.ToInt32(row["CreationDate"]); prim.Name = (String)row["Name"]; // various text fields prim.Text = (String)row["Text"]; prim.Description = (String)row["Description"]; prim.SitName = (String)row["SitName"]; prim.TouchName = (String)row["TouchName"]; // permissions prim.ObjectFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(row["ObjectFlags"]); prim.CreatorID = new LLUUID((String)row["CreatorID"]); prim.OwnerID = new LLUUID((String)row["OwnerID"]); prim.GroupID = new LLUUID((String)row["GroupID"]); prim.LastOwnerID = new LLUUID((String)row["LastOwnerID"]); prim.OwnerMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["OwnerMask"]); prim.NextOwnerMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["NextOwnerMask"]); prim.GroupMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["GroupMask"]); prim.EveryoneMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["EveryoneMask"]); prim.BaseMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["BaseMask"]); // vectors prim.OffsetPosition = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["PositionX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["PositionY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["PositionZ"]) ); prim.GroupPosition = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["GroupPositionX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["GroupPositionY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["GroupPositionZ"]) ); prim.Velocity = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["VelocityX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["VelocityY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["VelocityZ"]) ); prim.AngularVelocity = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["AngularVelocityX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["AngularVelocityY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["AngularVelocityZ"]) ); prim.Acceleration = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["AccelerationX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["AccelerationY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["AccelerationZ"]) ); // quaternions prim.RotationOffset = new LLQuaternion( Convert.ToSingle(row["RotationX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["RotationY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["RotationZ"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["RotationW"]) ); try { prim.SitTargetPositionLL = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["SitTargetOffsetX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["SitTargetOffsetY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["SitTargetOffsetZ"])); prim.SitTargetOrientationLL = new LLQuaternion( Convert.ToSingle( row["SitTargetOrientX"]), Convert.ToSingle( row["SitTargetOrientY"]), Convert.ToSingle( row["SitTargetOrientZ"]), Convert.ToSingle( row["SitTargetOrientW"])); } catch (InvalidCastException) { // Database table was created before we got here and now has null values :P using ( SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "ALTER TABLE [prims] ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetX] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetY] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetZ] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientW] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientX] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientY] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientZ] float NOT NULL default 0;", m_connection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } return prim; } /// <summary> /// Build a prim inventory item from the persisted data. /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static TaskInventoryItem buildItem(DataRow row) { TaskInventoryItem taskItem = new TaskInventoryItem(); taskItem.ItemID = new LLUUID((String)row["itemID"]); taskItem.ParentPartID = new LLUUID((String)row["primID"]); taskItem.AssetID = new LLUUID((String)row["assetID"]); taskItem.ParentID = new LLUUID((String)row["parentFolderID"]); taskItem.InvType = Convert.ToInt32(row["invType"]); taskItem.Type = Convert.ToInt32(row["assetType"]); taskItem.Name = (String)row["name"]; taskItem.Description = (String)row["description"]; taskItem.CreationDate = Convert.ToUInt32(row["creationDate"]); taskItem.CreatorID = new LLUUID((String)row["creatorID"]); taskItem.OwnerID = new LLUUID((String)row["ownerID"]); taskItem.LastOwnerID = new LLUUID((String)row["lastOwnerID"]); taskItem.GroupID = new LLUUID((String)row["groupID"]); taskItem.NextOwnerMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["nextPermissions"]); taskItem.OwnerMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["currentPermissions"]); taskItem.BaseMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["basePermissions"]); taskItem.EveryoneMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["everyonePermissions"]); taskItem.GroupMask = Convert.ToUInt32(row["groupPermissions"]); // taskItem.Flags = Convert.ToUInt32(row["flags"]); return taskItem; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static LandData buildLandData(DataRow row) { LandData newData = new LandData(); newData.globalID = new LLUUID((String)row["UUID"]); newData.localID = Convert.ToInt32(row["LocalLandID"]); // Bitmap is a byte[512] newData.landBitmapByteArray = (Byte[])row["Bitmap"]; newData.landName = (String)row["Name"]; newData.landDesc = (String)row["Description"]; newData.ownerID = (String)row["OwnerUUID"]; newData.isGroupOwned = Convert.ToBoolean(row["IsGroupOwned"]); newData.area = Convert.ToInt32(row["Area"]); newData.auctionID = Convert.ToUInt32(row["AuctionID"]); //Unemplemented newData.category = (Parcel.ParcelCategory)Convert.ToInt32(row["Category"]); //Enum libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelCategory newData.claimDate = Convert.ToInt32(row["ClaimDate"]); newData.claimPrice = Convert.ToInt32(row["ClaimPrice"]); newData.groupID = new LLUUID((String)row["GroupUUID"]); newData.salePrice = Convert.ToInt32(row["SalePrice"]); newData.landStatus = (Parcel.ParcelStatus)Convert.ToInt32(row["LandStatus"]); //Enum. libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelStatus newData.landFlags = Convert.ToUInt32(row["LandFlags"]); newData.landingType = Convert.ToByte(row["LandingType"]); newData.mediaAutoScale = Convert.ToByte(row["MediaAutoScale"]); newData.mediaID = new LLUUID((String)row["MediaTextureUUID"]); newData.mediaURL = (String)row["MediaURL"]; newData.musicURL = (String)row["MusicURL"]; newData.passHours = Convert.ToSingle(row["PassHours"]); newData.passPrice = Convert.ToInt32(row["PassPrice"]); newData.snapshotID = (String)row["SnapshotUUID"]; newData.userLocation = new LLVector3(Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLocationX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLocationY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLocationZ"])); newData.userLookAt = new LLVector3(Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLookAtX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLookAtY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["UserLookAtZ"])); newData.parcelAccessList = new List<ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry>(); return newData; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry buildLandAccessData(DataRow row) { ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry entry = new ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry(); entry.AgentID = new LLUUID((string)row["AccessUUID"]); entry.Flags = (ParcelManager.AccessList)Convert.ToInt32(row["Flags"]); entry.Time = new DateTime(); return entry; } /// <summary> /// Serialize terrain HeightField /// </summary> /// <param name="val">the terrain heightfield</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Array serializeTerrain(double[,] val) { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(65536 * sizeof(double)); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(str); // TODO: COMPATIBILITY - Add byte-order conversions for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) bw.Write(val[x, y]); return str.ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="prim"></param> /// <param name="sceneGroupID"></param> /// <param name="regionUUID"></param> private void fillPrimRow(DataRow row, SceneObjectPart prim, LLUUID sceneGroupID, LLUUID regionUUID) { row["UUID"] = prim.UUID; row["RegionUUID"] = regionUUID; row["ParentID"] = prim.ParentID; row["CreationDate"] = prim.CreationDate; row["Name"] = prim.Name; row["SceneGroupID"] = sceneGroupID; // the UUID of the root part for this SceneObjectGroup // various text fields row["Text"] = prim.Text; row["Description"] = prim.Description; row["SitName"] = prim.SitName; row["TouchName"] = prim.TouchName; // permissions row["ObjectFlags"] = prim.ObjectFlags; row["CreatorID"] = prim.CreatorID; row["OwnerID"] = prim.OwnerID; row["GroupID"] = prim.GroupID; row["LastOwnerID"] = prim.LastOwnerID; row["OwnerMask"] = prim.OwnerMask; row["NextOwnerMask"] = prim.NextOwnerMask; row["GroupMask"] = prim.GroupMask; row["EveryoneMask"] = prim.EveryoneMask; row["BaseMask"] = prim.BaseMask; // vectors row["PositionX"] = prim.OffsetPosition.X; row["PositionY"] = prim.OffsetPosition.Y; row["PositionZ"] = prim.OffsetPosition.Z; row["GroupPositionX"] = prim.GroupPosition.X; row["GroupPositionY"] = prim.GroupPosition.Y; row["GroupPositionZ"] = prim.GroupPosition.Z; row["VelocityX"] = prim.Velocity.X; row["VelocityY"] = prim.Velocity.Y; row["VelocityZ"] = prim.Velocity.Z; row["AngularVelocityX"] = prim.AngularVelocity.X; row["AngularVelocityY"] = prim.AngularVelocity.Y; row["AngularVelocityZ"] = prim.AngularVelocity.Z; row["AccelerationX"] = prim.Acceleration.X; row["AccelerationY"] = prim.Acceleration.Y; row["AccelerationZ"] = prim.Acceleration.Z; // quaternions row["RotationX"] = prim.RotationOffset.X; row["RotationY"] = prim.RotationOffset.Y; row["RotationZ"] = prim.RotationOffset.Z; row["RotationW"] = prim.RotationOffset.W; try { // Sit target LLVector3 sitTargetPos = prim.SitTargetPositionLL; row["SitTargetOffsetX"] = sitTargetPos.X; row["SitTargetOffsetY"] = sitTargetPos.Y; row["SitTargetOffsetZ"] = sitTargetPos.Z; LLQuaternion sitTargetOrient = prim.SitTargetOrientationLL; row["SitTargetOrientW"] = sitTargetOrient.W; row["SitTargetOrientX"] = sitTargetOrient.X; row["SitTargetOrientY"] = sitTargetOrient.Y; row["SitTargetOrientZ"] = sitTargetOrient.Z; } catch (Exception) { // Database table was created before we got here and needs to be created! :P using ( SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "ALTER TABLE [prims] ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetX] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetY] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOffsetZ] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientW] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientX] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientY] float NOT NULL default 0, ADD COLUMN [SitTargetOrientZ] float NOT NULL default 0;", m_connection)) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="taskItem"></param> private static void fillItemRow(DataRow row, TaskInventoryItem taskItem) { row["itemID"] = taskItem.ItemID; row["primID"] = taskItem.ParentPartID; row["assetID"] = taskItem.AssetID; row["parentFolderID"] = taskItem.ParentID; row["invType"] = taskItem.InvType; row["assetType"] = taskItem.Type; row["name"] = taskItem.Name; row["description"] = taskItem.Description; row["creationDate"] = taskItem.CreationDate; row["creatorID"] = taskItem.CreatorID; row["ownerID"] = taskItem.OwnerID; row["lastOwnerID"] = taskItem.LastOwnerID; row["groupID"] = taskItem.GroupID; row["nextPermissions"] = taskItem.NextOwnerMask; row["currentPermissions"] = taskItem.OwnerMask; row["basePermissions"] = taskItem.BaseMask; row["everyonePermissions"] = taskItem.EveryoneMask; row["groupPermissions"] = taskItem.GroupMask; // row["flags"] = taskItem.Flags; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="land"></param> /// <param name="regionUUID"></param> private static void fillLandRow(DataRow row, LandData land, LLUUID regionUUID) { row["UUID"] = land.globalID.UUID; row["RegionUUID"] = regionUUID.UUID; row["LocalLandID"] = land.localID; // Bitmap is a byte[512] row["Bitmap"] = land.landBitmapByteArray; row["Name"] = land.landName; row["Description"] = land.landDesc; row["OwnerUUID"] = land.ownerID.UUID; row["IsGroupOwned"] = land.isGroupOwned; row["Area"] = land.area; row["AuctionID"] = land.auctionID; //Unemplemented row["Category"] = land.category; //Enum libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelCategory row["ClaimDate"] = land.claimDate; row["ClaimPrice"] = land.claimPrice; row["GroupUUID"] = land.groupID.UUID; row["SalePrice"] = land.salePrice; row["LandStatus"] = land.landStatus; //Enum. libsecondlife.Parcel.ParcelStatus row["LandFlags"] = land.landFlags; row["LandingType"] = land.landingType; row["MediaAutoScale"] = land.mediaAutoScale; row["MediaTextureUUID"] = land.mediaID.UUID; row["MediaURL"] = land.mediaURL; row["MusicURL"] = land.musicURL; row["PassHours"] = land.passHours; row["PassPrice"] = land.passPrice; row["SnapshotUUID"] = land.snapshotID.UUID; row["UserLocationX"] = land.userLocation.X; row["UserLocationY"] = land.userLocation.Y; row["UserLocationZ"] = land.userLocation.Z; row["UserLookAtX"] = land.userLookAt.X; row["UserLookAtY"] = land.userLookAt.Y; row["UserLookAtZ"] = land.userLookAt.Z; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="entry"></param> /// <param name="parcelID"></param> private static void fillLandAccessRow(DataRow row, ParcelManager.ParcelAccessEntry entry, LLUUID parcelID) { row["LandUUID"] = parcelID.UUID; row["AccessUUID"] = entry.AgentID.UUID; row["Flags"] = entry.Flags; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static PrimitiveBaseShape buildShape(DataRow row) { PrimitiveBaseShape s = new PrimitiveBaseShape(); s.Scale = new LLVector3( Convert.ToSingle(row["ScaleX"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["ScaleY"]), Convert.ToSingle(row["ScaleZ"]) ); // paths s.PCode = Convert.ToByte(row["PCode"]); s.PathBegin = Convert.ToUInt16(row["PathBegin"]); s.PathEnd = Convert.ToUInt16(row["PathEnd"]); s.PathScaleX = Convert.ToByte(row["PathScaleX"]); s.PathScaleY = Convert.ToByte(row["PathScaleY"]); s.PathShearX = Convert.ToByte(row["PathShearX"]); s.PathShearY = Convert.ToByte(row["PathShearY"]); s.PathSkew = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathSkew"]); s.PathCurve = Convert.ToByte(row["PathCurve"]); s.PathRadiusOffset = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathRadiusOffset"]); s.PathRevolutions = Convert.ToByte(row["PathRevolutions"]); s.PathTaperX = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathTaperX"]); s.PathTaperY = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathTaperY"]); s.PathTwist = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathTwist"]); s.PathTwistBegin = Convert.ToSByte(row["PathTwistBegin"]); // profile s.ProfileBegin = Convert.ToUInt16(row["ProfileBegin"]); s.ProfileEnd = Convert.ToUInt16(row["ProfileEnd"]); s.ProfileCurve = Convert.ToByte(row["ProfileCurve"]); s.ProfileHollow = Convert.ToUInt16(row["ProfileHollow"]); s.State = Convert.ToByte(row["State"]); byte[] textureEntry = (byte[])row["Texture"]; s.TextureEntry = textureEntry; s.ExtraParams = (byte[])row["ExtraParams"]; return s; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="prim"></param> private static void fillShapeRow(DataRow row, SceneObjectPart prim) { PrimitiveBaseShape s = prim.Shape; row["UUID"] = prim.UUID; // shape is an enum row["Shape"] = 0; // vectors row["ScaleX"] = s.Scale.X; row["ScaleY"] = s.Scale.Y; row["ScaleZ"] = s.Scale.Z; // paths row["PCode"] = s.PCode; row["PathBegin"] = s.PathBegin; row["PathEnd"] = s.PathEnd; row["PathScaleX"] = s.PathScaleX; row["PathScaleY"] = s.PathScaleY; row["PathShearX"] = s.PathShearX; row["PathShearY"] = s.PathShearY; row["PathSkew"] = s.PathSkew; row["PathCurve"] = s.PathCurve; row["PathRadiusOffset"] = s.PathRadiusOffset; row["PathRevolutions"] = s.PathRevolutions; row["PathTaperX"] = s.PathTaperX; row["PathTaperY"] = s.PathTaperY; row["PathTwist"] = s.PathTwist; row["PathTwistBegin"] = s.PathTwistBegin; // profile row["ProfileBegin"] = s.ProfileBegin; row["ProfileEnd"] = s.ProfileEnd; row["ProfileCurve"] = s.ProfileCurve; row["ProfileHollow"] = s.ProfileHollow; row["State"] = s.State; row["Texture"] = s.TextureEntry; row["ExtraParams"] = s.ExtraParams; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="prim"></param> /// <param name="sceneGroupID"></param> /// <param name="regionUUID"></param> private void addPrim(SceneObjectPart prim, LLUUID sceneGroupID, LLUUID regionUUID) { DataTable prims = m_dataSet.Tables["prims"]; DataTable shapes = m_dataSet.Tables["primshapes"]; DataRow primRow = prims.Rows.Find(prim.UUID); if (primRow == null) { primRow = prims.NewRow(); fillPrimRow(primRow, prim, sceneGroupID, regionUUID); prims.Rows.Add(primRow); } else { fillPrimRow(primRow, prim, sceneGroupID, regionUUID); } DataRow shapeRow = shapes.Rows.Find(prim.UUID); if (shapeRow == null) { shapeRow = shapes.NewRow(); fillShapeRow(shapeRow, prim); shapes.Rows.Add(shapeRow); } else { fillShapeRow(shapeRow, prim); } } /// <summary> /// See <see cref="IRegionDatastore"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="primID"></param> /// <param name="items"></param> public void StorePrimInventory(LLUUID primID, ICollection<TaskInventoryItem> items) { if (!persistPrimInventories) return; m_log.InfoFormat("[REGION DB]: Persisting Prim Inventory with prim ID {0}", primID); // For now, we're just going to crudely remove all the previous inventory items // no matter whether they have changed or not, and replace them with the current set. lock (m_dataSet) { RemoveItems(primID); // repalce with current inventory details foreach (TaskInventoryItem newItem in items) { // m_log.InfoFormat( // "[REGION DB]: " + // "Adding item {0}, {1} to prim ID {2}", // newItem.Name, newItem.ItemID, newItem.ParentPartID); DataRow newItemRow = m_itemsTable.NewRow(); fillItemRow(newItemRow, newItem); m_itemsTable.Rows.Add(newItemRow); } } Commit(); } /*********************************************************************** * * SQL Statement Creation Functions * * These functions create SQL statements for update, insert, and create. * They can probably be factored later to have a db independant * portion and a db specific portion * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Create an Insert command /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns>the sql command</returns> private static SqlCommand createInsertCommand(string table, DataTable dt) { /** * This is subtle enough to deserve some commentary. * Instead of doing *lots* and *lots of hardcoded strings * for database definitions we'll use the fact that * realistically all insert statements look like "insert * into A(b, c) values(:b, :c) on the parameterized query * front. If we just have a list of b, c, etc... we can * generate these strings instead of typing them out. */ string[] cols = new string[dt.Columns.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { DataColumn col = dt.Columns[i]; cols[i] = col.ColumnName; } string sql = "insert into " + table + "("; sql += String.Join(", ", cols); // important, the first ':' needs to be here, the rest get added in the join sql += ") values (@"; sql += String.Join(", @", cols); sql += ")"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql); // this provides the binding for all our parameters, so // much less code than it used to be foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqlParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType)); } return cmd; } /// <summary> /// Create an update command /// </summary> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="pk"></param> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns>the sql command</returns> private static SqlCommand createUpdateCommand(string table, string pk, DataTable dt) { string sql = "update " + table + " set "; string subsql = String.Empty; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ", "; } subsql += col.ColumnName + "= @" + col.ColumnName; } sql += subsql; sql += " where " + pk; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql); // this provides the binding for all our parameters, so // much less code than it used to be foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqlParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType)); } return cmd; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dt"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string defineTable(DataTable dt) { string sql = "create table " + dt.TableName + "("; string subsql = String.Empty; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (subsql.Length > 0) { // a map function would rock so much here subsql += ",\n"; } subsql += col.ColumnName + " " + MSSQLManager.SqlType(col.DataType); if (dt.PrimaryKey.Length > 0 && col == dt.PrimaryKey[0]) { subsql += " primary key"; } } sql += subsql; sql += ")"; return sql; } /*********************************************************************** * * Database Binding functions * * These will be db specific due to typing, and minor differences * in databases. * **********************************************************************/ ///<summary> /// <para> /// This is a convenience function that collapses 5 repetitive /// lines for defining SqlParameters to 2 parameters: /// column name and database type. /// </para> /// /// <para> /// It assumes certain conventions like :param as the param /// name to replace in parametrized queries, and that source /// version is always current version, both of which are fine /// for us. /// </para> ///</summary> ///<returns>a built Sql parameter</returns> private static SqlParameter createSqlParameter(string name, Type type) { SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = "@" + name; param.DbType = dbtypeFromType(type); param.SourceColumn = name; param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; return param; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupPrimCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("prims", m_dataSet.Tables["prims"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("prims", "UUID=@UUID", m_dataSet.Tables["prims"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqlCommand delete = new SqlCommand("delete from prims where UUID = @UUID"); delete.Parameters.Add(createSqlParameter("UUID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void SetupItemsCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primitems", m_itemsTable); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primitems", "itemID = @itemID", m_itemsTable); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqlCommand delete = new SqlCommand("delete from primitems where itemID = @itemID"); delete.Parameters.Add(createSqlParameter("itemID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupTerrainCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("terrain", m_dataSet.Tables["terrain"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupLandCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("land", m_dataSet.Tables["land"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("land", "UUID=@UUID", m_dataSet.Tables["land"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupLandAccessCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("landaccesslist", m_dataSet.Tables["landaccesslist"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="da"></param> /// <param name="conn"></param> private void setupShapeCommands(SqlDataAdapter da, SqlConnection conn) { da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primshapes", m_dataSet.Tables["primshapes"]); da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn; da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primshapes", "UUID=@UUID", m_dataSet.Tables["primshapes"]); da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn; SqlCommand delete = new SqlCommand("delete from primshapes where UUID = @UUID"); delete.Parameters.Add(createSqlParameter("UUID", typeof(String))); delete.Connection = conn; da.DeleteCommand = delete; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> private static void InitDB(SqlConnection conn) { string createPrims = defineTable(createPrimTable()); string createShapes = defineTable(createShapeTable()); string createItems = defineTable(createItemsTable()); string createTerrain = defineTable(createTerrainTable()); string createLand = defineTable(createLandTable()); string createLandAccessList = defineTable(createLandAccessListTable()); SqlCommand pcmd = new SqlCommand(createPrims, conn); SqlCommand scmd = new SqlCommand(createShapes, conn); SqlCommand icmd = new SqlCommand(createItems, conn); SqlCommand tcmd = new SqlCommand(createTerrain, conn); SqlCommand lcmd = new SqlCommand(createLand, conn); SqlCommand lalcmd = new SqlCommand(createLandAccessList, conn); conn.Open(); try { pcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: Primitives Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } try { scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: Shapes Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } try { icmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: Items Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } try { tcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: Terrain Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } try { lcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: Land Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } try { lalcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException e) { m_log.WarnFormat("[MSSql]: LandAccessList Table Already Exists: {0}", e); } conn.Close(); } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool TestTables(SqlConnection conn) { SqlCommand primSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_primSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter pDa = new SqlDataAdapter(primSelectCmd); SqlCommand shapeSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_shapeSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter sDa = new SqlDataAdapter(shapeSelectCmd); SqlCommand itemsSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_itemsSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter iDa = new SqlDataAdapter(itemsSelectCmd); SqlCommand terrainSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_terrainSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter tDa = new SqlDataAdapter(terrainSelectCmd); SqlCommand landSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_landSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter lDa = new SqlDataAdapter(landSelectCmd); SqlCommand landAccessListSelectCmd = new SqlCommand(m_landAccessListSelect, conn); SqlDataAdapter lalDa = new SqlDataAdapter(landAccessListSelectCmd); DataSet tmpDS = new DataSet(); try { pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "prims"); sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primshapes"); if (persistPrimInventories) iDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primitems"); tDa.Fill(tmpDS, "terrain"); lDa.Fill(tmpDS, "land"); lalDa.Fill(tmpDS, "landaccesslist"); } catch (SqlException) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: MS Sql Database doesn't exist... creating"); InitDB(conn); } pDa.Fill(tmpDS, "prims"); sDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primshapes"); if (persistPrimInventories) iDa.Fill(tmpDS, "primitems"); tDa.Fill(tmpDS, "terrain"); lDa.Fill(tmpDS, "land"); lalDa.Fill(tmpDS, "landaccesslist"); foreach (DataColumn col in createPrimTable().Columns) { if (!tmpDS.Tables["prims"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Missing required column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } foreach (DataColumn col in createShapeTable().Columns) { if (!tmpDS.Tables["primshapes"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Missing required column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } // XXX primitems should probably go here eventually foreach (DataColumn col in createTerrainTable().Columns) { if (!tmpDS.Tables["terrain"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Missing require column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } foreach (DataColumn col in createLandTable().Columns) { if (!tmpDS.Tables["land"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Missing require column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } foreach (DataColumn col in createLandAccessListTable().Columns) { if (!tmpDS.Tables["landaccesslist"].Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName)) { m_log.Info("[REGION DB]: Missing require column:" + col.ColumnName); return false; } } return true; } /*********************************************************************** * * Type conversion functions * **********************************************************************/ /// <summary> /// Type conversion function /// </summary> /// <param name="type">a Type</param> /// <returns>a DbType</returns> private static DbType dbtypeFromType(Type type) { if (type == typeof(String)) { return DbType.String; } else if (type == typeof(Int32)) { return DbType.Int32; } else if (type == typeof(Double)) { return DbType.Double; } else if (type == typeof(Byte[])) { return DbType.Binary; } else { return DbType.String; } } } }