/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Timers; using log4net; using Nini.Config; using OpenMetaverse; using OpenSim.Data; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Services.Interfaces; namespace OpenSim.Groups { public class HGGroupsService : GroupsService { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private IOfflineIMService m_OfflineIM; private IUserAccountService m_UserAccounts; private string m_HomeURI; public HGGroupsService(IConfigSource config, IOfflineIMService im, IUserAccountService users, string homeURI) : base(config, string.Empty) { m_OfflineIM = im; m_UserAccounts = users; m_HomeURI = homeURI; if (!m_HomeURI.EndsWith("/")) m_HomeURI += "/"; } #region HG specific operations public bool CreateGroupProxy(string RequestingAgentID, string agentID, string accessToken, UUID groupID, string serviceLocation, string name, out string reason) { reason = string.Empty; Uri uri = null; try { uri = new Uri(serviceLocation); } catch (UriFormatException) { reason = "Bad location for group proxy"; return false; } // Check if it already exists GroupData grec = m_Database.RetrieveGroup(groupID); if (grec == null || (grec != null && grec.Data["Location"] != string.Empty && grec.Data["Location"].ToLower() != serviceLocation.ToLower())) { // Create the group grec = new GroupData(); grec.GroupID = groupID; grec.Data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); grec.Data["Name"] = name + " @ " + uri.Authority; grec.Data["Location"] = serviceLocation; grec.Data["Charter"] = string.Empty; grec.Data["InsigniaID"] = UUID.Zero.ToString(); grec.Data["FounderID"] = UUID.Zero.ToString(); grec.Data["MembershipFee"] = "0"; grec.Data["OpenEnrollment"] = "0"; grec.Data["ShowInList"] = "0"; grec.Data["AllowPublish"] = "0"; grec.Data["MaturePublish"] = "0"; grec.Data["OwnerRoleID"] = UUID.Zero.ToString(); if (!m_Database.StoreGroup(grec)) return false; } if (grec.Data["Location"] == string.Empty) { reason = "Cannot add proxy membership to non-proxy group"; return false; } UUID uid = UUID.Zero; string url = string.Empty, first = string.Empty, last = string.Empty, tmp = string.Empty; Util.ParseUniversalUserIdentifier(RequestingAgentID, out uid, out url, out first, out last, out tmp); string fromName = first + "." + last + "@" + url; // Invite to group again InviteToGroup(fromName, groupID, new UUID(agentID), grec.Data["Name"]); // Stick the proxy membership in the DB already // we'll delete it if the agent declines the invitation MembershipData membership = new MembershipData(); membership.PrincipalID = agentID; membership.GroupID = groupID; membership.Data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); membership.Data["SelectedRoleID"] = UUID.Zero.ToString(); membership.Data["Contribution"] = "0"; membership.Data["ListInProfile"] = "1"; membership.Data["AcceptNotices"] = "1"; membership.Data["AccessToken"] = accessToken; m_Database.StoreMember(membership); return true; } public void RemoveAgentFromGroup(string RequestingAgentID, string AgentID, UUID GroupID, string token) { // check the token MembershipData membership = m_Database.RetrieveMember(GroupID, AgentID); if (membership != null) { if (token != string.Empty && token.Equals(membership.Data["AccessToken"])) RemoveAgentFromGroup(RequestingAgentID, AgentID, GroupID); else m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: access token {0} did not match stored one {1}", token, membership.Data["AccessToken"]); } else m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: membership not found for {0}", AgentID); } public ExtendedGroupRecord GetGroupRecord(string RequestingAgentID, UUID GroupID, string groupName, string token) { // check the token if (!VerifyToken(GroupID, RequestingAgentID, token)) return null; ExtendedGroupRecord grec; if (GroupID == UUID.Zero) grec = GetGroupRecord(RequestingAgentID, groupName); else grec = GetGroupRecord(RequestingAgentID, GroupID); if (grec != null) FillFounderUUI(grec); return grec; } public List<ExtendedGroupMembersData> GetGroupMembers(string RequestingAgentID, UUID GroupID, string token) { if (!VerifyToken(GroupID, RequestingAgentID, token)) return new List<ExtendedGroupMembersData>(); List<ExtendedGroupMembersData> members = GetGroupMembers(RequestingAgentID, GroupID); // convert UUIDs to UUIs members.ForEach(delegate (ExtendedGroupMembersData m) { if (m.AgentID.ToString().Length == 36) // UUID { UserAccount account = m_UserAccounts.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, new UUID(m.AgentID)); if (account != null) m.AgentID = Util.UniversalIdentifier(account.PrincipalID, account.FirstName, account.LastName, m_HomeURI); } }); return members; } public List<GroupRolesData> GetGroupRoles(string RequestingAgentID, UUID GroupID, string token) { if (!VerifyToken(GroupID, RequestingAgentID, token)) return new List<GroupRolesData>(); return GetGroupRoles(RequestingAgentID, GroupID); } public List<ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData> GetGroupRoleMembers(string RequestingAgentID, UUID GroupID, string token) { if (!VerifyToken(GroupID, RequestingAgentID, token)) return new List<ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData>(); List<ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData> rolemembers = GetGroupRoleMembers(RequestingAgentID, GroupID); // convert UUIDs to UUIs rolemembers.ForEach(delegate(ExtendedGroupRoleMembersData m) { if (m.MemberID.ToString().Length == 36) // UUID { UserAccount account = m_UserAccounts.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, new UUID(m.MemberID)); if (account != null) m.MemberID = Util.UniversalIdentifier(account.PrincipalID, account.FirstName, account.LastName, m_HomeURI); } }); return rolemembers; } public bool AddNotice(string RequestingAgentID, UUID groupID, UUID noticeID, string fromName, string subject, string message, bool hasAttachment, byte attType, string attName, UUID attItemID, string attOwnerID) { // check that the group proxy exists ExtendedGroupRecord grec = GetGroupRecord(RequestingAgentID, groupID); if (grec == null) { m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: attempt at adding notice to non-existent group proxy"); return false; } // check that the group is remote if (grec.ServiceLocation == string.Empty) { m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: attempt at adding notice to local (non-proxy) group"); return false; } // check that there isn't already a notice with the same ID if (GetGroupNotice(RequestingAgentID, noticeID) != null) { m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: a notice with the same ID already exists", grec.ServiceLocation); return false; } // This has good intentions (security) but it will potentially DDS the origin... // We'll need to send a proof along with the message. Maybe encrypt the message // using key pairs // //// check that the notice actually exists in the origin //GroupsServiceHGConnector c = new GroupsServiceHGConnector(grec.ServiceLocation); //if (!c.VerifyNotice(noticeID, groupID)) //{ // m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: notice does not exist at origin {0}", grec.ServiceLocation); // return false; //} // ok, we're good! return _AddNotice(groupID, noticeID, fromName, subject, message, hasAttachment, attType, attName, attItemID, attOwnerID); } public bool VerifyNotice(UUID noticeID, UUID groupID) { GroupNoticeInfo notice = GetGroupNotice(string.Empty, noticeID); if (notice == null) return false; if (notice.GroupID != groupID) return false; return true; } #endregion private void InviteToGroup(string fromName, UUID groupID, UUID invitedAgentID, string groupName) { // Todo: Security check, probably also want to send some kind of notification UUID InviteID = UUID.Random(); if (AddAgentToGroupInvite(InviteID, groupID, invitedAgentID.ToString())) { Guid inviteUUID = InviteID.Guid; GridInstantMessage msg = new GridInstantMessage(); msg.imSessionID = inviteUUID; // msg.fromAgentID = agentID.Guid; msg.fromAgentID = groupID.Guid; msg.toAgentID = invitedAgentID.Guid; //msg.timestamp = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch(); msg.timestamp = 0; msg.fromAgentName = fromName; msg.message = string.Format("Please confirm your acceptance to join group {0}.", groupName); msg.dialog = (byte)OpenMetaverse.InstantMessageDialog.GroupInvitation; msg.fromGroup = true; msg.offline = (byte)0; msg.ParentEstateID = 0; msg.Position = Vector3.Zero; msg.RegionID = UUID.Zero.Guid; msg.binaryBucket = new byte[20]; string reason = string.Empty; m_OfflineIM.StoreMessage(msg, out reason); } } private bool AddAgentToGroupInvite(UUID inviteID, UUID groupID, string agentID) { // Check whether the invitee is already a member of the group MembershipData m = m_Database.RetrieveMember(groupID, agentID); if (m != null) return false; // Check whether there are pending invitations and delete them InvitationData invite = m_Database.RetrieveInvitation(groupID, agentID); if (invite != null) m_Database.DeleteInvite(invite.InviteID); invite = new InvitationData(); invite.InviteID = inviteID; invite.PrincipalID = agentID; invite.GroupID = groupID; invite.RoleID = UUID.Zero; invite.Data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); return m_Database.StoreInvitation(invite); } private void FillFounderUUI(ExtendedGroupRecord grec) { UserAccount account = m_UserAccounts.GetUserAccount(UUID.Zero, grec.FounderID); if (account != null) grec.FounderUUI = Util.UniversalIdentifier(account.PrincipalID, account.FirstName, account.LastName, m_HomeURI); } private bool VerifyToken(UUID groupID, string agentID, string token) { // check the token MembershipData membership = m_Database.RetrieveMember(groupID, agentID); if (membership != null) { if (token != string.Empty && token.Equals(membership.Data["AccessToken"])) return true; else m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: access token {0} did not match stored one {1}", token, membership.Data["AccessToken"]); } else m_log.DebugFormat("[Groups.HGGroupsService]: membership not found for {0}", agentID); return false; } } }