using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using OpenSim.UserServer;
using OpenSim.Servers;
using OpenSim.Assets;
using OpenSim.Framework.Inventory;
using libsecondlife;
using Avatar=libsecondlife.Avatar;
namespace OpenSim.CAPS
public class AdminWebFront
private string AdminPage;
private string NewAccountForm;
private string LoginForm;
private string passWord = "Admin";
private World m_world;
private LoginServer _userServer;
private InventoryCache _inventoryCache;
public AdminWebFront(string password, World world, InventoryCache inventoryCache, LoginServer userserver)
_inventoryCache = inventoryCache;
_userServer = userserver;
m_world = world;
passWord = password;
public void LoadMethods( BaseHttpServer server )
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin", GetAdminPage);
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/Welcome", GetWelcomePage);
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/Accounts", GetAccountsPage );
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/Clients", GetConnectedClientsPage);
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/Entities", GetEntitiesPage);
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/Scripts", GetScriptsPage);
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/Admin/AddTestScript", AddTestScript );
server.AddRestHandler("GET", "/ClientInventory", GetClientsInventory);
server.AddRestHandler("POST", "/Admin/NewAccount", PostNewAccount );
server.AddRestHandler("POST", "/Admin/Login", PostLogin );
private string GetWelcomePage(string request, string path)
string responseString;
responseString = "Welcome to the OpenSim Admin Page";
responseString += "
" + LoginForm;
return responseString;
private string PostLogin(string requestBody, string path)
string responseString;
// Console.WriteLine(requestBody);
if (requestBody == passWord)
responseString = "
Login Successful
"; } else { responseString = "Password Error
"; responseString += "Please Login with the correct password
"; responseString += "New Account created
"; } else { responseString = "Admin password is incorrect, please login with the correct password
"; responseString += "Listing connected Clients
"; TempAv; foreach (libsecondlife.LLUUID UUID in m_world.Entities.Keys) { if (m_world.Entities[UUID].ToString() == "") { TempAv = ([UUID]; responseString += "Client: "; responseString += TempAv.firstname + " , " + TempAv.lastname + " , " + UUID + " , " + TempAv.ControllingClient.SessionID + " , " + TempAv.ControllingClient.CircuitCode + " , " + TempAv.ControllingClient.userEP.ToString(); responseString += "
"; } } return responseString; } private class TestScript : Script { public TestScript() : base(LLUUID.Random()) { OnFrame += MyOnFrame; } private void MyOnFrame(IScriptContext context) { LLVector3 pos = context.Entity.Pos; IScriptReadonlyEntity avatar; if( context.TryGetRandomAvatar( out avatar ) ) { LLVector3 avatarPos = avatar.Pos; float x = pos.X + ((float)avatarPos.X.CompareTo(pos.X))/2; float y = pos.Y + ((float)avatarPos.Y.CompareTo(pos.Y))/2; LLVector3 newPos = new LLVector3( x, y, pos.Z ); context.Entity.Pos = newPos; } } } private string AddTestScript(string request, string path) { int index = path.LastIndexOf('/'); string lluidStr = path.Substring(index+1); LLUUID id; if( LLUUID.TryParse( lluidStr, out id ) ) { // This is just here for concept purposes... Remove! m_world.AddScript( m_world.Entities[id], new TestScript()); return String.Format("Added new script to object [{0}]", id); } else { return String.Format("Couldn't parse [{0}]", lluidStr ); } } private string GetScriptsPage(string request, string path) { return String.Empty; } private string GetEntitiesPage(string request, string path) { string responseString; responseString = "Listing current entities
Listing Inventory
"; line = path.Split(delimiter); if (line.Length > 2) { if (line[1] == "ClientInventory") { AgentInventory inven = this._inventoryCache.GetAgentsInventory(new libsecondlife.LLUUID(line[2])); responseString += "Client: " + inven.AgentID.ToStringHyphenated() +"
"; if (inven != null) { foreach (InventoryItem item in inven.InventoryItems.Values) { responseString += "InventoryItem: "; responseString += item.Name +" , "+ item.ItemID +" , "+ item.Type +" , "+ item.FolderID +" , "+ item.AssetID +" , "+ item.Description ; responseString += "
"; } } } } return responseString; } private string GetCachedAssets(string request, string path) { return ""; } private string GetAccountsPage(string request, string path) { string responseString; responseString = "Account management
"; responseString += "Create New Account
"; responseString += NewAccountForm; return responseString; } private string GetAdminPage(string request, string path) { return AdminPage; } private void LoadAdminPage() { try { StreamReader SR; SR = File.OpenText("testadmin.htm"); AdminPage = SR.ReadToEnd(); SR.Close(); SR = File.OpenText("newaccountform.htm"); NewAccountForm = SR.ReadToEnd(); SR.Close(); SR = File.OpenText("login.htm"); LoginForm = SR.ReadToEnd(); SR.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } } }