- Sim
- OpenSim
- Sim
- OpenSim.Assets
- OpenSim.CAPS
- Sim
- OpenSim.CAPS
- OpenSim.CAPS
- Sim
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o
- Sim
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Console
- OpenSim.Framework.Grid
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Grid
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces
- OpenSim.Framework.Inventory
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Inventory
- OpenSim.Framework.Sims
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Sims
- OpenSim.Framework.Terrain
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Terrain
- OpenSim.Framework.User
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.User
- OpenSim.Framework.Utilities
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Utilities
- Sim
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote
- Sim
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Storage.LocalStorageDb4o
- OpenSim.types
- OpenSim.types
- Sim
- OpenSim.types
- OpenSim.UserServer
- Sim
- OpenSim.UserServer
- Sim
- Sim
- OpenGridServices.ServerConsole
- OpenGridServices.ServerConsole
- OpenGridServices.ServerConsole
- conscmd_callback
- conscmd
- ServerConsole.conscmd_callback
- conscmd_callback
- conscmd_callback.RunCmd(String, String[]):Void
- cmdparams
- cmdparams
- ShowWhat
- ConsoleBase.CmdPrompt(String, String):String
- defaultresponse
- defaultresponse
- OptionA
- OptionB
- ConsoleBase.CmdPrompt(String, String, String, String):String
- defaultresponse
- defaultresponse
- Passwd
- ConsoleBase.PasswdPrompt(String):String
- Cmd
- ConsoleBase.RunCmd(String, String[]):Object
- cmdparams
- cmdparams
- ShowWhat
- Line
- Line
- Sim
- ConsoleType.SimChat
- ConsoleType.TCP
- MainConsole
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o.Db40ConfigPlugin
- Sim
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o.DbSimConfig
- Db
- OpenSim.Config.SimConfigDb4o.DbSimConfig
- DbSimConfig.InitConfig(Boolean):Void
- System.Exception
- DbSimConfig.InitConfig(Boolean):Void
- System.UInt32.ToString
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- DbSimConfig.InitConfig(Boolean):Void
- System.UInt64.ToString
- System.UInt64.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- DbSimConfig.LoadDefaults():Void
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String)
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- DbSimConfig.LoadDefaults():Void
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String)
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- DbSimConfig.LoadDefaults():Void
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String)
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- Map
- OpenSim
- OpenSim
- OpenSim
- OpenSim
- OpenSim
- 'args'
- RegionServer.Main(String[]):Void
- 'args'
- RegionServer.Main(String[]):Void
- OpenSim.Framework.Console
- OpenSim.Framework.Console
- OpenSim.Framework.Console
- ConsoleBase.CmdPrompt(String, String):String
- defaultresponse
- defaultresponse
- OptionA
- OptionB
- ConsoleBase.CmdPrompt(String, String, String, String):String
- defaultresponse
- defaultresponse
- Cmd
- ConsoleBase.RunCmd(String, String[]):Object
- cmdparams
- cmdparams
- ShowWhat
- Sim
- ConsoleType.SimChat
- ConsoleType.TCP
- MainConsole
- OpenSim.Framework
- OpenSim.Framework
- OpenSim.Framework
- Data
- Description
- FullID
- InvType
- Name
- Type
- PrimData.PrimData()
- ParentID
- System.UInt32
- 0
- FullID
- LocalID
- OwnerID
- ParentID
- PathBegin
- PathCurve
- PathEnd
- PathRadiusOffset
- PathRevolutions
- PathScaleX
- PathScaleY
- PathShearX
- PathShearY
- PathSkew
- PathTaperX
- PathTaperY
- PathTwist
- PathTwistBegin
- PCode
- Position
- ProfileBegin
- ProfileCurve
- ProfileEnd
- ProfileHollow
- Rotation
- Scale
- Texture
- Login
- LoginService
- LogOn
- AgentID
- circuitcode
- circuitcode
- AgentCircuitData.circuitcode
- firstname
- firstname
- AgentCircuitData.firstname
- lastname
- lastname
- AgentCircuitData.lastname
- SecureSessionID
- SessionID
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.ARequest
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.ARequest
- AssetID
- IsTexture
- Authorised
- Authorised
- AuthenticateResponse.Authorised
- LoginInfo
- Login
- LoginInfo
- LogOn
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.IAssetPlugin
- GetAssetServer
- IsTexture
- ID
- assetID
- Id
- ServerUrl
- ServerKey
- ServerUrl
- IAssetServer.SetServerInfo(String, String):Void
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.IGridPlugin
- GetGridServer
- ID
- sessionID
- Id
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- GetName
- ID
- sessionID
- Id
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- Logout
- LogoutSession
- LogOff
- Neighbours
- IGridServer.RequestNeighbours():NeighbourInfo[]
- IGridServer.RequestUUIDBlock():UUIDBlock
- ServerUrl
- SendKey
- RecvKey
- IGridServer.SetServerInfo(String, String, String):Void
- Recv
- RecvKey
- ServerUrl
- IGridServer.SetServerInfo(String, String, String):Void
- ID
- primID
- Id
- ShutDown
- method
- ShutDown
- Shutdown
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.ISimConfig
- GetConfigObject
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- ServerUrl
- SendKey
- RecvKey
- IUserServer.SetServerInfo(String, String, String):Void
- Recv
- RecvKey
- ServerUrl
- IUserServer.SetServerInfo(String, String, String):Void
- Logout
- LogoutSession
- LogOff
- Login
- Login
- LogOn
- Agent
- BaseFolder
- First
- InventoryFolder
- Last
- SecureSession
- Session
- Neighbour
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.NeighbourInfo
- regionhandle
- regionhandle
- NeighbourInfo.regionhandle
- RegionLocX
- RegionLocY
- sim_ip
- sim
- NeighbourInfo.sim_ip
- sim_ip
- sim_port
- sim
- NeighbourInfo.sim_port
- sim_port
- agentcircuits
- agentcircuits
- agentcircuits
- RemoteGridBase.agentcircuits:Dictionary`2<System.UInt32,OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.AgentCircuitData>
- Logout
- LogoutSession
- LogOff
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.SimConfig
- AssetSendKey
- AssetURL
- GridRecvKey
- Recv
- SimConfig.GridRecvKey
- GridSendKey
- GridURL
- IPListenAddr
- Addr
- SimConfig.IPListenAddr
- IPListenPort
- RegionHandle
- RegionLocX
- RegionLocY
- RegionName
- SimConfig.SaveMap(Single[]):Void
- heightmap
- heightmap
- UserRecvKey
- Recv
- SimConfig.UserRecvKey
- UserSendKey
- UserURL
- UUIDBlock
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.UUIDBlock
- OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.UUIDBlock
- BlockEnd
- BlockStart
- AgentInventory.AgentInventory()
- ID
- folderID
- Id
- AgentID
- ID
- folderID
- Id
- Initialise
- AgentInventory.Initialise():Void
- InventoryFolders
- InventoryItems
- InventoryRoot
- LastCached
- ID
- itemID
- Id
- Wearables
- Wearables
- AgentInventory.Wearables
- AssetID
- ItemID
- DefaultType
- FolderID
- FolderName
- Items
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<OpenSim.Framework.Inventory.InventoryItem>
- InventoryFolder.Items
- OwnerID
- ParentID
- Version
- AssetID
- CreatorID
- Description
- FolderID
- InvType
- ItemID
- Name
- OwnerID
- Type
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Sims.SimProfile
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.Exception
- GridURL
- SendKey
- RecvKey
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- Recv
- RecvKey
- region_handle
- GridURL
- RecvKey
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.Convert.ToUInt16(System.Object)
- System.Convert.ToUInt16(System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object)
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object)
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.Convert.ToUInt64(System.Object)
- System.Convert.ToUInt64(System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)
- SimProfile.LoadFromGrid(UInt64, String, String, String):SimProfile
- System.UInt64.ToString
- System.UInt64.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- Sim
- OpenSim.Framework.Sims.SimProfileBase
- caps_url
- caps_url
- recvkey
- recvkey
- SimProfileBase.recvkey
- regionhandle
- regionhandle
- SimProfileBase.regionhandle
- RegionLocX
- RegionLocY
- regionname
- regionname
- SimProfileBase.regionname
- sendkey
- sendkey
- SimProfileBase.sendkey
- sim_ip
- sim
- SimProfileBase.sim_ip
- sim_ip
- sim_port
- sim
- SimProfileBase.sim_port
- sim_port
- Heightmap
- OpenSim.Framework.Terrain.HeightmapGenHills
- HeightmapGenHills.GenerateHeightmap(Int32, Single, Single, Boolean):Single[]
- num
- numHills
- Heightmap
- HeightmapGenHills.GenerateHeightmap(Int32, Single, Single, Boolean):Single[]
- HeightmapGenHills.NumHills
- UserProfile.UserProfile()
- IsGridGod
- System.Boolean
- false
- Sim
- UserProfile.AddSimCircuit(UInt32, LLUUID):Void
- regionUUID
- AssetURL
- Circuits
- CurrentSecureSessionID
- CurrentSessionID
- firstname
- firstname
- UserProfile.firstname
- homelookat
- homelookat
- UserProfile.homelookat
- homepos
- homepos
- UserProfile.homepos
- homeregionhandle
- homeregionhandle
- UserProfile.homeregionhandle
- Inventory
- IsGridGod
- IsLocal
- lastname
- lastname
- UserProfile.lastname
- MD5passwd
- response
- Customise
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- GridResp
- Nwc.XmlRpc.XmlRpcResponse
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.UInt32.ToString
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.UInt32.ToString
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- DefaultStartupMsg
- GridRecvKey
- Recv
- UserProfileManager.GridRecvKey
- GridSendKey
- GridURL
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Exception
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- UserProfileManager.SetKeys(String, String, String, String):Void
- recv
- recvKey
- url
- UserProfileManager.SetKeys(String, String, String, String):Void
- UserProfileManagerBase.AuthenticateUser(String, String, String):Boolean
- firstname
- firstname
- UserProfileManagerBase.AuthenticateUser(String, String, String):Boolean
- lastname
- lastname
- UserProfileManagerBase.AuthenticateUser(String, String, String):Boolean
- passwd
- passwd
- MD5passwd
- UserProfileManagerBase.CreateNewProfile(String, String, String):UserProfile
- firstname
- firstname
- UserProfileManagerBase.CreateNewProfile(String, String, String):UserProfile
- lastname
- lastname
- UserProfileManagerBase.CreateNewProfile(String, String, String):UserProfile
- M
- MD5passwd
- ProfileLLUUID
- ProfileLLUUID
- UserProfileManagerBase.GetProfileByLLUUID(LLUUID):UserProfile
- UserProfileManagerBase.GetProfileByName(String, String):UserProfile
- firstname
- firstname
- UserProfileManagerBase.GetProfileByName(String, String):UserProfile
- lastname
- lastname
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- GodID
- ID
- GodID
- Id
- UserProfiles
- OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.BlockingQueue`1
- Queue
- Util
- OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util
- Util
- Util
- System.Web.Util
- Xfer
- Util.GetNextXferID():UInt32
- Util.GetNextXferID():UInt32
- GetNextXferID
- X
- Y
- Util.UIntsToLong(UInt32, UInt32):UInt64
- X
- Util.UIntsToLong(UInt32, UInt32):UInt64
- Y
- Ints
- Util.UIntsToLong(UInt32, UInt32):UInt64
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local
- Data
- Name
- Type
- AssetUUIDQuery
- 'asset'
- AssetUUIDQuery.Match(AssetStorage):Boolean
- Plugin
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local.LocalAssetPlugin
- LocalAssetServer.LocalAssetServer()
- System.Exception
- LocalAssetServer.LoadAsset(AssetBase, Boolean, String):Void
- image
- LocalAssetServer.LoadAsset(AssetBase, Boolean, String):Void
- 'asset'
- LocalAssetServer.UploadNewAsset(AssetBase):Void
- Plugin
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Local.LocalGridPlugin
- Logout
- LogoutSession
- LogOff
- Sessions
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces.Login>
- LocalGridServer.Sessions
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote
- Plugin
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote.RemoteAssetPlugin
- Plugin
- OpenSim.GridInterfaces.Remote.RemoteGridPlugin
- agentcircuits
- circuitcode
- RemoteGridServer.AuthenticateSession(LLUUID, LLUUID, UInt32):AuthenticateResponse
- circuitCode
- IGridServer.AuthenticateSession(LLUUID, LLUUID, UInt32):AuthenticateResponse
- RemoteGridServer.GridRecvKey
- RemoteGridServer.GridSendKey
- RemoteGridServer.LogoutSession(LLUUID, LLUUID, UInt32):Boolean
- WebRequest.Create(Uri):WebRequest
- WebRequest.Create(String):WebRequest
- RemoteGridServer.LogoutSession(LLUUID, LLUUID, UInt32):Boolean
- GridResponse
- System.String
- Logout
- LogoutSession
- LogOff
- 'sessionID'
- RemoteGridServer.LogoutSession(LLUUID, LLUUID, UInt32):Boolean
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager.IPhysicsPlugin
- GetName
- GetScene
- 'heightMap'
- NullPhysicsScene.SetTerrain(Single[]):Void
- NullPhysicsScene.Simulate(Single):Void
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- Kinematic
- PhysicsActor.Kinematic:Boolean
- PhysicsManager.GetPhysicsScene(String):PhysicsScene
- System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object)
- System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])
- Plugins
- PhysicsManager.LoadPlugins():Void
- PhysicsVector.PhysicsVector(Single, Single, Single)
- x
- PhysicsVector.PhysicsVector(Single, Single, Single)
- y
- PhysicsVector.PhysicsVector(Single, Single, Single)
- z
- X
- X
- PhysicsVector.X
- Y
- Y
- PhysicsVector.Y
- Z
- Z
- PhysicsVector.Z
- PhysicsVector.Zero
- OpenSim.Physics.Manager.PhysicsVector
- OpenSim.RegionServer
- OpenSim.RegionServer
- OpenSim.RegionServer
- OpenSim.RegionServer
- OpenSim.RegionServer
- ID
- transactionID
- Id
- ID
- transactionID
- Id
- ID
- transactionID
- Id
- ID
- assetID
- Id
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket, LLUUID):Void
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String)
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket, LLUUID):Void
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String)
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- 'assetID'
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket, LLUUID):Void
- 'pack'
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleUploadPacket(AssetUploadRequestPacket, LLUUID):Void
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleXferPacket(SendXferPacketPacket):Void
- xfer
- xferPacket
- Xfer
- AgentAssetUpload.HandleXferPacket(SendXferPacketPacket):Void
- AssetTransaction.AssetTransaction()
- UploadComplete
- System.Boolean
- false
- AddToInventory
- Asset
- InventFolder
- TransactionID
- UploadComplete
- XferID
- Xfer
- AssetTransaction.XferID
- Grid
- OpenSim.Framework.Grid
- AssetDll
- AssetServer
- GridDll
- GridServer
- Initialise
- Grid.Initialise():Void
- Grid.LoadAssetDll(String):IAssetServer
- Grid.LoadGridDll(String):IGridServer
- Sim
- OpenSim.OpenSimApplication
- OpenSimApplication.RemoveClientCircuit(UInt32):Void
- circuitcode
- circuitcode
- OpenSimApplication.SendPacketTo(Byte[], Int32, SocketFlags, UInt32):Void
- circuitcode
- circuitcode
- StartUp
- method
- StartUp
- Startup
- Sim
- OpenSim.OpenSimMain
- OpenSim.OpenSimMain
- System.Timers.Timer, System.Net.Sockets.Socket
- OpenSimMain.OpenSimMain()
- loginserver
- System.Boolean
- false
- OpenSimMain.OpenSimMain()
- sandbox
- System.Boolean
- false
- _physicsEngine
- _physicsEngine
- OpenSimMain.LoadConfigDll(String):SimConfig
- loginserver
- loginserver
- OpenSimMain.loginserver
- sandbox
- Server
- Timer.set_Interval(Double):Void
- OpenSimMain.StartUp():Void
- OpenSimMain.StartUp():Void
- System.UInt32.ToString
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- OpenSimMain.StartUp():Void
- System.UInt32.ToString
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- Sim
- OpenSim.OpenSimRoot
- OpenSimRoot.OpenSimRoot()
- Sandbox
- System.Boolean
- false
- Application
- AssetCache
- Cfg
- Cfg
- OpenSimRoot.Cfg
- ClientThreads
- GridServers
- HttpServer
- InventoryCache
- LocalWorld
- Sandbox
- StartUp
- method
- StartUp
- Startup
- startuptime
- startuptime
- OpenSimRoot.startuptime
- Que
- OpenSim.QueItem
- Incoming
- Packet
- Sim
- OpenSim.SimClient
- OpenSim.SimClient
- System.Timers.Timer
- SimClient.SimClient(EndPoint, UseCircuitCodePacket)
- Sequence
- System.UInt32
- 0
- SimClient.SimClient(EndPoint, UseCircuitCodePacket)
- debug
- System.Boolean
- false
- Timer.Timer(Double)
- SimClient.SimClient(EndPoint, UseCircuitCodePacket)
- SimClient.SimClient(EndPoint, UseCircuitCodePacket)
- initialcirpack
- initialcirpack
- AgentID
- CircuitCode
- ClientAvatar
- NewPack
- SimClient.newAssetFolder
- NewPack
- Pack
- SimClient.ProcessInPacket(Packet):Void
- wear
- libsecondlife.Packets.AgentIsNowWearingPacket
- op_Equality
- ""
- SimClient.ProcessInPacket(Packet):Void
- SimClient.ProcessOutPacket(Packet):Void
- System.Exception
- Pack
- SecureSessionID
- SessionID
- userEP
- OpenSim.SimConsole
- OpenSim.Framework.Console.ConsoleBase
- Sim
- OpenSim.SimConsole
- SimConsole.SimConsole(ConsoleType, String, Int32)
- constype
- constype
- SimConsole.SimConsole(ConsoleType, String, Int32)
- sparam
- sparam
- SimConsole.SimConsole(ConsoleType, String, Int32)
- iparam
- iparam
- iparam
- SimConsole.SimConsole(ConsoleType, String, Int32)
- sparam
- SimConsole.SimConsole(ConsoleType, String, Int32)
- op_Equality
- ""
- SimConsole.CmdPrompt(String, String):String
- SimConsole.ConsType
- SimConsole.MainConsolePrompt():Void
- System.UInt64.ToString
- System.UInt64.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- 'cmdparams'
- SimConsole.RunCmd(String, String[]):Object
- SimConsole.ShowCommands(String):Void
- System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])
- System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])
- SimConsole.ShowCommands(String):Void
- System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])
- System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])
- Version
- ID
- imageID
- Id
- AssetRequests
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<OpenSim.Assets.AssetRequest>
- AssetCache.AssetRequests
- Assets
- sourceAsset
- AssetCache.CloneAsset(LLUUID, AssetInfo):AssetInfo
- OpenSim.Assets.AssetInfo
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets.AssetBase
- AssetCache.CloneAsset(LLUUID, AssetInfo):AssetInfo
- newOwner
- AssetCache.CloneAsset(LLUUID, AssetInfo):AssetInfo
- 'sourceAsset'
- AssetCache.CloneAsset(LLUUID, AssetInfo):AssetInfo
- source
- AssetCache.CloneImage(LLUUID, TextureImage):TextureImage
- OpenSim.Assets.TextureImage
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets.AssetBase
- AssetCache.CloneImage(LLUUID, TextureImage):TextureImage
- newOwner
- AssetCache.CloneImage(LLUUID, TextureImage):TextureImage
- 'source'
- AssetCache.CloneImage(LLUUID, TextureImage):TextureImage
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- ID
- assetID
- Id
- RequestedAssets
- RequestedTextures
- AssetCache.RunAssetManager():Void
- System.Exception
- TextureRequests
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<OpenSim.Assets.AssetRequest>
- AssetCache.TextureRequests
- Textures
- OpenSim.Assets.AssetInfo
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets.AssetBase
- AssetInfo.AssetInfo(AssetBase)
- a
- aBase
- 'aBase'
- AssetInfo.AssetInfo(AssetBase)
- AssetRequest.AssetRequest()
- DataPointer
- System.Int64
- 0
- AssetRequest.AssetRequest()
- NumPackets
- System.Int32
- 0
- AssetRequest.AssetRequest()
- PacketCounter
- System.Int32
- 0
- AssetInf
- DataPointer
- ImageInfo
- IsTextureRequest
- NumPackets
- Num
- AssetRequest.NumPackets
- PacketCounter
- RequestAssetID
- RequestUser
- TransferRequestID
- ID
- folderID
- Id
- ID
- clientID
- Id
- ID
- folderID
- Id
- ID
- folderID
- Id
- FetchItems
- FetchDescend
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- ID
- itemID
- Id
- OpenSim.Assets.TextureImage
- OpenSim.Framework.Assets.AssetBase
- TextureImage.TextureImage(AssetBase)
- a
- aBase
- 'aBase'
- TextureImage.TextureImage(AssetBase)
- Sim
- OpenSim.CAPS.SimCAPSHTTPServer
- OpenSim.CAPS.SimCAPSHTTPServer
- System.Net.HttpListener
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.HandleRequest(Object):Void
- stateinfo
- stateinfo
- Listener
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.LoadAdminPage():Void
- System.Exception
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseLLSDXML(String):String
- requestBody
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseLLSDXML(String):String
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseREST(String, String, String):String
- System.Exception
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseREST(String, String, String):String
- System.String.Format(System.String,System.Object[])
- System.String.Format(System.IFormatProvider,System.String,System.Object[])
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Exception
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.ParseXMLRPC(String):String
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object)
- System.Convert.ToUInt32(System.Object,System.IFormatProvider)
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.StartHTTP():Void
- System.Exception
- SimCAPSHTTPServer.StartHTTP():Void
- mesh
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<OpenSim.types.Triangle>
- Mesh.mesh
- Mesh.op_Addition(Mesh, Mesh):Mesh
- a
- Mesh.op_Addition(Mesh, Mesh):Mesh
- b
- Add
- Mesh.op_Addition(Mesh, Mesh):Mesh
- Mesh
- Mesh.op_Addition(Mesh, Mesh):Mesh
- A
- B
- C
- Triangle.Triangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
- A
- Triangle.Triangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
- B
- Triangle.Triangle(Vector3, Vector3, Vector3)
- C
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LocalUserProfileManager.CustomiseResponse(Hashtable&, UserProfile):Void
- System.Single.ToString
- System.Single.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- OpenSim.UserServer.LoginServer
- OpenSim.Framework.Grid.LoginService
- OpenSim.UserServer.LoginServer
- System.Net.Sockets.Socket
- Login
- LoginServer
- LogOn
- LoginServer.LoginServer(IGridServer)
- _needPasswd
- System.Boolean
- false
- LoginServer.LoginServer(IGridServer)
- userAccounts
- System.Boolean
- false
- LoginServer.Authenticate(String, String, String):Boolean
- passwd
- passwd
- clientAddress
- Customise
- LoginServer.CustomiseLoginResponse(Hashtable, String, String):Void
- Login
- CustomiseLoginResponse
- LogOn
- LoginServer.EncodePassword(String):String
- System.String.ToLower
- System.String.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo)
- LoginServer.GetAgentId(String, String):LLUUID
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String)
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- LoginServer.InitializeLogin():Void
- 4
- UserProfileManager.SetKeys(String, String, String, String):Void
- Welcome to OpenSim
- Sim
- OpenSim
- LoginServer.LoginRequest(StreamReader, StreamWriter):Void
- System.Exception
- LoginServer.LoginRequest(StreamReader, StreamWriter):Void
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String)
- System.Convert.ToInt32(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- op_Inequality
- ""
- LoginServer.LoginRequest(StreamReader, StreamWriter):Void
- writer
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- System.IO.StreamWriter
- System.IO.TextWriter
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- System.Int32.ToString
- System.Int32.ToString(System.IFormatProvider)
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String)
- System.Int32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- 'request'
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- 'writer'
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- 'writer'
- LoginServer.ProcessXmlRequest(XmlRpcRequest, StreamWriter):Boolean
- remoteAddress
- LoginServer.RunLogin():Void
- System.Exception
- LoginServer.RunLogin():Void
- System.Exception
- LoginServer.RunLogin():Void
- clientEndPoint
- System.Net.IPEndPoint
- Avatar.Avatar()
- PhysicsEngineFlying
- System.Boolean
- false
- Avatar.Avatar(SimClient)
- _updateCount
- System.Int16
- 0
- Avatar.Avatar(SimClient)
- avatarAppearanceTexture
- libsecondlife.LLObject+TextureEntry
- null
- Avatar.Avatar(SimClient)
- movementflag
- System.Byte
- 0
- Avatar.Avatar(SimClient)
- updateflag
- System.Boolean
- false
- TheClient
- anim_seq
- anim
- Avatar.anim_seq
- anim_seq
- Animations
- RegionInfo
- RegionInfo
- Avatar.CompleteMovement(World):Void
- ControllingClient
- current_anim
- anim
- Avatar.current_anim
- current_anim
- firstname
- firstname
- Avatar.firstname
- lastname
- lastname
- Avatar.lastname
- Anims
- Avatar.LoadAnims():Void
- PhysActor
- PhysicsEngineFlying
- Anim
- Avatar.SendAnimPack():Void
- 'userInfo'
- Avatar.SendAppearanceToOtherAgent(SimClient):Void
- RegionInfo
- RegionInfo
- Avatar.SendRegionHandshake(World):Void
- Anims
- AvatarAnimations.AnimsLLUUID
- AnimsNames
- Anims
- AvatarAnimations.AnimsNames
- Anims
- AvatarAnimations.LoadAnims():Void
- Entity.Entity()
- localid
- System.UInt32
- 0
- addForces
- BackUp
- method
- BackUp
- Backup
- children
- System.Collections.Generic.List`1<>
- Entity.children
- getMesh
- getName
- localid
- localid
- Entity.localid
- name
- position
- rotation
- update
- uuid
- uuid
- Entity.uuid
- velocity
- X
- X
- NewForce.X
- Y
- Y
- NewForce.Y
- Z
- Z
- NewForce.Z
- 'UpdateFlag'
- updateFlag
- Primitive.Primitive()
- dirtyFlag
- System.Boolean
- false
- Primitive.Primitive()
- mesh_cutbegin
- System.Single
- 0.0
- Primitive.Primitive()
- newPrimFlag
- System.Boolean
- false
- Primitive.Primitive()
- physicsEnabled
- System.Boolean
- false
- Primitive.Primitive()
- physicstest
- System.Boolean
- false
- Primitive.Primitive()
- updateFlag
- System.Boolean
- false
- localID-702000
- Primitive.CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket, LLUUID, UInt32):Void
- ID
- agentID
- Id
- ID
- localID
- Id
- Primitive.CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket, LLUUID, UInt32):Void
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.String)
- System.UInt32.ToString(System.String,System.IFormatProvider)
- 'addPacket'
- Primitive.CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket, LLUUID, UInt32):Void
- 'store'
- Primitive.CreateFromStorage(PrimData):Void
- dirtyFlag
- mesh_cutbegin
- cutbegin
- Primitive.mesh_cutbegin
- mesh_cutbegin
- mesh_cutend
- cutend
- Primitive.mesh_cutend
- mesh_cutend
- newPrimFlag
- PhysActor
- primData
- RemoteClient
- 'RemoteClient'
- Primitive.UpdateClient(SimClient):Void
- updateFlag
- 'pack'
- Primitive.UpdateObjectFlags(ObjectFlagUpdatePacket):Void
- 'addPacket'
- Primitive.UpdateShape(ObjectDataBlock):Void
- ScriptEngine.ScriptEngine(World)
- env
- env
- env
- ScriptEngine.ScriptEngine(World)
- ScriptEngine.LoadScript():Void
- HeightMap
- World
- World.World()
- _localNumber
- System.UInt32
- 0
- _localNumber
- _localNumber
- AgentClient
- AgentClient
- DeRezPacket
- AgentClient
- World.DeRezObject(DeRezObjectPacket, SimClient):Void
- Rez
- DeRezPacket
- Rez
- World.DeRezObject(DeRezObjectPacket, SimClient):Void
- AgentClient
- World.DeRezObject(DeRezObjectPacket, SimClient):Void
- De
- World.DeRezObject(DeRezObjectPacket, SimClient):Void
- Entities
- RemoteClient
- Prims
- World.GetInitialPrims(SimClient):Void
- LandMap
- Prims
- World.LoadPrimsFromStorage():Void
- World.LoadStorageDLL(String):Boolean
- localStorage
- World.Rand
- Scripts
- RemoteClient
- 'RemoteClient'
- World.SendLayerData(SimClient):Void
- 'RemoteClient'
- World.SendLayerData(SimClient):Void
- 'RemoteClient'
- World.SendLayerData(SimClient):Void
- IScriptHost.Register(IScript):Boolean
- iscript
- iscript
- OpenSim.Storage.LocalStorageDb4o
- OpenSim.Storage.LocalStorageDb4o
- OpenSim.Storage.LocalStorageDb4o
- Db4LocalStorage.Db4LocalStorage()
- System.Exception
- 'receiver'
- Db4LocalStorage.LoadPrimitives(ILocalStorageReceiver):Void
- 'prim'
- Db4LocalStorage.StorePrim(PrimData):Void
- UUIDQuery
- 'prim'
- UUIDQuery.Match(PrimData):Boolean
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- BasicActor.flying
- BasicActor.SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector):Void
- accel
- accel
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- BasicPhysicsPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.BasicPhysicsPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- OdeCharacter
- parent_scene
- OdeCharacter.OdeCharacter(OdeScene, PhysicsVector)
- 'pos'
- OdeCharacter.OdeCharacter(OdeScene, PhysicsVector)
- OdeCharacter.capsule_geom
- OdeCharacter.gravityAccel
- OdeCharacter.SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector):Void
- accel
- accel
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin.OdePlugin
- OdePlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.OdePlugin
- OdePrim._position
- OdePrim.SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector):Void
- accel
- accel
- 'position'
- OdeScene.AddPrim(PhysicsVector, PhysicsVector):PhysicsActor
- 'size'
- OdeScene.AddPrim(PhysicsVector, PhysicsVector):PhysicsActor
- OdeScene.Land
- OdeScene.LandGeom
- 'heightMap'
- OdeScene.SetTerrain(Single[]):Void
- 'heightMap'
- OdeScene.SetTerrain(Single[]):Void
- space
- space
- world
- world
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- PhysXCharacter.SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector):Void
- accel
- accel
- Plugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin.PhysXPlugin
- PhysXPlugin
- OpenSim.Physics.PhysXPlugin
- PhysXPrim._position
- PhysXPrim.SetAcceleration(PhysicsVector):Void
- accel
- accel
Save it for a rainy day.
Save it for a rainy day.
Save it for a rainy day.
No valid permission requests were found for assembly '{0}'. You should always specify the minimum security permissions using SecurityAction.RequestMinimum.
Sign '{0}' with a strong name key.
Consider merging the types defined in '{0}' with another namespace.
It appears that field '{0}' is never used or is only ever assigned to. Use this field or remove it.
Change '{0}' to be read-only by removing the property setter.
The compound word '{0}' in {1} '{2}' exists as a discrete term. If your usage is intended to be single word, case it as '{3}'.
'{0}' is marked ComVisible(true) but has the following ComVisible(false) types in its object hierarchy: {1}
Consider changing the type of parameter '{0}' in {1} from {2} to its base type {3}. This method appears to only require base class members in its implementation. Suppress this violation if there is a compelling reason to require the more derived type in the method signature.
'{0}' contains a call chain that results in a call to a virtual method defined by the class. Review the following call stack for unintended consequences: {1}
Modify '{0}' to catch a more specific exception than '{1}' or rethrow the exception.
Remove the readonly declaration from '{0}' or change the field to one that is an immutable reference type. If the reference type '{1}' is, in fact, immutable, exclude this message.
Make '{0}' private or internal (Friend in VB, public private in C++) and provide a public or protected property to access it.
Change '{0}' in {1} to use Collection<T>, ReadOnlyCollection<T> or KeyedCollection<K,V>
{0} initializes field {1} of type {2} to {3}. Remove this initialization as it will be done automatically by the runtime.
{0} passes a literal as parameter {1} of a call to {2}. Retrieve the following string argument from a resource table instead: '{3}'
Consider a design that does not require that '{0}' be a reference parameter.
{0} creates an exception of type '{1}', an exception type that is not sufficiently specific and should never be raised by user code. If this exception instance might be thrown, use a different exception type.
Modify the call to {0} in method {1} to set the timer interval to a value that's greater than or equal to one second.
Correct the casing of member name '{0}'.
Correct the casing of namespace name '{0}'.
Correct the casing of parameter name '{0}'.
Correct the casing of type name '{0}'.
Correct the spelling of the unrecognized token '{0}' in member name '{1}'.
Consider providing a more meaningful name than the one-letter token '{0}' in member name '{1}'.
Correct the spelling of the unrecognized token '{0}' in namespace '{1}'.
In method {0}, correct the spelling of the unrecognized token '{1}' in parameter name '{2}' or strip it entirely if it represents any sort of hungarian notation.
In method {0}, consider providing a more meaningful name than the one-letter parameter name '{1}'.
Correct the spelling of the unrecognized token '{0}' in type name '{1}'.
Change member names {0} and '{1}' so that they differ by more than case.
Remove all underscores from member '{0}'.
Remove all underscores from parameter '{0}'.
Remove all underscores from type '{0}'.
Rename '{0}' so that it does not end in '{1}'.
Correct the spelling of the unrecognized token '{0}' in the literal '{1}'.
Correct the capitalization of member name '{0}'.
Correct the capitalization of namespace name '{0}'.
Correct the capitalization of parameter name '{0}'.
Correct the capitalization of type name '{0}'.
Add an AssemblyVersion attribute to '{0}'.
'{0}' should be marked with CLSCompliantAttribute and its value should be true.
Mark '{0}' as ComVisible(false) at the assembly level, then mark all types within the assembly that should be exposed to Com clients as ComVisible(true).
The 'this' parameter (or 'Me' in VB) of {0} is never used. Mark the member as static (or Shared in VB) or use 'this'/'Me' in the method body or at least one property accessor, if appropriate.
Consider making '{0}' non-public or a constant.
Correct the potential overflow in the operation '{0}' in '{1}'.
Provide a method named '{0}' as a friendly alternate for operator {1}.
Consider adding an overload of the equality operator for '{0}' that takes the same parameters as {1}.
'{0}' should override Equals.
'{0}' should override the equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators.
Change parameter name '{0}' of method {1} to '{2}' in order to match the identifier as it has been declared in {3}.
Modify {0} to call {1} instead of {2}.
Make '{0}' private.
Add a property getter to '{0}'.
{0} declares a local, '{1}', of type {2}, which is never used or is only assigned to. Use this local or remove it.
Parameter '{0}' of {1} is never used. Remove the parameter or use it in the method body.
Correct the capitalization of '{0}' in member name '{1}'.
'Id' is an abbreviation and therefore is not subject to acronym casing guidelines. Correct the capitalization of 'ID' in member name '{0}' by changing it to 'Id'.
'Id' is an abbreviation and therefore is not subject to acronym casing guidelines. Correct the capitalization of '{0}' in parameter name '{1}' by changing it to '{2}'.
Correct the capitalization of '{0}' in type name '{1}'.
{0} makes a call to {1} that does not explicitly provide a CultureInfo. This should be replaced with a call to {2}.
{0} makes a call to {1} that does not explicitly provide an IFormatProvider. This should be replaced with a call to {2}.
Remove the public constructors from '{0}'.
Replace the call to String.{0}({1}) in '{2}' with a call to String.IsNullOrEmpty.
The type name '{0}' conflicts in whole or in part with the namespace name '{1}'. Change either name to eliminate the conflict.
Implement IDisposable on '{0}' as it instantiates members of the following IDisposable types: {1}
Implement IDisposable on '{0}'.
Change the type of parameter '{0}' of method {1} from string to System.Uri, or provide an overload of {1}, that allows '{0}' to be passed as a System.Uri object.
Replace the term '{0}' in member name '{1}' with the preferred alternate '{2}'.
Replace the term '{0}' in type name '{1}' with the preferred alternate '{2}'.
Change '{0}' to a property if appropriate.
Validate parameter {0} passed to externally visible method {1}.