using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; namespace libsecondlife.TestClient { public class ExportCommand : Command { AutoResetEvent GotPermissionsEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); LLObject.ObjectPropertiesFamily Properties; bool GotPermissions = false; LLUUID SelectedObject = LLUUID.Zero; Dictionary PrimsWaiting = new Dictionary(); AutoResetEvent AllPropertiesReceived = new AutoResetEvent(false); public ExportCommand(TestClient testClient) { testClient.Objects.OnObjectPropertiesFamily += new ObjectManager.ObjectPropertiesFamilyCallback(Objects_OnObjectPropertiesFamily); testClient.Objects.OnObjectProperties += new ObjectManager.ObjectPropertiesCallback(Objects_OnObjectProperties); testClient.Avatars.OnPointAt += new AvatarManager.PointAtCallback(Avatars_OnPointAt); Name = "export"; Description = "Exports an object to an xml file. Usage: export uuid outputfile.xml"; } public override string Execute(string[] args, LLUUID fromAgentID) { if (args.Length != 2 && !(args.Length == 1 && SelectedObject != LLUUID.Zero)) return "Usage: export uuid outputfile.xml"; LLUUID id; uint localid = 0; int count = 0; string file; if (args.Length == 2) { file = args[1]; if (!LLUUID.TryParse(args[0], out id)) return "Usage: export uuid outputfile.xml"; } else { file = args[0]; id = SelectedObject; } lock (Client.SimPrims) { if (Client.SimPrims.ContainsKey(Client.Network.CurrentSim)) { foreach (Primitive prim in Client.SimPrims[Client.Network.CurrentSim].Values) { if (prim.ID == id) { if (prim.ParentID != 0) localid = prim.ParentID; else localid = prim.LocalID; break; } } } } if (localid != 0) { // Check for export permission first Client.Objects.RequestObjectPropertiesFamily(Client.Network.CurrentSim, id); GotPermissionsEvent.WaitOne(8000, false); if (!GotPermissions) { return "Couldn't fetch permissions for the requested object, try again"; } else { GotPermissions = false; if (Properties.OwnerID != Client.Network.AgentID && Properties.OwnerID != Client.MasterKey && Client.Network.AgentID != Client.Self.ID) { return "That object is owned by " + Properties.OwnerID + ", we don't have permission " + "to export it"; } } try { XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(file, settings); try { List prims = new List(); lock (Client.SimPrims) { if (Client.SimPrims.ContainsKey(Client.Network.CurrentSim)) { foreach (Primitive prim in Client.SimPrims[Client.Network.CurrentSim].Values) { if (prim.LocalID == localid || prim.ParentID == localid) { prims.Add(prim); count++; } } } } bool complete = RequestObjectProperties(prims, 250); //Serialize it! Helpers.PrimListToXml(prims, writer); if (!complete) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unable to retrieve full properties for:"); foreach (LLUUID uuid in PrimsWaiting.Keys) Console.WriteLine(uuid); } } finally { writer.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { string ret = "Failed to write to " + file + ":" + e.ToString(); if (ret.Length > 1000) { ret = ret.Remove(1000); } return ret; } return "Exported " + count + " prims to " + file; } else { return "Couldn't find UUID " + id.ToString() + " in the " + Client.SimPrims[Client.Network.CurrentSim].Count + "objects currently indexed in the current simulator"; } } private bool RequestObjectProperties(List objects, int msPerRequest) { // Create an array of the local IDs of all the prims we are requesting properties for uint[] localids = new uint[objects.Count]; lock (PrimsWaiting) { PrimsWaiting.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; ++i) { localids[i] = objects[i].LocalID; PrimsWaiting.Add(objects[i].ID, objects[i]); } } Client.Objects.SelectObjects(Client.Network.CurrentSim, localids); return AllPropertiesReceived.WaitOne(2000 + msPerRequest * objects.Count, false); } void Avatars_OnPointAt(LLUUID sourceID, LLUUID targetID, LLVector3d targetPos, MainAvatar.PointAtType pointType, float duration, LLUUID id) { if (sourceID == Client.MasterKey) { //Client.DebugLog("Master is now selecting " + targetID.ToStringHyphenated()); SelectedObject = targetID; } } void Objects_OnObjectPropertiesFamily(Simulator simulator, LLObject.ObjectPropertiesFamily properties) { Properties = properties; GotPermissions = true; GotPermissionsEvent.Set(); } void Objects_OnObjectProperties(Simulator simulator, LLObject.ObjectProperties properties) { lock (PrimsWaiting) { Primitive prim; if (PrimsWaiting.TryGetValue(properties.ObjectID, out prim)) { prim.Properties = properties; } PrimsWaiting.Remove(properties.ObjectID); if (PrimsWaiting.Count == 0) AllPropertiesReceived.Set(); } } } }