The following people have contributed to OpenSim (Thank you 
for your effort!)

Add your name in here if you have committed to OpenSim

OpenSim Developers 

* MW
* Adam Frisby 	(DeepThink Pty Ltd)
* MingChen 	(DeepThink Pty Ltd)
* lbsa71 (Tribal Media AB)
* sdague (International Business Machines Corp.)
* Andy-	
* Gareth
* MorphW
* CW
* Babblefrog
* Tedd
* justincc (International Business Machines Corp.)
* Teravus (w3z)
* Johan Berntsson (3Di)
* Ckrinke
* Danx0r
* Dalien
* Darok
* chi11ken
* adjohn
* Alondria


* BigFootAg
* CharlieO
* jhurliman (LLSD Login)

LSL Devs

* Alondria
* CharlieO
* Tedd


* Ckrinke
* CharlieO (LSL)

This software uses components from the following developers:
* Sleepycat Software (Berkeley DB)
* DB4objects, Inc. (DB4o)
* SQLite (Public Domain)
* XmlRpcCS (
* MySQL, Inc. (MySQL Connector/NET)
* AGEIA Inc. (PhysX)
* Russel L. Smith (ODE)
* Prebuild ( )
* LibSecondLife ( )

In addition, we would like to thank:
* The Mono Project
* The NANT Developers
* Microsoft (.NET, MSSQL-Adapters)