From fca74b0bf0a0833f5701e9c0de7b3bc15b2233dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dan miller Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 05:20:07 +0000 Subject: dont ask --- libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT | 29 - libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT | 502 ------ .../GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h | 323 ---- .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_contact.h | 115 -- .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h | 1872 -------------------- .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_math.h | 147 -- .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_memory.h | 1040 ----------- .../GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h | 258 --- .../include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h | 111 -- .../GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_collision.h | 253 --- .../include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h | 51 - .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h | 539 ------ .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gimpact.h | 45 - libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_boxpruning.cpp | 514 ------ libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_contact.cpp | 132 -- libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_math.cpp | 60 - libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_memory.cpp | 848 --------- .../ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_tri_tri_overlap.cpp | 251 --- libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh.cpp | 364 ---- .../GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_capsule_collision.cpp | 279 --- .../GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_ray_collision.cpp | 140 -- .../GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_sphere_collision.cpp | 196 -- .../GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision.cpp | 348 ---- libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gimpact.cpp | 39 - 24 files changed, 8456 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_contact.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_math.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_memory.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_collision.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gimpact.h delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_boxpruning.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_contact.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_math.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_memory.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_tri_tri_overlap.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_capsule_collision.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_ray_collision.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_sphere_collision.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision.cpp delete mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gimpact.cpp (limited to 'libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT') diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT deleted file mode 100644 index 95545aa..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -GIMPACT : Geometric tools for VR. - -Copyright (c) 2006 , Francisco León. -All rights reserved. - -Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, - are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of - conditions and the following disclaimer. - - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list - of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials - provided with the distribution. - - * Neither the name of the GIMPACT nor the names of its contributors may be used - to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior - written permission. - -THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS -OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. -IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, -INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, - DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, - WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING - IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH - DAMAGE. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT deleted file mode 100644 index 60b8156..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT +++ /dev/null @@ -1,502 +0,0 @@ - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2.1, February 1999 - - Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - -[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts - as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence - the version number 2.1.] - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change -free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. - - This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some -specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the -Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You -can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether -this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better -strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, -not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that -you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge -for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get -it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of -it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do -these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these -rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for -you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis -or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave -you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source -code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide -complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them -with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling -it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. - - We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the -library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal -permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. - - To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that -there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is -modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know -that what they have is not the original version, so that the original -author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be -introduced by others. - - Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of -any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot -effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a -restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that -any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be -consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. - - Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the -ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser -General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and -is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use -this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those -libraries into non-free programs. - - When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using -a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a -combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary -General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the -entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General -Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with -the library. - - We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it -does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General -Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less -of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages -are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many -libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain -special circumstances. - - For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to -encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes -a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be -allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free -library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this -case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free -software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. - - In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free -programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of -free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in -non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU -operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating -system. - - Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the -users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is -linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run -that program using a modified version of the Library. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a -"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The -former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must -be combined with the library in order to run. - - GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other -program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or -other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of -this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). -Each licensee is addressed as "you". - - A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data -prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs -(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. - - The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work -which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the -Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under -copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a -portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated -straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is -included without limitation in the term "modification".) - - "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means -all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated -interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation -and installation of the library. - - Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from -such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based -on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for -writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does -and what the program that uses the Library does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's -complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that -you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an -appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact -all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any -warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the -Library. - - You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, -and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a -fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) The modified work must itself be a software library. - - b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no - charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. - - d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a - table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses - the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility - is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, - in the event an application does not supply such function or - table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of - its purpose remains meaningful. - - (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has - a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the - application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any - application-supplied function or table used by this function must - be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square - root function must still compute square roots.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote -it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Library. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library -with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public -License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do -this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so -that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, -instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the -ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify -that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in -these notices. - - Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for -that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all -subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. - - This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of -the Library into a program that is not a library. - - 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or -derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form -under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany -it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which -must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a -medium customarily used for software interchange. - - If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy -from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the -source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to -distribute the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the -Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or -linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a -work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and -therefore falls outside the scope of this License. - - However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library -creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it -contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the -library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. -Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. - - When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file -that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a -derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. -Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be -linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The -threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. - - If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data -structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline -functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object -file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative -work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the -Library will still fall under Section 6.) - - Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may -distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. -Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, -whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. - - 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or -link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a -work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work -under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit -modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse -engineering for debugging such modifications. - - You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the -Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by -this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work -during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the -copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference -directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one -of these things: - - a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding - machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever - changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under - Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked - with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that - uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the - user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified - executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood - that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the - Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application - to use the modified definitions.) - - b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the - Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a - copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, - rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) - will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if - the user installs one, as long as the modified version is - interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. - - c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at - least three years, to give the same user the materials - specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more - than the cost of performing this distribution. - - d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy - from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above - specified materials from the same place. - - e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these - materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. - - For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the -Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for -reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, -the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is -normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major -components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on -which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies -the executable. - - It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license -restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally -accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot -use both them and the Library together in an executable that you -distribute. - - 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the -Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library -facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined -library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on -the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise -permitted, and provided that you do these two things: - - a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work - based on the Library, uncombined with any other library - facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the - Sections above. - - b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact - that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining - where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. - - 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute -the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any -attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or -distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your -rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, -or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses -terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. - - 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the -Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Library or works based on it. - - 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the -Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library -subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with -this License. - - 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any -particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, -and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add -an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, -so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus -excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if -written in the body of this License. - - 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new -versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. -Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, -but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and -"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and -conditions either of that version or of any later version published by -the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a -license version number, you may choose any version ever published by -the Free Software Foundation. - - 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, -write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is -copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free -Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our -decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status -of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing -and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO -WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. -EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR -OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY -KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE -LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME -THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN -WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY -AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU -FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR -CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE -LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING -RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A -FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF -SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH -DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries - - If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that -everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting -redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the -ordinary General Public License). - - To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is -safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the -"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public - License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either - version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Lesser General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public - License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the - library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. - - , 1 April 1990 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -That's all there is to it! diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h deleted file mode 100644 index 68b68d0..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_BOXPRUNING_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_BOXPRUNING_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_boxpruning.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h" -#include "GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h" - -/*! \defgroup BOX_PRUNNING - -\brief -Tools for find overlapping objects on a scenary. These functions sort boxes for faster collisioin queries, using radix sort or quick sort as convenience. See \ref SORTING . -
  • For using these collision routines, you must create a \ref GIM_AABB_SET by using this function : \ref gim_aabbset_alloc. -
  • The GIM_AABB_SET objects must be updated on their boxes on each query, and they must be update by calling \ref gim_aabbset_update -
  • Before calling collision functions, you must create a pair set with \ref GIM_CREATE_PAIR_SET -
  • For finding collision pairs on a scene (common space for objects), call \ref gim_aabbset_self_intersections -
  • For finding collision pairs between two box sets , call \ref gim_aabbset_box_collision -
  • After using collision routines, you must destroy the pairset with \ref GIM_DESTROY_PAIR_SET -
  • When the box set is no longer used, you must destroy it by calling \ref gim_aabbset_destroy -
-*/ -//! @{ -//! Overlapping pair -struct GIM_PAIR -{ - GUINT m_index1; - GUINT m_index2; -}; -//typedef struct _GIM_PAIR GIM_PAIR; - -//! Box container -struct GIM_AABB_SET -{ - GUINT m_count; - aabb3f m_global_bound;//!< Global calculated bound of all boxes - aabb3f * m_boxes; - GUINT * m_maxcoords;//!m_sorted_mincoords == 0, then it allocs the sorted coordinates -*/ -void gim_aabbset_sort(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, char calc_global_bound); - -//! log(N) Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated and sorted, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset Must be sorted. Global bound isn't required -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - -//! NxN Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset Global bound isn't required. Doen't need to be sorted. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections_brute_force(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - -//! log(N) Bipartite box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to a different set. -/*! -\pre aabbset1 and aabbset2 must be allocated and sorted, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset1 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param aabbset2 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections_sorted(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset1, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - -//! NxM Bipartite box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to a different set. -/*! -\pre aabbset1 and aabbset2 must be allocated and sorted, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset1 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param aabbset2 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections_brute_force(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset1,GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - - -/* - Brute-Force Vs Sorted pruning -Different approaches must be applied when colliding sets with different number of -elements. When sets have less of 100 boxes, is often better to apply force brute -approach instead of sorted methods, because at lowlevel bruteforce routines gives -better perormance and consumes less resources, due of their simplicity. -But when sets are larger, the complexiity of bruteforce increases exponencially. -In the case of large sets, sorted approach is applied. So GIMPACT has the following -strategies: - -On Sorting sets: -!) When sets have more of 140 boxes, the boxes are sorted by its coded min coord -and the global box is calculated. But when sets are smaller (less of 140 boxes), -Is convenient to apply brute force approach. - -*******************************************************************************/ - -//! Constant for apply approaches between brute force and sorted pruning on bipartite queries -#define GIM_MIN_SORTED_BIPARTITE_PRUNING_BOXES 600 -//! Constant for apply approaches between brute force and sorted pruning for box collision -#define GIM_MIN_SORTED_PRUNING_BOXES 140 - - -//Use these functions for general initialization - -//! Initalizes the set. Sort Boxes if needed. -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated. And the boxes must be already set. -\post If the set has less of GIM_MIN_SORTED_BIPARTITE_PRUNING_BOXES boxes, only calcs the global box, - else it Sorts the entire set( Only applicable for large sets) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_update(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset); - -///Use these functions for general collision - -//! Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -This function sorts the set and then it calls to gim_aabbset_self_intersections_brute_force or gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted. This is an example of how to use this function: -\code -//Create contact list -GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_pairs; -GIM_CREATE_PAIR_SET(collision_pairs); -//Do collision -gim_aabbset_self_intersections(&aabbset,&collision_pairs); -if(collision_pairs.m_size==0) -{ - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_pairs);// - return; //no collisioin -} - -//pair pointer -GIM_PAIR *pairs = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_PAIR,collision_pairs); -GUINT i, ti1,ti2; -for (i=0;im_count >= GIM_MIN_SORTED_PRUNING_BOXES, then it calls to gim_aabbset_sort and then to gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted. Global box won't be calculated. -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - -//! Collides two sets. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to a different set. -/*! -\pre aabbset1 and aabbset2 must be allocated and updated. See gim_aabbset_update. -\param aabbset1 Must be updated. -\param aabbset2 Must be updated. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset1, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs); - -///Function for create Box collision result set - -#define GIM_CREATE_BOXQUERY_LIST(dynarray) GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GUINT,dynarray,G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE) - -//! Finds intersections between a box and a set. Return the colliding boxes of the set -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated and initialized. -\param test_aabb Box for collision query -\param aabbset Set of boxes .Global bound is required. -\param collided Array of GUINT elements, indices of boxes. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_box_collision(aabb3f *test_aabb, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collided); - -//! Finds intersections between a box and a set. Return the colliding boxes of the set -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated and initialized. -\param vorigin Origin point of ray. -\param vdir Direction vector of ray. -\param tmax Max distance param for ray. -\param aabbset Set of boxes .Global bound is required. -\param collided Array of GUINT elements, indices of boxes. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_ray_collision(vec3f vorigin,vec3f vdir, GREAL tmax, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collided); - - -/* -For sorting, each box corner must be discretized to a 32 bit integer. -For this, we take the x and z coordinates from the box corner (a vector vec3f) -Then convert the (x,z) pair to an integer. For convenience, we choose an error -constant for converting the coordinates (0.05). -*******************************************************************************/ - -/** - For fitting the coordinate to an integer, we need to constraint the range of its values. So each coord component (x, z) must lie between 0 and 65536. - 20 give us a 0.05 floating point error -*/ -#define ERROR_AABB 20.0f - -/** -An error of 0.05 allows to make coordinates up to 1638.0f and no less of -1638.0f. -So the maximum size of a room should be about 3276x3276 . Its dimensions must lie between [-1638,1638.0f] -*/ -#define MAX_AABB_SIZE 1638.0f - -//! Converts a vector coordinate to an integer for box sorting -/*! -\param vx X component -\param vz Z component -\param uint_key a GUINT -*/ -#define GIM_CONVERT_VEC3F_GUINT_XZ(vx,vz,uint_key)\ -{\ - GUINT _z = ((GUINT)(vz*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = ((GUINT)(vx*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = (uint_key<<16) + _z;\ -}\ - -//! Converts a vector coordinate to an integer for box sorting,rounding to the upper int -/*! -\param vx X component -\param vz Z component -\param uint_key a GUINT -*/ -#define GIM_CONVERT_VEC3F_GUINT_XZ_UPPER(vx,vz,uint_key)\ -{\ - GUINT _z = ((GUINT)ceilf(vz*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = ((GUINT)ceilf(vx*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = (uint_key<<16) + _z;\ -}\ - - -//! Converts a vector coordinate to an integer for box sorting. Secure clamped -/*! -\param vx X component -\param vz Z component -\param uint_key a GUINT -*/ -#define GIM_CONVERT_VEC3F_GUINT_XZ_CLAMPED(vx,vz,uint_key)\ -{\ - GREAL _cx = CLAMP(vx,-MAX_AABB_SIZE,MAX_AABB_SIZE);\ - GREAL _cz = CLAMP(vz,-MAX_AABB_SIZE,MAX_AABB_SIZE);\ - GUINT _z = ((GUINT)(_cz*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = ((GUINT)(_cx*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = (uint_key<<16) + _z;\ -}\ - -//! Converts a vector coordinate to an integer for box sorting. Secure clamped, rounded -/*! -\param vx X component -\param vz Z component -\param uint_key a GUINT -*/ -#define GIM_CONVERT_VEC3F_GUINT_XZ_UPPER_CLAMPED(vx,vz,uint_key)\ -{\ - GREAL _cx = CLAMP(vx,-MAX_AABB_SIZE,MAX_AABB_SIZE);\ - GREAL _cz = CLAMP(vz,-MAX_AABB_SIZE,MAX_AABB_SIZE);\ - GUINT _z = ((GUINT)ceilf(_cz*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = ((GUINT)ceilf(_cx*ERROR_AABB))+32768;\ - uint_key = (uint_key<<16) + _z;\ -}\ - -//! @} - -#endif // GIM_BOXPRUNING_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_contact.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_contact.h deleted file mode 100644 index bad8f0f..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_contact.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_CONTACT_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_CONTACT_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_contact.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h" -#include "GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h" - -/*! \defgroup CONTACTS -\brief -Functions for managing and sorting contacts resulting from a collision query. -
  • Contact lists must be create by calling \ref GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST -
  • After querys, contact lists must be destroy by calling \ref GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY -
  • Contacts can be merge for avoid duplicate results by calling \ref gim_merge_contacts -
- -*/ -//! @{ -/// Structure for collision results -struct GIM_CONTACT -{ - vec3f m_point; - vec3f m_normal; - GREAL m_depth;//Positive value indicates interpenetration - void * m_handle1; - void * m_handle2; - GUINT m_feature1;//Face number - GUINT m_feature2;//Face number -}; -//typedef struct _GIM_CONTACT GIM_CONTACT; - -#define CONTACT_DIFF_EPSILON 0.00001f - -#define GIM_CALC_KEY_CONTACT(pos,hash)\ -{\ - GINT _coords[] = {(GINT)(pos[0]*1000.0f+1.0f),(GINT)(pos[1]*1333.0f),(GINT)(pos[2]*2133.0f+3.0f)};\ - GUINT _hash=0;\ - GUINT *_uitmp = (GUINT *)(&_coords[0]);\ - _hash = *_uitmp;\ - _uitmp++;\ - _hash += (*_uitmp)<<4;\ - _uitmp++;\ - _hash += (*_uitmp)<<8;\ - hash = _hash;\ -}\ - -///Creates a contact list for queries -#define GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(contact_array) GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GIM_CONTACT,contact_array,100) - -#define GIM_PUSH_CONTACT(contact_array, point, normal, deep,handle1, handle2, feat1, feat2)\ -{\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(GIM_CONTACT,contact_array);\ - GIM_CONTACT * _last = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER_LAST(GIM_CONTACT,contact_array);\ - VEC_COPY(_last->m_point,point);\ - VEC_COPY(_last->m_normal,normal);\ - _last->m_depth = deep;\ - _last->m_handle1 = handle1;\ - _last->m_handle2 = handle2;\ - _last->m_feature1 = feat1;\ - _last->m_feature2 = feat2;\ -}\ - -///Receive pointer to contacts -#define GIM_COPY_CONTACTS(dest_contact, source_contact)\ -{\ - VEC_COPY(dest_contact->m_point,source_contact->m_point);\ - VEC_COPY(dest_contact->m_normal,source_contact->m_normal);\ - dest_contact->m_depth = source_contact->m_depth;\ - dest_contact->m_handle1 = source_contact->m_handle1;\ - dest_contact->m_handle2 = source_contact->m_handle2;\ - dest_contact->m_feature1 = source_contact->m_feature1;\ - dest_contact->m_feature2 = source_contact->m_feature2;\ -}\ - -//! Merges duplicate contacts with minimum depth criterion -void gim_merge_contacts(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * source_contacts, - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * dest_contacts); - - -//! Merges to an unique contact -void gim_merge_contacts_unique(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * source_contacts, - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * dest_contacts); - -//! @} -#endif // GIM_CONTACT_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6d89a94..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_geometry.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1872 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_geometry.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_math.h" - -/*! \defgroup GEOMETRIC_TYPES -\brief -Basic types and constants for geometry -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Integer vector 2D -typedef GINT vec2i[2]; -//! Integer vector 3D -typedef GINT vec3i[3]; -//! Integer vector 4D -typedef GINT vec4i[4]; - -//! Float vector 2D -typedef GREAL vec2f[2]; -//! Float vector 3D -typedef GREAL vec3f[3]; -//! Float vector 4D -typedef GREAL vec4f[4]; - -//! Matrix 2D, row ordered -typedef GREAL mat2f[2][2]; -//! Matrix 3D, row ordered -typedef GREAL mat3f[3][3]; -//! Matrix 4D, row ordered -typedef GREAL mat4f[4][4]; - -//! Quaternion -typedef GREAL quatf[4]; - -//! Axis aligned box -struct aabb3f{ - GREAL minX; - GREAL maxX; - GREAL minY; - GREAL maxY; - GREAL minZ; - GREAL maxZ; -}; -//typedef struct _aabb3f aabb3f; -//! @} - - -/*! \defgroup VECTOR_OPERATIONS -Operations for vectors : vec2f,vec3f and vec4f -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Zero out a 2D vector -#define VEC_ZERO_2(a) \ -{ \ - (a)[0] = (a)[1] = 0.0f; \ -}\ - - -//! Zero out a 3D vector -#define VEC_ZERO(a) \ -{ \ - (a)[0] = (a)[1] = (a)[2] = 0.0f; \ -}\ - - -/// Zero out a 4D vector -#define VEC_ZERO_4(a) \ -{ \ - (a)[0] = (a)[1] = (a)[2] = (a)[3] = 0.0f; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector copy -#define VEC_COPY_2(b,a) \ -{ \ - (b)[0] = (a)[0]; \ - (b)[1] = (a)[1]; \ -}\ - - -/// Copy 3D vector -#define VEC_COPY(b,a) \ -{ \ - (b)[0] = (a)[0]; \ - (b)[1] = (a)[1]; \ - (b)[2] = (a)[2]; \ -}\ - - -/// Copy 4D vector -#define VEC_COPY_4(b,a) \ -{ \ - (b)[0] = (a)[0]; \ - (b)[1] = (a)[1]; \ - (b)[2] = (a)[2]; \ - (b)[3] = (a)[3]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector difference -#define VEC_DIFF_2(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] - (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] - (v1)[1]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector difference -#define VEC_DIFF(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] - (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] - (v1)[1]; \ - (v21)[2] = (v2)[2] - (v1)[2]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector difference -#define VEC_DIFF_4(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] - (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] - (v1)[1]; \ - (v21)[2] = (v2)[2] - (v1)[2]; \ - (v21)[3] = (v2)[3] - (v1)[3]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector sum -#define VEC_SUM_2(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] + (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] + (v1)[1]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector sum -#define VEC_SUM(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] + (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] + (v1)[1]; \ - (v21)[2] = (v2)[2] + (v1)[2]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector sum -#define VEC_SUM_4(v21,v2,v1) \ -{ \ - (v21)[0] = (v2)[0] + (v1)[0]; \ - (v21)[1] = (v2)[1] + (v1)[1]; \ - (v21)[2] = (v2)[2] + (v1)[2]; \ - (v21)[3] = (v2)[3] + (v1)[3]; \ -}\ - - -/// scalar times vector -#define VEC_SCALE_2(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] = (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] = (a)*(b)[1]; \ -}\ - - -/// scalar times vector -#define VEC_SCALE(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] = (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] = (a)*(b)[1]; \ - (c)[2] = (a)*(b)[2]; \ -}\ - - -/// scalar times vector -#define VEC_SCALE_4(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] = (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] = (a)*(b)[1]; \ - (c)[2] = (a)*(b)[2]; \ - (c)[3] = (a)*(b)[3]; \ -}\ - - -/// accumulate scaled vector -#define VEC_ACCUM_2(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] += (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] += (a)*(b)[1]; \ -}\ - - -/// accumulate scaled vector -#define VEC_ACCUM(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] += (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] += (a)*(b)[1]; \ - (c)[2] += (a)*(b)[2]; \ -}\ - - -/// accumulate scaled vector -#define VEC_ACCUM_4(c,a,b) \ -{ \ - (c)[0] += (a)*(b)[0]; \ - (c)[1] += (a)*(b)[1]; \ - (c)[2] += (a)*(b)[2]; \ - (c)[3] += (a)*(b)[3]; \ -}\ - - -/// Vector dot product -#define VEC_DOT_2(a,b) ((a)[0]*(b)[0] + (a)[1]*(b)[1]) - - -/// Vector dot product -#define VEC_DOT(a,b) ((a)[0]*(b)[0] + (a)[1]*(b)[1] + (a)[2]*(b)[2]) - -/// Vector dot product -#define VEC_DOT_4(a,b) ((a)[0]*(b)[0] + (a)[1]*(b)[1] + (a)[2]*(b)[2] + (a)[3]*(b)[3]) - -/// vector impact parameter (squared) -#define VEC_IMPACT_SQ(bsq,direction,position) {\ - GREAL _llel_ = VEC_DOT(direction, position);\ - bsq = VEC_DOT(position, position) - _llel_*_llel_;\ -}\ - - -/// vector impact parameter -#define VEC_IMPACT(bsq,direction,position) {\ - VEC_IMPACT_SQ(bsq,direction,position); \ - GIM_SQRT(bsq,bsq); \ -}\ - -/// Vector length -#define VEC_LENGTH_2(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT_2(a,a);\ - GIM_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - -/// Vector length -#define VEC_LENGTH(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT(a,a);\ - GIM_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - -/// Vector length -#define VEC_LENGTH_4(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT_4(a,a);\ - GIM_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - -/// Vector inv length -#define VEC_INV_LENGTH_2(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT_2(a,a);\ - GIM_INV_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - -/// Vector inv length -#define VEC_INV_LENGTH(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT(a,a);\ - GIM_INV_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - -/// Vector inv length -#define VEC_INV_LENGTH_4(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = VEC_DOT_4(a,a);\ - GIM_INV_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - - -/// distance between two points -#define VEC_DISTANCE(_len,_va,_vb) {\ - vec3f _tmp_; \ - VEC_DIFF(_tmp_, _vb, _va); \ - VEC_LENGTH(_tmp_,_len); \ -}\ - - -/// Vector length -#define VEC_CONJUGATE_LENGTH(a,l)\ -{\ - GREAL _pp = 1.0 - a[0]*a[0] - a[1]*a[1] - a[2]*a[2];\ - GIM_SQRT(_pp,l);\ -}\ - - -/// Vector length -#define VEC_NORMALIZE(a) { \ - GREAL len;\ - VEC_INV_LENGTH(a,len); \ - if(len -Last column is added as the position -*/ -#define MAT_DOT_VEC_3X4(p,m,v) \ -{ \ - p[0] = m[0][0]*v[0] + m[0][1]*v[1] + m[0][2]*v[2] + m[0][3]; \ - p[1] = m[1][0]*v[0] + m[1][1]*v[1] + m[1][2]*v[2] + m[1][3]; \ - p[2] = m[2][0]*v[0] + m[2][1]*v[1] + m[2][2]*v[2] + m[2][3]; \ -}\ - -/*! vector transpose times matrix */ -/*! p[j] = v[0]*m[0][j] + v[1]*m[1][j] + v[2]*m[2][j]; */ -#define VEC_DOT_MAT_3X3(p,v,m) \ -{ \ - p[0] = v[0]*m[0][0] + v[1]*m[1][0] + v[2]*m[2][0]; \ - p[1] = v[0]*m[0][1] + v[1]*m[1][1] + v[2]*m[2][1]; \ - p[2] = v[0]*m[0][2] + v[1]*m[1][2] + v[2]*m[2][2]; \ -}\ - - -/*! affine matrix times vector */ -/** The matrix is assumed to be an affine matrix, with last two - * entries representing a translation */ -#define MAT_DOT_VEC_2X3(p,m,v) \ -{ \ - p[0] = m[0][0]*v[0] + m[0][1]*v[1] + m[0][2]; \ - p[1] = m[1][0]*v[0] + m[1][1]*v[1] + m[1][2]; \ -}\ - - -/** inverse transpose of matrix times vector - * - * This macro computes inverse transpose of matrix m, - * and multiplies vector v into it, to yeild vector p - * - * DANGER !!! Do Not use this on normal vectors!!! - * It will leave normals the wrong length !!! - * See macro below for use on normals. - */ -#define INV_TRANSP_MAT_DOT_VEC_2X2(p,m,v) \ -{ \ - GREAL det; \ - \ - det = m[0][0]*m[1][1] - m[0][1]*m[1][0]; \ - p[0] = m[1][1]*v[0] - m[1][0]*v[1]; \ - p[1] = - m[0][1]*v[0] + m[0][0]*v[1]; \ - \ - /* if matrix not singular, and not orthonormal, then renormalize */ \ - if ((det!=1.0f) && (det != 0.0f)) { \ - det = 1.0f / det; \ - p[0] *= det; \ - p[1] *= det; \ - } \ -}\ - - -/** transform normal vector by inverse transpose of matrix - * and then renormalize the vector - * - * This macro computes inverse transpose of matrix m, - * and multiplies vector v into it, to yeild vector p - * Vector p is then normalized. - */ -#define NORM_XFORM_2X2(p,m,v) \ -{ \ - double len; \ - \ - /* do nothing if off-diagonals are zero and diagonals are \ - * equal */ \ - if ((m[0][1] != 0.0) || (m[1][0] != 0.0) || (m[0][0] != m[1][1])) { \ - p[0] = m[1][1]*v[0] - m[1][0]*v[1]; \ - p[1] = - m[0][1]*v[0] + m[0][0]*v[1]; \ - \ - len = p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]; \ - GIM_INV_SQRT(len,len); \ - p[0] *= len; \ - p[1] *= len; \ - } else { \ - VEC_COPY_2 (p, v); \ - } \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define OUTER_PRODUCT_2X2(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] = v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] = v[0] * t[1]; \ - \ - m[1][0] = v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] = v[1] * t[1]; \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define OUTER_PRODUCT_3X3(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] = v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] = v[0] * t[1]; \ - m[0][2] = v[0] * t[2]; \ - \ - m[1][0] = v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] = v[1] * t[1]; \ - m[1][2] = v[1] * t[2]; \ - \ - m[2][0] = v[2] * t[0]; \ - m[2][1] = v[2] * t[1]; \ - m[2][2] = v[2] * t[2]; \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define OUTER_PRODUCT_4X4(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] = v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] = v[0] * t[1]; \ - m[0][2] = v[0] * t[2]; \ - m[0][3] = v[0] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[1][0] = v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] = v[1] * t[1]; \ - m[1][2] = v[1] * t[2]; \ - m[1][3] = v[1] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[2][0] = v[2] * t[0]; \ - m[2][1] = v[2] * t[1]; \ - m[2][2] = v[2] * t[2]; \ - m[2][3] = v[2] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[3][0] = v[3] * t[0]; \ - m[3][1] = v[3] * t[1]; \ - m[3][2] = v[3] * t[2]; \ - m[3][3] = v[3] * t[3]; \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define ACCUM_OUTER_PRODUCT_2X2(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] += v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] += v[0] * t[1]; \ - \ - m[1][0] += v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] += v[1] * t[1]; \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define ACCUM_OUTER_PRODUCT_3X3(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] += v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] += v[0] * t[1]; \ - m[0][2] += v[0] * t[2]; \ - \ - m[1][0] += v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] += v[1] * t[1]; \ - m[1][2] += v[1] * t[2]; \ - \ - m[2][0] += v[2] * t[0]; \ - m[2][1] += v[2] * t[1]; \ - m[2][2] += v[2] * t[2]; \ -}\ - - -/** outer product of vector times vector transpose - * - * The outer product of vector v and vector transpose t yeilds - * dyadic matrix m. - */ -#define ACCUM_OUTER_PRODUCT_4X4(m,v,t) \ -{ \ - m[0][0] += v[0] * t[0]; \ - m[0][1] += v[0] * t[1]; \ - m[0][2] += v[0] * t[2]; \ - m[0][3] += v[0] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[1][0] += v[1] * t[0]; \ - m[1][1] += v[1] * t[1]; \ - m[1][2] += v[1] * t[2]; \ - m[1][3] += v[1] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[2][0] += v[2] * t[0]; \ - m[2][1] += v[2] * t[1]; \ - m[2][2] += v[2] * t[2]; \ - m[2][3] += v[2] * t[3]; \ - \ - m[3][0] += v[3] * t[0]; \ - m[3][1] += v[3] * t[1]; \ - m[3][2] += v[3] * t[2]; \ - m[3][3] += v[3] * t[3]; \ -}\ - - -/** determinant of matrix - * - * Computes determinant of matrix m, returning d - */ -#define DETERMINANT_2X2(d,m) \ -{ \ - d = m[0][0] * m[1][1] - m[0][1] * m[1][0]; \ -}\ - - -/** determinant of matrix - * - * Computes determinant of matrix m, returning d - */ -#define DETERMINANT_3X3(d,m) \ -{ \ - d = m[0][0] * (m[1][1]*m[2][2] - m[1][2] * m[2][1]); \ - d -= m[0][1] * (m[1][0]*m[2][2] - m[1][2] * m[2][0]); \ - d += m[0][2] * (m[1][0]*m[2][1] - m[1][1] * m[2][0]); \ -}\ - - -/** i,j,th cofactor of a 4x4 matrix - * - */ -#define COFACTOR_4X4_IJ(fac,m,i,j) \ -{ \ - int __ii[4], __jj[4], __k; \ - \ - for (__k=0; __k (aabb2).maxX ||\ - (aabb1).maxX < (aabb2).minX ||\ - (aabb1).minY > (aabb2).maxY ||\ - (aabb1).maxY < (aabb2).minY ||\ - (aabb1).minZ > (aabb2).maxZ ||\ - (aabb1).maxZ < (aabb2).minZ )\ - {\ - intersected = 0;\ - }\ -}\ - -#define AXIS_INTERSECT(min,max, a, d,tfirst, tlast,is_intersected) {\ - if(IS_ZERO(d))\ - {\ - is_intersected = !(a < min || a > max);\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - GREAL a0, a1;\ - a0 = (min - a) / (d);\ - a1 = (max - a) / (d);\ - if(a0 > a1) SWAP_NUMBERS(a0, a1);\ - tfirst = MAX(a0, tfirst);\ - tlast = MIN(a1, tlast);\ - if (tlast < tfirst)\ - {\ - is_intersected = 0;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - is_intersected = 1;\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - -/*! \brief Finds the Ray intersection parameter. - -\param aabb Aligned box -\param vorigin A vec3f with the origin of the ray -\param vdir A vec3f with the direction of the ray -\param tparam Output parameter -\param tmax Max lenght of the ray -\param is_intersected 1 if the ray collides the box, else false - -*/ -#define BOX_INTERSECTS_RAY(aabb, vorigin, vdir, tparam, tmax,is_intersected) { \ - GREAL _tfirst = 0.0f, _tlast = tmax;\ - AXIS_INTERSECT(aabb.minX,aabb.maxX,vorigin[0], vdir[0], _tfirst, _tlast,is_intersected);\ - if(is_intersected)\ - {\ - AXIS_INTERSECT(aabb.minY,aabb.maxY,vorigin[1], vdir[1], _tfirst, _tlast,is_intersected);\ - }\ - if(is_intersected)\ - {\ - AXIS_INTERSECT(aabb.minZ,aabb.maxZ,vorigin[2], vdir[2], _tfirst, _tlast,is_intersected);\ - }\ - tparam = _tfirst;\ -}\ - -#define AABB_PROJECTION_INTERVAL(aabb,direction, vmin, vmax)\ -{\ - GREAL _center[] = {(aabb.minX + aabb.maxX)*0.5f, (aabb.minY + aabb.maxY)*0.5f, (aabb.minZ + aabb.maxZ)*0.5f};\ - \ - GREAL _extend[] = {aabb.maxX-_center[0],aabb.maxY-_center[1],aabb.maxZ-_center[2]};\ - GREAL _fOrigin = VEC_DOT(direction,_center);\ - GREAL _fMaximumExtent = _extend[0]*fabsf(direction[0]) + \ - _extend[1]*fabsf(direction[1]) + \ - _extend[2]*fabsf(direction[2]); \ -\ - vmin = _fOrigin - _fMaximumExtent; \ - vmax = _fOrigin + _fMaximumExtent; \ -}\ - -/*! -classify values: -
  1. 0 : In back of plane -
  2. 1 : Spanning -
  3. 2 : In front of -
-*/ -#define PLANE_CLASSIFY_BOX(plane,aabb,classify)\ -{\ - GREAL _fmin,_fmax; \ - AABB_PROJECTION_INTERVAL(aabb,plane, _fmin, _fmax); \ - if(plane[3] >= _fmax) \ - { \ - classify = 0;/*In back of*/ \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - if(plane[3]+0.000001f>=_fmin) \ - { \ - classify = 1;/*Spanning*/ \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - classify = 2;/*In front of*/ \ - } \ - } \ -}\ -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup GEOMETRIC_OPERATIONS -*/ -//! @{ - - -#define PLANEDIREPSILON 0.0000001f -#define PARALELENORMALS 0.000001f - -#define TRIANGLE_NORMAL(v1,v2,v3,n){\ - vec3f _dif1,_dif2; \ - VEC_DIFF(_dif1,v2,v1); \ - VEC_DIFF(_dif2,v3,v1); \ - VEC_CROSS(n,_dif1,_dif2); \ - VEC_NORMALIZE(n); \ -}\ - -/// plane is a vec4f -#define TRIANGLE_PLANE(v1,v2,v3,plane) {\ - TRIANGLE_NORMAL(v1,v2,v3,plane);\ - plane[3] = VEC_DOT(v1,plane);\ -}\ - -/// Calc a plane from an edge an a normal. plane is a vec4f -#define EDGE_PLANE(e1,e2,n,plane) {\ - vec3f _dif; \ - VEC_DIFF(_dif,e2,e1); \ - VEC_CROSS(plane,_dif,n); \ - VEC_NORMALIZE(plane); \ - plane[3] = VEC_DOT(e1,plane);\ -}\ - -#define DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(plane,point) (VEC_DOT(plane,point) - plane[3]) - -#define PROJECT_POINT_PLANE(point,plane,projected) {\ - GREAL _dis;\ - _dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(plane,point);\ - VEC_SCALE(projected,-_dis,plane);\ - VEC_SUM(projected,projected,point); \ -}\ - -#define POINT_IN_HULL(point,planes,plane_count,outside)\ -{\ - GREAL _dis;\ - outside = 0;\ - GUINT _i = 0;\ - do\ - {\ - _dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(planes[_i],point);\ - if(_dis>0.0f) outside = 1;\ - _i++;\ - }while(_i -
  • 0 : Segment in front of plane, s1 closest -
  • 1 : Segment in front of plane, s2 closest -
  • 2 : Segment in back of plane, s1 closest -
  • 3 : Segment in back of plane, s2 closest -
  • 4 : Segment collides plane, s1 in back -
  • 5 : Segment collides plane, s2 in back - -*/ -#define PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT2(s1,s2,plane,clipped,intersection_type) \ -{\ - GREAL _dis1,_dis2;\ - _dis1 = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(plane,s1);\ - _dis2 = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(plane,s2);\ - if(_dis1 >-G_EPSILON && _dis2 >-G_EPSILON)\ - {\ - if(_dis1<_dis2) intersection_type = 0;\ - else intersection_type = 1;\ - }\ - else if(_dis1 _dis2) intersection_type = 2;\ - else intersection_type = 3; \ - }\ - else\ - {\ - if(_dis1<_dis2) intersection_type = 4;\ - else intersection_type = 5;\ - VEC_DIFF(clipped,s2,s1);\ - _dis2 = VEC_DOT(clipped,plane);\ - VEC_SCALE(clipped,-_dis1/_dis2,clipped);\ - VEC_SUM(clipped,clipped,s1); \ - }\ -}\ - -//! Confirms if the plane intersect the edge or not -/*! -clipped1 and clipped2 are the vertices behind the plane. -clipped1 is the closest - -intersection_type must have the following values -
    • 0 : Segment in front of plane, s1 closest -
    • 1 : Segment in front of plane, s2 closest -
    • 2 : Segment in back of plane, s1 closest -
    • 3 : Segment in back of plane, s2 closest -
    • 4 : Segment collides plane, s1 in back -
    • 5 : Segment collides plane, s2 in back -
    -*/ -#define PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT_CLOSEST(s1,s2,plane,clipped1,clipped2,intersection_type)\ -{\ - PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT2(s1,s2,plane,clipped1,intersection_type);\ - if(intersection_type == 0)\ - {\ - VEC_COPY(clipped1,s1);\ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s2);\ - }\ - else if(intersection_type == 1)\ - {\ - VEC_COPY(clipped1,s2);\ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s1);\ - }\ - else if(intersection_type == 2)\ - {\ - VEC_COPY(clipped1,s1);\ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s2);\ - }\ - else if(intersection_type == 3)\ - {\ - VEC_COPY(clipped1,s2);\ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s1);\ - }\ - else if(intersection_type == 4)\ - { \ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s1);\ - }\ - else if(intersection_type == 5)\ - { \ - VEC_COPY(clipped2,s2);\ - }\ -}\ - - -//! Finds the 2 smallest cartesian coordinates of a plane normal -#define PLANE_MINOR_AXES(plane, i0, i1)\ -{\ - GREAL A[] = {fabs(plane[0]),fabs(plane[1]),fabs(plane[2])};\ - if(A[0]>A[1])\ - {\ - if(A[0]>A[2])\ - {\ - i0=1; /* A[0] is greatest */ \ - i1=2;\ - }\ - else \ - {\ - i0=0; /* A[2] is greatest */ \ - i1=1; \ - }\ - }\ - else /* A[0]<=A[1] */ \ - {\ - if(A[2]>A[1]) \ - { \ - i0=0; /* A[2] is greatest */ \ - i1=1; \ - }\ - else \ - {\ - i0=0; /* A[1] is greatest */ \ - i1=2; \ - }\ - } \ -}\ - -//! Ray plane collision -#define RAY_PLANE_COLLISION(plane,vDir,vPoint,pout,tparam,does_intersect)\ -{\ - GREAL _dis,_dotdir; \ - _dotdir = VEC_DOT(plane,vDir);\ - if(_dotdir1.0f)\ - {\ - VEC_COPY(cp,e2);\ - }\ - else \ - {\ - VEC_SCALE(cp,_scalar,_n);\ - VEC_SUM(cp,cp,e1);\ - } \ -}\ - - -/*! \brief Finds the line params where these lines intersect. - -\param dir1 Direction of line 1 -\param point1 Point of line 1 -\param dir2 Direction of line 2 -\param point2 Point of line 2 -\param t1 Result Parameter for line 1 -\param t2 Result Parameter for line 2 -\param dointersect 0 if the lines won't intersect, else 1 - -*/ -#define LINE_INTERSECTION_PARAMS(dir1,point1, dir2, point2,t1,t2,dointersect) {\ - GREAL det;\ - GREAL e1e1 = VEC_DOT(dir1,dir1);\ - GREAL e1e2 = VEC_DOT(dir1,dir2);\ - GREAL e2e2 = VEC_DOT(dir2,dir2);\ - vec3f p1p2;\ - VEC_DIFF(p1p2,point1,point2);\ - GREAL p1p2e1 = VEC_DOT(p1p2,dir1);\ - GREAL p1p2e2 = VEC_DOT(p1p2,dir2);\ - det = e1e2*e1e2 - e1e1*e2e2;\ - if(IS_ZERO(det))\ - {\ - dointersect = 0;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - t1 = (e1e2*p1p2e2 - e2e2*p1p2e1)/det;\ - t2 = (e1e1*p1p2e2 - e1e2*p1p2e1)/det;\ - dointersect = 1;\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Find closest points on segments -#define SEGMENT_COLLISION(vA1,vA2,vB1,vB2,vPointA,vPointB)\ -{\ - vec3f _AD,_BD,_N;\ - vec4f _M;\ - VEC_DIFF(_AD,vA2,vA1);\ - VEC_DIFF(_BD,vB2,vB1);\ - VEC_CROSS(_N,_AD,_BD);\ - VEC_CROSS(_M,_N,_BD);\ - _M[3] = VEC_DOT(_M,vB1);\ - float _tp; \ - LINE_PLANE_COLLISION(_M,_AD,vA1,vPointA,_tp,0.0f, 1.0f);\ - /*Closest point on segment*/ \ - VEC_DIFF(vPointB,vPointA,vB1);\ - _tp = VEC_DOT(vPointB, _BD); \ - _tp/= VEC_DOT(_BD, _BD); \ - _tp = CLAMP(_tp,0.0f,1.0f); \ - VEC_SCALE(vPointB,_tp,_BD);\ - VEC_SUM(vPointB,vPointB,vB1);\ -}\ - -//! @} - -///Additional Headers for Collision -#include "GIMPACT/gim_tri_collision.h" -#include "GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h" -#include "GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h" - -#endif // GIM_VECTOR_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_math.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_math.h deleted file mode 100644 index 68f226e..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_math.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_MATH_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_MATH_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_math.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include -#include - - -/*! \defgroup BASIC_TYPES -Basic types and constants -Conventions: -Types starting with G -Constants starting with G_ -*/ -//! @{ -/*! Types */ -#define GREAL float -#define GINT long -#define GUINT unsigned long -/*! Constants for integers*/ -#define GUINT_BIT_COUNT 32 -#define GUINT_EXPONENT 5 - -#define G_FASTMATH 1 -#define G_PI 3.14159265358979f -#define G_HALF_PI 1.5707963f -//267948966 -#define G_TWO_PI 6.28318530f -//71795864 -#define G_ROOT3 1.73205f -#define G_ROOT2 1.41421f -#define G_UINT_INFINITY 65534 -#define G_REAL_INFINITY FLT_MAX -#define G_SIGN_BITMASK 0x80000000 -#define G_USE_EPSILON_TEST -#define G_EPSILON 0.0000001f -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup MATH_FUNCTIONS -mathematical functions -*/ -//! @{ -#define G_DEGTORAD(X) ((X)*3.1415926f/180.0f) -#define G_RADTODEG(X) ((X)*180.0f/3.1415926f) - -//! Integer representation of a floating-point value. -#define IR(x) ((GUINT&)(x)) - -//! Signed integer representation of a floating-point value. -#define SIR(x) ((GINT&)(x)) - -//! Absolute integer representation of a floating-point value -#define AIR(x) (IR(x)&0x7fffffff) - -//! Floating-point representation of an integer value. -#define FR(x) ((GREAL&)(x)) - -#define MAX(a,b) (ab?b:a) - -#define MAX3(a,b,c) MAX(a,MAX(b,c)) -#define MIN3(a,b,c) MIN(a,MIN(b,c)) - -#define IS_ZERO(value) (value < G_EPSILON && value > -G_EPSILON) - -#define IS_NEGATIVE(value) (value <= -G_EPSILON) - -#define IS_POSISITVE(value) (value >= G_EPSILON) - -///returns a clamped number -#define CLAMP(number,minval,maxval) (numbermaxval?maxval:number)) - -///Swap numbers -#define SWAP_NUMBERS(a,b){ \ - a = a+b; \ - b = a-b; \ - a = a-b; \ -}\ - -#define GIM_INV_SQRT(va,isva)\ -{\ - if(va<=0.0000001f)\ - {\ - isva = G_REAL_INFINITY;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - GREAL _x = va * 0.5f;\ - GUINT _y = 0x5f3759df - ( IR(va) >> 1);\ - isva = FR(_y);\ - isva = isva * ( 1.5f - ( _x * isva * isva ) );\ - }\ -}\ - -#define GIM_SQRT(va,sva)\ -{\ - GIM_INV_SQRT(va,sva);\ - sva = 1.0f/sva;\ -}\ - -//! Computes 1.0f / sqrtf(x). Comes from Quake3. See -GREAL gim_inv_sqrt(GREAL f); - -//! Computes sqrtf(x) faster. -/*! -\sa gim_inv_sqrt -*/ -GREAL gim_sqrt(GREAL f); - -//!Initializes mathematical functions -void gim_init_math(); - -//! Generates an unit random -GREAL gim_unit_random(); -//! @} - -#endif // GIM_MATH_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_memory.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_memory.h deleted file mode 100644 index 58661f1..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_memory.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_MEMORY_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_MEMORY_H_INCLUDED -/*! \file gim_memory.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_math.h" -#include - -//#define PREFETCH 1 -//! \defgroup PREFETCH -//! @{ -#ifdef PREFETCH -#include // for prefetch -#define pfval 64 -#define pfval2 128 -//! Prefetch 64 -#define pf(_x,_i) _mm_prefetch((void *)(_x + _i + pfval), 0) -//! Prefetch 128 -#define pf2(_x,_i) _mm_prefetch((void *)(_x + _i + pfval2), 0) -#else -//! Prefetch 64 -#define pf(_x,_i) -//! Prefetch 128 -#define pf2(_x,_i) -#endif -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup ARRAY_UTILITIES -\brief -Functions for manip packed arrays of numbers -*/ -//! @{ -#define GIM_COPY_ARRAYS(dest_array,source_array,element_count)\ -{\ - GUINT _i_;\ - for (_i_=0;_i_ -
  • For initializes a dynamic array, use GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE or GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE_SIZED. -
  • When an array is no longer used, must be terminated with the macro GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY. - -*/ -//! @{ -#define G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE 100 - -//! Dynamic array handle. -struct GDYNAMIC_ARRAY -{ - char * m_pdata; - GUINT m_size; - GUINT m_reserve_size; -}; -//typedef struct _GDYNAMIC_ARRAY GDYNAMIC_ARRAY; - -//! Creates a dynamic array zero sized -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(type,array_data,reserve_size) \ -{ \ - array_data.m_pdata = (char *)gim_alloc(reserve_size*sizeof(type)); \ - array_data.m_size = 0; \ - array_data.m_reserve_size = reserve_size; \ -}\ - -//! Creates a dynamic array with n = size elements -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE_SIZED(type,array_data,size) \ -{ \ - array_data.m_pdata = (char *)gim_alloc(size*sizeof(type)); \ - array_data.m_size = size; \ - array_data.m_reserve_size = size; \ -}\ - -//! Reserves memory for a dynamic array. -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,reserve_size) \ -{ \ - if(reserve_size>array_data.m_reserve_size )\ - { \ - array_data.m_pdata = (char *) gim_realloc(array_data.m_pdata,array_data.m_size*sizeof(type),reserve_size*sizeof(type));\ - array_data.m_reserve_size = reserve_size; \ - }\ -}\ - -//! Set the size of the array -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_SET_SIZE(type,array_data,size) \ -{ \ - GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,size);\ - array_data.m_size = size;\ -}\ - -//! Gets a pointer from the beginning of the array -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data) (type *)(array_data.m_pdata) - -//! Gets a pointer from the last elemento of the array -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER_LAST(type,array_data) (((type *)array_data.m_pdata)+array_data.m_size-1) - -//! Inserts an element at the last position -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_ITEM(type,array_data,item)\ -{\ - if(array_data.m_reserve_size<=array_data.m_size)\ - {\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data.m_size+G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE));\ - }\ - type * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data);\ - memcpy(&_pt[array_data.m_size],&item,sizeof(type));\ - array_data.m_size++; \ -}\ - -//! Inserts an element at the last position -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(type,array_data)\ -{\ - if(array_data.m_reserve_size<=array_data.m_size)\ - {\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data.m_size+G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE));\ - }\ - array_data.m_size++; \ -}\ - -//! Inserts an element -#define GIM_DYNARRAY_INSERT_ITEM(type,array_data,item,index) \ -{ \ - if(array_data.m_reserve_size<=array_data.m_size)\ - {\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data.m_size+G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE));\ - }\ - type * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data);\ - if(index0) \ - { \ - array_data.m_size--; \ - } \ -}\ - -//! Destroys the array -void GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY & array_data); -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup BITSET -\brief -Bitsets , based on \ref DYNAMIC_ARRAYS . -
    • For initializes a bitset array, use \ref GIM_BITSET_CREATE or \ref GIM_BITSET_CREATE_SIZED. -
    • When the bitset is no longer used, must be terminated with the macro \ref GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY. -
    • For putting a mark on the bitset, call \ref GIM_BITSET_SET -
    • For clearing a mark on the bitset, call \ref GIM_BITSET_CLEAR -
    • For retrieving a bit value from a bitset, call \ref GIM_BITSET_GET- -
    -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Creates a bitset -#define GIM_BITSET_CREATE(array_data) GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GUINT,array_data,G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE) - -//! Creates a bitset, with their bits set to 0. -#define GIM_BITSET_CREATE_SIZED(array_data,bits_count)\ -{\ - array_data.m_size = bits_count/GUINT_BIT_COUNT + 1;\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GUINT,array_data,array_data.m_size);\ - GUINT * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,array_data);\ - memset(_pt,0,sizeof(GUINT)*(array_data.m_size));\ -}\ - -//! Gets the bitset bit count. -#define GIM_BITSET_SIZE(array_data) (array_data.m_size*GUINT_BIT_COUNT) - -//! Resizes a bitset, with their bits set to 0. -#define GIM_BITSET_RESIZE(array_data,new_bits_count)\ -{ \ - GUINT _oldsize = array_data.m_size;\ - array_data.m_size = new_bits_count/GUINT_BIT_COUNT + 1; \ - if(_oldsize array_data.m_reserve_size)\ - {\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(GUINT,array_data,array_data.m_size+G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE);\ - }\ - GUINT * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,array_data);\ - memset(&_pt[_oldsize],0,sizeof(GUINT)*(array_data.m_size-_oldsize));\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Sets all bitset bit to 0. -#define GIM_BITSET_CLEAR_ALL(array_data)\ -{\ - memset(array_data.m_pdata,0,sizeof(GUINT)*array_data.m_size);\ -}\ - -//! Sets all bitset bit to 1. -#define GIM_BITSET_SET_ALL(array_data)\ -{\ - memset(array_data.m_pdata,0xFF,sizeof(GUINT)*array_data.m_size);\ -}\ - -///Sets the desired bit to 1 -#define GIM_BITSET_SET(array_data,bit_index)\ -{\ - if(bit_index>=GIM_BITSET_SIZE(array_data))\ - {\ - GIM_BITSET_RESIZE(array_data,bit_index);\ - }\ - GUINT * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,array_data);\ - _pt[bit_index >> GUINT_EXPONENT] |= (1 << (bit_index & (GUINT_BIT_COUNT-1)));\ -}\ - -///Return 0 or 1 -#define GIM_BITSET_GET(array_data,bit_index,get_value) \ -{\ - if(bit_index>=GIM_BITSET_SIZE(array_data))\ - {\ - get_value = 0;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - GUINT * _pt = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,array_data);\ - get_value = _pt[bit_index >> GUINT_EXPONENT] & (1 << (bit_index & (GUINT_BIT_COUNT-1)));\ - }\ -}\ - -///Sets the desired bit to 0 -#define GIM_BITSET_CLEAR(array_data,bit_index) \ -{\ - if(bit_index> GUINT_EXPONENT] &= ~(1 << (bit_index & (GUINT_BIT_COUNT-1)));\ - }\ -}\ -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup MEMORY_ACCESS_CONSTANTS -\brief -Memory Access constants. -\sa BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ -#define G_MA_READ_ONLY 1 -#define G_MA_WRITE_ONLY 2 -#define G_MA_READ_WRITE 3 -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup MEMORY_USAGE_CONSTANTS -\brief -Memory usage constants. -\sa BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ -/// Don't care how memory is used -#define G_MU_EITHER 0 -/// specified once, doesn't allow read information -#define G_MU_STATIC_WRITE 1 -/// specified once, allows to read information from a shadow buffer -#define G_MU_STATIC_READ 2 -/// write directly on buffer, allows to read information from a shadow buffer -#define G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE 3 -/// upload data to buffer from the shadow buffer, allows to read information from a shadow buffer -#define G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE_COPY 4 -/// specified once, allows to read information directly from memory -#define G_MU_STATIC_WRITE_DYNAMIC_READ 5 -/// write directly on buffer, allows to read information directly from memory -#define G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE 6 -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup BUFFER_ERRORS -\brief -Buffer operation errors -\sa BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ -#define G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS 0 -#define G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID 1 -#define G_BUFFER_OP_STILLREFCOUNTED 2 -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup BUFFER_MANAGER_IDS -\brief -Buffer manager identifiers -\sa BUFFERS, BUFFER_MANAGERS -*/ -//! @{ -#define G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM 0 -#define G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SHARED 1 -#define G_BUFFER_MANAGER_USER 2 -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup BUFFERS -\brief -Buffer operations and structs. -
    • Before using buffers you must initializes GIMPACT buffer managers by calling \ref gimpact_init. -
    • For initializes a buffer, use \ref gim_create_buffer, \ref gim_create_buffer_from_data , \ref gim_create_common_buffer, \ref gim_create_common_buffer_from_data or \ref gim_create_shared_buffer_from_data. -
    • For accessing to the buffer memory, you must call \ref gim_lock_buffer, and then \ref gim_unlock_buffer for finish the access. -
    • When a buffer is no longer needed, you must free it by calling \ref gim_buffer_free. -
    • You must call \ref gimpact_terminate when finish your application. -
    • For a safe manipulation of buffers, use \ref BUFFER_ARRAYS -
    -\sa BUFFER_MANAGERS, BUFFER_ARRAYS -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Buffer handle. -struct GBUFFER_ID -{ - GUINT m_buffer_id; - GUINT m_buffer_manager_id; -}; -//typedef struct _GBUFFER_ID GBUFFER_ID; - -//! Buffer internal data -struct GBUFFER_DATA -{ - GUINT m_buffer_handle;//!< if 0, buffer doesn't exists - GUINT m_size; - GUINT m_usage; - GINT m_access; - GUINT m_lock_count; - char * m_mapped_pointer; - GBUFFER_ID m_shadow_buffer; - GUINT m_refcount;//! Reference counting for safe garbage collection -}; -//typedef struct _GBUFFER_DATA GBUFFER_DATA; -//! @} - -/*! \defgroup BUFFERS_MANAGER_PROTOTYPES -\brief -Function prototypes to allocate and free memory for buffers -\sa BUFFER_MANAGERS, BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Returns a Buffer handle -typedef GUINT gim_buffer_alloc_function(GUINT size,int usage); - -//! Returns a Buffer handle, and copies the pdata to the buffer -typedef GUINT gim_buffer_alloc_data_function(const void * pdata,GUINT size,int usage); - -//! Changes the size of the buffer preserving the content, and returns the new buffer id -typedef GUINT gim_buffer_realloc_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT oldsize,int old_usage,GUINT newsize,int new_usage); - -//! It changes the m_buffer_handle member to 0/0 -typedef void gim_buffer_free_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT size); - -//! It maps the m_mapped_pointer. Returns a pointer -typedef char * gim_lock_buffer_function(GUINT buffer_handle,int access); - -//! It sets the m_mapped_pointer to 0 -typedef void gim_unlock_buffer_function(GUINT buffer_handle); - -typedef void gim_download_from_buffer_function( - GUINT source_buffer_handle, - GUINT source_pos, - void * destdata, - GUINT copysize); - -typedef void gim_upload_to_buffer_function( - GUINT dest_buffer_handle, - GUINT dest_pos, - void * sourcedata, - GUINT copysize); - -typedef void gim_copy_buffers_function( - GUINT source_buffer_handle, - GUINT source_pos, - GUINT dest_buffer_handle, - GUINT dest_pos, - GUINT copysize); -//! @} - - -/*! \defgroup BUFFER_MANAGERS -\brief -Buffer Manager operations -*/ -//! @{ -//! Buffer manager prototype -struct GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE -{ - gim_buffer_alloc_function * alloc_fn; - gim_buffer_alloc_data_function *alloc_data_fn; - gim_buffer_realloc_function * realloc_fn; - gim_buffer_free_function * free_fn; - gim_lock_buffer_function * lock_buffer_fn; - gim_unlock_buffer_function * unlock_buffer_fn; - gim_download_from_buffer_function * download_from_buffer_fn; - gim_upload_to_buffer_function * upload_to_buffer_fn; - gim_copy_buffers_function * copy_buffers_fn; -}; -//typedef struct _GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE; - -//! Buffer manager -struct GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA -{ - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY m_buffer_array;//!< Array of GBUFFER_DATA objects - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY m_free_positions;//!< Array of GUINT elements. Free positions - GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE m_prototype;//! Prototype of functions - GUINT m_active; //!< 0 or 1 -}; -//typedef struct _GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA; - -//! Adds a buffer Manager to the Memory Singleton -void gim_create_buffer_manager(GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE * prototype,GUINT buffer_manager_id); -//! Gets buffer manager -GUINT gim_get_buffer_manager_count(); -//! Destroys a buffer manager -void gim_destroy_buffer_manager(GUINT buffer_manager_id); -void gim_get_buffer_manager_data(GUINT buffer_manager_id,GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA ** pbm_data); -void gim_init_buffer_managers(); -void gim_terminate_buffer_managers(); - -//! @} - - -/*! \addtogroup BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ - -//!Creates a buffer on the buffer manager specified by buffer_manager_id -/*! -\param buffer_manager_id -\param buffer_size -\param usage An usage constant. Use G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE as default. -\param buffer_id a pointer for receive the new buffer id -\return An error code. 0 if success. -\post m_refcount = 0 -*/ -GUINT gim_create_buffer( - GUINT buffer_manager_id, - GUINT buffer_size, - int usage, - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - -//!Creates a buffer on the buffer manager specified by buffer_manager_id -/*! -\param buffer_manager_id -\param pdata Data for allocating -\param buffer_size Size of the data buffer -\param usage An usage constant. Use G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE as default. -\param buffer_id a pointer for receive the new buffer id -\return An error code. 0 if success. -\post m_refcount = 0 -*/ -GUINT gim_create_buffer_from_data( - GUINT buffer_manager_id, - const void * pdata, - GUINT buffer_size, - int usage, - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - -//!Allocates on the G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM -GUINT gim_create_common_buffer(GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); -//!Allocates on the G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM, and copies the data -GUINT gim_create_common_buffer_from_data( - const void * pdata, GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); -//!Creates a buffer with shared data -GUINT gim_create_shared_buffer_from_data( - const void * pdata, GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - - -//! Add reference counting to buffer. -GINT gim_buffer_add_ref(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - -//! Function for resize buffer, preserving the content -/*! -\param buffer_id -\param newsize -\return An error code. 0 if success. -\post If m_refcount>0 then it decrements it. -*/ -GINT gim_buffer_realloc(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT newsize); - -//! Eliminates the buffer. -/*! -If the buffer reference counting is <= 1 and is unlocked, then it eliminates the buffer. -*/ -GINT gim_buffer_free(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - -//! Locks the buffer for memory access. -/*! -\param buffer_id Id from buffer. -\param access Must have the following values: G_MA_READ_ONLY,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY or G_MA_READ_WRITE. -\param map_pointer Dest Pointer of the memory address from buffer. -\post m_lock_count increases. -*/ -GINT gim_lock_buffer(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,int access,char ** map_pointer); - -//! Unlocks the buffer for memory access. -GINT gim_unlock_buffer(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id); - -//! Gets the buffer size in bytes -GINT gim_get_buffer_size(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT * buffer_size); - -//! Determines if the buffer is locked -GINT gim_get_buffer_is_locked(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT * lock_count); - -//! Copies the content of the buffer to a dest pointer -GINT gim_download_from_buffer( - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id, - GUINT source_pos, - void * destdata, - GUINT copysize); - -//! Copies the content of a memory pointer to the buffer -GINT gim_upload_to_buffer( - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id, - GUINT dest_pos, - void * sourcedata, - GUINT copysize); - -//! Copies two buffers. -GINT gim_copy_buffers( - GBUFFER_ID * source_buffer_id, - GUINT source_pos, - GBUFFER_ID * dest_buffer_id, - GUINT dest_pos, - GUINT copysize); -//! @} - - -/*! \defgroup BUFFER_ARRAYS - -\brief -Buffered Arrays, for manip elements on a buffer and treat it as an array. -
    • Before using buffer arrays you must initializes GIMPACT buffer managers by calling gimpact_init. -
    • Before creating buffer arrays, you must create a buffer. see \ref BUFFERS. -
    • For accessing to the array elements, you must call \ref gim_buffer_array_lock, and then \ref gim_buffer_array_unlock for finish the access. -
    • When a buffer array is no longer needed, you must free it by calling \ref GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY. -
    -The following example shows how Buffer arrays can be used: - -\code -int main() -{ - //init gimpact - gimpact_init(); - - //Buffer handle to use - GBUFFER_ID bufferhandle; - - //Create a memory buffer of 100 float numbers - gim_create_common_buffer(100*sizeof(float), &bufferhandle); - - //Create a buffer array from the bufferhandle - GBUFFER_ARRAY buffer_float_array; - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE(float,buffer_float_array,bufferhandle,100); - - ////Access to the buffer data, set all elements of the array - - int i, count; - count = buffer_float_array.m_element_count; - //Locks the array - gim_buffer_array_lock(&buffer_float_array,G_MA_READ_WRITE); - float * pelements = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(float, buffer_float_array, 0); // A pointer to the buffer memory - - //fill the array with random numbers - for (i = 0;i < count;i++ ) - { - pelements[i] = gim_unit_random(); - } - //unlock buffer - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&buffer_float_array); - - //Program code - .... - .... - - //Destroy array - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(buffer_float_array); - - //terminate gimpact - gimpact_terminate(); -} -\endcode - -\sa BUFFERS -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Buffer managed array struct. -struct GBUFFER_ARRAY -{ - GBUFFER_ID m_buffer_id; - char * m_buffer_data; - char m_byte_stride; - GUINT m_byte_offset; - GUINT m_element_count; -}; -//typedef struct _GBUFFER_ARRAY GBUFFER_ARRAY; - -//! Sets offset for a buffered array. -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_SET_OFFSET(_array_data,_offset) (_array_data).m_byte_offset = _offset*(_array_data).m_byte_stride; - -//! Sets offset for a buffered array. -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_GET_OFFSET(_array_data,_offset) _offset = (_array_data).m_byte_offset/(_array_data).m_byte_stride; - -//!Return a pointer of the element at the _index -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(_type,_array_data,_index) (_type *)((_array_data).m_buffer_data + _index*(_array_data).m_byte_stride) - -//! Sets stride for a buffered array. -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_SET_STRIDE(_type,_array_data) (_array_data).m_byte_stride = sizeof(_type); - -//! Is array stride equal to the size of the type ? -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED(_type,_array_data) ((_array_data).m_byte_stride == sizeof(_type)) - -///Verify if two arrays have the same data -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_ARE_SAME(_array_data1,_array_data2,aresame)\ -{\ - aresame = 1;\ - if((_array_data1).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id != (_array_data2).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id || (_array_data1).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id != (_array_data2).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id || (_array_data1).m_byte_offset != (_array_data2).m_byte_offset)\ - {\ - aresame = 0;\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Reserve size for a buffered array. -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,reserve_size)\ -{ \ - if(reserve_size>(array_data).m_element_count)\ - {\ - GUINT _buffer_size,_newarray_size;\ - gim_get_buffer_size(&(array_data).m_buffer_id,_buffer_size);\ - _newarray_size = reserve_size*(array_data).m_byte_stride;\ - if(_newarray_size>_buffer_size)\ - { \ - _newarray_size += G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE*(array_data).m_byte_stride;\ - gim_buffer_realloc(&(array_data).m_buffer_id,_newarray_size);\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Pushes an element at last position -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_PUSH_ITEM(type,array_data,item)\ -{\ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data).m_element_count+1);\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&array_data,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY);\ - type * _pt = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data,(array_data).m_element_count);\ - memcpy(_pt,&item,sizeof(type));\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&array_data);\ - (array_data)->m_element_count++; \ -}\ - -//! Pushes a new element at last position -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(type,array_data)\ -{\ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data).m_element_count+1);\ - array_data->m_element_count++; \ -}\ - -//! Inserts an element -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INSERT_ITEM(type,array_data,item,index) \ -{ \ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_RESERVE_SIZE(type,array_data,(array_data).m_element_count+1);\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&array_data,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY);\ - type * _pt = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data,0);\ - if(index<(array_data)->m_element_count-1) \ - { \ - memcpy(&_pt[index+1],&_pt[index],((array_data).m_element_count-index)*sizeof(type));\ - } \ - memcpy(&_pt[index],&item,sizeof(type));\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&array_data);\ - (array_data).m_element_count++; \ -}\ - -//! Deletes an element -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DELETE_ITEM(type,array_data,index) \ -{ \ - if(index<(array_data).m_element_count-1) \ - { \ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&array_data,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY);\ - type * _pt = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data,0);\ - memcpy(&_pt[index],&_pt[index+1],((array_data).m_element_count-index-1)*sizeof(type));\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&array_data);\ - } \ - (array_data).m_element_count--; \ -}\ - -//! Deletes an element at last position -/*! -\pre array_data must be unlocked, and must be the aligned (GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED ) -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POP_ITEM(array_data) \ -{ \ - if((array_data).m_element_count>0) \ - { \ - (array_data).m_element_count--; \ - } \ -}\ - - -//! Initializes an GBUFFER_ARRAY object from a buffer ID -/*! -m_buffer_data will be 0, for acces to the elements, you'd need to call lock_array -\param array_data Array structure to be filled -\param buffer_id A GBUFFER_ID structure which this array_daya will refer to -\param element_count Number of elements -\param offset element offset, it isn't byte offset. 0 is recomended -\param byte_stride size of each element. 0 is recomended. -\post Adds reference to the buffer -\sa gim_buffer_add_ref -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_OFFSET_STRIDE(array_data,buffer_id,element_count,offset,byte_stride)\ -{\ - (array_data).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id = (buffer_id).m_buffer_id;\ - (array_data).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id = (buffer_id).m_buffer_manager_id;\ - (array_data).m_buffer_data = 0;\ - (array_data).m_element_count = element_count;\ - (array_data).m_byte_stride = byte_stride;\ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_SET_OFFSET(array_data,offset);\ - gim_buffer_add_ref(&(buffer_id));\ -}\ - -//! Initializes an GBUFFER_ARRAY object from a buffer ID and a Given type -/*! -m_buffer_data will be 0, for acces to the elements, you'd need to call lock_array -\param type Type of the Array. It determines the stride. -\param array_data Array structure to be filled -\param buffer_id A GBUFFER_ID structure which this array_daya will refer to -\param element_count Number of elements -\param offset element offset, it isn't byte offset. 0 is recomended -\post Adds reference to the buffer -\sa gim_buffer_add_ref -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE_OFFSET(type,array_data,buffer_id,element_count,offset)\ -{\ - (array_data).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id = (buffer_id).m_buffer_id;\ - (array_data).m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id = (buffer_id).m_buffer_manager_id;\ - (array_data).m_buffer_data = 0;\ - (array_data).m_element_count = element_count;\ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_SET_STRIDE(type,array_data);\ - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_SET_OFFSET(array_data,offset);\ - gim_buffer_add_ref(&(buffer_id));\ -}\ - -//! Initializes a buffer array giving a data type and a buffer id -/*! -m_buffer_data will be 0, for acces to the elements, you'd need to call lock_array. -\param type Type of the Array. It determines the stride. -\param array_data Array structure to be filled -\param buffer_id A GBUFFER_ID structure which this array_daya will refer to -\param element_count Number of elements -\post Adds reference to the buffer -\sa gim_buffer_add_ref -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE(type,array_data,buffer_id,element_count) GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE_OFFSET(type,array_data,buffer_id,element_count,0) - -//! Gain access to the array buffer through the m_buffer_data element -/*! -m_buffer_data pointer will be located at the m_byte_offset position of the buffer m_buffer -Then, You'd need to call unlock_array when finish to using the array access. - -\pre if m_buffer_data != 0, the function returns -\param array_data Array structure to be locked -\param access A constant for access to the buffer. can be G_MA_READ_ONLY,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY or G_MA_READ_WRITE -\return an Buffer error code -*/ -GINT gim_buffer_array_lock(GBUFFER_ARRAY * array_data, int access); - -//! close the access to the array buffer through the m_buffer_data element -/*! -\param array_data Array structure to be locked -\return an Buffer error code -*/ -GINT gim_buffer_array_unlock(GBUFFER_ARRAY * array_data); - -//! Copy an array by reference -/*! -\post A reference to the m_buffer_id is increased. -*/ -void gim_buffer_array_copy_ref(GBUFFER_ARRAY * source_data,GBUFFER_ARRAY * dest_data); - - -//! Copy an array by value -/*! -\post A new buffer is created -*/ -void gim_buffer_array_copy_value(GBUFFER_ARRAY * source_data,GBUFFER_ARRAY * dest_data, GUINT buffer_manager_id,int usage); - -//! Destroys an GBUFFER_ARRAY object -/*! -\post Attemps to destroy the buffer, decreases reference counting -*/ -void GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(GBUFFER_ARRAY & array_data); - -//! Copy the content of the array to a pointer -/*! -\pre dest_data must have the same size as the array_data -\param type -\param array_data A GBUFFERED_ARRAY structure -\param dest_data A type pointer -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DOWNLOAD(type,array_data,dest_data)\ -{\ - if(GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED(type,array_data))\ - {\ - gim_download_from_buffer(&(array_data).m_buffer_id, (array_data).m_byte_offset,(void *) dest_data, (array_data).m_element_count*(array_data).m_byte_stride);\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - GUINT _k_, _ecount_= (array_data).m_element_count;\ - type * _source_vert_;\ - type * _dest_vert_ = dest_data;\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&(array_data),G_MA_READ_ONLY);\ - for (_k_ = 0;_k_< _ecount_; _k_++)\ - {\ - _source_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data,_k_);\ - memcpy(_dest_vert_,_source_vert_,sizeof(type));\ - _dest_vert_++;\ - }\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&(array_data));\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Upload the content of a a pointer to a buffered array -/*! -\pre source_data must have the same size as the array_data -\param type -\param array_data A GBUFFERED_ARRAY structure -\param source_data A void pointer -*/ -#define GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_UPLOAD(type,array_data,source_data)\ -{\ - if(GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED(type,array_data))\ - {\ - gim_upload_to_buffer(&(array_data).m_buffer_id, (array_data).m_byte_offset,(void *) source_data, (array_data).m_element_count*(array_data).m_byte_stride);\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - GUINT _k_, _ecount_= (array_data).m_element_count;\ - type * _source_vert_ = source_data;\ - type * _dest_vert_;\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&(array_data),G_MA_WRITE_ONLY);\ - for (_k_ = 0;_k_< _ecount_; _k_++)\ - {\ - _dest_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(type,array_data,_k_);\ - memcpy(_dest_vert_,_source_vert_,sizeof(type));\ - _source_vert_++;\ - }\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&(array_data));\ - }\ -}\ - - -//!Kernel function prototype for process streams, given a buffered array as source and -/*! -\param 1 the uniform arguments -\param 2 the source stream -\param 3 the destination stream -*/ -typedef void (* gim_kernel_func)(void *,GBUFFER_ARRAY *,GBUFFER_ARRAY *); - -//! Generic Stream Processingp loop -/*! - -This macro executes a kernel macro or function for each element of the streams -\pre _src_array->m_count <= _dst_array->m_count - -\param _uniform_data An argument to be passed to the Kernel function -\param _src_array An GBUFFER_ARRAY structure passed as the source stream -\param _dst_array An GBUFFER_ARRAY structure passed as the source stream -\param _kernel Macro or function of the kernel -\param _src_type Required. Type of all elements of the source stream -\param _dst_type Required. Type of all elements of the dest stream -*/ -#define GIM_PROCESS_BUFFER_ARRAY(_uniform_data,_src_array,_dst_array,_kernel,_src_type,_dst_type) {\ -\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&_src_array,G_MA_READ_ONLY);\ - gim_buffer_array_lock(&_dst_array,G_MA_WRITE_ONLY);\ -\ - GUINT _i_, _count_=(_src_array).m_element_count;\ -\ - _src_type * _source_vert_;\ - _dst_type * _dest_vert_;\ - if(GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED(_src_type,_src_array) && GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_IS_ALIGNED(_dst_type,_dst_array))\ - {\ -\ - _source_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(_src_type,_src_array,0);\ - _dest_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(_dst_type,_dst_array,0);\ - for (_i_ = 0;_i_< _count_; _i_++)\ - {\ - _kernel(_uniform_data,(*_source_vert_),(*_dest_vert_));\ - _source_vert_++;\ - _dest_vert_++;\ - }\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - for (_i_ = 0;_i_< _count_; _i_++)\ - {\ - _source_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(_src_type,_src_array,_i_);\ - _dest_vert_ = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(_dst_type,_dst_array,_i_);\ - _kernel(_uniform_data,(*_source_vert_),(*_dest_vert_));\ - }\ - }\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&_src_array);\ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&_dst_array);\ -}\ - -//! @} - -#endif // GIM_MEMORY_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h deleted file mode 100644 index a5f8e12..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_radixsort.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,258 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_RADIXSORT_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_RADIXSORT_H_INCLUDED -/*! \file gim_radixsort.h -\author Francisco León. -Based on the work of Michael Herf : "fast floating-point radix sort" -Avaliable on -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_memory.h" - -/*! \defgroup SORTING -\brief -Macros for sorting. -*/ -//! @{ -struct GIM_RSORT_TOKEN -{ - GUINT m_key; - GUINT m_value; -}; -//typedef struct _GIM_RSORT_TOKEN GIM_RSORT_TOKEN; - -//comparator for sorting -#define RSORT_TOKEN_COMPARATOR(x, y) ((int)((x.m_key) - (y.m_key))) - -// ---- utils for accessing 11-bit quantities -#define D11_0(x) (x & 0x7FF) -#define D11_1(x) (x >> 11 & 0x7FF) -#define D11_2(x) (x >> 22 ) - - -//COMMON FUNCTIONS FOR ACCESSING THE KEY OF AN ELEMENT - - -//For the type of your array, you need to declare a macro for obtaining the key, like these: -#define SIMPLE_GET_FLOAT32KEY(e,key) {key =(GREAL)(e);} - -#define SIMPLE_GET_INTKEY(e,key) {key =(GINT)(e);} - -#define SIMPLE_GET_UINTKEY(e,key) {key =(GUINT)(e);} - -//For the type of your array, you need to declare a macro for copy elements, like this: - -#define SIMPLE_COPY_ELEMENTS(dest,src) {dest = src;} - -#define kHist 2048 - -///Radix sort for unsigned integer keys - -#define GIM_RADIX_SORT_RTOKENS(array,sorted,element_count)\ -{\ - GUINT i;\ - GUINT b0[kHist * 3];\ - GUINT *b1 = b0 + kHist;\ - GUINT *b2 = b1 + kHist;\ - for (i = 0; i < kHist * 3; i++)\ - {\ - b0[i] = 0;\ - }\ - GUINT fi;\ - GUINT pos;\ - for (i = 0; i < element_count; i++)\ - {\ - fi = array[i].m_key;\ - b0[D11_0(fi)] ++;\ - b1[D11_1(fi)] ++;\ - b2[D11_2(fi)] ++;\ - }\ - {\ - GUINT sum0 = 0, sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;\ - GUINT tsum;\ - for (i = 0; i < kHist; i++)\ - {\ - tsum = b0[i] + sum0;\ - b0[i] = sum0 - 1;\ - sum0 = tsum;\ - tsum = b1[i] + sum1;\ - b1[i] = sum1 - 1;\ - sum1 = tsum;\ - tsum = b2[i] + sum2;\ - b2[i] = sum2 - 1;\ - sum2 = tsum;\ - }\ - }\ - for (i = 0; i < element_count; i++)\ - {\ - fi = array[i].m_key;\ - pos = D11_0(fi);\ - pos = ++b0[pos];\ - sorted[pos].m_key = array[i].m_key;\ - sorted[pos].m_value = array[i].m_value;\ - }\ - for (i = 0; i < element_count; i++)\ - {\ - fi = sorted[i].m_key;\ - pos = D11_1(fi);\ - pos = ++b1[pos];\ - array[pos].m_key = sorted[i].m_key;\ - array[pos].m_value = sorted[i].m_value;\ - }\ - for (i = 0; i < element_count; i++)\ - {\ - fi = array[i].m_key;\ - pos = D11_2(fi);\ - pos = ++b2[pos];\ - sorted[pos].m_key = array[i].m_key;\ - sorted[pos].m_value = array[i].m_value;\ - }\ -}\ - -/// Get the sorted tokens from an array. For generic use. Tokens are GIM_RSORT_TOKEN -#define GIM_RADIX_SORT_ARRAY_TOKENS(array, sorted_tokens, element_count, get_uintkey_macro)\ -{\ - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * _unsorted = (GIM_RSORT_TOKEN *) gim_alloc(sizeof(GIM_RSORT_TOKEN )*element_count);\ - GUINT _i;\ - for (_i=0;_i 0)\ - {\ - _stack_index_ --;\ - _start_ = _start_stack_[_stack_index_];\ - _end_ = _end_stack_[_stack_index_];\ - while (_end_ - _start_ > 2)\ - {\ - _p_ = _start_;\ - _i_ = _start_ + 1;\ - _j_ = _end_ - 1;\ - while (_i_<_j_) \ - {\ - for(; _i_<=_j_ && comp_macro(((array)[_i_]),((array)[_p_]))<=0; _i_++) ;\ - if (_i_ > _j_) \ - {\ - exchange_macro(type, array, _j_, _p_);\ - _i_ = _j_;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - for(; _i_<=_j_ && comp_macro(((array)[_j_]),((array)[_p_]))>=0; _j_--) ;\ - if (_i_ > _j_) \ - {\ - exchange_macro(type, array, _j_, _p_);\ - _i_ = _j_;\ - }\ - else if (_i_ < _j_)\ - {\ - exchange_macro(type, array, _i_, _j_);\ - if (_i_+2 < _j_) {_i_++; _j_--;}\ - else if (_i_+1 < _j_) _i_++;\ - }\ - }\ - }\ - if (_i_-_start_ > 1 && _end_-_j_ > 1) \ - {\ - if (_i_-_start_ < _end_-_j_-1) \ - {\ - _start_stack_[_stack_index_] = _j_+1;\ - _end_stack_[_stack_index_] = _end_;\ - _stack_index_ ++;\ - _end_ = _i_;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - _start_stack_[_stack_index_] = _start_;\ - _end_stack_[_stack_index_] = _i_;\ - _stack_index_ ++;\ - _start_ = _j_+1;\ - }\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - if (_i_-_start_ > 1)\ - {\ - _end_ = _i_;\ - }\ - else \ - {\ - _start_ = _j_+1;\ - }\ - }\ - }\ - if (_end_ - _start_ == 2) \ - {\ - if (comp_macro(((array)[_start_]),((array)[_end_-1])) > 0) \ - {\ - exchange_macro(type, array, _start_, _end_-1);\ - }\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - -#define GIM_DEF_EXCHANGE_MACRO(type, _array, _i, _j)\ -{\ - type _e_tmp_ =(_array)[(_i)];\ - (_array)[(_i)]=(_array)[(_j)];\ - (_array)[(_j)]= _e_tmp_;\ -}\ - -#define GIM_COMP_MACRO(x, y) ((GINT)((x) - (y))) -//! @} -#endif // GIM_RADIXSORT_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2b31604..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_capsule_collision.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_TRI_CAPSULE_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_TRI_CAPSULE_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_tri_capsule_collision.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_memory.h" - -/*! \addtogroup GEOMETRIC_OPERATIONS -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Capsule struct -struct GIM_CAPSULE_DATA -{ - GREAL m_radius; - vec3f m_point1; - vec3f m_point2; -}; -//typedef struct _GIM_CAPSULE_DATA GIM_CAPSULE_DATA; - -#define CALC_CAPSULE_AABB(capsule,aabb)\ -{\ - if(capsule.m_point1[0]G_EPSILON ?1:0; \ - if(_classif == 0) \ - { \ - if(_prevclassif==1) \ - {\ - if(clipped_count u*axe1[i1] + ((vecproj[i2] - u*axe1[i2])/axe2[i2])*axe2[i1] = vecproj[i1] - - --> u*axe1[i1] + vecproj[i2]*axe2[i1]/axe2[i2] - u*axe1[i2]*axe2[i1]/axe2[i2] = vecproj[i1] - - --> u*(axe1[i1] - axe1[i2]*axe2[i1]/axe2[i2]) = vecproj[i1] - vecproj[i2]*axe2[i1]/axe2[i2] - - --> u*((axe1[i1]*axe2[i2] - axe1[i2]*axe2[i1])/axe2[i2]) = (vecproj[i1]*axe2[i2] - vecproj[i2]*axe2[i1])/axe2[i2] - - --> u*(axe1[i1]*axe2[i2] - axe1[i2]*axe2[i1]) = vecproj[i1]*axe2[i2] - vecproj[i2]*axe2[i1] - - --> u = (vecproj[i1]*axe2[i2] - vecproj[i2]*axe2[i1]) /(axe1[i1]*axe2[i2] - axe1[i2]*axe2[i1]) - -if 0.0<= u+v <=1.0 then they are inside of triangle - - */ -#define TRIANGLE_GET_UVPARAMETERS(point,vec1,vec2,vec3,tri_plane,u,v,outside)\ -{\ - vec3f _axe1, _axe2, _vecproj;\ - VEC_DIFF(_axe1,vec2,vec1);\ - VEC_DIFF(_axe2,vec3,vec1);\ - VEC_DIFF(_vecproj,point,vec1);\ - GUINT _i1,_i2;\ - PLANE_MINOR_AXES(tri_plane, _i1, _i2);\ - if(fabsf(_axe2[_i2])G_EPSILON)\ - {\ - outside = 1;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - outside = 0;\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - -//! Finds the collision of a ray and a triangle. -#define RAY_TRIANGLE_INTERSECTION(vOrigin,vDir,vec1,vec2,vec3,tri_plane,pout,u,v,tparam,tmax,does_intersect)\ -{\ - RAY_PLANE_COLLISION(tri_plane,vDir,vOrigin,pout,tparam,does_intersect);\ - if(does_intersect != 0)\ - {\ - if(tparam<-G_EPSILON||tparam>tmax+G_EPSILON)\ - {\ - does_intersect = 0;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - TRIANGLE_GET_UVPARAMETERS(pout,vec1,vec2,vec3,tri_plane,u,v,does_intersect);\ - does_intersect = !does_intersect;\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - - -//! @} - -#endif // GIM_TRI_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h deleted file mode 100644 index a2a81d6..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_tri_sphere_collision.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_TRI_SPHERE_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_TRI_SPHERE_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED - -/*! \file gim_tri_sphere_collision.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -/*! \addtogroup GEOMETRIC_OPERATIONS -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Finds the contact points from a collision of a triangle and a sphere -/*! -\param tri -\param center -\param radius -\param contact_data Contains the closest points on the Sphere, and the normal is pointing to triangle -*/ -int gim_triangle_sphere_collision( - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri, - vec3f center, GREAL radius, - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA * contact_data); - -//! @} -#endif // GIM_TRI_SPHERE_COLLISION_H_INCLUDED diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h deleted file mode 100644 index b1cdf7f..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/include/GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,539 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef GIM_TRIMESH_H_INCLUDED -#define GIM_TRIMESH_H_INCLUDED -/*! \file gim_trimesh.h -\author Francisco León -*/ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_boxpruning.h" -#include "GIMPACT/gim_contact.h" - - -///MAsk defines -#define GIM_TRIMESH_TRANSFORMED_REPLY 1 -#define GIM_TRIMESH_NEED_UPDATE 2 - -/*! \addtogroup TRIMESH -\brief -A Trimesh is the basic geometric structure for representing solid objects. -


    • For creating trimeshes, you must initialize Buffer managers by calling \ref gimpact_init -
    • Then you must define the vertex and index sources by creating them with \ref BUFFER_ARRAYS routines, and then call \ref gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays. -
    • An alternative way for creaing trimesh objects is calling \ref gim_trimesh_create_from_data. -
    • For access to the trimesh data (vertices, triangle indices), you must call \ref gim_trimesh_locks_work_data , and \ref gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data for finish the access. -
    • Each time when the trimesh data is modified, you must call \ref gim_trimesh_update after. -
    • When a trimesh is no longer needed, you must call \ref gim_trimesh_destroy. -
    - -

    This is an example of how to create a deformable trimesh that shares vertices with the user application:

    -\code -//Declaration of vertices -vec3f trimeshvertices[200]; -//Declaration of indices -GUINT trimeshindices[100]; - -... Initializing vertices and triangle indices at beginning - -//Then create trimesh -GIM_TRIMESH mytrimesh; - -//Calling trimesh create function - -gim_trimesh_create_from_data( -&mytrimesh, -trimeshvertices,200, -0 ,//copy_vertices is 0 -trimeshindices, -100, -0, //copy_indices is 0 -0 //transformed_reply is 0 -); -\endcode -

    Note that parameter transformed_reply is 0, that means that m_transformed_vertex_buffer is a reference to m_source_vertex on the trimesh, and transformations are not avaliable. Use that configuration if you have to simulate a deformable trimesh like cloth or elastic bodies.


    When the trimesh is no longer needed, destroy it safely with gim_trimesh_destroy()




    On simulation loops, is needed to update trimeshes every time for update vertices althought updating triangle boxes and planes cache. There is two ways for update trimeshes:

    • Updating vertices directly. You need to access to the \ref GIM_TRIMESH.m_source_vertex_buffer member; a vertex buffer which has access to the source vertices. -\code -// Access to the source vertices -gim_buffer_array_lock(&mytrimesh.m_source_vertex_buffer, G_MA_READ_WRITE); - -//Get a pointer to the vertex buffer -vec3f * vertexpointer = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(vec3f,mytrimesh.m_source_vertex_buffer,0); - -//Get the amount of vertices -int veccount = mytrimesh.m_source_vertex_buffer.m_element_count; - -//Modify vertices -for (int i=0;itransformed_reply = 0. -
    • Aplying a transformation. Simply use \ref gim_trimesh_set_tranform . Remember that with this method trimeshes must be created with \ref gim_trimesh_create_from_data with parameter transformed_reply = 1. -

    After updating vertices, you must call \ref gim_trimesh_update()




    Before collide trimeshes, you need to update them first.


    Then you must use \ref gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision().

    - -*/ -//! @{ - -//! Prototype for updating vertices -typedef void * gim_update_trimesh_function(struct _GIM_TRIMESH *); - -//! Trimesh -struct GIM_TRIMESH -{ - ///Original - //@{ - GBUFFER_ARRAY m_source_vertex_buffer;//!< Buffer of vec3f coordinates - - //! (GUINT) Indices of triangles,groups of three elements. - /*! - Array of GUINT. Triangle indices. Each triple contains indices of the vertices for each triangle. - \invariant must be aligned - */ - GBUFFER_ARRAY m_tri_index_buffer; - //@} - ///Allocated - //@{ - char m_mask;//!< Don't use directly - - //! Allocated transformed vertices vec3f - /*! - Array of vec3f.If gim_trimesh_has_tranformed_reply(this) == 1 then it refers to the m_source_vertex_buffer - \invariant must be aligned - */ - GBUFFER_ARRAY m_transformed_vertex_buffer; - //@} - ///Auxiliary data - //@{ - GIM_AABB_SET m_aabbset; - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY m_planes_cache_buffer;//! Allocated GIM_TRIPLANES_CACHE - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY m_planes_cache_bitset; - gim_update_trimesh_function * m_update_callback;//! If null, then m_transform is applied. - mat4f m_transform; - //@} -}; -//typedef struct _GIM_TRIMESH GIM_TRIMESH; - -/// Info about mesh -//! Return the trimesh triangle count -GUINT gim_trimesh_get_triangle_count(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Returns 1 if the m_transformed_vertex_buffer is a reply of m_source_vertex_buffer -char gim_trimesh_has_tranformed_reply(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Returns 1 if the trimesh needs to update their aabbset and the planes cache. -char gim_trimesh_needs_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Change the state of the trimesh for force it to update -/*! -Call it after made changes to the trimesh. -\post gim_trimesh_need_update(trimesh) will return 1 -\sa gim_trimesh_needs_update,gim_trimesh_has_tranformed_reply -*/ -void gim_trimesh_post_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Creates the aabb set and the triangles cache -/*! - -\param trimesh -\param vertex_array -\param triindex_array -\param transformed_reply If 1, then the m_transformed_vertices is a reply of the source vertices. Else it just be a reference to the original array. -\post it copies the arrays by reference, and creates the auxiliary data (m_aabbset,m_planes_cache_buffer) -*/ -void gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GBUFFER_ARRAY * vertex_array, GBUFFER_ARRAY * triindex_array,char transformed_reply); - - - -//! Create a trimesh from vertex array and an index array -/*! -\param trimesh An uninitialized GIM_TRIMESH structure -\param vertex_array A buffer to a vec3f array -\param vertex_count -\param triindex_array -\param index_count -\param copy_vertices If 1, it copies the source vertices in another buffer. Else (0) it constructs a reference to the data. -\param copy_indices If 1, it copies the source vertices in another buffer. Else (0) it constructs a reference to the data. -\param transformed_reply If 1, then the m_transformed_vertices is a reply of the source vertices. Else it just be a reference to the original array. Use 1 if you will apply transformations to the trimesh. See \ref gim_trimesh_set_tranform(). -*/ -void gim_trimesh_create_from_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, vec3f * vertex_array, GUINT vertex_count,char copy_vertices, GUINT * triindex_array, GUINT index_count,char copy_indices,char transformed_reply); - -//! Clears auxiliary data and releases buffer arrays -void gim_trimesh_destroy(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Copies two meshes -/*! -\param source_trimesh -\param dest_trimesh -\param copy_by_reference If 1, it attach a reference to the source vertices, else it copies the vertices -\param transformed_reply If 1, transformed vertices are reply of source vertives. 1 Is recommended -*/ -void gim_trimesh_copy(GIM_TRIMESH * source_trimesh,GIM_TRIMESH * dest_trimesh, char copy_by_reference, char transformed_reply); - - -//! Locks the trimesh for working with it -/*! -\post locks m_tri_index_buffer and m_transformed_vertex_buffer. -\param trimesh -*/ -void gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - - -//! unlocks the trimesh -/*! -\post unlocks m_tri_index_buffer and m_transformed_vertex_buffer. -\param trimesh -*/ -void gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Updates m_transformed_vertex_buffer -/*! -\pre m_transformed_vertex_buffer must be unlocked -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update_vertices(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Updates m_aabbset and m_planes_cache_bitset -/*! -\pre gim_trimesh_locks_work_data must be called before -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update_aabbset(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Calls before perfom collisions. Updates the trimesh if needed -/*! -\post If gim_trimesh_needs_update returns 1, then it calls gim_trimesh_update_vertices and gim_trimesh_update_aabbset -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh); - -//! Set the transform of a trimesh -/*! -\post This function calls to gim_trimesh_post_update -*/ -void gim_trimesh_set_tranform(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, mat4f transform); - -//! Fetch triangle data -/*! -\pre gim_trimesh_locks_work_data must be called before -*/ -void gim_trimesh_get_triangle_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GUINT triangle_index, GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA * tri_data); - -//! Fetch triangle vertices -/*! -\pre gim_trimesh_locks_work_data must be called before -*/ -void gim_trimesh_get_triangle_vertices(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GUINT triangle_index, vec3f v1,vec3f v2,vec3f v3); - -//! Trimesh Trimesh Collisions -/*! -Before use this function you must update each trimesh: -\code -gim_trimesh_update(TriMesh1); -gim_trimesh_update(TriMesh2); -\endcode -Then you must use the trimesh collision in this way: -\code -int collide_trimeshes(GIM_TRIMESH * TriMesh1, GIM_TRIMESH * TriMesh2) -{ - //Create contact list - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(trimeshcontacts); - - //Collide trimeshes - gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision(TriMesh1,TriMesh2,&trimeshcontacts); - - if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0) //do nothing - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(trimeshcontacts);//clean contact array - return 0; - } - - //Getting a pointer to the contact array - GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts); - - int contactcount = trimeshcontacts.m_size; - int i; - //Process contacts - for (i=0;i -
  • m_handle1 points to trimesh1. -
  • m_handle2 points to trimesh2. -
  • m_feature1 Is a triangle index of trimesh1. -
  • m_feature2 Is a triangle index of trimesh2. - - -\param trimesh1 Collider -\param trimesh2 Collidee -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh1, GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts); - - -//! Trimesh Sphere Collisions -/*! -Before use this function you must update the trimesh: -\code -gim_trimesh_update(trimesh); -\endcode -Then you must use this function in this way: -\code -int collide_trimesh_sphere(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, vec3f center,GREAL radius) -{ - //Create contact list - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(trimeshcontacts); - - //Collide trimeshes - gim_trimesh_sphere_collision(trimesh,center,radius,&trimeshcontacts); - - if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0) //do nothing - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(trimeshcontacts);//clean contact array - return 0; - } - - //Getting a pointer to the contact array - GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts); - - int contactcount = trimeshcontacts.m_size; - int i; - //Process contacts - for (i=0;i -
  • m_handle1 points to trimesh. -
  • m_handle2 points to NULL. -
  • m_feature1 Is a triangle index of trimesh. - - -\param trimesh -\param center -\param radius -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_sphere_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh,vec3f center,GREAL radius, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts); - - -//! Trimesh Capsule collision -/*! -Find the closest primitive collided by the ray. - -Before use this function you must update the trimesh: -\code -gim_trimesh_update(trimesh); -\endcode -Then you must use this function in this way: -\code -int collide_trimesh_capsule(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GIM_CAPSULE_DATA * capsule) -{ - //Create contact list - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY trimeshcontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(trimeshcontacts); - - //Collide trimeshes - gim_trimesh_capsule_collision(trimesh,capsule,&trimeshcontacts); - - if(trimeshcontacts.m_size == 0) //do nothing - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(trimeshcontacts);//clean contact array - return 0; - } - - //Getting a pointer to the contact array - GIM_CONTACT * ptrimeshcontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,trimeshcontacts); - - int contactcount = trimeshcontacts.m_size; - int i; - //Process contacts - for (i=0;i -
  • m_handle1 points to trimesh. -
  • m_handle2 points to NULL. -
  • m_feature1 Is a triangle index of trimesh. - - -\param trimesh -\param capsule -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_capsule_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GIM_CAPSULE_DATA * capsule, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts); - - -///Function for create Trimesh Plane collision result -#define GIM_CREATE_TRIMESHPLANE_CONTACTS(dynarray) GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(vec4f,dynarray,G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE) - -//! Trimesh Plane Collisions -/*! - -Before use this function you must update the trimesh: -\code -gim_trimesh_update(trimesh); -\endcode -Then you must use this function in this way: -\code -int collide_trimesh_plane(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, vec4f plane) -{ - //Create contact list - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY tri_plane_contacts; - GIM_CREATE_TRIMESHPLANE_CONTACTS(tri_plane_contacts); - - //Collide trimeshes - gim_trimesh_plane_collision(trimesh,plane,&tri_plane_contacts); - - if(tri_plane_contacts.m_size == 0) //do nothing - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(tri_plane_contacts);//clean contact array - return 0; - } - - //Getting a pointer to the contact array - vec4f * planecontacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(vec4f,tri_plane_contacts); - - int contactcount = tri_plane_contacts.m_size; - int i; - //Process contacts - for (i=0;im_count = count; - aabbset->m_boxes = (aabb3f *)gim_alloc(sizeof(aabb3f)*count); - - if(countm_maxcoords = 0; - aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords = 0; - } - else - { - aabbset->m_maxcoords = (GUINT *)gim_alloc(sizeof(GUINT)*aabbset->m_count ); - aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords = (GIM_RSORT_TOKEN *)gim_alloc(sizeof(GIM_RSORT_TOKEN)*aabbset->m_count); - } - aabbset->m_shared = 0; - INVALIDATE_AABB(aabbset->m_global_bound); -} - -//! Destroys the aabb set. -void gim_aabbset_destroy(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset) -{ - aabbset->m_count = 0; - if(aabbset->m_shared==0) - { - gim_free(aabbset->m_boxes,0); - gim_free(aabbset->m_maxcoords,0); - gim_free(aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords,0); - } - aabbset->m_boxes = 0; - aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords = 0; - aabbset->m_maxcoords = 0; -} - -void gim_aabbset_calc_global_bound(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset) -{ - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - aabb3f * globalbox = &aabbset->m_global_bound; - AABB_COPY((*globalbox),(*paabb)); - - GUINT count = aabbset->m_count-1; - paabb++; - while(count) - { - MERGEBOXES(*globalbox,*paabb) - paabb++; - count--; - } -} - - -//! Sorts the boxes for box prunning. -/*! -1) find the integer representation of the aabb coords -2) Sorts the min coords -3) Calcs the global bound -\pre aabbset must be allocated. And the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset -\param calc_global_bound If 1 , calcs the global bound -\post If aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords == 0, then it allocs the sorted coordinates -*/ -void gim_aabbset_sort(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, char calc_global_bound) -{ - if(aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords == 0) - {//allocate - aabbset->m_maxcoords = (GUINT *)gim_alloc(sizeof(GUINT)*aabbset->m_count ); - aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords = (GIM_RSORT_TOKEN *)gim_alloc(sizeof(GIM_RSORT_TOKEN)*aabbset->m_count); - } - - GUINT i, count = aabbset->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - GUINT * maxcoords = aabbset->m_maxcoords; - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * sorted_tokens = aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords; - - if(count<860)//Calibrated on a Pentium IV - { - //Sort by quick sort - //Calculate keys - for(i=0;im_index1 = i;\ - _pair->m_index2 = j;\ -} - -#define PUSH_PAIR_INV(i,j,pairset)\ -{\ - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(GIM_PAIR,pairset);\ - GIM_PAIR * _pair = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_PAIR,pairset) + (pairset).m_size - 1;\ - _pair->m_index1 = j;\ - _pair->m_index2 = i;\ -} - -#define FIND_OVERLAPPING_FOWARD(\ - curr_index,\ - test_count,\ - test_aabb,\ - max_coord_uint,\ - sorted_tokens,\ - aabbarray,\ - pairset,\ - push_pair_macro)\ -{\ - GUINT _i = test_count;\ - char _intersected;\ - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * _psorted_tokens = sorted_tokens;\ - while(max_coord_uint >= _psorted_tokens->m_key && _i>0)\ - {\ - AABBCOLLISION(_intersected,test_aabb,aabbarray[_psorted_tokens->m_value]);\ - if(_intersected)\ - {\ - push_pair_macro(curr_index, _psorted_tokens->m_value,pairset);\ - }\ - _psorted_tokens++;\ - _i--;\ - }\ -} - -//! log(N) Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated and sorted, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset Must be sorted. Global bound isn't required -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs) -{ - collision_pairs->m_size = 0; - GUINT count = aabbset->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - GUINT * maxcoords = aabbset->m_maxcoords; - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * sorted_tokens = aabbset->m_sorted_mincoords; - aabb3f test_aabb; - while(count>1) - { - ///current cache variables - GUINT curr_index = sorted_tokens->m_value; - GUINT max_coord_uint = maxcoords[curr_index]; - AABB_COPY(test_aabb,paabb[curr_index]); - - ///next pairs - sorted_tokens++; - count--; - FIND_OVERLAPPING_FOWARD( curr_index, count, test_aabb, max_coord_uint, sorted_tokens , paabb, (*collision_pairs),PUSH_PAIR); - } -} - -//! NxN Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -\pre aabbset must be allocated, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset Global bound isn't required. Doen't need to be sorted. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections_brute_force(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs) -{ - collision_pairs->m_size = 0; - GUINT i,j; - GUINT count = aabbset->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - char intersected; - for (i=0;i< count-1 ;i++ ) - { - for (j=i+1;jm_size = 0; - - AABBCOLLISION(intersected,aabbset1->m_global_bound,aabbset2->m_global_bound); - if(intersected == 0) return; - - GUINT count1 = aabbset1->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb1 = aabbset1->m_boxes; - GUINT * maxcoords1 = aabbset1->m_maxcoords; - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * sorted_tokens1 = aabbset1->m_sorted_mincoords; - - GUINT count2 = aabbset2->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb2 = aabbset2->m_boxes; - GUINT * maxcoords2 = aabbset2->m_maxcoords; - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * sorted_tokens2 = aabbset2->m_sorted_mincoords; - - GUINT curr_index; - - GUINT max_coord_uint; - aabb3f test_aabb; - - //Classify boxes - //Find Set intersection - aabb3f int_abbb; - BOXINTERSECTION(aabbset1->m_global_bound,aabbset2->m_global_bound, int_abbb); - - //Clasify set 1 - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * classified_tokens1 = (GIM_RSORT_TOKEN *) gim_alloc(sizeof(GIM_RSORT_TOKEN)*count1); - GUINT i,classified_count1 = 0,classified_count2 = 0; - - - for (i=0;i0&&classified_count2>0) - { - if(sorted_tokens1->m_key <= sorted_tokens2->m_key) - { - ///current cache variables - curr_index = sorted_tokens1->m_value; - max_coord_uint = maxcoords1[curr_index]; - AABB_COPY(test_aabb,paabb1[curr_index]); - ///next pairs - sorted_tokens1++; - classified_count1--; - FIND_OVERLAPPING_FOWARD( curr_index, classified_count2, test_aabb, max_coord_uint, sorted_tokens2 , paabb2, (*collision_pairs), PUSH_PAIR); - } - else ///Switch test - { - ///current cache variables - curr_index = sorted_tokens2->m_value; - max_coord_uint = maxcoords2[curr_index]; - AABB_COPY(test_aabb,paabb2[curr_index]); - ///next pairs - sorted_tokens2++; - classified_count2--; - FIND_OVERLAPPING_FOWARD( curr_index, classified_count1, test_aabb, max_coord_uint, sorted_tokens1 , paabb1, (*collision_pairs), PUSH_PAIR_INV ); - } - } - gim_free(classified_tokens1 ,0); - gim_free(classified_tokens2 ,0); -} - -//! NxM Bipartite box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to a different set. -/*! -\pre aabbset1 and aabbset2 must be allocated and sorted, the boxes must be already set. -\param aabbset1 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param aabbset2 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections_brute_force(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset1,GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs) -{ - char intersected; - collision_pairs->m_size = 0; - AABBCOLLISION(intersected,aabbset1->m_global_bound,aabbset2->m_global_bound); - if(intersected == 0) return; - - aabb3f int_abbb; - //Find Set intersection - BOXINTERSECTION(aabbset1->m_global_bound,aabbset2->m_global_bound, int_abbb); - //Clasify set 1 - GUINT i,j; - GUINT classified_count = 0; - - GUINT count = aabbset1->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb1 = aabbset1->m_boxes; - aabb3f * paabb2 = aabbset2->m_boxes; - - GUINT * classified = (GUINT *) gim_alloc(sizeof(GUINT)*count); - - for (i=0;im_count; - for (i=0;im_count < GIM_MIN_SORTED_BIPARTITE_PRUNING_BOXES) - {//Brute force approach - gim_aabbset_calc_global_bound(aabbset); - } - else - {//Sorted force approach - gim_aabbset_sort(aabbset,1); - } -} - -//! Complete box pruning. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to the same set. -/*! -This function sorts the set and then it calls to gim_aabbset_self_intersections_brute_force or gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted. - -\param aabbset Set of boxes. Sorting isn't required. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -\pre aabbset must be allocated and initialized. -\post If aabbset->m_count >= GIM_MIN_SORTED_PRUNING_BOXES, then it calls to gim_aabbset_sort and then to gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted. -*/ -void gim_aabbset_self_intersections(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs) -{ - if(aabbset->m_count < GIM_MIN_SORTED_PRUNING_BOXES) - {//Brute force approach - gim_aabbset_self_intersections_brute_force(aabbset,collision_pairs); - } - else - {//Sorted force approach - gim_aabbset_sort(aabbset,0); - gim_aabbset_self_intersections_sorted(aabbset,collision_pairs); - } -} - -//! Collides two sets. Returns a list of overlapping pairs of boxes, each box of the pair belongs to a different set. -/*! -\pre aabbset1 and aabbset2 must be allocated and updated. See . -\param aabbset1 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param aabbset2 Must be sorted, Global bound is required. -\param collision_pairs Array of GIM_PAIR elements. Must be initialized before (Reserve size ~ 100) -*/ -void gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections(GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset1, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collision_pairs) -{ - if(aabbset1->m_sorted_mincoords == 0||aabbset2->m_sorted_mincoords == 0) - {//Brute force approach - gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections_brute_force(aabbset1,aabbset2,collision_pairs); - } - else - {//Sorted force approach - gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections_sorted(aabbset1,aabbset2,collision_pairs); - } -} - -void gim_aabbset_box_collision(aabb3f *test_aabb, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collided) -{ - collided->m_size = 0; - char intersected; - AABBCOLLISION(intersected,aabbset->m_global_bound,(*test_aabb)); - if(intersected == 0) return; - - GUINT i; - GUINT count = aabbset->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - aabb3f _testaabb; - AABB_COPY(_testaabb,*test_aabb); - - for (i=0;i< count;i++ ) - { - AABBCOLLISION(intersected,paabb[i],_testaabb); - if(intersected) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_ITEM(GUINT,(*collided),i); - } - } -} - -void gim_aabbset_ray_collision(vec3f vorigin,vec3f vdir, GREAL tmax, GIM_AABB_SET * aabbset, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * collided) -{ - collided->m_size = 0; - char intersected; - GREAL tparam = 0; - BOX_INTERSECTS_RAY(aabbset->m_global_bound, vorigin, vdir, tparam, tmax,intersected); - if(intersected==0) return; - - GUINT i; - GUINT count = aabbset->m_count; - aabb3f * paabb = aabbset->m_boxes; - - for (i=0;i< count;i++ ) - { - BOX_INTERSECTS_RAY(paabb[i], vorigin, vdir, tparam, tmax,intersected); - if(intersected) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_ITEM(GUINT,(*collided),i); - } - } -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_contact.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_contact.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 762af06..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_contact.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_contact.h" - -void gim_merge_contacts(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * source_contacts, - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * dest_contacts) -{ - dest_contacts->m_size = 0; - - GUINT source_count = source_contacts->m_size; - GIM_CONTACT * psource_contacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,(*source_contacts)); - //create keys - GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * keycontacts = (GIM_RSORT_TOKEN * )gim_alloc(sizeof(GIM_RSORT_TOKEN)*source_count); - - GUINT i; - for(i=0;im_size;i++) - { - key = keycontacts[i].m_key; - scontact = &psource_contacts[keycontacts[i].m_value]; - - if(i>0 && last_key == key) - { - //merge contact - if(pcontact->m_depth > scontact->m_depth + CONTACT_DIFF_EPSILON) - { - GIM_COPY_CONTACTS(pcontact, scontact); - } - } - else - {//add new contact - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(GIM_CONTACT,(*dest_contacts)); - pcontact = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER_LAST(GIM_CONTACT,(*dest_contacts)); - GIM_COPY_CONTACTS(pcontact, scontact); - } - last_key = key; - } - gim_free(keycontacts,0); -} - -void gim_merge_contacts_unique(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * source_contacts, - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * dest_contacts) -{ - dest_contacts->m_size = 0; - //Traverse the source contacts - GUINT source_count = source_contacts->m_size; - if(source_count==0) return; - - GIM_CONTACT * psource_contacts = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT,(*source_contacts)); - - //add the unique contact - GIM_CONTACT * pcontact = 0; - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(GIM_CONTACT,(*dest_contacts)); - pcontact = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER_LAST(GIM_CONTACT,(*dest_contacts)); - //set the first contact - GIM_COPY_CONTACTS(pcontact, psource_contacts); - - if(source_count==1) return; - //scale the first contact - VEC_SCALE(pcontact->m_normal,pcontact->m_depth,pcontact->m_normal); - - psource_contacts++; - - //Average the contacts - GUINT i; - for(i=1;im_point,pcontact->m_point,psource_contacts->m_point); - VEC_ACCUM(pcontact->m_normal,psource_contacts->m_depth,psource_contacts->m_normal); - psource_contacts++; - } - - GREAL divide_average = 1.0f/((GREAL)source_count); - - VEC_SCALE(pcontact->m_point,divide_average,pcontact->m_point); - - pcontact->m_depth = VEC_DOT(pcontact->m_normal,pcontact->m_normal)*divide_average; - GIM_SQRT(pcontact->m_depth,pcontact->m_depth); - - VEC_NORMALIZE(pcontact->m_normal); - - /*GREAL normal_len; - VEC_INV_LENGTH(pcontact->m_normal,normal_len); - VEC_SCALE(pcontact->m_normal,normal_len,pcontact->m_normal); - - //Deep = LEN(normal)/SQRT(source_count) - GIM_SQRT(divide_average,divide_average); - pcontact->m_depth = divide_average/normal_len; - */ -} - - - diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_math.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_math.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 18efb2c..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_math.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_math.h" -#include "stdlib.h" -#include "time.h" - - -GREAL gim_inv_sqrt(GREAL f) -{ - GREAL r; - GIM_INV_SQRT(f,r); - return r; -} - -GREAL gim_sqrt(GREAL f) -{ - GREAL r; - GIM_SQRT(f,r); - return r; -} - -//!Initializes mathematical functions -void gim_init_math() -{ - srand( static_cast< unsigned int >( time( 0 ) ) ); -} - -//! Generates an unit random -GREAL gim_unit_random() -{ - GREAL rn = static_cast< GREAL >( rand() ); - rn/=(GREAL)RAND_MAX; - return rn; -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_memory.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_memory.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 247565a..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_memory.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,848 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_memory.h" -#include "stdlib.h" -#include "malloc.h" -//#include "mm_malloc.h" - -static gim_alloc_function *g_allocfn = 0; -static gim_alloca_function *g_allocafn = 0; -static gim_realloc_function *g_reallocfn = 0; -static gim_free_function *g_freefn = 0; - -// buffer managers -#define MAX_BUFFER_MANAGERS 16 -static GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA g_buffer_managers[MAX_BUFFER_MANAGERS]; -static GUINT g_buffer_managers_count = 0; - -#define VALIDATE_BUFFER_MANAGER(buffer_manager_id)\ - if(buffer_manager_id>=MAX_BUFFER_MANAGERS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID;\ - GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA * bm_data;\ - gim_get_buffer_manager_data(buffer_manager_id,&bm_data);\ - if(bm_data == 0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID;\ - -#define VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id)\ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_MANAGER(buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id)\ - if(buffer_id->m_buffer_id>=bm_data->m_buffer_array.m_size) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID;\ - GBUFFER_DATA * pbuffer = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GBUFFER_DATA,bm_data->m_buffer_array);\ - pbuffer += buffer_id->m_buffer_id;\ - if(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle==0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID;\ - - -void GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(GBUFFER_ARRAY & array_data) -{ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&array_data); - gim_buffer_free(&(array_data).m_buffer_id); -} - -void GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(GDYNAMIC_ARRAY & array_data) -{ - if(array_data.m_pdata != 0) - { - gim_free(array_data.m_pdata,0); - array_data.m_reserve_size = 0; - array_data.m_size = 0; - array_data.m_pdata = 0; - } -} - -void gim_set_alloc_handler (gim_alloc_function *fn) -{ - g_allocfn = fn; -} - -void gim_set_alloca_handler (gim_alloca_function *fn) -{ - g_allocafn = fn; -} - -void gim_set_realloc_handler (gim_realloc_function *fn) -{ - g_reallocfn = fn; -} - -void gim_set_free_handler (gim_free_function *fn) -{ - g_freefn = fn; -} - -gim_alloc_function *gim_get_alloc_handler() -{ - return g_allocfn; -} - -gim_alloca_function *gim_get_alloca_handler() -{ - return g_allocafn; -} - - -gim_realloc_function *gim_get_realloc_handler () -{ - return g_reallocfn; -} - - -gim_free_function *gim_get_free_handler () -{ - return g_freefn; -} - - -void * gim_alloc(size_t size) -{ - void * ptr = 0; - ptr = malloc(size); - /*if (g_allocfn) ptr = g_allocfn(size); else ptr = malloc(size);//_mm_malloc(size,0);*/ - if(ptr==0) - { - float * fp = 0; - *fp = 0.0f; - } - return ptr; -} - -void * gim_alloca(size_t size) -{ - if (g_allocafn) return g_allocafn(size); else return alloca(size); -} - - -void * gim_realloc(void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) -{ - /*if (g_reallocfn) return g_reallocfn(ptr,oldsize,newsize); - else return realloc(ptr,newsize);*/ - //return realloc(ptr,newsize); - void * newptr = gim_alloc(newsize); - size_t copysize = newsize> oldsize? oldsize: newsize; - memcpy(newptr,ptr,copysize); - gim_free(ptr,oldsize); - return newptr; -} - -void gim_free(void *ptr, size_t size) -{ - if (!ptr) return; - if (g_freefn) - { - g_freefn(ptr,size); - } - else - { - free(ptr);//_mm_free(ptr); - } -} - -///******************************* BUFFER MANAGERS ******************************/// - -//!** Basic buffer prototyoe functions - -GUINT _system_buffer_alloc_function(GUINT size,int usage) -{ - void * newdata = gim_alloc(size); - memset(newdata,0,size); - return (GUINT)(newdata); -} - -GUINT _system_buffer_alloc_data_function(const void * pdata,GUINT size,int usage) -{ - void * newdata = gim_alloc(size); - memcpy(newdata,pdata,size); - return (GUINT)(newdata); -} - -GUINT _system_buffer_realloc_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT oldsize,int old_usage,GUINT newsize,int new_usage) -{ - void * newdata = gim_realloc((void *)buffer_handle,oldsize,newsize); - return (GUINT)(newdata); -} - -void _system_buffer_free_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT size) -{ - gim_free((void*)buffer_handle,size); -} - -char * _system_lock_buffer_function(GUINT buffer_handle,int access) -{ - return (char * )(buffer_handle); -} - - -void _system_unlock_buffer_function(GUINT buffer_handle) -{ -} - -void _system_download_from_buffer_function( - GUINT source_buffer_handle, - GUINT source_pos, - void * destdata, - GUINT copysize) -{ - char * pdata; - pdata = (char *)source_buffer_handle; - memcpy(destdata,pdata+source_pos,copysize); -} - -void _system_upload_to_buffer_function( - GUINT dest_buffer_handle, - GUINT dest_pos, - void * sourcedata, - GUINT copysize) -{ - char * pdata; - pdata = (char * )dest_buffer_handle; - memcpy(pdata+dest_pos,sourcedata,copysize); -} - -void _system_copy_buffers_function( - GUINT source_buffer_handle, - GUINT source_pos, - GUINT dest_buffer_handle, - GUINT dest_pos, - GUINT copysize) -{ - char * pdata1,*pdata2; - pdata1 = (char *)source_buffer_handle; - pdata2 = (char *)dest_buffer_handle; - memcpy(pdata2+dest_pos,pdata1+source_pos,copysize); -} - -GUINT _shared_buffer_alloc_function(GUINT size,int usage) -{ - return 0; -} - -GUINT _shared_buffer_alloc_data_function(const void * pdata,GUINT size,int usage) -{ - return (GUINT)pdata; -} - -GUINT _shared_buffer_realloc_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT oldsize,int old_usage,GUINT newsize,int new_usage) -{ - return 0; -} - -void _shared_buffer_free_function(GUINT buffer_handle,GUINT size) -{ -} - -//!** Buffer manager operations -void gim_create_buffer_manager(GBUFFER_MANAGER_PROTOTYPE * prototype,GUINT buffer_manager_id) -{ - GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA * bm_data; - bm_data = &g_buffer_managers[buffer_manager_id]; - - if(bm_data->m_active==0) - { - if(g_buffer_managers_count<=buffer_manager_id) - { - g_buffer_managers_count = buffer_manager_id+1; - } - } - else - { - gim_destroy_buffer_manager(buffer_manager_id); - } - bm_data->m_active = 1; - //CREATE ARRAYS - GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GBUFFER_DATA,bm_data->m_buffer_array,G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE); - GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE(GUINT,bm_data->m_free_positions,G_ARRAY_GROW_SIZE); - //INIT PROTOTYPE - bm_data->m_prototype.alloc_data_fn = prototype->alloc_data_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.alloc_fn = prototype->alloc_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.copy_buffers_fn = prototype->copy_buffers_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.download_from_buffer_fn = prototype->download_from_buffer_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.free_fn = prototype->free_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.lock_buffer_fn = prototype->lock_buffer_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.realloc_fn = prototype->realloc_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.unlock_buffer_fn = prototype->unlock_buffer_fn; - bm_data->m_prototype.upload_to_buffer_fn = prototype->upload_to_buffer_fn; -} - -GUINT gim_get_buffer_manager_count() -{ - return g_buffer_managers_count; -} -void gim_destroy_buffer_manager(GUINT buffer_manager_id) -{ - GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA * bm_data; - gim_get_buffer_manager_data(buffer_manager_id,&bm_data); - if(bm_data == 0) return; - //Destroy all buffers - - GBUFFER_DATA * buffers = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GBUFFER_DATA,bm_data->m_buffer_array); - GUINT i, buffer_count = bm_data->m_buffer_array.m_size; - for (i=0;im_prototype.free_fn(buffers[i].m_buffer_handle,buffers[i].m_size); - } - } - - //destroy buffer array - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(bm_data->m_buffer_array); - //destroy free positions - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(bm_data->m_free_positions); - //Mark as innactive - bm_data->m_active = 0; -} -void gim_get_buffer_manager_data(GUINT buffer_manager_id,GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA ** pbm_data) -{ - GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA * bm_data; - bm_data = &g_buffer_managers[buffer_manager_id]; - - if(bm_data->m_active==0) - { - *pbm_data = 0; - } - else - { - *pbm_data = bm_data; - } -} - -void gim_init_buffer_managers() -{ - GUINT i; - for (i=0;im_free_positions.m_size>0)\ - { - GUINT * _pointer = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,buffer_manager->m_free_positions); - buffer_id = _pointer[buffer_manager->m_free_positions.m_size-1]; - GIM_DYNARRAY_POP_ITEM(buffer_manager->m_free_positions); - } - else - { - buffer_id = buffer_manager->m_buffer_array.m_size; - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_EMPTY(GBUFFER_DATA,buffer_manager->m_buffer_array); - } -} - -GINT _validate_buffer_id(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GBUFFER_DATA ** ppbuffer,GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA ** pbm_data) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - *ppbuffer = pbuffer; - *pbm_data = bm_data; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GUINT gim_create_buffer( - GUINT buffer_manager_id, - GUINT buffer_size, - int usage, - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_MANAGER(buffer_manager_id) - - GUINT newbufferhandle = bm_data->m_prototype.alloc_fn(buffer_size,usage); - if(newbufferhandle==0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - - GET_AVALIABLE_BUFFER_ID(bm_data,buffer_id->m_buffer_id); - buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id = buffer_manager_id; - - GBUFFER_DATA * pbuffer = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GBUFFER_DATA,bm_data->m_buffer_array); - pbuffer += buffer_id->m_buffer_id ; - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle = newbufferhandle; - pbuffer->m_size = buffer_size; - pbuffer->m_usage = usage; - pbuffer->m_lock_count = 0; - pbuffer->m_refcount = 0; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - - //set shadow buffer if needed - - if(usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ || - usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE|| - usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE_COPY) - { - gim_create_common_buffer(buffer_size,&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - } - else - { - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_manager_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - } - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - - -GUINT gim_create_buffer_from_data( - GUINT buffer_manager_id, - const void * pdata, - GUINT buffer_size, - int usage, - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_MANAGER(buffer_manager_id) - - GUINT newbufferhandle = bm_data->m_prototype.alloc_data_fn(pdata,buffer_size,usage); - if(newbufferhandle==0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - - GET_AVALIABLE_BUFFER_ID(bm_data,buffer_id->m_buffer_id); - buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id = buffer_manager_id; - - GBUFFER_DATA * pbuffer = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GBUFFER_DATA,bm_data->m_buffer_array); - pbuffer += buffer_id->m_buffer_id ; - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle = newbufferhandle; - pbuffer->m_size = buffer_size; - pbuffer->m_usage = usage; - pbuffer->m_lock_count = 0; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_refcount = 0; - - //set shadow buffer if needed - - if(usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ || - usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE|| - usage == G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE_COPY) - { - gim_create_common_buffer_from_data(pdata,buffer_size,&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - } - else - { - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_manager_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - } - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GUINT gim_create_common_buffer(GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - return gim_create_buffer(G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM,buffer_size,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE,buffer_id); -} - -GUINT gim_create_common_buffer_from_data( - const void * pdata, GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - return gim_create_buffer_from_data(G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM,pdata,buffer_size,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE,buffer_id); -} - -GUINT gim_create_shared_buffer_from_data( - const void * pdata, GUINT buffer_size, GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - return gim_create_buffer_from_data(G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SHARED,pdata,buffer_size,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE,buffer_id); -} - -GINT gim_buffer_realloc(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT newsize) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - if(pbuffer->m_lock_count>0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - GUINT newhandle = bm_data->m_prototype.realloc_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,pbuffer->m_size,pbuffer->m_usage,newsize,pbuffer->m_usage); - if(newhandle==0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle = newhandle; - //realloc shadow buffer if any - gim_buffer_realloc(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer,newsize); - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_buffer_add_ref(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - pbuffer->m_refcount++; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_buffer_free(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - if(pbuffer->m_lock_count>0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - if(pbuffer->m_refcount>0) pbuffer->m_refcount--; - if(pbuffer->m_refcount>0) return G_BUFFER_OP_STILLREFCOUNTED; - - bm_data->m_prototype.free_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,pbuffer->m_size); - //destroy shadow buffer if needed - gim_buffer_free(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - // Obtain a free slot index for a new buffer - GIM_DYNARRAY_PUSH_ITEM(GUINT,bm_data->m_free_positions,buffer_id->m_buffer_id); - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle = 0; - pbuffer->m_size = 0; - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer.m_buffer_manager_id = G_UINT_INFINITY; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_lock_buffer(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,int access,char ** map_pointer) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - if(pbuffer->m_lock_count>0) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access!=access) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - *map_pointer = pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; - } - - pbuffer->m_access = access; - - GUINT result; - if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_WRITE) - { - *map_pointer = 0;///no access - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - result = gim_lock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer,access,map_pointer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = *map_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - else - { - *map_pointer = 0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - result = gim_lock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer,access,map_pointer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = *map_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_WRITE_ONLY) - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = bm_data->m_prototype.lock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,access); - *map_pointer = pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_WRITE) - { - *map_pointer = 0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE_COPY) - { - result = gim_lock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer,access,map_pointer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = *map_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_WRITE_DYNAMIC_READ) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = bm_data->m_prototype.lock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,access); - *map_pointer = pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - else - { - *map_pointer = 0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE) - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = bm_data->m_prototype.lock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,access); - *map_pointer = pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer; - pbuffer->m_lock_count++; - } - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_unlock_buffer(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - if(pbuffer->m_lock_count==0) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - - if(pbuffer->m_lock_count>1) - { - pbuffer->m_lock_count--; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; - } - - - GUINT result; - if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_WRITE) - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - result = gim_unlock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - } - else - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - result = gim_unlock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_WRITE_ONLY) - { - bm_data->m_prototype.unlock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle); - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - } - else if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_WRITE) - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_READ_DYNAMIC_WRITE_COPY) - { - result = gim_unlock_buffer(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_WRITE_ONLY||pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_WRITE) - { - gim_copy_buffers(&pbuffer->m_shadow_buffer,0,buffer_id,0,pbuffer->m_size); - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_STATIC_WRITE_DYNAMIC_READ) - { - if(pbuffer->m_access == G_MA_READ_ONLY) - { - bm_data->m_prototype.unlock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle); - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - } - else - { - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - } - } - else if(pbuffer->m_usage==G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE) - { - bm_data->m_prototype.unlock_buffer_fn(pbuffer->m_buffer_handle); - pbuffer->m_mapped_pointer = 0; - pbuffer->m_lock_count=0; - } - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_get_buffer_size(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT * buffer_size) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - *buffer_size = pbuffer->m_size; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_get_buffer_is_locked(GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id,GUINT * lock_count) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - *lock_count = pbuffer->m_lock_count; - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - - -GINT gim_download_from_buffer( - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id, - GUINT source_pos, - void * destdata, - GUINT copysize) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - bm_data->m_prototype.download_from_buffer_fn( - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,source_pos,destdata,copysize); - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_upload_to_buffer( - GBUFFER_ID * buffer_id, - GUINT dest_pos, - void * sourcedata, - GUINT copysize) -{ - VALIDATE_BUFFER_ID_PT(buffer_id) - bm_data->m_prototype.upload_to_buffer_fn( - pbuffer->m_buffer_handle,dest_pos,sourcedata,copysize); - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_copy_buffers( - GBUFFER_ID * source_buffer_id, - GUINT source_pos, - GBUFFER_ID * dest_buffer_id, - GUINT dest_pos, - GUINT copysize) -{ - GBUFFER_MANAGER_DATA * bm_data1,* bm_data2; - GBUFFER_DATA * pbuffer1, * pbuffer2; - void * tempdata; - if(_validate_buffer_id(source_buffer_id,&pbuffer1,&bm_data1)!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - - if(_validate_buffer_id(dest_buffer_id,&pbuffer2,&bm_data2)!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return G_BUFFER_OP_INVALID; - - if((source_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == dest_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id)|| - (source_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM && dest_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SHARED)|| - (source_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SHARED && dest_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM) - ) - {//smooth copy - bm_data1->m_prototype.copy_buffers_fn(pbuffer1->m_buffer_handle,source_pos,pbuffer2->m_buffer_handle,dest_pos,copysize); - } - else if(source_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM || source_buffer_id->m_buffer_manager_id == G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SHARED) - { - //hard copy - tempdata = (void *)pbuffer1->m_buffer_handle; - //upload data - bm_data2->m_prototype.upload_to_buffer_fn(pbuffer2->m_buffer_handle,dest_pos, - tempdata, - copysize); - } - else - { - //very hard copy - void * tempdata = gim_alloc(copysize); - //download data - bm_data1->m_prototype.download_from_buffer_fn(pbuffer1->m_buffer_handle,source_pos, - tempdata, - copysize); - - //upload data - bm_data2->m_prototype.upload_to_buffer_fn(pbuffer2->m_buffer_handle,dest_pos, - tempdata, - copysize); - //delete temp buffer - gim_free(tempdata,copysize); - } - return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; -} - -GINT gim_buffer_array_lock(GBUFFER_ARRAY * array_data, int access) -{ - if(array_data->m_buffer_data != 0) return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; - GINT result = gim_lock_buffer(&array_data->m_buffer_id,access,&array_data->m_buffer_data); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return result; - array_data->m_buffer_data += array_data->m_byte_offset; - return result; -} - -GINT gim_buffer_array_unlock(GBUFFER_ARRAY * array_data) -{ - if(array_data->m_buffer_data == 0) return G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS; - GINT result = gim_unlock_buffer(&array_data->m_buffer_id); - if(result!= G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS) return result; - array_data->m_buffer_data = 0; - return result; -} - -void gim_buffer_array_copy_ref(GBUFFER_ARRAY * source_data,GBUFFER_ARRAY * dest_data) -{ - dest_data->m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id = source_data->m_buffer_id.m_buffer_id; - dest_data->m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id = source_data->m_buffer_id.m_buffer_manager_id; - dest_data->m_buffer_data = 0; - dest_data->m_byte_stride = source_data->m_byte_stride; - dest_data->m_byte_offset = source_data->m_byte_offset; - dest_data->m_element_count = source_data->m_element_count; - gim_buffer_add_ref(&dest_data->m_buffer_id); -} - -void gim_buffer_array_copy_value(GBUFFER_ARRAY * source_data,GBUFFER_ARRAY * dest_data, GUINT buffer_manager_id,int usage) -{ - //Create new buffer - GUINT buffsize = source_data->m_element_count*source_data->m_byte_stride; - gim_create_buffer(buffer_manager_id,buffsize,usage,&dest_data->m_buffer_id); - - //copy ref data - dest_data->m_buffer_data = 0; - dest_data->m_byte_stride = source_data->m_byte_stride; - dest_data->m_byte_offset = 0; - dest_data->m_element_count = source_data->m_element_count; - gim_buffer_add_ref(&dest_data->m_buffer_id); - //copy buffers - gim_copy_buffers(&source_data->m_buffer_id,source_data->m_byte_offset,&dest_data->m_buffer_id,0,buffsize); -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_tri_tri_overlap.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_tri_tri_overlap.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 5b4e08d..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_tri_tri_overlap.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h" - - -#define FABS(x) (float(fabs(x))) /* implement as is fastest on your machine */ - -/* some macros */ - -#define CLASSIFY_TRIPOINTS_BY_FACE(v1,v2,v3,faceplane,out_of_face)\ -{ \ - _distances[0] = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(faceplane,v1);\ - _distances[1] = _distances[0] * DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(faceplane,v2);\ - _distances[2] = _distances[0] * DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(faceplane,v3); \ - if(_distances[1]>0.0f && _distances[2]>0.0f)\ - {\ - out_of_face = 1;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - out_of_face = 0;\ - }\ -}\ - -/* sort so that a<=b */ -#define SORT(a,b) \ - if(a>b) \ - { \ - float c; \ - c=a; \ - a=b; \ - b=c; \ - } - - -/* this edge to edge test is based on Franlin Antonio's gem: - "Faster Line Segment Intersection", in Graphics Gems III, - pp. 199-202 */ -#define EDGE_EDGE_TEST(V0,U0,U1) \ - Bx=U0[i0]-U1[i0]; \ - By=U0[i1]-U1[i1]; \ - Cx=V0[i0]-U0[i0]; \ - Cy=V0[i1]-U0[i1]; \ - f=Ay*Bx-Ax*By; \ - d=By*Cx-Bx*Cy; \ - if((f>0 && d>=0 && d<=f) || (f<0 && d<=0 && d>=f)) \ - { \ - e=Ax*Cy-Ay*Cx; \ - if(f>0) \ - { \ - if(e>=0 && e<=f) return 1; \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - if(e<=0 && e>=f) return 1; \ - } \ - } - -#define EDGE_AGAINST_TRI_EDGES(V0,V1,U0,U1,U2) \ -{ \ - float Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,e,d,f; \ - Ax=V1[i0]-V0[i0]; \ - Ay=V1[i1]-V0[i1]; \ - /* test edge U0,U1 against V0,V1 */ \ - EDGE_EDGE_TEST(V0,U0,U1); \ - /* test edge U1,U2 against V0,V1 */ \ - EDGE_EDGE_TEST(V0,U1,U2); \ - /* test edge U2,U1 against V0,V1 */ \ - EDGE_EDGE_TEST(V0,U2,U0); \ -} - -#define POINT_IN_TRI(V0,U0,U1,U2) \ -{ \ - float a,b,c,d0,d1,d2; \ - /* is T1 completly inside T2? */ \ - /* check if V0 is inside tri(U0,U1,U2) */ \ - a=U1[i1]-U0[i1]; \ - b=-(U1[i0]-U0[i0]); \ - c=-a*U0[i0]-b*U0[i1]; \ - d0=a*V0[i0]+b*V0[i1]+c; \ - \ - a=U2[i1]-U1[i1]; \ - b=-(U2[i0]-U1[i0]); \ - c=-a*U1[i0]-b*U1[i1]; \ - d1=a*V0[i0]+b*V0[i1]+c; \ - \ - a=U0[i1]-U2[i1]; \ - b=-(U0[i0]-U2[i0]); \ - c=-a*U2[i0]-b*U2[i1]; \ - d2=a*V0[i0]+b*V0[i1]+c; \ - if(d0*d1>0.0) \ - { \ - if(d0*d2>0.0) return 1; \ - } \ -} - -int coplanar_tri_tri(GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri1, - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri2) -{ - short i0,i1; - /* first project onto an axis-aligned plane, that maximizes the area */ - /* of the triangles, compute indices: i0,i1. */ - PLANE_MINOR_AXES(tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0], i0, i1); - - /* test all edges of triangle 1 against the edges of triangle 2 */ - EDGE_AGAINST_TRI_EDGES(tri1->m_vertices[0],tri1->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[2]); - EDGE_AGAINST_TRI_EDGES(tri1->m_vertices[1],tri1->m_vertices[2],tri2->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[2]); - EDGE_AGAINST_TRI_EDGES(tri1->m_vertices[2],tri1->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[2]); - - /* finally, test if tri1 is totally contained in tri2 or vice versa */ - POINT_IN_HULL(tri1->m_vertices[0],(&tri2->m_planes.m_planes[1]),3,i0); - if(i0==0) return 1; - - POINT_IN_HULL(tri2->m_vertices[0],(&tri1->m_planes.m_planes[1]),3,i0); - if(i0==0) return 1; - - return 0; -} - - - -#define NEWCOMPUTE_INTERVALS(VV0,VV1,VV2,D0,D1,D2,D0D1,D0D2,A,B,C,X0,X1) \ -{ \ - if(D0D1>0.0f) \ - { \ - /* here we know that D0D2<=0.0 */ \ - /* that is D0, D1 are on the same side, D2 on the other or on the plane */ \ - A=VV2; B=(VV0-VV2)*D2; C=(VV1-VV2)*D2; X0=D2-D0; X1=D2-D1; \ - } \ - else if(D0D2>0.0f)\ - { \ - /* here we know that d0d1<=0.0 */ \ - A=VV1; B=(VV0-VV1)*D1; C=(VV2-VV1)*D1; X0=D1-D0; X1=D1-D2; \ - } \ - else if(D1*D2>0.0f || D0!=0.0f) \ - { \ - /* here we know that d0d1<=0.0 or that D0!=0.0 */ \ - A=VV0; B=(VV1-VV0)*D0; C=(VV2-VV0)*D0; X0=D0-D1; X1=D0-D2; \ - } \ - else if(D1!=0.0f) \ - { \ - A=VV1; B=(VV0-VV1)*D1; C=(VV2-VV1)*D1; X0=D1-D0; X1=D1-D2; \ - } \ - else if(D2!=0.0f) \ - { \ - A=VV2; B=(VV0-VV2)*D2; C=(VV1-VV2)*D2; X0=D2-D0; X1=D2-D1; \ - } \ - else \ - { \ - /* triangles are coplanar */ \ - return coplanar_tri_tri(tri1,tri2); \ - } \ -}\ - - - -int gim_triangle_triangle_overlap( - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri1, - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri2) -{ - vec3f _distances; - char out_of_face; - CLASSIFY_TRIPOINTS_BY_FACE(tri1->m_vertices[0],tri1->m_vertices[1],tri1->m_vertices[2],tri2->m_planes.m_planes[0],out_of_face); - if(out_of_face==1) return 0; - - CLASSIFY_TRIPOINTS_BY_FACE(tri2->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[2],tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0],out_of_face); - if(out_of_face==1) return 0; - - - float du0=0,du1=0,du2=0,dv0=0,dv1=0,dv2=0; - float D[3]; - float isect1[2], isect2[2]; - float du0du1=0,du0du2=0,dv0dv1=0,dv0dv2=0; - short index; - float vp0,vp1,vp2; - float up0,up1,up2; - float bb,cc,max; - - /* compute direction of intersection line */ - VEC_CROSS(D,tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0],tri2->m_planes.m_planes[0]); - - /* compute and index to the largest component of D */ - max=(float)FABS(D[0]); - index=0; - bb=(float)FABS(D[1]); - cc=(float)FABS(D[2]); - if(bb>max) max=bb,index=1; - if(cc>max) max=cc,index=2; - - /* this is the simplified projection onto L*/ - vp0= tri1->m_vertices[0][index]; - vp1= tri1->m_vertices[1][index]; - vp2= tri1->m_vertices[2][index]; - - up0= tri2->m_vertices[0][index]; - up1= tri2->m_vertices[1][index]; - up2= tri2->m_vertices[2][index]; - - /* compute interval for triangle 1 */ - float a,b,c,x0,x1; - NEWCOMPUTE_INTERVALS(vp0,vp1,vp2,dv0,dv1,dv2,dv0dv1,dv0dv2,a,b,c,x0,x1); - - /* compute interval for triangle 2 */ - float d,e,f,y0,y1; - NEWCOMPUTE_INTERVALS(up0,up1,up2,du0,du1,du2,du0du1,du0du2,d,e,f,y0,y1); - - float xx,yy,xxyy,tmp; - xx=x0*x1; - yy=y0*y1; - xxyy=xx*yy; - - tmp=a*xxyy; - isect1[0]=tmp+b*x1*yy; - isect1[1]=tmp+c*x0*yy; - - tmp=d*xxyy; - isect2[0]=tmp+e*xx*y1; - isect2[1]=tmp+f*xx*y0; - - SORT(isect1[0],isect1[1]); - SORT(isect2[0],isect2[1]); - - if(isect1[1] -#include "GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h" - -GUINT gim_trimesh_get_triangle_count(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - return trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer.m_element_count/3; -} - -//! Creates the aabb set and the triangles cache -/*! - -\param trimesh -\param vertex_array -\param triindex_array -\param transformed_reply If 1, then the m_transformed_vertices is a reply of the source vertices. Else it just be a reference to the original array. -\post it copies the arrays by reference, and creates the auxiliary data (m_aabbset,m_planes_cache_buffer) -*/ -void gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GBUFFER_ARRAY * vertex_array, GBUFFER_ARRAY * triindex_array,char transformed_reply) -{ - assert(trimesh); - assert(vertex_array); - assert(triindex_array); - gim_buffer_array_copy_ref(vertex_array,&trimesh->m_source_vertex_buffer); - gim_buffer_array_copy_ref(triindex_array,&trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer); - - trimesh->m_mask = GIM_TRIMESH_NEED_UPDATE;//needs update - //Create the transformed vertices - if(transformed_reply==1) - { - trimesh->m_mask |= GIM_TRIMESH_TRANSFORMED_REPLY; - gim_buffer_array_copy_value(vertex_array,&trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE); - } - else - { - gim_buffer_array_copy_ref(vertex_array,&trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer); - } - //create the box set - GUINT facecount = gim_trimesh_get_triangle_count(trimesh); - - gim_aabbset_alloc(&trimesh->m_aabbset,facecount); - //create the planes cache - GIM_DYNARRAY_CREATE_SIZED(GIM_TRIPLANES_CACHE,trimesh->m_planes_cache_buffer,facecount); - //Create the bitset - GIM_BITSET_CREATE_SIZED(trimesh->m_planes_cache_bitset,facecount); - //Callback is 0 - trimesh->m_update_callback = 0; - //set to identity - IDENTIFY_MATRIX_4X4(trimesh->m_transform); -} - - - -//! Create a trimesh from vertex array and an index array -/*! - -\param trimesh An uninitialized GIM_TRIMESH structure -\param vertex_array A buffer to a vec3f array -\param vertex_count -\param triindex_array -\param index_count -\param copy_vertices If 1, it copies the source vertices in another buffer. Else (0) it constructs a reference to the data. -\param copy_indices If 1, it copies the source vertices in another buffer. Else (0) it constructs a reference to the data. -\param transformed_reply If , then the m_transformed_vertices is a reply of the source vertices. Else it just be a reference to the original array. -*/ -void gim_trimesh_create_from_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, vec3f * vertex_array, GUINT vertex_count,char copy_vertices, GUINT * triindex_array, GUINT index_count,char copy_indices,char transformed_reply) -{ - GBUFFER_ARRAY buffer_vertex_array; - GBUFFER_ARRAY buffer_triindex_array; - - //Create vertices - if(copy_vertices == 1) - { - gim_create_common_buffer_from_data(vertex_array, vertex_count*sizeof(vec3f), &buffer_vertex_array.m_buffer_id); - } - else//Create a shared buffer - { - gim_create_shared_buffer_from_data(vertex_array, vertex_count*sizeof(vec3f), &buffer_vertex_array.m_buffer_id); - } - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE(vec3f,buffer_vertex_array,buffer_vertex_array.m_buffer_id,vertex_count); - - - //Create vertices - if(copy_indices == 1) - { - gim_create_common_buffer_from_data(triindex_array, index_count*sizeof(GUINT), &buffer_triindex_array.m_buffer_id); - } - else//Create a shared buffer - { - gim_create_shared_buffer_from_data(triindex_array, index_count*sizeof(GUINT), &buffer_triindex_array.m_buffer_id); - } - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_INIT_TYPE(GUINT,buffer_triindex_array,buffer_triindex_array.m_buffer_id,index_count); - - gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays(trimesh, &buffer_vertex_array, &buffer_triindex_array,transformed_reply); - - ///always call this after create a buffer_array - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(buffer_vertex_array); - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(buffer_triindex_array); -} - -//! Clears auxiliary data and releases buffer arrays -void gim_trimesh_destroy(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - gim_aabbset_destroy(&trimesh->m_aabbset); - - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(trimesh->m_planes_cache_buffer); - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(trimesh->m_planes_cache_bitset); - - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer); - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(trimesh->m_source_vertex_buffer); - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer); -} - -//! Copies two meshes -/*! -\pre dest_trimesh shouldn't be created -\post dest_trimesh will be created -\param source_trimesh -\param dest_trimesh -\param copy_by_reference If 1, it attach a reference to the source vertices, else it copies the vertices -\param transformed_reply IF 1, then it forces the m_trasnformed_vertices to be a reply of the source vertices -*/ -void gim_trimesh_copy(GIM_TRIMESH * source_trimesh,GIM_TRIMESH * dest_trimesh, char copy_by_reference, char transformed_reply) -{ - if(copy_by_reference==1) - { - gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays(dest_trimesh, &source_trimesh->m_source_vertex_buffer, &source_trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,transformed_reply); - } - else - { - GBUFFER_ARRAY buffer_vertex_array; - GBUFFER_ARRAY buffer_triindex_array; - - gim_buffer_array_copy_value(&source_trimesh->m_source_vertex_buffer,&buffer_vertex_array,G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE); - - gim_buffer_array_copy_value(&source_trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,&buffer_triindex_array,G_BUFFER_MANAGER_SYSTEM,G_MU_DYNAMIC_READ_WRITE); - - gim_trimesh_create_from_arrays(dest_trimesh, &buffer_vertex_array, &buffer_triindex_array,transformed_reply); - - ///always call this after create a buffer_array - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(buffer_vertex_array); - GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_DESTROY(buffer_triindex_array); - } -} - -//! Locks the trimesh for working with it -/*! -\post locks m_tri_index_buffer and m_transformed_vertex_buffer. -\param trimesh -*/ -void gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - GINT res; - res=gim_buffer_array_lock(&trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,G_MA_READ_ONLY); - assert(res==G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS); - res=gim_buffer_array_lock(&trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,G_MA_READ_ONLY); - assert(res==G_BUFFER_OP_SUCCESS); -} - -//! unlocks the trimesh -/*! -\post unlocks m_tri_index_buffer and m_transformed_vertex_buffer. -\param trimesh -*/ -void gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer); - gim_buffer_array_unlock(&trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer); -} - - -//! Returns 1 if the m_transformed_vertex_buffer is a reply of m_source_vertex_buffer -char gim_trimesh_has_tranformed_reply(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - if(trimesh->m_mask&GIM_TRIMESH_TRANSFORMED_REPLY) return 1; - return 0; -} - -//! Returns 1 if the trimesh needs to update their aabbset and the planes cache. -char gim_trimesh_needs_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - if(trimesh->m_mask&GIM_TRIMESH_NEED_UPDATE) return 1; - return 0; -} - -//! Change the state of the trimesh for force it to update -/*! -Call it after made changes to the trimesh. -\post gim_trimesh_need_update(trimesh) will return 1 -*/ -void gim_trimesh_post_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - trimesh->m_mask |= GIM_TRIMESH_NEED_UPDATE; -} - -//kernel -#define MULT_MAT_VEC4_KERNEL(_mat,_src,_dst) MAT_DOT_VEC_3X4((_dst),(_mat),(_src)) - -//! Updates m_transformed_vertex_buffer -/*! -\pre m_transformed_vertex_buffer must be unlocked -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update_vertices(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - if(gim_trimesh_has_tranformed_reply(trimesh) == 0) return; //Don't perform transformation - - //Vertices - GBUFFER_ARRAY * psource_vertex_buffer = &trimesh->m_source_vertex_buffer; - GBUFFER_ARRAY * ptransformed_vertex_buffer = &trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer; - //Temp transform - mat4f transform; - COPY_MATRIX_4X4(transform,trimesh->m_transform); - - GIM_PROCESS_BUFFER_ARRAY(transform,(*psource_vertex_buffer),(*ptransformed_vertex_buffer),MULT_MAT_VEC4_KERNEL,vec3f,vec3f); -} - -//! Updates m_aabbset and m_planes_cache_bitset -/*! -\pre gim_trimesh_locks_work_data must be called before -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update_aabbset(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - vec3f * transformed_vertices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(vec3f,trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,0); - assert(transformed_vertices); - - GUINT * triangle_indices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,0); - assert(triangle_indices); - // box set - aabb3f * paabb = trimesh->m_aabbset.m_boxes; - GUINT triangle_count = gim_trimesh_get_triangle_count(trimesh); - float * v1,*v2,*v3; - GUINT i; - for (i=0; im_planes_cache_bitset); - //Sorts set - gim_aabbset_update(&trimesh->m_aabbset); -} - -//! Updates the trimesh if needed -/*! -\post If gim_trimesh_needs_update returns 1, then it calls gim_trimesh_update_vertices and gim_trimesh_update_aabbset -*/ -void gim_trimesh_update(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh) -{ - if(gim_trimesh_needs_update(trimesh)==0) return; - gim_trimesh_update_vertices(trimesh); - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - gim_trimesh_update_aabbset(trimesh); - gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(trimesh); - - //Clear update flag - trimesh->m_mask &= ~GIM_TRIMESH_NEED_UPDATE; -} - -void gim_trimesh_set_tranform(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, mat4f transform) -{ - GREAL diff = 0.0f; - float * originaltrans = &trimesh->m_transform[0][0]; - float * newtrans = &transform[0][0]; - GUINT i; - for (i=0;i<16;i++) - { - diff += fabs(originaltrans[i]-newtrans[i]); - } - -// if(IS_ZERO(diff)) return ;///don't need to update - if(diff< 0.00001f) return ;///don't need to update - - COPY_MATRIX_4X4(trimesh->m_transform,transform); - - gim_trimesh_post_update(trimesh); -} - -void gim_trimesh_get_triangle_data(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GUINT triangle_index, GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA * tri_data) -{ - vec3f * transformed_vertices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(vec3f,trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,0); - - GUINT * triangle_indices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,triangle_index*3); - - - //Copy the vertices - VEC_COPY(tri_data->m_vertices[0],transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[0]]); - VEC_COPY(tri_data->m_vertices[1],transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[1]]); - VEC_COPY(tri_data->m_vertices[2],transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[2]]); - - //Get the planes - GIM_TRIPLANES_CACHE * planes = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_TRIPLANES_CACHE,trimesh->m_planes_cache_buffer); - planes += triangle_index; - - //verify planes cache - GUINT bit_eval; - GIM_BITSET_GET(trimesh->m_planes_cache_bitset,triangle_index,bit_eval); - if(bit_eval == 0)// Needs to calc the planes - { - //Calc the face plane - TRIANGLE_PLANE(tri_data->m_vertices[0],tri_data->m_vertices[1],tri_data->m_vertices[2],planes->m_planes[0]); - //Calc the edge 1 - EDGE_PLANE(tri_data->m_vertices[0],tri_data->m_vertices[1],(planes->m_planes[0]),(planes->m_planes[1])); - - //Calc the edge 2 - EDGE_PLANE(tri_data->m_vertices[1],tri_data->m_vertices[2],(planes->m_planes[0]),(planes->m_planes[2])); - - //Calc the edge 3 - EDGE_PLANE(tri_data->m_vertices[2],tri_data->m_vertices[0],(planes->m_planes[0]), (planes->m_planes[3])); - - //mark - GIM_BITSET_SET(trimesh->m_planes_cache_bitset,triangle_index); - } - - - VEC_COPY_4((tri_data->m_planes.m_planes[0]),(planes->m_planes[0]));//face plane - VEC_COPY_4((tri_data->m_planes.m_planes[1]),(planes->m_planes[1]));//edge1 - VEC_COPY_4((tri_data->m_planes.m_planes[2]),(planes->m_planes[2]));//edge2 - VEC_COPY_4((tri_data->m_planes.m_planes[3]),(planes->m_planes[3]));//edge3 -} - -void gim_trimesh_get_triangle_vertices(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GUINT triangle_index, vec3f v1,vec3f v2,vec3f v3) -{ - vec3f * transformed_vertices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(vec3f,trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,0); - - GUINT * triangle_indices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,trimesh->m_tri_index_buffer,triangle_index*3); - - //Copy the vertices - VEC_COPY(v1,transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[0]]); - VEC_COPY(v2,transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[1]]); - VEC_COPY(v3,transformed_vertices[triangle_indices[2]]); -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_capsule_collision.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_capsule_collision.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index d1f7ca3..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_capsule_collision.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,279 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h" - -//! Utility function for find the closest point between a segment and a triangle -/*! - -\param triangle -\param s1 -\param s2 -\param contacts Contains the closest points on the segment (1,2), and the normal points to segment, and m_depth contains the distance - -\post The contacts array is not set to 0. It adds aditional contacts -*/ -void gim_closest_point_triangle_segment(GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA * triangle, vec3f s1,vec3f s2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts) -{ - vec3f segment_points[4]; - vec3f closest_points[2]; - GUINT intersection_type, out_edge= 10; - GREAL dis, dis_temp,perpend; - vec4f sdiff; - - dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0],s1); - dis_temp = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0],s2); - - if(dis<=0.0f && dis_temp<=0.0f) return; - - VEC_DIFF(sdiff,s2,s1); - perpend = VEC_DOT(sdiff,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0]); - - if(!IS_ZERO(perpend)) // Not perpendicular - { - if(dis=0.0f && dis_temp>=0.0f) - { - POINT_IN_HULL(closest_points[0],(&triangle->m_planes.m_planes[1]),3,out_edge); - - if(out_edge==0)//Point over face - { - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[0] ,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0] ,dis,0, 0, 0,0); - return; - } - } - else - { - - PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT(s1,s2,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0],closest_points[1]); - - POINT_IN_HULL(closest_points[1],(&triangle->m_planes.m_planes[1]),3,out_edge); - - if(out_edge==0)//Point over face - { - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[0] ,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0] ,dis,0, 0, 0,0); - return; - } - } - - } - else // Perpendicular Face - { - //out_edge=10 - //Clip segment by triangle - // Edge1 - PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT_CLOSEST(s1,s2,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[1],segment_points[0],segment_points[1],intersection_type); - if(intersection_type==0||intersection_type==1) - { - out_edge = 0; - VEC_COPY(closest_points[0],segment_points[0]); - } - else - { - //Edge2 - PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT_CLOSEST(segment_points[0],segment_points[1],triangle->m_planes.m_planes[2],segment_points[2],segment_points[3],intersection_type); - if(intersection_type==0||intersection_type==1) - { - out_edge = 1; - VEC_COPY(closest_points[0],segment_points[3]); - } - else - { - //Edge3 - PLANE_CLIP_SEGMENT_CLOSEST(segment_points[2],segment_points[3],triangle->m_planes.m_planes[3],closest_points[0],closest_points[1],intersection_type); - if(intersection_type==0||intersection_type==1) - { - out_edge = 2; - } - } - } - //POST closest_points[0] and closest_points[1] are inside the triangle, if out_edge>2 - if(out_edge>2) // Over triangle - { - dis = VEC_DOT(closest_points[0],triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0]); - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[0] ,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0] ,dis,0, 0, 0,0); - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[1] ,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0] ,dis,0, 0, 0,0); - return; - } - } - - //Find closest edges - out_edge = 10; - dis = G_REAL_INFINITY; - GUINT i; - for(i=0;i<3;i++) - { - SEGMENT_COLLISION(s1,s2,triangle->m_vertices[i],triangle->m_vertices[(i+1)%3],segment_points[0],segment_points[1]); - VEC_DIFF(sdiff,segment_points[0],segment_points[1]); - dis_temp = VEC_DOT(sdiff,sdiff); - if(dis_temp< dis) - { - dis = dis_temp; - out_edge = i; - VEC_COPY(closest_points[0],segment_points[0]); - VEC_COPY(closest_points[1],sdiff);//normal - } - } - if(out_edge>2) return ;// ???? ASSERT this please - - if(IS_ZERO(dis)) - { - //Set face plane - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[0] ,triangle->m_planes.m_planes[0] ,0.0f,0, 0, 0,0); - - } - else - { - GIM_SQRT(dis,dis); - VEC_SCALE(closest_points[1],(1.0f/dis),closest_points[1]);//normal - GIM_PUSH_CONTACT((*contacts),closest_points[0] ,closest_points[1],dis,0, 0, 0,0); - } -} - - -//! Utility function for find the closest point between a capsule and a triangle -/*! - -\param triangle -\param capsule -\param contacts Contains the closest points on the capsule, and the normal points to triangle - -\post The contacts array is not set to 0. It adds aditional contacts -*/ -int gim_triangle_capsule_collision(GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA * triangle, GIM_CAPSULE_DATA * capsule, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts) -{ - GUINT old_contact_size = contacts->m_size; - gim_closest_point_triangle_segment(triangle,capsule->m_point1,capsule->m_point2,contacts); - GIM_CONTACT * pcontact = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_CONTACT ,(*contacts)); - pcontact+= old_contact_size; - - if(pcontact->m_depth > capsule->m_radius) - { - contacts->m_size = old_contact_size; - return 0; - } - - vec3f vec; - while(old_contact_sizem_size) - { - //Scale the normal for pointing to triangle - VEC_SCALE(pcontact->m_normal,-1.0f,pcontact->m_normal); - //Fix the contact point - VEC_SCALE(vec,capsule->m_radius,pcontact->m_normal); - VEC_SUM(pcontact->m_point,vec,pcontact->m_point); - //Fix the depth - pcontact->m_depth = capsule->m_radius - pcontact->m_depth; - - pcontact++; - old_contact_size++; - } - - return 1; -} - - -//! Trimesh Capsule collision -/*! -Find the closest primitive collided by the ray -\param trimesh -\param capsule -\param contact -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_capsule_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh, GIM_CAPSULE_DATA * capsule, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts) -{ - contacts->m_size = 0; - - aabb3f test_aabb; - CALC_CAPSULE_AABB((*capsule),test_aabb); - - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result; - GIM_CREATE_BOXQUERY_LIST(collision_result); - - gim_aabbset_box_collision(&test_aabb, &trimesh->m_aabbset , &collision_result); - - if(collision_result.m_size==0) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - } - - //collide triangles - //Locks trimesh - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - //dummy contacts - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY dummycontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(dummycontacts); - - int cresult; - unsigned int i; - GUINT * boxesresult = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,collision_result); - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA tri_data; - GUINT old_contact_size; - GIM_CONTACT * pcontact; - - for(i=0;im_handle1 = trimesh; - pcontact->m_handle2 = capsule; - pcontact->m_feature1 = boxesresult[i]; - pcontact->m_feature2 = 0; - pcontact++; - old_contact_size++; - } - } - } - ///unlocks - gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(trimesh); - ///Destroy box result - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - - //merge contacts - gim_merge_contacts(&dummycontacts,contacts); - - //Destroy dummy - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(dummycontacts); -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_ray_collision.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_ray_collision.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 0c10fe1..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_ray_collision.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h" - - -//! Trimesh Ray Collisions -/*! - -\param trimesh -\param contact -\return 1 if the ray collides, else 0 -*/ -int gim_trimesh_ray_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh,vec3f origin,vec3f dir, GREAL tmax, GIM_TRIANGLE_RAY_CONTACT_DATA * contact) -{ - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result; - GIM_CREATE_BOXQUERY_LIST(collision_result); - - gim_aabbset_ray_collision(origin,dir,tmax,&trimesh->m_aabbset,&collision_result); - - if(collision_result.m_size==0) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - return 0; - } - - //collide triangles - - GUINT * boxesresult = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,collision_result); - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA tridata; - vec3f pout; - GREAL tparam,u,v; - char does_intersect; - - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - - for(unsigned int i=0;itparam = tparam; - contact->u = u; - contact->v = v; - contact->m_face_id = boxesresult[i]; - VEC_COPY(contact->m_point,pout); - VEC_COPY(contact->m_normal,tridata.m_planes.m_planes[0]); - - gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(trimesh); - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - return 1; - } - } - - gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(trimesh); - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - return 0;//no collisiion -} - - -//! Trimesh Ray Collisions closest -/*! -Find the closest primitive collided by the ray -\param trimesh -\param contact -\return 1 if the ray collides, else 0 -*/ -int gim_trimesh_ray_closest_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh,vec3f origin,vec3f dir, GREAL tmax, GIM_TRIANGLE_RAY_CONTACT_DATA * contact) -{ - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result; - GIM_CREATE_BOXQUERY_LIST(collision_result); - - gim_aabbset_ray_collision(origin,dir,tmax,&trimesh->m_aabbset,&collision_result); - - if(collision_result.m_size==0) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - return 0; - } - - //collide triangles - - GUINT * boxesresult = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,collision_result); - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA tridata; - vec3f pout; - GREAL tparam,u,v; - char does_intersect; - contact->tparam = tmax + 0.1f; - - - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - - for(unsigned int i=0;itparam)) - { - contact->tparam = tparam; - contact->u = u; - contact->v = v; - contact->m_face_id = boxesresult[i]; - VEC_COPY(contact->m_point,pout); - VEC_COPY(contact->m_normal,tridata.m_planes.m_planes[0]); - } - } - - gim_trimesh_unlocks_work_data(trimesh); - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - if(contact->tparam > tmax) return 0; - return 1; -} diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_sphere_collision.cpp b/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_sphere_collision.cpp deleted file mode 100644 index 60444fb..0000000 --- a/libraries/ode-0.9/GIMPACT/src/gim_trimesh_sphere_collision.cpp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ - -/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -This source file is part of GIMPACT Library. - -For the latest info, see - -Copyright (c) 2006 Francisco Leon. C.C. 80087371. -email: - - This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of EITHER: - (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free - Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at - your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser - General Public License is included with this library in the - file GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT. - (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in - the file GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT. - - This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the files - GIMPACT-LICENSE-LGPL.TXT and GIMPACT-LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -*/ - -#include "GIMPACT/gim_trimesh.h" - -int gim_triangle_sphere_collision( - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri, - vec3f center, GREAL radius, - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA * contact_data) -{ - contact_data->m_point_count = 0; - - //Find Face plane distance - GREAL dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[0],center); - if(dis>radius) return 0; //out - if(dis<-radius) return 0;//Out of triangle - contact_data->m_penetration_depth = dis; - - //Find the most edge - GUINT most_edge = 4;//no edge - GREAL max_dis = 0.0f; - dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[1],center); - if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle - if(dis>0.0f) - { - max_dis = dis; - most_edge = 0; - } - - dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[2],center); - if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle - if(dis>max_dis)// && dis>0.0f) - { - max_dis = dis; - most_edge = 1; - } - - dis = DISTANCE_PLANE_POINT(tri->m_planes.m_planes[3],center); - if(dis>radius) return 0;//Out of triangle - if(dis>max_dis)// && dis>0.0f) - { - max_dis = dis; - most_edge = 2; - } - - if(most_edge == 4) //Box is into triangle - { - //contact_data->m_penetration_depth = dis is set above - //Find Face plane point - VEC_COPY(contact_data->m_separating_normal,tri->m_planes.m_planes[0]); - //Find point projection on plane - if(contact_data->m_penetration_depth>=0.0f) - { - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_points[0],-radius,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - } - else - { - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_points[0],radius,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - } - contact_data->m_penetration_depth = radius - contact_data->m_penetration_depth; - - VEC_SUM(contact_data->m_points[0],contact_data->m_points[0],center); - //Scale normal for pointing to triangle - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_separating_normal,-1.0f,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - contact_data->m_point_count = 1; - return 1; - } - //find the edge - vec3f e1,e2; - VEC_COPY(e1,tri->m_vertices[most_edge]); - VEC_COPY(e2,tri->m_vertices[(most_edge+1)%3]); - - CLOSEST_POINT_ON_SEGMENT(contact_data->m_points[0],center,e1,e2); - //find distance - VEC_DIFF(e1,center,contact_data->m_points[0]); - VEC_LENGTH(e1,dis); - if(dis>radius) return 0; - - contact_data->m_penetration_depth = radius - dis; - - if(IS_ZERO(dis)) - { - VEC_COPY(contact_data->m_separating_normal,tri->m_planes.m_planes[most_edge+1]); - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_points[0],-radius,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - VEC_SUM(contact_data->m_points[0],contact_data->m_points[0],center); - } - else - { - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_separating_normal,1.0f/dis,e1); - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_points[0],-radius,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - VEC_SUM(contact_data->m_points[0],contact_data->m_points[0],center); - } - - //Scale normal for pointing to triangle - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_separating_normal,-1.0f,contact_data->m_separating_normal); - - contact_data->m_point_count = 1; - return 1; - -} - -//! Trimesh Sphere Collisions -/*! -In each contact -
    • m_handle1 points to trimesh. -
    • m_handle2 points to NULL. -
    • m_feature1 Is a triangle index of trimesh. -
    - -\param trimesh -\param center -\param radius -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_sphere_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh,vec3f center,GREAL radius, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts) -{ - contacts->m_size = 0; - - aabb3f test_aabb; - test_aabb.minX = center[0]-radius; - test_aabb.maxX = center[0]+radius; - test_aabb.minY = center[1]-radius; - test_aabb.maxY = center[1]+radius; - test_aabb.minZ = center[2]-radius; - test_aabb.maxZ = center[2]+radius; - - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_result; - GIM_CREATE_BOXQUERY_LIST(collision_result); - - gim_aabbset_box_collision(&test_aabb, &trimesh->m_aabbset , &collision_result); - - if(collision_result.m_size==0) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_result); - } - - //collide triangles - //Locks trimesh - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - //dummy contacts - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY dummycontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(dummycontacts); - - int cresult; - unsigned int i; - GUINT * boxesresult = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GUINT,collision_result); - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA tri_contact_data; - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA tri_data; - - for(i=0;i0.0f && _distances[2]>0.0f)\ - {\ - out_of_face = 1;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - out_of_face = 0;\ - }\ -}\ - - -//! Receives the 3 edge planes -#define MOST_DEEP_POINTS(plane,points,point_count,deep_points,deep_points_count,maxdeep)\ -{\ - maxdeep=-1000.0f;\ - GUINT _k;\ - GREAL _dist;\ - deep_points_count = 0;\ - for(_k=0;_kmaxdeep)\ - {\ - maxdeep = _dist;\ - _max_candidates[0] = _k;\ - deep_points_count=1;\ - }\ - else if((_dist+G_EPSILON)>=maxdeep)\ - {\ - _max_candidates[deep_points_count] = _k;\ - deep_points_count++;\ - }\ - }\ - if(maxdeep<0.0f)\ - {\ - deep_points_count = 0;\ - }\ - else\ - {\ - for(_k=0;_k0)\ - {\ - _temp_clip_count2 = 0;\ - PLANE_CLIP_POLYGON(tri_edge_planes[1],_temp_clip,_temp_clip_count,_temp_clip2,_temp_clip_count2,MAX_TRI_CLIPPING);\ - if(_temp_clip_count2>0)\ - {\ - PLANE_CLIP_POLYGON(tri_edge_planes[2],_temp_clip2,_temp_clip_count2,clipped_points,clipped_point_count,MAX_TRI_CLIPPING);\ - }\ - }\ -}\ - - - -int _gim_triangle_triangle_collision( - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri1, - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri2, - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA * contact_data) -{ - //Cache variables for triangle intersection - GUINT _max_candidates[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - vec3f _temp_clip[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - GUINT _temp_clip_count = 0; - vec3f _temp_clip2[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - GUINT _temp_clip_count2 = 0; - vec3f clipped_points2[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - vec3f deep_points2[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - vec3f clipped_points1[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - vec3f deep_points1[MAX_TRI_CLIPPING]; - - - - //State variabnles - GUINT mostdir=0; - GUINT clipped2_count=0; - - //Clip tri2 by tri1 edges - - CLIP_TRI_POINTS_BY_TRI_EDGE_PLANES(tri2->m_vertices,(&tri1->m_planes.m_planes[1]), clipped_points2, clipped2_count); - - if(clipped2_count == 0 ) - { - return 0;//Reject - } - - //find most deep interval face1 - GUINT deep2_count=0; - - GREAL maxdeep; - - MOST_DEEP_POINTS((tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0]), clipped_points2, clipped2_count, deep_points2, deep2_count, maxdeep); - if(deep2_count==0) - { -// *perror = 0.0f; - return 0;//Reject - } - - //Normal pointing to triangle1 - VEC_SCALE(contact_data->m_separating_normal,-1.0f,(tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0])); - - - //Clip tri1 by tri2 edges - - GUINT clipped1_count=0; - - CLIP_TRI_POINTS_BY_TRI_EDGE_PLANES(tri1->m_vertices,(&tri2->m_planes.m_planes[1]), clipped_points1, clipped1_count); - - if(clipped2_count == 0 ) - { -// *perror = 0.0f; - return 0;//Reject - } - - - //find interval face2 - GUINT deep1_count=0; - - GREAL dist; - - MOST_DEEP_POINTS((tri2->m_planes.m_planes[0]), clipped_points1, clipped1_count, deep_points1, deep1_count, dist); - - if(deep1_count==0) - { -// *perror = 0.0f; - return 0; - } - - if(distm_separating_normal,(tri2->m_planes.m_planes[0])); - } - //set deep - contact_data->m_penetration_depth = maxdeep; - - ////check most dir for contacts - if(mostdir==0) - { - contact_data->m_point_count = deep2_count; - for(mostdir=0;mostdirm_points[mostdir] ,deep_points2[mostdir]); - } - } - else - { - contact_data->m_point_count = deep1_count; - for(mostdir=0;mostdirm_points[mostdir] ,deep_points1[mostdir]); - } - } - return 1; -} - - - -//! Finds the contact points from a collision of two triangles -/*! -Returns the contact points, the penetration depth and the separating normal of the collision -between two triangles. The normal is pointing toward triangle 1 from triangle 2 -*/ -int gim_triangle_triangle_collision( - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri1, - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA *tri2, - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA * contact_data) -{ - vec3f _distances; - char out_of_face=0; - - CLASSIFY_TRI_BY_FACE(tri1->m_vertices[0],tri1->m_vertices[1],tri1->m_vertices[2],tri2->m_planes.m_planes[0],out_of_face); - if(out_of_face==1) return 0; - - CLASSIFY_TRI_BY_FACE(tri2->m_vertices[0],tri2->m_vertices[1],tri2->m_vertices[2],tri1->m_planes.m_planes[0],out_of_face); - if(out_of_face==1) return 0; - - return _gim_triangle_triangle_collision(tri1,tri2,contact_data); -} - -//! Trimesh Trimesh Collisions -/*! - -In each contact -
    • m_handle1 points to trimesh1. -
    • m_handle2 points to trimesh2. -
    • m_feature1 Is a triangle index of trimesh1. -
    • m_feature2 Is a triangle index of trimesh2. -
    - -\param trimesh1 Collider -\param trimesh2 Collidee -\param contacts A GIM_CONTACT array. Must be initialized -*/ -void gim_trimesh_trimesh_collision(GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh1, GIM_TRIMESH * trimesh2, GDYNAMIC_ARRAY * contacts) -{ - contacts->m_size = 0; - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY collision_pairs; - GIM_CREATE_PAIR_SET(collision_pairs) - - gim_aabbset_bipartite_intersections(&trimesh1->m_aabbset,&trimesh2->m_aabbset,&collision_pairs); - - if(collision_pairs.m_size==0) - { - GIM_DYNARRAY_DESTROY(collision_pairs); - return; //no collisioin - } - - //Locks meshes - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh1); - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh2); - - - //pair pointer - GIM_PAIR *pairs = GIM_DYNARRAY_POINTER(GIM_PAIR,collision_pairs); - //dummy contacts - GDYNAMIC_ARRAY dummycontacts; - GIM_CREATE_CONTACT_LIST(dummycontacts); - - //Auxiliary triangle data - GIM_TRIANGLE_CONTACT_DATA tri_contact_data; - GIM_TRIANGLE_DATA tri1data,tri2data; - - - GUINT i, ti1,ti2,ci; - int colresult; - for (i=0;im_size = 0; - char classify; - PLANE_CLASSIFY_BOX(plane,trimesh->m_aabbset.m_global_bound,classify); - if(classify>1) return; // in front of plane - - //Locks mesh - gim_trimesh_locks_work_data(trimesh); - //Get vertices - GUINT i, vertcount = trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer.m_element_count; - vec3f * vertices = GIM_BUFFER_ARRAY_POINTER(vec3f,trimesh->m_transformed_vertex_buffer,0); - - GREAL dist; - vec4f * result_contact; - - for (i=0;i