From 3a04d706c9ebd13214e62fb944b4a8da6860bb91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: John Hurliman Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 17:34:51 -0700 Subject: Fear the lockless LLUDP implementation! --- ThirdPartyLicenses/BclExtras.txt | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ThirdPartyLicenses/CSJ2K.txt | 28 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 88 insertions(+) create mode 100644 ThirdPartyLicenses/BclExtras.txt create mode 100644 ThirdPartyLicenses/CSJ2K.txt (limited to 'ThirdPartyLicenses') diff --git a/ThirdPartyLicenses/BclExtras.txt b/ThirdPartyLicenses/BclExtras.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8a0292 --- /dev/null +++ b/ThirdPartyLicenses/BclExtras.txt @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +MICROSOFT PUBLIC LICENSE (Ms-PL) + +This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, +you accept this license. If you do not accept the license, do not use the +software. + +1. Definitions + +The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," "derivative works," and "distribution" +have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law. + +A "contribution" is the original software, or any additions or changes to the +software. + +A "contributor" is any person that distributes its contribution under this +license. + +"Licensed patents" are a contributor's patent claims that read directly on its +contribution. + +2. Grant of Rights + +(A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license +conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a +non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce its +contribution, prepare derivative works of its contribution, and distribute its +contribution or any derivative works that you create. + +(B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, including the license +conditions and limitations in section 3, each contributor grants you a +non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license under its licensed patents to +make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, and/or otherwise dispose of +its contribution in the software or derivative works of the contribution in the +software. + +3. Conditions and Limitations + +(A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you rights to use any +contributors' name, logo, or trademarks. + +(B) If you bring a patent claim against any contributor over patents that you +claim are infringed by the software, your patent license from such contributor +to the software ends automatically. + +(C) If you distribute any portion of the software, you must retain all +copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices that are present in the +software. + +(D) If you distribute any portion of the software in source code form, you may +do so only under this license by including a complete copy of this license with +your distribution. If you distribute any portion of the software in compiled or +object code form, you may only do so under a license that complies with this +license. + +(E) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The +contributors give no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. You may have +additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot +change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the contributors exclude +the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and +non-infringement. diff --git a/ThirdPartyLicenses/CSJ2K.txt b/ThirdPartyLicenses/CSJ2K.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3032548 --- /dev/null +++ b/ThirdPartyLicenses/CSJ2K.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners. + +This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and +Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel +Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David +Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research +Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000 +standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This +software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000 +Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio +Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000 +Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG +2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not +including other intellectual property rights, for this software module +with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module +or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products +claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use +this software module in hardware or software products are advised that +their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of +this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability +for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license +or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard +conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this +software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this +software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from +using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming +products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or +derivative works of this software module. -- cgit v1.1