From 33f511ee4b5b4e1f8fe4fbb47d3b5b51e1d0104a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lbsa71
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 10:50:59 +0000
Subject: * Another stab at refactoring up the CustomiseResponse function. Two
fixes: * Sometimes, null is a valid return value to indicate 'none found'.
doh. * Sometimes, the Grid server does not send simURI - this you need to
reconstruct yourself. Euw.
(I believe) this solves mantis issue #3287
OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs | 143 +--------------
OpenSim/Data/RegionProfileData.cs | 15 +-
OpenSim/Framework/Communications/LoginService.cs | 156 +++++++++++++++-
OpenSim/Framework/RegionInfo.cs | 3 +-
.../Grid/UserServer.Modules/UserLoginService.cs | 196 +++++----------------
.../Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs | 5 +-
6 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 299 deletions(-)
(limited to 'OpenSim')
diff --git a/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs b/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
index 8fe7172..b596e14 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
@@ -126,150 +126,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
- ///
- /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
- ///
- /// The existing response
- /// The user profile
- /// The requested start location
- public override bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
- {
- // add active gestures to login-response
- AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
- // HomeLocation
- RegionInfo homeInfo = null;
- // use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
- UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
- ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
- if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
- }
- else
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
- }
- if (homeInfo != null)
- {
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- (homeInfo.RegionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
- (homeInfo.RegionLocY * Constants.RegionSize),
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- }
- else
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("not found the region at {0} {1}", theUser.HomeRegionX, theUser.HomeRegionY);
- // Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
- // Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
- // NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
- ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
- ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- regionX, regionY,
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
- theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
- regionX, regionY);
- }
- // StartLocation
- RegionInfo regionInfo = null;
- if (startLocationRequest == "home")
- {
- regionInfo = homeInfo;
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
- }
- else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
- {
- UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
- }
- else
- {
- Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?[^&]+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)$");
- Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
- if (uriMatch == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
- }
- else
- {
- string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
- regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
- if (regionInfo == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
- }
- else
- {
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
- float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
- }
- }
- response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
- // can be: last, home, safe, url
- response.StartLocation = "url";
- }
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
- {
- return true;
- }
- // StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
- // regionInfo = m_gridService.RequestClosestRegion("");
- //m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
- // Send him to default region instead
- ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong)m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
- ((ulong)m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle))
- {
- m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
- return false;
- }
- m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
- // Customise the response
- //response.Home =
- // string.Format(
- // "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- // (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
- // (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
- // theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- // theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
- response.StartLocation = "safe";
- return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
- }
- protected RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
+ protected override RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestClosestRegion(region);
- protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionHandle);
- protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionId);
@@ -283,7 +150,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// A
- private void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
+ protected override void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
List gestures = m_interServiceInventoryService.GetActiveGestures(theUser.ID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: AddActiveGestures, found {0}", gestures == null ? 0 : gestures.Count);
@@ -309,7 +176,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise
- protected bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
+ protected override bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
IPEndPoint endPoint = regionInfo.ExternalEndPoint;
response.SimAddress = endPoint.Address.ToString();
diff --git a/OpenSim/Data/RegionProfileData.cs b/OpenSim/Data/RegionProfileData.cs
index 5476233..7dd4a41 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Data/RegionProfileData.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Data/RegionProfileData.cs
@@ -282,7 +282,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Data
public RegionInfo ToRegionInfo( )
- return RegionInfo.Create(UUID, regionName, regionLocX, regionLocY, serverIP, httpPort, serverPort, remotingPort);
+ return RegionInfo.Create(UUID, regionName, regionLocX, regionLocY, serverIP, httpPort, serverPort, remotingPort, serverURI );
+ }
+ public static RegionProfileData FromRegionInfo( RegionInfo regionInfo )
+ {
+ if( regionInfo == null )
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return Create(regionInfo.RegionID, regionInfo.RegionName, regionInfo.RegionLocX,
+ regionInfo.RegionLocY, regionInfo.ExternalHostName,
+ (uint) regionInfo.ExternalEndPoint.Port, regionInfo.HttpPort, regionInfo.RemotingPort,
+ regionInfo.ServerURI);
public static RegionProfileData Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint locX, uint locY, string externalHostName, uint regionPort, uint httpPort, uint remotingPort, string serverUri)
diff --git a/OpenSim/Framework/Communications/LoginService.cs b/OpenSim/Framework/Communications/LoginService.cs
index 36d7280..278ea43 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Framework/Communications/LoginService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Framework/Communications/LoginService.cs
@@ -78,15 +78,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications
- /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values. This method also tells the login region to
- /// expect a client connection.
- ///
- /// The existing response
- /// The user profile
- /// true on success, false if the region was not successfully told to expect a user connection
- public abstract bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest);
- ///
/// If the user is already logged in, try to notify the region that the user they've got is dead.
@@ -872,5 +863,152 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Communications
m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Login with web_login_key {0}", web_login_key);
+ ///
+ /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values. This method also tells the login region to
+ /// expect a client connection.
+ ///
+ /// The existing response
+ /// The user profile
+ /// The requested start location
+ /// true on success, false if the region was not successfully told to expect a user connection
+ public bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
+ {
+ // add active gestures to login-response
+ AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
+ // HomeLocation
+ RegionInfo homeInfo = null;
+ // use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
+ UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
+ ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
+ if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
+ {
+ homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
+ }
+ if (homeInfo != null)
+ {
+ response.Home =
+ string.Format(
+ "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
+ (homeInfo.RegionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
+ (homeInfo.RegionLocY * Constants.RegionSize),
+ theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
+ theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_log.InfoFormat("not found the region at {0} {1}", theUser.HomeRegionX, theUser.HomeRegionY);
+ // Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
+ // Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
+ // NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
+ ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
+ ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
+ response.Home =
+ string.Format(
+ "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
+ regionX, regionY,
+ theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
+ theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
+ m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
+ theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
+ regionX, regionY);
+ }
+ // StartLocation
+ RegionInfo regionInfo = null;
+ if (startLocationRequest == "home")
+ {
+ regionInfo = homeInfo;
+ theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
+ response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
+ }
+ else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
+ {
+ UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
+ regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
+ response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?[^&]+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)$");
+ Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
+ if (uriMatch == null)
+ {
+ m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
+ regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
+ if (regionInfo == null)
+ {
+ m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
+ float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
+ }
+ }
+ response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
+ // can be: last, home, safe, url
+ response.StartLocation = "url";
+ }
+ if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
+ // regionInfo = m_gridService.RequestClosestRegion("");
+ //m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
+ // Send him to default region instead
+ ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong)m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
+ ((ulong)m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
+ if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle))
+ {
+ m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
+ regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
+ if( regionInfo == null )
+ {
+ m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: No default region available. Aborting.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Customise the response
+ //response.Home =
+ // string.Format(
+ // "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
+ // (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
+ // (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
+ // theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
+ // theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
+ theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
+ response.StartLocation = "safe";
+ return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
+ }
+ protected abstract RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region);
+ protected abstract RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle);
+ protected abstract RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId);
+ protected abstract void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser);
+ protected abstract bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response);
diff --git a/OpenSim/Framework/RegionInfo.cs b/OpenSim/Framework/RegionInfo.cs
index c958c68..202b587 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Framework/RegionInfo.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Framework/RegionInfo.cs
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
proxyUrl = args["proxy_url"].AsString();
- public static RegionInfo Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint regX, uint regY, string externalHostName, uint httpPort, uint simPort, uint remotingPort)
+ public static RegionInfo Create(UUID regionID, string regionName, uint regX, uint regY, string externalHostName, uint httpPort, uint simPort, uint remotingPort, string serverURI)
RegionInfo regionInfo;
IPEndPoint neighbourInternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(Util.GetHostFromDNS(externalHostName), (int)simPort);
@@ -686,6 +686,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework
regionInfo.HttpPort = httpPort;
regionInfo.RegionID = regionID;
regionInfo.RegionName = regionName;
+ regionInfo.ServerURI = serverURI;
return regionInfo;
diff --git a/OpenSim/Grid/UserServer.Modules/UserLoginService.cs b/OpenSim/Grid/UserServer.Modules/UserLoginService.cs
index 4e672f6..f7ee8ef 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Grid/UserServer.Modules/UserLoginService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Grid/UserServer.Modules/UserLoginService.cs
@@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
m_httpServer.AddStreamHandler(new OpenIdStreamHandler("GET", "/openid/server/", this));
- public void setloginlevel(int level)
+ public void setloginlevel(int level)
- m_minLoginLevel = level;
- m_log.InfoFormat("[GRID]: Login Level set to {0} ", level);
+ m_minLoginLevel = level;
+ m_log.InfoFormat("[GRID]: Login Level set to {0} ", level);
public void setwelcometext(string text)
@@ -199,155 +199,49 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
- ///
- /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
- ///
- /// The existing response
- /// The user profile
- /// The requested start location
- public override bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
+ protected override RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
- // add active gestures to login-response
- AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
- // HomeLocation
- RegionProfileData homeInfo = null;
- // use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
- UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
- ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
- if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
- }
- else
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
- }
+ RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(region,
+ m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
- if (homeInfo != null)
+ if (profileData != null)
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- (homeInfo.regionLocX*Constants.RegionSize),
- (homeInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
+ return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
- // Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
- // Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
- // NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
- ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
- ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- regionX, regionY,
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
- theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
- regionX, regionY);
+ return null;
+ }
- // StartLocation
- RegionProfileData regionInfo = null;
- if (startLocationRequest == "home")
- {
- regionInfo = homeInfo;
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
- }
- else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
+ {
+ RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionHandle,
+ m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
+ m_config.GridRecvKey);
+ if (profileData != null)
- UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
+ return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
- Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?[^&]+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)$");
- Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
- if (uriMatch == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
- }
- else
- {
- string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
- regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
- if (regionInfo == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
- }
- else
- {
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
- float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
- }
- }
- response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
- // can be: last, home, safe, url
- response.StartLocation = "url";
+ return null;
+ }
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
+ {
+ RegionProfileData profileData = m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionId,
+ m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
+ m_config.GridRecvKey);
+ if (profileData != null)
- return true;
+ return profileData.ToRegionInfo();
- // StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
- //regionInfo = RegionProfileData.RequestSimProfileData("", m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
- //m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
- // Send him to default region instead
- // Load information from the gridserver
- ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong) m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
- ((ulong) m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.regionHandle))
+ else
- m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
- return false;
+ return null;
- m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
- // Customise the response
- //response.Home =
- // string.Format(
- // "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- // (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
- // (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
- // theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- // theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128,128,0);
- response.StartLocation = "safe";
- return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
- }
- protected RegionProfileData RequestClosestRegion(string region)
- {
- return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(region,
- m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey, m_config.GridRecvKey);
- }
- protected RegionProfileData GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
- {
- return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionHandle,
- m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
- m_config.GridRecvKey);
- }
- protected RegionProfileData GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
- {
- return m_regionProfileService.RequestSimProfileData(homeRegionId,
- m_config.GridServerURL, m_config.GridSendKey,
- m_config.GridRecvKey);
@@ -359,7 +253,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
/// A
- private void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
+ protected override void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
List gestures = m_inventoryService.GetActiveGestures(theUser.ID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: AddActiveGestures, found {0}", gestures == null ? 0 : gestures.Count);
@@ -377,18 +271,23 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
response.ActiveGestures = list;
+ protected override bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
+ {
+ return PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionProfileData.FromRegionInfo(regionInfo), user, response);
+ }
/// Prepare a login to the given region. This involves both telling the region to expect a connection
/// and appropriately customising the response to the user.
- ///
+ ///
/// true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise
private bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionProfileData regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
- {
+ {
response.SimAddress = Util.GetHostFromURL(regionInfo.serverURI).ToString();
response.SimPort = uint.Parse(regionInfo.serverURI.Split(new char[] { '/', ':' })[4]);
response.RegionX = regionInfo.regionLocX;
@@ -405,11 +304,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
"[LOGIN]: Telling {0} @ {1},{2} ({3}) to prepare for client connection",
regionInfo.regionName, response.RegionX, response.RegionY, regionInfo.httpServerURI);
// Update agent with target sim
user.CurrentAgent.Region = regionInfo.UUID;
user.CurrentAgent.Handle = regionInfo.regionHandle;
// Prepare notification
Hashtable loginParams = new Hashtable();
loginParams["session_id"] = user.CurrentAgent.SessionID.ToString();
@@ -417,7 +316,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
loginParams["firstname"] = user.FirstName;
loginParams["lastname"] = user.SurName;
loginParams["agent_id"] = user.ID.ToString();
- loginParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32) Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
+ loginParams["circuit_code"] = (Int32)Convert.ToUInt32(response.CircuitCode);
loginParams["startpos_x"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.X.ToString();
loginParams["startpos_y"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Y.ToString();
loginParams["startpos_z"] = user.CurrentAgent.Position.Z.ToString();
@@ -450,10 +349,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
if (GridResp.Value != null)
- Hashtable resp = (Hashtable) GridResp.Value;
+ Hashtable resp = (Hashtable)GridResp.Value;
if (resp.ContainsKey("success"))
- if ((string) resp["success"] == "FALSE")
+ if ((string)resp["success"] == "FALSE")
responseSuccess = false;
@@ -533,7 +432,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
foreach (InventoryFolderBase InvFolder in folders)
-// m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: Received agent inventory folder {0}",;
+ // m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: Received agent inventory folder {0}",;
if (InvFolder.ParentID == UUID.Zero)
@@ -542,8 +441,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
TempHash = new Hashtable();
TempHash["name"] = InvFolder.Name;
TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.ParentID.ToString();
- TempHash["version"] = (Int32) InvFolder.Version;
- TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32) InvFolder.Type;
+ TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Version;
+ TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Type;
TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.ID.ToString();
@@ -559,14 +458,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
public XmlRpcResponse XmlRPCSetLoginParams(XmlRpcRequest request)
XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
- Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable) request.Params[0];
+ Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0];
UserProfileData userProfile;
Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable();
UUID uid;
string pass = requestData["password"].ToString();
- if (!UUID.TryParse((string) requestData["avatar_uuid"], out uid))
+ if (!UUID.TryParse((string)requestData["avatar_uuid"], out uid))
responseData["error"] = "No authorization";
response.Value = responseData;
@@ -597,6 +496,5 @@ namespace OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.Modules
response.Value = responseData;
return response;
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
index 1a72f31..6191f27 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
@@ -416,11 +416,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
httpPort = Convert.ToUInt32((string)responseData["http_port"]);
+ // Ok, so this is definitively the wrong place to do this, way too hard coded, but it doesn't seem we GET this info?
+ string simURI = "http://" + regionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + regionInfo.InternalEndPoint.Port;
// string externalUri = (string) responseData["sim_uri"];
//IPEndPoint neighbourInternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(internalIpStr), (int) port);
- regionInfo = RegionInfo.Create(regionID, regionName, regX, regY, externalHostName, httpPort, simPort, remotingPort);
+ regionInfo = RegionInfo.Create(regionID, regionName, regX, regY, externalHostName, httpPort, simPort, remotingPort, simURI );
lock (m_remoteRegionInfoCache)
cgit v1.1