From a9dde515ba7d35b6069a3b2cd8b66bb72b007801 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: MW
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 18:28:49 +0000
Subject: SandBox mode login now shares a base class with the grid mode user
server. To allow people to login without creating accounts first in sandbox
mode anytime a login request is received without a matching account already
being in the database, a new account will be made. (also in sandbox mode,
passwords aren't currently used).
.../IUserServices.cs | 4 +-
.../LoginResponse.cs | 656 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement.csproj | 3 +
.../ | 1 +
.../UserManagerBase.cs | 318 ++++------
.../OpenSim.Framework/Types/NetworkServersInfo.cs | 35 +-
Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/PrimData.cs | 1 -
Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginResponse.cs | 58 +-
Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginServer.cs | 31 +-
9 files changed, 837 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/LoginResponse.cs
(limited to 'Common')
diff --git a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.Communications/IUserServices.cs b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.Communications/IUserServices.cs
index 4cb66e7..3d8e791 100644
--- a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.Communications/IUserServices.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.Communications/IUserServices.cs
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.Communications
public interface IUserServices
- UserProfileData GetUserProfile(string first_name, string last_name);
+ UserProfileData GetUserProfile(string firstName, string lastName);
UserProfileData GetUserProfile(string name);
- UserProfileData GetUserProfile(LLUUID avatar_id);
+ UserProfileData GetUserProfile(LLUUID avatarID);
diff --git a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/LoginResponse.cs b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/LoginResponse.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c51aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/LoginResponse.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+using System;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+using System.Threading;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Xml;
+using libsecondlife;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces;
+using Nwc.XmlRpc;
+namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
+ ///
+ /// A temp class to handle login response.
+ /// Should make use of UserProfileManager where possible.
+ ///
+ public class LoginResponse
+ {
+ private Hashtable loginFlagsHash;
+ private Hashtable globalTexturesHash;
+ private Hashtable loginError;
+ private Hashtable eventCategoriesHash;
+ private Hashtable uiConfigHash;
+ private Hashtable classifiedCategoriesHash;
+ private ArrayList loginFlags;
+ private ArrayList globalTextures;
+ private ArrayList eventCategories;
+ private ArrayList uiConfig;
+ private ArrayList classifiedCategories;
+ private ArrayList inventoryRoot;
+ private ArrayList initialOutfit;
+ private ArrayList agentInventory;
+ private UserInfo userProfile;
+ private LLUUID agentID;
+ private LLUUID sessionID;
+ private LLUUID secureSessionID;
+ private LLUUID baseFolderID;
+ private LLUUID inventoryFolderID;
+ // Login Flags
+ private string dst;
+ private string stipendSinceLogin;
+ private string gendered;
+ private string everLoggedIn;
+ private string login;
+ private int simPort;
+ private string simAddress;
+ private string agentAccess;
+ private Int32 circuitCode;
+ private uint regionX;
+ private uint regionY;
+ // Login
+ private string firstname;
+ private string lastname;
+ // Global Textures
+ private string sunTexture;
+ private string cloudTexture;
+ private string moonTexture;
+ // Error Flags
+ private string errorReason;
+ private string errorMessage;
+ // Response
+ private XmlRpcResponse xmlRpcResponse;
+ private XmlRpcResponse defaultXmlRpcResponse;
+ private string welcomeMessage;
+ private string startLocation;
+ private string allowFirstLife;
+ private string home;
+ private string seedCapability;
+ private string lookAt;
+ public LoginResponse()
+ {
+ this.loginFlags = new ArrayList();
+ this.globalTextures = new ArrayList();
+ this.eventCategories = new ArrayList();
+ this.uiConfig = new ArrayList();
+ this.classifiedCategories = new ArrayList();
+ this.loginError = new Hashtable();
+ this.eventCategoriesHash = new Hashtable();
+ this.classifiedCategoriesHash = new Hashtable();
+ this.uiConfigHash = new Hashtable();
+ this.defaultXmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse();
+ this.userProfile = new UserInfo();
+ this.inventoryRoot = new ArrayList();
+ this.initialOutfit = new ArrayList();
+ this.agentInventory = new ArrayList();
+ this.xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse();
+ this.defaultXmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse();
+ this.SetDefaultValues();
+ } // LoginServer
+ public void SetDefaultValues()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ this.DST = "N";
+ this.StipendSinceLogin = "N";
+ this.Gendered = "Y";
+ this.EverLoggedIn = "Y";
+ this.login = "false";
+ this.firstname = "Test";
+ this.lastname = "User";
+ this.agentAccess = "M";
+ this.startLocation = "last";
+ this.allowFirstLife = "Y";
+ this.SunTexture = "cce0f112-878f-4586-a2e2-a8f104bba271";
+ this.CloudTexture = "fc4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621";
+ this.MoonTexture = "fc4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621";
+ this.ErrorMessage = "You have entered an invalid name/password combination. Check Caps/lock.";
+ this.ErrorReason = "key";
+ this.welcomeMessage = "Welcome to OpenSim!";
+ this.seedCapability = "";
+ this.home = "{'region_handle':[r" + (997 * 256).ToString() + ",r" + (996 * 256).ToString() + "], 'position':[r" + this.userProfile.homepos.X.ToString() + ",r" + this.userProfile.homepos.Y.ToString() + ",r" + this.userProfile.homepos.Z.ToString() + "], 'look_at':[r" + this.userProfile.homelookat.X.ToString() + ",r" + this.userProfile.homelookat.Y.ToString() + ",r" + this.userProfile.homelookat.Z.ToString() + "]}";
+ this.lookAt = "[r0.99949799999999999756,r0.03166859999999999814,r0]";
+ this.RegionX = (uint)255232;
+ this.RegionY = (uint)254976;
+ // Classifieds;
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)1, "Shopping");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)2, "Land Rental");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)3, "Property Rental");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)4, "Special Attraction");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)5, "New Products");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)6, "Employment");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)7, "Wanted");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)8, "Service");
+ this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)9, "Personal");
+ this.SessionID = LLUUID.Random();
+ this.SecureSessionID = LLUUID.Random();
+ this.AgentID = LLUUID.Random();
+ Hashtable InitialOutfitHash = new Hashtable();
+ InitialOutfitHash["folder_name"] = "Nightclub Female";
+ InitialOutfitHash["gender"] = "female";
+ this.initialOutfit.Add(InitialOutfitHash);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.WriteLine(
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.LogPriority.LOW,
+ "LoginResponse: Unable to set default values: " + e.Message
+ );
+ }
+ } // SetDefaultValues
+ #region Login Failure Methods
+ public XmlRpcResponse GenerateFailureResponse(string reason, string message, string login)
+ {
+ // Overwrite any default values;
+ this.xmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse();
+ // Ensure Login Failed message/reason;
+ this.ErrorMessage = message;
+ this.ErrorReason = reason;
+ this.loginError["reason"] = this.ErrorReason;
+ this.loginError["message"] = this.ErrorMessage;
+ this.loginError["login"] = login;
+ this.xmlRpcResponse.Value = this.loginError;
+ return (this.xmlRpcResponse);
+ } // GenerateResponse
+ public XmlRpcResponse CreateFailedResponse()
+ {
+ return (this.CreateLoginFailedResponse());
+ } // CreateErrorConnectingToGridResponse()
+ public XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginFailedResponse()
+ {
+ return (this.GenerateFailureResponse("key", "Could not authenticate your avatar. Please check your username and password, and check the grid if problems persist.", "false"));
+ } // LoginFailedResponse
+ public XmlRpcResponse CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse()
+ {
+ return (this.GenerateFailureResponse("presence", "You appear to be already logged in, if this is not the case please wait for your session to timeout, if this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner", "false"));
+ } // CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse()
+ public XmlRpcResponse CreateDeadRegionResponse()
+ {
+ return (this.GenerateFailureResponse("key", "The region you are attempting to log into is not responding. Please select another region and try again.", "false"));
+ }
+ public XmlRpcResponse CreateGridErrorResponse()
+ {
+ return (this.GenerateFailureResponse("key", "Error connecting to grid. Could not percieve credentials from login XML.", "false"));
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public XmlRpcResponse ToXmlRpcResponse()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable();
+ this.loginFlagsHash = new Hashtable();
+ this.loginFlagsHash["daylight_savings"] = this.DST;
+ this.loginFlagsHash["stipend_since_login"] = this.StipendSinceLogin;
+ this.loginFlagsHash["gendered"] = this.Gendered;
+ this.loginFlagsHash["ever_logged_in"] = this.EverLoggedIn;
+ this.loginFlags.Add(this.loginFlagsHash);
+ responseData["first_name"] = this.Firstname;
+ responseData["last_name"] = this.Lastname;
+ responseData["agent_access"] = this.agentAccess;
+ this.globalTexturesHash = new Hashtable();
+ this.globalTexturesHash["sun_texture_id"] = this.SunTexture;
+ this.globalTexturesHash["cloud_texture_id"] = this.CloudTexture;
+ this.globalTexturesHash["moon_texture_id"] = this.MoonTexture;
+ this.globalTextures.Add(this.globalTexturesHash);
+ this.eventCategories.Add(this.eventCategoriesHash);
+ this.AddToUIConfig("allow_first_life", this.allowFirstLife);
+ this.uiConfig.Add(this.uiConfigHash);
+ responseData["sim_port"] =(Int32) this.SimPort;
+ responseData["sim_ip"] = this.SimAddress;
+ responseData["agent_id"] = this.AgentID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ responseData["session_id"] = this.SessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ responseData["secure_session_id"] = this.SecureSessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ responseData["circuit_code"] = this.CircuitCode;
+ responseData["seconds_since_epoch"] = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
+ responseData["login-flags"] = this.loginFlags;
+ responseData["global-textures"] = this.globalTextures;
+ responseData["seed_capability"] = this.seedCapability;
+ responseData["event_categories"] = this.eventCategories;
+ responseData["event_notifications"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ responseData["classified_categories"] = this.classifiedCategories;
+ responseData["ui-config"] = this.uiConfig;
+ responseData["inventory-skeleton"] = this.agentInventory;
+ responseData["inventory-skel-lib"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ responseData["inventory-root"] = this.inventoryRoot;
+ responseData["gestures"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ responseData["inventory-lib-owner"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ responseData["initial-outfit"] = this.initialOutfit;
+ responseData["start_location"] = this.startLocation;
+ responseData["seed_capability"] = this.seedCapability;
+ responseData["home"] = this.home;
+ responseData["look_at"] = this.lookAt;
+ responseData["message"] = this.welcomeMessage;
+ responseData["region_x"] = (Int32)this.RegionX * 256;
+ responseData["region_y"] = (Int32)this.RegionY * 256;
+ //responseData["inventory-lib-root"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ //responseData["buddy-list"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ responseData["login"] = "true";
+ this.xmlRpcResponse.Value = responseData;
+ return (this.xmlRpcResponse);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.WriteLine(
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.LogPriority.LOW,
+ "LoginResponse: Error creating XML-RPC Response: " + e.Message
+ );
+ return (this.GenerateFailureResponse("Internal Error", "Error generating Login Response", "false"));
+ }
+ } // ToXmlRpcResponse
+ public void SetEventCategories(string category, string value)
+ {
+ this.eventCategoriesHash[category] = value;
+ } // SetEventCategories
+ public void AddToUIConfig(string itemName, string item)
+ {
+ this.uiConfigHash[itemName] = item;
+ } // SetUIConfig
+ public void AddClassifiedCategory(Int32 ID, string categoryName)
+ {
+ this.classifiedCategoriesHash["category_name"] = categoryName;
+ this.classifiedCategoriesHash["category_id"] = ID;
+ this.classifiedCategories.Add(this.classifiedCategoriesHash);
+ // this.classifiedCategoriesHash.Clear();
+ } // SetClassifiedCategory
+ #region Properties
+ public string Login
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.login;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.login = value;
+ }
+ } // Login
+ public string DST
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.dst;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.dst = value;
+ }
+ } // DST
+ public string StipendSinceLogin
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.stipendSinceLogin;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.stipendSinceLogin = value;
+ }
+ } // StipendSinceLogin
+ public string Gendered
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.gendered;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.gendered = value;
+ }
+ } // Gendered
+ public string EverLoggedIn
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.everLoggedIn;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.everLoggedIn = value;
+ }
+ } // EverLoggedIn
+ public int SimPort
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.simPort;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.simPort = value;
+ }
+ } // SimPort
+ public string SimAddress
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.simAddress;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.simAddress = value;
+ }
+ } // SimAddress
+ public LLUUID AgentID
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.agentID;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.agentID = value;
+ }
+ } // AgentID
+ public LLUUID SessionID
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.sessionID;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.sessionID = value;
+ }
+ } // SessionID
+ public LLUUID SecureSessionID
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.secureSessionID;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.secureSessionID = value;
+ }
+ } // SecureSessionID
+ public Int32 CircuitCode
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.circuitCode;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.circuitCode = value;
+ }
+ } // CircuitCode
+ public uint RegionX
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.regionX;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.regionX = value;
+ }
+ } // RegionX
+ public uint RegionY
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.regionY;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.regionY = value;
+ }
+ } // RegionY
+ public string SunTexture
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.sunTexture;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.sunTexture = value;
+ }
+ } // SunTexture
+ public string CloudTexture
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.cloudTexture;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.cloudTexture = value;
+ }
+ } // CloudTexture
+ public string MoonTexture
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.moonTexture;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.moonTexture = value;
+ }
+ } // MoonTexture
+ public string Firstname
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.firstname;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.firstname = value;
+ }
+ } // Firstname
+ public string Lastname
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.lastname;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.lastname = value;
+ }
+ } // Lastname
+ public string AgentAccess
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.agentAccess;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.agentAccess = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public string StartLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.startLocation;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.startLocation = value;
+ }
+ } // StartLocation
+ public string LookAt
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.lookAt;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.lookAt = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public string SeedCapability
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.seedCapability;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.seedCapability = value;
+ }
+ } // SeedCapability
+ public string ErrorReason
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.errorReason;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.errorReason = value;
+ }
+ } // ErrorReason
+ public string ErrorMessage
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.errorMessage;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.errorMessage = value;
+ }
+ } // ErrorMessage
+ public ArrayList InventoryRoot
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.inventoryRoot;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.inventoryRoot = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public ArrayList InventorySkeleton
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.agentInventory;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.agentInventory = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public string Home
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.home;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.home = value;
+ }
+ }
+ public string Message
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.welcomeMessage;
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.welcomeMessage = value;
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public class UserInfo
+ {
+ public string firstname;
+ public string lastname;
+ public ulong homeregionhandle;
+ public LLVector3 homepos;
+ public LLVector3 homelookat;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement.csproj b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement.csproj
index 232712b..9a3cdba 100644
--- a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement.csproj
+++ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement.csproj
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@
+ Code
diff --git a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/
index a2f5d13..9dc2383 100644
--- a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/
+++ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
diff --git a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/UserManagerBase.cs b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/UserManagerBase.cs
index eaa53dd..01fbf3a 100644
--- a/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/UserManagerBase.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenGrid.Framework.UserManager/UserManagerBase.cs
@@ -79,37 +79,7 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
pluginAssembly = null;
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public void AddUserProfile(string firstName, string lastName, string pass, uint regX, uint regY)
- {
- UserProfileData user = new UserProfileData();
- user.homeLocation = new LLVector3(128, 128, 100);
- user.UUID = LLUUID.Random();
- user.username = firstName;
- user.surname = lastName;
- user.passwordHash = pass;
- user.passwordSalt = "";
- user.created = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
- user.homeLookAt = new LLVector3(100, 100, 100);
- user.homeRegion = Util.UIntsToLong((regX * 256), (regY * 256));
- foreach (KeyValuePair plugin in _plugins)
- {
- try
- {
- plugin.Value.addNewUserProfile(user);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose( "Unable to find user via " + plugin.Key + "(" + e.ToString() + ")");
- }
- }
- }
+ #region Get UserProfile
/// Loads a user profile from a database by UUID
@@ -190,7 +160,9 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
return null;
+ #endregion
+ #region Get UserAgent
/// Loads a user agent by uuid (not called directly)
@@ -258,94 +230,9 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
return null;
- ///
- /// Creates a error response caused by invalid XML
- ///
- /// An XMLRPC response
- private static XmlRpcResponse CreateErrorConnectingToGridResponse()
- {
- XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
- Hashtable ErrorRespData = new Hashtable();
- ErrorRespData["reason"] = "key";
- ErrorRespData["message"] = "Error connecting to grid. Could not percieve credentials from login XML.";
- ErrorRespData["login"] = "false";
- response.Value = ErrorRespData;
- return response;
- }
- ///
- /// Creates an error response caused by bad login credentials
- ///
- /// An XMLRPC response
- private static XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginErrorResponse()
- {
- XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
- Hashtable ErrorRespData = new Hashtable();
- ErrorRespData["reason"] = "key";
- ErrorRespData["message"] = "Could not authenticate your avatar. Please check your username and password, and check the grid if problems persist.";
- ErrorRespData["login"] = "false";
- response.Value = ErrorRespData;
- return response;
- }
- ///
- /// Creates an error response caused by being logged in already
- ///
- /// An XMLRPC Response
- private static XmlRpcResponse CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse()
- {
- XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
- Hashtable PresenceErrorRespData = new Hashtable();
- PresenceErrorRespData["reason"] = "presence";
- PresenceErrorRespData["message"] = "You appear to be already logged in, if this is not the case please wait for your session to timeout, if this takes longer than a few minutes please contact the grid owner";
- PresenceErrorRespData["login"] = "false";
- response.Value = PresenceErrorRespData;
- return response;
- }
- ///
- /// Creates an error response caused by target region being down
- ///
- /// An XMLRPC Response
- private static XmlRpcResponse CreateDeadRegionResponse()
- {
- XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse();
- Hashtable PresenceErrorRespData = new Hashtable();
- PresenceErrorRespData["reason"] = "key";
- PresenceErrorRespData["message"] = "The region you are attempting to log into is not responding. Please select another region and try again.";
- PresenceErrorRespData["login"] = "false";
- response.Value = PresenceErrorRespData;
- return response;
- }
- ///
- /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
- ///
- /// The existing response
- /// The user profile
- public virtual void CustomiseResponse(ref Hashtable response, ref UserProfileData theUser)
- {
- }
- ///
- /// Checks a user against it's password hash
- ///
- /// The users profile
- /// The supplied password
- /// Authenticated?
- public bool AuthenticateUser(ref UserProfileData profile, string password)
- {
- OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose(
- "Authenticating " + profile.username + " " + profile.surname);
- password = password.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
- string s = Util.Md5Hash(password + ":" + profile.passwordSalt);
- return profile.passwordHash.Equals(s.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
- }
+ #endregion
+ #region CreateAgent
/// Creates and initialises a new user agent - make sure to use CommitAgent when done to submit to the DB
@@ -390,7 +277,7 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
string[] parts = startLoc.Remove(0, 4).Split('&');
string region = parts[0];
//SimProfile SimInfo = new SimProfile();
//SimInfo = SimInfo.LoadFromGrid(theUser.currentAgent.currentHandle, _config.GridServerURL, _config.GridSendKey, _config.GridRecvKey);
@@ -424,6 +311,58 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
return true;
+ #endregion
+ ///
+ /// Checks a user against it's password hash
+ ///
+ /// The users profile
+ /// The supplied password
+ /// Authenticated?
+ public virtual bool AuthenticateUser(ref UserProfileData profile, string password)
+ {
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose(
+ "Authenticating " + profile.username + " " + profile.surname);
+ password = password.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
+ string s = Util.Md5Hash(password + ":" + profile.passwordSalt);
+ return profile.passwordHash.Equals(s.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+ }
+ #region Xml Response
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public virtual UserProfileData GetTheUser(string firstname, string lastname)
+ {
+ return getUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
+ }
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public virtual string GetMessage()
+ {
+ return _config.DefaultStartupMsg;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
+ ///
+ /// The existing response
+ /// The user profile
+ public virtual void CustomiseResponse(ref LoginResponse response, ref UserProfileData theUser)
+ {
+ }
/// Main user login function
@@ -441,6 +380,7 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
string passwd = "";
UserProfileData TheUser;
+ LoginResponse logResponse = new LoginResponse();
if (GoodXML)
@@ -448,20 +388,20 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
lastname = (string)requestData["last"];
passwd = (string)requestData["passwd"];
- TheUser = getUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
+ TheUser = GetTheUser(firstname, lastname);
if (TheUser == null)
- return CreateLoginErrorResponse();
+ return logResponse.CreateLoginFailedResponse();
GoodLogin = AuthenticateUser(ref TheUser, passwd);
- return CreateErrorConnectingToGridResponse();
+ return logResponse.CreateGridErrorResponse();
if (!GoodLogin)
- return CreateLoginErrorResponse();
+ return logResponse.CreateLoginFailedResponse();
@@ -469,7 +409,7 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
if (TheUser.currentAgent != null && TheUser.currentAgent.agentOnline)
// Reject the login
- return CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse();
+ return logResponse.CreateAlreadyLoggedInResponse();
// Otherwise...
// Create a new agent session
@@ -477,39 +417,8 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
- Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable();
LLUUID AgentID = TheUser.UUID;
- // Global Texture Section
- Hashtable GlobalT = new Hashtable();
- GlobalT["sun_texture_id"] = "cce0f112-878f-4586-a2e2-a8f104bba271";
- GlobalT["cloud_texture_id"] = "fc4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621";
- GlobalT["moon_texture_id"] = "fc4b9f0b-d008-45c6-96a4-01dd947ac621";
- ArrayList GlobalTextures = new ArrayList();
- GlobalTextures.Add(GlobalT);
- // Login Flags Section
- Hashtable LoginFlagsHash = new Hashtable();
- LoginFlagsHash["daylight_savings"] = "N";
- LoginFlagsHash["stipend_since_login"] = "N";
- LoginFlagsHash["gendered"] = "Y"; // Needs to be combined with below...
- LoginFlagsHash["ever_logged_in"] = "Y"; // Should allow male/female av selection
- ArrayList LoginFlags = new ArrayList();
- LoginFlags.Add(LoginFlagsHash);
- // UI Customisation Section
- Hashtable uiconfig = new Hashtable();
- uiconfig["allow_first_life"] = "Y";
- ArrayList ui_config = new ArrayList();
- ui_config.Add(uiconfig);
- // Classified Categories Section
- Hashtable ClassifiedCategoriesHash = new Hashtable();
- ClassifiedCategoriesHash["category_name"] = "Generic";
- ClassifiedCategoriesHash["category_id"] = (Int32)1;
- ArrayList ClassifiedCategories = new ArrayList();
- ClassifiedCategories.Add(ClassifiedCategoriesHash);
// Inventory Library Section
ArrayList AgentInventoryArray = new ArrayList();
@@ -534,62 +443,37 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
ArrayList InventoryRoot = new ArrayList();
- Hashtable InitialOutfitHash = new Hashtable();
- InitialOutfitHash["folder_name"] = "Nightclub Female";
- InitialOutfitHash["gender"] = "female";
- ArrayList InitialOutfit = new ArrayList();
- InitialOutfit.Add(InitialOutfitHash);
// Circuit Code
uint circode = (uint)(Util.RandomClass.Next());
- // Generics
- responseData["last_name"] = TheUser.surname;
- responseData["ui-config"] = ui_config;
- responseData["sim_ip"] = ""; //SimInfo.sim_ip.ToString();
- responseData["login-flags"] = LoginFlags;
- responseData["global-textures"] = GlobalTextures;
- responseData["classified_categories"] = ClassifiedCategories;
- responseData["event_categories"] = new ArrayList();
- responseData["inventory-skeleton"] = AgentInventoryArray;
- responseData["inventory-skel-lib"] = new ArrayList();
- responseData["inventory-root"] = InventoryRoot;
- responseData["event_notifications"] = new ArrayList();
- responseData["gestures"] = new ArrayList();
- responseData["inventory-lib-owner"] = new ArrayList();
- responseData["initial-outfit"] = InitialOutfit;
- responseData["seconds_since_epoch"] = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
- responseData["start_location"] = "last";
- responseData["home"] = "!!null temporary value {home}!!"; // Overwritten
- responseData["message"] = _config.DefaultStartupMsg;
- responseData["first_name"] = TheUser.username;
- responseData["circuit_code"] = (Int32)circode;
- responseData["sim_port"] = 0; //(Int32)SimInfo.sim_port;
- responseData["secure_session_id"] = TheUser.currentAgent.secureSessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
- responseData["look_at"] = "\n[r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]\n";
- responseData["agent_id"] = AgentID.ToStringHyphenated();
- responseData["region_y"] = (Int32)0; // Overwritten
- responseData["region_x"] = (Int32)0; // Overwritten
- responseData["seed_capability"] = "";
- responseData["agent_access"] = "M";
- responseData["session_id"] = TheUser.currentAgent.sessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
- responseData["login"] = "true";
+ logResponse.Lastname = TheUser.surname;
+ logResponse.Firstname = TheUser.username;
+ logResponse.AgentID = AgentID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ logResponse.SessionID = TheUser.currentAgent.sessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ logResponse.SecureSessionID = TheUser.currentAgent.secureSessionID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ logResponse.InventoryRoot = InventoryRoot;
+ logResponse.InventorySkeleton = AgentInventoryArray;
+ logResponse.CircuitCode = (Int32)circode;
+ logResponse.RegionX = 0; //overwritten
+ logResponse.RegionY = 0; //overwritten
+ logResponse.Home = "!!null temporary value {home}!!"; // Overwritten
+ //logResponse.LookAt = "\n[r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + TheUser.homeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]\n";
+ logResponse.SimAddress = ""; //overwritten
+ logResponse.SimPort = 0; //overwritten
+ logResponse.Message = this.GetMessage();
- this.CustomiseResponse(ref responseData, ref TheUser);
+ this.CustomiseResponse(ref logResponse, ref TheUser);
catch (Exception e)
- return CreateDeadRegionResponse();
+ return logResponse.CreateDeadRegionResponse();
CommitAgent(ref TheUser);
- response.Value = responseData;
- // TheUser.SendDataToSim(SimInfo);
- return response;
+ return logResponse.ToXmlRpcResponse();
catch (Exception E)
@@ -602,6 +486,8 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
+ #endregion
/// Deletes an active agent session
@@ -617,6 +503,37 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void AddUserProfile(string firstName, string lastName, string pass, uint regX, uint regY)
+ {
+ UserProfileData user = new UserProfileData();
+ user.homeLocation = new LLVector3(128, 128, 100);
+ user.UUID = LLUUID.Random();
+ user.username = firstName;
+ user.surname = lastName;
+ user.passwordHash = pass;
+ user.passwordSalt = "";
+ user.created = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
+ user.homeLookAt = new LLVector3(100, 100, 100);
+ user.homeRegion = Util.UIntsToLong((regX * 256), (regY * 256));
+ foreach (KeyValuePair plugin in _plugins)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ plugin.Value.addNewUserProfile(user);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Unable to add user via " + plugin.Key + "(" + e.ToString() + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
/// Returns an error message that the user could not be found in the database
/// XML string consisting of a error element containing individual error(s)
@@ -693,6 +610,8 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
return sw.ToString();
+ #region REST Methods
+ //should most likely move out of here and into the grid's userserver sub class
public string RestGetUserMethodName(string request, string path, string param)
UserProfileData userProfile = getUserProfile(param.Trim());
@@ -716,6 +635,7 @@ namespace OpenGrid.Framework.UserManagement
return ProfileToXml(userProfile);
+ #endregion
diff --git a/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/NetworkServersInfo.cs b/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/NetworkServersInfo.cs
index 0cf0ea6..709b7dd 100644
--- a/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/NetworkServersInfo.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/NetworkServersInfo.cs
@@ -45,16 +45,47 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Types
public string UserRecvKey = "";
public bool isSandbox;
+ public uint DefaultHomeLocX = 0;
+ public uint DefaultHomeLocY = 0;
public void InitConfig(bool sandboxMode, IGenericConfig configData)
this.isSandbox = sandboxMode;
+ string attri = "";
+ // default home location X
+ attri = "";
+ attri = configData.GetAttribute("DefaultLocationX");
+ if (attri == "")
+ {
+ string location = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.CmdPrompt("Default Home Location X", "1000");
+ configData.SetAttribute("DefaultLocationX", location);
+ this.DefaultHomeLocX = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(location);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.DefaultHomeLocX = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(attri);
+ }
+ // default home location Y
+ attri = "";
+ attri = configData.GetAttribute("DefaultLocationY");
+ if (attri == "")
+ {
+ string location = OpenSim.Framework.Console.MainLog.Instance.CmdPrompt("Default Home Location Y", "1000");
+ configData.SetAttribute("DefaultLocationY", location);
+ this.DefaultHomeLocY = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(location);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.DefaultHomeLocY = (uint)Convert.ToUInt32(attri);
+ }
if (!isSandbox)
- string attri = "";
- //Grid Server URL
+ //Grid Server
attri = "";
attri = configData.GetAttribute("GridServerURL");
if (attri == "")
diff --git a/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/PrimData.cs b/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/PrimData.cs
index 836b8fb..56d41b3 100644
--- a/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/PrimData.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenSim.Framework/Types/PrimData.cs
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.Framework.Types
public sbyte PathTwistBegin;
public byte[] Texture;
public Int32 CreationDate;
public uint OwnerMask = FULL_MASK_PERMISSIONS;
public uint NextOwnerMask = FULL_MASK_PERMISSIONS;
diff --git a/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginResponse.cs b/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginResponse.cs
index debfe43..dc4732c 100644
--- a/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginResponse.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginResponse.cs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
private ArrayList initialOutfit;
private ArrayList agentInventory;
- private UserProfile userProfile;
+ private UserInfo userProfile;
private LLUUID agentID;
private LLUUID sessionID;
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
this.uiConfigHash = new Hashtable();
this.defaultXmlRpcResponse = new XmlRpcResponse();
- this.userProfile = new UserProfile();
+ this.userProfile = new UserInfo();
this.inventoryRoot = new ArrayList();
this.initialOutfit = new ArrayList();
this.agentInventory = new ArrayList();
@@ -181,28 +181,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)8, "Service");
this.AddClassifiedCategory((Int32)9, "Personal");
- int SessionRand = Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 999);
- this.SessionID = new LLUUID("aaaabbbb-0200-" + SessionRand.ToString("0000") + "-8664-58f53e442797");
+ this.SessionID = LLUUID.Random();
this.SecureSessionID = LLUUID.Random();
- this.userProfile.Inventory.CreateRootFolder(this.userProfile.UUID, true);
- this.baseFolderID = this.userProfile.Inventory.GetFolderID("Textures");
- this.inventoryFolderID = this.userProfile.Inventory.GetFolderID("My Inventory-");
- Hashtable InventoryRootHash = new Hashtable();
- InventoryRootHash["folder_id"] = this.userProfile.Inventory.InventoryRoot.FolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- this.inventoryRoot.Add(InventoryRootHash);
- Hashtable TempHash;
- foreach (InventoryFolder InvFolder in this.userProfile.Inventory.InventoryFolders.Values)
- {
- TempHash = new Hashtable();
- TempHash["name"] = InvFolder.FolderName;
- TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.ParentID.ToStringHyphenated();
- TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Version;
- TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.DefaultType;
- TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.FolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- this.agentInventory.Add(TempHash);
- }
+ this.AgentID = LLUUID.Random();
Hashtable InitialOutfitHash = new Hashtable();
InitialOutfitHash["folder_name"] = "Nightclub Female";
@@ -219,15 +200,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
} // SetDefaultValues
- protected virtual LLUUID GetAgentId()
- {
- // todo
- LLUUID Agent;
- int AgentRand = Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 9999);
- Agent = new LLUUID("99998888-0100-" + AgentRand.ToString("0000") + "-8ec1-0b1d5cd6aead");
- return Agent;
- } // GetAgentId
private XmlRpcResponse GenerateFailureResponse(string reason, string message, string login)
// Overwrite any default values;
@@ -287,9 +259,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
this.AddToUIConfig("allow_first_life", this.allowFirstLife);
- // Create a agent and session LLUUID
- this.agentID = this.GetAgentId();
responseData["sim_port"] = this.SimPort;
responseData["sim_ip"] = this.SimAddress;
responseData["agent_id"] = this.AgentID.ToStringHyphenated();
@@ -320,6 +289,9 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
responseData["region_x"] = (Int32)this.RegionX * 256;
responseData["region_y"] = (Int32)this.RegionY * 256;
+ //responseData["inventory-lib-root"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
+ //responseData["buddy-list"] = new ArrayList(); // todo
responseData["login"] = "true";
this.xmlRpcResponse.Value = responseData;
@@ -355,6 +327,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
// this.classifiedCategoriesHash.Clear();
} // SetClassifiedCategory
+ #region Properties
public string Login
@@ -667,5 +640,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
} // ErrorMessage
- } // LoginResponse
-} // namespace OpenSim.UserServer
\ No newline at end of file
+ #endregion
+ public class UserInfo
+ {
+ public string firstname;
+ public string lastname;
+ public ulong homeregionhandle;
+ public LLVector3 homepos;
+ public LLVector3 homelookat;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginServer.cs b/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginServer.cs
index 1243147..e5373dd 100644
--- a/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginServer.cs
+++ b/Common/OpenSim.Servers/LoginServer.cs
@@ -148,36 +148,14 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
- // Create a agent and session LLUUID
- // Agent = GetAgentId(first, last);
- // int SessionRand = Util.RandomClass.Next(1, 999);
- // Session = new LLUUID("aaaabbbb-0200-" + SessionRand.ToString("0000") + "-8664-58f53e442797");
- // LLUUID secureSess = LLUUID.Random();
loginResponse.SimPort = m_simPort.ToString();
loginResponse.SimAddress = m_simAddr.ToString();
- // loginResponse.AgentID = Agent.ToStringHyphenated();
- // loginResponse.SessionID = Session.ToStringHyphenated();
- // loginResponse.SecureSessionID = secureSess.ToStringHyphenated();
loginResponse.CircuitCode = (Int32)(Util.RandomClass.Next());
XmlRpcResponse response = loginResponse.ToXmlRpcResponse();
Hashtable responseData = (Hashtable)response.Value;
- //inventory
- /* ArrayList InventoryList = (ArrayList)responseData["inventory-skeleton"];
- Hashtable Inventory1 = (Hashtable)InventoryList[0];
- Hashtable Inventory2 = (Hashtable)InventoryList[1];
- LLUUID BaseFolderID = LLUUID.Random();
- LLUUID InventoryFolderID = LLUUID.Random();
- Inventory2["name"] = "Textures";
- Inventory2["folder_id"] = BaseFolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- Inventory2["type_default"] = 0;
- Inventory1["folder_id"] = InventoryFolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- ArrayList InventoryRoot = (ArrayList)responseData["inventory-root"];
- Hashtable Inventoryroot = (Hashtable)InventoryRoot[0];
- Inventoryroot["folder_id"] = InventoryFolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- */
CustomiseLoginResponse(responseData, first, last);
Login _login = new Login();
@@ -191,11 +169,6 @@ namespace OpenSim.UserServer
_login.BaseFolder = loginResponse.BaseFolderID;
_login.InventoryFolder = loginResponse.InventoryFolderID;
- //working on local computer if so lets add to the gridserver's list of sessions?
- /* if (m_gridServer.GetName() == "Local")
- {
- ((LocalGridBase)m_gridServer).AddNewSession(_login);
- }*/
ulong reghand = Helpers.UIntsToLong((regionX * 256), (regionY * 256));
cgit v1.1