From 3ac43d012031cae8189111d96b7350b3e931836c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lbsa71
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 23:58:43 +0000
Subject: * Removed some more fields from CommunicationsLocal * added
OnLoginToRegion to CommunicationsLocal
.../Communications/Local/CommunicationsLocal.cs | 35 +--
.../Communications/Local/LocalBackEndServices.cs | 6 +-
.../Communications/Local/LocalLoginService.cs | 339 +++++++++++----------
.../Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs | 22 +-
.../Communications/OGS1/OGS1InventoryService.cs | 2 +-
5 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/CommunicationsLocal.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/CommunicationsLocal.cs
index eed21a4..a00b35f 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/CommunicationsLocal.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/CommunicationsLocal.cs
@@ -38,43 +38,26 @@ using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local
public class CommunicationsLocal : CommunicationsManager
- {
- public LocalBackEndServices InstanceServices;
- public LocalLoginService LoginServices;
- protected LocalSettings m_settings;
- protected CommunicationsLocal(NetworkServersInfo serversInfo, BaseHttpServer httpServer, AssetCache assetCache)
- : base(serversInfo, httpServer, assetCache)
- {
- }
+ {
public CommunicationsLocal(NetworkServersInfo serversInfo, BaseHttpServer httpServer, AssetCache assetCache, LocalSettings settings)
: base(serversInfo, httpServer, assetCache)
- m_settings = settings;
LocalInventoryService inventoryService = new LocalInventoryService();
- inventoryService.AddPlugin(m_settings.InventoryPlugin);
+ inventoryService.AddPlugin(settings.InventoryPlugin);
m_inventoryService = inventoryService;
LocalUserServices userService = new LocalUserServices(this, serversInfo);
- userService.AddPlugin(m_settings.UserDatabasePlugin);
+ userService.AddPlugin(settings.UserDatabasePlugin);
m_userService = userService;
- InstanceServices = new LocalBackEndServices();
- m_gridService = InstanceServices;
- m_interRegion = InstanceServices;
+ LocalBackEndServices backendService = new LocalBackEndServices();
+ m_gridService = backendService;
+ m_interRegion = backendService;
- LoginServices = new LocalLoginService(userService, m_settings.WelcomeMessage, this, serversInfo, m_settings.AccountAuthentication);
- httpServer.AddXmlRPCHandler("login_to_simulator", LoginServices.XmlRpcLoginMethod);
- }
+ LocalLoginService loginService = new LocalLoginService(userService, settings.WelcomeMessage, this, serversInfo, settings.AccountAuthentication);
+ loginService.OnLoginToRegion += backendService.AddNewSession;
- internal void InformRegionOfLogin(ulong regionHandle, Login login)
- {
- this.InstanceServices.AddNewSession(regionHandle, login);
+ httpServer.AddXmlRPCHandler("login_to_simulator", loginService.XmlRpcLoginMethod);
public void doCreate(string[] cmmdParams)
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalBackEndServices.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalBackEndServices.cs
index 706be09..3e23963 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalBackEndServices.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalBackEndServices.cs
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local
- public bool AddNewSession(ulong regionHandle, Login loginData)
+ public void AddNewSession(ulong regionHandle, Login loginData)
AgentCircuitData agent = new AgentCircuitData();
agent.AgentID = loginData.Agent;
@@ -204,11 +204,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local
if (this.regionHosts.ContainsKey(regionHandle))
this.regionHosts[regionHandle].TriggerExpectUser(regionHandle, agent);
- return true;
- // region not found
- return false;
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalLoginService.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalLoginService.cs
index ed1858d..ab8e397 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalLoginService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/Local/LocalLoginService.cs
@@ -1,166 +1,173 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using libsecondlife;
-using OpenSim.Framework.Communications;
-using OpenSim.Framework.Data;
-using OpenSim.Framework.Types;
-using OpenSim.Framework.UserManagement;
-using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities;
-using OpenSim.Framework.Inventory;
-namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local
- public class LocalLoginService : LoginService
- {
- private CommunicationsLocal m_Parent;
- private NetworkServersInfo serversInfo;
- private uint defaultHomeX;
- private uint defaultHomeY;
- private bool authUsers = false;
- public LocalLoginService(UserManagerBase userManager, string welcomeMess, CommunicationsLocal parent, NetworkServersInfo serversInfo, bool authenticate)
- : base(userManager, welcomeMess)
- {
- m_Parent = parent;
- this.serversInfo = serversInfo;
- defaultHomeX = this.serversInfo.DefaultHomeLocX;
- defaultHomeY = this.serversInfo.DefaultHomeLocY;
- this.authUsers = authenticate;
- }
- public override UserProfileData GetTheUser(string firstname, string lastname)
- {
- UserProfileData profile = this.m_userManager.GetUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
- if (profile != null)
- {
- return profile;
- }
- if (!authUsers)
- {
- //no current user account so make one
- Console.WriteLine("No User account found so creating a new one ");
- this.m_userManager.AddUserProfile(firstname, lastname, "test", defaultHomeX, defaultHomeY);
- profile = this.m_userManager.GetUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
- if (profile != null)
- {
- m_Parent.InventoryService.CreateNewUserInventory(profile.UUID);
- }
- return profile;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public override bool AuthenticateUser(UserProfileData profile, string password)
- {
- if (!authUsers)
- {
- //for now we will accept any password in sandbox mode
- Console.WriteLine("authorising user");
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Authenticating " + profile.username + " " + profile.surname);
- password = password.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
- string s = Util.Md5Hash(password + ":" + profile.passwordSalt);
- return profile.passwordHash.Equals(s.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
- }
- }
- public override void CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
- {
- ulong currentRegion = theUser.currentAgent.currentHandle;
- RegionInfo reg = m_Parent.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(currentRegion);
- if (reg != null)
- {
- response.Home = "{'region_handle':[r" + (reg.RegionLocX * 256).ToString() + ",r" + (reg.RegionLocY * 256).ToString() + "], " +
- "'position':[r" + theUser.homeLocation.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Z.ToString() + "], " +
- "'look_at':[r" + theUser.homeLocation.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Z.ToString() + "]}";
- string capsPath = Util.GetRandomCapsPath();
- response.SimAddress = reg.ExternalEndPoint.Address.ToString();
- response.SimPort = (Int32)reg.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
- response.RegionX = reg.RegionLocX;
- response.RegionY = reg.RegionLocY;
- response.SeedCapability = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + this.serversInfo.HttpListenerPort.ToString() + "/CAPS/" + capsPath + "0000/";
- // response.SeedCapability = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + this.serversInfo.HttpListenerPort.ToString() + "/CapsSeed/" + capsPath + "0000/";
- theUser.currentAgent.currentRegion = reg.SimUUID;
- theUser.currentAgent.currentHandle = reg.RegionHandle;
- Login _login = new Login();
- //copy data to login object
- _login.First = response.Firstname;
- _login.Last = response.Lastname;
- _login.Agent = response.AgentID;
- _login.Session = response.SessionID;
- _login.SecureSession = response.SecureSessionID;
- _login.CircuitCode = (uint)response.CircuitCode;
- _login.CapsPath = capsPath;
- m_Parent.InformRegionOfLogin(currentRegion, _login);
- }
- else
- {
- Console.WriteLine("not found region " + currentRegion);
- }
- }
- protected override InventoryData CreateInventoryData(LLUUID userID)
- {
- List folders = m_Parent.InventoryService.RequestFirstLevelFolders(userID);
- if (folders.Count > 0)
- {
- LLUUID rootID = LLUUID.Zero;
- ArrayList AgentInventoryArray = new ArrayList();
- Hashtable TempHash;
- foreach (InventoryFolderBase InvFolder in folders)
- {
- if (InvFolder.parentID == LLUUID.Zero)
- {
- rootID = InvFolder.folderID;
- }
- TempHash = new Hashtable();
- TempHash["name"] =;
- TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.parentID.ToStringHyphenated();
- TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.version;
- TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.type;
- TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.folderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- AgentInventoryArray.Add(TempHash);
- }
- return new InventoryData(AgentInventoryArray, rootID);
- }
- else
- {
- AgentInventory userInventory = new AgentInventory();
- userInventory.CreateRootFolder(userID, false);
- ArrayList AgentInventoryArray = new ArrayList();
- Hashtable TempHash;
- foreach (OpenSim.Framework.Inventory.InventoryFolder InvFolder in userInventory.InventoryFolders.Values)
- {
- TempHash = new Hashtable();
- TempHash["name"] = InvFolder.FolderName;
- TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.ParentID.ToStringHyphenated();
- TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Version;
- TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.DefaultType;
- TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.FolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
- AgentInventoryArray.Add(TempHash);
- }
- return new InventoryData(AgentInventoryArray, userInventory.InventoryRoot.FolderID);
- }
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using libsecondlife;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Communications;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Data;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Types;
+using OpenSim.Framework.UserManagement;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Utilities;
+using OpenSim.Framework.Inventory;
+namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.Local
+ public delegate void LoginToRegionEvent(ulong regionHandle, Login login);
+ public class LocalLoginService : LoginService
+ {
+ private CommunicationsLocal m_Parent;
+ private NetworkServersInfo serversInfo;
+ private uint defaultHomeX;
+ private uint defaultHomeY;
+ private bool authUsers = false;
+ public event LoginToRegionEvent OnLoginToRegion;
+ public LocalLoginService(UserManagerBase userManager, string welcomeMess, CommunicationsLocal parent, NetworkServersInfo serversInfo, bool authenticate)
+ : base(userManager, welcomeMess)
+ {
+ m_Parent = parent;
+ this.serversInfo = serversInfo;
+ defaultHomeX = this.serversInfo.DefaultHomeLocX;
+ defaultHomeY = this.serversInfo.DefaultHomeLocY;
+ this.authUsers = authenticate;
+ }
+ public override UserProfileData GetTheUser(string firstname, string lastname)
+ {
+ UserProfileData profile = this.m_userManager.GetUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
+ if (profile != null)
+ {
+ return profile;
+ }
+ if (!authUsers)
+ {
+ //no current user account so make one
+ Console.WriteLine("No User account found so creating a new one ");
+ this.m_userManager.AddUserProfile(firstname, lastname, "test", defaultHomeX, defaultHomeY);
+ profile = this.m_userManager.GetUserProfile(firstname, lastname);
+ if (profile != null)
+ {
+ m_Parent.InventoryService.CreateNewUserInventory(profile.UUID);
+ }
+ return profile;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public override bool AuthenticateUser(UserProfileData profile, string password)
+ {
+ if (!authUsers)
+ {
+ //for now we will accept any password in sandbox mode
+ Console.WriteLine("authorising user");
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("Authenticating " + profile.username + " " + profile.surname);
+ password = password.Remove(0, 3); //remove $1$
+ string s = Util.Md5Hash(password + ":" + profile.passwordSalt);
+ return profile.passwordHash.Equals(s.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
+ {
+ ulong currentRegion = theUser.currentAgent.currentHandle;
+ RegionInfo reg = m_Parent.GridService.RequestNeighbourInfo(currentRegion);
+ if (reg != null)
+ {
+ response.Home = "{'region_handle':[r" + (reg.RegionLocX * 256).ToString() + ",r" + (reg.RegionLocY * 256).ToString() + "], " +
+ "'position':[r" + theUser.homeLocation.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Z.ToString() + "], " +
+ "'look_at':[r" + theUser.homeLocation.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.homeLocation.Z.ToString() + "]}";
+ string capsPath = Util.GetRandomCapsPath();
+ response.SimAddress = reg.ExternalEndPoint.Address.ToString();
+ response.SimPort = (Int32)reg.ExternalEndPoint.Port;
+ response.RegionX = reg.RegionLocX;
+ response.RegionY = reg.RegionLocY;
+ response.SeedCapability = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + this.serversInfo.HttpListenerPort.ToString() + "/CAPS/" + capsPath + "0000/";
+ // response.SeedCapability = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + this.serversInfo.HttpListenerPort.ToString() + "/CapsSeed/" + capsPath + "0000/";
+ theUser.currentAgent.currentRegion = reg.SimUUID;
+ theUser.currentAgent.currentHandle = reg.RegionHandle;
+ Login _login = new Login();
+ //copy data to login object
+ _login.First = response.Firstname;
+ _login.Last = response.Lastname;
+ _login.Agent = response.AgentID;
+ _login.Session = response.SessionID;
+ _login.SecureSession = response.SecureSessionID;
+ _login.CircuitCode = (uint)response.CircuitCode;
+ _login.CapsPath = capsPath;
+ if( OnLoginToRegion != null )
+ {
+ OnLoginToRegion(currentRegion, _login);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("not found region " + currentRegion);
+ }
+ }
+ protected override InventoryData CreateInventoryData(LLUUID userID)
+ {
+ List folders = m_Parent.InventoryService.RequestFirstLevelFolders(userID);
+ if (folders.Count > 0)
+ {
+ LLUUID rootID = LLUUID.Zero;
+ ArrayList AgentInventoryArray = new ArrayList();
+ Hashtable TempHash;
+ foreach (InventoryFolderBase InvFolder in folders)
+ {
+ if (InvFolder.parentID == LLUUID.Zero)
+ {
+ rootID = InvFolder.folderID;
+ }
+ TempHash = new Hashtable();
+ TempHash["name"] =;
+ TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.parentID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.version;
+ TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.type;
+ TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.folderID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ AgentInventoryArray.Add(TempHash);
+ }
+ return new InventoryData(AgentInventoryArray, rootID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AgentInventory userInventory = new AgentInventory();
+ userInventory.CreateRootFolder(userID, false);
+ ArrayList AgentInventoryArray = new ArrayList();
+ Hashtable TempHash;
+ foreach (OpenSim.Framework.Inventory.InventoryFolder InvFolder in userInventory.InventoryFolders.Values)
+ {
+ TempHash = new Hashtable();
+ TempHash["name"] = InvFolder.FolderName;
+ TempHash["parent_id"] = InvFolder.ParentID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ TempHash["version"] = (Int32)InvFolder.Version;
+ TempHash["type_default"] = (Int32)InvFolder.DefaultType;
+ TempHash["folder_id"] = InvFolder.FolderID.ToStringHyphenated();
+ AgentInventoryArray.Add(TempHash);
+ }
+ return new InventoryData(AgentInventoryArray, userInventory.InventoryRoot.FolderID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
index dea4b9f..91694b5 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1GridServices.cs
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
// Send Request
XmlRpcRequest GridReq = new XmlRpcRequest("simulator_login", SendParams);
- XmlRpcResponse GridResp = GridReq.Send(serversInfo.GridURL, 3000);
+ XmlRpcResponse GridResp = GridReq.Send(serversInfo.GridURL, 10000);
Hashtable GridRespData = (Hashtable)GridResp.Value;
Hashtable griddatahash = GridRespData;
@@ -109,18 +109,20 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
List neighbours = new List();
- foreach (ArrayList a in respData.Values)
+ foreach (ArrayList neighboursList in respData.Values)
- foreach (Hashtable n in a)
+ foreach (Hashtable neighbourData in neighboursList)
- uint regX = Convert.ToUInt32(n["x"]);
- uint regY = Convert.ToUInt32(n["y"]);
+ uint regX = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["x"]);
+ uint regY = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["y"]);
if ((regionInfo.RegionLocX != regX) || (regionInfo.RegionLocY != regY))
- string externalIpStr = OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util.GetHostFromDNS((string)n["sim_ip"]).ToString();
- uint port = Convert.ToUInt32(n["sim_port"]);
- string externalUri = (string)n["sim_uri"];
+ string simIp = (string)neighbourData["sim_ip"];
+ uint port = Convert.ToUInt32(neighbourData["sim_port"]);
+ string externalUri = (string)neighbourData["sim_uri"];
+ string externalIpStr = OpenSim.Framework.Utilities.Util.GetHostFromDNS(simIp).ToString();
IPEndPoint neighbourInternalEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(externalIpStr), (int)port);
string neighbourExternalUri = externalUri;
RegionInfo neighbour = new RegionInfo(regX, regY, neighbourInternalEndPoint, externalIpStr);
@@ -128,10 +130,10 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
//neighbour.RegionHandle = (ulong)n["regionhandle"]; is now calculated locally
- neighbour.RegionName = (string)n["name"];
+ neighbour.RegionName = (string)neighbourData["name"];
- neighbour.SimUUID = (string)n["uuid"];
+ neighbour.SimUUID = new LLUUID((string) neighbourData["uuid"]);
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1InventoryService.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1InventoryService.cs
index 9a113ff..45188c1 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1InventoryService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Communications/OGS1/OGS1InventoryService.cs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using libsecondlife;
using OpenSim.Framework.Communications;
using OpenSim.Framework.Data;
using InventoryFolder = OpenSim.Framework.Communications.Caches.InventoryFolder;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Communications.OGS1
public class OGS1InventoryService : IInventoryServices
cgit v1.1