From 1fa2d487aa89bea9cc5f03b6bb5ed88b319243c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sean Dague
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 21:09:38 +0000
Subject: Bit of refactoring of the sqlite storage code to build the data
definition in objects up front. This makes auto generating the sql
commands work a lot more reliably.
.../MonoSqliteDataStore.cs | 237 ++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 187 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Storage/OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite/MonoSqliteDataStore.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Storage/OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite/MonoSqliteDataStore.cs
index aa90eac..2d52a2a 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Storage/OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite/MonoSqliteDataStore.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Storage/OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqlite/MonoSqliteDataStore.cs
@@ -52,17 +52,16 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
// We fill the data set, now we've got copies in memory for the information
// TODO: see if the linkage actually holds.
// primDa.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "PrimSchema");
- try {
- primDa.Fill(ds, "prims");
- } catch (Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException) {
- InitDB(conn);
- primDa.Fill(ds, "prims");
- }
+ TestPrimsTable(conn);
+ ds.Tables.Add(createPrimTable());
+ DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
+ primDa.Fill(prims);
+ MainLog.Instance.Verbose(ds.GetXmlSchema());
shapeDa.Fill(ds, "primshapes");
- DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
prims.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { prims.Columns["UUID"] };
setupPrimCommands(primDa, conn);
@@ -85,18 +84,32 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
/// for us.
///a built sqlite parameter
- private SqliteParameter createSqliteParameter(string name, DbType type)
+ private SqliteParameter createSqliteParameter(string name, System.Type type)
SqliteParameter param = new SqliteParameter();
param.ParameterName = ":" + name;
- param.DbType = type;
+ param.DbType = dbtypeFromType(type);
param.SourceColumn = name;
param.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current;
return param;
+ private DbType dbtypeFromType(Type type)
+ {
+ if (type == typeof(System.String)) {
+ return DbType.String;
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Int32)) {
+ return DbType.Int32;
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Double)) {
+ return DbType.Double;
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Byte[])) {
+ return DbType.Binary;
+ } else {
+ return DbType.String;
+ }
+ }
- private SqliteCommand createInsertCommand(string table, Dictionary defs)
+ private SqliteCommand createInsertCommand(string table, DataTable dt)
* This is subtle enough to deserve some commentary.
@@ -107,8 +120,11 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
* front. If we just have a list of b, c, etc... we can
* generate these strings instead of typing them out.
- string[] cols = new string[defs.Keys.Count];
- defs.Keys.CopyTo(cols, 0);
+ string[] cols = new string[dt.Columns.Count];
+ for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) {
+ DataColumn col = dt.Columns[i];
+ cols[i] = col.ColumnName;
+ }
string sql = "insert into " + table + "(";
sql += String.Join(", ", cols);
@@ -120,24 +136,28 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
// this provides the binding for all our parameters, so
// much less code than it used to be
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in defs)
+ foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
- cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
+ cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType));
+ // foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in defs)
+ // {
+ // cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
+ // }
return cmd;
- private SqliteCommand createUpdateCommand(string table, string pk, Dictionary defs)
+ private SqliteCommand createUpdateCommand(string table, string pk, DataTable dt)
string sql = "update " + table + " set ";
string subsql = "";
- foreach (string key in defs.Keys)
+ foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
if (subsql.Length > 0)
{ // a map function would rock so much here
subsql += ", ";
- subsql += key + "= :" + key;
+ subsql += col.ColumnName + "= :" + col.ColumnName;
sql += subsql;
sql += " where " + pk;
@@ -145,41 +165,38 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
// this provides the binding for all our parameters, so
// much less code than it used to be
- foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in defs)
+ foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
- cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));
+ cmd.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter(col.ColumnName, col.DataType));
return cmd;
private void setupPrimCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
- Dictionary primDataDefs = createPrimDataDefs();
- da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("prims", primDataDefs);
+ da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("prims", ds.Tables["prims"]);
da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn;
- da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("prims", "UUID=:UUID", primDataDefs);
+ da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("prims", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["prims"]);
da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn;
SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from prims where UUID = :UUID");
- delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", DbType.String));
+ delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", typeof(System.String)));
delete.Connection = conn;
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
private void setupShapeCommands(SqliteDataAdapter da, SqliteConnection conn)
- Dictionary shapeDataDefs = createShapeDataDefs();
- da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primshapes", shapeDataDefs);
+ da.InsertCommand = createInsertCommand("primshapes", ds.Tables["primshapes"]);
da.InsertCommand.Connection = conn;
- da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primshapes", "UUID=:UUID", shapeDataDefs);
+ da.UpdateCommand = createUpdateCommand("primshapes", "UUID=:UUID", ds.Tables["primshapes"]);
da.UpdateCommand.Connection = conn;
SqliteCommand delete = new SqliteCommand("delete from primshapes where UUID = :UUID");
- delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", DbType.String));
+ delete.Parameters.Add(createSqliteParameter("UUID", typeof(System.String)));
delete.Connection = conn;
da.DeleteCommand = delete;
@@ -578,8 +595,8 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
private void InitDB(SqliteConnection conn)
- string createPrims = defineTable("prims", "UUID", createPrimDataDefs());
- string createShapes = defineTable("primshapes", "UUID", createShapeDataDefs());
+ string createPrims = defineTable(createPrimTable());
+ string createShapes = defineTable(createShapeTable());
SqliteCommand pcmd = new SqliteCommand(createPrims, conn);
SqliteCommand scmd = new SqliteCommand(createShapes, conn);
@@ -589,18 +606,18 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
- private string defineTable(string name, string primkey, Dictionary cols)
+ private string defineTable(DataTable dt)
- string sql = "create table " + name + "(";
+ string sql = "create table " + dt.TableName + "(";
string subsql = "";
- foreach (string key in cols.Keys)
+ foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
if (subsql.Length > 0)
{ // a map function would rock so much here
subsql += ",\n";
- subsql += key + " " + sqliteType(cols[key]);
- if(key == primkey)
+ subsql += col.ColumnName + " " + sqliteType(col.DataType);
+ if(col == dt.PrimaryKey[0])
subsql += " primary key";
@@ -610,29 +627,108 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
return sql;
- private string sqliteType(DbType type)
+ private string sqliteType(Type type)
- switch(type) {
- case DbType.String:
+ if (type == typeof(System.String)) {
return "varchar(255)";
- case DbType.Int32:
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Int32)) {
return "integer";
- case DbType.Double:
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Double)) {
return "float";
- case DbType.Binary:
+ } else if (type == typeof(System.Byte[])) {
return "blob";
- default:
- return "varchar(255)";
+ } else {
+ return "string";
+ private bool TestPrimsTable(SqliteConnection conn)
+ {
+ SqliteCommand primSelectCmd = new SqliteCommand(primSelect, conn);
+ SqliteDataAdapter da = new SqliteDataAdapter(primSelectCmd);
+ DataSet tmp = new DataSet();
+ try {
+ da.Fill(tmp, "prims");
+ } catch (Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException) {
+ MainLog.Instance.Verbose("SQLite Database does exist... creating");
+ InitDB(conn);
+ }
+ // Dictionary defs = createPrimDataDefs();
+ // // da.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Mapped, "prims");
+ da.Fill(tmp, "prims");
+ MainLog.Instance.Verbose("DATASTORE", "Filled prims...");
+ // DataTable prims = ds.Tables["prims"];
+ // foreach (DataColumn col in prims.Columns)
+ // {
+ // MainLog.Instance.Verbose("Found: " + col);
+ // }
+ // return true;
+ return true;
+ }
/// Methods after this point are big data definition
- /// methods, and aren't really interesting unless you are
+ /// methods, and aren't really interesting unless you are
/// adjusting the schema.
+ private void createCol(DataTable dt, string name, System.Type type)
+ {
+ DataColumn col = new DataColumn(name, type);
+ dt.Columns.Add(col);
+ }
+ private DataTable createPrimTable()
+ {
+ DataTable prims = new DataTable("prims");
+ createCol(prims, "UUID", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "ParentID", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "CreationDate", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "Name", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "SceneGroupID", typeof(System.String));
+ // various text fields
+ createCol(prims, "Text", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "Description", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "SitName", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "TouchName", typeof(System.String));
+ // permissions
+ createCol(prims, "CreatorID", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "OwnerID", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "GroupID", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "LastOwnerID", typeof(System.String));
+ createCol(prims, "OwnerMask", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "NextOwnerMask", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "GroupMask", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "EveryoneMask", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(prims, "BaseMask", typeof(System.Int32));
+ // vectors
+ createCol(prims, "PositionX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "PositionY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "PositionZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "GroupPositionX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "GroupPositionY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "GroupPositionZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "VelocityX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "VelocityY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "VelocityZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AngularVelocityZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AccelerationX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AccelerationY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "AccelerationZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ // quaternions
+ createCol(prims, "RotationX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "RotationY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "RotationZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(prims, "RotationW", typeof(System.Double));
+ // Add in contraints
+ prims.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { prims.Columns["UUID"] };
+ return prims;
+ }
private Dictionary createPrimDataDefs()
Dictionary data = new Dictionary();
@@ -680,6 +776,47 @@ namespace OpenSim.DataStore.MonoSqliteStorage
return data;
+ private DataTable createShapeTable()
+ {
+ DataTable shapes = new DataTable("primshapes");
+ createCol(shapes, "UUID", typeof(System.String));
+ // shape is an enum
+ createCol(shapes, "Shape", typeof(System.Int32));
+ // vectors
+ createCol(shapes, "ScaleX", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(shapes, "ScaleY", typeof(System.Double));
+ createCol(shapes, "ScaleZ", typeof(System.Double));
+ // paths
+ createCol(shapes, "PCode", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathBegin", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathEnd", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathScaleX", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathScaleY", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathShearX", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathShearY", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathSkew", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathCurve", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathRadiusOffset", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathRevolutions", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathTaperX", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathTaperY", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathTwist", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "PathTwistBegin", typeof(System.Int32));
+ // profile
+ createCol(shapes, "ProfileBegin", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "ProfileEnd", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "ProfileCurve", typeof(System.Int32));
+ createCol(shapes, "ProfileHollow", typeof(System.Int32));
+ // text TODO: this isn't right, but I'm not sure the right
+ // way to specify this as a blob atm
+ createCol(shapes, "Texture", typeof(System.Byte[]));
+ shapes.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { shapes.Columns["UUID"] };
+ return shapes;
+ }
private Dictionary createShapeDataDefs()
Dictionary data = new Dictionary();
cgit v1.1