path: root/libraries/ModifiedBulletX/ModifiedBulletX/Collision/CollisionDispatch/CollisionObject.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/ModifiedBulletX/ModifiedBulletX/Collision/CollisionDispatch/CollisionObject.cs')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/ModifiedBulletX/ModifiedBulletX/Collision/CollisionDispatch/CollisionObject.cs b/libraries/ModifiedBulletX/ModifiedBulletX/Collision/CollisionDispatch/CollisionObject.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9cf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ModifiedBulletX/ModifiedBulletX/Collision/CollisionDispatch/CollisionObject.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
2 Bullet for XNA Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Vsevolod Klementjev http://www.codeplex.com/xnadevru
3 Bullet original C++ version Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Erwin Coumans http://bulletphysics.com
5 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6 warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
7 arising from the use of this software.
9 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
10 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
11 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
14 claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
15 in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
16 appreciated but is not required.
17 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18 misrepresented as being the original software.
19 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
22using System;
23using System.Collections.Generic;
24using System.Text;
25using MonoXnaCompactMaths;
27namespace XnaDevRu.BulletX
29 public enum ActivationState
30 {
31 Nothing = 0,
32 Active,
33 IslandSleeping,
34 WantsDeactivation,
35 DisableDeactivation,
36 DisableSimulation,
37 }
39 public enum CollisionOptions
40 {
41 StaticObject = 1,
42 KinematicObject = 2,
43 NoContactResponse = 4,
44 CustomMaterialCallback = 8,//this allows per-triangle material (friction/restitution)
45 }
47 /// <summary>
48 /// btCollisionObject can be used to manage collision detection objects.
49 /// btCollisionObject maintains all information that is needed for a collision detection: Shape, Transform and AABB proxy.
50 /// They can be added to the btCollisionWorld.
51 /// </summary>
52 public class CollisionObject
53 {
54 protected Matrix _worldTransform;
55 private BroadphaseProxy _broadphase;
56 private CollisionShape _collisionShape;
58 //m_interpolationWorldTransform is used for CCD and interpolation
59 //it can be either previous or future (predicted) transform
60 private Matrix _interpolationWorldTransform;
62 private CollisionOptions _collisionFlags;
64 private int _islandTag;
65 private ActivationState _activationState;
66 private float _deactivationTime;
68 private float _friction;
69 private float _restitution;
71 //users can point to their objects, m_userPointer is not used by Bullet
72 private object _userData;
74 //m_internalOwner one is used by optional Bullet high level interface
75 private object _internalOwner;
77 //time of impact calculation
78 private float _hitFraction;
80 //Swept sphere radius (0.0 by default), see btConvexConvexAlgorithm::
81 private float _ccdSweptSphereRadius;
83 // Don't do continuous collision detection if square motion (in one step) is less then m_ccdSquareMotionTreshold
84 private float _ccdSquareMotionThreshold;
85 //those two are experimental: just added for bullet time effect, so you can still apply impulses (directly modifying velocities)
86 //without destroying the continuous interpolated motion (which uses this interpolation velocities)
87 private Vector3 _interpolationLinearVelocity;
88 private Vector3 _interpolationAngularVelocity;
90 private int _companionID;
92 public CollisionObject()
93 {
94 _activationState = ActivationState.Active;
95 _hitFraction = 1;
96 }
98 public bool IsStaticObject { get { return (_collisionFlags & CollisionOptions.StaticObject) != 0; } }
99 public bool IsKinematicObject { get { return (_collisionFlags & CollisionOptions.KinematicObject) != 0; } }
100 public bool IsStaticOrKinematicObject { get { return (_collisionFlags & (CollisionOptions.KinematicObject | CollisionOptions.StaticObject)) != 0; } }
102 public bool HasContactResponse { get { return (_collisionFlags & CollisionOptions.NoContactResponse) == 0; } }
103 public bool MergesSimulationIslands
104 {
105 get
106 {
107 //static objects, kinematic and object without contact response don't merge islands
108 return (_collisionFlags & (CollisionOptions.StaticObject | CollisionOptions.KinematicObject | CollisionOptions.NoContactResponse)) == 0;
109 }
110 }
112 public ActivationState ActivationState
113 {
114 get { return _activationState; }
115 set
116 {
117 if ((_activationState != ActivationState.DisableDeactivation) && (_activationState != ActivationState.DisableSimulation))
118 _activationState = value;
119 }
120 }
122 public bool IsActive { get { return ((ActivationState != ActivationState.IslandSleeping) && (ActivationState != ActivationState.DisableSimulation)); } }
123 public float Restitution { get { return _restitution; } set { _restitution = value; } }
124 public float Friction { get { return _friction; } set { _friction = value; } }
125 public CollisionShape CollisionShape { get { return _collisionShape; } set { _collisionShape = value; } }
126 public float DeactivationTime { get { return _deactivationTime; } set { _deactivationTime = value; } }
127 public object Owner { get { return _internalOwner; } protected set { _internalOwner = value; } }
128 public Matrix WorldTransform { get { return _worldTransform; } set { _worldTransform = value; } }
129 public BroadphaseProxy Broadphase { get { return _broadphase; } set { _broadphase = value; } }
130 public Matrix InterpolationWorldTransform { get { return _interpolationWorldTransform; } set { _interpolationWorldTransform = value; } }
131 public Vector3 InterpolationLinearVelocity { get { return _interpolationLinearVelocity; } protected set { _interpolationLinearVelocity = value; } }
132 public Vector3 InterpolationAngularVelocity { get { return _interpolationAngularVelocity; } protected set { _interpolationAngularVelocity = value; } }
133 public int IslandTag { get { return _islandTag; } set { _islandTag = value; } }
134 public float HitFraction { get { return _hitFraction; } set { _hitFraction = value; } }
135 public CollisionOptions CollisionFlags { get { return _collisionFlags; } set { _collisionFlags = value; } }
136 //Swept sphere radius (0.0 by default), see btConvexConvexAlgorithm
137 public float CcdSweptSphereRadius { get { return _ccdSweptSphereRadius; } set { _ccdSweptSphereRadius = value; } }
138 // Don't do continuous collision detection if square motion (in one step) is less then m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold
139 public float CcdSquareMotionThreshold { get { return _ccdSquareMotionThreshold; } set { _ccdSquareMotionThreshold = value; } }
140 //users can point to their objects, userPointer is not used by Bullet
141 public object UserData { get { return _userData; } set { _userData = value; } }
142 public int CompanionID { get { return _companionID; } set { _companionID = value; } }
144 public void ForceActivationState(ActivationState newState)
145 {
146 _activationState = newState;
147 }
149 public void Activate()
150 {
151 Activate(false);
152 }
154 public void Activate(bool forceActivation)
155 {
156 if (forceActivation || (_collisionFlags & (CollisionOptions.StaticObject | CollisionOptions.KinematicObject)) == 0)
157 {
158 ActivationState = ActivationState.Active;
159 _deactivationTime = 0;
160 }
161 }
162 }