path: root/addon-modules/OpenSimSearch/README
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1OpenSimSearch add-on module for Open Simulator
5The webserver needs PHP support with support for CURL and XMLRPC.
6NOTE: Not all webservers may have CURL and XMLRPC support for PHP.
9About the files
11README - The file you are currently reading
13bin/OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll - A pre-compiled module you can use
15OpenSimSearch/ - Source code for OpenSim search module
17webroot/*.php - Files to install on webserver
19webroot/sql/ossearch.sql - This will create the needed database tables
20webroot/sql/update-*.sql - Files used to update an older installation
22webroot/wiredux/ - Files to add to an installation of wiredux
25How it works
27If you are looking for a detailed explanation of how the add-on search system
28works you should study the contents of the files which accompany this README
29file. What follows is a general overview of the search package to give you an
30idea of how the pieces fit together in case you have any problems.
32There are three main components to OpenSimSearch which are a database, a DLL
33file, and several PHP files.
35Most of the tables in the search database contain details on items which can
36appear in the results of a search. The exception is the hostsregister table.
37The hostsregister table contains the list of OpenSim instances which will be
38checked periodically for information about searchable items.
40When an OpenSim instance starts it accesses the register.php script (using the
41URL of the data_services entry in OpenSim.ini) to record the host address and
42port of the instance in the hostsregister table of the database. The host and
43port entries are used by parser.php to retrieve the data to be indexed from
44the running instances.
46Take note of the last part of the previous paragraph where it stated that
47parser.php is used to index the data from an OpenSim instance and not from a
48region. The parser retrieves data from an OpenSim instance. If the instance
49is running a single region the data for a single region will be updated. If
50the instance is running multiple regions the data for all regions hosted by
51that instance will be indexed.
53OpenSim instances use the data snapshot module to create an XML based record
54of all searchable items in the regions they host. The XML record is retrieved
55by parser.php using a URL created from the host, port and the query string
56"?method=collector" (eg. The
57parser.php file will get one host/port pair from the hostregister table each
58time it is called. It will parse the XML data from the OpenSim instance and
59save the data to the various tables of the search database.
61The query.php file is the heart of the search process. It receives an XML
62message from the DLL based on the search request originating in a viewer.
63The XML message is parsed to determine the type of search being performed,
64SQL queries are built and executed to retrieve the data from the database
65tables, and finally, the results are sent to the DLL file as an XML message
66for any final processing before being passed along to the viewer for display.
69Before you begin
71In the information that follows there are references to settings to be made
72in the OpenSim.ini files. As of the release of the 0.7 version of OpenSim
73some of the settings may no longer be in the OpenSim.ini file but may be
74found in the OpenSimDefault.ini file. If a section of the OpenSim.ini file
75mentioned in the information which follows doesn't exist in your copy of
76the file, you will either need to add the section and settings to the main
77OpenSim.ini file or make the changes to the OpenSimDefaults.ini file.
80Compiling the module
82Adding the OpenSimSearch C# source file to the source tree of OpenSim so it
83will be compiled at the same time as OpenSim is compiled is the easiest way
84to create to the DLL file needed by OpenSim.
86Copy the OpenSimSearch directory in to the addon-modules directory of your
87OpenSim source tree. After you have done that, compile OpenSim in the usual
88way (runprebuild and nant) to create the DLL file. When nant finishes, you
89will have an OpenSimSearch.Modules.dll file in the main bin directory of
90your OpenSim source tree along with a matching .pdb (or .mdb) file. These
91two files will be copied to the bin directory of your OpenSim instances
92during the installation or update steps.
95First time installation
97The first installation step is the creation of a database that will hold
98the data to be searched. If you have already installed the add-on module
99osprofile you should use the same database as osprofile as it shares some
100tables in common with ossearch. If you don't have osprofile installed you
101will need to create a new database that will hold the search tables. Having
102decided on the database to be used, use ossearch.sql (located in the
103webroot/sql directory) to create the required tables in the database. The
104name of this database will be needed when configuring one of the PHP files
105in the next steps.
107Copy the PHP files (located in the webroot directory) to your webserver.
108Remember to set the permissions on the file so the webserver may access the
109files. Use a text editor to open databaseinfo.php and enter the name or IP
110address of the database server, the name of the database, and the user name
111and password required to access the database.
113The next part of the installation process is to set up and configure your
114OpenSim instances.
116Copy the two OpenSimSearch.Modules files created during the compile steps
117(above) in to the bin directory of each of your OpenSim instances. The next
118part of the installation process requires some changes to the OpenSim.ini in
119all of your OpenSim instances.
121Add the following lines to all OpenSim.ini files:
123 [Search]
124 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
125 ;// The SearchURL is important. It must be correct or search won't work. //
126 ;// //
127 ;// Change the URL to point to the query.php file on your own HTTP server //
128 ;SearchURL =
129 ;// //
130 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
132NOTE: You do not need to indent the above lines when adding them to your own
133OpenSim.ini files. The lines were indented to offset them from the rest of the
134text in this file.
136Uncomment and edit the SearchURL line so it contains the correct address for
137the webserver and needed path to where the query.php file was installed on
138your webserver.
140To allow the Teleport and Show on Map buttons to work properly (for search
141results containing locations) the following two lines must be added to the
142[Modules] section of the OpenSim.ini file:
144 LandServices = "RemoteLandServicesConnector"
145 LandServiceInConnector = "true"
147The last changes to be made to the OpenSim.ini file are in the [DataSnapshot]
148section. Change index_sims to true. You can have data_exposure set to all but
149it is better to leave it on minimum so users can control what items can appear
150in search results by using the "Show In Search" checkboxes. You can leave
151default_snapshot_period commented out or you can uncomment it and set it to
152whatever value you wish. The section on optimizing the configuration will
153help you to decide an appropriate value for this setting.
155The last change for OpenSim.ini is the setting for data_services. This line
156must be uncommented and contain a valid URL for your webserver and the path
157to the register.php file which you installed earlier. If you do not enter a
158valid URL the OS instance will not get listed in the hostsregister table and
159search data for the regions hosted by the OS instance will not be recorded or
160updated. After entering the URL, exit and save the updated OpenSim.ini file.
163Updating an existing installation
165Updating an existing installation of ossearch is just a matter of copying a
166few files to the same places where you had previously installed the files.
168Copy all of the PHP files (located in the webroot directory) EXCEPT for
169databaseinfo.php to the directory on your webserver where you place the
170previous copies. If you also copy databaseinfo.php when copying the other
171PHP files you will have to edit databaseinfo.php and reset the information
172used to connect to the database.
174Copy the two OpenSimSearch.Modules files created during compilation to the
175bin directory of each of your OpenSim instances.
177Finally, execute all of the SQL files located in the webroot/sql directory
178where the filenames start with "update-". This step is very important to
179make certain your database tables are up-to-date.
184With everything in place, the next step is to set up a task on your webserver
185(or some other machine) which will invoke the URL to the parser.php file on
186your webserver on a regular basis to ensure the contents of the database are
187kept up-to-date. For a machine running Linux you can set up a cron job. For
188a machine running Windows you can use Windows Scheduler.
190See the section on optimizing the configuration to help you decide how often
191the parser.php should be run.
194Optimizing the configuration
196When you change what items are to be found in search by clicking the checkbox
197"Show In Search" or by removing an item that was set to show in search results
198there is a delay before the change is reflected in the database tables. There
199are four main factors that affect the length of this delay. They are: the
200number of OpenSim instances, the value of default_snapshot_period used by the
201DataSnapshot module, the time between calls to parser.php, and the number of
202OpenSim instances processed each time parser.php is run. You can't easily
203control the number of instances but you can control the other factors.
205To explain how the factors affect the delay take a grid with 100 regions. If
206you have one region per instance you have 100 instances. Using the default
207settings and calling parser once an hour it would take 100 hours, or more than
208four days, for changes to appear in search results. A more realistic setup is
209one where you have an average of 4 regions run by each OpenSim instance. This
210reduces the delay to 25 hours. This is a rather long delay for a relatively
211small number of regions and instances. The delay can be reduced substantially.
213A simple way to reduce the delay is to run parser.php more frequently. If
214parser.php is run once every 15 minutes instead of once an hour (60 minutes)
215the delay is reduced by a factor of 4 from 25 hours to 6.25 hours. Much better
216but still a long delay. The delay can be reduced even further but to do so
217requires a change to the parser.php file.
219Near the end of the parser.php file is a SQL query that ends with "LIMIT 0,1".
220It is the value "1" which is important. That value limits the number of OS
221instances that will be processed each time parser.php is run. If the value is
222changed from 1 to 3 then three OS instances will be processed on each run of
223the parser.php file. This reduces the delay by a factor of 3 to just over
2242 hours. This is a much better delay than the original value of 25 hours.
226For those of you who like math, the amount of delay can be expressed using
227the following simple formula:
228 delay = # instances * time between runs of parser / limit value in parser
230Three factors affecting the delay have been discussed but earlier it was
231stated that there are four factors. The fourth factor is the value of
232default_snapshot_period value located in the [DataSnapshot] section of the
233OpenSim.ini file. This setting is specified in seconds and controls how often
234the data used by parser.php will be updated. This setting doesn't have any
235direct impact on the delay between updates of the database but if it is set
236incorrecty it can efffectively increase the delay between database updates.
238The example grid setup discussed earlier was adjusted to reduce the update
239delay to just over 2 hours (2 hours and 5 minutes to be more precise). If the
240value of default_snapshot_period is set to a value slightly greater than the
241calculated delay it would be possible for parser.php to be called twice before
242the data it retrieves would have been updated. This would turn a delay of two
243hours into a delay of four hours. The proper setting is one that is *less*
244than the delay calculated from the other three factors discussed earlier.
246Given a delay of just over 2 hours, a good value for default_snapshot_period
247would be 7200 (2 hours expressed in seconds). By keeping the value of this
248setting close to, but less than, the delay between when parser.php is used
249to get the data for an instance will minimize any overhead imposed on the
250OpenSim instance when it creates the snapshot of searchable items while, at
251the same time, ensures the data will have been updated by the next time the
252parser.php is run to update the database.
254A final comment about the setting for the time between runs of parser.php and
255the value in the limit statement in that file. Avoid running parser.php too
256frequently or setting the value in the LIMIT statement too high. Doing either
257can cause unnecessary overhead or high loads on the webserver used to run
258parser.php, or on the database server while it updates all the tables with
259the latest information from the OpenSim instances.
262Additional Information
264A few words about event listings and the events database table.
265Support is included for events but the event listings need to be created
266using an external webpage.
268The category for an event is stored as a number. The numbers for the
269categories are as follows:
2700 - Any (NOTE: Event information will show "*Unspecified*")
27118- Discussion
27219- Sports
27320- Live Music
27422- Commercial
27523- Nightlife/Entertainment
27624- Games/Contests
27725- Pageants
27826- Education
27927- Arts and Culture
28028- Charity/Support Groups
28129- Miscellaneous
283The dateUTC field is a timestamp for the event in UTC time.
285The covercharge field is a boolean. Set it to 0 if there is no cover charge
286for the event. When covercharge is not 0, the amount is in the coveramount
287field. (It seems silly to require the boolean but this has been left in to
288avoid any compatability issues.)
290The globalPos field is the location of the event as a global grid coordinate.
291The format is "x/y/z". where x and y are the grid X and Y positions (times
292256) plus the x and y offset within the region named by the simname field.
294The eventflags field is 0 for a PG event, 1 for Mature, and 2 for Adult.