/* sledjchisl.c - opensim-SC management system. * * Copyright 2020 David Seikel * Not in SUSv4. An entirely new invention, thus no web site either. * * Not using the usual taybox args system, coz it's not working as advertised. USE_SLEDJCHISL(NEWTOY(sledjchisl, "qa", TOYFLAG_USR|TOYFLAG_BIN)) config SLEDJCHISL bool "sledjchisl" default y help usage: sledjchisl [-q] [-a] [mode [arguments]] opensim-SC management system. Mode selects what sledjchisl will do - create "Sim Name" x,y size will create a sim. start start -q start sim01 start "Welcome sim" Will start a sim or everything. -q when starting everything wont show the tmux console. backup backup "Joan Smith" backup sim01 backup "Welcome sim" Will backup sim or everything. gitar i "Joan Smith" gitar o sim01 gitar o "Welcome sim" restart restart sim01 restart "Welcome sim" Will stop then start a sim, or everything. status status sim01 status "Welcome sim" Will show status of a sim, or everything. stop stop -a stop sim01 stop "Welcome sim" Will stop a sim, or everything. -a when stopping everything will close down all tmux windows and panes. */ /* configs/sim01 - backup-sim start-sim stop-sim Currently they are all links to ../../current/scripts/start-sim, they should be links to ../../current/bin/sledjchisl, which itself is a link to ../src/build/toybox/generated/unstripped/toybox or ../src/build/toybox/toybox */ // TODO - figure out how to automate testing of this. // Being all interactive and involving external web servers / viewers makes it hard. // TODO - do all the setup on first run, and check if needed on each start up, to be self healing. // TODO - pepper could be entered on the console on startup if it's not defined, as a master password sort of thing. // I'd go as far as protecting the database credentials that way, but legacy OpenSim needs it unprotected. // Also keep in mind, people want autostart of their services without having to enter passwords on each boot. // TODO - once it is event driven, periodically run things like session clean ups, self healing, and the secure.sh thing. // And backups off course. // As well as regular database pings to keep the connection open. #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else extern char **environ; #endif // Don't overide standard stdio stuff. #define NO_FCGI_DEFINES #include #undef NO_FCGI_DEFINES //#include "fcgiapp.h" #include #include #include #include // lua.h has LUA_T* NONE, NIL, BOOLEAN, LIGHTUSERDATA, NUMBER, STRING, TABLE, FUNCTION, USERDATA, THREAD as defines, -1 - 8. // These are the missing ones. Then later we will have prim, mesh, script, sound, terrain, ... #define LUA_TGROUP 42 #define LUA_TINTEGER 43 #define LUA_TEMAIL 44 #define LUA_TPASSWORD 45 #define LUA_TFILE 46 #define LUA_TIMAGE 47 #include "lib/fcgi_SC.h" #include "lib/handlekeys.h" // Both my_config.h and fcgi_config.h define the same PACKAGE* variables, which we don't use anyway, // I deal with that by using a sed invokation when building fcgi2. // https://mariadb.com/kb/en/about-mariadb-connector-c/ Official docs. // http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/c-api-function-overview.html MySQL docs. // http://zetcode.com/db/mysqlc/ MySQL tutorial. //#include #include #include #include // TODO - I should probably replace openSSL with something else. Only using it for the hash functions, and apparently it's got a bit of a bad rep. // qLibc optionally uses openSSL for it's HTTP client stuff. #include #include #include "openssl/hmac.h" #include // Toybox's strend overrides another strend that causes MariaDB library to crash. Renaming it to tb_strend helps. // I deal with that by using a sed invokation when building toybox. #include "toys.h" typedef enum { CREATE = 0, START = 1, BACKUP = 2, GITAR = 3, RESTART = 4, STATUS = 5, STOP = 9 } modes; modes currentMode = START; // Duplicate some small amount of code from qLibc, coz /, + and, = are not good choices, and the standard says we can pick those. /** * Encode data using BASE64 algorithm. * * @param bin a pointer of input data. * @param size the length of input data. * * @return a malloced string pointer of BASE64 encoded string in case of * successful, otherwise returns NULL * * @code * const char *text = "hello world"; * * char *encstr = qB64_encode(text, strlen(text)); * if(encstr == NULL) return -1; * * printf("Original: %s\n", text); * printf("Encoded : %s\n", encstr); * * size_t decsize = qB64_decode(encstr); * * printf("Decoded : %s (%zu bytes)\n", encstr, decsize); * free(encstr); * * --[output]-- * Original: hello world * Encoded: aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ= * Decoded: hello world (11 bytes) * @endcode */ char *qB64_encode(const void *bin, size_t size) { const char B64CHARTBL[64] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P', // 00-0F 'Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f', // 10-1F 'g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v', // 20-2F 'w','x','y','z','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','+','/' // 30-3F }; if (size == 0) { return strdup(""); } // malloc for encoded string char *pszB64 = (char *) malloc( 4 * ((size / 3) + ((size % 3 == 0) ? 0 : 1)) + 1); if (pszB64 == NULL) { return NULL; } char *pszB64Pt = pszB64; unsigned char *pBinPt, *pBinEnd = (unsigned char *) (bin + size - 1); unsigned char szIn[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int nOffset; for (pBinPt = (unsigned char *) bin, nOffset = 0; pBinPt <= pBinEnd; pBinPt++, nOffset++) { int nIdxOfThree = nOffset % 3; szIn[nIdxOfThree] = *pBinPt; if (nIdxOfThree < 2 && pBinPt < pBinEnd) continue; *pszB64Pt++ = B64CHARTBL[((szIn[0] & 0xFC) >> 2)]; *pszB64Pt++ = B64CHARTBL[(((szIn[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((szIn[1] & 0xF0) >> 4))]; *pszB64Pt++ = (nIdxOfThree >= 1) ? B64CHARTBL[(((szIn[1] & 0x0F) << 2) | ((szIn[2] & 0xC0) >> 6))] : '='; *pszB64Pt++ = (nIdxOfThree >= 2) ? B64CHARTBL[(szIn[2] & 0x3F)] : '='; memset((void *) szIn, 0, sizeof(szIn)); } *pszB64Pt = '\0'; pszB64 = qstrreplace("tr", pszB64, "+", "~"); pszB64 = qstrreplace("tr", pszB64, "/", "_"); pszB64 = qstrreplace("tr", pszB64, "=", "^"); return pszB64; } /** * Decode BASE64 encoded string. * * @param str a pointer of Base64 encoded string. * * @return the length of bytes stored in the str memory in case of successful, * otherwise returns NULL * * @note * This modify str directly. And the 'str' is always terminated by NULL * character. */ size_t qB64_decode(char *str) { const char B64MAPTBL[16 * 16] = { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 00-0F 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 10-1F 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 62, 64, 64, 64, 63, // 20-2F 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 30-3F 64, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, // 40-4F 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 50-5F 64, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, // 60-6F 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 70-7F 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 80-8F 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // 90-9F 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // A0-AF 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // B0-BF 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // C0-CF 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // D0-DF 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, // E0-EF 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 // F0-FF }; str = qstrreplace("tr", str, "~", "+"); str = qstrreplace("tr", str, "_", "/"); str = qstrreplace("tr", str, "^", "="); char *pEncPt, *pBinPt = str; int nIdxOfFour = 0; char cLastByte = 0; for (pEncPt = str; *pEncPt != '\0'; pEncPt++) { char cByte = B64MAPTBL[(unsigned char) (*pEncPt)]; if (cByte == 64) continue; if (nIdxOfFour == 0) { nIdxOfFour++; } else if (nIdxOfFour == 1) { // 00876543 0021???? //*pBinPt++ = ( ((cLastByte << 2) & 0xFC) | ((cByte >> 4) & 0x03) ); *pBinPt++ = ((cLastByte << 2) | (cByte >> 4)); nIdxOfFour++; } else if (nIdxOfFour == 2) { // 00??8765 004321?? //*pBinPt++ = ( ((cLastByte << 4) & 0xF0) | ((cByte >> 2) & 0x0F) ); *pBinPt++ = ((cLastByte << 4) | (cByte >> 2)); nIdxOfFour++; } else { // 00????87 00654321 //*pBinPt++ = ( ((cLastByte << 6) & 0xC0) | (cByte & 0x3F) ); *pBinPt++ = ((cLastByte << 6) | cByte); nIdxOfFour = 0; } cLastByte = cByte; } *pBinPt = '\0'; return (pBinPt - str); } // Duplicate some small amount of code from toys/pending/sh.c // TODO - to be really useful I need to return the output. int runToy(char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; struct toy_list *tl; struct toy_context temp; sigjmp_buf rebound; if ((tl = toy_find(argv[0])) )//&& (tl->flags & (TOYFLAG_NOFORK|TOYFLAG_MAYFORK))) { // This fakes lots of what toybox_main() does. memcpy(&temp, &toys, sizeof(struct toy_context)); memset(&toys, 0, sizeof(struct toy_context)); if (!sigsetjmp(rebound, 1)) { toys.rebound = &rebound; toy_init(tl, argv); // argv must be null terminated tl->toy_main(); xflush(0); } ret = toys.exitval; if (toys.optargs != toys.argv+1) free(toys.optargs); if (toys.old_umask) umask(toys.old_umask); memcpy(&toys, &temp, sizeof(struct toy_context)); } return ret; } #undef FALSE #undef TRUE #ifndef FALSE // NEVER change this, true and false work to. typedef enum { FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1 } boolean; #endif // Silly "man getrandom" is bullshitting. // Note - this is Linux specific, it's calling a Linux kernel function. // Remove this when we have a real getrandom(), and replace it with - //#include #include #include ssize_t getrandom(void *b, size_t l, unsigned int f) { return (int) syscall(SYS_getrandom, b, l, f); } typedef struct _gridStats gridStats; struct _gridStats { float next; struct timeval last; qhashtbl_t *stats; }; typedef struct _HTMLfile HTMLfile; struct _HTMLfile { struct timespec last; qlist_t *fragments; }; qhashtbl_t *HTMLfileCache = NULL; typedef struct _reqData reqData; typedef void *(*pageFunction) (char *file, reqData *Rd, HTMLfile *thisFile); typedef struct _dynPage dynPage; struct _dynPage { char *name; pageFunction func; }; qhashtbl_t *dynPages; static void newDynPage(char *name, pageFunction func) { dynPage *dp = xmalloc(sizeof(dynPage)); dp->name = name; dp->func = func; dynPages->put(dynPages, dp->name, dp, sizeof(dynPage)); free(dp); } #define HMACSIZE EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 2 #define HMACSIZE64 88 // Session details about the logged in web user. A sorta state machine. Ish. enum reqSessionStatus // Status of the session. Refresh and wipe / nuke -> delete the old session file first. { SHS_UNKNOWN = 0, // Haven't looked at the session yet. -> validate it SHS_NONE, // No session at all. -> logout SHS_BOGUS, // Looked at the session, it's bogus. -> nuke and logout SHS_PROBLEM, // Some other problem with the session. -> nuke and logout SHS_VALID, // Session is valid. -> continue SHS_LOGIN, // User has just logged in, add UUID to session. -> wipe, add UUID SHS_RENEW, // Refresh the session based on timer. -> continue SHS_REFRESH, // Refresh the session for other reason. -> continue SHS_IDLE, // Session has been idle too long. -> relogin SHS_ANCIENT, // Session is way too old. -> nuke and logout SHS_SECURITY, // High security task needs users name & password. -> SHS_RELOGIN, // Ask user to login again. -> SHS_KEEP, // Keep the session. -> continue SHS_WIPE, // Wipe the session, use users UUID. -> continue SHS_NUKE // Wipe the session, no UUID. -> logout }; typedef struct _sesh sesh; struct _sesh { char salt[256 + 1], seshID[256 + 1], sesh[256 + 16 + 10 + 1], munchie[HMACSIZE + 16 + 10 + 1], toke_n_munchie[HMACSIZE + 1], hashish[HMACSIZE + 1], leaf[HMACSIZE64 + 6 + 1], *UUID, *name; struct timespec timeStamp[2]; short level; enum reqSessionStatus status; boolean isLinky; }; // Details about the current web request. struct _reqData { lua_State *L; qhashtbl_t *configs, *queries, *body, *cookies, *headers, *valid, *stuff, *database, *Rcookies, *Rheaders; char *Scheme, *Host, *Method, *Script, *Path, *RUri, *doit, *form, *output, *outQuery; sesh shs, *lnk; gridStats *stats; qlist_t *errors, *messages; qgrow_t *reply; struct timespec then; boolean fromDb; }; static void showSesh(qgrow_t *reply, sesh *shs) { if (shs->isLinky) reply->addstrf(reply, "Linky:
    reply->addstrf(reply, "Session:

  if (NULL != shs->name)
    reply->addstrf(reply, "   name = %s\n", shs->name);
  if (NULL != shs->UUID)
    reply->addstrf(reply, "   UUID = %s\n", shs->UUID);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   salt = %s\n", shs->salt);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   seshID = %s\n", shs->seshID);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   timeStamp = %ld.%ld\n", shs->timeStamp[1].tv_sec, shs->timeStamp[1].tv_nsec);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   sesh = %s\n", shs->sesh);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   munchie = %s\n", shs->munchie);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   toke_n_munchie = %s\n", shs->toke_n_munchie);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   hashish = %s\n", shs->hashish);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   leaf = %s\n", shs->leaf);
  reply->addstrf(reply,   "   level = %d\n", (int) shs->level);
  reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); } char toybuf[4096]; lua_State *L; qhashtbl_t *configs; MYSQL *database, *dbconn; unsigned int dbTimeout; struct timespec dbLast; my_bool dbReconnect; gridStats *stats; boolean isTmux = 0; boolean isWeb = 0; char *pwd = ""; char *scRoot = "/opt/opensim_SC"; char *scUser = "opensimsc"; char *scBin = ""; char *scEtc = ""; char *scLib = ""; char *scRun = ""; char *scBackup = ""; char *scCache = ""; char *scData = ""; char *scLog = ""; char *scTemp = ""; char *Tconsole = "SledjChisl"; char *Tsocket = "opensim-tmux.socket"; char *Ttab = "SC"; char *Tcmd = "tmux -S"; char *backupIARsim = "Sandbox"; char *webRoot = "/var/www/html"; char *URL = "fcgi-bin/sledjchisl.fcgi"; char *ToS = "Be good."; char *webIframers = ""; int seshRenew = 10 * 60; int idleTimeOut = 30 * 60; int seshTimeOut = 24 * 60 * 60; int newbieTimeOut = 30; float loadAverageInc = 0.7; int simTimeOut = 45; int bulkSims = 0; boolean DEBUG = FALSE; boolean VERBOSE = TRUE; qhashtbl_t *mimeTypes; qlist_t *dbRequests; // TODO - log to file. The problem is we don't know where to log until after we have loaded the configs, and before that we are spewing log messages. // Now that we are using spawn-fcgi, all the logs are going to STDERR, which we can capture and write to a file. // Unfortunately spawn-fcgi in deamon mode sends all the output to /dev/null or something. // A better idea, when we spawn tmux or spawn-fcgi, capture STDERR, full log everything to that, filtered log to the tmux console (STDOUT). // Then we can use STDOUT / STDIN to run the console stuff. // TODO - escape anything that will turn the console into garbage. // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4842424/list-of-ansi-color-escape-sequences char *logTypes[] = { "91;1;4", "CRITICAL", // red underlined "31", "ERROR", // dark red "93", "WARNING", // yellow "36", "TIMEOUT", // cyan "97;40", "INFO", // white "92;40", "VERBOSE", // green "90", "DEBUG", // grey // UNKNOWN? FATAL? SILENT? All from Android apparently. "35", "debug", // magenta "34", "timeout", // blue }; #define DATE_TIME_LEN 42 void logMe(int v, char *format, ...) { va_list va, va2; int len; char *ret; struct timeval tv; time_t curtime; char date[DATE_TIME_LEN]; if ((!VERBOSE) && (4 < v)) return; if ((!DEBUG) && (5 < v)) return; va_start(va, format); va_copy(va2, va); // How long is it? len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, va); len++; va_end(va); // Allocate and do the sprintf() ret = xmalloc(len); vsnprintf(ret, len, format, va2); va_end(va2); gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); curtime = tv.tv_sec; strftime(date, DATE_TIME_LEN, "(%Z %z) %F %T", localtime(&curtime)); v *= 2; fprintf(stderr, "%s.%.6ld \e[%sm%-8s sledjchisl: %s\e[0m\n", date, tv.tv_usec, logTypes[v], logTypes[v + 1], ret); free(ret); } #define C(...) logMe(0, __VA_ARGS__) #define E(...) logMe(1, __VA_ARGS__) #define W(...) logMe(2, __VA_ARGS__) #define T(...) logMe(3, __VA_ARGS__) #define I(...) logMe(4, __VA_ARGS__) #define V(...) logMe(5, __VA_ARGS__) #define D(...) logMe(6, __VA_ARGS__) #define d(...) logMe(7, __VA_ARGS__) #define t(...) logMe(8, __VA_ARGS__) static void addStrL(qlist_t *list, char *s) { list->addlast(list, s, strlen(s) + 1); } static char *getStrH(qhashtbl_t *hash, char *key) { char *ret = "", *t; t = hash->getstr(hash, key, false); if (NULL != t) ret = t; return ret; } static void bitch(reqData *Rd, char *message, char *log) { addStrL(Rd->errors, message); E("%s %s %s - %s %s", getStrH(Rd->headers, "REMOTE_ADDR"), Rd->shs.UUID, Rd->shs.name, message, log); } /* "A token cookie that references a non-existent session, its value should be replaced immediately to prevent session fixation." https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/Session_fixation Which describes the problem, but offers no solution. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/549/the-definitive-guide-to-form-based-website-authentication?rq=1. I think this means send a new cookie. I clear out the cookies and send blank ones with -1 maxAge, so they should get deleted. */ static void bitchSession(reqData *Rd, char *message, char *log) { if ('\0' != message[0]) addStrL(Rd->errors, message); C("%s %s %s - %s %s", getStrH(Rd->headers, "REMOTE_ADDR"), Rd->shs.UUID, Rd->shs.name, message, log); Rd->shs.status = SHS_BOGUS; } char *myHMAC(char *in, boolean b64) { EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); // Gets renamed to EVP_MD_CTX_new() in later versions. unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int md_len; EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, EVP_sha512(), NULL); // EVP_sha3_512() isn't available until later versions. EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, in, strlen(in)); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, md_value, &md_len); EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx); // Gets renamed to EVP_MD_CTX_free() in later versions. if (b64) return qB64_encode(md_value, md_len); else return qhex_encode(md_value, md_len); } char *myHMACkey(char *key, char *in, boolean b64) { unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int md_len; unsigned char* digest = HMAC(EVP_sha512(), key, strlen(key), (unsigned char *) in, strlen(in), md_value, &md_len); if (b64) return qB64_encode(md_value, md_len); else return qhex_encode(md_value, md_len); } // In Lua 5.0 reference manual is a table traversal example at page 29. void PrintTable(lua_State *L) { lua_pushnil(L); while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { // Numbers can convert to strings, so check for numbers before checking for strings. if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) printf("%s = %f\n", lua_tostring(L, -2), lua_tonumber(L, -1)); else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) printf("%s = '%s'\n", lua_tostring(L, -2), lua_tostring(L, -1)); else if (lua_istable(L, -1)) PrintTable(L); lua_pop(L, 1); } } typedef struct _qLua qLua; struct _qLua { int type; union { boolean b; int i; float f; char *s; qtreetbl_t *t; } v; }; qLua *qLuaGet(qtreetbl_t *tree, char *key) { return (qLua *) tree->get(tree, key, NULL, false); } void dumpLuaTree(qtreetbl_t *tree, char *name, int depth) { qtreetbl_obj_t obj0; if (0 == depth) fprintf(stderr, "DUMP Lua table %s -\n%s =\n{\n", name, name); else fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] =\n%*s{\n", depth * 2, "", name, depth * 2, ""); memset((void*)&obj0, 0, sizeof(obj0)); // must be cleared before call tree->lock(tree); // lock it when thread condition is expected while(tree->getnext(tree, &obj0, false) == true) { qLua *q0 = obj0.data; switch (q0->type) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN : {fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] = %d,\n", (depth + 1) * 2, "", obj0.name, q0->v.b); break;} case LUA_TINTEGER : {fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] = %d,\n", (depth + 1) * 2, "", obj0.name, q0->v.i); break;} case LUA_TNUMBER : {fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] = %f,\n", (depth + 1) * 2, "", obj0.name, q0->v.f); break;} case LUA_TSTRING : {fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] = %s,\n", (depth + 1) * 2, "", obj0.name, q0->v.s); break;} case LUA_TTABLE : {dumpLuaTree(q0->v.t, obj0.name, depth + 1); break;} default : {fprintf(stderr, "%*s[%s] ? %s,\n", (depth + 1) * 2, "", obj0.name, q0->v.s); break;} } } tree->unlock(tree); fprintf(stderr, "%*s},\n", depth * 2, ""); } qtreetbl_t *lua2tree() { qtreetbl_t *ret = qtreetbl(0); if (NULL != ret) { qLua q; lua_pushnil(L); // +1 nil, first key while(lua_next(L, -2) != 0) // -1 key, +2 next key, value (or 0 if nothing left in table) { // stack now contains: -1 => value; -2 => key; -3 => table // copy the key so that lua_tostring does not modify the original lua_pushvalue(L, -2); // stack now contains: -1 => key; -2 => value; -3 => key; -4 => table char *n = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -1); // 0, modifies key copy int t = lua_type(L, -3); // Correct the sort order. Assuming we will never have more than 999,999 sims. Think that's a safe assumption. /* https://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2021/07/opensim-land-growth/ "Total area increased by the equivalent of 2,252 standard regions, for a new record high of 103,625 regions. That’s nearly four times the area of Second Life," */ if ((LUA_TINTEGER == t) || (LUA_TNUMBER == t)) { char *tmp = xmprintf("%6s", n); n = tmp; } q.type = lua_type(L, -2); // 0 switch(q.type) { case LUA_TBOOLEAN : {q.v.b = lua_toboolean(L, -2); break;} case LUA_TINTEGER : {q.v.i = lua_tointeger(L, -2); break;} case LUA_TNUMBER : {q.v.f = lua_tonumber(L, -2); break;} case LUA_TSTRING : {q.v.s = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -2); break;} case LUA_TTABLE : {lua_pushvalue(L, -2); q.v.t = lua2tree(); lua_pop(L, 1); break;} default : { q.v.s = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -2); // 0 E("Unknown Lua variable type for %s = %s is %d", n, q.v.s, q.type); break; } } ret->put(ret, n, &q, sizeof(qLua)); if ((LUA_TINTEGER == t) || (LUA_TNUMBER == t)) free(n); // pop value + copy of key, leaving original key lua_pop(L, 2); // -2 value and copy of key // stack now contains: -1 => key; -2 => table } } else { D("No memory left."); perror_msg("Unable to allocate memory"); } return ret; } qtreetbl_t *Lua2tree(char *file, char *var) { qtreetbl_t *ret = NULL; struct stat st; if (0 != lstat(file, &st)) { D("No %s file.", file); perror_msg("Unable to stat %s", file); } else { if (luaL_loadfile(L, file)) // +1 the chunk or an error message. If something went wrong, error message is at the top of the stack. E("Couldn't load Lua file: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); // 0 else { if (lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) // +1 result or an error message. Except we get 0 or error? { E("Failed to run Lua script: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); // 0 lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 chunk or error message } else { lua_getglobal(L, var); // +1 the value of var ret = lua2tree(); lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 var } } lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 chunk or error message } return ret; } void freeLuaTree(qtreetbl_t *tree) { qtreetbl_obj_t obj0; memset((void*)&obj0, 0, sizeof(obj0)); // must be cleared before call tree->lock(tree); // lock it when thread condition is expected while(tree->getnext(tree, &obj0, false) == true) { qLua *q0 = obj0.data; if (LUA_TTABLE == q0->type) freeLuaTree(q0->v.t); } tree->unlock(tree); tree->free(tree); } int Lua2hashtbl(char *file, qhashtbl_t *hash, char *var) { int ret = FALSE; struct stat st; if (0 != lstat(file, &st)) { D("No %s file.", file); perror_msg("Unable to stat %s", file); return FALSE; } else { int status = luaL_loadfile(L, file); // +1 the chunk or an error message. if (status) // If something went wrong, error message is at the top of the stack. E("Couldn't load Lua file: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); // 0 else { int result = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); // +1 result or an error message. Except we get 0 or error? if (result) { E("Failed to run Lua script: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); // 0 lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 chunk or error message } else { lua_getglobal(L, var); // +1 the value of var lua_pushnil(L); // +1 nil, first key while(lua_next(L, -2) != 0) // -1 key, +2 next key, value (or 0 if nothing left in table) { char *n = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -2); // 0 // Numbers can convert to strings, so check for numbers before checking for strings. // On the other hand, strings that can be converted to numbers also pass lua_isnumber(). sigh if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) // 0 { float v = lua_tonumber(L, -1); // 0 hash->put(hash, n, &v, sizeof(float)); } else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) // 0 hash->putstr(hash, n, (char *) lua_tostring(L, -1)); // 0 else if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) // 0 { int v = lua_toboolean(L, -1); // 0 hash->putint(hash, n, v); } else { char *v = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -1); // 0 E("Unknown Lua variable type for %s = %s", n, v); } lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 value } lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 var ret = TRUE; } } } lua_pop(L, 1); // -1 chunk or error message return ret; } int LuaToHash(reqData *Rd, char *file, char *var, qhashtbl_t *tnm, int ret, struct stat *st, struct timespec *now, char *type) { struct timespec then; if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &then)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); I("Reading %s file %s", type, file); if (!Lua2hashtbl(file, tnm, var)) { bitch(Rd, "Broken thing.", "Can't run file."); ret++; } else { if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, now)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); double n = (now->tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + now->tv_nsec; double t = (then.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + then.tv_nsec; T("Reading %s file took %lf seconds", type, (n - t) / 1000000000.0); } return ret; } boolean writeLuaDouble(reqData *Rd, int fd, char *file, char *name, double number) { boolean ret = TRUE; // TODO - putting these in Lua as numbers causes lua_tolstring to barf when we read them. Though Lua is supposed to convert between numbers and strings. char *t = xmprintf(" ['%s'] = '%f',\n", name, number); // NOTE - default precision is 6 decimal places. size_t l = strlen(t); if (l != writeall(fd, t, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); ret = FALSE; } free(t); return ret; } boolean writeLuaInteger(reqData *Rd, int fd, char *file, char *name, long number) { boolean ret = TRUE; // TODO - putting these in Lua as numbers causes lua_tolstring to barf when we read them. Though Lua is supposed to convert between numbers and strings. char *t = xmprintf(" ['%s'] = '%ld',\n", name, number); size_t l = strlen(t); if (l != writeall(fd, t, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); ret = FALSE; } free(t); return ret; } boolean writeLuaString(reqData *Rd, int fd, char *file, char *name, char *string) { boolean ret = TRUE; if (NULL == string) string = getStrH(Rd->stuff, name); size_t l = strlen(string); char *t0 = xmalloc(l * 2 + 1); int i, j = 0; // TODO - maybe escape other non printables as well? for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { // We don't need to escape [] here, coz we are using '' below. Same applies to ", but do it anyway. switch(string[i]) { case '\n': case '\\': case '\'': case '"': t0[j++] = '\\'; break; } if ('\n' == string[i]) t0[j++] = 'n'; else if ('\r' == string[i]) ; else t0[j++] = string[i]; } t0[j] = '\0'; char *t1 = xmprintf(" ['%s'] = '%s',\n", name, t0); l = strlen(t1); if (l != writeall(fd, t1, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s to %s", name, file); ret = FALSE; } free(t1); free(t0); return ret; } void doTmuxCmd(char *format, ...) { va_list va, va2; int len; char *ret; va_start(va, format); va_copy(va2, va); // How long is it? len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, va); len++; va_end(va); // Allocate and do the sprintf() ret = xmalloc(len); vsnprintf(ret, len, format, va2); va_end(va2); char *c = xmprintf("%s %s/%s %s", Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, ret); free(ret); if (!WIFEXITED(system(c))) E("tmux command failed! %s", c); free(c); } void sendTmuxCmd(char *dest, char *cmd) { doTmuxCmd("send-keys -t %s:'%s' '%s' Enter", Tconsole, dest, cmd); } void sendTmuxKeys(char *dest, char *keys) { doTmuxCmd("send-keys -t %s:%s '%s'", Tconsole, dest, keys); } void waitTmuxText(char *dest, char *text) { int i; // Using " for the grep pattern, coz ' might be used in a sim name. // TODO - should escape \ " ` in text. char *c = xmprintf("sleep 1; %s %s/%s capture-pane -Jt %s -p | grep -F \"%s\" 2>&1 > /dev/null", Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, dest, text); T("Waiting for '%s'.", text); do { i = system(c); if (!WIFEXITED(i)) { E("tmux capture-pane command failed!"); break; } else if (0 == WEXITSTATUS(i)) break; } while (1); free(c); } float waitLoadAverage(float la, float extra, int timeout) { struct sysinfo info; struct timespec timeOut; float l; int to = timeout; T("Sleeping until load average is below %.02f (%.02f + %.02f) or for %d seconds.", la + extra, la, extra, timeout); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timeOut); to += timeOut.tv_sec; do { msleep(5000); sysinfo(&info); l = info.loads[0]/65536.0; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &timeOut); timeout -= 5; t("Tick, load average is %.02f, countdown %d seconds.", l, timeout); } while (((la + extra) < l) && (timeOut.tv_sec < to)); return l; } // Rob forget to do this, but at least he didn't declare it static. struct dirtree *dirtree_handle_callback(struct dirtree *new, int (*callback)(struct dirtree *node)); // A sim structure for holding all the stuff from the sim.ini file. typedef struct _simData simData; struct _simData { // portH is the HTTP port for the sim, portU is the UDP port for the sim. int locX, locY, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, portH, portU, maxPrims; char *name, *tab, *UUID, *regionType, *estate, *owner; char *paneID; int window, pane; }; typedef struct _simList simList; struct _simList { int len, num; char **sims; qtreetbl_t *byTab, *simsLua; }; simList *ourSims = NULL; static int getIntFromIni(qlisttbl_t *ini, char *name) { int ret; char *t = "0"; t = ini->getstr(ini, name, false); if (NULL == t) t = "0"; else if ('"' == t[0]) t = qstrunchar(t, '"', '"'); return strtol(t, NULL, 10); } static int filterSims(struct dirtree *node) { if (!node->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE | DIRTREE_SHUTUP; if ((strncmp(node->name, "sim", 3) == 0) && ((strcmp(node->name, "sim_skeleton") != 0))) { simList *list = (simList *) node->parent->extra; if ((list->num + 1) > list->len) { list->len = list->len + 1; list->sims = xrealloc(list->sims, list->len * sizeof(char *)); } list->sims[list->num] = xstrdup(node->name); list->num++; } return 0; } /* // We particularly don't want \ " ` char *cleanSimName(char *name) { size_t l = strlen(name); char *ret = xmalloc(l + 1); int i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { char r = name[i]; if ((' ' == r) || (isalnum(r) != 0)) ret[j++] = r; } ret[j] = '\0'; return ret; } */ static int filterInis(struct dirtree *node) { if (!node->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE | DIRTREE_SHUTUP; int l = strlen(node->name); if (strncmp(&(node->name[l - 4]), ".ini", 4) == 0) { strncpy((char *) node->parent->extra, node->name, l - 4); return DIRTREE_ABORT; } return 0; } // Get the details from all the .ini or .shini sim files. // Creates the .shini and sims.lua files if it's an old install. // TODO - read the .shini and sims.lua if they exist. /* ourSims shall be - int len, num; char **sims; qtreetbl_t *byTab, *simsLua; byTab has the short name as the key, simData as the value. Iterate through it looking for target sims if specified in the sledjchisl arguments. Which can be short name, long name, foo.shini file name. Though short name is a direct lookup, and "foo.shini" we can strip off the .shini and direct lookup the short name. So only need to iterate if it's a long name. Keep in mind the argument might be a user name for IAR backups. Or perhaps a UUID. **sims will be in sims.lua order, and maybe include a pointer to the simData. We really only need to iterate through this at full start up and reverse iterate through it at full shutdown. So just the tab names in the correct order is fine. if sims.lua doesn't exist create blank one else read it loop through old config/sim* if it's not a *.shini file read *.ini create *.shini write *.shini else read the *.shini file add *.shini to ourSims if it's not in sims.lua, add it to unsorted write sims.lua if it changed reorder **sims */ simList *getSims() { if (NULL != ourSims) return ourSims; char *path = xmprintf("%s/config", scRoot), *newPath; struct dirtree *new = dirtree_add_node(0, path, 0); int i, j; ourSims = xzalloc(sizeof(simList)); ourSims->byTab = qtreetbl(0); new->extra = (long) ourSims; dirtree_handle_callback(new, filterSims); free(path); char *file = xmprintf("%s/sims.lua", scEtc); char *tnm = "sims = -- Note these are .shini / tmux tab short names.\n{\n {['type'] = 'unsorted';\n"; struct stat st; int s = stat(file, &st); int fd = -1; size_t l = strlen(tnm); ourSims->simsLua = Lua2tree(file, "sims"); // dumpLuaTree(ourSims->simsLua, "simsLua", 0); if (s) { I("Creating sims %s.", file); fd = notstdio(xcreate_stdio(file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); } if (-1 != fd) { if (l != writeall(fd, tnm, l)) perror_msg("Writing %s", file); } for (i = 0; i < ourSims->num; i++) { char *sim = ourSims->sims[i], *name = xmprintf("%s/config/%s", scRoot, sim); qlisttbl_t *ini; simData *simd = xzalloc(sizeof(simData)); struct dirtree *new = dirtree_add_node(0, name, 0); free(name); name = xzalloc(1024); new->extra = (long) name; dirtree_handle_callback(new, filterInis); if ('\0' != name[0]) { path = xmprintf("%s/config/%s/%s.ini", scRoot, sim, name); newPath = xmprintf("%s/%s.shini", scEtc, name); d("Reading .ini file %s", path); ini = qconfig_parse_file(NULL, path, '='); /* [Region] Location = "1,1" InternalPort = "9008" MaxPrims = 45000 [Network] http_listener_port = 9007 */ simd->name = qstrunchar(ini->getstr(ini, "Region.RegionName", true), '"', '"'); simd->UUID = qstrunchar(ini->getstr(ini, "Region.RegionUUID", true), '"', '"'); simd->regionType = qstrunchar(ini->getstr(ini, "Region.RegionType", true), '"', '"'); simd->sizeX = getIntFromIni(ini, "Region.SizeX"); simd->sizeY = getIntFromIni(ini, "Region.SizeY"); simd->sizeZ = getIntFromIni(ini, "Region.SizeZ"); simd->tab = name; ourSims->byTab->put(ourSims->byTab, name, simd, sizeof(simData)); if ((!qfile_exist(newPath))) { char *cmd = xmprintf("sed -E" " -e 's#\\[Const]#\\[Const] ; fakeVariableCozOpenSim='' ; pushd ../current/bin; ./sledjchisl $1 `basename $0`; popd ; exit 0#'" " -e 's/mysim=\"[[:digit:]]*\"/mysim=\"%s\"/'" " -e 's/sim\\$\\{Const\\|mysim\\}/\\$\\{Const\\|mysim\\}/g'" " -e '/\\[Startup\\]/d'" " -e '/PIDFile.*/d'" " -e '/LogFile.*/d'" " -e '/StatsLogFile.*/d'" " -e '/ConsoleHistoryFile.*/d'" " %s >%s", simd->tab, path, newPath); I("Writing .shini file %s", newPath); D(cmd); j = system(cmd); if (!WIFEXITED(j)) E("sed command failed!"); else { free(cmd); cmd = xmprintf("chmod ugo+x %s", newPath); j = system(cmd); if (!WIFEXITED(j)) E("chmod command failed!"); char *link = xmprintf("%s/%s.shini", scBin, simd->tab); I("Symlinking %s to %s", newPath, link); if (0 != symlink(newPath, link)) perror_msg("Symlinking %s to %s", newPath, link); free(link); } free(cmd); } ini->free(ini); free(newPath); free(path); } else free(name); if (-1 != fd) { tnm = xmprintf(" '%s', \n", simd->tab); l = strlen(tnm); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm, l)) perror_msg("Writing %s", file); free(tnm); } free(simd); } if (-1 != fd) { tnm = " },\n}\nreturn sims\n"; l = strlen(tnm); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm, l)) perror_msg("Writing %s", file); xclose(fd); } free(file); return ourSims; } void freeSimList(simList *sims) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sims->num; i++) free(sims->sims[i]); free(sims->sims); qtreetbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*) &obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // start from the minimum. sims->byTab->lock(sims->byTab); while (sims->byTab->getnext(sims->byTab, &obj, false) == true) { char *name = qmemdup(obj.name, obj.namesize); // keep the name size_t namesize = obj.namesize; // for removal argument { simData *simd = (simData *) obj.data; if (NULL != simd) { free(simd->name); free(simd->tab); free(simd->UUID); free(simd->regionType); free(simd->estate); free(simd->owner); free(simd->paneID); } } sims->byTab->remove_by_obj(sims->byTab, obj.name, obj.namesize); // remove obj = sims->byTab->find_nearest(sims->byTab, name, namesize, false); // rewind one step back free(name); // clean up } sims->byTab->unlock(sims->byTab); sims->byTab->free(sims->byTab); freeLuaTree(sims->simsLua); free(sims); } // Expects either "simXX" or "ROBUST". int checkSimIsRunning(char *sim) { int ret = 0; struct stat st; // Check if it's running. char *path = xmprintf("%s/caches/%s.pid", scRoot, sim); if (0 == stat(path, &st)) { int fd, i; char *pid = NULL; // Double check if it's REALLY running. if ((fd = xopenro(path)) == -1) perror_msg("xopenro(%s)", path); else { pid = get_line(fd); if (NULL == pid) perror_msg("get_line(%s)", path); else { xclose(fd); // I'd rather re-use the toysh command running stuff, since ps is a toy, but that's private. // TODO - switch to toybox ps and rm. free(path); path = xmprintf("ps -p %s --no-headers -o comm >/dev/null", pid); i = system(path); if (WIFEXITED(i)) { if (0 != WEXITSTATUS(i)) // No such pid. { free(path); path = xmprintf("rm -f %s/caches/%s.pid", scRoot, sim); d("%s", path); i = system(path); if (WIFEXITED(i)) { if (0 != WEXITSTATUS(i)) // No such pid. E("Cannot remove stale PID file %s", path); } } else d("checkSimIsRunning(%s) has PID %s, which is actually running.", sim, pid); } // TODO - WTF? // free(path); } } free(pid); } // Now check if it's really really running. lol free(path); path = xmprintf("%s/caches/%s.pid", scRoot, sim); if (0 == stat(path, &st)) { D("checkSimIsRunning(%s) -> %s is really really running.", sim, path); ret = 1; } else D("checkSimIsRunning(%s) -> %s is not running.", sim, path); free(path); return ret; } static void PrintEnv(qgrow_t *reply, char *label, char **envp) { reply->addstrf(reply, "%s:
\n", label);
  for ( ; *envp != NULL; envp++)
    reply->addstrf(reply, "%s\n", *envp);
  reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); } static void printEnv(char **envp) { for ( ; *envp != NULL; envp++) D("%s", *envp); } typedef struct _rowData rowData; struct _rowData { char **fieldNames; qlist_t *rows; }; static void dumpHash(qhashtbl_t *tbl) { qhashtbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); tbl->lock(tbl); while(tbl->getnext(tbl, &obj, true) == true) d("%s = %s", obj.name, (char *) obj.data); tbl->unlock(tbl); } static void dumpArray(int d, char **ar) { int i = 0; while (ar[i] != NULL) { d("%d %d %s", d, i, ar[i]); i++; } } typedef struct _dbFields dbFields; struct _dbFields { qlisttbl_t *flds; int count; }; typedef struct _dbField dbField; struct _dbField { char *name; enum enum_field_types type; unsigned long length; unsigned int flags; unsigned int decimals; }; void dbFreeFields(dbFields *flds, boolean all) { flds->count--; // TODO - sigh, looks to be inconsistant why some do and some don't leak. // I guess the ones that don't leak are the ones that crash? // It's only a tiny leak anyway, 80 bytes total. // if ((0 >= flds->count) || all) // CRASHY if ((0 >= flds->count)) // LEAKY { qlisttbl_obj_t obj; memset((void *) &obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); flds->flds->lock(flds->flds); while(flds->flds->getnext(flds->flds, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { dbField *fld = (dbField *) obj.data; free(fld->name); } flds->flds->unlock(flds->flds); flds->flds->free(flds->flds); flds->flds = NULL; free(flds); } } enum dbCommandType { CT_SELECT, CT_CREATE, CT_UPDATE, CT_NONE }; typedef struct _dbRequest dbRequest; struct _dbRequest { char *table, *join, *where, *order, *sql; MYSQL_STMT *prep; // NOTE - executing it stores state in this. dbFields *fields; int inCount, outCount, rowCount; char **inParams, **outParams; MYSQL_BIND *inBind, *outBind; rowData *rows; my_ulonglong count; enum dbCommandType type; boolean freeOutParams; }; void dbFreeRequest(dbRequest *req, boolean all) { int i; D("Cleaning up prepared database request %s - %s %d %d", req->table, req->where, req->outCount, req->inCount); if (NULL != req->outBind) { for (i = 0; i < req->outCount; i++) { if (NULL != req->outBind[i].buffer) free(req->outBind[i].buffer); if (NULL != req->outBind[i].length) free(req->outBind[i].length); if (NULL != req->outBind[i].error) free(req->outBind[i].error); if (NULL != req->outBind[i].is_null) free(req->outBind[i].is_null); } free(req->outBind); req->outBind = NULL; } else D(" No out binds to clean up for %s - %s.", req->table, req->where); if (NULL != req->inBind) { for (i = 0; i < req->inCount; i++) { if (NULL != req->inBind[i].buffer) free(req->inBind[i].buffer); if (NULL != req->inBind[i].length) free(req->inBind[i].length); if (NULL != req->inBind[i].error) free(req->inBind[i].error); if (NULL != req->inBind[i].is_null) free(req->inBind[i].is_null); } free(req->inBind); req->inBind = NULL; } else D(" No in binds to clean up for %s - %s.", req->table, req->where); if (req->freeOutParams && all) { if (NULL != req->outParams) { free(req->outParams); req->outParams = NULL; } else D(" No out params to clean up for %s - %s.", req->table, req->where); } if (NULL != req->sql) free(req->sql); else D(" No SQL to clean up for %s - %s.", req->table, req->where); req->sql = NULL; if (NULL != req->prep) { if (0 != mysql_stmt_close(req->prep)) C(" Unable to close the prepared statement!"); req->prep = NULL; } if (all) { if (NULL != req->fields) { dbFreeFields(req->fields, all); req->fields = NULL; } else D(" No fields to clean up for %s - %s.", req->table, req->where); } } void freeDb(boolean all) { dbRequest **rq; if (dbRequests) { if (all) { while (NULL != (rq = (dbRequest **) dbRequests->popfirst(dbRequests, NULL))) { dbFreeRequest(*rq, all); free(rq); } dbRequests->free(dbRequests); dbRequests = NULL; } else { qlist_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call dbRequests->lock(dbRequests); while (dbRequests->getnext(dbRequests, &obj, false) == true) dbFreeRequest(*((dbRequest **) obj.data), all); dbRequests->unlock(dbRequests); } } if (database) mysql_close(database); database = NULL; mysql_library_end(); } static boolean dbConnect() { database = mysql_init(NULL); if (NULL == database) { E("mysql_init() failed - %s", mysql_error(database)); return FALSE; } /* TODO - dammit, no mysql_get_option(), MariaDB docs say mysql_get_optionv(), which doesn't exist either. Says "This function was added in MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.0.", I have MariaDB / MySQL client version: 10.1.44-MariaDB. if (mysql_get_option(database, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &dbTimeout)) E("mysql_get_option(MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) failed - %s", mysql_error(database)); else D("Database MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = %d", dbTimeout); if (mysql_get_option(database, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &dbReconnect)) E("mysql_get_option(MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT) failed - %s", mysql_error(database)); else D("Database MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT = %d", (int) dbReconnect); */ // Seems best to disable auto-reconnect, so I have more control over reconnections. dbReconnect = 0; if (mysql_options(database, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &dbReconnect)) E("mysql_options(MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT) failed - %s", mysql_error(database)); else D("Database MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT is now %d", (int) dbReconnect); dbconn = mysql_real_connect(database, getStrH(configs, "Data Source"), getStrH(configs, "User ID"), getStrH(configs, "Password"), getStrH(configs, "Database"), // 3036, "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", 0, NULL, CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS | CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES | CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS | CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS); if (NULL == dbconn) { E("mysql_real_connect() failed - %s", mysql_error(database)); return FALSE; } // Just set the fucking thing to a year. Pffft. dbTimeout = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52; char *sql = xmprintf("SET SESSION wait_timeout=%d", (int) dbTimeout); if (mysql_query(database, sql)) E("SET SESSION wait_timeout=%d failed - %s", (int) dbTimeout, mysql_error(database)); else D("Database wait_timeout = %d", (int) dbTimeout); free(sql); if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &dbLast)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); return TRUE; } // A general error function that checks for certain errors that mean we should try to connect to the server MariaDB again. // https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-error-codes/ // 1129? 1152? 1184? 1218? 1927 3032? 4150? // "server has gone away" isn't listed there, that's the one I was getting. Pffft // It's 2006, https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/gone-away.html // Ah it could be "connection inactive for 8 hours". // Which might be why OpenSim opens a new connection for EVERYTHING. // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/c-api-auto-reconnect.html // Has more details. static boolean dbCheckError(char *error, char *sql) { int e = mysql_errno(database); E("MariaDB error %d - %s: %s\n%s", e, error, mysql_error(database), sql); if (2006 == e) { W("Reconnecting to database."); freeDb(false); return dbConnect(); } return FALSE; } // "Statement execute failed 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query" static boolean dbStmtCheckError(dbRequest *req, char *error, char *sql) { int e = mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep); E("MariaDB prepared statement error %d - %s: %s\n%s", e, error, mysql_stmt_error(req->prep), sql); if (2013 == e) { W("Reconnecting to database."); freeDb(false); return dbConnect(); } return FALSE; } dbFields *dbGetFields(char *table) { static qhashtbl_t *tables = NULL; if (NULL == tables) tables = qhashtbl(0, 0); dbFields *ret = tables->get(tables, table, NULL, false); if (NULL == ret) { // Seems the only way to get field metadata is to actually perform a SQL statement, then you get the field metadata for the result set. // Chicken, meet egg, sorry you had to cross the road for this. char *sql = xmprintf("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 0", table); d("Getting field metadata for %s", table); if (mysql_query(database, sql)) { // E("MariaDB error %d - Query failed 0: %s\n%s", mysql_errno(database), mysql_error(database), sql); if (dbCheckError("Query failed 0", sql)) { ret = dbGetFields(table); free(sql); return ret; } } else { MYSQL_RES *res = mysql_store_result(database); if (!res) E("MariaDB error %d - Couldn't get results set from %s\n %s", mysql_errno(database), mysql_error(database), sql); else { MYSQL_FIELD *fields = mysql_fetch_fields(res); if (!fields) E("MariaDB error %d - Failed fetching fields: %s", mysql_errno(database), mysql_error(database)); else { unsigned int i, num_fields = mysql_num_fields(res); ret = xmalloc(sizeof(dbFields)); // Little bit LEAKY ret->flds = qlisttbl(QLISTTBL_UNIQUE | QLISTTBL_LOOKUPFORWARD); ret->count = 1; for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { dbField *fld = xmalloc(sizeof(dbField)); fld->name = xstrdup(fields[i].name); fld->type = fields[i].type; fld->length = fields[i].length; fld->flags = fields[i].flags; fld->decimals = fields[i].decimals; ret->flds->put(ret->flds, fld->name, fld, sizeof(*fld)); free(fld); } tables->put(tables, table, ret, sizeof(*ret)); } mysql_free_result(res); } } free(sql); } else // Reference count these, coz some tables are used more than once. ret->count++; return ret; } /* How to deal with prepared SQL statements. http://karlssonondatabases.blogspot.com/2010/07/prepared-statements-are-they-useful-or.html https://blog.cotten.io/a-taste-of-mysql-in-c-87c5de84a31d?gi=ab3dd1425b29 https://raspberry-projects.com/pi/programming-in-c/databases-programming-in-c/mysql/accessing-the-database IG and CG now both have sims connected to other grids, so some sort of multi database solution would be good, then we can run the grid and the external sims all in one. Not sure if this'll work with Count(*). --------------------------------------------- The complicated bit is the binds. You are binding field values to C memory locations. The parameters and returned fields need binds. Mostly seems to be the value parts of the SQL statements. I suspect most will be of the form - ... WHERE x=? and foo=? INSERT INTO table VALUES (?,?,?) UPDATE table SET x=?, foo=? WHERE id=? A multi table update - UPDATE items,month SET items.price=month.price WHERE items.id=month.id; */ int dbDoSomething(dbRequest *req, boolean count, ...) { int ret = 0; va_list ap; struct timespec then; int i, j; MYSQL_RES *prepare_meta_result = NULL; if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &then)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); // TODO - should factor this out to it's own function, and call that function in dbCount() and dbCountJoin(). // Or better yet, finally migrate those functions to using dbDoSomething(). double n = (dbLast.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + dbLast.tv_nsec; double t = (then.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + then.tv_nsec; t("Database timeout test %lf > %lf", ((t - n) / 1000000000.0), (dbTimeout / 2.0)); if (((t - n) / 1000000000.0) > (dbTimeout / 2.0)) { T("Avoid database timeout of %d seconds, pinging it.", dbTimeout); if (0 != mysql_ping(database)) { W("Reconnecting to database."); freeDb(false); dbConnect(); } } va_start(ap, count); if (NULL == req->prep) { D("Creating prepared statement for %s - %s", req->table, req->where); if (0 == req->type) req->type = CT_SELECT; req->fields = dbGetFields(req->table); if (NULL == req->fields) { E("Unknown fields for table %s.", req->table); ret++; goto end; } switch (req->type) { case CT_SELECT : { char *select = xmprintf(""); i = 0; while (req->outParams[i] != NULL) { char *t = xmprintf("%s,%s", select, req->outParams[i]); free(select); select = t; i++; } if (0 == i) { free(select); if (count) select = xmprintf(",Count(*)"); else select = xmprintf(",*"); } if (NULL == req->join) req->join = ""; if (req->where) req->sql = xmprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s %s WHERE %s", &select[1], req->table, req->join, req->where); else req->sql = xmprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", &select[1], req->table, req->join); free(select); if (req->order) { char *t = xmprintf("%s ORDER BY %s", req->sql, req->order); free(req->sql); req->sql = t; } break; } case CT_CREATE : { char *values = xmprintf(""); i = 0; while (req->inParams[i] != NULL) { char *t = xmprintf("%s, %s=?", values, req->inParams[i]); free(values); values = t; i++; } if (0 == i) { E("Statement prepare for INSERT must have in paramaters."); ret++; free(values); values = xmprintf(""); } req->sql = xmprintf("INSERT INTO %s SET %s", req->table, &values[1]); free(values); break; } case CT_UPDATE : { break; } case CT_NONE : { W("No SQL type!"); break; } } d("New SQL statement - %s", req->sql); // prepare statement with the other fields req->prep = mysql_stmt_init(database); if (NULL == req->prep) { E("Statement prepare init failed: %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(req->prep)); ret++; goto end; } if (mysql_stmt_prepare(req->prep, req->sql, strlen(req->sql))) { E("Statement prepare failed: %s\n", mysql_stmt_error(req->prep)); ret++; goto end; } // setup the bind stuff for any "?" parameters in the SQL. req->inCount = mysql_stmt_param_count(req->prep); i = 0; while (req->inParams[i] != NULL) i++; if (i != req->inCount) { E("In parameters count don't match %d != %d for - %s", i, req->inCount, req->sql); ret++; goto freeIt; } req->inBind = xzalloc(i * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)); //W("Allocated %d %d inBinds for %s", i, req->inCount, req->sql); for (i = 0; i < req->inCount; i++) { dbField *fld = req->fields->flds->get(req->fields->flds, req->inParams[i], NULL, false); if (NULL == fld) { E("Unknown input field %d %s.%s for - %s", i, req->table, req->inParams[i], req->sql); ret++; goto freeIt; } else { // https://blog.cotten.io/a-taste-of-mysql-in-c-87c5de84a31d?gi=ab3dd1425b29 // For some gotchas about all of this binding bit. req->inBind[i].buffer_type = fld->type; req->inBind[i].buffer = xzalloc(fld->length + 1); // Note the + 1 is for string types, and a waste for the rest. req->inBind[i].buffer_length = fld->length + 1; switch(fld->type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: { //d("TINY %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: { req->inBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; //d("SHORT %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: { req->inBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; //d("INT24 %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: { req->inBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; //d("LONG %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: { req->inBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; //d("LONGLONG %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: { //d("FLOAT %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: { //d("DOUBLE %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: { //d("NEWDECIMAL %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { //d("DATE / TIME ish %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: { //d("STRING / VARSTRING %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); req->inBind[i].is_null = xzalloc(sizeof(my_bool)); req->inBind[i].length = xzalloc(sizeof(unsigned long)); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: { //d("BLOBs %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); req->inBind[i].is_null = xzalloc(sizeof(my_bool)); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: { req->inBind[i].is_null = xzalloc(sizeof(my_bool)); //d("BIT %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: { //d("NULL %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } } } } // TODO - if this is not a count, setup result bind paramateres, may be needed for counts as well. if (CT_SELECT == req->type) { prepare_meta_result = mysql_stmt_result_metadata(req->prep); if (!prepare_meta_result) { E(" mysql_stmt_result_metadata() error %d, returned no meta information - %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep), mysql_stmt_error(req->prep)); ret++; goto freeIt; } } if (count) { I("count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); } else if (CT_SELECT == req->type) { req->outCount = mysql_num_fields(prepare_meta_result); i = 0; while (req->outParams[i] != NULL) i++; if (0 == i) // Passing in {NULL} as req->outParams means "return all of them". { req->outParams = xzalloc((req->outCount + 1) * sizeof(char *)); req->freeOutParams = TRUE; qlisttbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); req->fields->flds->lock(req->fields->flds); while (req->fields->flds->getnext(req->fields->flds, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { dbField *fld = (dbField *) obj.data; req->outParams[i] = fld->name; i++; } req->outParams[i] = NULL; req->fields->flds->unlock(req->fields->flds); } if (i != req->outCount) { E("Out parameters count doesn't match %d != %d foqr - %s", i, req->outCount, req->sql); ret++; goto freeIt; } req->outBind = xzalloc(i * sizeof(MYSQL_BIND)); //W("Allocated %d %d outBinds for %s", i, req->outCount, req->sql); for (i = 0; i < req->outCount; i++) { dbField *fld = req->fields->flds->get(req->fields->flds, req->outParams[i], NULL, false); if (NULL == fld) { E("Unknown output field %d %s.%s foqr - %s", i, req->table, req->outParams[i], req->sql); ret++; goto freeIt; } else { // https://blog.cotten.io/a-taste-of-mysql-in-c-87c5de84a31d?gi=ab3dd1425b29 // For some gotchas about all of this binding bit. req->outBind[i].buffer_type = fld->type; req->outBind[i].buffer = xzalloc(fld->length + 1); // Note the + 1 is for string types, and a waste for the rest. req->outBind[i].buffer_length = fld->length + 1; req->outBind[i].error = xzalloc(sizeof(my_bool)); req->outBind[i].is_null = xzalloc(sizeof(my_bool)); switch(fld->type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: { //d("TINY %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: { //d("SHORT %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); req->outBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: { //d("INT24 %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); req->outBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: { //d("LONG %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); req->outBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: { //d("LONGLONG %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); req->outBind[i].is_unsigned = FALSE; break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: { //d("FLOAT %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: { //d("DOUBLE %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: { //d("NEWDECIMAL %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { //d("DATE / TIME ish %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: { //d("STRING / VARSTRING %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); req->outBind[i].length = xzalloc(sizeof(unsigned long)); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: { //d("BLOBs %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: { //d("BIT %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: { //d("NULL %s %d", fld->name, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); break; } } } } if (mysql_stmt_bind_result(req->prep, req->outBind)) { E("Bind failed error %d.", mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep)); ret++; goto freeIt; } } } //d("input bind for %s", req->sql); for (i = 0; i < req->inCount; i++) { dbField *fld = req->fields->flds->get(req->fields->flds, req->inParams[i], NULL, false); if (NULL == fld) { E("Unknown input field %s.%s for - %s", req->table, req->inParams[i], req->sql); ret++; goto freeIt; } else { switch(fld->type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: { int c = va_arg(ap, int); signed char d = (signed char) c; memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("TINY %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: { int c = va_arg(ap, int); short int d = (short int) c; memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("SHORT %d %s %d = %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, c); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: { int d = va_arg(ap, int); memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("INT24 %d %s %d - %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: { long d = va_arg(ap, long); memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("LONG %d %s %d = %ld", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: { long long int d = va_arg(ap, long long int); memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("LONGLONG %d %s %d = %lld", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: { double c = va_arg(ap, double); float d = (float) c; memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("FLOAT %d %s %d = %f", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: { double d = va_arg(ap, double); memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("DOUBLE %d %s %d = %f", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: { //V("NEWDECIMAL %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { MYSQL_TIME d = va_arg(ap, MYSQL_TIME); memcpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, &d, (size_t) fld->length); //V("DATE / TIME ish %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: { char *d = va_arg(ap, char *); unsigned long l = strlen(d); if (l > fld->length) l = fld->length; *(req->inBind[i].length) = l; strncpy(req->inBind[i].buffer, d, (size_t) l); ((char *) req->inBind[i].buffer)[l] = '\0'; //V("STRING / VARSTRING %d %s %d = %s", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length, d); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: { // TODO - should write this, we will likely need it. Main problem is - how long is this blob? Probably should add a length param before the blob. //V("BLOBs %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: { //V("BIT %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: { //V("NULL %d %s %d", i, fld->name, req->inBind[i].buffer_length); break; } } } } if (mysql_stmt_bind_param(req->prep, req->inBind)) { E("Bind failed error %d.", mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep)); ret++; goto freeIt; } //d("Execute %s", req->sql); // do the prepared statement req->prep. if (mysql_stmt_execute(req->prep)) { if (dbStmtCheckError(req, "Statement failed 0", req->sql)) { ret++; goto freeIt; } } int fs = mysql_stmt_field_count(req->prep); // stuff results back into req. if (NULL != req->outBind) { req->rows = xmalloc(sizeof(rowData)); req->rows->fieldNames = xzalloc(fs * sizeof(char *)); if (mysql_stmt_store_result(req->prep)) { E(" mysql_stmt_store_result() failed %d: %s", mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep), mysql_stmt_error(req->prep)); ret++; goto freeIt; } req->rowCount = mysql_stmt_num_rows(req->prep); if (0 == req->rowCount) D("No rows returned from : %s\n", req->sql); else D("%d rows of %d fields returned from : %s\n", req->rowCount, fs, req->sql); req->rows->rows = qlist(0); while (MYSQL_NO_DATA != mysql_stmt_fetch(req->prep)) { qhashtbl_t *flds = qhashtbl(0, 0); for (i = 0; i < req->outCount; i++) { dbField *fld = req->fields->flds->get(req->fields->flds, req->outParams[i], NULL, false); req->rows->fieldNames[i] = fld->name; if (!*(req->outBind[i].is_null)) { //d("2.8 %s", req->rows->fieldNames[i]); flds->put(flds, req->rows->fieldNames[i], req->outBind[i].buffer, req->outBind[i].buffer_length); switch(fld->type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: { char *t = xmprintf("%d", (int) *((int *) req->outBind[i].buffer)); flds->putstr(flds, req->rows->fieldNames[i], t); free(t); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: { char *t = xmprintf("%d", (int) *((int *) req->outBind[i].buffer)); flds->putstr(flds, req->rows->fieldNames[i], t); free(t); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: { if (NULL == req->outBind[i].buffer) { E("Field %d %s is NULL", i, fld->name); ret++; goto freeIt; } char *t = xmprintf("%d", (int) *((int *) (req->outBind[i].buffer))); //d("Setting %i %s %s", i, fld->name, t); flds->putstr(flds, req->rows->fieldNames[i], t); free(t); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: { char *t = xmprintf("%d", (int) *((int *) req->outBind[i].buffer)); flds->putstr(flds, req->rows->fieldNames[i], t); free(t); break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_STRING: case MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: { break; } case MYSQL_TYPE_NULL: { break; } } } else D("Not setting data %s, coz it's NULL", fld->name); } req->rows->rows->addlast(req->rows->rows, flds, sizeof(qhashtbl_t)); free(flds); } } freeIt: if (prepare_meta_result) mysql_free_result(prepare_meta_result); if (mysql_stmt_free_result(req->prep)) { E("Statement result freeing failed %d: %s\n", mysql_stmt_errno(req->prep), mysql_stmt_error(req->prep)); ret++; } end: va_end(ap); if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &dbLast)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); n = (dbLast.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + dbLast.tv_nsec; T("dbDoSomething(%s) took %lf seconds", req->sql, (n - t) / 1000000000.0); return ret; } // Copy the SQL results into the request structure. void dbPull(reqData *Rd, char *table, rowData *rows) { char *where; qhashtbl_t *me = rows->rows->popfirst(rows->rows, NULL); qhashtbl_obj_t obj; if (NULL != me) { memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); me->lock(me); while(me->getnext(me, &obj, false) == true) { where = xmprintf("%s.%s", table, obj.name); d("dbPull(Rd->database) %s = %s", where, (char *) obj.data); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, where, (char *) obj.data); free(where); } me->unlock(me); me->free(me); } free(rows->fieldNames); rows->rows->free(rows->rows); free(rows); } my_ulonglong dbCount(char *table, char *where) { my_ulonglong ret = 0; char *sql; struct timespec now, then; if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &then)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); if (where) sql = xmprintf("SELECT Count(*) FROM %s WHERE %s", table, where); else sql = xmprintf("SELECT Count(*) FROM %s", table); if (mysql_query(database, sql)) { // E("MariaDB error %d - Query failed 1: %s", mysql_errno(database), mysql_error(database)); if (dbCheckError("Query failed 1", sql)) { ret = dbCount(table, where); free(sql); return ret; } } else { MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(database); if (!result) E("Couldn't get results set from %s\n: %s", sql, mysql_error(database)); else { MYSQL_ROW row = mysql_fetch_row(result); if (!row) E("MariaDB error %d - Couldn't get row from %s\n: %s", mysql_errno(database), sql, mysql_error(database)); else ret = atoll(row[0]); mysql_free_result(result); } } if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); double n = (now.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + now.tv_nsec; double t = (then.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + then.tv_nsec; // T("dbCount(%s) took %lf seconds", sql, (n - t) / 1000000000.0); free(sql); return ret; } my_ulonglong dbCountJoin(char *table, char *select, char *join, char *where) { my_ulonglong ret = 0; char *sql; struct timespec now, then; if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &then)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); if (NULL == select) select = "*"; if (NULL == join) join = ""; if (where) sql = xmprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s %s WHERE %s", select, table, join, where); else sql = xmprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", select, table, join); if (mysql_query(database, sql)) { // E("MariaDB error %d - Query failed 2: %s", mysql_errno(database), mysql_error(database)); if (dbCheckError("Query failed 2", sql)) { ret = dbCountJoin(table, select, join, where); free(sql); return ret; } } else { MYSQL_RES *result = mysql_store_result(database); if (!result) E("MariaDB error %d - Couldn't get results set from %s\n: %s", mysql_errno(database), sql, mysql_error(database)); else ret = mysql_num_rows(result); mysql_free_result(result); } if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); double n = (now.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + now.tv_nsec; double t = (then.tv_sec * 1000000000.0) + then.tv_nsec; // T("dbCointJoin(%s) took %lf seconds", sql, (n - t) / 1000000000.0); free(sql); return ret; } void replaceStr(qhashtbl_t *ssi, char *key, char *value) { ssi->putstr(ssi, key, value); } void replaceLong(qhashtbl_t *ssi, char *key, my_ulonglong value) { char *tmp = xmprintf("%lu", value); replaceStr(ssi, key, tmp); free(tmp); } float timeDiff(struct timeval *now, struct timeval *then) { if (0 == gettimeofday(now, NULL)) { struct timeval thisTime = { 0, 0 }; double result = 0.0; thisTime.tv_sec = now->tv_sec; thisTime.tv_usec = now->tv_usec; if (thisTime.tv_usec < then->tv_usec) { thisTime.tv_sec--; thisTime.tv_usec += 1000000; } thisTime.tv_usec -= then->tv_usec; thisTime.tv_sec -= then->tv_sec; result = ((double) thisTime.tv_usec) / ((double) 1000000.0); result += thisTime.tv_sec; return result; } return 0.0; } gridStats *getStats(MYSQL *db, gridStats *stats) { if (NULL == stats) { stats = xmalloc(sizeof(gridStats)); stats->next = 30; gettimeofday(&(stats->last), NULL); stats->stats = qhashtbl(0, 0); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "version", "SledjChisl FCGI Dev 0.1"); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "grid", "my grid"); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "uri", "http://localhost:8002/"); if (checkSimIsRunning("ROBUST")) stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "gridOnline", "online"); else stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "gridOnline", "offline"); } else { static struct timeval thisTime; if (stats->next > timeDiff(&thisTime, &(stats->last))) return stats; } I("Getting fresh grid stats."); if (checkSimIsRunning("ROBUST")) replaceStr(stats->stats, "gridOnline", "online"); else replaceStr(stats->stats, "gridOnline", "offline"); char *tmp; my_ulonglong locIn = dbCount("Presence", "RegionID != '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'"); // Locals online but not HGing, and HGers in world. my_ulonglong HGin = dbCount("Presence", "UserID NOT IN (SELECT PrincipalID FROM UserAccounts)"); // HGers in world. // Collect stats about members. replaceLong(stats->stats, "hgers", HGin); if (locIn >= HGin) // Does OpenSim have too many ghosts? replaceLong(stats->stats, "inworld", locIn - HGin); else replaceLong(stats->stats, "inworld", 0); tmp = xmprintf("GridExternalName != '%s'", stats->stats->getstr(stats->stats, "uri", false)); replaceLong(stats->stats, "outworld", dbCount("hg_traveling_data", tmp)); free(tmp); replaceLong(stats->stats, "members", dbCount("UserAccounts", NULL)); // Count local and HG visitors for the last 30 and 60 days. locIn = dbCountJoin("GridUser", "GridUser.UserID", "INNER JOIN UserAccounts ON GridUser.UserID = UserAccounts.PrincipalID", "Login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 2419200))"); HGin = dbCount("GridUser", "Login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 2419200))"); replaceLong(stats->stats, "locDay30", locIn); replaceLong(stats->stats, "day30", HGin); replaceLong(stats->stats, "HGday30", HGin - locIn); locIn = dbCountJoin("GridUser", "GridUser.UserID", "INNER JOIN UserAccounts ON GridUser.UserID = UserAccounts.PrincipalID", "Login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 4838400))"); HGin = dbCount("GridUser", "Login > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()) - 4838400))"); replaceLong(stats->stats, "locDay60", locIn); replaceLong(stats->stats, "day60", HGin); replaceLong(stats->stats, "HGday60", HGin - locIn); // Collect stats about sims. replaceLong(stats->stats, "sims", dbCount("regions", NULL)); replaceLong(stats->stats, "onlineSims", dbCount("regions", "sizeX != 0")); replaceLong(stats->stats, "varRegions", dbCount("regions", "sizeX > 256 or sizeY > 256")); replaceLong(stats->stats, "singleSims", dbCount("regions", "sizeX = 256 and sizeY = 256")); replaceLong(stats->stats, "offlineSims", dbCount("regions", "sizeX = 0")); // Calculate total size of all regions. my_ulonglong simSize = 0; static dbRequest *rgnSizes = NULL; if (NULL == rgnSizes) { static char *szi[] = {NULL}; static char *szo[] = {"sizeX", "sizeY", NULL}; rgnSizes = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); rgnSizes->table = "regions"; rgnSizes->inParams = szi; rgnSizes->outParams = szo; rgnSizes->where = "sizeX != 0"; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &rgnSizes, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } dbDoSomething(rgnSizes, FALSE); // LEAKY rowData *rows = rgnSizes->rows; qhashtbl_t *row; while (NULL != (row = rows->rows->getat(rows->rows, 0, NULL, true))) { my_ulonglong x = 0, y = 0; tmp = row->getstr(row, "sizeX", false); if (NULL == tmp) E("No regions.sizeX!"); else x = atoll(tmp); tmp = row->getstr(row, "sizeY", false); if (NULL == tmp) E("No regions.sizeY!"); else y = atoll(tmp); simSize += x * y; row->free(row); rows->rows->removefirst(rows->rows); } free(rows->fieldNames); rows->rows->free(rows->rows); free(rows); tmp = xmprintf("%lu", simSize); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "simsSize", tmp); free(tmp); gettimeofday(&(stats->last), NULL); return stats; } qhashtbl_t *toknize(char *text, char *delims) { qhashtbl_t *ret = qhashtbl(0, 0); if (NULL == text) return ret; char *txt = xstrdup(text), *token, dlm = ' ', *key, *val = NULL; int offset = 0; while((token = qstrtok(txt, delims, &dlm, &offset)) != NULL) { if (delims[0] == dlm) { key = token; val = &txt[offset]; } else if (delims[1] == dlm) { ret->putstr(ret, qstrtrim_head(key), token); d(" %s = %s", qstrtrim_head(key), val); val = NULL; } } if (NULL != val) { ret->putstr(ret, qstrtrim_head(key), val); d(" %s = %s", qstrtrim_head(key), val); } free(txt); return ret; } void santize(qhashtbl_t *tbl) { qhashtbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); tbl->lock(tbl); while(tbl->getnext(tbl, &obj, false) == true) { char *n = obj.name, *o = (char *) obj.data; qurl_decode(o); tbl->putstr(tbl, n, o); } tbl->unlock(tbl); } void outize(qgrow_t *reply, qhashtbl_t *tbl, char *label) { reply->addstrf(reply, "%s:
\n", label);
  qhashtbl_obj_t obj;
  memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj));
  while(tbl->getnext(tbl, &obj, false) == true)
    reply->addstrf(reply, "   %s = %s\n", obj.name, (char *) obj.data);
  reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); } // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie enum cookieSame { CS_NOT, CS_STRICT, CS_LAX, // Apparently the default set by browsers these days. CS_NONE }; typedef struct _cookie cookie; struct _cookie { char *value, *domain, *path; // char *expires; // Use maxAge instead, it's far simpler to figure out. int maxAge; boolean secure, httpOnly; enum cookieSame site; }; void freeCookie(reqData *Rd, char *cki) { cookie *ck0 = Rd->Rcookies->get(Rd->Rcookies, cki, NULL, false); if (NULL != ck0) { if (NULL != ck0->value) free(ck0->value); Rd->Rcookies->remove(Rd->Rcookies, cki); } } cookie *setCookie(reqData *Rd, char *cki, char *value) { cookie *ret = xzalloc(sizeof(cookie)); char *cook = xstrdup(cki); int l, i; // TODO - would URL encoding do the trick? // Validate this, as there is a limited set of characters allowed. qstrreplace("tr", cook, "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t", "_"); freeCookie(Rd, cook); l = strlen(cook); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (iscntrl(cook[i]) != 0) cook[i] = '_'; } l = strlen(value); if (0 != l) ret->value = qurl_encode(value, l); else ret->value = xstrdup(""); ret->httpOnly = TRUE; ret->site = CS_STRICT; ret->secure = TRUE; ret->path = getStrH(Rd->headers, "SCRIPT_NAME"); Rd->Rcookies->put(Rd->Rcookies, cook, ret, sizeof(cookie)); free(ret); ret = Rd->Rcookies->get(Rd->Rcookies, cook, NULL, false); free(cook); return ret; } char *getCookie(qhashtbl_t *cookies, char *cki) { char *ret = NULL; cookie *ck = (cookie *) cookies->get(cookies, cki, NULL, false); if (NULL != ck) ret = ck->value; return ret; } void outizeCookie(qgrow_t *reply, qhashtbl_t *tbl, char *label) { reply->addstrf(reply, "%s:
\n", label);
  qhashtbl_obj_t obj;
  memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj));
  while(tbl->getnext(tbl, &obj, false) == true)
    reply->addstrf(reply, "   %s = %s\n", obj.name, ((cookie *) obj.data)->value);
  reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); } void list2cookie(reqData *Rd, char *cki, qlist_t *list) { char *t0 = xstrdup(""); qlist_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call list->lock(list); while (list->getnext(list, &obj, false) == true) { char *t1 = xmprintf("%s\n%s", t0, (char *) obj.data); free(t0); t0 = t1; } list->unlock(list); setCookie(Rd, cki, &t0[1]); // Skip the first empty one. // TODO - should set a very short maxAge. free(t0); } qlist_t *cookie2list(qhashtbl_t *cookies, char *cki) { qlist_t *ret = NULL; cookie *ck = (cookie *) cookies->get(cookies, cki, NULL, false); if (NULL != ck) { if (NULL != ck->value) { qurl_decode(ck->value); ret = qstrtokenizer(ck->value, "\n"); free(ck->value); } // TODO - should send the "delete this cookie" thing to the browser. cookies->remove(cookies, cki); } return ret; } enum fragmentType { FT_TEXT, FT_PARAM, FT_LUA }; typedef struct _fragment fragment; struct _fragment { enum fragmentType type; int length; char *text; }; static void HTMLdebug(qgrow_t *reply) { reply->addstrf(reply, "

\n" "

\n" "


\n" "
\n" "


\n" " \n" "
\n" "
\n" "

\n" ); } static void HTMLheader(qgrow_t *reply, char *title) { reply->addstrf(reply, "\n" " \n" " %s\n" " \n" " \n" , title); reply->addstrf(reply, " \n"); if (DEBUG) reply->addstrf(reply, " \n"); reply->addstrf(reply, " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" ); reply->addstrf(reply, "
\n"); if (DEBUG) HTMLdebug(reply); } // TODO - maybe escape non printables as well? char *HTMLentities[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS " ", " ", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US " ", // Space "!", """, "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "", // DEL " " // This is actually 160, not 128, but I hack around that. }; static void HTMLescapeString(qgrow_t *reply, char *string) { size_t l = strlen(string); char *t = xmalloc(l * 10 + 1); int i, j = 0; boolean space = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { int s = string[i]; // Alternate long line of spaces with space and  . if (' ' == s) { if (space) { s = 128; space = FALSE; } else space = TRUE; } else { space = FALSE; if (128 == s) // The real 128 character. { t[j++] = ' '; continue; } } if (128 >= s) { char *r = HTMLentities[s]; size_t m = strlen(r); int k; for (k = 0; k < m; k++) t[j++] = r[k]; } else t[j++] = ' '; } t[j] = '\0'; reply->addstr(reply, t); free(t); } static void HTMLtable(qgrow_t *reply, MYSQL *db, MYSQL_RES *result, char *caption, char *URL, char *id) { char *tbl = ""; char *address, *addrend, *t, *t0; int count = 0, c = -1, i; MYSQL_ROW row; MYSQL_FIELD *fields = mysql_fetch_fields(result); reply->addstrf(reply, "\n", caption); if (!fields) E("Failed fetching fields: %s", mysql_error(db)); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result))) { reply->addstr(reply, ""); address = xmprintf(""); addrend = ""; if (-1 == c) c = mysql_num_fields(result); if (0 == count) { for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { char *s = fields[i].name; reply->addstrf(reply, "", s); } reply->addstr(reply, "\n"); } if (NULL != URL) { free(address); address = xmprintf("addstrf(reply, "", address, id, t0, t0, addrend); else reply->addstrf(reply, "", t0); } } reply->addstr(reply, "\n"); free(address); count++; } reply->addstr(reply, "
"); mysql_free_result(result); } static void HTMLhidden(qgrow_t *reply, char *name, char *val) { if ((NULL != val) && ("" != val)) { reply->addstrf(reply, " addstr(reply, "\">\n"); } } static void HTMLform(qgrow_t *reply, char *action, char *token) { reply->addstrf(reply, "
\n", action); if ((NULL != token) && ('\0' != token[0])) HTMLhidden(reply, "munchie", token); } static void HTMLformEnd(qgrow_t *reply) { reply->addstrf(reply, "
\n"); } static void HTMLcheckBox(qgrow_t *reply, char *name, char *title, boolean checked, boolean required) { // HTML is an absolute fucking horror. This is so that we got an off sent to us if the checkbox is off, otherwise we get nothing. HTMLhidden(reply, name, "off"); reply->addstrf(reply, "

"); reply->addstrf(reply, "", title); // reply->addstrf(reply, "> %s ⛝ □ 🞐 🞎 🞎 ☐ ▣️ ◉ ○ ", title); reply->addstrf(reply, "

\n"); } static void HTMLtextArea(qgrow_t *reply, char *name, char *title, int rows, int cols, int min, int max, char *holder, char *comp, char *spell, char *wrap, char *val, boolean required, boolean readOnly) { reply->addstrf(reply, "

\n"); } else reply->addstrf(reply, ">

\n"); } static void HTMLtext(qgrow_t *reply, char *type, char *title, char *name, char *val, int size, int max, boolean required) { reply->addstrf(reply, "

\n"); } static void HTMLselect(qgrow_t *reply, char *title, char *name) { if (NULL == title) reply->addstrf(reply, "

\n", title, name); } static void HTMLselectEnd(qgrow_t *reply) { reply->addstr(reply, "

\n \n"); } static void HTMLselectEndNo(qgrow_t *reply) { reply->addstr(reply, "

"); } static void HTMLoption(qgrow_t *reply, char *title, boolean selected) { char *sel = ""; if (selected) sel = " selected"; reply->addstrf(reply, " \n", title, sel, title); } static void HTMLbutton(qgrow_t *reply, char *name, char *title) { reply->addstrf(reply, " \n", name, title); } static void HTMLlist(qgrow_t *reply, char *title, qlist_t *list) { qlist_obj_t obj; reply->addstrf(reply, "
    %s\n", title); memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call list->lock(list); while (list->getnext(list, &obj, false) == true) { reply->addstr(reply, "
  • "); HTMLescapeString(reply, (char *) obj.data); reply->addstr(reply, "
  • \n"); } list->unlock(list); reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); } static int count = 0; void HTMLfill(reqData *Rd, enum fragmentType type, char *text, int length) { char *tmp; switch (type) { case FT_TEXT: { if (length) Rd->reply->add(Rd->reply, (void *) text, length * sizeof(char)); break; } case FT_PARAM: { if (strcmp("DEBUG", text) == 0) { if (DEBUG) { Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

FastCGI SledjChisl

\n" "

Request number %d, Process ID: %d

\n", count++, getpid()); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

libfcgi version: %s

\n", FCGI_VERSION); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Lua version: %s

\n", LUA_RELEASE); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

LuaJIT version: %s

\n", LUAJIT_VERSION); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

MySQL client version: %s

\n", mysql_get_client_info()); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->headers, "Environment"); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->cookies, "Cookies"); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->queries, "Query"); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->body, "POST body"); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->stuff, "Stuff"); showSesh(Rd->reply, &Rd->shs); if (Rd->lnk) showSesh(Rd->reply, Rd->lnk); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->database, "Database"); outizeCookie(Rd->reply, Rd->Rcookies, "Reply Cookies"); outize(Rd->reply, Rd->Rheaders, "Reply HEADERS"); } } else if (strcmp("URL", text) == 0) Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "%s://%s%s", Rd->Scheme, Rd->Host, Rd->Script); else { if ((tmp = Rd->stats->stats->getstr(Rd->stats->stats, text, false)) != NULL) Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, tmp); else Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "%s", text); } break; } case FT_LUA: break; } } static void HTMLfooter(qgrow_t *reply) { reply->addstrf(reply, "
\n"); reply->addstr(reply, "
\n" "

Experimental account manager

\n" "

This account manager system is currently experimental, and under heavy development.   " " Which means it's not all written yet, and things may break.

\n" "

To create an account, choose a name and password, type them in, click the 'create account' button.

" "

On the next page, fill in all your details, then click on the 'confirm' button.

" "

We follow the usual web site registration process, which sends a validation email, with a link to click.   " " When you get that email, click on the link, or copy it into a web browser.

" "

You will then be logged off.   Now you have to wait for an admin to approve your new account.   " " They should check with the person you listed as vouching for you first.   They will tell you after they approve your account.

" "

Missing bits that are still being written - editing accounts, listing accounts, deleting accounts.

\n" "
\n"); // reply->addstr(reply, "
\n"); reply->addstr(reply, // "
\n" // "
\n" "
\n" " \n" "
\n" "
\n" "\n\n"); } fragment *newFragment(enum fragmentType type, char *text, int len) { fragment *frg = xmalloc(sizeof(fragment)); frg->type = type; frg->length = len; frg->text = xmalloc(len + 1); memcpy(frg->text, text, len); frg->text[len] = '\0'; return frg; } qlist_t *fragize(char *mm, size_t length) { qlist_t *fragments = qlist(QLIST_THREADSAFE); fragment *frg0, *frg1; char *h; int i, j = 0, k = 0, l, m; // Scan for server side includes style markings. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i + 5 < length) { if (('<' == mm[i]) && ('!' == mm[i + 1]) && ('-' == mm[i + 2]) && ('-' == mm[i + 3]) && ('#' == mm[i + 4])) // '' i += 4; } frg0 = newFragment(FT_TEXT, &mm[k], m - k); fragments->addlast(fragments, frg0, sizeof(fragment)); fragments->addlast(fragments, frg1, sizeof(fragment)); free(frg0); free(frg1); k = i; break; } } } } } } } } } frg0 = newFragment(FT_TEXT, &mm[k], length - k); fragments->addlast(fragments, frg0, sizeof(*frg0)); free(frg0); return fragments; } void unfragize(qlist_t *fragments, reqData *Rd, boolean fre) { qlist_obj_t lobj; memset((void *) &lobj, 0, sizeof(lobj)); fragments->lock(fragments); while (fragments->getnext(fragments, &lobj, false) == true) { fragment *frg = (fragment *) lobj.data; if (NULL == frg->text) { E("NULL fragment!"); continue; } if (NULL != Rd) HTMLfill(Rd, frg->type, frg->text, frg->length); if (fre) free(frg->text); } fragments->unlock(fragments); if (fre) fragments->free(fragments); } HTMLfile *checkHTMLcache(char *file) { if (NULL == HTMLfileCache) HTMLfileCache = qhashtbl(0, 0); HTMLfile *ret = (HTMLfile *) HTMLfileCache->get(HTMLfileCache, file, NULL, true); int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); size_t length = 0; if (-1 == fd) { HTMLfileCache->remove(HTMLfileCache, file); free(ret); ret = NULL; } else { struct stat sb; if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1) { HTMLfileCache->remove(HTMLfileCache, file); free(ret); ret = NULL; E("Failed to stat %s", file); } else { if ((NULL != ret) && (ret->last.tv_sec < sb.st_mtim.tv_sec)) { HTMLfileCache->remove(HTMLfileCache, file); free(ret); ret = NULL; } if (NULL == ret) { char *mm = MAP_FAILED; ret = xmalloc(sizeof(HTMLfile)); length = sb.st_size; ret->last.tv_sec = sb.st_mtim.tv_sec; ret->last.tv_nsec = sb.st_mtim.tv_nsec; D("Loading web template %s, which is %d bytes long.", file, length); mm = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED | MAP_POPULATE, fd, 0); if (mm == MAP_FAILED) { HTMLfileCache->remove(HTMLfileCache, file); free(ret); ret = NULL; E("Failed to mmap %s", file); } else { ret->fragments = fragize(mm, length); if (-1 == munmap(mm, length)) FCGI_fprintf(FCGI_stderr, "Failed to munmap %s\n", file); HTMLfileCache->put(HTMLfileCache, file, ret, sizeof(*ret)); } } close(fd); } } return ret; } /* TODO - On new user / password reset. . Both should have all the same security concerns as the login page, they are basically logins. . Codes should be "very long", "(for example, 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters)" . "confirm" button hit on "accountCreationPage" or "resetPasswordPage" . generate a new token, keep it around for idleTimeOut (or at least 24 hours), call it .linky instead of .lua . hash the linky for the file name, for the same reason we hash the hashish with pepper for the leaf-node. . Include user level field, new users get -200. . Store the linky itself around somewhere we can find it quickly for logged in users. . store it in the regenerated session . Scratch that, we should never store the raw linky, see above about hashing the linky. . The linky is just like the session token, create it in exactly the same way. . Linky is base64() of the binary, so it's short enough to be a file name, and not too long for the URL. . But we only get to send one of them as a linky URL, no backup cookies / body / headers. . Sooo, need to separate the session stuff out of Rd->stuff. . Use two separate qhashtbl's, Rd->session and Rd->linky. For new user . create their /opt/opensim_SC/var/lib/users/UUID.lua account record, and symlink firstName_lastName.lua to it. . They can log on, but all they can do is edit their email to send a new validation code, and enter the validation code. They can reset their password. . Warn them on login and any page refresh that there is an outstanding validation awaiting them. For reset password . Let them do things as normal, in case this was just someone being mean to them, coz their email addy might be public. . Including the usual logging out and in again with their old password. . Warn them on login and any page refresh that there is an outstanding password reset awaiting them. . email linky, which is some or all of the token result bits strung together, BASE64 encode the result. . regenerate the usual token . user clicks on the linky (or just enters the linky in a field) . validate the linky token. compare the level field to the linky type in the linky URL, new users -200 would be "../validateUser/.." and not "../resetPassword/.." . delete the linky token . Particularly important for the forgotten password email, since now that token is in the wild, and is used to reset a password. Which begs the question, other than being able to recieve the email, how do we tell it's them? Security questions suck, too easily guessed. Ask their DoB. Still sucky, coz "hey it's my birthday today" is way too leaky. This is what Multi Factor Autentication is good for, and that's on the TODO list. Also, admins should have a harder time doing password resets. Must be approved by another admin? Must log onto the server via other means to twiddle something there? For password reset page Ask their DoB to help confirm it's them. validate the DoB, delete tokens and back to the login page if they get it wrong Should warn people on the accountCreationPage that DoB might be used this way. ask them for the new password, twice Create a new passwordSalt and passwordHash, store them in the auth table. . For validate new user page . tell them they have validated . create their OpenSim account UserAccounts.UserTitle and auth tables, not GridUser table . create their GridUser record. . update their UserAccounts.Userlevel and UserAccounts.UserTitle . send them to the login page. . regenerate the usual token ? let user stay logged on? Check best practices for this. Check password strength. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/549/the-definitive-guide-to-form-based-website-authentication?rq=1 Has some pointers to resources in the top answers "PART V: Checking Password Strength" section. "PART VI: Much More - Or: Preventing Rapid-Fire Login Attempts" and "PART VII: Distributed Brute Force Attacks" is also good for - Login attempt throttling. Deal with dictionary attacks by slowing down access on password failures etc. Deal with editing yourself. Deal with editing others, but only as god. Regularly delete old session files and ancient newbies. Salts should be "lengthy" (128 bytes suggested in 2007) and random. Should be per user to. Or use a per user and a global one, and store the global one very securely. And store hash(salt+password). On the other hand, the OpenSim / SL password hashing function may be set in concrete in all the viewers. I'll have to find out. So far I have discovered - On login server side if the password doesn't start with $1$, then password = "$1$" + Util.Md5Hash(passwd); remove the "$1$ bit string hashed = Util.Md5Hash(password + ":" + data.Data["passwordSalt"].ToString()); if (data.Data["passwordHash"].ToString() == hashed) passwordHash is char(32), and as implied above, doesn't include the $1$ bit. passwordSalt is also char(32) Cool VL and Impy at least sends the $1$ md5 hashed version over the wire. Modern viewers obfuscate the details buried deep in C++ OOP crap. Sent via XMLRPC MD5 is considered broken since 2013, possibly longer. Otherwise use a slow hashing function. bcrypt? scrypt? Argon2? PBKDF2? https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/211/how-to-securely-hash-passwords Should include a code in the result that tells us which algorithm was used, so we can change the algorithm at a later date. /etc/passwd does this. Which is what the $1$ bit currently used between server and client is sorta for. + Would be good to have one more level of this Rd->database stuff, so we know the type of the thing. While qhashtbl has API for putting strings, ints, and memory, it has none for finding out what type a stored thing is. Once I have a structure, I add things like "level needed to edit it", "OpenSim db structure to Lua file mapping", and other fanciness. Would also help with the timestamp being stored for the session, it prints out binary gunk in the DEBUG
. Starting to get into object oriented territory here. B-) I'll have to do it eventually anyway. object->tostring(object), and replace the big switch() statements in the existing db code with small functions. That's why the qLibc stuff has that format, coz C doesn't understand the concept of passing "this" as the first argument. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/351733/how-would-one-write-object-oriented-code-in-c https://stackoverflow.com/questions/415452/object-orientation-in-c http://ooc-coding.sourceforge.net/ https://owasp.org/www-project-cheat-sheets/cheatsheets/Input_Validation_Cheat_Sheet.html#Email_Address_Validation https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/ https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross_Site_Scripting_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html https://owasp.org/www-project-cheat-sheets/cheatsheets/Authentication_Cheat_Sheet.html https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/46716/what-technical-details-should-a-programmer-of-a-web-application-consider-before https://wiki.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Guide_Project https://stackoverflow.com/questions/549/the-definitive-guide-to-form-based-website-authentication?rq=1 https://owasp.org/www-community/xss-filter-evasion-cheatsheet A list of example XSS things to try. */ /* Four choices for the token - (https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery Has some more info. Large random value generated by a secure method (getrandom(2)). Keep it secret, put it in hidden fields, or custom HTTP header (requires JavaScript but more secure than hidden fields). NOT cookies or GET. Don't log it. Cryptographically sign a session ID and timestamp. Timestamp is for session timeouts. Keep it secret, put it in hidden fields, or custom HTTP header (requires JavaScript but more secure than hidden fields). Needs a secret key server side. A strong HMAC (SHA-256 or better) of a session ID and timestamp. The above document seems to imply that a key is used for this, the openssl EVP functions don't mention any way of supplying this key. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC says there is a key as well. https://www.openssl.org/docs/man1.1.0/man3/HMAC.html HAH! They can have keys. OpenSSL's docs suck. Token = HMAC(sessionID+timestamp)+timestamp (Yes, timestamp is used twice). Keep it secret, put it in hidden fields, or custom HTTP header (requires JavaScript but more secure than hidden fields). Needs a secret key server side. Double cookie Large random value generated by a secure method set as a cookie and hidden field. Check they match. Optional - encrypt / salted hash it in another cookie / hidden field. + Also a resin (BASE64 session key in the query string). Not such a good idea to have something in the query, coz that screws with bookmarks. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/59470/double-submit-cookies-vulnerabilities Though so far all the pages I find saying this don't say flat out say "use headers instead", though they do say "use HSTS". https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/220797/is-the-double-submit-cookie-pattern-still-effective + Includes a work around that I might already be doing. TODO - think it through, is it really secure against session hijacking? TODO - document why we redirect POST to GET, coz it's a pain in the arse, and we have to do things twice. SOOOOO - use double cookie + hidden field. No headers, coz I need JavaScript to do that. No hidden field when redirecting post POST to GET, coz GET doesn't get those. pepper = long pass phrase or some such stored in .sledjChisl.conf.lua, which has to be protected dvs1/opensimsc/0640 as well as the database credentials. salt = large random value generated by a secure method (getrandom(2)). seshID = large random value generated by a secure method (getrandom(2)). timeStamp = mtime of the leaf-node file, set to current time when we are creating the token. sesh = seshID + timeStamp munchie = HMAC(sesh) + timeStamp The token hidden field toke_n_munchie = HMAC(UUID + munchie) The token cookie hashish = HMACkey(toke_n_munchie, salt) Salted token cookie & linky query ? resin = BASE64(hashish) Base64 token cookie leaf-node = HMACkey(hashish, pepper) Stored token file name Leaf-node.lua (mtime is timeStamp) IP, UUID, salt, seshID, user name, passwordSalt, passwordHash (last two for OpenSim password protocol) The test - (validateSesh() below) we get hashish and toke_n_munchie HMACkey(hashish + pepper) -> leaf-node read leaf-node.lua -> IP, UUID, salt, seshID get it's mtime -> timeStamp seshID + timeStamp -> sesh HMAC(sesh) + timeStamp -> munchie if we got munchie in the hidden field, compare it toke_n_munchie == HMAC(UUID + munchie) For linky it'll be - HMAC(UUID + munchie) -> toke_n_munchie hashish == HMACkey(toke_n_munchie + salt) + If it's too old according to mtime, delete it and logout. I should make it easy to change the HMAC() function. Less important for these short lived sessions, more important for the linky URLs, most important for stored password hashes. Same for the pepper. The required JavaScript might be like https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.html#xmlhttprequest--native-javascript- NOTE - they somehow fucked up that anchor tag. NOTE - storing a pepper on the same RAID array as everything else will be a problem when it comes time to replace one of the disks. It might have failed badly enough that you can't wipe it, but an attacker can dumpster dive it, replace the broken bit (firmware board), and might get lucky. Also is a problem with SSD and rust storing good data on bad sectors in the spare sector pool, wear levelling, etc. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16891729/best-practices-salting-peppering-passwords */ qlisttbl_t *accountLevels = NULL; // The ancient, insecure since 2011, Second Life / OpenSim password hashing algorithm. char *newSLOSsalt(reqData *Rd) { char *salt = NULL; unsigned char *md5hash = xzalloc(17); char uuid[37]; uuid_t binuuid; uuid_generate_random(binuuid); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuid, uuid); if (!qhashmd5((void *) uuid, strlen(uuid), md5hash)) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "newSLOSsalt() - qhashmd5(new uuid) failed."); else salt = qhex_encode(md5hash, 16); free(md5hash); return salt; } char *checkSLOSpassword(reqData *Rd, char *salt, char *password, char *passwordHash, char *fail) { char *ret = NULL; int rt = 0; unsigned char *md5hash = xzalloc(17); char *hash = NULL, *passHash = NULL; t("checkSLOSpassword(%s, %s, %s, ", password, salt, passwordHash, fail); // Calculate passHash. if (!qhashmd5((void *) password, strlen(password), md5hash)) { bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "checkSLOSpassword() - qhashmd5(password) failed."); rt++; } else { passHash = qhex_encode(md5hash, 16); hash = xmprintf("%s:%s", passHash, salt); if (!qhashmd5((void *) hash, strlen(hash), md5hash)) { bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "checkSLOSpassword() - qhashmd5(password:salt) failed."); rt++; } else { ret = qhex_encode(md5hash, 16); } free(hash); free(passHash); } // If one was passed in, compare it. if ((NULL != ret) && (NULL != passwordHash) && (strcmp(ret, passwordHash) != 0)) { bitch(Rd, fail, "Password doesn't match passwordHash"); E(" %s %s - %s != %s", password, salt, ret, passwordHash); rt++; free(ret); ret = NULL; } free(md5hash); return ret; } char *checkLinky(reqData *Rd) { // TODO - should be from Rd.shs->linky-hashish char *ret = xstrdup(""), *t0 = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "linky-hashish"); if ('\0' != t0[0]) { char *t1 = qurl_encode(t0, strlen(t0)); free(ret); ret = xmprintf("

You have an email waiting with a validation link in it, please check your email.   " "THE FOLLOWING IS REPEATED, COZ PEOPLE JUST DON'T FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!" "It will be from %s@%s, and it might be in your spam folder, coz these sorts of emails sometimes end up there.   " "You should add that email address to your contacts, or otherwise let it through your spam filter.   " "It will be from %s@%s, and it might be in your spam folder, coz these sorts of emails sometimes end up there.   " "You should add that email address to your contacts, or otherwise let it through your spam filter.   " "It will be from %s@%s, and it might be in your spam folder, coz these sorts of emails sometimes end up there.   " "You should add that email address to your contacts, or otherwise let it through your spam filter.   " "It will be from %s@%s, and it might be in your spam folder, coz these sorts of emails sometimes end up there.   " "You should add that email address to your contacts, or otherwise let it through your spam filter.   " "If your email client wont let you click the validation link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.   " "If your email client wont let you click the validation link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.   " "If your email client wont let you click the validation link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.   " "If your email client wont let you click the validation link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.   " // "%s" "

\n", "grid_no_reply", Rd->Host, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri // ,t1, t0 ); free(t1); } return ret; } static void freeSesh(reqData *Rd, boolean linky, boolean wipe) { char *file = NULL; sesh *shs = &Rd->shs; T("free sesh %s %s", linky ? "linky" : "session", wipe ? "wipe" : "delete"); if (linky) { shs = Rd->lnk; file = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.linky", scCache, shs->leaf); } else file = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.lua", scCache, shs->leaf); if (wipe) I("Wiping session %s.", file); else I("Deleting session %s.", file); if ('\0' != shs->leaf[0]) { if (unlink(file)) perror_msg("Unable to delete %s", file); } Rd->body-> remove(Rd->body, "munchie"); freeCookie(Rd, "toke_n_munchie"); freeCookie(Rd, "hashish"); cookie *ck = setCookie(Rd, "toke_n_munchie", ""); cookie *ckh = setCookie(Rd, "hashish", ""); ck->maxAge = -1; // Should expire immediately. ckh->maxAge = -1; // Should expire immediately. qhashtbl_obj_t obj; if (wipe) { memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); Rd->database->lock(Rd->database); while(Rd->database->getnext(Rd->database, &obj, false) == true) Rd->database->remove(Rd->database, obj.name); Rd->database->unlock(Rd->database); if (NULL != shs->name) free(shs->name); shs->name = NULL; if (NULL != shs->UUID) free(shs->UUID); shs->UUID = NULL; shs->level = -256; // TODO - should I wipe the rest of Rd->shs as well? Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "name"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "firstName"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "email"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "passwordSalt"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "passwordHash"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "passHash"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "passSalt"); Rd->stuff->remove(Rd->stuff, "linky-hashish"); } if (shs->isLinky) { free(Rd->lnk); Rd->lnk = NULL; } else { shs->leaf[0] = '\0'; } free(file); } static void setToken_n_munchie(reqData *Rd, boolean linky) { sesh *shs = &Rd->shs; char *file; if (linky) { shs = Rd->lnk; file = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.linky", scCache, shs->leaf); } else { file = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.lua", scCache, shs->leaf); } struct stat st; int s = stat(file, &st); if (!linky) { setCookie(Rd, "toke_n_munchie", shs->toke_n_munchie); setCookie(Rd, "hashish", shs->hashish); } char *tnm0 = xmprintf( "toke_n_munchie = \n" "{\n" " ['IP']='%s',\n" " ['salt']='%s',\n" " ['seshID']='%s',\n", getStrH(Rd->headers, "REMOTE_ADDR"), shs->salt, shs->seshID ); char *tnm1 = xmprintf(" ['name']='%s',\n ['level']='%d',\n", shs->name, (int) shs->level); char *tnm2 = xmprintf(" ['UUID']='%s',\n", shs->UUID); char *tnm3 = xmprintf(" ['passHash']='%s',\n", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passHash")); char *tnm4 = xmprintf(" ['passSalt']='%s',\n", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passSalt")); char *tnm9 = xmprintf("}\n" "return toke_n_munchie\n"); int fd = notstdio(xcreate_stdio(file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); size_t l = strlen(tnm0); if (s) I("Creating session %s.", file); else C("Updating session %s.", file); // I don't think updates can occur now. t("Write shs %s", tnm0); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm0, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } if (NULL != shs->name) { t("Write shs %s", tnm1); l = strlen(tnm1); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm1, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } } if (NULL != shs->UUID) { t("Write shs %s", tnm2); l = strlen(tnm2); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm2, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } } if ('\0' != getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passHash")[0]) { t("Write shs %s", tnm3); l = strlen(tnm3); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm3, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } } if ('\0' != getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passSalt")[0]) { t("Write shs %s", tnm4); l = strlen(tnm4); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm4, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } } l = strlen(tnm9); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm9, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } // Set the mtime on the file. futimens(fd, shs->timeStamp); xclose(fd); free(tnm9); free(tnm4); free(tnm3); free(tnm2); free(tnm1); free(tnm0); free(file); if (linky) { // TODO - Later use libcurl. char *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); // TODO - should be from Rd.shs->linky-hashish char *t0 = xstrdup(Rd->lnk->hashish), *content, *command; if ('\0' != t0[0]) { size_t sz = qhex_decode(t0); char *t1 = qB64_encode(t0, sz); content = xmprintf( "From: grid_no_reply@%s\n" "Relpy-to: grid_no_reply@%s\n" "Return-Path: bounce_email@%s\n" "To: %s\n" "Subject: Validate your new account on %s\n" "\n" "This is an automated validation email sent from %s.\n" "\n" "Dear %s %s,\n" "\n" "Some one has created the account '%s %s' on \n" "https://%s%s, and hopefully it was you.\n" "If it wasn't you, you can ignore this email.\n" "\n" "Please go to this web link to validate your new account -\n" "https://%s%s?hashish=%s\n" "THE FOLLOWING IS REPEATED, COZ PEOPLE JUST DON'T FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!" "If your email client wont let you click the validation\n" "link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.\n" "If your email client wont let you click the validation\n" "link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.\n" "If your email client wont let you click the validation\n" "link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.\n" "If your email client wont let you click the validation\n" "link, just copy and paste it into your web browser.\n" "\n" "\n" "Do not reply to this email.\n" "\n" "\n" "A copy of the grids Terms of Service that you agreed to\n" "when you created your account is included below.\n" "%s", Rd->Host, Rd->Host, Rd->Host, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "email"), Rd->Host, Rd->Host, first, last, first, last, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, t1, ToS ); l = strlen(content); file = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.email", scCache, shs->leaf); fd = notstdio(xcreate_stdio(file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); if (l != writeall(fd, content, l)) { perror_msg("Writing %s", file); // freeSesh(Rd, linky, TRUE); } xclose(fd); I("Sending linky email to %s %s", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "email"), t1); command = xmprintf("sendmail -oi -t <'%s'", file); int i = system(command); if (!WIFEXITED(i)) E("sendmail command failed!"); free(command); free(file); free(content); free(t1); free(t0); } } } static void generateAccountUUID(reqData *Rd) { // Generate a UUID, check it isn't already being used. char uuid[37], *where; uuid_t binuuid; my_ulonglong users = 0; int c; do // UserAccounts.PrincipalID is a unique primary index anyway, but we want the user creation process to be a little on the slow side. { struct stat st; uuid_generate_random(binuuid); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuid, uuid); // Try Lua user file. where = xmprintf("%s/users/%s.lua", scData, uuid); c = stat(where, &st); if (c) users = 1; free(where); // Try database. where = xmprintf("UserAccounts.PrincipalID = '%s'", uuid); D("Trying new UUID %s.", where); users = dbCount("UserAccounts", where); free(where); } while (users != 0); if (NULL != Rd->shs.UUID) free(Rd->shs.UUID); Rd->shs.UUID = xstrdup(uuid); Rd->shs.level = -200; Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID", uuid); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Userlevel", "-200"); } char *getLevel(short level) { char *ret = "", *lvl = xmprintf("%d", level); ret = accountLevels->getstr(accountLevels, lvl, false); if (NULL == ret) { qlisttbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call accountLevels->lock(accountLevels); while(accountLevels->getnext(accountLevels, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { if (atoi(obj.name) <= level) ret = (char *) obj.data; } } free(lvl); return ret; } typedef struct _systemFolders systemFolders; struct _systemFolders { char *name; short type; }; systemFolders sysFolders[] = { {"My Inventory", 8}, {"Animations", 20}, {"Body Parts", 13}, {"Calling Cards", 2}, // {"Friends", 2}, // {"All", 2}, {"Clothing", 5}, {"Current Outfit", 46}, {"Favorites", 23}, {"Gestures", 21}, {"Landmarks", 3}, {"Lost And Found", 16}, {"Mesh", 49}, {"My Outfits", 48}, {"My Suitcase", 100}, // All the others are replicated inside. {"Notecards", 7}, {"Objects", 6}, {"Outfit", 47}, {"Photo Album", 15}, {"Scripts", 10}, {"Sounds", 1}, {"Textures", 0}, {"Trash", 14}, {NULL, -1} }; static void accountWrite(reqData *Rd) { char *uuid = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID"); char *file = xmprintf("%s/users/%s.lua", scData, uuid); char *level = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel"); char *link = (NULL == Rd->lnk) ? "" : Rd->lnk->hashish; char *tnm = "user = \n{\n"; struct stat st; int s = stat(file, &st); int fd = notstdio(xcreate_stdio(file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)); size_t l = strlen(tnm); uuid_t binuuid; uuid_clear(binuuid); if ((NULL != uuid) && ('\0' != uuid[0])) uuid_parse(uuid, binuuid); if ((NULL != uuid) && ('\0' != uuid[0]) && (!uuid_is_null(binuuid))) { if (s) I("Creating user %s.", file); else I("Updating user %s.", file); if (l != writeall(fd, tnm, l)) perror_msg("Writing %s", file); else { char *name = Rd->stuff->getstr(Rd->stuff, "name", true); char *end = "}\nreturn user\n"; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "name", name)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaInteger(Rd, fd, file, "created", (strcmp("", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "created")) != 0) ? atol(getStrH(Rd->stuff, "created")) : (long) Rd->shs.timeStamp[1].tv_sec)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "email", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "title", getLevel(atoi(level)))) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "level", level)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaInteger(Rd, fd, file, "flags", 0)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaInteger(Rd, fd, file, "active", 1)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "passwordHash", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "passwordSalt", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "UUID", uuid)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "DoB", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "agree", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "adult", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "aboutMe", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "vouched", "off")) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "voucher", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "approver", NULL)) goto notWritten; if (!writeLuaString (Rd, fd, file, "link", link)) goto notWritten; l = strlen(end); if (l != writeall(fd, end, l)) perror_msg("Writing %s", file); else { char *nm = xmprintf("%s/users/%s.lua", scData, qstrreplace("tr", name, " ", "_")); free(file); file = xmprintf("%s.lua", uuid); I("Symlinking %s to %s", file, nm); if (0 != symlink(file, nm)) perror_msg("Symlinking %s to %s", file, nm); free(nm); } notWritten: free(name); } xclose(fd); short lvl = atoi(level); if (0 <= lvl) // Note that http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Userlevel claims that 1 and above are "GOD_LIKE". { if (Rd->fromDb) { I("Updating database user %s.", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); } else { // Setup the database stuff. static dbRequest *acntsI = NULL; if (NULL == acntsI) { static char *szi[] = { "FirstName", "LastName", "Email", "Created", "PrincipalID", "ScopeID", "UserLevel", "UserFlags", "UserTitle", // "ServiceURLs", // No worky "text", filled with crap. Leaving it blank works fine. "active", NULL }; static char *szo[] = {NULL}; acntsI = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); acntsI->table = "UserAccounts"; acntsI->inParams = szi; acntsI->outParams = szo; acntsI->where = ""; acntsI->type = CT_CREATE; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &acntsI, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } static dbRequest *authI = NULL; if (NULL == authI) { static char *szi[] = {"UUID", "passwordSalt", "passwordHash", "accountType", "webLoginKey", NULL}; static char *szo[] = {NULL}; authI = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); authI->table = "auth"; authI->inParams = szi; authI->outParams = szo; authI->where = ""; authI->type = CT_CREATE; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &authI, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } static dbRequest *invFolderI = NULL; if (NULL == invFolderI) { static char *szi[] = { "agentID", "folderName", "type", // smallint(6) "version", // int(11) "folderID", "parentFolderID", NULL }; static char *szo[] = {NULL}; invFolderI = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); invFolderI->table = "inventoryfolders"; invFolderI->inParams = szi; invFolderI->outParams = szo; invFolderI->where = ""; invFolderI->type = CT_CREATE; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &invFolderI, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } static dbRequest *gUserI = NULL; if (NULL == gUserI) { // static char *szi[] = {"UserID", "HomeRegionID", "HomePosition", "HomeLookAt", "LastRegionID", "LastPosition", "LastLookAt", "Online", "Login", "Logout", NULL}; static char *szi[] = {"UserID", NULL}; // All the defaults are what we would set anyway. static char *szo[] = {NULL}; gUserI = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); gUserI->table = "GridUser"; gUserI->inParams = szi; gUserI->outParams = szo; gUserI->where = ""; gUserI->type = CT_CREATE; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &gUserI, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } I("Creating database user %s %s.", uuid, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); char *first = Rd->stuff->getstr(Rd->stuff, "name", true), *last = strchr(first, ' '); // create user record. *last++ = '\0'; if (0 != dbDoSomething(acntsI, FALSE, first, last, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "email"), (strcmp("", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "created")) != 0) ? atoi(getStrH(Rd->stuff, "created")) : (int) Rd->shs.timeStamp[1].tv_sec, uuid, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", atoi(level), 0, getLevel(atoi(level)), // "", // Defaults to NULL, empty string seems OK to. Then gets filled in later. 1 )) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create UserAccounts record."); else { char uuidI[37], uuidR[37], uuidC[37], uuidS[37]; uuid_t binuuidI; int r = 0, i; // Create inventory records. strcpy(uuidR, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); for (i = 0; (NULL != sysFolders[i].name) && (0 == r); i++) { uuid_generate_random(binuuidI); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuidI, uuidI); // TODO - should check there isn't a folder with this UUID already. D("Creating %s inventory folder for user %s.", sysFolders[i].name, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); r += dbDoSomething(invFolderI, FALSE, uuid, sysFolders[i].name, sysFolders[i].type, 1, uuidI, uuidR); // LEAKY if (0 != r) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create invenoryFolder record."); if (strcmp("My Inventory", sysFolders[i].name) == 0) strcpy(uuidR, uuidI); if (strcmp("Calling Cards", sysFolders[i].name) == 0) strcpy(uuidC, uuidI); if (strcmp("My Suitcase", sysFolders[i].name) == 0) strcpy(uuidS, uuidI); } uuid_generate_random(binuuidI); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuidI, uuidI); // TODO - should check there isn't a folder with this UUID already. D("Creating %s inventory folder for user %s.", "Friends", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); r += dbDoSomething(invFolderI, FALSE, uuid, "Friends", 2, 1, uuidI, uuidC); if (0 != r) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create invenoryFolder record."); strcpy(uuidC, uuidI); uuid_generate_random(binuuidI); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuidI, uuidI); // TODO - should check there isn't a folder with this UUID already. D("Creating %s inventory folder for user %s.", "All", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); r += dbDoSomething(invFolderI, FALSE, uuid, "All", 2, 1, uuidI, uuidC); if (0 != r) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create invenoryFolder record."); for (i = 1; (NULL != sysFolders[i].name) && (0 == r); i++) { uuid_generate_random(binuuidI); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuidI, uuidI); // TODO - should check there isn't a folder with this UUID already. D("Creating %s inventory folder for user %s.", sysFolders[i].name, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); r += dbDoSomething(invFolderI, FALSE, uuid, sysFolders[i].name, sysFolders[i].type, 1, uuidI, uuidS); if (0 != r) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create invenoryFolder record."); } if (0 == r) { // Create location record. D("Creating home and last positions for user %s.", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); if (0 != dbDoSomething(gUserI, FALSE, uuid)) // LEAKY bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create GridUser record."); else { // Finally create auth record, so they can log in. D("Creating auth record for user %s %s.", uuid, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name")); if (0 != dbDoSomething(authI, FALSE, uuid, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passwordSalt"), getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passwordHash"), "UserAccount", "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "Failed to create auth record."); } } // load iar -m first last / password /opt/opensim_SC/backups/DefaultMember.IAR struct sysinfo info; float la; sysinfo(&info); la = info.loads[0]/65536.0; char *name; simData *simd = ourSims->byTab->get(ourSims->byTab, backupIARsim, NULL, false); if (NULL == simd) E("Sim %s not found in ini list! Can't create inventory for %s %s", backupIARsim, first, last); else name = simd->name; if (checkSimIsRunning(backupIARsim)) { char *cmd = xmprintf("%d.%d", simd->window, simd->pane); char *c = xmprintf("load iar -m %s %s / password /opt/opensim_SC/backups/DefaultMember.IAR", first, last); I("Loading default member IAR for %s %s in sim %s, this might take a couple of minutes.", first, last, name); T(c); sendTmuxCmd(cmd, c); free(cmd); free(c); } } free(first); } } } else W("Not writing NULL UUID user!"); free(file); } static sesh *newSesh(reqData *Rd, boolean linky) { unsigned char *md5hash = xzalloc(17); char *toke_n_munchie, *munchie, *hashish, *t0, *t1; char uuid[37]; uuid_t binuuid; sesh *ret = &Rd->shs; T("new sesh %s %s %s", linky ? "linky" : "session", ret->UUID, ret->name); if (linky) { Rd->lnk = xzalloc(sizeof(sesh)); ret = Rd->lnk; ret->UUID = Rd->shs.UUID; } char buf[128]; // 512 bits. int numBytes = getrandom((void *)buf, sizeof(buf), GRND_NONBLOCK); // NOTE that getrandom() returns random bytes, which may include '\0'. if (-1 == numBytes) { perror_msg("Unable to generate a suitable random number."); // EAGAIN - not enough entropy, try again. // EINTR - signal handler interrupted it, try again. } else { t0 = qhex_encode(buf, sizeof(buf)); qstrcpy(ret->salt, sizeof(ret->salt), t0); free(t0); //d("salt %s", ret->salt); numBytes = getrandom((void *)buf, sizeof(buf), GRND_NONBLOCK); if (-1 == numBytes) perror_msg("Unable to generate a suitable random number."); else { t0 = qhex_encode(buf, sizeof(buf)); qstrcpy(ret->seshID, sizeof(ret->seshID), t0); free(t0); //d("seshID %s", ret->seshID); ret->timeStamp[0].tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT; ret->timeStamp[0].tv_sec = UTIME_OMIT; if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ret->timeStamp[1])) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); else { // tv_sec is a time_t, tv_nsec is a long, but the actual type of time_t isn't well defined, it's some sort of integer. t0 = xmprintf("%s%ld.%ld", ret->seshID, (long) ret->timeStamp[1].tv_sec, ret->timeStamp[1].tv_nsec); qstrcpy(ret->sesh, sizeof(ret->sesh), t0); //d("sesh %s", ret->sesh); t1 = myHMAC(t0, FALSE); free(t0); munchie = xmprintf("%s%ld.%ld", t1, (long) ret->timeStamp[1].tv_sec, ret->timeStamp[1].tv_nsec); free(t1); qstrcpy(ret->munchie, sizeof(ret->munchie), munchie); //d("munchie %s", ret->munchie); // TODO - chicken and egg? Used to be from stuff->UUID. t1 = ret->UUID; if (NULL == t1) { uuid_clear(binuuid); uuid_unparse_lower(binuuid, uuid); ret->UUID = xstrdup(uuid); } t0 = xmprintf("%s%s", ret->UUID, munchie); free(munchie); toke_n_munchie = myHMAC(t0, FALSE); free(t0); qstrcpy(ret->toke_n_munchie, sizeof(ret->toke_n_munchie), toke_n_munchie); //d("toke_n_munchie %s", ret->toke_n_munchie); hashish = myHMACkey(ret->salt, toke_n_munchie, FALSE); free(toke_n_munchie); qstrcpy(ret->hashish, sizeof(ret->hashish), hashish); //d("hashish %s", ret->hashish); t0 = myHMACkey(getStrH(Rd->configs, "pepper"), hashish, TRUE); free(hashish); qstrcpy(ret->leaf, sizeof(ret->leaf), t0); //d("leaf %s", ret->leaf); free(t0); ret->isLinky = linky; setToken_n_munchie(Rd, linky); } } } free(md5hash); return ret; } /* CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) CRAP (Create, Replicate, Append, Process) Though I prefer - DAVE (Delete, Add, View, Edit), coz the names are shorter. B-) On the other hand, list or browse needs to be added, which is why they have BREAD (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, Delete) CRUDL (Create, Read, Update, Delete, List) CRUDE (Create, Read, Update, Delete, Experience) Maybe - DAVEE (Delete, Add, View, Edit, Explore) */ #define FLD_NONE 0 #define FLD_EDITABLE 1 #define FLD_HIDDEN 2 #define FLD_REQUIRED 4 typedef struct _inputField inputField; typedef struct _inputSub inputSub; typedef struct _inputForm inputForm; typedef struct _inputValue inputValue; typedef int (*inputFieldValidFunc) (reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV); typedef void (*inputFieldShowFunc) (reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV); typedef int (*inputSubmitFunc) (reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV); typedef void (*inputFormShowFunc) (reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV); struct _inputField { char *name, *title, *help; inputFieldValidFunc validate; // Alas C doesn't have any anonymous function standard. inputFieldShowFunc web, console, gui; inputField **group; // If this is a LUA_TGROUP, then this will be a null terminated array of the fields in the group. // database details // lua file details signed char type, flags; short editLevel, viewLevel, viewLength, maxLength; }; struct _inputSub { char *name, *title, *help, *outputForm; inputSubmitFunc submit; }; struct _inputForm { char *name, *title, *help; qlisttbl_t *fields; // qlisttbl coz iteration in order and lookup are important. qhashtbl_t *subs; inputFormShowFunc web, eWeb; // display web, console, gui; // read function // write function }; struct _inputValue { inputField *field; void *value; // If this is a LUA_TGROUP, then this will be a null. short valid; // 0 for not yet validated, negative for invalid, positive for valid. short source, index; }; static int sessionValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; boolean linky = FALSE; char *toke_n_munchie = "", *munchie = "", *hashish = "", *leaf = "", *timeStamp = "", *seshion = "", *seshID = "", *t0, *t1; // In this case the session stuff has to come from specific places. hashish = Rd->queries->getstr(Rd->queries, "hashish", true); //d("O hashish %s", hashish); if (NULL != hashish) { char *t = xstrdup(hashish); size_t sz = qB64_decode(t); // TODO - should validate the cookie version as well, if it was sent. // Coz it later tries to delete the linky as if it was the cookie session, and might give us a chance to delete the old session. // Though only if there's a munchie in the body? I("Validating LINKY hashish %s", hashish); free(hashish); hashish = qhex_encode(t, sz); free(t); linky = TRUE; } else { toke_n_munchie = getStrH(Rd->cookies, "toke_n_munchie"); // munchie = getStrH(Rd->body, "munchie"); hashish = Rd->cookies->getstr(Rd->cookies, "hashish", true); if (('\0' == toke_n_munchie[0]) || ((NULL == hashish))) { if (strcmp("logout", Rd->doit) == 0) { I("Not checking session, coz we are logging out."); Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; return ret; } bitchSession(Rd, "Invalid session.", "No or blank hashish or toke_n_munchie."); Rd->shs.status = SHS_NONE; ret++; } else I("Validating SESSION hashish %s", hashish); } //d("O toke_n_munchie %s", toke_n_munchie); //d("O munchie %s", munchie); if (0 == ret) { struct stat st; struct timespec now; leaf = myHMACkey(getStrH(Rd->configs, "pepper"), hashish, TRUE); //d("leaf %s", leaf); if (linky) t0 = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.linky", scCache, leaf); else t0 = xmprintf("%s/sessions/%s.lua", scCache, leaf); qhashtbl_t *tnm = qhashtbl(0, 0); ret = LuaToHash(Rd, t0, "toke_n_munchie", tnm, ret, &st, &now, "session"); free(t0); if (0 != ret) { // This might be coz it's a stale session that was deleted already, so shouldn't complain really if they are just getting the login page. // They might also have a stale doit and form cookie. // bitchSession(Rd, "Invalid session.", "No session file."); bitchSession(Rd, "", "No session file."); ret++; } else { // This is apparently controversial, I added it coz some of the various security docs suggested it's a good idea. // https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/139952/why-arent-sessions-exclusive-to-an-ip-address?rq=1 // Includes various reasons why it's bad. // Another good reason why it is bad, TOR. // So should make this a user option, like Mantis does. if (strcmp(getStrH(Rd->headers, "REMOTE_ADDR"), getStrH(tnm, "IP")) != 0) { bitchSession(Rd, "Wrong IP for session.", "Session IP doesn't match."); ret++; } else { timeStamp = xmprintf("%ld.%ld", (long) st.st_mtim.tv_sec, st.st_mtim.tv_nsec); //d("timeStamp %s", timeStamp); seshion = xmprintf("%s%s", tnm->getstr(tnm, "seshID", false), timeStamp); //d("sesh %s", seshion); t0 = myHMAC(seshion, FALSE); munchie = xmprintf("%s%s", t0, timeStamp); //d("munchie %s", munchie); free(t0); free(timeStamp); t1 = getStrH(Rd->body, "munchie"); if ('\0' != t1[0]) { if (strcmp(t1, munchie) != 0) { // TODO if newbie user has not logged out, but clicks the email linky, and they end up on a new browser tab, they'll see this on the logged in tab. bitchSession(Rd, "Wrong munchie for session, may have been eaten, please try again.", "HMAC(seshID + timeStamp) != munchie"); ret++; } else { t0 = xmprintf("%s%s", getStrH(tnm, "UUID"), munchie); t1 = myHMAC(t0, FALSE); free(t0); //d("toke_n_munchie %s", t1); if (strcmp(t1, toke_n_munchie) != 0) { bitchSession(Rd, "Wrong toke_n_munchie for session.", "HMAC(UUID + munchie) != toke_n_munchie"); ret++; } free(t1); } if (linky) { t0 = xmprintf("%s%s", getStrH(tnm, "UUID"), munchie); t1 = myHMAC(t0, FALSE); free(t0); toke_n_munchie = t1; //d("toke_n_munchie %s", t1); } t1 = myHMACkey(getStrH(tnm, "salt"), toke_n_munchie, FALSE); //d("hashish %s", t1); if (strcmp(t1, hashish) != 0) { bitchSession(Rd, "Wrong hashish for session.", "HMAC(toke_n_munchie + salt) != hashish"); ret++; } free(t1); } // TODO - should carefully review all of this, especially the moving of session data to and fro. if (0 == ret) { W("Validated session."); sesh *shs = &Rd->shs; qstrcpy(shs->leaf, sizeof(shs->leaf), leaf); if (NULL != shs->name) free(shs->name); shs->name = tnm->getstr(tnm, "name", true); if (NULL != shs->UUID) free(shs->UUID); shs->UUID = tnm->getstr(tnm, "UUID", true); if (linky) { W("Validated session linky."); addStrL(Rd->messages, "Congratulations, you have validated your new account. Now you can log onto the web site."); addStrL(Rd->messages, "NOTE - you wont be able to log onto the grid until your new account has been approved."); Rd->lnk = xzalloc(sizeof(sesh)); Rd->lnk->status = SHS_NUKE; qstrcpy(Rd->lnk->leaf, sizeof(Rd->lnk->leaf), leaf); freeSesh(Rd, linky, FALSE); qstrcpy(Rd->lnk->leaf, sizeof(Rd->lnk->leaf), ""); Rd->doit = "validate"; Rd->output = "accountLogin"; Rd->form = "accountLogin"; // TODO - we might want to delete their old .lua session as well. Maybe? Don't think we have any suitable codes to find it. } else { char *level = tnm->getstr(tnm, "level", false); // Check for session timeouts etc. if (now.tv_sec > st.st_mtim.tv_sec + seshTimeOut) { bitch(Rd, "Session timed out.", "No activity for longer than seshTimeOut, session is ancient."); ret++; Rd->shs.status = SHS_ANCIENT; } else if (now.tv_sec > st.st_mtim.tv_sec + idleTimeOut) { bitch(Rd, "Session idled out.", "No activity for longer than idleTimeOut, session is idle."); ret++; Rd->shs.status = SHS_IDLE; } else if (now.tv_sec > st.st_mtim.tv_sec + seshRenew) { D("Session needs renewing."); Rd->shs.status = SHS_RENEW; } else Rd->shs.status = SHS_VALID; if (NULL == level) level = "-256"; qstrcpy(shs->sesh, sizeof(shs->sesh), seshion); qstrcpy(shs->toke_n_munchie, sizeof(shs->toke_n_munchie), toke_n_munchie); qstrcpy(shs->hashish, sizeof(shs->hashish), hashish); qstrcpy(shs->munchie, sizeof(shs->munchie), munchie); qstrcpy(shs->salt, sizeof(shs->salt), tnm->getstr(tnm, "salt", false)); qstrcpy(shs->seshID, sizeof(shs->seshID), tnm->getstr(tnm, "seshID", false)); shs->level = atoi(level); // TODO - get level from somewhere and stuff it in shs. shs->timeStamp[0].tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT; shs->timeStamp[0].tv_sec = UTIME_OMIT; memcpy(&shs->timeStamp[1], &st.st_mtim, sizeof(struct timespec)); } } qhashtbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); tnm->lock(tnm); while(tnm->getnext(tnm, &obj, false) == true) { char *n = obj.name; if ((strcmp("salt", n) != 0) && (strcmp("seshID", n) != 0) && (strcmp("UUID", n) != 0)) { t("SessionValidate() Lua read %s = %s", n, (char *) obj.data); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, obj.name, (char *) obj.data); } } tnm->unlock(tnm); // TODO - check this. // Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID", tnm->getstr(tnm, "UUID", false)); } free(munchie); free(seshion); } free(leaf); tnm->free(tnm); free(hashish); } return ret; } static void sessionWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, iV->field->name, iV->value); } /* static int UUIDValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *UUID = (char *) iV->value; if (36 != strlen(UUID)) { bitch(Rd, "Internal error.", "UUID isn't long enough."); ret++; } // TODO - check the characters and dashes as well. if (0 == ret) Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "UUID", UUID); return ret; } static void UUIDWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, iV->field->name, iV->value); } */ static int nameValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; unsigned char *name; // We have to be unsigned coz of isalnum(). char *where = NULL; name = xstrdup(iV->value); if ((NULL == name) || ('\0' == name[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply an account name.", "None supplied."); ret++; } else { int l0 = strlen(name), l1 = 0, l2 = 0; if (0 == l0) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply an account name.", "Name is empty."); ret++; } else { int i; unsigned char *s = NULL; for (i = 0; i < l0; i++) { if (isalnum(name[i]) == 0) { if ((' ' == name[i] /*&& (NULL == s)*/)) { s = &name[i]; *s++ = '\0'; while(' ' == *s) { i++; s++; } l1 = strlen(name); l2 = strlen(s); // Apparently names are not case sensitive on login, but stored with case in the database. // I confirmed that, can log in no matter what case you use. // Seems to be good security for names to be case insensitive. // UserAccounts FirstName and LastName fields are both varchar(64) utf8_general_ci. // The MySQL docs say that the "_ci" bit means comparisons will be case insensitive. So that should work fine. // SL docs say 31 characters each for first and last name. UserAccounts table is varchar(64) each. userinfo has varchar(50) for the combined name. // The userinfo table seems to be obsolete. // Singularity at least limits the total name to 64. // I can't find any limitations on characters allowed, but I only ever see letters and digits used. Case is stored, but not significant. // OpenSims "create user" console command doesn't sanitize it at all, even crashing on some names. } else { bitch(Rd, "First and last names are limited to ordinary letters and digits, no special characters or fonts.", ""); ret++; break; } // TODO - compare first, last, and fullname against god names, complain and fail if there's a match. } } if (NULL == s) { bitch(Rd, "Account names have to be two words.", ""); ret++; } if ((31 < l1) || (31 < l2)) { bitch(Rd, "First and last names are limited to 31 letters each.", ""); ret++; } if ((0 == l1) || (0 == l2)) { bitch(Rd, "First and last names have to be one or more ordinary letters or digits each.", ""); ret++; } if (0 == ret) { Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "firstName", name); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "lastName", s); Rd->stuff->putstrf(Rd->stuff, "name", "%s %s", name, s); } } } free(name); return ret; } static void nameWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { if (oV->field->flags & FLD_HIDDEN) HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, oV->field->name, oV->value); else HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "text", oV->field->title, oV->field->name, oV->value, oV->field->viewLength, oV->field->maxLength, oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); } static int passwordValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *password = (char *) iV->value, *salt = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passSalt"), *hash = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passHash"); if ((NULL == password) || ('\0' == password[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a password.", "Password empty or missing."); ret++; } else if (('\0' != salt[0]) && ('\0' != hash[0]) && (strcmp("psswrd", iV->field->name) == 0)) { D("Comparing passwords. %s %s %s", password, salt, hash); char *h = checkSLOSpassword(Rd, salt, password, hash, "Passwords are not the same."); if (NULL == h) ret++; else free(h); } // TODO - once the password is validated, store it as the salt and hash. // If it's an existing account, compare it? Or do that later? if (0 == ret) Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "password", password); return ret; } static void passwordWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "password", oV->field->title, oV->field->name, "", oV->field->viewLength, oV->field->maxLength, oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, "

While viewers will usually remember your name and password for you, you'll need to remember it for this web site to.   " "I highly recommend using a password manager.   KeePass and it's variations is a great password manager.

\n"); } static int emailValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { // inputField **group = iV->field->group; int ret = 0, i; boolean notSame = FALSE; i = iV->index; if (2 == i) { char *email = (char *) iV->value; char *emayl = (char *) (iV + 1)->value; if ((NULL == email) || (NULL == emayl) || ('\0' == email[0]) || ('\0' == emayl[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply an email address.", "None supplied."); ret++; } else if (strcmp(email, emayl) != 0) { bitch(Rd, "Email addresses are not the same.", ""); ret++; notSame = TRUE; } else if (!qstr_is_email(email)) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a proper email address.", "Failed qstr_is_email()"); ret++; } else { // TODO - do other email checks - does the domain exist, .. } if ((NULL != email) && (NULL != emayl)) { char *t0 = qurl_encode(email, strlen(email)); // In theory it's the correct thing to do to NOT load email into stuff on failure, // In practice, that means it wont show the old email and emayl in the create page when they don't match. if ((0 == ret) || notSame) Rd->stuff->putstrf(Rd->stuff, "email", "%s", t0); free(t0); } if ((NULL != email) && (NULL != emayl)) { char *t1 = qurl_encode(emayl, strlen(emayl)); Rd->stuff->putstrf(Rd->stuff, "emayl", "%s", t1); free(t1); } } return ret; } static void emailWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "email", oV->field->title, oV->field->name, getStrH(Rd->stuff, oV->field->name), oV->field->viewLength, oV->field->maxLength, oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

An email will be sent from %s@%s, and it might be in your spam folder, coz these sorts of emails sometimes end up there.   " "You should add that email address to your contacts, or otherwise let it through your spam filter.

", "grid_no_reply", Rd->Host); } char *months[] = { "january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december" }; static int DoBValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0, i; char *t0, *t1; // inputField **group = iV->field->group; i = iV->index; if (2 == i) { t0 = (char *) iV->value; if ((NULL == t0) || ('\0' == t0[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a year of birth.", "None supplied."); ret++; } else { i = atoi(t0); // TODO - get this to use current year instead of 2021. if ((1900 > i) || (i > 2021)) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a year of birth.", "Out of range."); ret++; } else if (i < 1901) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a proper year of birth.", "Out of range, too old."); ret++; } else if (i >2005) { bitch(Rd, "This grid is Adult rated, you are too young.", "Out of range, too young."); ret++; } } t1 = (char *) (iV + 1)->value; if ((NULL == t1) || ('\0' == t1[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a month of birth.", "None supplied."); ret++; } else { for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (strcmp(months[i], t1) == 0) break; } if (12 == i) { bitch(Rd, "Please supply a month of birth.", "Out of range"); ret++; } } if (0 == ret) { Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "year", t0); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "month", t1); Rd->stuff->putstrf(Rd->stuff, "DoB", "%s %s", t0, t1); } } return ret; } static void DoByWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { char *tmp = xmalloc(16), *t; int i, d; Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, "\n"); } static void DoBWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { } static int legalValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0, i; char *t; inputField **group = iV->field->group; i = iV->index; if (2 == i) { t = (char *) iV->value; if ((NULL == t) || (strcmp("on", t) != 0)) { bitch(Rd, "You must be an adult to enter this site.", ""); ret++; } else Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "adult", t); t = (char *) (iV + 1)->value; if ((NULL == t) || (strcmp("on", t) != 0)) { bitch(Rd, "You must agree to the Terms & Conditions of Use.", ""); ret++; } else Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "agree", t); } return ret; } static void adultWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { HTMLcheckBox(Rd->reply, oV->field->name, oV->field->title, !strcmp("on", getStrH(Rd->body, "adult")), oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); } static void agreeWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { HTMLcheckBox(Rd->reply, oV->field->name, oV->field->title, !strcmp("on", getStrH(Rd->body, "agree")), oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); } static void legalWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { } static void ToSWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Terms of Service

\n", getStrH(Rd->configs, "ToS")); } static int voucherValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { int ret = 0; char *voucher = (char *) oV->value; if ((NULL == voucher) || ('\0' == voucher[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please fill in the 'Voucher' section.", "None supplied."); ret++; } if ((0 == ret) && (NULL != voucher)) Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "voucher", voucher); return ret; } static void voucherWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "text", oV->field->title, oV->field->name, oV->value, oV->field->viewLength, oV->field->maxLength, oV->field->flags & FLD_REQUIRED); } static int aboutMeValidate(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { int ret = 0; char *about = (char *) oV->value; if ((NULL == about) || ('\0' == about[0])) { bitch(Rd, "Please fill in the 'About me' section.", "None supplied."); ret++; } if ((0 == ret) && (NULL != about)) Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "aboutMe", about); return ret; } static void aboutMeWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { // For maxlength - the MySQL database field is type text, which has a max length of 64 Kilobytes byets, but characters might take up 1 - 4 bytes, and maxlength is in characters. // For rows and cols, seems a bit broken, I ask for 5/42, I get 6,36. In world it seems to be 7,46 // TODO - check against the limit for in world profiles, coz this will become that. // TODO - validate aboutMe, it should not be empty, and should not be longer than 64 kilobytes. HTMLtextArea(Rd->reply, oV->field->name, oV->field->title, 7, oV->field->viewLength, 4, oV->field->maxLength, "Describe yourself here.", "off", "true", "soft", oV->value, FALSE, FALSE); } static void accountWebHeaders(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF) //, char *name) { char *linky = checkLinky(Rd); HTMLheader(Rd->reply, " account manager"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

account manager

\n"); if (NULL != Rd->shs.name) { char *nm = qstrreplace("tr", xstrdup(Rd->shs.name), " ", "+"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

You are %s

\n", Rd->Host, Rd->Script, Rd->Path, nm, Rd->shs.name); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, linky); free(nm); } free(linky); if (0 != Rd->errors->size(Rd->messages)) HTMLlist(Rd->reply, "messages -", Rd->messages); if (NULL != oF->help) Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "


\n", oF->help); HTMLform(Rd->reply, "", Rd->shs.munchie); HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, "form", oF->name); } static void accountWebFields(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { int count = oF->fields->size(oF->fields), i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (NULL != oV[i].field->web) oV[i].field->web(Rd, oF, &oV[i]); if ((NULL != oV[i].field->help) && ('\0' != oV[i].field->help[0])) Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "


\n", oV[i].field->help); //d("accountWebFeilds(%s, %s)", oF->name, oV[i].field->name); } } static void accountWebSubs(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF) { qhashtbl_obj_t obj; Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "\n"); // Stop Enter key on text fields triggering the first submit button. memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call oF->subs->lock(oF->subs); while(oF->subs->getnext(oF->subs, &obj, false) == true) { inputSub *sub = (inputSub *) obj.data; if ('\0' != sub->title[0]) HTMLbutton(Rd->reply, sub->name, sub->title); //d("accountWebSubs(%s, %s '%s')", oF->name, sub->name, sub->title); } oF->subs->unlock(oF->subs); } static void accountWebFooter(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF) { if (0 != Rd->errors->size(Rd->errors)) HTMLlist(Rd->reply, "errors -", Rd->errors); HTMLformEnd(Rd->reply); HTMLfooter(Rd->reply); } static void accountAddWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { accountWebHeaders(Rd, oF); accountWebFields(Rd, oF, oV); accountWebSubs(Rd, oF); accountWebFooter(Rd, oF); } static void accountLoginWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { if (NULL != Rd->shs.name) free(Rd->shs.name); Rd->shs.name = NULL; if (NULL != Rd->shs.UUID) free(Rd->shs.UUID); Rd->shs.UUID = NULL; accountWebHeaders(Rd, oF); accountWebFields(Rd, oF, oV); accountWebSubs(Rd, oF); accountWebFooter(Rd, oF); } // TODO - accountViewWeb() and accountViewWeb() should view and edit arbitrary accounts the user is not logged in as, // but limit things based on being that viewed / edited account, and the users level. static void accountViewWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { char *name = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.name"), *level = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel"), *email = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email"), *voucher = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.voucher"), *approver = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.approver"), *about = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.aboutMe"); time_t crtd = atol(getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Created")); accountWebHeaders(Rd, oF); accountWebFields(Rd, oF, oV); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Name : %s

", name); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Title / level : %s / %s

", getLevel(atoi(level)), level); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Date of birth : %s

", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.DoB")); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Created : %s

", ctime(&crtd)); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Email : %s

", email); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

UUID : %s

", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID")); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Voucher : %s

", voucher); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Approver : %s

", approver); HTMLtextArea(Rd->reply, "aboutMe", "About", 7, 50, 4, 16384, "", "off", "true", "soft", about, FALSE, TRUE); accountWebSubs(Rd, oF); accountWebFooter(Rd, oF); } static void accountEditWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { char *name = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.name"), *level = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel"), *email = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email"), *voucher = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.voucher"), *approver = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.approver"), *about = getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.aboutMe"), *lvl = getLevel(atoi(level)); short lv = atoi(level); accountWebHeaders(Rd, oF); accountWebFields(Rd, oF, oV); // HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "password", "Old password", "password", "", 16, 0, FALSE); // Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, "

Warning, the limit on password length is set by your viewer, some can't handle longer than 16 characters.

\n"); //// HTMLtext(Rd->reply, "title", "text", "title", getStrH(Rh->stuff, "title"), 16, 64, TRUE); HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, "user", name); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Name : %s

", name); // Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Email : %s

", email); HTMLtextArea(Rd->reply, "aboutMe", "About", 7, 50, 4, 16384, "", "off", "true", "soft", about, FALSE, TRUE); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Voucher : %s

", voucher); if (200 <= Rd->shs.level) { qlisttbl_obj_t obj; HTMLhidden(Rd->reply, "approver", approver); HTMLselect(Rd->reply, "level", "level"); memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call accountLevels->lock(accountLevels); while(accountLevels->getnext(accountLevels, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { boolean is = false; short l = atoi((char *) obj.name); if (strcmp(lvl, (char *) obj.data) == 0) is = true; // if ((is) || ((l <= Rd->shs.level) && (l != -200) && (l != -100) && (l != -50))) // Not above our pay grade, not newbie, validated, nor vouched for. if ((is) || ((l <= Rd->shs.level) && (lv <= l))) // As per discussions, can't lower level. Do that in the console. HTMLoption(Rd->reply, (char *) obj.data, is); } accountLevels->unlock(accountLevels); HTMLselectEnd(Rd->reply); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
Account cannot log in anywhere.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
Newly created account, not yet validated.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
Newly created account, they have clicked on the validation link in their validation email.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
vouched for
Someone has vouched for this person.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
This person is approved, and can log into the world.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "
This is a god admin person.
"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

"); } else Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "

Title / level : %s / %s

", lvl, level); accountWebSubs(Rd, oF); accountWebFooter(Rd, oF); } static int accountRead(reqData *Rd, char *uuid, char *firstName, char *lastName) { int ret = 0, rt = -1; struct stat st; struct timespec now; qhashtbl_t *tnm = qhashtbl(0, 0); uuid_t binuuid; rowData *rows = NULL; // Setup the database stuff. static dbRequest *uuids = NULL; if (NULL == uuids) { static char *szi[] = {"PrincipalID", NULL}; static char *szo[] = {NULL}; uuids = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); uuids->table = "UserAccounts"; uuids->inParams = szi; uuids->outParams = szo; uuids->where = "PrincipalID=?"; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &uuids, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } static dbRequest *acnts = NULL; if (NULL == acnts) { static char *szi[] = {"FirstName", "LastName", NULL}; static char *szo[] = {NULL}; acnts = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); acnts->table = "UserAccounts"; acnts->inParams = szi; acnts->outParams = szo; acnts->where = "FirstName=? and LastName=?"; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &acnts, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } static dbRequest *auth = NULL; if (NULL == auth) { static char *szi[] = {"UUID", NULL}; static char *szo[] = {"passwordSalt", "passwordHash", NULL}; auth = xzalloc(sizeof(dbRequest)); auth->table = "auth"; auth->inParams = szi; auth->outParams = szo; auth->where = "UUID=?"; dbRequests->addfirst(dbRequests, &auth, sizeof(dbRequest *)); } Rd->fromDb = FALSE; // uuid = Rd->shs.UUID; first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"); last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); // Special for showing another users details. if ('\0' != getStrH(Rd->queries, "user")[0]) uuid = ""; char *first = xstrdup(""), *last = xstrdup(""); if (NULL != firstName) { free(first); first = xstrdup(firstName); if (NULL == lastName) { char *t = strchr(first, ' '); d("accountRead() single name |%s| |%s|", first, last); if (NULL == t) t = strchr(first, '+'); if (NULL != t) { *t++ = '\0'; free(last); last = xstrdup(t); } } else { free(last); last = xstrdup(lastName); } } d("accountRead() UUID %s, name %s %s", uuid, first, last); uuid_clear(binuuid); if ((NULL != uuid) && ('\0' != uuid[0])) uuid_parse(uuid, binuuid); if ((NULL != uuid) && ('\0' != uuid[0]) && (!uuid_is_null(binuuid))) { char *where = xmprintf("%s/users/%s.lua", scData, uuid); rt = LuaToHash(Rd, where, "user", tnm, ret, &st, &now, "user"); free(where); dbDoSomething(uuids, FALSE, uuid); rows = uuids->rows; } else { if ('\0' != first[0]) { char *where = xmprintf("%s/users/%s_%s.lua", scData, first, last); rt = LuaToHash(Rd, where, "user", tnm, ret, &st, &now, "user"); free(where); dbDoSomething(acnts, FALSE, first, last); // LEAKY rows = acnts->rows; } } // else // { // bitch(Rd, "Unable to read user record.", "Nothing available to look up a user record with."); // rt = 1; // } if (0 == rt) { V("Found Lua record."); ret += 1; Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.FirstName", first); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.LastName", last); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email", getStrH(tnm, "email")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Created", getStrH(tnm, "created")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID", getStrH(tnm, "UUID")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel", getStrH(tnm, "level")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserFlags", getStrH(tnm, "flags")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserTitle", getStrH(tnm, "title")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.active", getStrH(tnm, "active")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "auth.passwordSalt", getStrH(tnm, "passwordSalt")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "auth.passwordHash", getStrH(tnm, "passwordHash")); Rd->stuff-> putstr(Rd->stuff, "linky-hashish", getStrH(tnm, "linky-hashish")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.name", getStrH(tnm, "name")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.DoB", getStrH(tnm, "DoB")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.agree", getStrH(tnm, "agree")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.adult", getStrH(tnm, "adult")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.aboutMe", getStrH(tnm, "aboutMe")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.vouched", getStrH(tnm, "vouched")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.voucher", getStrH(tnm, "voucher")); Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.approver", getStrH(tnm, "approver")); } // else if (rows) if (rows) { rt = rows->rows->size(rows->rows); if (1 == rt) { ret = rt; V("Found database record."); dbPull(Rd, "UserAccounts", rows); char *name = xmprintf("%s %s", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.FirstName"), getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.LastName")); Rd->fromDb = TRUE; Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "Lua.name", name); free(name); dbDoSomething(auth, FALSE, getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID")); // LEAKY rows = auth->rows; if (rows) { if (1 == rows->rows->size(rows->rows)) dbPull(Rd, "auth", rows); else { free(rows->fieldNames); rows->rows->free(rows->rows); free(rows); } } else { free(rows->fieldNames); rows->rows->free(rows->rows); free(rows); } } else { free(rows->fieldNames); rows->rows->free(rows->rows); free(rows); } } else { d("No user name or UUID to get an account for."); } if (1 == ret) { // TODO - this has to change when we are editing other peoples accounts. if ('\0' == getStrH(Rd->queries, "user")[0]) { // Rd->shs.level = atoi(getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel")); // TODO - might have to combine first and last here. // Rd->shs.name = Rd->database->getstr(Rd->database, "Lua.name", true); // Rd->shs.UUID = Rd->database->getstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID", true); //d("accountRead() setting session uuid %s level %d name %s ", Rd->shs.UUID, (int) Rd->shs.level, Rd->shs.name); } // Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "email", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email")); } free(last); free(first); tnm->free(tnm); return ret; } static int accountDelSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); if (1 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot delete account.", "Account doesn't exist."); ret++; } else { // TODO - check if logged in user is allowed to delete this account // TODO - delete user record // TODO - log the user out if they are logged in } return ret; } // The [create member] button on accountLoginWeb() static int accountCreateSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "name"), *last = NULL; int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); if (strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0) { if (0 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot create account.", "Account exists."); Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; ret++; } else { char *salt = newSLOSsalt(Rd); char *h = checkSLOSpassword(Rd, salt, getStrH(Rd->body, "password"), NULL, NULL); if (NULL == h) ret++; else { Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passHash", h); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passSalt", salt); if (NULL != Rd->shs.name) free(Rd->shs.name); // So that we can get the name later when we show the account data entry page via GET. Rd->shs.name = Rd->stuff->getstr(Rd->stuff, "name", true); free(h); Rd->shs.status = SHS_REFRESH; } free(salt); if (0 != ret) Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } } return ret; } // The [confirm] button on accountAddWeb() static int accountAddSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); if (0 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot add account.", "Account exists."); Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; ret++; } else if ((0 == ret) && (strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0)) { char *h = checkSLOSpassword(Rd, getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passSalt"), getStrH(Rd->stuff, "password"), getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passHash"), "Passwords are not the same."); if (NULL == h) { ret++; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } else { free(h); generateAccountUUID(Rd); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordHash", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passHash")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordSalt", getStrH(Rd->stuff, "passSalt")); Rd->shs.level = -200; Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel", "-200"); // Generate the linky for the email. newSesh(Rd, TRUE); accountWrite(Rd); // log them in I("Logged on %s %s Level %d %s", Rd->shs.UUID, Rd->shs.name, Rd->shs.level, getLevel(Rd->shs.level)); Rd->output = "accountView"; Rd->form = "accountView"; Rd->doit = "login"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_LOGIN; } } return ret; } static int accountSaveSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; // Using body[user] here, coz we got to this page via a URL query. char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->body, "user"), *last = NULL, *level = getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel"); int c = accountRead(Rd, NULL, first, last); if (1 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot save account.", "Account doesn't exist."); ret++; } else if ((0 == ret) && (strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0)) { char *lvl = getStrH(Rd->body, "level"); qlisttbl_obj_t obj; if (strcmp(level, lvl) != 0) { if (200 <= Rd->shs.level) { I("%s %s approved by %s.", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.FirstName"), getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.LastName"), Rd->shs.name); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "approver", Rd->shs.name); } else { bitch(Rd, "Cannot change level.", "User level not high enough."); lvl = level; Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "approver", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.approver")); } } Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "email", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "created", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Created")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "flags", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserFlags")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "active", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.active")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordSalt", getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordSalt")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordHash", getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordHash")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "name", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.name")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "DoB", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.DoB")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "agree", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.agree")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "adult", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.adult")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "aboutMe", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.aboutMe")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "vouched", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.vouched")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "voucher", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.voucher")); memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call accountLevels->lock(accountLevels); while(accountLevels->getnext(accountLevels, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { if (strcmp(lvl, (char *) obj.data) == 0) { Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel", obj.name); } } accountLevels->unlock(accountLevels); accountWrite(Rd); free(Rd->outQuery); Rd->outQuery = xmprintf("?user=%s+%s", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.FirstName"), getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.LastName")); // TODO - this isn't being shown. addStrL(Rd->messages, "Account saved."); } return ret; } // The unique validation URL sent in email. static int accountValidateSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); if (1 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot validate account.", "Account doesn't exist."); ret++; } else { Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "email", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Email")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "created", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.Created")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "flags", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserFlags")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "active", getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.active")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordSalt", getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordSalt")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "passwordHash", getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordHash")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "name", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.name")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "DoB", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.DoB")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "agree", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.agree")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "adult", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.adult")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "aboutMe", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.aboutMe")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "vouched", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.vouched")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "voucher", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.voucher")); Rd->stuff->putstr(Rd->stuff, "approver", getStrH(Rd->database, "Lua.approver")); Rd->shs.level = -100; Rd->database->putstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel", "-100"); accountWrite(Rd); Rd->doit = "logout"; Rd->output = "accountLogin"; Rd->form = "accountLogin"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } return ret; } static int accountViewSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { // TODO - this has to change when we are editing other peoples accounts. int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); d("Sub accountViewSub() %s %s %s", uuid, first, last); if (1 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot view account.", "Account doesn't exist."); ret++; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } else { // Check password on POST if the session user is the same as the shown user, coz this is the page shown on login. // Also only check on login. if ((strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0) //&& (strcmp(Rd->shs.UUID, getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID")) == 0) && (strcmp("login", Rd->doit) == 0) && (strcmp("accountLogin", Rd->form) == 0)) { char *h = checkSLOSpassword(Rd, getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordSalt"), getStrH(Rd->body, "password"), getStrH(Rd->database, "auth.passwordHash"), "Login failed."); if (NULL == h) { ret++; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } else { Rd->shs.level = atoi(getStrH(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.UserLevel")); if (NULL != Rd->shs.name) free(Rd->shs.name); Rd->shs.name = Rd->database->getstr(Rd->database, "Lua.name", true); if (NULL != Rd->shs.UUID) free(Rd->shs.UUID); Rd->shs.UUID = Rd->database->getstr(Rd->database, "UserAccounts.PrincipalID", true); free(h); I("Logged on %s %s Level %d %s", Rd->shs.UUID, Rd->shs.name, Rd->shs.level, getLevel(Rd->shs.level)); Rd->shs.status = SHS_LOGIN; } } } return ret; } static int accountEditSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); d("Sub accountEditSub %s %s %s", uuid, first, last); if (1 != c) { bitch(Rd, "Cannot edit account.", "Account doesn't exist."); ret++; } else { // TODO - check if logged in user is allowed to make these changes // TODO - update user record } return ret; } static int accountExploreSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; // get a list of user records return ret; } static int accountOutSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; char *uuid = Rd->shs.UUID, *first = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "firstName"), *last = getStrH(Rd->stuff, "lastName"); int c = accountRead(Rd, uuid, first, last); if (1 != c) { // bitch(Rd, "Cannot logout account.", "Account doesn't exist."); // ret++; } Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; return ret; } /* TODO - instead of searching through all the users, ... have a bunch of separate folders with symlinks scData/users/aaproved scData/users/disabled scData/users/god onefang_rejected.lua -> ../uuid.lua scData/users/newbie foo_bar.lua -> ../uuid.lua scData/users/validated */ typedef struct _RdAndListTbl RdAndListTbl; struct _RdAndListTbl { reqData *Rd; qlisttbl_t *list; }; static int accountFilterValidated(struct dirtree *node) { if (!node->parent) return DIRTREE_RECURSE | DIRTREE_SHUTUP; if (S_ISREG(node->st.st_mode)) { struct stat st; struct timespec now; RdAndListTbl *rdl = (RdAndListTbl *) node->parent->extra; qhashtbl_t *tnm = qhashtbl(0, 0); char *name = node->name; char *where = xmprintf("%s/users/%s", scData, node->name); int rt = LuaToHash(rdl->Rd, where, "user", tnm, 0, &st, &now, "user"); t("accountFilterValidatedVoucher %s (%s) -> %s -> %s", name, getStrH(tnm, "level"), getStrH(tnm, "name"), getStrH(tnm, "voucher")); if ((0 == rt) && (strcmp("-100", getStrH(tnm, "level")) == 0)) rdl->list->put(rdl->list, getStrH(tnm, "name"), &tnm, sizeof(qhashtbl_t *)); else tnm->free(tnm); free(where); } return 0; } qlisttbl_t *getAccounts(reqData *Rd) { qlisttbl_t *ret = qlisttbl(0); RdAndListTbl rdl = {Rd, ret}; char *path = xmprintf("%s/users", scData); struct dirtree *new = dirtree_add_node(0, path, 0); new->extra = (long) &rdl; dirtree_handle_callback(new, accountFilterValidated); ret->sort(ret); free(path); return ret; } static void accountExploreValidatedVouchersWeb(reqData *Rd, inputForm *oF, inputValue *oV) { qlisttbl_t *list =getAccounts(Rd); if (NULL != Rd->shs.name) free(Rd->shs.name); Rd->shs.name = NULL; if (NULL != Rd->shs.UUID) free(Rd->shs.UUID); Rd->shs.UUID = NULL; Rd->shs.level = -256; accountWebHeaders(Rd, oF); accountWebFields(Rd, oF, oV); count = list->size(list); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "\n"); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, ""); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, ""); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, ""); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, ""); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, ""); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, "\n"); qlisttbl_obj_t obj; memset((void *) &obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); list->lock(list); while(list->getnext(list, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { qhashtbl_t *tnm = *((qhashtbl_t **) obj.data); char *nm = qstrreplace("tr", xstrdup(obj.name), " ", "+"); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "", Rd->Host, Rd->Script, Rd->Path, nm, obj.name); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "", getStrH(tnm, "voucher"), getStrH(tnm, "level"), getStrH(tnm, "title")); free(nm); tnm->clear(tnm); list->removeobj(list, &obj); tnm->free(tnm); } list->unlock(list); Rd->reply->addstr(Rd->reply, "
Validated users
"); list->free(list); accountWebSubs(Rd, oF); accountWebFooter(Rd, oF); } static int accountExploreValidatedVoucherSub(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV) { int ret = 0; return ret; } qhashtbl_t *accountPages = NULL; inputForm *newInputForm(char *name, char *title, char *help, inputFormShowFunc web, inputFormShowFunc eWeb) { inputForm *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(inputForm)); d("newInputForm(%s)", name); ret->name = name; ret->title = title; ret->help = help; ret->web = web; ret->eWeb = eWeb; ret->fields = qlisttbl(QLISTTBL_THREADSAFE | QLISTTBL_UNIQUE | QLISTTBL_LOOKUPFORWARD); ret->subs = qhashtbl(0, 0); accountPages->put(accountPages, ret->name, ret, sizeof(inputForm)); free(ret); return accountPages->get(accountPages, name, NULL, false); } inputField *addInputField(inputForm *iF, signed char type, char *name, char *title, char *help, inputFieldValidFunc validate, inputFieldShowFunc web) { inputField *ret = xzalloc(sizeof(inputField)); //d("addInputField(%s, %s)", iF->name, name); ret->name = name; ret->title = title; ret->help = help; ret->validate = validate; ret->web = web; ret->type = type; ret->flags = FLD_EDITABLE; iF->fields->put(iF->fields, ret->name, ret, sizeof(inputField)); free(ret); return iF->fields->get(iF->fields, name, NULL, false); } void inputFieldExtra(inputField *ret, signed char flags, short viewLength, short maxLength) { ret->flags = flags; ret->viewLength = viewLength; ret->maxLength = maxLength; } void addSession(inputForm *iF) { inputField *fld, **flds = xzalloc(3 * sizeof(*flds)); //d("addSession(%s)", iF->name); flds[0] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "hashish", "hashish", "", sessionValidate, sessionWeb); inputFieldExtra(flds[0], FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); flds[1] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "toke_n_munchie", "toke_n_munchie", "", sessionValidate, sessionWeb); inputFieldExtra(flds[1], FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TGROUP, "sessionGroup", "sessionGroup", "", sessionValidate, sessionWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld->group = flds; flds[0]->group = flds; flds[1]->group = flds; } void addEmailFields(inputForm *iF) { inputField *fld, **flds = xzalloc(3 * sizeof(*flds)); flds[0] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TEMAIL, "email", "email", NULL, emailValidate, emailWeb); inputFieldExtra(flds[0], FLD_EDITABLE, 42, 254); flds[1] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TEMAIL, "emayl", "Re-enter your email, to be sure you got it correct", "A validation email will be sent to this email address, you will need to click on the link in it to continue your account creation.", emailValidate, emailWeb); inputFieldExtra(flds[1], FLD_EDITABLE, 42, 254); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TGROUP, "emailGroup", "emailGroup", "", emailValidate, NULL); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld->group = flds; flds[0]->group = flds; flds[1]->group = flds; } void addDoBFields(inputForm *iF) { inputField *fld, **flds = xzalloc(3 * sizeof(*flds)); flds[0] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "DoByear", "year", NULL, DoBValidate, DoByWeb); flds[1] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "DoBmonth", "month", NULL, DoBValidate, DoBmWeb); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TGROUP, "DoBGroup", "DoBGroup", "", DoBValidate, DoBWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld->group = flds; flds[0]->group = flds; flds[1]->group = flds; } void addLegalFields(inputForm *iF) { inputField *fld, **flds = xzalloc(3 * sizeof(*flds)); flds[0] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TBOOLEAN, "adult", "I'm allegedly an adult in my country.", NULL, legalValidate, adultWeb); flds[1] = addInputField(iF, LUA_TBOOLEAN, "agree", "I accept the Terms of Service.", NULL, legalValidate, agreeWeb); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TGROUP, "legalGroup", "legalGroup", "", legalValidate, legalWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld->group = flds; flds[0]->group = flds; flds[1]->group = flds; } inputSub *addSubmit(inputForm *iF, char *name, char *title, char *help, inputSubmitFunc submit, char *output) { inputSub *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(inputSub)); //d("addSubmit(%s, %s)", iF->name, name); ret->name = name; ret->title = title; ret->help = help; ret->submit = submit; ret->outputForm = output; iF->subs->put(iF->subs, ret->name, ret, sizeof(inputSub)); free(ret); return iF->subs->get(iF->subs, name, NULL, false); } /* There should be some precedence for values overriding values here. https://www.w3.org/standards/webarch/protocols "This intro text is boilerplate for the beta release of w3.org." Fucking useless. Pffft https://www.w3.org/Protocols/ Still nothing official, though the ENV / HEADER stuff tends to be about the protocol things, and cookies / body / queries are about the data things. http://docs.gantry.org/gantry4/advanced/setby Says that query overrides cookies, but that might be just for their platform. https://framework.zend.com/manual/1.11/en/zend.controller.request.html Says - "1. GET, 2. POST, 3. COOKIE, 4. SERVER, 5. ENV." We don't actually get the headers directly, it's all sent via the env. URL query Values actually provided by the user in the FORM, and other things. POST body Values actually provided by the user in the FORM. cookies https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4056306/how-to-handle-multiple-cookies-with-the-same-name headers includes HTTP_COOKIE and QUERY_STRING env includes headers and HTTP_COOKIE and QUERY_STRING database Since all of the above are for updating the database anyway, this goes on the bottom, overridden by all. Though be wary of security stuff. Sending cookie headers is a special case, multiples can be sent, otherwise headers are singletons, only send one for each name. */ char *sourceTypes[] = { "cookies", "body", "queries", "stuff" }; static int collectFields(reqData *Rd, inputForm *iF, inputValue *iV, int t) { int i = 0, j; qlisttbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); // must be cleared before call iF->fields->lock(iF->fields); while(iF->fields->getnext(iF->fields, &obj, NULL, false) == true) { inputField *fld = (inputField *) obj.data; //if (0 > t) // d("Collecting %d %s - %s", t, iF->name, fld->name); //else // d("Collecting %s %s - %s", sourceTypes[t], iF->name, fld->name); iV[i].field = fld; if (LUA_TGROUP == fld->type) { if (0 >= t) { j = 0; // If it's a group, number the members relative to the group field. // Assume the members for this group are the previous ones. while (iV[i].field->group[j]) { j++; iV[i - j].index = j; } } } else { char *vl = NULL; switch (t) { // We don't get the cookies metadata. case 0 : vl = Rd->cookies->getstr(Rd->cookies, obj.name, false); break; case 1 : vl = Rd->body-> getstr(Rd->body, obj.name, false); break; case 2 : vl = Rd->queries->getstr(Rd->queries, obj.name, false); break; case 3 : vl = Rd->queries->getstr(Rd->stuff, obj.name, false); break; default: break; } if ((NULL != iV[i].value) && (NULL != vl)) { if (strcmp(vl, iV[i].value) != 0) W("Collected %s value for %s - %s from %s overriding value from %s", sourceTypes[t], iF->name, fld->name, sourceTypes[t], sourceTypes[iV[i].source]); else W("Collected %s value for %s - %s from %s same as value from %s", sourceTypes[t], iF->name, fld->name, sourceTypes[t], sourceTypes[iV[i].source]); } if (NULL != vl) { iV[i].source = t; iV[i].value = vl; D("Collected %s value for %s - %s = %s", sourceTypes[t], iF->name, fld->name, vl); } } i++; } iF->fields->unlock(iF->fields); return i; } void sessionStateEngine(reqData *Rd, char *type) { switch (Rd->shs.status) { case SHS_UNKNOWN: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_UNKNOWN, %s)", type); break; case SHS_NONE: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_NONE, %s)", type); break; case SHS_BOGUS: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_BOGUS, %s)", type); break; case SHS_PROBLEM: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_PROBLEM, %s)", type); break; case SHS_VALID: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_VALID, %s)", type); break; case SHS_LOGIN: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_LOGIN, %s)", type); break; case SHS_RENEW: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_RENEW, %s)", type); break; case SHS_REFRESH: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_REFRESH, %s)", type); break; case SHS_IDLE: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_IDLE, %s)", type); break; case SHS_ANCIENT: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_ANCIENT, %s)", type); break; case SHS_SECURITY: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_SECURITY, %s)", type); break; case SHS_RELOGIN: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_RELOGIN, %s)", type); break; case SHS_KEEP: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_KEEP, %s)", type); break; case SHS_WIPE: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_WIPE, %s)", type); break; case SHS_NUKE: d("sessionStateEngine(SHS_NUKE, %s)", type); break; } } void account_html(char *file, reqData *Rd, HTMLfile *thisFile) { inputForm *iF; inputField *fld; inputSub *sub; boolean isGET = FALSE; int e = 0, t = 0, i, j; char *doit = getStrH(Rd->body, "doit"), *form = getStrH(Rd->body, "form"); if (NULL == accountLevels) { accountLevels = qlisttbl(QLISTTBL_LOOKUPFORWARD | QLISTTBL_THREADSAFE | QLISTTBL_UNIQUE); accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "-256", "disabled"); accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "-200", "newbie"); accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "-100", "validated"); accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "-50", "vouched for"); accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "0", "approved"); // Note that http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Userlevel claims that 1 and above are "GOD_LIKE". accountLevels->putstr(accountLevels, "200", "god"); } // Check "Origin" header and /or HTTP_REFERER header. // "Origin" is either HTTP_HOST or X-FORWARDED-HOST. Which could be "null". char *ref = xmprintf("https://%s%s/account.html", getStrH(Rd->headers, "SERVER_NAME"), getStrH(Rd->headers, "SCRIPT_NAME")); char *href = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_REFERER", true); if (NULL != href) { char *f = strchr(href, '?'); if (NULL != f) *f = '\0'; if (('\0' != href[0]) && (strcmp(ref, href) != 0)) { bitch(Rd, "Invalid referer.", ref); D("Invalid referer - %s isn't %s", ref, href); form = "accountLogin"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_PROBLEM; } free(href); } free(ref); ref = getStrH(Rd->headers, "SERVER_NAME"); href = getStrH(Rd->headers, "HTTP_HOST"); if ('\0' == href[0]) href = getStrH(Rd->headers, "X-FORWARDED-HOST"); if (('\0' != href[0]) && (strcmp(ref, href) != 0)) { bitch(Rd, "Invalid HOST.", ref); D("Invalid HOST - %s isn't %s", ref, href); form = "accountLogin"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_PROBLEM; } // Redirect to HTTPS if it's HTTP. if (strcmp("https", Rd->Scheme) != 0) { Rd->Rheaders->putstr (Rd->Rheaders, "Status", "301 Moved Permanently"); Rd->Rheaders->putstrf(Rd->Rheaders, "Location", "https://%s%s", Rd->Host, Rd->RUri); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "404 Unknown page" "" "You should get redirected to https://%s%s", Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri ); D("Redirecting dynamic page %s -> https://%s%s", file, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri); return; } // Create the dynamic web pages for account.html. if (NULL == accountPages) { accountPages = qhashtbl(0, 0); iF = newInputForm("accountAdd", "", NULL, accountAddWeb, accountLoginWeb); addSession(iF); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "UUID", "UUID", NULL, UUIDValidate, UUIDWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "name", "name", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE | FLD_REQUIRED, 42, 63); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TPASSWORD, "psswrd", "Re-enter your password", "Warning, the limit on password length is set by your viewer, some can't handle longer than 16 characters.", passwordValidate, passwordWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE, 16, 0); addEmailFields(iF); addDoBFields(iF); addLegalFields(iF); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "ToS", "Terms of Service", "", NULL, ToSWeb); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "voucher", "The grid name of someone that will vouch for you", "We use a vouching system here, an existing member must know you well enough to tell us you'll be good for our grid.", voucherValidate, voucherWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE, 42, 63); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "aboutMe", "About me", NULL, aboutMeValidate, aboutMeWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE, 50, 16384); addSubmit(iF, "confirm", "confirm", NULL, accountAddSub, "accountView"); addSubmit(iF, "cancel", "cancel", NULL, accountOutSub, "accountLogin"); iF = newInputForm("accountView", "account view", NULL, accountViewWeb, accountLoginWeb); addSession(iF); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "UUID", "UUID", NULL, UUIDValidate, UUIDWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "name", "name", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 42, 63); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "user", "user", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 42, 63); addSubmit(iF, "login", "", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "validate", "", NULL, accountValidateSub, "accountLogin"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "edit", "", NULL, accountEditSub, "accountEdit"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "validated_members", "validated members", NULL, accountExploreValidatedVoucherSub, "accountValidated"); addSubmit(iF, "logout", "logout", NULL, accountOutSub, "accountLogin"); iF = newInputForm("accountValidated", "account validated list", NULL, accountExploreValidatedVouchersWeb, accountLoginWeb); addSession(iF); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "name", "name", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 42, 63); addSubmit(iF, "login", "", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "back", "back", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); iF = newInputForm("accountEdit", "account edit", NULL, accountEditWeb, accountLoginWeb); addSession(iF); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "UUID", "UUID", NULL, UUIDValidate, UUIDWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 0, 0); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "name", "name", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 42, 63); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "user", "user", NULL, nameValidate, nameWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_HIDDEN, 42, 63); // fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TEMAIL, "email", "email", "", emailValidate, emailWeb); // inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_NONE, 42, 254); addSubmit(iF, "login", "", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "save", "save", NULL, accountSaveSub, "accountView"); addSubmit(iF, "back", "back", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); // addSubmit(iF, "members", "members", NULL, accountExploreSub, "accountExplore"); addSubmit(iF, "logout", "logout", NULL, accountOutSub, "accountLogin"); // addSubmit(iF, "delete", "delete", NULL, accountDelSub, "accountDel"); iF = newInputForm("accountLogin", "account login", "Please login, or create your new account.", accountLoginWeb, accountLoginWeb); addSession(iF); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TSTRING, "name", "name", "Your name needs to be two words, only ordinary letters and digits, no special characters or fonts.", nameValidate, nameWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE | FLD_REQUIRED, 42, 63); fld = addInputField(iF, LUA_TPASSWORD, "password", "password", "Warning, the limit on password length is set by your viewer, some can't handle longer than 16 characters.", passwordValidate, passwordWeb); inputFieldExtra(fld, FLD_EDITABLE | FLD_REQUIRED, 16, 0); addSubmit(iF, "logout", "", NULL, accountOutSub, "accountLogin"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "validate", "", NULL, accountValidateSub, "accountLogin"); // Coz we sometimes want to trigger this from code. addSubmit(iF, "login", "login", NULL, accountViewSub, "accountView"); addSubmit(iF, "create", "create account", NULL, accountCreateSub, "accountAdd"); } // Figure out what we are doing. if ('\0' == form[0]) form = getStrH(Rd->cookies, "form"); if ('\0' == form[0]) { form = "accountLogin"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } if ('\0' == doit[0]) doit = getStrH(Rd->cookies, "doit"); if ('\0' == doit[0]) { doit = "logout"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_NUKE; } if ('\0' != doit[0]) { setCookie(Rd, "doit", doit); Rd->doit = doit; } iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, form, NULL, false); if (NULL == iF) { E("No such account page - %s", form); form = "accountLogin"; doit = "logout"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_PROBLEM; iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, form, NULL, false); } sub = iF->subs->get(iF->subs, doit, NULL, false); if (NULL == sub) { E("No such account action - %s", doit); form = "accountLogin"; doit = "logout"; Rd->shs.status = SHS_PROBLEM; iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, form, NULL, false); sub = iF->subs->get(iF->subs, doit, NULL, false); } // Special for showing a users details. if ('\0' != getStrH(Rd->queries, "user")[0]) { doit = "edit"; form = "accountView"; iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, form, NULL, false); sub = iF->subs->get(iF->subs, doit, NULL, false); } Rd->doit = doit; Rd->form = form; Rd->output = sub->outputForm; C("Starting dynamic page %s %s -> %s [%s -> %s]", Rd->RUri, form, doit, sub->name, Rd->output); // Collect the input data. int count = iF->fields->size(iF->fields); inputValue *iV = xzalloc(count * sizeof(inputValue)); qlisttbl_obj_t obj; sessionStateEngine(Rd, "collected"); if (strcmp("cancel", sub->name) != 0) { // TODO - complain about any extra body or query parameter that we where not expecting. for (t = 0; t < 3; t++) i = collectFields(Rd, iF, iV, t); // Validate the input data. D("For page %s -> %s, start of validation.", iF->name, sub->name); t = i; for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { if ((NULL != iV[i].value) || (LUA_TGROUP == iV[i].field->type)) { if (NULL == iV[i].field->validate) E("No validation function for %s - %s", iF->name, iV[i].field->name); else { if (0 == iV[i].valid) { D("Validating %s - %s", iF->name, iV[i].field->name); int rt = iV[i].field->validate(Rd, iF, &iV[i]); if (rt) { W("Invalidated %s - %s returned %d errors", iF->name, iV[i].field->name, rt); iV[i].valid = -1; } else { D("Validated %s - %s", iF->name, iV[i].field->name); iV[i].valid = 1; } e += rt; if (NULL != iV[i].field->group) { // Use the indexes to set the validation result for the other members of the group. // The assumption is that the validation functions for each are the same, and it validates the members as a group. for (j = iV[i].index; j > 0; j--) iV[i + j].valid = iV[i].valid; // TODO - Possible off by one error, but I don't think it matters. Needs more testing. for (j = 0; j <= iV[i].index; j++) iV[i + j].valid = iV[i].valid; } } else if (0 > iV[i].valid) D("Already invalidated %s - %s", iF->name, iV[i].field->name); else if (0 < iV[i].valid) D("Already validated %s - %s", iF->name, iV[i].field->name); } } doit = Rd->doit; form = Rd->form; } sessionStateEngine(Rd, "validated"); // Submit the data. Reload input form and sub in case things got changed by the validation functions. iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, Rd->form, NULL, false); sub = iF->subs->get(iF->subs, Rd->doit, NULL, false); //if (strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0) // Not such a good idea, since we are faking a submit for account validation, which is a GET. { if (0 == e) { D("For page %s, start of %s submission.", iF->name, sub->name); if (NULL != sub->submit) e += sub->submit(Rd, iF, iV); } } free(iV); } else { sessionStateEngine(Rd, "CANCELLED"); } sessionStateEngine(Rd, "submited"); switch (Rd->shs.status) { case SHS_RENEW: case SHS_REFRESH: { freeSesh(Rd, FALSE, FALSE); newSesh(Rd, FALSE); break; } case SHS_VALID: case SHS_KEEP: { // Do nothing here. break; } case SHS_LOGIN: case SHS_WIPE: { // TODO - should wipe the old one, and create this new one with the users UUID. // I think that's what we are doing anyway. freeSesh(Rd, FALSE, FALSE); newSesh(Rd, FALSE); break; } // TODO - these three should store state, so they can go back to where the user was (or where they where going) before asking them to confirm their login credentials. case SHS_IDLE: case SHS_SECURITY: case SHS_RELOGIN: case SHS_UNKNOWN: case SHS_NONE: case SHS_BOGUS: case SHS_PROBLEM: case SHS_ANCIENT: case SHS_NUKE: { freeSesh(Rd, FALSE, TRUE); // Wipe mode clears out all of Rd->database, selected Rd->stuff, and the above commented out Rd->shs. newSesh(Rd, FALSE); form = "accountLogin"; doit = "logout"; Rd->doit = doit; Rd->form = form; iF = accountPages->get(accountPages, Rd->form, NULL, false); sub = iF->subs->get(iF->subs, Rd->doit, NULL, false); Rd->output = sub->outputForm; break; } } // Return the result. if (0 == e) { if (strcmp("GET", Rd->Method) == 0) { // Find the output form. inputForm *oF = accountPages->get(accountPages, Rd->output, NULL, false); if (NULL == oF) { E("No such account page - %s", Rd->output); form = "accountLogin"; doit = "logout"; oF = accountPages->get(accountPages, form, NULL, false); } D("Building output page %s", oF->name); count = oF->fields->size(oF->fields); iV = xzalloc(count * sizeof(inputValue)); collectFields(Rd, oF, iV, -1); collectFields(Rd, oF, iV, 3); oF->web(Rd, oF, iV); free(iV); } else { // Redirect to a GET if it was a POST. // The reason here is to avoid a refresh turning into a rePOST. if ((strcmp("POST", Rd->Method) == 0)) { if ('\0' != Rd->form[0]) setCookie(Rd, "form", Rd->form); if ('\0' != Rd->doit[0]) setCookie(Rd, "doit", Rd->doit); Rd->Rheaders->putstr (Rd->Rheaders, "Status", "303 See Other"); Rd->Rheaders->putstrf(Rd->Rheaders, "Location", "https://%s%s%s", Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->outQuery); Rd->reply->addstrf(Rd->reply, "Post POST redirect" "" "You should get redirected to https://%s%s%s", Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->outQuery, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->outQuery, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->outQuery ); I("Redirecting dynamic page %s -> https://%s%s%s (%s)", file, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, Rd->outQuery, Rd->form); } } } else { if (0 < e) E("Building output ERROR page %s, coz of %d errors.", iF->name, e); else D("Building alternate output page %s", iF->name); // First just sort out input groups, then get the data from Rd->stuff. count = iF->fields->size(iF->fields); iV = xzalloc(count * sizeof(inputValue)); collectFields(Rd, iF, iV, -1); collectFields(Rd, iF, iV, 3); iF->eWeb(Rd, iF, iV); free(iV); } free(Rd->outQuery); Rd->outQuery = NULL; C("Ending dynamic page %s %s", Rd->RUri, form); } static void cleanup(void) { // TODO - not sure why, but this gets called twice on quitting sometimes. C("Caught signal, or quitting, cleaning up."); if (accountPages) { qhashtbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); accountPages->lock(accountPages); while(accountPages->getnext(accountPages, &obj, false) == true) { inputForm *f = (inputForm *) obj.data; f->subs->free(f->subs); qlisttbl_obj_t fobj; memset((void *) &fobj, 0, sizeof(fobj)); f->fields->lock(f->fields); while(f->fields->getnext(f->fields, &fobj, NULL, false) == true) { inputField *fld = (inputField *) fobj.data; if (LUA_TGROUP == fld->type) free(fld->group); } f->fields->unlock(f->fields); f->fields->free(f->fields); } accountPages->unlock(accountPages); accountPages->free(accountPages); accountPages = NULL; } if (dynPages) dynPages->free(dynPages); dynPages = NULL; if (HTMLfileCache) { qhashtbl_obj_t obj; memset((void*)&obj, 0, sizeof(obj)); HTMLfileCache->lock(HTMLfileCache); while(HTMLfileCache->getnext(HTMLfileCache, &obj, false) == true) { HTMLfile *f = (HTMLfile *) obj.data; unfragize(f->fragments, NULL, TRUE); } HTMLfileCache->unlock(HTMLfileCache); HTMLfileCache->free(HTMLfileCache); HTMLfileCache = NULL; } if (mimeTypes) mimeTypes->free(mimeTypes); mimeTypes = NULL; freeDb(true); if (L) lua_close(L); L = NULL; if (stats) { if (stats->stats) stats->stats->free(stats->stats); free(stats); stats = NULL; } if (configs) configs->free(configs); configs = NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main function. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void sledjchisl_main(void) { char *cmd = *toys.optargs; char *tmp; struct stat statbuf; int status, result, i; void *vd; V("SledjChisl arguments - %d %d", toys.optc, toys.optflags); for (i = 0; i < toys.optc; i++) V(" argument %d %s", i, toys.optargs[i] ); configs = qhashtbl(0, 0); L = luaL_newstate(); V("libfcgi version: %s", FCGI_VERSION); V("Lua version: %s", LUA_RELEASE); V("LuaJIT version: %s", LUAJIT_VERSION); V("MariaDB / MySQL client version: %s", mysql_get_client_info()); V("OpenSSL version: %s", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT); V("qLibc version: qLibc only git tags for version numbers. Sooo, 2.4.4, unless I forgot to update this."); V("toybox version: %s", TOYBOX_VERSION); dbRequests = qlist(0); sigatexit(cleanup); pwd = getcwd(0, 0); if (-1 == fstat(STDIN_FILENO, &statbuf)) { error_msg("fstat() failed"); if (1 != isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) isWeb = TRUE; } else { if (S_ISREG (statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a regular file."); else if (S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a directory."); else if (S_ISCHR (statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a character device."); else if (S_ISBLK (statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a block device."); else if (S_ISFIFO(statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a FIFO (named pipe)."); else if (S_ISLNK (statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a symbolic link."); else if (S_ISSOCK(statbuf.st_mode)) D("STDIN is a socket."); else D("STDIN is a unknown file descriptor type."); if (!S_ISCHR(statbuf.st_mode)) isWeb = TRUE; } // Print our user name and groups. struct passwd *pw; struct group *grp; uid_t euid = geteuid(); gid_t egid = getegid(); gid_t *groups = (gid_t *)toybuf; i = sizeof(toybuf)/sizeof(gid_t); int ngroups; pw = xgetpwuid(euid); I("Running as user %s", pw->pw_name); grp = xgetgrgid(egid); ngroups = getgroups(i, groups); if (ngroups < 0) perror_exit("getgroups"); I("User is in group %s", grp->gr_name); for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { if (groups[i] != egid) { if ((grp = getgrgid(groups[i]))) I("User is in group %s", grp->gr_name); else I("User is in group %u", groups[i]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read configuration. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* From http://luajit.org/install.html - To change or extend the list of standard libraries to load, copy src/lib_init.c to your project and modify it accordingly. Make sure the jit library is loaded or the JIT compiler will not be activated. */ luaL_openlibs(L); // Load Lua libraries. // Load the config scripts. // TODO - should add something like current working directory here. Gets complicated, may have to go up or down a bit. char *cPaths[] = { ".sledjChisl.conf.lua", "/etc/sledjChisl.conf.lua", // "/etc/sledjChisl.d/*.lua", "~/.sledjChisl.conf.lua", // "~/.config/sledjChisl/*.lua", NULL }; struct stat st; for (i = 0; cPaths[i]; i++) { memset(toybuf, 0, sizeof(toybuf)); if (('/' == cPaths[i][0]) || ('~' == cPaths[i][0])) snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s", cPaths[i]); else snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s/%s", pwd, cPaths[i]); if (0 != lstat(toybuf, &st)) continue; I("Loading configuration file - %s", toybuf); status = luaL_loadfile(L, toybuf); if (status) // If something went wrong, error message is at the top of the stack. E("Couldn't load file: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); else { result = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0); if (result) E("Failed to run script: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1)); else { lua_getglobal(L, "config"); lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { char *n = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -2); // Numbers can convert to strings, so check for numbers before checking for strings. // On the other hand, strings that can be converted to numbers also pass lua_isnumber(). sigh if (lua_isnumber(L, -1)) { float v = lua_tonumber(L, -1); configs->put(configs, n, &v, sizeof(float)); } else if (lua_isstring(L, -1)) configs->putstr(configs, n, (char *) lua_tostring(L, -1)); else if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) { int v = lua_toboolean(L, -1); configs->putint(configs, n, v); } else { char *v = (char *) lua_tostring(L, -1); E("Unknown config variable type for %s = %s", n, v); } lua_pop(L, 1); } } } } DEBUG = configs->getint(configs, "debug"); V("Setting DEBUG = %d", DEBUG); if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "loadAverageInc", NULL, false)) != NULL) {loadAverageInc = *((float *) vd); V("Setting loadAverageInc = %f", loadAverageInc);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "simTimeOut", NULL, false)) != NULL) {simTimeOut = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting simTimeOut = %d", simTimeOut);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "bulkSims", NULL, false)) != NULL) {bulkSims = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting bulkSims = %d", bulkSims);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "scRoot", false)) != NULL) {scRoot = tmp; V("Setting scRoot = %s", scRoot);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "scUser", false)) != NULL) {scUser = tmp; V("Setting scUser = %s", scUser);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "Tconsole", false)) != NULL) {Tconsole = tmp; V("Setting Tconsole = %s", Tconsole);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "Tsocket", false)) != NULL) {Tsocket = tmp; V("Setting Tsocket = %s", Tsocket);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "Ttab", false)) != NULL) {Ttab = tmp; V("Setting Ttab = %s", Ttab);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "backupIARsim", false)) != NULL) {backupIARsim = tmp; V("Setting backupIARsim = %s", backupIARsim);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "webRoot", false)) != NULL) {webRoot = tmp; V("Setting webRoot = %s", webRoot);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "URL", false)) != NULL) {URL = tmp; V("Setting URL = %s", URL);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "seshRenew", NULL, false)) != NULL) {seshRenew = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting seshRenew = %d", seshRenew);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "idleTimeOut", NULL, false)) != NULL) {idleTimeOut = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting idleTimeOut = %d", idleTimeOut);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "seshTimeOut", NULL, false)) != NULL) {seshTimeOut = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting seshTimeOut = %d", seshTimeOut);} if ((vd = configs->get (configs, "newbieTimeOut", NULL, false)) != NULL) {newbieTimeOut = (int) *((float *) vd); V("Setting newbieTimeOut = %d", newbieTimeOut);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "ToS", false)) != NULL) {ToS = tmp; V("Setting ToS = %s", ToS);} if ((tmp = configs->getstr(configs, "webIframers", false)) != NULL) {webIframers = tmp; V("Setting webIframers = %s", webIframers);} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sort out directories. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Use a FHS compatible setup - if (strcmp("/", scRoot) == 0) { scBin = "/bin"; scEtc = "/etc/opensim_SC"; scLib = "/usr/lib/opensim_SC"; scRun = "/run/opensim_SC"; scBackup = "/var/backups/opensim_SC"; scCache = "/var/cache/opensim_SC"; scData = "/var/lib/opensim_SC"; scLog = "/var/log/opensim_SC"; scTemp = "/tmp"; } else if (strcmp("/usr/local", scRoot) == 0) { scBin = "/usr/local/bin"; scEtc = "/usr/local/etc/opensim_SC"; scLib = "/usr/local/lib/opensim_SC"; scRun = "/run/opensim_SC"; scBackup = "/var/local/backups/opensim_SC"; scCache = "/var/local/cache/opensim_SC"; scData = "/var/local/lib/opensim_SC"; scLog = "/var/local/log/opensim_SC"; scTemp = "/tmp"; } else // A place for everything to live, like /opt/opensim_SC { char *slsh = ""; if ('/' != scRoot[0]) { E("scRoot is not an absolute path - %s.", scRoot); slsh = "/"; } // The problem here is that OpenSim already uses /opt/opensim_SC/current/bin for all of it's crap, where they mix everything together. // Don't want it in the path. // Could put the .dlls into lib. Most of the rest is config files or common assets. // Or just slowly migrate opensim stuff to FHS. // TODO - free these. Though valgrind isn't bitching about them. scBin = xmprintf("%s%s/bin", slsh, scRoot); scEtc = xmprintf("%s%s/etc", slsh, scRoot); scLib = xmprintf("%s%s/lib", slsh, scRoot); scRun = xmprintf("%s%s/var/run", slsh, scRoot); scBackup = xmprintf("%s%s/var/backups", slsh, scRoot); scCache = xmprintf("%s%s/var/cache", slsh, scRoot); scData = xmprintf("%s%s/var/lib", slsh, scRoot); scLog = xmprintf("%s%s/var/log", slsh, scRoot); scTemp = xmprintf("%s%s/tmp", slsh, scRoot); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Figure out what and where we are. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO - still a bit chicken and egg here about the tmux socket and reading configs from scEtc /.sledjChisl.conf.lua if (!isWeb) { I("Outputting to a terminal, not a web server."); // Check if we are already running inside the proper tmux server. char *eTMUX = getenv("TMUX"); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s/%s", scRun, Tsocket); if (((eTMUX) && (0 == strncmp(toybuf, eTMUX, strlen(toybuf))))) { I("Running inside the proper tmux server. %s", eTMUX); isTmux = TRUE; } else I("Not running inside the proper tmux server. %s == %s", eTMUX, toybuf); } // Note this block of code assumes we are running inside current/bin. Which RunIt.sh does for us. // TODO - get rid of RunIt.sh as well. if (!isTmux) { // Let's see if the proper tmux server is even running. memset(toybuf, 0, sizeof(toybuf)); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s %s/%s -q list-sessions 2>/dev/null | grep -q %s:", Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, Tconsole); i = system(toybuf); if (WIFEXITED(i)) { if (0 != WEXITSTATUS(i)) // No such session, create it. { memset(toybuf, 0, sizeof(toybuf)); if (strcmp(pw->pw_name, scUser) == 0) { I("Not running inside the proper tmux server, starting it."); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), // Set x,y to huge values, to work around an OpenSim bug. "export PATH='%s:$PATH'; %s %s/%s new-session -d -x 256 -y 420 -s %s -n '%s' bash -c 'export PATH=%s:$PATH; bash' \\; split-window -vp 50 -t '%s:' " "bash -c 'export PATH=%s:$PATH; /usr/bin/valgrind --leak-check=full ./sledjchisl; cd %s/current/bin; bash'", scBin, Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, Tconsole, Ttab, scBin, Tconsole, scBin, scBin, scRoot); } else { I("Not running inside the proper tmux server, starting it with sudo."); // The sudo is only so that the session is owned by opensim, otherwise it's owned by whoever ran this script, which is a likely security hole. // After the session is created, we rely on the scRun directory to be group sticky, so that anyone in the opensim group can attach to the tmux socket. snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), // Set x,y to huge values, to work around an OpenSim bug. "sudo -Hu %s %s %s/%s new-session -d -x 256 -y 420 -s %s -n '%s' bash -c 'export PATH=%s:$PATH; bash' \\; split-window -vp 50 -t '%s:' " "bash -c 'export PATH=%s:$PATH; /usr/bin/valgrind --leak-check=full ./sledjchisl; cd %s/current/bin; bash'", scUser, Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, Tconsole, Ttab, scBin, Tconsole, scBin, scRoot); } i = system(toybuf); if (!WIFEXITED(i)) E("tmux new-session command failed! %s", toybuf); else { snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s %s/%s select-pane -t 1 -T 'SledjChisl'", Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket); i = system(toybuf); if (!WIFEXITED(i)) E("tmux select-pane command failed!"); } // toybox argument parsing is half working. if ((NULL == toys.optargs[0]) || (('-' != toys.optargs[0][0]) && ('q' != toys.optargs[0][1]))) { V("Joining the session."); // Join the session. memset(toybuf, 0, sizeof(toybuf)); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s %s/%s select-window -t '%s' \\; attach-session -t '%s'", Tcmd, scRun, Tsocket, Tconsole, Tconsole); i = system(toybuf); if (!WIFEXITED(i)) E("tmux attach-session command failed! %s", toybuf); } else V("NOT joining the session."); goto finished; } } else E("tmux list-sessions command failed! %s", toybuf); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sort out directories, part 2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Doing this here coz at this point we should be the correct user. I("Making directories in %s.", scRoot); if ((! qfile_exist(scBin)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scBin, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scBin); if ((! qfile_exist(scEtc)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scEtc, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scEtc); if ((! qfile_exist(scLib)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scLib, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scLib); if ((! qfile_exist(scRun)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scRun, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_ISGID, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scRun); if ((! qfile_exist(scBackup)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scBackup, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scBackup); // TODO - the path to scCache/sledjchisl.socket needs to be readable by the www-data group. So the FCGI socket will work. // AND it needs to be group sticky on opensimsc group. So the tmux socket will work. // So currently scCache is www-data readable, and scRun is group sticky. if ((! qfile_exist(scCache)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scCache, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scCache); if ((! qfile_exist(scData)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scData, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scData); if ((! qfile_exist(scLog)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scLog, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scLog); if ((! qfile_exist(scTemp)) && (! qfile_mkdir(scTemp, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", scTemp); tmp = xmprintf("%s/sessions", scCache); if ((! qfile_exist(tmp)) && (! qfile_mkdir(tmp, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", tmp); free(tmp); tmp = xmprintf("%s/users", scData); if ((! qfile_exist(tmp)) && (! qfile_mkdir(tmp, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP, true))) C("Unable to create path %s", tmp); free(tmp); char *newPath = xmprintf("%s/current/bin/sledjchisl", scRoot); tmp = xmprintf("%s/sledjchisl", scBin); I("Symlinking %s to %s", newPath, tmp); if (0 != symlink(newPath, tmp)) perror_msg("Symlinking %s to %s", newPath, tmp); free(tmp); free(newPath); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other start up stuff. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getSims(); if (isTmux || isWeb) { char *d; mimeTypes = qhashtbl(0, 0); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "gz", "application/gzip"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "js", "application/javascript"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "json", "application/json"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "pdf", "application/pdf"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "rtf", "application/rtf"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "zip", "application/zip"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "xz", "application/x-xz"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "gif", "image/gif"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "png", "image/png"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "jp2", "image/jp2"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "jpg2", "image/jp2"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "jpe", "image/jpeg"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "jpg", "image/jpeg"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "jpeg", "image/jpeg"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "svg", "image/svg+xml"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "svgz", "image/svg+xml"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "tif", "image/tiff"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "tiff", "image/tiff"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "css", "text/css"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "html", "text/html"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "htm", "text/html"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "shtml", "text/html"); // mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "md", "text/markdown"); // mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "markdown", "text/markdown"); mimeTypes->putstr(mimeTypes, "txt", "text/plain"); memset(toybuf, 0, sizeof(toybuf)); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "%s/config/config.ini", scRoot); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connect to database. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO - it looks like OpenSim invented their own half arsed backwards INI file include system. // I doubt qLibc supports it, like it supports what seems to be the standard include system. // Not sure if we need to worry about it just yet. // TODO - this leaks memory, but it's a bug in qLibc. Send the bug fix upstream. qlisttbl_t *qconfig = qconfig_parse_file(NULL, toybuf, '='); if (NULL == qconfig) { E("Can't read config file %s", toybuf); goto finished; } d = qstrunchar(qconfig->getstr(qconfig, "Const.ConnectionString", false), '"', '"'); if (NULL == d) { E("No database credentials in %s!", toybuf); goto finished; } else { char *p0, *p1, *p2; if (NULL == (d = strdup(d))) { E("Out of memory!"); goto finished; } // Data Source=MYSQL_HOST;Database=MYSQL_DB;User ID=MYSQL_USER;Password=MYSQL_PASSWORD;Old Guids=true; p0 = d; while (NULL != p0) { p1 = strchr(p0, '='); if (NULL == p1) break; *p1 = '\0'; p2 = strchr(p1 + 1, ';'); if (NULL == p2) break; *p2 = '\0'; configs->putstr(configs, p0, p1 + 1); // NOTE - this allocs memory for it's key and it's data. p0 = p2 + 1; if ('\0' == *p0) p0 = NULL; }; free(d); } // TODO - should also load god names, and maybe the SMTP stuff. // Note that the OpenSim SMTP stuff is ONLY for LSL script usage, we probably want to put it in the Lua config file instead. if (mysql_library_init(toys.optc, toys.optargs, NULL)) { E("mysql_library_init() failed!"); goto finished; } if (!dbConnect()) goto finished; // Need to kick this off. stats = getStats(database, stats); char *h = qstrunchar(qconfig->getstr(qconfig, "Const.HostName", false), '"', '"'); char *p = qstrunchar(qconfig->getstr(qconfig, "Const.PublicPort", false), '"', '"'); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "grid", qstrunchar(qconfig->getstr(qconfig, "Const.GridName", false), '"', '"')); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "HostName", h); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "PublicPort", p); snprintf(toybuf, sizeof(toybuf), "http://%s:%s/", h, p); stats->stats->putstr(stats->stats, "uri", toybuf); qconfig->free(qconfig); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start of web wrangling section. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isWeb) { char **initialEnv = environ; char *tmp0, *tmp1; int count = 0, entries, bytes; dynPages = qhashtbl(0, 0); newDynPage("account.html", (pageFunction) account_html); // FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO is the socket to the web server. // STDOUT and STDERR go to the web servers error log, or at least it does in Apache 2 mod_fcgid. I("Running SledjChisl inside a web server, pid %d.", getpid()); if (0 == toys.optc) D("no args"); else { for (entries = 0, bytes = -1; entries < toys.optc; entries++) D("ARG %s\n", toys.optargs[entries]); } printEnv(environ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Web processing loop. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30707792/how-to-disable-buffering-with-apache2-and-mod-proxy-fcgi https://z-issue.com/wp/apache-2-4-the-event-mpm-php-via-mod_proxy_fcgi-and-php-fpm-with-vhosts/ A lengthy and detailed "how to set this up with PHP" that might be useful. https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=4385 "Also the new mod_proxy_fcgi for Apache 2.4 seems to be crippled just like mod_fcgid in terms of being limited to just one request per process at a time." But then so is the silly fcgi2 SDK, which basically assumes it's a CGI wrapper, not proper FCGI. + I could even start the spawn-fcgi process from the tmux instance of sledjchisl. + Orrr just open the socket / port myself from the tmux instance and do the raw FCGI thing through it. */ while (FCGI_Accept() != -1) { reqData *Rd = xzalloc(sizeof(reqData)); if (-1 == clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &Rd->then)) perror_msg("Unable to get the time."); Rd->L = L; Rd->configs = configs; // Rd->queries = qhashtbl(0, 0); // Inited in toknize below. // Rd->body = qhashtbl(0, 0); // Inited in toknize below. // Rd->cookies = qhashtbl(0, 0); // Inited in toknize below. Rd->headers = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->valid = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->stuff = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->database = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->Rcookies = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->Rheaders = qhashtbl(0, 0); Rd->stats = stats; Rd->errors = qlist(0); Rd->messages = qlist(0); Rd->reply = qgrow(QGROW_THREADSAFE); Rd->outQuery = xstrdup(""); Rd->shs.status = SHS_UNKNOWN; qhashtbl_obj_t hobj; qlist_obj_t lobj; // So far I'm seeing these as all caps, but I don't think they are defined that way. Case insensitive per the spec. // So convert them now, also "-" -> "_". t("HEADERS"); char **envp = environ; for ( ; *envp != NULL; envp++) { char *k = xstrdup(*envp); char *v = strchr(k, '='); if (NULL != v) { *v = '\0'; char *ky = qstrreplace("tr", qstrupper(k), "-", "_"); Rd->headers->putstr(Rd->headers, ky, v + 1); if ((strcmp("HTTP_COOKIE", ky) == 0) || (strcmp("CONTENT_LENGTH", ky) == 0) || (strcmp("QUERY_STRING", ky) == 0)) d(" %s = %s", ky, v + 1); } free(k); } // The FCGI paramaters sent from the server, are converted to environment variablse for the fcgi2 SDK. // The FCGI spec doesn't mention what these are. except FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS. char *Role = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "FCGI_ROLE", false); Rd->Path = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "PATH_INFO", false); // if (NULL == Rd->Path) {msleep(1000); continue;} char *Length = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "CONTENT_LENGTH", false); //char *Type = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "CONTENT_TYPE", false); Rd->Method = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "REQUEST_METHOD", false); Rd->Script = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "SCRIPT_NAME", false); Rd->Scheme = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "REQUEST_SCHEME", false); Rd->Host = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_HOST", false); //char *SUri = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "SCRIPT_URI", false); Rd->RUri = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "REQUEST_URI", true); //char *Cookies = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_COOKIE", false); //char *Referer = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_REFERER", false); //char *RAddr = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "REMOTE_ADDR", false); //char *Cache = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL", false); //char *FAddrs = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS", false); //char *Since = Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "IF_MODIFIED_SINCE", false); /* Per the spec CGI https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3875 meta-variable-name = "AUTH_TYPE" | "CONTENT_LENGTH" | "CONTENT_TYPE" | "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" | "PATH_INFO" | "PATH_TRANSLATED" | "QUERY_STRING" | "REMOTE_ADDR" | "REMOTE_HOST" | "REMOTE_IDENT" | "REMOTE_USER" | "REQUEST_METHOD" | "SCRIPT_NAME" | "SERVER_NAME" | "SERVER_PORT" | "SERVER_PROTOCOL" | "SERVER_SOFTWARE" Also protocol / scheme specific ones - HTTP_* comes from some of the request header. The rest are likely part of the other env variables. Also covers HTTPS headers, with the HTTP_* names. */ t("COOKIES"); Rd->cookies = toknize(Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "HTTP_COOKIE", false), "=;"); santize(Rd->cookies); if (strcmp("GET", Rd->Method) == 0) { // In theory a POST has body fields INSTEAD of query fields. Especially for ignoring the linky-hashish after the validation page. t("QUERY"); Rd->queries = toknize(Rd->headers->getstr(Rd->headers, "QUERY_STRING", false), "=&"); santize(Rd->queries); } else { T("ignoring QUERY"); Rd->queries = qhashtbl(0, 0); free(Rd->RUri); Rd->RUri = xmprintf("%s%s", Rd->Script, Rd->Path); } t("BODY"); char *Body = NULL; if (Length != NULL) { size_t len = strtol(Length, NULL, 10); Body = xmalloc(len + 1); int c = FCGI_fread(Body, 1, len, FCGI_stdin); if (c != len) { E("Tried to read %d of the body, only got %d!", len, c); } Body[len] = '\0'; } else Length = "0"; Rd->body = toknize(Body, "=&"); free(Body); santize(Rd->body); I("%s %s://%s%s -> %s%s", Rd->Method, Rd->Scheme, Rd->Host, Rd->RUri, webRoot, Rd->Path); D("Started FCGI web request ROLE = %s, body is %s bytes, pid %d.", Role, Length, getpid()); if (NULL == Rd->Path) { E("NULL path in FCGI request!"); Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Status", "404 Not Found"); goto sendReply; } /* TODO - other headers may include - different Content-type Status: 304 Not Modified Last-Modified: timedatemumble https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields */ Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Status", "200 OK"); Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Content-type", "text/html"); // TODO - check these. // This is all dynamic web pages, and likeley secure to. // Most of these are from https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/04/secure-web-app-http-headers/ // https://www.twilio.com/blog/a-http-headers-for-the-responsible-developer is good to, and includes useful compression and image stuff. // On the other hand, .css files are referenced, which might be better off being cached, so should tweak some of thees. Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"); Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Pragma", "no-cache"); Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Expires", "-1"); Rd->Rheaders->putstr(Rd->Rheaders, "Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=63072000"); // Two years. // TODO - do something about this - /* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/style-src "Note: Disallowing inline styles and inline scripts is one of the biggest security wins CSP provides. However, if you absolutely have to use it, there are a few mechanisms that will allow them." WTF? And the mechanisms include nonces, hashes, or 'unsafe-inline'. Not sure why inline styles need to be that secure, when downloaded ones are not. Ah, it's for user input that is sent back to other users, they might include funky CSS in their input. SOOOO, proper validation and escaping is needed. OOOOR, use the nonce, and make it a different nonce per page serve. OOOOR, just put all the style stuff in a .css file. Then we can use style-src 'self' without the 'unsafe-inline'? There's only one block of