-- sledjChislConfig.lua

-- This works coz LuaJIT automatically loads the jit module.
if type(jit) == 'table' then
  io.write('.sledjChisl.conf.lua is being run by ' .. jit.version .. ' under ' .. jit.os .. ' on a ' .. jit.arch .. '\n')
  io.write('.sledjChisl.conf.lua is being run by Lua version ' .. _VERSION .. '\n')

config =
  ["performance"]	= "default";		-- fast, balanced, default, lean
  ["scRoot"]		= "/opt/opensim_SC";
  ["debug"]		= false;
  ["scUser"]		= "opensimsc";
  ["Tconsole"]		= "SledjChisl";
  ["Tsocket"]		= "opensim-tmux.socket";
  ["Ttab"]		= "SC";
  ["loadAverageInc"]	= 0.7;
  ["simTimeOut"]	= 45;			-- seconds
  ["bulkSims"]		= 0;			-- 0 means figure it out from number of CPUs.
  ["backupIARsim"]	= "Sandbox";
  ["webRoot"]		= "/var/www/html";
  ["webHost"]		= "localhost";
  ["URL"]		= "sledjchisl.fcgi";
  ["webIframers"]	= "";			-- Space separated list of hosts allowed to iFrame us, coz someone asked.  Include the "https://" bit.
  ["seshRenew"]		= 10 * 60;		-- seconds
  ["idleTimeOut"]	= 30 * 60;		-- seconds
  ["seshTimeOut"]	= 24 * 60 * 60;		-- seconds
  ["newbieTimeOut"]	= 30;			-- days
  ["pepper"]		= "My long beard is salt and pepper coloured, though there are no birds in it, only breakfast.";
  ["ToS"]		= [[

Don't do anything that is illegal anywhere in the world.

Well, that wont work, almost everything is illegal somewhere in the

Don't do anything that is against the moral code of the system admins.

Well, except that one thing, you know, that they'll put up with coz they
are nice people, but it's wrong m'kay.

Don't be mean to anyone, except Dave, coz he smells evil.

Well, it's not that Dave smells evil, he's just differently fragranced,
and our overwashed germophobe society is well trained to demonize those
that smell differently.  So be extra nice to Dave, coz he's a great guy,
and is tired of everyone being mean to him just coz he's trying to be
good for the environment and his health.  Which means he smells different
to whatever perfume is fashionable this year, coz the corporations want
to sell that this year.  I blame marketing, they're actually evil. 
Sorry, went off on a rant there.

Oh just respect and be nice to everyone dammit, unless they ask nicely
otherwise.  Also be good for the environment and stay healthy.

return config