 *                                                                       *
 * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith.       *
 * All rights reserved.  Email: russ@q12.org   Web: www.q12.org          *
 *                                                                       *
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
 * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
 *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
 *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
 *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
 *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
 *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
 *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
 *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
 *                                                                       *
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
 *                                                                       *

// TriMesh code by Erwin de Vries.
// Modified for FreeSOLID Compatibility by Rodrigo Hernandez


int dCollideCylinderTrimesh(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
int dCollideTrimeshPlane(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);

int dCollideSTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
int dCollideBTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
int dCollideRTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
int dCollideTTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
int dCollideCCTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);

PURE_INLINE int dCollideRayTrimesh( dxGeom *ray, dxGeom *trimesh, int flags,
									dContactGeom *contact, int skip )
	// Swapped case, for code that needs it (heightfield initially)
	// The other ray-geom colliders take geoms in a swapped order to the
	// dCollideRTL function which is annoying when using function pointers.
	return dCollideRTL( trimesh, ray, flags, contact, skip );

// dxTriMesh class


#include "collision_kernel.h"
#include <ode/collision_trimesh.h>

#include "Opcode.h"
using namespace Opcode;

#include <GIMPACT/gimpact.h>

struct dxTriMeshData  : public dBase 
    /* Array of flags for which edges and verts should be used on each triangle */
    enum UseFlags
        kEdge0 = 0x1,
        kEdge1 = 0x2,
        kEdge2 = 0x4,
        kVert0 = 0x8,
        kVert1 = 0x10,
        kVert2 = 0x20,

        kUseAll = 0xFF,

    /* Setup the UseFlags array */
    void Preprocess();
    /* For when app changes the vertices */
    void UpdateData();

	Model BVTree;
	MeshInterface Mesh;

    void Build(const void* Vertices, int VertexStide, int VertexCount, 
	       const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride, 
	       const void* Normals, 
	       bool Single);
        /* aabb in model space */
        dVector3 AABBCenter;
        dVector3 AABBExtents;

    // data for use in collision resolution
    const void* Normals;
    uint8* UseFlags;
#endif  // dTRIMESH_OPCODE

	const char* m_Vertices;
	int m_VertexStride;
	int m_VertexCount;
	const char* m_Indices;
	int m_TriangleCount;
	int m_TriStride;
	bool m_single;

		m_VertexStride = 12;
		m_VertexCount = 0;
		m_Indices = 0;
		m_TriangleCount = 0;
		m_TriStride = 12;
		m_single = true;

    void Build(const void* Vertices, int VertexStride, int VertexCount,
	       const void* Indices, int IndexCount, int TriStride,
	       const void* Normals,
	      bool Single)
		m_Vertices=(const char *)Vertices;
		m_VertexStride = VertexStride;
		m_VertexCount = VertexCount;
		m_Indices = (const char *)Indices;
		m_TriangleCount = IndexCount/3;
		m_TriStride = TriStride;
		m_single = Single;

	inline void GetVertex(unsigned int i, dVector3 Out)
			const float * fverts = (const float * )(m_Vertices + m_VertexStride*i);
			Out[0] = fverts[0];
			Out[1] = fverts[1];
			Out[2] = fverts[2];
			Out[3] = 1.0f;
			const double * dverts = (const double * )(m_Vertices + m_VertexStride*i);
			Out[0] = (float)dverts[0];
			Out[1] = (float)dverts[1];
			Out[2] = (float)dverts[2];
			Out[3] = 1.0f;


	inline void GetTriIndices(unsigned int itriangle, unsigned int triindices[3])
		const unsigned int * ind = (const unsigned int * )(m_Indices + m_TriStride*itriangle);
		triindices[0] = ind[0];
		triindices[1] = ind[1];
		triindices[2] = ind[2];

struct dxTriMesh : public dxGeom{
	// Callbacks
	dTriCallback* Callback;
	dTriArrayCallback* ArrayCallback;
	dTriRayCallback* RayCallback;

	// Data types
	dxTriMeshData* Data;

	bool doSphereTC;
	bool doBoxTC;
	bool doCapsuleTC;

	// Functions
	dxTriMesh(dSpaceID Space, dTriMeshDataID Data);

	void ClearTCCache();

	int AABBTest(dxGeom* g, dReal aabb[6]);
	void computeAABB();

	// Instance data for last transform.
    dMatrix4 last_trans;

	// Colliders
	static PlanesCollider _PlanesCollider;
	static SphereCollider _SphereCollider;
	static OBBCollider _OBBCollider;
	static RayCollider _RayCollider;
	static AABBTreeCollider _AABBTreeCollider;
	static LSSCollider _LSSCollider;

	// Some constants
	static CollisionFaces Faces;
	// Temporal coherence
	struct SphereTC : public SphereCache{
		dxGeom* Geom;
	dArray<SphereTC> SphereTCCache;
	static SphereCache defaultSphereCache;

	struct BoxTC : public OBBCache{
		dxGeom* Geom;
	dArray<BoxTC> BoxTCCache;
	static OBBCache defaultBoxCache;
	struct CapsuleTC : public LSSCache{
		dxGeom* Geom;
	dArray<CapsuleTC> CapsuleTCCache;
	static LSSCache defaultCapsuleCache;

    GIM_TRIMESH  m_collision_trimesh;

#if 0
#include "collision_kernel.h"
// Fetches a contact
inline dContactGeom* SAFECONTACT(int Flags, dContactGeom* Contacts, int Index, int Stride){
	dIASSERT(Index >= 0 && Index < (Flags & NUMC_MASK));
	return ((dContactGeom*)(((char*)Contacts) + (Index * Stride)));

inline void FetchTriangle(dxTriMesh* TriMesh, int Index, dVector3 Out[3]){
	VertexPointers VP;
	TriMesh->Data->Mesh.GetTriangle(VP, Index);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
		Out[i][0] = VP.Vertex[i]->x;
		Out[i][1] = VP.Vertex[i]->y;
		Out[i][2] = VP.Vertex[i]->z;
		Out[i][3] = 0;

inline void FetchTriangle(dxTriMesh* TriMesh, int Index, const dVector3 Position, const dMatrix3 Rotation, dVector3 Out[3]){
	VertexPointers VP;
	TriMesh->Data->Mesh.GetTriangle(VP, Index);
	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
		dVector3 v;
		v[0] = VP.Vertex[i]->x;
		v[1] = VP.Vertex[i]->y;
		v[2] = VP.Vertex[i]->z;
		v[3] = 0;

		dMULTIPLY0_331(Out[i], Rotation, v);
		Out[i][0] += Position[0];
		Out[i][1] += Position[1];
		Out[i][2] += Position[2];
		Out[i][3] = 0;

inline Matrix4x4& MakeMatrix(const dVector3 Position, const dMatrix3 Rotation, Matrix4x4& Out){
	Out.m[0][0] = (float) Rotation[0];
	Out.m[1][0] = (float) Rotation[1];
	Out.m[2][0] = (float) Rotation[2];

	Out.m[0][1] = (float) Rotation[4];
	Out.m[1][1] = (float) Rotation[5];
	Out.m[2][1] = (float) Rotation[6];

	Out.m[0][2] = (float) Rotation[8];
	Out.m[1][2] = (float) Rotation[9];
	Out.m[2][2] = (float) Rotation[10];

	Out.m[3][0] = (float) Position[0];
	Out.m[3][1] = (float) Position[1];
	Out.m[3][2] = (float) Position[2];

	Out.m[0][3] = 0.0f;
	Out.m[1][3] = 0.0f;
	Out.m[2][3] = 0.0f;
	Out.m[3][3] = 1.0f;

	return Out;

inline Matrix4x4& MakeMatrix(dxGeom* g, Matrix4x4& Out){
	const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(g);
	const dMatrix3& Rotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(g);
	return MakeMatrix(Position, Rotation, Out);

inline void FetchTriangle(dxTriMesh* TriMesh, int Index, const dVector3 Position, const dMatrix3 Rotation, dVector3 Out[3]){
	// why is this not implemented?

inline void MakeMatrix(const dVector3 Position, const dMatrix3 Rotation, mat4f m)
	m[0][0] = (float) Rotation[0];
	m[0][1] = (float) Rotation[1];
	m[0][2] = (float) Rotation[2];

	m[1][0] = (float) Rotation[4];
	m[1][1] = (float) Rotation[5];
	m[1][2] = (float) Rotation[6];

	m[2][0] = (float) Rotation[8];
	m[2][1] = (float) Rotation[9];
	m[2][2] = (float) Rotation[10];

	m[0][3] = (float) Position[0];
	m[1][3] = (float) Position[1];
	m[2][3] = (float) Position[2];


inline void MakeMatrix(dxGeom* g, mat4f Out){
	const dVector3& Position = *(const dVector3*)dGeomGetPosition(g);
	const dMatrix3& Rotation = *(const dMatrix3*)dGeomGetRotation(g);
	MakeMatrix(Position, Rotation, Out);

// Outputs a matrix to 3 vectors
inline void Decompose(const dMatrix3 Matrix, dVector3 Right, dVector3 Up, dVector3 Direction){
	Right[0] = Matrix[0 * 4 + 0];
	Right[1] = Matrix[1 * 4 + 0];
	Right[2] = Matrix[2 * 4 + 0];
	Right[3] = REAL(0.0);
	Up[0] = Matrix[0 * 4 + 1];
	Up[1] = Matrix[1 * 4 + 1];
	Up[2] = Matrix[2 * 4 + 1];
	Up[3] = REAL(0.0);
	Direction[0] = Matrix[0 * 4 + 2];
	Direction[1] = Matrix[1 * 4 + 2];
	Direction[2] = Matrix[2 * 4 + 2];
	Direction[3] = REAL(0.0);

// Outputs a matrix to 3 vectors
inline void Decompose(const dMatrix3 Matrix, dVector3 Vectors[3]){
	Decompose(Matrix, Vectors[0], Vectors[1], Vectors[2]);

// Finds barycentric
inline void GetPointFromBarycentric(const dVector3 dv[3], dReal u, dReal v, dVector3 Out){
	dReal w = REAL(1.0) - u - v;

	Out[0] = (dv[0][0] * w) + (dv[1][0] * u) + (dv[2][0] * v);
	Out[1] = (dv[0][1] * w) + (dv[1][1] * u) + (dv[2][1] * v);
	Out[2] = (dv[0][2] * w) + (dv[1][2] * u) + (dv[2][2] * v);
	Out[3] = (dv[0][3] * w) + (dv[1][3] * u) + (dv[2][3] * v);

// Performs a callback
inline bool Callback(dxTriMesh* TriMesh, dxGeom* Object, int TriIndex){
	if (TriMesh->Callback != NULL){
		return (TriMesh->Callback(TriMesh, Object, TriIndex)!=0);
	else return true;

// Some utilities
template<class T> const T& dcMAX(const T& x, const T& y){
	return x > y ? x : y;

template<class T> const T& dcMIN(const T& x, const T& y){
	return x < y ? x : y;

dReal SqrDistancePointTri( const dVector3 p, const dVector3 triOrigin, 
                           const dVector3 triEdge1, const dVector3 triEdge2,
                           dReal* pfSParam = 0, dReal* pfTParam = 0 );

dReal SqrDistanceSegments( const dVector3 seg1Origin, const dVector3 seg1Direction, 
                           const dVector3 seg2Origin, const dVector3 seg2Direction,
                           dReal* pfSegP0 = 0, dReal* pfSegP1 = 0 );

dReal SqrDistanceSegTri( const dVector3 segOrigin, const dVector3 segEnd, 
                         const dVector3 triOrigin, 
                         const dVector3 triEdge1, const dVector3 triEdge2,
                         dReal* t = 0, dReal* u = 0, dReal* v = 0 );

void Vector3Subtract( const dVector3 left, const dVector3 right, dVector3 result )
    result[0] = left[0] - right[0];
    result[1] = left[1] - right[1];
    result[2] = left[2] - right[2];
    result[3] = REAL(0.0);

void Vector3Add( const dVector3 left, const dVector3 right, dVector3 result )
    result[0] = left[0] + right[0];
    result[1] = left[1] + right[1];
    result[2] = left[2] + right[2];
    result[3] = REAL(0.0);

void Vector3Negate( const dVector3 in, dVector3 out )
    out[0] = -in[0];
    out[1] = -in[1];
    out[2] = -in[2];
    out[3] = REAL(0.0);

void Vector3Copy( const dVector3 in, dVector3 out )
    out[0] = in[0];
    out[1] = in[1];
    out[2] = in[2];
    out[3] = REAL(0.0);

void Vector3Multiply( const dVector3 in, dReal scalar, dVector3 out )
    out[0] = in[0] * scalar;
    out[1] = in[1] * scalar;
    out[2] = in[2] * scalar;
    out[3] = REAL(0.0);

void TransformVector3( const dVector3 in, 
                       const dMatrix3 orientation, const dVector3 position, 
                       dVector3 out )
    dMULTIPLY0_331( out, orientation, in );
    out[0] += position[0];
    out[1] += position[1];
    out[2] += position[2];

  @brief Check for intersection between triangle and capsule.
  @param dist [out] Shortest distance squared between the triangle and 
                    the capsule segment (central axis).
  @param t    [out] t value of point on segment that's the shortest distance 
                    away from the triangle, the coordinates of this point 
                    can be found by (cap.seg.end - cap.seg.start) * t,
                    or cap.seg.ipol(t).
  @param u    [out] Barycentric coord on triangle.
  @param v    [out] Barycentric coord on triangle.
  @return True if intersection exists.
  The third Barycentric coord is implicit, ie. w = 1.0 - u - v
  The Barycentric coords give the location of the point on the triangle
  closest to the capsule (where the distance between the two shapes
  is the shortest).
bool IntersectCapsuleTri( const dVector3 segOrigin, const dVector3 segEnd, 
                          const dReal radius, const dVector3 triOrigin, 
                          const dVector3 triEdge0, const dVector3 triEdge1,
                          dReal* dist, dReal* t, dReal* u, dReal* v )
    dReal sqrDist = SqrDistanceSegTri( segOrigin, segEnd, triOrigin, triEdge0, triEdge1, 
                                       t, u, v );
    if ( dist )
      *dist = sqrDist;
    return ( sqrDist <= (radius * radius) );