//Benoit CHAPEROT 2003-2004 www.jstarlab.com //some code inspired by Magic Software #include <ode/common.h> #include <ode/collision.h> #include <ode/matrix.h> #include <ode/rotation.h> #include <ode/odemath.h> #include "collision_kernel.h" #include "collision_std.h" #include "collision_std_internal.h" #include "collision_util.h" #include <drawstuff/drawstuff.h> #include "windows.h" #include "ode\ode.h" #define CONTACT(p,skip) ((dContactGeom*) (((char*)p) + (skip))) const dReal fEPSILON = 1e-9f; dxCone::dxCone (dSpaceID space, dReal _radius,dReal _length) : dxGeom (space,1) { dAASSERT(_radius > 0.f); dAASSERT(_length > 0.f); type = dConeClass; radius = _radius; lz = _length; } dxCone::~dxCone() { } void dxCone::computeAABB() { const dMatrix3& R = final_posr->R; const dVector3& pos = final_posr->pos; dReal xrange = dFabs(R[2] * lz) + radius; dReal yrange = dFabs(R[6] * lz) + radius; dReal zrange = dFabs(R[10] * lz) + radius; aabb[0] = pos[0] - xrange; aabb[1] = pos[0] + xrange; aabb[2] = pos[1] - yrange; aabb[3] = pos[1] + yrange; aabb[4] = pos[2] - zrange; aabb[5] = pos[2] + zrange; } dGeomID dCreateCone(dSpaceID space, dReal _radius,dReal _length) { return new dxCone(space,_radius,_length); } void dGeomConeSetParams (dGeomID g, dReal _radius, dReal _length) { dUASSERT (g && g->type == dConeClass,"argument not a cone"); dAASSERT (_radius > 0.f); dAASSERT (_length > 0.f); g->recomputePosr(); dxCone *c = (dxCone*) g; c->radius = _radius; c->lz = _length; dGeomMoved (g); } void dGeomConeGetParams (dGeomID g, dReal *_radius, dReal *_length) { dUASSERT (g && g->type == dConeClass,"argument not a cone"); g->recomputePosr(); dxCone *c = (dxCone*) g; *_radius = c->radius; *_length = c->lz; } //positive inside dReal dGeomConePointDepth(dGeomID g, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z) { dUASSERT (g && g->type == dConeClass,"argument not a cone"); g->recomputePosr(); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) g; dVector3 tmp,q; tmp[0] = x - cone->final_posr->pos[0]; tmp[1] = y - cone->final_posr->pos[1]; tmp[2] = z - cone->final_posr->pos[2]; dMULTIPLY1_331 (q,cone->final_posr->R,tmp); dReal r = cone->radius; dReal h = cone->lz; dReal d0 = (r - r*q[2]/h) - dSqrt(q[0]*q[0]+q[1]*q[1]); dReal d1 = q[2]; dReal d2 = h-q[2]; if (d0 < d1) { if (d0 < d2) return d0; else return d2; } else { if (d1 < d2) return d1; else return d2; } } //plane plane bool FindIntersectionPlanePlane(const dReal Plane0[4], const dReal Plane1[4], dVector3 LinePos,dVector3 LineDir) { // If Cross(N0,N1) is zero, then either planes are parallel and separated // or the same plane. In both cases, 'false' is returned. Otherwise, // the intersection line is // // L(t) = t*Cross(N0,N1) + c0*N0 + c1*N1 // // for some coefficients c0 and c1 and for t any real number (the line // parameter). Taking dot products with the normals, // // d0 = Dot(N0,L) = c0*Dot(N0,N0) + c1*Dot(N0,N1) // d1 = Dot(N1,L) = c0*Dot(N0,N1) + c1*Dot(N1,N1) // // which are two equations in two unknowns. The solution is // // c0 = (Dot(N1,N1)*d0 - Dot(N0,N1)*d1)/det // c1 = (Dot(N0,N0)*d1 - Dot(N0,N1)*d0)/det // // where det = Dot(N0,N0)*Dot(N1,N1)-Dot(N0,N1)^2. /* Real fN00 = rkPlane0.Normal().SquaredLength(); Real fN01 = rkPlane0.Normal().Dot(rkPlane1.Normal()); Real fN11 = rkPlane1.Normal().SquaredLength(); Real fDet = fN00*fN11 - fN01*fN01; if ( Math::FAbs(fDet) < gs_fEpsilon ) return false; Real fInvDet = 1.0f/fDet; Real fC0 = (fN11*rkPlane0.Constant() - fN01*rkPlane1.Constant())*fInvDet; Real fC1 = (fN00*rkPlane1.Constant() - fN01*rkPlane0.Constant())*fInvDet; rkLine.Direction() = rkPlane0.Normal().Cross(rkPlane1.Normal()); rkLine.Origin() = fC0*rkPlane0.Normal() + fC1*rkPlane1.Normal(); return true; */ dReal fN00 = dLENGTHSQUARED(Plane0); dReal fN01 = dDOT(Plane0,Plane1); dReal fN11 = dLENGTHSQUARED(Plane1); dReal fDet = fN00*fN11 - fN01*fN01; if ( fabs(fDet) < fEPSILON) return false; dReal fInvDet = 1.0f/fDet; dReal fC0 = (fN11*Plane0[3] - fN01*Plane1[3])*fInvDet; dReal fC1 = (fN00*Plane1[3] - fN01*Plane0[3])*fInvDet; dCROSS(LineDir,=,Plane0,Plane1); dNormalize3(LineDir); dVector3 Temp0,Temp1; dOPC(Temp0,*,Plane0,fC0); dOPC(Temp1,*,Plane1,fC1); dOP(LinePos,+,Temp0,Temp1); return true; } //plane ray bool FindIntersectionPlaneRay(const dReal Plane[4], const dVector3 &LinePos,const dVector3 &LineDir, dReal &u,dVector3 &Pos) { /* u = (A*X1 + B*Y1 + C*Z1 + D) / (A*(X1-X2) + B*(Y1-Y2)+C*(Z1-Z2)) */ dReal fDet = -dDot(Plane,LineDir,3); if ( fabs(fDet) < fEPSILON) return false; u = (dDot(Plane,LinePos,3) - Plane[3]) / fDet; dOPC(Pos,*,LineDir,u); dOPE(Pos,+=,LinePos); return true; } int SolveQuadraticPolynomial(dReal a,dReal b,dReal c,dReal &x0,dReal &x1) { dReal d = b*b - 4*a*c; int NumRoots = 0; dReal dr; if (d < 0.f) return NumRoots; if (d == 0.f) { NumRoots = 1; dr = 0.f; } else { NumRoots = 2; dr = sqrtf(d); } x0 = (-b -dr) / (2.f * a); x1 = (-b +dr) / (2.f * a); return NumRoots; } /* const int VALID_INTERSECTION = 1<<0; const int POS_TEST_FAILEDT0 = 1<<0; const int POS_TEST_FAILEDT1 = 1<<1; */ int ProcessConeRayIntersectionPoint( dReal r,dReal h, const dVector3 &q,const dVector3 &v,dReal t, dVector3 &p, dVector3 &n, int &f) { dOPC(p,*,v,t); dOPE(p,+=,q); n[0] = 2*p[0]; n[1] = 2*p[1]; n[2] = -2*p[2]*r*r/(h*h); f = 0; if (p[2] > h) return 0; if (p[2] < 0) return 0; if (t > 1) return 0; if (t < 0) return 0; return 1; } //cone ray //line in cone space (position,direction) //distance from line position (direction normalized)(if any) //return the number of intersection int FindIntersectionConeRay(dReal r,dReal h, const dVector3 &q,const dVector3 &v,dContactGeom *pContact) { dVector3 qp,vp; dOPE(qp,=,q); dOPE(vp,=,v); qp[2] = h-q[2]; vp[2] = -v[2]; dReal ts = (r/h); ts *= ts; dReal a = vp[0]*vp[0] + vp[1]*vp[1] - ts*vp[2]*vp[2]; dReal b = 2.f*qp[0]*vp[0] + 2.f*qp[1]*vp[1] - 2.f*ts*qp[2]*vp[2]; dReal c = qp[0]*qp[0] + qp[1]*qp[1] - ts*qp[2]*qp[2]; /* dReal a = v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] - (v[2]*v[2]*r*r) / (h*h); dReal b = 2.f*q[0]*v[0] + 2.f*q[1]*v[1] + 2.f*r*r*v[2]/h - 2*r*r*q[0]*v[0]/(h*h); dReal c = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + 2*r*r*q[2]/h - r*r*q[2]/(h*h) - r*r; */ int nNumRoots=SolveQuadraticPolynomial(a,b,c,pContact[0].depth,pContact[1].depth); int flag = 0; dContactGeom ValidContact[2]; int nNumValidContacts = 0; for (int i=0;i<nNumRoots;i++) { if (ProcessConeRayIntersectionPoint(r,h,q,v,pContact[i].depth,pContact[i].pos, pContact[i].normal,flag)) { ValidContact[nNumValidContacts] = pContact[i]; nNumValidContacts++; } } dOP(qp,+,q,v); if ((nNumValidContacts < 2) && (v[2] != 0.f)) { dReal d = (0.f-q[2]) / (v[2]); if ((d>=0) && (d<=1)) { dOPC(vp,*,v,d); dOP(qp,+,q,vp); if (qp[0]*qp[0]+qp[1]*qp[1] < r*r) { dOPE(ValidContact[nNumValidContacts].pos,=,qp); ValidContact[nNumValidContacts].normal[0] = 0.f; ValidContact[nNumValidContacts].normal[1] = 0.f; ValidContact[nNumValidContacts].normal[2] = -1.f; ValidContact[nNumValidContacts].depth = d; nNumValidContacts++; } } } if (nNumValidContacts == 2) { if (ValidContact[0].depth > ValidContact[1].depth) { pContact[0] = ValidContact[1]; pContact[1] = ValidContact[0]; } else { pContact[0] = ValidContact[0]; pContact[1] = ValidContact[1]; } } else if (nNumValidContacts == 1) { pContact[0] = ValidContact[0]; } return nNumValidContacts; } int dCollideConePlane (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dConeClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dPlaneClass); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o1; dxPlane *plane = (dxPlane*) o2; contact->g1 = o1; contact->g2 = o2; dVector3 p0,p1,pp0,pp1; dOPE(p0,=,cone->final_posr->pos); p1[0] = cone->final_posr->R[0*4+2] * cone->lz + p0[0]; p1[1] = cone->final_posr->R[1*4+2] * cone->lz + p0[1]; p1[2] = cone->final_posr->R[2*4+2] * cone->lz + p0[2]; dReal u; FindIntersectionPlaneRay(plane->p,p0,plane->p,u,pp0); FindIntersectionPlaneRay(plane->p,p1,plane->p,u,pp1); if (dDISTANCE(pp0,pp1) < fEPSILON) { p1[0] = cone->final_posr->R[0*4+0] * cone->lz + p0[0]; p1[1] = cone->final_posr->R[1*4+0] * cone->lz + p0[1]; p1[2] = cone->final_posr->R[2*4+0] * cone->lz + p0[2]; FindIntersectionPlaneRay(plane->p,p1,plane->p,u,pp1); dIASSERT(dDISTANCE(pp0,pp1) >= fEPSILON); } dVector3 h,r0,r1; h[0] = cone->final_posr->R[0*4+2]; h[1] = cone->final_posr->R[1*4+2]; h[2] = cone->final_posr->R[2*4+2]; dOP(r0,-,pp0,pp1); dCROSS(r1,=,h,r0); dCROSS(r0,=,r1,h); dNormalize3(r0); dOPEC(h,*=,cone->lz); dOPEC(r0,*=,cone->radius); dVector3 p[3]; dOP(p[0],+,cone->final_posr->pos,h); dOP(p[1],+,cone->final_posr->pos,r0); dOP(p[2],-,cone->final_posr->pos,r0); int numMaxContacts = flags & 0xffff; if (numMaxContacts == 0) numMaxContacts = 1; int n=0; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { dReal d = dGeomPlanePointDepth(o2, p[i][0], p[i][1], p[i][2]); if (d>0.f) { CONTACT(contact,n*skip)->g1 = o1; CONTACT(contact,n*skip)->g2 = o2; dOPE(CONTACT(contact,n*skip)->normal,=,plane->p); dOPE(CONTACT(contact,n*skip)->pos,=,p[i]); CONTACT(contact,n*skip)->depth = d; n++; if (n == numMaxContacts) return n; } } return n; } int dCollideRayCone (dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dRayClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dConeClass); dxRay *ray = (dxRay*) o1; dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o2; contact->g1 = o1; contact->g2 = o2; dVector3 tmp,q,v; tmp[0] = ray->final_posr->pos[0] - cone->final_posr->pos[0]; tmp[1] = ray->final_posr->pos[1] - cone->final_posr->pos[1]; tmp[2] = ray->final_posr->pos[2] - cone->final_posr->pos[2]; dMULTIPLY1_331 (q,cone->final_posr->R,tmp); tmp[0] = ray->final_posr->R[0*4+2] * ray->length; tmp[1] = ray->final_posr->R[1*4+2] * ray->length; tmp[2] = ray->final_posr->R[2*4+2] * ray->length; dMULTIPLY1_331 (v,cone->final_posr->R,tmp); dReal r = cone->radius; dReal h = cone->lz; dContactGeom Contact[2]; if (FindIntersectionConeRay(r,h,q,v,Contact)) { dMULTIPLY0_331(contact->normal,cone->final_posr->R,Contact[0].normal); dMULTIPLY0_331(contact->pos,cone->final_posr->R,Contact[0].pos); dOPE(contact->pos,+=,cone->final_posr->pos); contact->depth = Contact[0].depth * dLENGTH(v); /* dMatrix3 RI; dRSetIdentity (RI); dVector3 ss; ss[0] = 0.01f; ss[1] = 0.01f; ss[2] = 0.01f; dsSetColorAlpha (1,0,0,0.8f); dsDrawBox(contact->pos,RI,ss); */ return 1; } return 0; } int dCollideConeSphere(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dConeClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dSphereClass); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o1; dxSphere ASphere(0,cone->radius); dGeomSetRotation(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->R); dGeomSetPosition(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->pos[0],cone->final_posr->pos[1],cone->final_posr->pos[2]); return dCollideSphereSphere(&ASphere, o2, flags, contact, skip); } int dCollideConeBox(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dConeClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dBoxClass); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o1; dxSphere ASphere(0,cone->radius); dGeomSetRotation(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->R); dGeomSetPosition(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->pos[0],cone->final_posr->pos[1],cone->final_posr->pos[2]); return dCollideSphereBox(&ASphere, o2, flags, contact, skip); } int dCollideCCylinderCone(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dCCylinderClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dConeClass); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o2; dxSphere ASphere(0,cone->radius); dGeomSetRotation(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->R); dGeomSetPosition(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->pos[0],cone->final_posr->pos[1],cone->final_posr->pos[2]); return dCollideCCylinderSphere(o1, &ASphere, flags, contact, skip); } extern int dCollideSTL(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip); int dCollideTriMeshCone(dxGeom *o1, dxGeom *o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip) { dIASSERT (skip >= (int)sizeof(dContactGeom)); dIASSERT (o1->type == dTriMeshClass); dIASSERT (o2->type == dConeClass); dxCone *cone = (dxCone*) o2; dxSphere ASphere(0,cone->radius); dGeomSetRotation(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->R); dGeomSetPosition(&ASphere,cone->final_posr->pos[0],cone->final_posr->pos[1],cone->final_posr->pos[2]); return dCollideSTL(o1, &ASphere, flags, contact, skip); }