
# The version nr detection is not working.
# It fails if there is a '-' char in the version nr e.g.
# We should not use it until fixed. - Bram

## The reason this uses sed instead of "grep --only-matches"
## is because MinGW's grep is an old version and does not contain that flag.
#automake_version=`automake --version | grep --regexp='[+0-9].[+0-9].[+0-9]' | sed -n 's/[* ()A-Za-z]//g;p'`
#echo "AutoMake Version: $automake_mayor.$automake_minor.$automake_revision"
#if [ $automake_mayor -eq 1 ]; then
#    if [ $automake_minor -lt 8 ]; then
#	echo "Automake must be 1.8.2 or higher, please upgrade"
#	exit
#    else
#	if [ $automake_minor -eq 8 ] && [ $automake_revision -lt 2 ]; then
#	    echo "Automake must be 1.8.2 or higher, please upgrade"
#	    exit
#	fi
#    fi

echo "Please make sure that you use automake 1.8.2 or later"
echo "Warnings about underquoted definitions are harmless"
echo "Running aclocal"
aclocal -I . || exit 1
echo "Running autoheader"
autoheader || exit 1
echo "Running automake"
automake --foreign --include-deps --add-missing --copy || exit 1
echo "Running autoconf"
autoconf || exit 1

#./configure $*

echo "Now you are ready to run ./configure"