<html> <title>opensim-SC web pages documentation</title> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" alink="red" link="blue" vlink="purple"> <p>In the examples/web directory there are several example web pages. In the default configuration, these web pages are presented to viewers as the various web pages that the viewer can display, as might be listed in the viewers grid manager. They will be available at http://example.com:8002/web/, or what ever you configured BaseHostname and PublicPort to be.</p> <p>These web pages are just basic, you can customise them to suit your grid. There are also a few PNG images that you can replace.</p> <h1>about.html</h1> <p>The web page grid managers will show as "web site". I don't think any viewers actually show or link to this.</p> <h1>help.html</h1> <p>The web page grid managers will show as "support URL". I don't think any viewers actually show or link to this.</p> <h1>loginpage.html</h1> <p>This is the web page shown in viewers when they pick your grid to log onto.</p> <h1>password_help.html</h1> <p>Viewers will often include this link, usually on the lower right, for helping with passwords.</p> <h1>register.html</h1> <p>Viewers will often include this link, usually on the lower right, for registering new accounts.</p> <h1>stats.html</h1> <p>This is basic stats for your grid, not for viewers. You could register this with stats collection web sites.</p> <p> </p> <h1>SledjHamr.png</h1> <p>The background image used in loginpage.html</p> <h1>SledjHamrIcon.png</h1> <p>A medium sized icon.</p> <h1>SledjHamrIconSmall.png</h1> <p>A small icon suitable for the web sites favicon.</p> <p> </p> <h1>Variables.</h1> <p>In each of these pages you can insert variables that will get replaced with current data using -</p> <pre> <!--#echo var="variable_name" --> </pre> <p>The stats.html file should contain examples and descritpions of all of these variables.</p> </body> </html>