<title>opensim-SC scripts documentation</title>
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<p>There are various scripts included, mostly Bash shell scripts.</p>

<p>This script will compile, or recompile the entire system.</p>


<p>Installs everything on a Debian like operating system.  You will need
to know your root/sudo password and your MariaDB root password, though if
MariaDB isn't installed, it will be installed.  Note that some recent
versions of MariaDB want to be passwordless for root.</p>

<p>Runs unit tests on opensim-SC.</p>
<p>Obsolete since Debian removed nant, but used to be part of the build system.</p>
<h1>opensim-SC/runprebuild.bat and opensim-SC/runprebuild.sh</h1>
<p>Parts of the build system.</p>
<p>An example script that runs a specific sim.</p>
<p>Backup the entire grid into gitAR archive files, which are like IAR and OAR files, only with git info in them, and compressed better.</p>
<p>Backup inventories of anyone that has logged on in since the last time this was run.</p>
<p>Backup a single accounts inventory.  It's a symlink to start-sim, which figures out what to do based on the name it is called as.</p>
<p>Backup all currently running sims.</p>
<p>Common data and functions for the other scripts.</p>
<p>An old script to fix some problems caused by a bug in OpenSim.  Not sure it's needed anymore, or even if it'll work.  Probably best to not use it.</p>
<p>Script for dealing with gitARs, though not meant to be used by users.</p>
<p>Show the tmux consoles.</p>


<p>Start / stop sims, backup inventories / sims.  This script does
different things depending on where it is called from, and the name it is
called as.  It has afew options you can pass to it on the command line.</p>

<li>-a - Used internally as part of the "start up everything" mentioned below.</li>
<li>-d X - Define a delay to wait between sims when starting up everything, the default is 60 seconds.</li>
<li>-q - Don't show the tmux console os start up.</li>
<li>-w - Wait until the "INITIALIZATION COMPLETE FOR " line shows in the console before continuing.</li>

<h2>Called as backup-inventory</h2>
<p>Backs up the inventory of the user specified in the arguments to an .iar file and updates the _gitIAR.tar.xz file.</p>

<pre>&nbsp; &nbsp;./backup-inventory Avatar Name</pre>

<h2>Called as backup-sim from config/simXX</h2>
<p>Backs up the sim to an .oar and updates the _gitOAR.tar.xz file.</p>

<h2>Called as start-sim from config/ROBUST</h2>
<p>Starts up ROBUST if it is called from the config directory holding the ROBUST configuration.</p>

<h2>Called as start-sim from config/simXX</h2>
<p>Starts up the sim if it is called from the config directory holding the sim configuration.</p>

<h2>Called as start-sim from opensim-SC/scripts</h2>
<p>Will start up everything.</p>

<h2>Called as start-sim from opensim-SC/bin</h2>
<p>Used internally by the "start up everything" process to start up the sims.  It assumes that ROBUST was recently started.</p>

<h2>Called as stop-sim from config/ROBUST</h2>
<p>Stops ROBUST if it is called from the config director holding the ROBUST configuration.</p>

<h2>Called as stop-sim from config/simXX</h2>
<p>Stops the sim if it is called from the config director holding the sim
configuration.  It gives users on the sim a couple of warnings, waits a
while, then shuts down the sim.</p>

<p>Create a sim.  Ther are several optional arguments.  If an argument is missing or blank, a default is used.</p>

<li>"sim name" - The name of the sime you want, the default is "No name sim XXX" where XXX is a random number.</li>
<li>1234,1234 - The map location of the sim, the default is some random location.</li>
<li>256 - The size of the sim, the default is 256 x 256 meters.</li>

<pre>&nbsp; &nbsp;./create_sim "My Dobule Sized Sim", 1234,1234 512</pre>


<p>Installs the monit config files.  Note that a recent version of Monit
seems to have issue with this, that I haven't tracked down yet.  Monit
isn't needed most of the time, and I want to replace it with something
internal in the next major release.</p>

<p>An obsolete SQL script for migrating to OS groups.</p>
<p>The template monit config file.</p>


<p>The tmux config file.  Note that tmux has a tendency to change how
their config files work from one version to the next.  It would be wise
to test this before trying to use it.</p>


<p>Script to properly set ownership and permissions for files and
directories in opensim-SC.  Once you have a lot of assets, this wil take
along time.  It is called from InstallItAll.sh</p>
