<html> <title>opensim-SC configuration documentation</title> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="black" text="white" alink="red" link="blue" vlink="purple"> <p>opensim-SC uses the same configurations as <a href="http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page">OpenSim</a>, with some small changes, so please refer to their <a href="http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Configuration">documentation</a>. Only the differences will be detailed here.</p> <p>OpenSim ships with some pre-compiled executables and libraries, plus other files in it's own bin/ directory, and wants to write the rest of it's files there as well. Some existing configuration options let you move some of those writable areas out of the tree, but not all. opensim-SC tries to move all writable stuff and configuration out of tree, to make updates easier. InstallItAll.sh builds this structure in /opt/opensim_SC, and copies itself to /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC.</p> <p>The two main configuration files are /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/Robust.ini and /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/OpenSimDefaults.ini. You should not modify those. They include files from /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/config-include, which you should also not modify. Instead there are various directories and config files in /opt/opensim_SC/config where you can over ride the configuration options you want to change.</p> <h1>/opt/opensim_SC/config/config.ini</h1> <p>This will start as a copy of one of the /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/config-include/config_*.ini files. Copy config_localhost.ini if you want to run your own grid, or one of the others if you want to connect to IG or MG. It is used by both ROBUST and by sims. It must be NOT world readable, as it contains your database login details.</p> <p>By default this file includes two sections. [Paths] and [Const], but you can add more sections in this file if you need to override those sections from the configuration files in the bin/ directory.</p> <p>[Paths] is the paths to the various movable directories, relative to the /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/ directory. <ul> <li>AssetsPath - where your assets are stored.</li> <li>BackupPath - where IAR and OAR backup files are created.</li> <li>CachePath - the directory that holds various caches.</li> <li>ConfigPath - this /opt/opensim_SC/config/ directory that we are describing.</li> <li>DbPath - a directory with some small statistics databases.</li> <li>LogPath - where the logs and console history are kept.</li> <li>WebPath - where the various web pages are served from.</li> </ul> <p>[Const] is various constants used in the rest of the configuration files, so you can define these here once.</p> <ul> <li>MOTD - the message that is shown to people when they log on.</li> <li>GridName - the name of the grid.</li> <li>ShortGridName - the short name of the grid, usually the initials of GridName.</li> <li>BaseHostName - a HTTP URL that is used as the base of all other URLs.</li> <li>HostName - the domain name of your grid.</li> <li>BaseURL - built from BaseHostName usually.</li> <li>GridURL - built from BaseHostName usually.</li> <li>SSLURL - built from HostName usually.</li> <li>PublicPort - public port used by ROBUST services.</li> <li>PrivatePort - private port used by ROBUST services.</li> <li>PublicSSLPort - public port used by ROBUST services in SSL mode.</li> <li>AssetServerPort - public port used by the ROBUST asset service.</li> <li>DataProvider - used to select between the various SQL backends, though opensim-SC only supports MariaDB / MySQL.</li> <li>ConnectionString - the details of how to connect to your SQL backend. This contains credentials that need to be protected from others reading them.</li> </ul> <p>NOTE - though SSL is mentioned above, SSL is not well supported in OpenSims own web server. They wrote their own, the SSL parts are not well tested, being rarely used. Probably best to not use SSL now. In the next major version of opensim-SC I intend to use an external web server, and shift things over to it. Lighttpd is the likely choice.</p> <h1>/opt/opensim_SC/config/ROBUST/RobustExtra.ini</h1> <p>This is where you would override ROBUST specific configuration options. By default it will be empty.</p> <h1>/opt/opensim_SC/config/simXX/ThisSim.ini</h1> <p>For each sim you need to specify certain options, and you can override others. /opt/opensim_SC/config/sim_skeleton/ThisSim.ini is a template used by the create_sim script to create this file. Newer versions of create_sim might give this file the name of the sim, My_New_Sim.ini.</p> <p>The "SIM_*" bits get replaced with actual information for each sim. It has it's own [Const] section, which only contains mysim, the number of this sim. The [Startup] section defines various file locations. The [Network] section defines the public port for this sim.</p> <p>OpenSim had the [Region] section in different files, in two different formats, instead opensim-SC includes that info here so it's all in one place per sim. RegionName is the name of your sim, the rest are described in OpenSims <a href="http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Configuring_Regions">Configuring Regions</a> page.</p> <p>The [Performance] section is new to opensim-SC. It includes one of the /opt/opensim_SC/opensim-SC/bin/config-include/Sim*.ini files that give you a choice of performance trade offs.</p> <h1>New options.</h1> <p>There have been some additional options added to support new features. Some have been mentioned above.</p> <ul> <li>[AuthorizationService]</li> <ul> <li>DefaultRegionAccess - Set the default access restriction for any sim not otherwise mentioned in this section.</li> </ul> <li>[Groups]</li> <ul> <li>AddDefaultGroup - automatically add any members of your grid to this | separated list of groups.</li> <li>AddHGDefaultGroup_othergrid.com - same as above, but for hypergrid visitors from a specific grid.</li> </ul> <li>[GodNames]</li> <ul> <li>FirstNames - similar to the other GodNames options, but this is a list of first names that designate gods for viewers. Note that viewers may not support this.</li> </ul> </ul> <h1>Removed options.</h1> <p>Some options have been removed. Mostly limitations, or useless cruft. You wont miss them. In one instance a viewer bug that had been fixed a decade ago, was still being forbidden in OpenSim.</p> </body> </html>