    ;# {ExternalHostNameForLSL} {} {Hostname to use for HTTP-IN URLs. This should be reachable from the internet.} {}
    ;; Hostname to use in llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL
    ;; if not defined - llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL are disabled
    ExternalHostNameForLSL = "server2.misfitzgrid.com"

    ;# {OfflineMessageModule} {} {Module to use for offline message storage} {OfflineMessageModule "Offline Message Module V2" *}
    ;; Module to handle offline messaging. The core module requires an external
    ;; web service to do this. See OpenSim wiki.
     OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
    ;; Or, alternatively, use this one, which works for both standalones and grids
    ; OfflineMessageModule = "Offline Message Module V2"

    ;# {OfflineMessageURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {URL of offline messaging service} {}
    ;; URL of web service for offline message storage. Leave it commented if your service is local to the sim.
    ; OfflineMessageURL = ${Const|BaseURL}/Offline.php
     OfflineMessageURL = ${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php

    ;# {index_sims} {} {Enable data snapshotting (search)?} {true false} false
    ;; The following set of configs pertains to search.
    ;; Set index_sims to true to enable search engines to index your
    ;; searchable data.
    ;; If false, no data will be exposed, DataSnapshot module will be off,
    ;; and you can ignore the rest of these search-related configs.
     index_sims = true

    ;# {data_exposure} {index_sims:true} {How much data should be exposed?} {minimum all} minimum
    ;; The variable data_exposure controls what the regions expose:
    ;;    minimum: exposes only things explicitly marked for search
    ;;    all: exposes everything
     data_exposure = all

    ;; [Supported, but obsolete]
    ;# {data_services} {index_sims:true} {Data service URLs to register with?} {} http://metaverseink.com/cgi-bin/register.py
    ; This semicolon-separated string serves to notify specific data services
    ; about the existence of this sim. Uncomment if you want to index your
    ; data with this and/or other search providers.

	SearchURL = ${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php


    ProfileServiceURL = ${Const|jOpensimURL}/components/com_opensim/interface.php
    Module = "jOpenSimProfile"

	; Optional:
	Debug = true