namespace Nwc.XmlRpc { using System; using System.Xml; using System.Net.Sockets; /// <summary>The class is a container of the context of an XML-RPC dialog on the server side.</summary> /// <remarks>Instances of this class maintain the context for an individual XML-RPC server /// side dialog. Namely they manage an inbound deserializer and an outbound serializer. </remarks> public class XmlRpcResponder { private XmlRpcRequestDeserializer _deserializer = new XmlRpcRequestDeserializer(); private XmlRpcResponseSerializer _serializer = new XmlRpcResponseSerializer(); private XmlRpcServer _server; private TcpClient _client; private SimpleHttpRequest _httpReq; /// <summary>The SimpleHttpRequest based on the TcpClient.</summary> public SimpleHttpRequest HttpReq { get { return _httpReq; } } /// <summary>Basic constructor.</summary> /// <param name="server">XmlRpcServer that this XmlRpcResponder services.</param> /// <param name="client">TcpClient with the connection.</param> public XmlRpcResponder(XmlRpcServer server, TcpClient client) { _server = server; _client = client; _httpReq = new SimpleHttpRequest(_client); } /// <summary>Call close to insure proper shutdown.</summary> ~XmlRpcResponder() { Close(); } ///<summary>Respond using this responders HttpReq.</summary> public void Respond() { Respond(HttpReq); } /// <summary>Handle an HTTP request containing an XML-RPC request.</summary> /// <remarks>This method deserializes the XML-RPC request, invokes the /// described method, serializes the response (or fault) and sends the XML-RPC response /// back as a valid HTTP page. /// </remarks> /// <param name="httpReq"><c>SimpleHttpRequest</c> containing the request.</param> public void Respond(SimpleHttpRequest httpReq) { XmlRpcRequest xmlRpcReq = (XmlRpcRequest)_deserializer.Deserialize(httpReq.Input); XmlRpcResponse xmlRpcResp = new XmlRpcResponse(); try { xmlRpcResp.Value = _server.Invoke(xmlRpcReq); } catch (XmlRpcException e) { xmlRpcResp.SetFault(e.FaultCode, e.FaultString); } catch (Exception e2) { xmlRpcResp.SetFault(XmlRpcErrorCodes.APPLICATION_ERROR, XmlRpcErrorCodes.APPLICATION_ERROR_MSG + ": " + e2.Message); } if (Logger.Delegate != null) Logger.WriteEntry(xmlRpcResp.ToString(), LogLevel.Information); XmlRpcServer.HttpHeader(httpReq.Protocol, "text/xml", 0, " 200 OK", httpReq.Output); httpReq.Output.Flush(); XmlTextWriter xml = new XmlTextWriter(httpReq.Output); _serializer.Serialize(xml, xmlRpcResp); xml.Flush(); httpReq.Output.Flush(); } ///<summary>Close all contained resources, both the HttpReq and client.</summary> public void Close() { if (_httpReq != null) { _httpReq.Close(); _httpReq = null; } if (_client != null) { _client.Close(); _client = null; } } } }