/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.XMREngine; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.XMREngine { public delegate void ScriptEventHandler (XMRInstAbstract instance); /* * This object represents the output of the compilation. * Once the compilation is complete, its contents should be * considered 'read-only', so it can be shared among multiple * instances of the script. * * It gets created by ScriptCodeGen. * It gets used by XMRInstance to create script instances. */ public class ScriptObjCode { public string sourceHash; // source text hash code public XMRInstArSizes glblSizes = new XMRInstArSizes (); // number of global variables of various types public string[] stateNames; // convert state number to corresponding string public ScriptEventHandler[,] scriptEventHandlerTable; // entrypoints to all event handler functions // 1st subscript = state code number (0=default) // 2nd subscript = event code number // null entry means no handler defined for that state,event public Dictionary sdObjTypesName; // all script-defined types by name public TokenDeclSDType[] sdObjTypesIndx; // all script-defined types by sdTypeIndex public Dictionary sdDelTypes; // all script-defined delegates (including anonymous) public Dictionary dynamicMethods; // all dyanmic methods public Dictionary[]> scriptSrcLocss; // method,iloffset -> source file,line,posn public int refCount; // used by engine to keep track of number of // instances that are using this object code public Dictionary> globalVarNames = new Dictionary> (); public DateTime fileDateUtc; public int expiryDays = Int32.MaxValue; public bool IsExpired () { return (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - fileDateUtc.Ticks) / 10000000 / 86400 >= expiryDays; } /** * @brief Fill in ScriptObjCode from an XMREngine object file. * 'objFileReader' is a serialized form of the CIL code we generated * 'asmFileWriter' is where we write the disassembly to (or null if not wanted) * 'srcFileWriter' is where we write the decompilation to (or null if not wanted) * Throws an exception if there is any error (theoretically). */ public ScriptObjCode (BinaryReader objFileReader, TextWriter asmFileWriter, TextWriter srcFileWriter) { /* * Check version number to make sure we know how to process file contents. */ char[] ocm = objFileReader.ReadChars (ScriptCodeGen.OBJECT_CODE_MAGIC.Length); if (new String (ocm) != ScriptCodeGen.OBJECT_CODE_MAGIC) { throw new Exception ("not an XMR object file (bad magic)"); } int cvv = objFileReader.ReadInt32 (); if (cvv != ScriptCodeGen.COMPILED_VERSION_VALUE) { throw new CVVMismatchException (cvv, ScriptCodeGen.COMPILED_VERSION_VALUE); } /* * Fill in simple parts of scriptObjCode object. */ sourceHash = objFileReader.ReadString (); expiryDays = objFileReader.ReadInt32 (); glblSizes.ReadFromFile (objFileReader); int nStates = objFileReader.ReadInt32 (); stateNames = new string[nStates]; for (int i = 0; i < nStates; i ++) { stateNames[i] = objFileReader.ReadString (); if (asmFileWriter != null) { asmFileWriter.WriteLine (" state[{0}] = {1}", i, stateNames[i]); } } if (asmFileWriter != null) { glblSizes.WriteAsmFile (asmFileWriter, "numGbl"); } string gblName; while ((gblName = objFileReader.ReadString ()) != "") { string gblType = objFileReader.ReadString (); int gblIndex = objFileReader.ReadInt32 (); Dictionary names; if (!globalVarNames.TryGetValue (gblType, out names)) { names = new Dictionary (); globalVarNames.Add (gblType, names); } names.Add (gblIndex, gblName); if (asmFileWriter != null) { asmFileWriter.WriteLine (" {0} = {1}[{2}]", gblName, gblType, gblIndex); } } /* * Read in script-defined types. */ sdObjTypesName = new Dictionary (); sdDelTypes = new Dictionary (); int maxIndex = -1; while ((gblName = objFileReader.ReadString ()) != "") { TokenDeclSDType sdt = TokenDeclSDType.ReadFromFile (sdObjTypesName, gblName, objFileReader, asmFileWriter); sdObjTypesName.Add (gblName, sdt); if (maxIndex < sdt.sdTypeIndex) maxIndex = sdt.sdTypeIndex; if (sdt is TokenDeclSDTypeDelegate) { sdDelTypes.Add (sdt.GetSysType (), gblName); } } sdObjTypesIndx = new TokenDeclSDType[maxIndex+1]; foreach (TokenDeclSDType sdt in sdObjTypesName.Values) { sdObjTypesIndx[sdt.sdTypeIndex] = sdt; } /* * Now fill in the methods (the hard part). */ scriptEventHandlerTable = new ScriptEventHandler[nStates,(int)ScriptEventCode.Size]; dynamicMethods = new Dictionary (); scriptSrcLocss = new Dictionary[]> (); ObjectTokens objectTokens = null; if (asmFileWriter != null) { objectTokens = new OTDisassemble (this, asmFileWriter); } else if (srcFileWriter != null) { objectTokens = new OTDecompile (this, srcFileWriter); } try { ScriptObjWriter.CreateObjCode (sdObjTypesName, objFileReader, this, objectTokens); } finally { if (objectTokens != null) objectTokens.Close (); } /* * We enter all script event handler methods in the ScriptEventHandler table. * They are named: */ foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in dynamicMethods) { string methName = kvp.Key; int i = methName.IndexOf (' '); if (i < 0) continue; string stateName = methName.Substring (0, i); string eventName = methName.Substring (++ i); int stateCode; for (stateCode = stateNames.Length; -- stateCode >= 0;) { if (stateNames[stateCode] == stateName) break; } int eventCode = (int)Enum.Parse (typeof (ScriptEventCode), eventName); scriptEventHandlerTable[stateCode,eventCode] = (ScriptEventHandler)kvp.Value.CreateDelegate (typeof (ScriptEventHandler)); } /* * Fill in all script-defined class vtables. */ foreach (TokenDeclSDType sdt in sdObjTypesIndx) { if ((sdt != null) && (sdt is TokenDeclSDTypeClass)) { TokenDeclSDTypeClass sdtc = (TokenDeclSDTypeClass)sdt; sdtc.FillVTables (this); } } } /** * @brief Called once for every method found in objFileReader file. * It enters the method in the ScriptObjCode object table so it can be called. */ public void EndMethod (DynamicMethod method, Dictionary srcLocs) { /* * Save method object code pointer. */ dynamicMethods.Add (method.Name, method); /* * Build and sort iloffset -> source code location array. */ int n = srcLocs.Count; KeyValuePair[] srcLocArray = new KeyValuePair[n]; n = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair kvp in srcLocs) srcLocArray[n++] = kvp; Array.Sort (srcLocArray, endMethodWrapper); /* * Save sorted array. */ scriptSrcLocss.Add (method.Name, srcLocArray); } /** * @brief Called once for every method found in objFileReader file. * It enters the method in the ScriptObjCode object table so it can be called. */ private static EndMethodWrapper endMethodWrapper = new EndMethodWrapper (); private class EndMethodWrapper : System.Collections.IComparer { public int Compare (object x, object y) { KeyValuePair kvpx = (KeyValuePair)x; KeyValuePair kvpy = (KeyValuePair)y; return kvpx.Key - kvpy.Key; } } } }