/* The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010 Intel Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * Based on the convexdecomposition library from * <http://codesuppository.googlecode.com> by John W. Ratcliff and Stan Melax. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; namespace OpenSim.Region.PhysicsModules.ConvexDecompositionDotNet { public static class HullUtils { public static int argmin(float[] a, int n) { int r = 0; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] < a[r]) { r = i; } } return r; } public static float clampf(float a) { return Math.Min(1.0f, Math.Max(0.0f, a)); } public static float Round(float a, float precision) { return (float)Math.Floor(0.5f + a / precision) * precision; } public static float Interpolate(float f0, float f1, float alpha) { return f0 * (1 - alpha) + f1 * alpha; } public static void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b) { T tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; } public static bool above(List<float3> vertices, int3 t, float3 p, float epsilon) { float3 vtx = vertices[t.x]; float3 n = TriNormal(vtx, vertices[t.y], vertices[t.z]); return (float3.dot(n, p - vtx) > epsilon); // EPSILON??? } public static int hasedge(int3 t, int a, int b) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; if (t[i] == a && t[i1] == b) return 1; } return 0; } public static bool hasvert(int3 t, int v) { return (t[0] == v || t[1] == v || t[2] == v); } public static int shareedge(int3 a, int3 b) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; if (hasedge(a, b[i1], b[i]) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } public static void b2bfix(HullTriangle s, HullTriangle t, List<HullTriangle> tris) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; int i2 = (i + 2) % 3; int a = (s)[i1]; int b = (s)[i2]; Debug.Assert(tris[s.neib(a, b)].neib(b, a) == s.id); Debug.Assert(tris[t.neib(a, b)].neib(b, a) == t.id); tris[s.neib(a, b)].setneib(b, a, t.neib(b, a)); tris[t.neib(b, a)].setneib(a, b, s.neib(a, b)); } } public static void removeb2b(HullTriangle s, HullTriangle t, List<HullTriangle> tris) { b2bfix(s, t, tris); s.Dispose(); t.Dispose(); } public static void checkit(HullTriangle t, List<HullTriangle> tris) { int i; Debug.Assert(tris[t.id] == t); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; int i2 = (i + 2) % 3; int a = (t)[i1]; int b = (t)[i2]; Debug.Assert(a != b); Debug.Assert(tris[t.n[i]].neib(b, a) == t.id); } } public static void extrude(HullTriangle t0, int v, List<HullTriangle> tris) { int3 t = t0; int n = tris.Count; HullTriangle ta = new HullTriangle(v, t[1], t[2], tris); ta.n = new int3(t0.n[0], n + 1, n + 2); tris[t0.n[0]].setneib(t[1], t[2], n + 0); HullTriangle tb = new HullTriangle(v, t[2], t[0], tris); tb.n = new int3(t0.n[1], n + 2, n + 0); tris[t0.n[1]].setneib(t[2], t[0], n + 1); HullTriangle tc = new HullTriangle(v, t[0], t[1], tris); tc.n = new int3(t0.n[2], n + 0, n + 1); tris[t0.n[2]].setneib(t[0], t[1], n + 2); checkit(ta, tris); checkit(tb, tris); checkit(tc, tris); if (hasvert(tris[ta.n[0]], v)) removeb2b(ta, tris[ta.n[0]], tris); if (hasvert(tris[tb.n[0]], v)) removeb2b(tb, tris[tb.n[0]], tris); if (hasvert(tris[tc.n[0]], v)) removeb2b(tc, tris[tc.n[0]], tris); t0.Dispose(); } public static HullTriangle extrudable(float epsilon, List<HullTriangle> tris) { int i; HullTriangle t = null; for (i = 0; i < tris.Count; i++) { if (t == null || (tris.Count > i && (object)tris[i] != null && t.rise < tris[i].rise)) { t = tris[i]; } } return (t.rise > epsilon) ? t : null; } public static Quaternion RotationArc(float3 v0, float3 v1) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion(); v0 = float3.normalize(v0); // Comment these two lines out if you know its not needed. v1 = float3.normalize(v1); // If vector is already unit length then why do it again? float3 c = float3.cross(v0, v1); float d = float3.dot(v0, v1); if (d <= -1.0f) // 180 about x axis { return new Quaternion(1f, 0f, 0f, 0f); } float s = (float)Math.Sqrt((1 + d) * 2f); q.x = c.x / s; q.y = c.y / s; q.z = c.z / s; q.w = s / 2.0f; return q; } public static float3 PlaneLineIntersection(Plane plane, float3 p0, float3 p1) { // returns the point where the line p0-p1 intersects the plane n&d float3 dif = p1 - p0; float dn = float3.dot(plane.normal, dif); float t = -(plane.dist + float3.dot(plane.normal, p0)) / dn; return p0 + (dif * t); } public static float3 LineProject(float3 p0, float3 p1, float3 a) { float3 w = new float3(); w = p1 - p0; float t = float3.dot(w, (a - p0)) / (w.x * w.x + w.y * w.y + w.z * w.z); return p0 + w * t; } public static float3 PlaneProject(Plane plane, float3 point) { return point - plane.normal * (float3.dot(point, plane.normal) + plane.dist); } public static float LineProjectTime(float3 p0, float3 p1, float3 a) { float3 w = new float3(); w = p1 - p0; float t = float3.dot(w, (a - p0)) / (w.x * w.x + w.y * w.y + w.z * w.z); return t; } public static float3 ThreePlaneIntersection(Plane p0, Plane p1, Plane p2) { float3x3 mp = float3x3.Transpose(new float3x3(p0.normal, p1.normal, p2.normal)); float3x3 mi = float3x3.Inverse(mp); float3 b = new float3(p0.dist, p1.dist, p2.dist); return -b * mi; } public static bool PolyHit(List<float3> vert, float3 v0, float3 v1) { float3 impact = new float3(); float3 normal = new float3(); return PolyHit(vert, v0, v1, out impact, out normal); } public static bool PolyHit(List<float3> vert, float3 v0, float3 v1, out float3 impact) { float3 normal = new float3(); return PolyHit(vert, v0, v1, out impact, out normal); } public static bool PolyHit(List<float3> vert, float3 v0, float3 v1, out float3 impact, out float3 normal) { float3 the_point = new float3(); impact = null; normal = null; int i; float3 nrml = new float3(0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < vert.Count; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % vert.Count; int i2 = (i + 2) % vert.Count; nrml = nrml + float3.cross(vert[i1] - vert[i], vert[i2] - vert[i1]); } float m = float3.magnitude(nrml); if (m == 0.0) { return false; } nrml = nrml * (1.0f / m); float dist = -float3.dot(nrml, vert[0]); float d0; float d1; if ((d0 = float3.dot(v0, nrml) + dist) < 0 || (d1 = float3.dot(v1, nrml) + dist) > 0) { return false; } // By using the cached plane distances d0 and d1 // we can optimize the following: // the_point = planelineintersection(nrml,dist,v0,v1); float a = d0 / (d0 - d1); the_point = v0 * (1 - a) + v1 * a; bool inside = true; for (int j = 0; inside && j < vert.Count; j++) { // let inside = 0 if outside float3 pp1 = new float3(); float3 pp2 = new float3(); float3 side = new float3(); pp1 = vert[j]; pp2 = vert[(j + 1) % vert.Count]; side = float3.cross((pp2 - pp1), (the_point - pp1)); inside = (float3.dot(nrml, side) >= 0.0); } if (inside) { if (normal != null) { normal = nrml; } if (impact != null) { impact = the_point; } } return inside; } public static bool BoxInside(float3 p, float3 bmin, float3 bmax) { return (p.x >= bmin.x && p.x <= bmax.x && p.y >= bmin.y && p.y <= bmax.y && p.z >= bmin.z && p.z <= bmax.z); } public static bool BoxIntersect(float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 bmin, float3 bmax, float3 impact) { if (BoxInside(v0, bmin, bmax)) { impact = v0; return true; } if (v0.x <= bmin.x && v1.x >= bmin.x) { float a = (bmin.x - v0.x) / (v1.x - v0.x); //v.x = bmin.x; float vy = (1 - a) * v0.y + a * v1.y; float vz = (1 - a) * v0.z + a * v1.z; if (vy >= bmin.y && vy <= bmax.y && vz >= bmin.z && vz <= bmax.z) { impact.x = bmin.x; impact.y = vy; impact.z = vz; return true; } } else if (v0.x >= bmax.x && v1.x <= bmax.x) { float a = (bmax.x - v0.x) / (v1.x - v0.x); //v.x = bmax.x; float vy = (1 - a) * v0.y + a * v1.y; float vz = (1 - a) * v0.z + a * v1.z; if (vy >= bmin.y && vy <= bmax.y && vz >= bmin.z && vz <= bmax.z) { impact.x = bmax.x; impact.y = vy; impact.z = vz; return true; } } if (v0.y <= bmin.y && v1.y >= bmin.y) { float a = (bmin.y - v0.y) / (v1.y - v0.y); float vx = (1 - a) * v0.x + a * v1.x; //v.y = bmin.y; float vz = (1 - a) * v0.z + a * v1.z; if (vx >= bmin.x && vx <= bmax.x && vz >= bmin.z && vz <= bmax.z) { impact.x = vx; impact.y = bmin.y; impact.z = vz; return true; } } else if (v0.y >= bmax.y && v1.y <= bmax.y) { float a = (bmax.y - v0.y) / (v1.y - v0.y); float vx = (1 - a) * v0.x + a * v1.x; // vy = bmax.y; float vz = (1 - a) * v0.z + a * v1.z; if (vx >= bmin.x && vx <= bmax.x && vz >= bmin.z && vz <= bmax.z) { impact.x = vx; impact.y = bmax.y; impact.z = vz; return true; } } if (v0.z <= bmin.z && v1.z >= bmin.z) { float a = (bmin.z - v0.z) / (v1.z - v0.z); float vx = (1 - a) * v0.x + a * v1.x; float vy = (1 - a) * v0.y + a * v1.y; // v.z = bmin.z; if (vy >= bmin.y && vy <= bmax.y && vx >= bmin.x && vx <= bmax.x) { impact.x = vx; impact.y = vy; impact.z = bmin.z; return true; } } else if (v0.z >= bmax.z && v1.z <= bmax.z) { float a = (bmax.z - v0.z) / (v1.z - v0.z); float vx = (1 - a) * v0.x + a * v1.x; float vy = (1 - a) * v0.y + a * v1.y; // v.z = bmax.z; if (vy >= bmin.y && vy <= bmax.y && vx >= bmin.x && vx <= bmax.x) { impact.x = vx; impact.y = vy; impact.z = bmax.z; return true; } } return false; } public static float DistanceBetweenLines(float3 ustart, float3 udir, float3 vstart, float3 vdir, float3 upoint) { return DistanceBetweenLines(ustart, udir, vstart, vdir, upoint, null); } public static float DistanceBetweenLines(float3 ustart, float3 udir, float3 vstart, float3 vdir) { return DistanceBetweenLines(ustart, udir, vstart, vdir, null, null); } public static float DistanceBetweenLines(float3 ustart, float3 udir, float3 vstart, float3 vdir, float3 upoint, float3 vpoint) { float3 cp = float3.normalize(float3.cross(udir, vdir)); float distu = -float3.dot(cp, ustart); float distv = -float3.dot(cp, vstart); float dist = (float)Math.Abs(distu - distv); if (upoint != null) { Plane plane = new Plane(); plane.normal = float3.normalize(float3.cross(vdir, cp)); plane.dist = -float3.dot(plane.normal, vstart); upoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane, ustart, ustart + udir); } if (vpoint != null) { Plane plane = new Plane(); plane.normal = float3.normalize(float3.cross(udir, cp)); plane.dist = -float3.dot(plane.normal, ustart); vpoint = PlaneLineIntersection(plane, vstart, vstart + vdir); } return dist; } public static float3 TriNormal(float3 v0, float3 v1, float3 v2) { // return the normal of the triangle // inscribed by v0, v1, and v2 float3 cp = float3.cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v1); float m = float3.magnitude(cp); if (m == 0) return new float3(1, 0, 0); return cp * (1.0f / m); } public static int PlaneTest(Plane p, float3 v, float planetestepsilon) { float a = float3.dot(v, p.normal) + p.dist; int flag = (a > planetestepsilon) ? (2) : ((a < -planetestepsilon) ? (1) : (0)); return flag; } public static int SplitTest(ref ConvexH convex, Plane plane, float planetestepsilon) { int flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < convex.vertices.Count; i++) { flag |= PlaneTest(plane, convex.vertices[i], planetestepsilon); } return flag; } public static Quaternion VirtualTrackBall(float3 cop, float3 cor, float3 dir1, float3 dir2) { // routine taken from game programming gems. // Implement track ball functionality to spin stuf on the screen // cop center of projection // cor center of rotation // dir1 old mouse direction // dir2 new mouse direction // pretend there is a sphere around cor. Then find the points // where dir1 and dir2 intersect that sphere. Find the // rotation that takes the first point to the second. float m; // compute plane float3 nrml = cor - cop; float fudgefactor = 1.0f / (float3.magnitude(nrml) * 0.25f); // since trackball proportional to distance from cop nrml = float3.normalize(nrml); float dist = -float3.dot(nrml, cor); float3 u = PlaneLineIntersection(new Plane(nrml, dist), cop, cop + dir1); u = u - cor; u = u * fudgefactor; m = float3.magnitude(u); if (m > 1) { u /= m; } else { u = u - (nrml * (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - m * m)); } float3 v = PlaneLineIntersection(new Plane(nrml, dist), cop, cop + dir2); v = v - cor; v = v * fudgefactor; m = float3.magnitude(v); if (m > 1) { v /= m; } else { v = v - (nrml * (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - m * m)); } return RotationArc(u, v); } public static bool AssertIntact(ConvexH convex, float planetestepsilon) { int i; int estart = 0; for (i = 0; i < convex.edges.Count; i++) { if (convex.edges[estart].p != convex.edges[i].p) { estart = i; } int inext = i + 1; if (inext >= convex.edges.Count || convex.edges[inext].p != convex.edges[i].p) { inext = estart; } Debug.Assert(convex.edges[inext].p == convex.edges[i].p); int nb = convex.edges[i].ea; Debug.Assert(nb != 255); if (nb == 255 || nb == -1) return false; Debug.Assert(nb != -1); Debug.Assert(i == convex.edges[nb].ea); } for (i = 0; i < convex.edges.Count; i++) { Debug.Assert((0) == PlaneTest(convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i].v], planetestepsilon)); if ((0) != PlaneTest(convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i].v], planetestepsilon)) return false; if (convex.edges[estart].p != convex.edges[i].p) { estart = i; } int i1 = i + 1; if (i1 >= convex.edges.Count || convex.edges[i1].p != convex.edges[i].p) { i1 = estart; } int i2 = i1 + 1; if (i2 >= convex.edges.Count || convex.edges[i2].p != convex.edges[i].p) { i2 = estart; } if (i == i2) // i sliced tangent to an edge and created 2 meaningless edges continue; float3 localnormal = TriNormal(convex.vertices[convex.edges[i].v], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i1].v], convex.vertices[convex.edges[i2].v]); Debug.Assert(float3.dot(localnormal, convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p].normal) > 0); if (float3.dot(localnormal, convex.facets[convex.edges[i].p].normal) <= 0) return false; } return true; } public static ConvexH test_btbq(float planetestepsilon) { // back to back quads ConvexH convex = new ConvexH(4, 8, 2); convex.vertices[0] = new float3(0, 0, 0); convex.vertices[1] = new float3(1, 0, 0); convex.vertices[2] = new float3(1, 1, 0); convex.vertices[3] = new float3(0, 1, 0); convex.facets[0] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, 1), 0); convex.facets[1] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, -1), 0); convex.edges[0] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(7, 0, 0); convex.edges[1] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(6, 1, 0); convex.edges[2] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(5, 2, 0); convex.edges[3] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(4, 3, 0); convex.edges[4] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(3, 0, 1); convex.edges[5] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(2, 3, 1); convex.edges[6] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(1, 2, 1); convex.edges[7] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(0, 1, 1); AssertIntact(convex, planetestepsilon); return convex; } public static ConvexH test_cube() { ConvexH convex = new ConvexH(8, 24, 6); convex.vertices[0] = new float3(0, 0, 0); convex.vertices[1] = new float3(0, 0, 1); convex.vertices[2] = new float3(0, 1, 0); convex.vertices[3] = new float3(0, 1, 1); convex.vertices[4] = new float3(1, 0, 0); convex.vertices[5] = new float3(1, 0, 1); convex.vertices[6] = new float3(1, 1, 0); convex.vertices[7] = new float3(1, 1, 1); convex.facets[0] = new Plane(new float3(-1, 0, 0), 0); convex.facets[1] = new Plane(new float3(1, 0, 0), -1); convex.facets[2] = new Plane(new float3(0, -1, 0), 0); convex.facets[3] = new Plane(new float3(0, 1, 0), -1); convex.facets[4] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, -1), 0); convex.facets[5] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, 1), -1); convex.edges[0] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(11, 0, 0); convex.edges[1] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(23, 1, 0); convex.edges[2] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(15, 3, 0); convex.edges[3] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(16, 2, 0); convex.edges[4] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(13, 6, 1); convex.edges[5] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(21, 7, 1); convex.edges[6] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(9, 5, 1); convex.edges[7] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(18, 4, 1); convex.edges[8] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(19, 0, 2); convex.edges[9] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(6, 4, 2); convex.edges[10] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(20, 5, 2); convex.edges[11] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(0, 1, 2); convex.edges[12] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(22, 3, 3); convex.edges[13] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(4, 7, 3); convex.edges[14] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(17, 6, 3); convex.edges[15] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(2, 2, 3); convex.edges[16] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(3, 0, 4); convex.edges[17] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(14, 2, 4); convex.edges[18] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(7, 6, 4); convex.edges[19] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(8, 4, 4); convex.edges[20] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(10, 1, 5); convex.edges[21] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(5, 5, 5); convex.edges[22] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(12, 7, 5); convex.edges[23] = new ConvexH.HalfEdge(1, 3, 5); return convex; } public static ConvexH ConvexHMakeCube(float3 bmin, float3 bmax) { ConvexH convex = test_cube(); convex.vertices[0] = new float3(bmin.x, bmin.y, bmin.z); convex.vertices[1] = new float3(bmin.x, bmin.y, bmax.z); convex.vertices[2] = new float3(bmin.x, bmax.y, bmin.z); convex.vertices[3] = new float3(bmin.x, bmax.y, bmax.z); convex.vertices[4] = new float3(bmax.x, bmin.y, bmin.z); convex.vertices[5] = new float3(bmax.x, bmin.y, bmax.z); convex.vertices[6] = new float3(bmax.x, bmax.y, bmin.z); convex.vertices[7] = new float3(bmax.x, bmax.y, bmax.z); convex.facets[0] = new Plane(new float3(-1, 0, 0), bmin.x); convex.facets[1] = new Plane(new float3(1, 0, 0), -bmax.x); convex.facets[2] = new Plane(new float3(0, -1, 0), bmin.y); convex.facets[3] = new Plane(new float3(0, 1, 0), -bmax.y); convex.facets[4] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, -1), bmin.z); convex.facets[5] = new Plane(new float3(0, 0, 1), -bmax.z); return convex; } public static ConvexH ConvexHCrop(ref ConvexH convex, Plane slice, float planetestepsilon) { int i; int vertcountunder = 0; int vertcountover = 0; List<int> vertscoplanar = new List<int>(); // existing vertex members of convex that are coplanar List<int> edgesplit = new List<int>(); // existing edges that members of convex that cross the splitplane Debug.Assert(convex.edges.Count < 480); EdgeFlag[] edgeflag = new EdgeFlag[512]; VertFlag[] vertflag = new VertFlag[256]; PlaneFlag[] planeflag = new PlaneFlag[128]; ConvexH.HalfEdge[] tmpunderedges = new ConvexH.HalfEdge[512]; Plane[] tmpunderplanes = new Plane[128]; Coplanar[] coplanaredges = new Coplanar[512]; int coplanaredges_num = 0; List<float3> createdverts = new List<float3>(); // do the side-of-plane tests for (i = 0; i < convex.vertices.Count; i++) { vertflag[i].planetest = (byte)PlaneTest(slice, convex.vertices[i], planetestepsilon); if (vertflag[i].planetest == (0)) { // ? vertscoplanar.Add(i); vertflag[i].undermap = (byte)vertcountunder++; vertflag[i].overmap = (byte)vertcountover++; } else if (vertflag[i].planetest == (1)) { vertflag[i].undermap = (byte)vertcountunder++; } else { Debug.Assert(vertflag[i].planetest == (2)); vertflag[i].overmap = (byte)vertcountover++; vertflag[i].undermap = 255; // for debugging purposes } } int vertcountunderold = vertcountunder; // for debugging only int under_edge_count = 0; int underplanescount = 0; int e0 = 0; for (int currentplane = 0; currentplane < convex.facets.Count; currentplane++) { int estart = e0; int enextface = 0; int planeside = 0; int e1 = e0 + 1; int vout = -1; int vin = -1; int coplanaredge = -1; do { if (e1 >= convex.edges.Count || convex.edges[e1].p != currentplane) { enextface = e1; e1 = estart; } ConvexH.HalfEdge edge0 = convex.edges[e0]; ConvexH.HalfEdge edge1 = convex.edges[e1]; ConvexH.HalfEdge edgea = convex.edges[edge0.ea]; planeside |= vertflag[edge0.v].planetest; //if((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest & vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == COPLANAR) { // assert(ecop==-1); // ecop=e; //} if (vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == (2) && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == (2)) { // both endpoints over plane edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; } else if ((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest | vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == (1)) { // at least one endpoint under, the other coplanar or under edgeflag[e0].undermap = (short)under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; if (edge0.ea < e0) { // connect the neighbors Debug.Assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap != -1); tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = (short)under_edge_count; } under_edge_count++; } else if ((vertflag[edge0.v].planetest | vertflag[edge1.v].planetest) == (0)) { // both endpoints coplanar // must check a 3rd point to see if UNDER int e2 = e1 + 1; if (e2 >= convex.edges.Count || convex.edges[e2].p != currentplane) { e2 = estart; } Debug.Assert(convex.edges[e2].p == currentplane); ConvexH.HalfEdge edge2 = convex.edges[e2]; if (vertflag[edge2.v].planetest == (1)) { edgeflag[e0].undermap = (short)under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = -1; // make sure this edge is added to the "coplanar" list coplanaredge = under_edge_count; vout = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; vin = vertflag[edge1.v].undermap; under_edge_count++; } else { edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; } } else if (vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == (1) && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == (2)) { // first is under 2nd is over edgeflag[e0].undermap = (short)under_edge_count; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; if (edge0.ea < e0) { Debug.Assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap != -1); // connect the neighbors tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = (short)under_edge_count; vout = tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].v; } else { Plane p0 = convex.facets[edge0.p]; Plane pa = convex.facets[edgea.p]; createdverts.Add(ThreePlaneIntersection(p0, pa, slice)); //createdverts.Add(PlaneProject(slice,PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v]))); //createdverts.Add(PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v])); vout = vertcountunder++; } under_edge_count++; /// hmmm something to think about: i might be able to output this edge regarless of // wheter or not we know v-in yet. ok i;ll try this now: tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = (byte)vout; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = -1; coplanaredge = under_edge_count; under_edge_count++; if (vin != -1) { // we previously processed an edge where we came under // now we know about vout as well // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } } else if (vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == (0) && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == (2)) { // first is coplanar 2nd is over edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; vout = vertflag[edge0.v].undermap; // I hate this but i have to make sure part of this face is UNDER before ouputting this vert int k = estart; Debug.Assert(edge0.p == currentplane); while (!((planeside & 1) != 0) && k < convex.edges.Count && convex.edges[k].p == edge0.p) { planeside |= vertflag[convex.edges[k].v].planetest; k++; } if ((planeside & 1) != 0) { tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = (byte)vout; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = -1; coplanaredge = under_edge_count; // hmmm should make a note of the edge # for later on under_edge_count++; } } else if (vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == (2) && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == (1)) { // first is over next is under // new vertex!!! Debug.Assert(vin == -1); if (e0 < edge0.ea) { Plane p0 = convex.facets[edge0.p]; Plane pa = convex.facets[edgea.p]; createdverts.Add(ThreePlaneIntersection(p0, pa, slice)); //createdverts.Add(PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v])); //createdverts.Add(PlaneProject(slice,PlaneLineIntersection(slice,convex.vertices[edge0.v],convex.vertices[edgea.v]))); vin = vertcountunder++; } else { // find the new vertex that was created by edge[edge0.ea] int nea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; Debug.Assert(tmpunderedges[nea].p == tmpunderedges[nea + 1].p); vin = tmpunderedges[nea + 1].v; Debug.Assert(vin < vertcountunder); Debug.Assert(vin >= vertcountunderold); // for debugging only } if (vout != -1) { // we previously processed an edge where we went over // now we know vin too // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } // output edge tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].v = (byte)vin; tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].p = (byte)underplanescount; edgeflag[e0].undermap = (short)under_edge_count; if (e0 > edge0.ea) { Debug.Assert(edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap != -1); // connect the neighbors tmpunderedges[under_edge_count].ea = edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap; tmpunderedges[edgeflag[edge0.ea].undermap].ea = (short)under_edge_count; } Debug.Assert(edgeflag[e0].undermap == under_edge_count); under_edge_count++; } else if (vertflag[edge0.v].planetest == (2) && vertflag[edge1.v].planetest == (0)) { // first is over next is coplanar edgeflag[e0].undermap = -1; vin = vertflag[edge1.v].undermap; Debug.Assert(vin != -1); if (vout != -1) { // we previously processed an edge where we came under // now we know both endpoints // ADD THIS EDGE TO THE LIST OF EDGES THAT NEED NEIGHBOR ON PARTITION PLANE!! } } else { Debug.Assert(false); } e0 = e1; e1++; // do the modulo at the beginning of the loop } while (e0 != estart); e0 = enextface; if ((planeside & 1) != 0) { planeflag[currentplane].undermap = (byte)underplanescount; tmpunderplanes[underplanescount] = convex.facets[currentplane]; underplanescount++; } else { planeflag[currentplane].undermap = 0; } if (vout >= 0 && (planeside & 1) != 0) { Debug.Assert(vin >= 0); Debug.Assert(coplanaredge >= 0); Debug.Assert(coplanaredge != 511); coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].ea = (ushort)coplanaredge; coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].v0 = (byte)vin; coplanaredges[coplanaredges_num].v1 = (byte)vout; coplanaredges_num++; } } // add the new plane to the mix: if (coplanaredges_num > 0) { tmpunderplanes[underplanescount++] = slice; } for (i = 0; i < coplanaredges_num - 1; i++) { if (coplanaredges[i].v1 != coplanaredges[i + 1].v0) { int j = 0; for (j = i + 2; j < coplanaredges_num; j++) { if (coplanaredges[i].v1 == coplanaredges[j].v0) { Coplanar tmp = coplanaredges[i + 1]; coplanaredges[i + 1] = coplanaredges[j]; coplanaredges[j] = tmp; break; } } if (j >= coplanaredges_num) { Debug.Assert(j < coplanaredges_num); return null; } } } ConvexH punder = new ConvexH(vertcountunder, under_edge_count + coplanaredges_num, underplanescount); ConvexH under = punder; { int k = 0; for (i = 0; i < convex.vertices.Count; i++) { if (vertflag[i].planetest != (2)) { under.vertices[k++] = convex.vertices[i]; } } i = 0; while (k < vertcountunder) { under.vertices[k++] = createdverts[i++]; } Debug.Assert(i == createdverts.Count); } for (i = 0; i < coplanaredges_num; i++) { ConvexH.HalfEdge edge = under.edges[under_edge_count + i]; edge.p = (byte)(underplanescount - 1); edge.ea = (short)coplanaredges[i].ea; edge.v = (byte)coplanaredges[i].v0; under.edges[under_edge_count + i] = edge; tmpunderedges[coplanaredges[i].ea].ea = (short)(under_edge_count + i); } under.edges = new List<ConvexH.HalfEdge>(tmpunderedges); under.facets = new List<Plane>(tmpunderplanes); return punder; } public static ConvexH ConvexHDup(ConvexH src) { ConvexH dst = new ConvexH(src.vertices.Count, src.edges.Count, src.facets.Count); dst.vertices = new List<float3>(src.vertices.Count); foreach (float3 f in src.vertices) dst.vertices.Add(new float3(f)); dst.edges = new List<ConvexH.HalfEdge>(src.edges.Count); foreach (ConvexH.HalfEdge e in src.edges) dst.edges.Add(new ConvexH.HalfEdge(e)); dst.facets = new List<Plane>(src.facets.Count); foreach (Plane p in src.facets) dst.facets.Add(new Plane(p)); return dst; } public static int candidateplane(List<Plane> planes, int planes_count, ConvexH convex, float epsilon) { int p = 0; float md = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < planes_count; i++) { float d = 0; for (int j = 0; j < convex.vertices.Count; j++) { d = Math.Max(d, float3.dot(convex.vertices[j], planes[i].normal) + planes[i].dist); } if (i == 0 || d > md) { p = i; md = d; } } return (md > epsilon) ? p : -1; } public static float3 orth(float3 v) { float3 a = float3.cross(v, new float3(0f, 0f, 1f)); float3 b = float3.cross(v, new float3(0f, 1f, 0f)); return float3.normalize((float3.magnitude(a) > float3.magnitude(b)) ? a : b); } public static int maxdir(List<float3> p, int count, float3 dir) { Debug.Assert(count != 0); int m = 0; float currDotm = float3.dot(p[0], dir); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { float currDoti = float3.dot(p[i], dir); if (currDoti > currDotm) { currDotm = currDoti; m = i; } } return m; } public static int maxdirfiltered(List<float3> p, int count, float3 dir, byte[] allow) { //Debug.Assert(count != 0); int m = -1; float currDotm = 0; float currDoti; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (allow[i] != 0) { currDotm = float3.dot(p[i], dir); m = i; break; } } if(m == -1) { Debug.Assert(false); return m; } for (int i = m + 1; i < count; i++) { if (allow[i] != 0) { currDoti = float3.dot(p[i], dir); if (currDoti > currDotm) { currDotm = currDoti; m = i; } } } // Debug.Assert(m != -1); return m; } public static int maxdirsterid(List<float3> p, int count, float3 dir, byte[] allow) { int m = -1; while (m == -1) { m = maxdirfiltered(p, count, dir, allow); if (allow[m] == 3) return m; float3 u = orth(dir); float3 v = float3.cross(u, dir); int ma = -1; for (float x = 0.0f; x <= 360.0f; x += 45.0f) { int mb; { float s = (float)Math.Sin(0.01745329f * x); float c = (float)Math.Cos(0.01745329f * x); mb = maxdirfiltered(p, count, dir + (u * s + v * c) * 0.025f, allow); } if (ma == m && mb == m) { allow[m] = 3; return m; } if (ma != -1 && ma != mb) // Yuck - this is really ugly { int mc = ma; for (float xx = x - 40.0f; xx <= x; xx += 5.0f) { float s = (float)Math.Sin(0.01745329f * xx); float c = (float)Math.Cos(0.01745329f * xx); int md = maxdirfiltered(p, count, dir + (u * s + v * c) * 0.025f, allow); if (mc == m && md == m) { allow[m] = 3; return m; } mc = md; } } ma = mb; } allow[m] = 0; m = -1; } Debug.Assert(false); return m; } public static int4 FindSimplex(List<float3> verts, byte[] allow) { float3[] basis = new float3[3]; basis[0] = new float3(0.01f, 0.02f, 1.0f); int p0 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, basis[0], allow); int p1 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, -basis[0], allow); basis[0] = verts[p0] - verts[p1]; if (p0 == p1 || basis[0] == new float3(0, 0, 0)) return new int4(-1, -1, -1, -1); basis[1] = float3.cross(new float3(1, 0.02f, 0), basis[0]); basis[2] = float3.cross(new float3(-0.02f, 1, 0), basis[0]); basis[1] = float3.normalize((float3.magnitude(basis[1]) > float3.magnitude(basis[2])) ? basis[1] : basis[2]); int p2 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, basis[1], allow); if (p2 == p0 || p2 == p1) { p2 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, -basis[1], allow); } if (p2 == p0 || p2 == p1) return new int4(-1, -1, -1, -1); basis[1] = verts[p2] - verts[p0]; basis[2] = float3.normalize(float3.cross(basis[1], basis[0])); int p3 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, basis[2], allow); if (p3 == p0 || p3 == p1 || p3 == p2) p3 = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, -basis[2], allow); if (p3 == p0 || p3 == p1 || p3 == p2) return new int4(-1, -1, -1, -1); Debug.Assert(!(p0 == p1 || p0 == p2 || p0 == p3 || p1 == p2 || p1 == p3 || p2 == p3)); if (float3.dot(verts[p3] - verts[p0], float3.cross(verts[p1] - verts[p0], verts[p2] - verts[p0])) < 0) { return new int4(p0, p1, p3, p2); } return new int4(p0, p1, p2, p3); } public static float GetDist(float px, float py, float pz, float3 p2) { float dx = px - p2.x; float dy = py - p2.y; float dz = pz - p2.z; return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } public static void ReleaseHull(PHullResult result) { if (result.Indices != null) result.Indices = null; if (result.Vertices != null) result.Vertices = null; } public static int calchullgen(List<float3> verts, int vlimit, List<HullTriangle> tris) { if (verts.Count < 4) return 0; if (vlimit == 0) vlimit = 1000000000; int j; float3 bmin = new float3(verts[0]); float3 bmax = new float3(verts[0]); byte[] isextreme = new byte[verts.Count]; byte[] allow = new byte[verts.Count]; for (j = 0; j < verts.Count; j++) { allow[j] = 1; isextreme[j] = 0; bmin = float3.VectorMin(bmin, verts[j]); bmax = float3.VectorMax(bmax, verts[j]); } float epsilon = float3.magnitude(bmax - bmin) * 0.001f; int4 p = FindSimplex(verts, allow); if (p.x == -1) // simplex failed return 0; float3 center = (verts[p[0]] + verts[p[1]] + verts[p[2]] + verts[p[3]]) / 4.0f; // a valid interior point HullTriangle t0 = new HullTriangle(p[2], p[3], p[1], tris); t0.n = new int3(2, 3, 1); HullTriangle t1 = new HullTriangle(p[3], p[2], p[0], tris); t1.n = new int3(3, 2, 0); HullTriangle t2 = new HullTriangle(p[0], p[1], p[3], tris); t2.n = new int3(0, 1, 3); HullTriangle t3 = new HullTriangle(p[1], p[0], p[2], tris); t3.n = new int3(1, 0, 2); isextreme[p[0]] = isextreme[p[1]] = isextreme[p[2]] = isextreme[p[3]] = 1; checkit(t0, tris); checkit(t1, tris); checkit(t2, tris); checkit(t3, tris); for (j = 0; j < tris.Count; j++) { HullTriangle t = tris[j]; Debug.Assert((object)t != null); Debug.Assert(t.vmax < 0); float3 n = TriNormal(verts[(t)[0]], verts[(t)[1]], verts[(t)[2]]); t.vmax = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, n, allow); t.rise = float3.dot(n, verts[t.vmax] - verts[(t)[0]]); } HullTriangle te; vlimit -= 4; while (vlimit > 0 && (te = extrudable(epsilon, tris)) != null) { int3 ti = te; int v = te.vmax; Debug.Assert(isextreme[v] == 0); // wtf we've already done this vertex isextreme[v] = 1; //if(v==p0 || v==p1 || v==p2 || v==p3) continue; // done these already j = tris.Count; while (j-- != 0) { if (tris.Count <= j || (object)tris[j] == null) continue; int3 t = tris[j]; if (above(verts, t, verts[v], 0.01f * epsilon)) { extrude(tris[j], v, tris); } } // now check for those degenerate cases where we have a flipped triangle or a really skinny triangle j = tris.Count; while (j-- != 0) { if (tris.Count <= j || (object)tris[j] == null) continue; if (!hasvert(tris[j], v)) break; int3 nt = tris[j]; if (above(verts, nt, center, 0.01f * epsilon) || float3.magnitude(float3.cross(verts[nt[1]] - verts[nt[0]], verts[nt[2]] - verts[nt[1]])) < epsilon * epsilon * 0.1f) { HullTriangle nb = tris[tris[j].n[0]]; Debug.Assert(nb != null); Debug.Assert(!hasvert(nb, v)); Debug.Assert(nb.id < j); extrude(nb, v, tris); j = tris.Count; } } j = tris.Count; while (j-- != 0) { HullTriangle t = tris[j]; if (t == null) continue; if (t.vmax >= 0) break; float3 n = TriNormal(verts[(t)[0]], verts[(t)[1]], verts[(t)[2]]); t.vmax = maxdirsterid(verts, verts.Count, n, allow); if (isextreme[t.vmax] != 0) { t.vmax = -1; // already done that vertex - algorithm needs to be able to terminate. } else { t.rise = float3.dot(n, verts[t.vmax] - verts[(t)[0]]); } } vlimit--; } return 1; } public static bool calchull(List<float3> verts, out List<int> tris_out, int vlimit, List<HullTriangle> tris) { tris_out = null; int rc = calchullgen(verts, vlimit, tris); if (rc == 0) return false; List<int> ts = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < tris.Count; i++) { if ((object)tris[i] != null) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) ts.Add((tris[i])[j]); tris[i] = null; } } tris_out = ts; tris.Clear(); return true; } public static int calchullpbev(List<float3> verts, int vlimit, out List<Plane> planes, float bevangle, List<HullTriangle> tris) { int i; int j; planes = new List<Plane>(); int rc = calchullgen(verts, vlimit, tris); if (rc == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < tris.Count; i++) { if (tris[i] != null) { Plane p = new Plane(); HullTriangle t = tris[i]; p.normal = TriNormal(verts[(t)[0]], verts[(t)[1]], verts[(t)[2]]); p.dist = -float3.dot(p.normal, verts[(t)[0]]); planes.Add(p); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (t.n[j] < t.id) continue; HullTriangle s = tris[t.n[j]]; float3 snormal = TriNormal(verts[(s)[0]], verts[(s)[1]], verts[(s)[2]]); if (float3.dot(snormal, p.normal) >= Math.Cos(bevangle * (3.14159264f / 180.0f))) continue; float3 n = float3.normalize(snormal + p.normal); planes.Add(new Plane(n, -float3.dot(n, verts[maxdir(verts, verts.Count, n)]))); } } } tris.Clear(); return 1; } public static int overhull(List<Plane> planes, List<float3> verts, int maxplanes, out List<float3> verts_out, out List<int> faces_out, float inflate) { verts_out = null; faces_out = null; int i; int j; if (verts.Count < 4) return 0; maxplanes = Math.Min(maxplanes, planes.Count); float3 bmin = new float3(verts[0]); float3 bmax = new float3(verts[0]); for (i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++) { bmin = float3.VectorMin(bmin, verts[i]); bmax = float3.VectorMax(bmax, verts[i]); } // float diameter = magnitude(bmax-bmin); // inflate *=diameter; // RELATIVE INFLATION bmin -= new float3(inflate, inflate, inflate); bmax += new float3(inflate, inflate, inflate); for (i = 0; i < planes.Count; i++) { planes[i].dist -= inflate; } float3 emin = new float3(bmin); float3 emax = new float3(bmax); float epsilon = float3.magnitude(emax - emin) * 0.025f; float planetestepsilon = float3.magnitude(emax - emin) * (0.001f); // todo: add bounding cube planes to force bevel. or try instead not adding the diameter expansion ??? must think. // ConvexH *convex = ConvexHMakeCube(bmin - float3(diameter,diameter,diameter),bmax+float3(diameter,diameter,diameter)); ConvexH c = ConvexHMakeCube(new float3(bmin), new float3(bmax)); int k; while (maxplanes-- != 0 && (k = candidateplane(planes, planes.Count, c, epsilon)) >= 0) { ConvexH tmp = c; c = ConvexHCrop(ref tmp, planes[k], planetestepsilon); if (c == null) // might want to debug this case better!!! { c = tmp; break; } if (AssertIntact(c, planetestepsilon) == false) // might want to debug this case better too!!! { c = tmp; break; } tmp.edges = null; tmp.facets = null; tmp.vertices = null; } Debug.Assert(AssertIntact(c, planetestepsilon)); //return c; //C++ TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: The memory management function 'malloc' has no equivalent in C#: faces_out = new List<int>(); //(int)malloc(sizeof(int) * (1 + c.facets.Count + c.edges.Count)); // new int[1+c->facets.count+c->edges.count]; int faces_count_out = 0; i = 0; faces_out[faces_count_out++] = -1; k = 0; while (i < c.edges.Count) { j = 1; while (j + i < c.edges.Count && c.edges[i].p == c.edges[i + j].p) { j++; } faces_out[faces_count_out++] = j; while (j-- != 0) { faces_out[faces_count_out++] = c.edges[i].v; i++; } k++; } faces_out[0] = k; // number of faces. Debug.Assert(k == c.facets.Count); Debug.Assert(faces_count_out == 1 + c.facets.Count + c.edges.Count); verts_out = c.vertices; // new float3[c->vertices.count]; int verts_count_out = c.vertices.Count; for (i = 0; i < c.vertices.Count; i++) { verts_out[i] = new float3(c.vertices[i]); } c.edges = null; c.facets = null; c.vertices = null; return 1; } public static int overhullv(List<float3> verts, int maxplanes, out List<float3> verts_out, out List<int> faces_out, float inflate, float bevangle, int vlimit, List<HullTriangle> tris) { verts_out = null; faces_out = null; if (verts.Count == 0) return 0; List<Plane> planes = new List<Plane>(); int rc = calchullpbev(verts, vlimit, out planes, bevangle, tris); if (rc == 0) return 0; return overhull(planes, verts, maxplanes, out verts_out, out faces_out, inflate); } public static void addPoint(ref uint vcount, List<float3> p, float x, float y, float z) { p.Add(new float3(x, y, z)); vcount++; } public static bool ComputeHull(List<float3> vertices, ref PHullResult result, int vlimit, float inflate) { List<HullTriangle> tris = new List<HullTriangle>(); List<int> faces; List<float3> verts_out; if (inflate == 0.0f) { List<int> tris_out; bool ret = calchull(vertices, out tris_out, vlimit, tris); if (ret == false) return false; result.Indices = tris_out; result.Vertices = vertices; return true; } else { int ret = overhullv(vertices, 35, out verts_out, out faces, inflate, 120.0f, vlimit, tris); if (ret == 0) return false; List<int3> tris2 = new List<int3>(); int n = faces[0]; int k = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int pn = faces[k++]; for (int j = 2; j < pn; j++) tris2.Add(new int3(faces[k], faces[k + j - 1], faces[k + j])); k += pn; } Debug.Assert(tris2.Count == faces.Count - 1 - (n * 3)); result.Indices = new List<int>(tris2.Count * 3); for (int i = 0; i < tris2.Count; i++) { result.Indices.Add(tris2[i].x); result.Indices.Add(tris2[i].y); result.Indices.Add(tris2[i].z); } result.Vertices = verts_out; return true; } } public static bool ComputeHull(List<float3> vertices, out List<int> indices) { List<HullTriangle> tris = new List<HullTriangle>(); bool ret = calchull(vertices, out indices, 0, tris); if (ret == false) { indices = new List<int>(); return false; } return true; } private static bool CleanupVertices(List<float3> svertices, out List<float3> vertices, float normalepsilon, out float3 scale) { const float EPSILON = 0.000001f; vertices = new List<float3>(); scale = new float3(1f, 1f, 1f); if (svertices.Count == 0) return false; uint vcount = 0; float[] recip = new float[3]; float[] bmin = { Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue }; float[] bmax = { Single.MinValue, Single.MinValue, Single.MinValue }; for (int i = 0; i < svertices.Count; i++) { float3 p = svertices[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (p[j] < bmin[j]) bmin[j] = p[j]; if (p[j] > bmax[j]) bmax[j] = p[j]; } } float dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0]; float dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1]; float dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2]; float3 center = new float3(); center.x = dx * 0.5f + bmin[0]; center.y = dy * 0.5f + bmin[1]; center.z = dz * 0.5f + bmin[2]; if (dx < EPSILON || dy < EPSILON || dz < EPSILON || svertices.Count < 3) { float len = Single.MaxValue; if (dx > EPSILON && dx < len) len = dx; if (dy > EPSILON && dy < len) len = dy; if (dz > EPSILON && dz < len) len = dz; if (len == Single.MaxValue) { dx = dy = dz = 0.01f; // one centimeter } else { if (dx < EPSILON) // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge. dx = len * 0.05f; if (dy < EPSILON) dy = len * 0.05f; if (dz < EPSILON) dz = len * 0.05f; } float x1 = center[0] - dx; float x2 = center[0] + dx; float y1 = center[1] - dy; float y2 = center[1] + dy; float z1 = center[2] - dz; float z2 = center[2] + dz; addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z2); return true; // return cube } else { scale.x = dx; scale.y = dy; scale.z = dz; recip[0] = 1f / dx; recip[1] = 1f / dy; recip[2] = 1f / dz; center.x *= recip[0]; center.y *= recip[1]; center.z *= recip[2]; } for (int i = 0; i < svertices.Count; i++) { float3 p = svertices[i]; float px = p[0]; float py = p[1]; float pz = p[2]; px = px * recip[0]; // normalize py = py * recip[1]; // normalize pz = pz * recip[2]; // normalize if (true) { int j; for (j = 0; j < vcount; j++) { float3 v = vertices[j]; float x = v[0]; float y = v[1]; float z = v[2]; float dx1 = Math.Abs(x - px); float dy1 = Math.Abs(y - py); float dz1 = Math.Abs(z - pz); if (dx1 < normalepsilon && dy1 < normalepsilon && dz1 < normalepsilon) { // ok, it is close enough to the old one // now let us see if it is further from the center of the point cloud than the one we already recorded. // in which case we keep this one instead. float dist1 = GetDist(px, py, pz, center); float dist2 = GetDist(v[0], v[1], v[2], center); if (dist1 > dist2) { v.x = px; v.y = py; v.z = pz; } break; } } if (j == vcount) { float3 dest = new float3(px, py, pz); vertices.Add(dest); vcount++; } } } // ok..now make sure we didn't prune so many vertices it is now invalid. if (true) { float[] bmin2 = { Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue, Single.MaxValue }; float[] bmax2 = { Single.MinValue, Single.MinValue, Single.MinValue }; for (int i = 0; i < vcount; i++) { float3 p = vertices[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (p[j] < bmin2[j]) bmin2[j] = p[j]; if (p[j] > bmax2[j]) bmax2[j] = p[j]; } } float dx2 = bmax2[0] - bmin2[0]; float dy2 = bmax2[1] - bmin2[1]; float dz2 = bmax2[2] - bmin2[2]; if (dx2 < EPSILON || dy2 < EPSILON || dz2 < EPSILON || vcount < 3) { float cx = dx2 * 0.5f + bmin2[0]; float cy = dy2 * 0.5f + bmin2[1]; float cz = dz2 * 0.5f + bmin2[2]; float len = Single.MaxValue; if (dx2 >= EPSILON && dx2 < len) len = dx2; if (dy2 >= EPSILON && dy2 < len) len = dy2; if (dz2 >= EPSILON && dz2 < len) len = dz2; if (len == Single.MaxValue) { dx2 = dy2 = dz2 = 0.01f; // one centimeter } else { if (dx2 < EPSILON) // 1/5th the shortest non-zero edge. dx2 = len * 0.05f; if (dy2 < EPSILON) dy2 = len * 0.05f; if (dz2 < EPSILON) dz2 = len * 0.05f; } float x1 = cx - dx2; float x2 = cx + dx2; float y1 = cy - dy2; float y2 = cy + dy2; float z1 = cz - dz2; float z2 = cz + dz2; vcount = 0; // add box addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z1); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y1, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y1, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x2, y2, z2); addPoint(ref vcount, vertices, x1, y2, z2); return true; } } return true; } private static void BringOutYourDead(List<float3> verts, out List<float3> overts, List<int> indices) { int[] used = new int[verts.Count]; int ocount = 0; overts = new List<float3>(); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) { int v = indices[i]; // original array index Debug.Assert(v >= 0 && v < verts.Count); if (used[v] != 0) // if already remapped { indices[i] = used[v] - 1; // index to new array } else { indices[i] = ocount; // new index mapping overts.Add(verts[v]); // copy old vert to new vert array ocount++; // increment output vert count Debug.Assert(ocount >= 0 && ocount <= verts.Count); used[v] = ocount; // assign new index remapping } } } public static HullError CreateConvexHull(HullDesc desc, ref HullResult result) { HullError ret = HullError.QE_FAIL; PHullResult hr = new PHullResult(); uint vcount = (uint)desc.Vertices.Count; if (vcount < 8) vcount = 8; List<float3> vsource; float3 scale = new float3(); bool ok = CleanupVertices(desc.Vertices, out vsource, desc.NormalEpsilon, out scale); // normalize point cloud, remove duplicates! if (ok) { if (true) // scale vertices back to their original size. { for (int i = 0; i < vsource.Count; i++) { float3 v = vsource[i]; v.x *= scale[0]; v.y *= scale[1]; v.z *= scale[2]; } } float skinwidth = 0; if (desc.HasHullFlag(HullFlag.QF_SKIN_WIDTH)) skinwidth = desc.SkinWidth; ok = ComputeHull(vsource, ref hr, (int)desc.MaxVertices, skinwidth); if (ok) { List<float3> vscratch; BringOutYourDead(hr.Vertices, out vscratch, hr.Indices); ret = HullError.QE_OK; if (desc.HasHullFlag(HullFlag.QF_TRIANGLES)) // if he wants the results as triangle! { result.Polygons = false; result.Indices = hr.Indices; result.OutputVertices = vscratch; } else { result.Polygons = true; result.OutputVertices = vscratch; if (true) { List<int> source = hr.Indices; List<int> dest = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < hr.Indices.Count / 3; i++) { dest.Add(3); dest.Add(source[i * 3 + 0]); dest.Add(source[i * 3 + 1]); dest.Add(source[i * 3 + 2]); } result.Indices = dest; } } } } return ret; } } }