/* Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
 * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 *     * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
 *       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
 *       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 * Revised March 5th 2010 by Kitto Flora. ODEDynamics.cs 
 * rolled into ODEPrim.cs

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;
using Ode.NET;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;

namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.OdePlugin
    /// <summary>
    /// Various properties that ODE uses for AMotors but isn't exposed in ODE.NET so we must define them ourselves.
    /// </summary>

    public class OdePrim : PhysicsActor
        private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

        private Vector3 _position;
        private Vector3 _velocity;
        private Vector3 _torque;
        private Vector3 m_lastVelocity;
        private Vector3 m_lastposition;
        private Quaternion m_lastorientation = new Quaternion();
        private Vector3 m_rotationalVelocity;
        private Vector3 _size;
        private Vector3 _acceleration;
        // private d.Vector3 _zeroPosition = new d.Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        private Quaternion _orientation;
        private Vector3 m_taintposition;
        private Vector3 m_taintsize;
        private Vector3 m_taintVelocity;
        private Vector3 m_taintTorque;
        private Quaternion m_taintrot;
        private Vector3 m_rotateEnable = Vector3.One;				// Current setting
        private Vector3 m_rotateEnableRequest = Vector3.One;			// Request from LSL
        private bool m_rotateEnableUpdate = false;
        private Vector3 m_lockX;
        private Vector3 m_lockY;
        private Vector3 m_lockZ;
        private IntPtr Amotor = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr AmotorX = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr AmotorY = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr AmotorZ = IntPtr.Zero;

        private Vector3 m_PIDTarget;
        private float m_PIDTau;
        private float PID_D = 35f;
        private float PID_G = 25f;
        private bool m_usePID = false;
        private Quaternion m_APIDTarget = new Quaternion();
        private float m_APIDStrength = 0.5f;
        private float m_APIDDamping = 0.5f;
        private bool m_useAPID = false;

        // These next 7 params apply to llSetHoverHeight(float height, integer water, float tau),
        // do not confuse with VEHICLE HOVER

        private float m_PIDHoverHeight;
        private float m_PIDHoverTau;
        private bool m_useHoverPID;
        private PIDHoverType m_PIDHoverType = PIDHoverType.Ground;
        private float m_targetHoverHeight;
        private float m_groundHeight;
        private float m_waterHeight;
        private float m_buoyancy;				//m_buoyancy set by llSetBuoyancy() 

        // private float m_tensor = 5f;
        private int body_autodisable_frames = 20;

        private const CollisionCategories m_default_collisionFlags = (CollisionCategories.Geom
                                                        | CollisionCategories.Space
                                                        | CollisionCategories.Body
                                                        | CollisionCategories.Character
        private bool m_taintshape;
        private bool m_taintPhysics;
        private bool m_collidesLand = true;
        private bool m_collidesWater;
        public bool m_returnCollisions;

        // Default we're a Geometry
        private CollisionCategories m_collisionCategories = (CollisionCategories.Geom);

        // Default, Collide with Other Geometries, spaces and Bodies
        private CollisionCategories m_collisionFlags = m_default_collisionFlags;

        public bool m_taintremove;
        public bool m_taintdisable;
        public bool m_disabled;
        public bool m_taintadd;
        public bool m_taintselected;
        public bool m_taintCollidesWater;

        public uint m_localID;

        //public GCHandle gc;
        private CollisionLocker ode;

        private bool m_meshfailed = false;
        private bool m_taintforce = false;
        private bool m_taintaddangularforce = false;
        private Vector3 m_force;
        private List<Vector3> m_forcelist = new List<Vector3>();
        private List<Vector3> m_angularforcelist = new List<Vector3>();

        private IMesh _mesh;
        private PrimitiveBaseShape _pbs;
        private OdeScene _parent_scene;
        public IntPtr m_targetSpace = IntPtr.Zero;
        public IntPtr prim_geom;
//        public IntPtr prev_geom;
        public IntPtr _triMeshData;

        private IntPtr _linkJointGroup = IntPtr.Zero;
        private PhysicsActor _parent;
        private PhysicsActor m_taintparent;

        private List<OdePrim> childrenPrim = new List<OdePrim>();

        private bool iscolliding;
        private bool m_isphysical;
        private bool m_isSelected;

        internal bool m_isVolumeDetect; // If true, this prim only detects collisions but doesn't collide actively

        private bool m_throttleUpdates;
        private int throttleCounter;
        public int m_interpenetrationcount;
        public float m_collisionscore;
        public int m_roundsUnderMotionThreshold;
        private int m_crossingfailures;

        public bool outofBounds;
        private float m_density = 10.000006836f; // Aluminum g/cm3;

        public bool _zeroFlag;					 // if body has been stopped
        private bool m_lastUpdateSent;

        public IntPtr Body = IntPtr.Zero;
        public String m_primName;
        private Vector3 _target_velocity;
        public d.Mass pMass;

        public int m_eventsubscription;
        private CollisionEventUpdate CollisionEventsThisFrame;

        private IntPtr m_linkJoint = IntPtr.Zero;

        public volatile bool childPrim;

        internal int m_material = (int)Material.Wood;
        private int frcount = 0;										// Used to limit dynamics debug output to 
        private int revcount = 0;										// Reverse motion while > 0

        private IntPtr m_body = IntPtr.Zero;
        // Vehicle properties ============================================================================================
        private Vehicle m_type = Vehicle.TYPE_NONE;						// If a 'VEHICLE', and what kind
        // private Quaternion m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;	// Axis modifier
        private VehicleFlag m_flags = (VehicleFlag) 0;					// Bit settings:
																		// HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY
																		// HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT
																		// NO_DEFLECTION_UP
																		// HOVER_WATER_ONLY
																		// HOVER_UP_ONLY
																		// LIMIT_MOTOR_UP
																		// LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY
        // Linear properties
        private Vector3 m_linearMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;			// (was m_linearMotorDirectionLASTSET) the (local) Velocity 
        																			//requested by LSL
        private float   m_linearMotorTimescale = 0;						// Motor Attack rate set by LSL
        private float   m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 0;				// Motor Decay rate set by LSL
        private Vector3 m_linearFrictionTimescale = Vector3.Zero;		// General Friction set by LSL
		private Vector3 m_lLinMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;					// decayed motor
		private Vector3 m_lLinObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;					// local frame object velocity
		private Vector3 m_wLinObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;					// world frame object velocity
        //Angular properties
        private Vector3 m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;			// angular velocity requested by LSL motor 
        private float m_angularMotorTimescale = 0;						// motor angular Attack rate set by LSL
        private float m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 0;					// motor angular Decay rate set by LSL
        private Vector3 m_angularFrictionTimescale = Vector3.Zero;		// body angular Friction set by LSL

        private Vector3 m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;				// decayed angular motor
//        private Vector3 m_angObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;					// current body angular velocity
        private Vector3 m_lastAngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;			// what was last applied to body

		//Deflection properties        
        // private float m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 0;
        // private float m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 0;
        // private float m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 0;
        // private float m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 0;
        //Banking properties
        // private float m_bankingEfficiency = 0;
        // private float m_bankingMix = 0;
        // private float m_bankingTimescale = 0;
        //Hover and Buoyancy properties
        private float m_VhoverHeight = 0f;
//        private float m_VhoverEfficiency = 0f;
        private float m_VhoverTimescale = 0f;
        private float m_VhoverTargetHeight = -1.0f;     // if <0 then no hover, else its the current target height 
        private float m_VehicleBuoyancy = 0f;			// Set by VEHICLE_BUOYANCY, for a vehicle.
        			// Modifies gravity. Slider between -1 (double-gravity) and 1 (full anti-gravity) 
        			// KF: So far I have found no good method to combine a script-requested .Z velocity and gravity.
        			// Therefore only m_VehicleBuoyancy=1 (0g) will use the script-requested .Z velocity. 
		//Attractor properties        												
        private float m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = 1.0f;		// damped
        private float m_verticalAttractionTimescale = 500f;			// Timescale > 300  means no vert attractor.

        public OdePrim(String primName, OdeScene parent_scene, Vector3 pos, Vector3 size,
                       Quaternion rotation, IMesh mesh, PrimitiveBaseShape pbs, bool pisPhysical, CollisionLocker dode)
            ode = dode;
            if (!pos.IsFinite())
                pos = new Vector3(((float)Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f), ((float)Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f),
                    parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(((float)Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f), ((float)Constants.RegionSize * 0.5f)) + 0.5f);
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got nonFinite Object create Position");
            _position = pos;
            m_taintposition = pos;
            PID_D = parent_scene.bodyPIDD;
            PID_G = parent_scene.bodyPIDG;
            m_density = parent_scene.geomDefaultDensity;
            // m_tensor = parent_scene.bodyMotorJointMaxforceTensor;
            body_autodisable_frames = parent_scene.bodyFramesAutoDisable;

            prim_geom = IntPtr.Zero;
//            prev_geom = IntPtr.Zero;

            if (!pos.IsFinite())
                size = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got nonFinite Object create Size");

            if (size.X <= 0) size.X = 0.01f;
            if (size.Y <= 0) size.Y = 0.01f;
            if (size.Z <= 0) size.Z = 0.01f;

            _size = size;
            m_taintsize = _size;

            if (!QuaternionIsFinite(rotation))
                rotation = Quaternion.Identity;
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got nonFinite Object create Rotation");

            _orientation = rotation;
            m_taintrot = _orientation;
            _mesh = mesh;
            _pbs = pbs;

            _parent_scene = parent_scene;
            m_targetSpace = (IntPtr)0;

//            if (pos.Z < 0)
            if (pos.Z < parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.X, pos.Y))
                m_isphysical = false;
                m_isphysical = pisPhysical;
                // If we're physical, we need to be in the master space for now.
                // linksets *should* be in a space together..  but are not currently
                if (m_isphysical)
                    m_targetSpace = _parent_scene.space;
            m_primName = primName;
            m_taintadd = true;
            //  don't do .add() here; old geoms get recycled with the same hash

        public override int PhysicsActorType
            get { return (int) ActorTypes.Prim; }
            set { return; }

        public override bool SetAlwaysRun
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }

        public override uint LocalID
            set {
                //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: Setting TrackerID: " + value);
                m_localID = value; }

        public override bool Grabbed
            set { return; }

        public override bool Selected
            set {
//Console.WriteLine("Sel {0}  {1}  {2}", m_primName, value,   m_isphysical);        
                // This only makes the object not collidable if the object
                // is physical or the object is modified somehow *IN THE FUTURE*
                // without this, if an avatar selects prim, they can walk right
                // through it while it's selected
                m_collisionscore = 0;
                if ((m_isphysical && !_zeroFlag) || !value)
                    m_taintselected = value;
                    m_taintselected = value;
                    m_isSelected = value;
                if(m_isSelected) disableBodySoft();         

        public override bool IsPhysical
            get { return m_isphysical; }
                  m_isphysical = value;
                  if (!m_isphysical)
                  {		// Zero the remembered last velocity
                   		m_lastVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
                   	    if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE) Halt();

        public void setPrimForRemoval()
            m_taintremove = true;

        public override bool Flying
            // no flying prims for you
            get { return false; }
            set { }

        public override bool IsColliding
            get { return iscolliding; }
            set { iscolliding = value; }

        public override bool CollidingGround
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }

        public override bool CollidingObj
            get { return false; }
            set { return; }

        public override bool ThrottleUpdates
            get { return m_throttleUpdates; }
            set { m_throttleUpdates = value; }

        public override bool Stopped
            get { return _zeroFlag; }

        public override Vector3 Position
            get { return _position; }

            set { _position = value;
                //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: " + _position.ToString());

        public override Vector3 Size
            get { return _size; }
                if (value.IsFinite())
                    _size = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN Size on object");

        public override float Mass
            get { return CalculateMass(); }

        public override Vector3 Force
            //get { return Vector3.Zero; }
            get { return m_force; }
                if (value.IsFinite())
                    m_force = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: NaN in Force Applied to an Object");

        public override int VehicleType
            get { return (int)m_type; }
            set { ProcessTypeChange((Vehicle)value); }

        public override void VehicleFloatParam(int param, float value)
            ProcessFloatVehicleParam((Vehicle) param, value);

        public override void VehicleVectorParam(int param, Vector3 value)
            ProcessVectorVehicleParam((Vehicle) param, value);

        public override void VehicleRotationParam(int param, Quaternion rotation)
            ProcessRotationVehicleParam((Vehicle) param, rotation);

        public override void VehicleFlags(int param, bool remove)
            ProcessVehicleFlags(param, remove);
        public override void SetVolumeDetect(int param)
            lock (_parent_scene.OdeLock)
                m_isVolumeDetect = (param!=0);

        public override Vector3 CenterOfMass
            get { return Vector3.Zero; }

        public override Vector3 GeometricCenter
            get { return Vector3.Zero; }

        public override PrimitiveBaseShape Shape
                _pbs = value;
                m_taintshape = true;

        public override Vector3 Velocity
                // Averate previous velocity with the new one so
                // client object interpolation works a 'little' better
                if (_zeroFlag)
                    return Vector3.Zero;

                Vector3 returnVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
                returnVelocity.X = (m_lastVelocity.X + _velocity.X)/2;
                returnVelocity.Y = (m_lastVelocity.Y + _velocity.Y)/2;
                returnVelocity.Z = (m_lastVelocity.Z + _velocity.Z)/2;
                return returnVelocity;
                if (value.IsFinite())
                    _velocity = value;

                    m_taintVelocity = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN Velocity in Object");


        public override Vector3 Torque
                if (!m_isphysical || Body == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return Vector3.Zero;

                return _torque;

                if (value.IsFinite())
                    m_taintTorque = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN Torque in Object");

        public override float CollisionScore
            get { return m_collisionscore; }
            set { m_collisionscore = value; }

        public override bool Kinematic
            get { return false; }
            set { }

        public override Quaternion Orientation
            get { return _orientation; }
                if (QuaternionIsFinite(value))
                    _orientation = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN quaternion Orientation from Scene in Object");

                public override bool FloatOnWater
            set {
                m_taintCollidesWater = value;

        public override void SetMomentum(Vector3 momentum)

        public override Vector3 PIDTarget 
                if (value.IsFinite())
                    m_PIDTarget = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN PIDTarget from Scene on Object");
        public override bool PIDActive { set { m_usePID = value; } }
        public override float PIDTau { set { m_PIDTau = value; } }
		// For RotLookAt        
        public  override Quaternion APIDTarget { set { m_APIDTarget = value; } }
        public  override bool APIDActive { set { m_useAPID = value; } }
        public  override float APIDStrength { set { m_APIDStrength = value; } }
        public  override float APIDDamping { set { m_APIDDamping = value; } }

        public override float PIDHoverHeight { set { m_PIDHoverHeight = value; ; } }
        public override bool PIDHoverActive { set { m_useHoverPID = value; } }
        public override PIDHoverType PIDHoverType { set { m_PIDHoverType = value; } }
        public override float PIDHoverTau { set { m_PIDHoverTau = value; } }

        internal static bool QuaternionIsFinite(Quaternion q)
            if (Single.IsNaN(q.X) || Single.IsInfinity(q.X))
                return false;
            if (Single.IsNaN(q.Y) || Single.IsInfinity(q.Y))
                return false;
            if (Single.IsNaN(q.Z) || Single.IsInfinity(q.Z))
                return false;
            if (Single.IsNaN(q.W) || Single.IsInfinity(q.W))
                return false;
            return true;

        public override Vector3 Acceleration		// client updates read data via here
            get { return _acceleration; }

        public void SetAcceleration(Vector3 accel) // No one calls this, and it would not do anything.
            _acceleration = accel;

        public override void AddForce(Vector3 force, bool pushforce)
            if (force.IsFinite())
                lock (m_forcelist)

                m_taintforce = true;
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got Invalid linear force vector from Scene in Object");
            //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: Added Force:" + force.ToString() +  " to prim at " + Position.ToString());

        public override void AddAngularForce(Vector3 force, bool pushforce)
            if (force.IsFinite())
                m_taintaddangularforce = true;
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got Invalid Angular force vector from Scene in Object");

        public override Vector3 RotationalVelocity
                return m_rotationalVelocity;
                if (value.IsFinite())
                    m_rotationalVelocity = value;
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN RotationalVelocity in Object");

        public override void CrossingFailure()
            if (m_crossingfailures > _parent_scene.geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds)
            else if (m_crossingfailures == _parent_scene.geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds)
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Too many crossing failures for: " + m_primName);

        public override float Buoyancy
            get { return m_buoyancy; }
//            set { m_buoyancy = value; }
  set { 
    m_buoyancy = value; 
    Console.WriteLine("m_buoyancy={0}", m_buoyancy);       

        public override void link(PhysicsActor obj)
            m_taintparent = obj;

        public override void delink()
            m_taintparent = null;

        public override void LockAngularMotion(Vector3 axis)
            // This is actually ROTATION ENABLE, not a lock.
            // default is <1,1,1> which is all enabled. 
            // The lock value is updated inside Move(), no point in using the taint system.
            // OS 'm_taintAngularLock' etc change to m_rotateEnable.
            if (axis.IsFinite())
                axis.X = (axis.X > 0) ? 1f : 0f;
                axis.Y = (axis.Y > 0) ? 1f : 0f;
                axis.Z = (axis.Z > 0) ? 1f : 0f;
                m_log.DebugFormat("[axislock]: <{0},{1},{2}>", axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z);
                m_rotateEnableRequest = axis;
                m_rotateEnableUpdate = true;
                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Got NaN locking axis from Scene on Object");

        public void SetGeom(IntPtr geom)
    	    if(prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
    	        // Remove any old entries
//string tPA;
//_parent_scene.geom_name_map.TryGetValue(prim_geom, out tPA);
//Console.WriteLine("**** Remove {0}", tPA);
    	        if(_parent_scene.geom_name_map.ContainsKey(prim_geom)) _parent_scene.geom_name_map.Remove(prim_geom);
    	        if(_parent_scene.actor_name_map.ContainsKey(prim_geom)) _parent_scene.actor_name_map.Remove(prim_geom);

            prim_geom = geom;
//Console.WriteLine("SetGeom to " + prim_geom + " for " + m_primName);     
            if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = this.m_primName;
                _parent_scene.actor_name_map[prim_geom] = (PhysicsActor)this;
                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);
//Console.WriteLine("**** Create {2}    Dicts: actor={0}   name={1}", _parent_scene.actor_name_map.Count, _parent_scene.geom_name_map.Count, this.m_primName);

            if (childPrim)
                if (_parent != null && _parent is OdePrim)
                    OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;
//Console.WriteLine("SetGeom calls ChildSetGeom");                    
            //m_log.Warn("Setting Geom to: " + prim_geom);

        public void enableBodySoft()
            if (!childPrim)
                if (m_isphysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)
	                    Enable(Body, _parent_scene);

                m_disabled = false;

        public void disableBodySoft()
            m_disabled = true;

            if (m_isphysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)

        public void enableBody()
            // Don't enable this body if we're a child prim
            // this should be taken care of in the parent function not here
            if (!childPrim)
                // Sets the geom to a body
                Body = d.BodyCreate(_parent_scene.world);

                d.BodySetPosition(Body, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                myrot.X = _orientation.X;
                myrot.Y = _orientation.Y;
                myrot.Z = _orientation.Z;
                myrot.W = _orientation.W;
                d.BodySetQuaternion(Body, ref myrot);
                d.GeomSetBody(prim_geom, Body);
                m_collisionCategories |= CollisionCategories.Body;
                m_collisionFlags |= (CollisionCategories.Land | CollisionCategories.Wind);

                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

                d.BodySetAutoDisableFlag(Body, true);
                d.BodySetAutoDisableSteps(Body, body_autodisable_frames);
                // disconnect from world gravity so we can apply buoyancy
				d.BodySetGravityMode (Body, false);

                m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
                m_collisionscore = 0;
                m_disabled = false;

                if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)
                    Enable(Body, _parent_scene);


        #region Mass Calculation

        private float CalculateMass()
            float volume = 0;

            // No material is passed to the physics engines yet..  soo..
            // we're using the m_density constant in the class definition

            float returnMass = 0;

            switch (_pbs.ProfileShape)
                case ProfileShape.Square:
                    // Profile Volume

                    volume = _size.X*_size.Y*_size.Z;

                    // If the user has 'hollowed out'
                    // ProfileHollow is one of those 0 to 50000 values :P
                    // we like percentages better..   so turning into a percentage

                    if (((float) _pbs.ProfileHollow/50000f) > 0.0)
                        float hollowAmount = (float) _pbs.ProfileHollow/50000f;

                        // calculate the hollow volume by it's shape compared to the prim shape
                        float hollowVolume = 0;
                        switch (_pbs.HollowShape)
                            case HollowShape.Square:
                            case HollowShape.Same:
                                // Cube Hollow volume calculation
                                float hollowsizex = _size.X*hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizey = _size.Y*hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizez = _size.Z*hollowAmount;
                                hollowVolume = hollowsizex*hollowsizey*hollowsizez;

                            case HollowShape.Circle:
                                // Hollow shape is a perfect cyllinder in respect to the cube's scale
                                // Cyllinder hollow volume calculation
                                float hRadius = _size.X/2;
                                float hLength = _size.Z;

                                // pi * r2 * h
                                hollowVolume = ((float) (Math.PI*Math.Pow(hRadius, 2)*hLength)*hollowAmount);

                            case HollowShape.Triangle:
                                // Equilateral Triangular Prism volume hollow calculation
                                // Triangle is an Equilateral Triangular Prism with aLength = to _size.Y

                                float aLength = _size.Y;
                                // 1/2 abh
                                hollowVolume = (float) ((0.5*aLength*_size.X*_size.Z)*hollowAmount);

                                hollowVolume = 0;
                        volume = volume - hollowVolume;

                case ProfileShape.Circle:
                    if (_pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
                        // Cylinder
                        float volume1 = (float)(Math.PI * Math.Pow(_size.X/2, 2) * _size.Z);
                        float volume2 = (float)(Math.PI * Math.Pow(_size.Y/2, 2) * _size.Z);

                        // Approximating the cylinder's irregularity.
                        if (volume1 > volume2)
                            volume = (float)volume1 - (volume1 - volume2);
                        else if (volume2 > volume1)
                            volume = (float)volume2 - (volume2 - volume1);
                            // Regular cylinder
                            volume = volume1;
                        // We don't know what the shape is yet, so use default
                        volume = _size.X * _size.Y * _size.Z;
                    // If the user has 'hollowed out'
                    // ProfileHollow is one of those 0 to 50000 values :P
                    // we like percentages better..   so turning into a percentage

                    if (((float)_pbs.ProfileHollow / 50000f) > 0.0)
                        float hollowAmount = (float)_pbs.ProfileHollow / 50000f;

                        // calculate the hollow volume by it's shape compared to the prim shape
                        float hollowVolume = 0;
                        switch (_pbs.HollowShape)
                            case HollowShape.Same:
                            case HollowShape.Circle:
                                // Hollow shape is a perfect cyllinder in respect to the cube's scale
                                // Cyllinder hollow volume calculation
                                float hRadius = _size.X / 2;
                                float hLength = _size.Z;

                                // pi * r2 * h
                                hollowVolume = ((float)(Math.PI * Math.Pow(hRadius, 2) * hLength) * hollowAmount);

                            case HollowShape.Square:
                                // Cube Hollow volume calculation
                                float hollowsizex = _size.X * hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizey = _size.Y * hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizez = _size.Z * hollowAmount;
                                hollowVolume = hollowsizex * hollowsizey * hollowsizez;

                            case HollowShape.Triangle:
                                // Equilateral Triangular Prism volume hollow calculation
                                // Triangle is an Equilateral Triangular Prism with aLength = to _size.Y

                                float aLength = _size.Y;
                                // 1/2 abh
                                hollowVolume = (float)((0.5 * aLength * _size.X * _size.Z) * hollowAmount);

                                hollowVolume = 0;
                        volume = volume - hollowVolume;

                case ProfileShape.HalfCircle:
                    if (_pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
                        if (_size.X == _size.Y && _size.Y == _size.Z)
                            // regular sphere
                            // v = 4/3 * pi * r^3
                            float sradius3 = (float)Math.Pow((_size.X / 2), 3);
                            volume = (float)((4f / 3f) * Math.PI * sradius3);
                            // we treat this as a box currently
                            volume = _size.X * _size.Y * _size.Z;
                        // We don't know what the shape is yet, so use default
                        volume = _size.X * _size.Y * _size.Z;

                case ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle:
                        v = (abs((xB*yA-xA*yB)+(xC*yB-xB*yC)+(xA*yC-xC*yA))/2) * h

                        // seed mesh
                        Vertex MM = new Vertex(-0.25f, -0.45f, 0.0f);
                        Vertex PM = new Vertex(+0.5f, 0f, 0.0f);
                        Vertex PP = new Vertex(-0.25f, +0.45f, 0.0f);
                    float xA = -0.25f * _size.X;
                    float yA = -0.45f * _size.Y;

                    float xB = 0.5f * _size.X;
                    float yB = 0;

                    float xC = -0.25f * _size.X;
                    float yC = 0.45f * _size.Y;

                    volume = (float)((Math.Abs((xB * yA - xA * yB) + (xC * yB - xB * yC) + (xA * yC - xC * yA)) / 2) * _size.Z);

                    // If the user has 'hollowed out'
                    // ProfileHollow is one of those 0 to 50000 values :P
                    // we like percentages better..   so turning into a percentage
                    float fhollowFactor = ((float)_pbs.ProfileHollow / 1.9f);
                    if (((float)fhollowFactor / 50000f) > 0.0)
                        float hollowAmount = (float)fhollowFactor / 50000f;

                        // calculate the hollow volume by it's shape compared to the prim shape
                        float hollowVolume = 0;
                        switch (_pbs.HollowShape)
                            case HollowShape.Same:
                            case HollowShape.Triangle:
                                // Equilateral Triangular Prism volume hollow calculation
                                // Triangle is an Equilateral Triangular Prism with aLength = to _size.Y

                                float aLength = _size.Y;
                                // 1/2 abh
                                hollowVolume = (float)((0.5 * aLength * _size.X * _size.Z) * hollowAmount);

                            case HollowShape.Square:
                                // Cube Hollow volume calculation
                                float hollowsizex = _size.X * hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizey = _size.Y * hollowAmount;
                                float hollowsizez = _size.Z * hollowAmount;
                                hollowVolume = hollowsizex * hollowsizey * hollowsizez;

                            case HollowShape.Circle:
                                // Hollow shape is a perfect cyllinder in respect to the cube's scale
                                // Cyllinder hollow volume calculation
                                float hRadius = _size.X / 2;
                                float hLength = _size.Z;

                                // pi * r2 * h
                                hollowVolume = ((float)((Math.PI * Math.Pow(hRadius, 2) * hLength)/2) * hollowAmount);

                                hollowVolume = 0;
                        volume = volume - hollowVolume;

                    // we don't have all of the volume formulas yet so
                    // use the common volume formula for all
                    volume = _size.X*_size.Y*_size.Z;

            // Calculate Path cut effect on volume
            // Not exact, in the triangle hollow example
            // They should never be zero or less then zero..
            // we'll ignore it if it's less then zero

            // ProfileEnd and ProfileBegin are values
            // from 0 to 50000

            // Turning them back into percentages so that I can cut that percentage off the volume

            float PathCutEndAmount = _pbs.ProfileEnd;
            float PathCutStartAmount = _pbs.ProfileBegin;
            if (((PathCutStartAmount + PathCutEndAmount)/50000f) > 0.0f)
                float pathCutAmount = ((PathCutStartAmount + PathCutEndAmount)/50000f);

                // Check the return amount for sanity
                if (pathCutAmount >= 0.99f)
                    pathCutAmount = 0.99f;

                volume = volume - (volume*pathCutAmount);
            UInt16 taperX = _pbs.PathScaleX;
            UInt16 taperY = _pbs.PathScaleY;
            float taperFactorX = 0;
            float taperFactorY = 0;

            // Mass = density * volume
            if (taperX != 100)
                if (taperX > 100)
                    taperFactorX = 1.0f - ((float)taperX / 200);
                    //m_log.Warn("taperTopFactorX: " + extr.taperTopFactorX.ToString());
                    taperFactorX = 1.0f - ((100 - (float)taperX) / 100);
                    //m_log.Warn("taperBotFactorX: " + extr.taperBotFactorX.ToString());
                volume = (float)volume * ((taperFactorX / 3f) + 0.001f);

            if (taperY != 100)
                if (taperY > 100)
                    taperFactorY = 1.0f - ((float)taperY / 200);
                    //m_log.Warn("taperTopFactorY: " + extr.taperTopFactorY.ToString());
                    taperFactorY = 1.0f - ((100 - (float)taperY) / 100);
                    //m_log.Warn("taperBotFactorY: " + extr.taperBotFactorY.ToString());
                volume = (float)volume * ((taperFactorY / 3f) + 0.001f);
            returnMass = m_density*volume;
            if (returnMass <= 0) returnMass = 0.0001f;//ckrinke: Mass must be greater then zero.

            // Recursively calculate mass
            bool HasChildPrim = false;
            lock (childrenPrim)
                if (childrenPrim.Count > 0)
                    HasChildPrim = true;

            if (HasChildPrim)
                OdePrim[] childPrimArr = new OdePrim[0];

                lock (childrenPrim)
                    childPrimArr = childrenPrim.ToArray();

                for (int i = 0; i < childPrimArr.Length; i++)
                    if (childPrimArr[i] != null && !childPrimArr[i].m_taintremove)
                        returnMass += childPrimArr[i].CalculateMass();
                    // failsafe, this shouldn't happen but with OpenSim, you never know :)
                    if (i > 256)
            if (returnMass > _parent_scene.maximumMassObject)
                returnMass = _parent_scene.maximumMassObject;
            return returnMass;
        }// end CalculateMass


        public void setMass()
            if (Body != (IntPtr) 0)
                float newmass = CalculateMass();

                //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: New Mass: " + newmass.ToString());

                d.MassSetBoxTotal(out pMass, newmass, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
                d.BodySetMass(Body, ref pMass);

        public void disableBody()
            //this kills the body so things like 'mesh' can re-create it.
            lock (this)
                if (!childPrim)
                    if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                        m_collisionCategories &= ~CollisionCategories.Body;
                        m_collisionFlags &= ~(CollisionCategories.Wind | CollisionCategories.Land);

                        if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                            d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                            d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

                        lock (childrenPrim)
                            if (childrenPrim.Count > 0)
                                foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)
                                    prm.Body = IntPtr.Zero;
                        Body = IntPtr.Zero;
                    m_collisionCategories &= ~CollisionCategories.Body;
                    m_collisionFlags &= ~(CollisionCategories.Wind | CollisionCategories.Land);

                    if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                        d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

                    Body = IntPtr.Zero;
            m_disabled = true;
            m_collisionscore = 0;

        private static Dictionary<IMesh, IntPtr> m_MeshToTriMeshMap = new Dictionary<IMesh, IntPtr>();

        public void setMesh(OdeScene parent_scene, IMesh mesh)
            // This sleeper is there to moderate how long it takes between
            // setting up the mesh and pre-processing it when we get rapid fire mesh requests on a single object


            //Kill Body so that mesh can re-make the geom
            if (IsPhysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (childPrim)
                    if (_parent != null)
                        OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;

            IntPtr vertices, indices;
            int vertexCount, indexCount;
            int vertexStride, triStride;
            mesh.getVertexListAsPtrToFloatArray(out vertices, out vertexStride, out vertexCount); // Note, that vertices are fixed in unmanaged heap
            mesh.getIndexListAsPtrToIntArray(out indices, out triStride, out indexCount); // Also fixed, needs release after usage

            mesh.releaseSourceMeshData(); // free up the original mesh data to save memory
            if (m_MeshToTriMeshMap.ContainsKey(mesh))
                _triMeshData = m_MeshToTriMeshMap[mesh];
                _triMeshData = d.GeomTriMeshDataCreate();

                d.GeomTriMeshDataBuildSimple(_triMeshData, vertices, vertexStride, vertexCount, indices, indexCount, triStride);
                m_MeshToTriMeshMap[mesh] = _triMeshData;

                if (prim_geom == IntPtr.Zero)
                    SetGeom(d.CreateTriMesh(m_targetSpace, _triMeshData, parent_scene.triCallback, null, null));
            catch (AccessViolationException)
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: MESH LOCKED");

           // if (IsPhysical && Body == (IntPtr) 0)
           // {
                // Recreate the body
          //     m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
           //     m_collisionscore = 0;

           //     enableBody();
           // }

        public void ProcessTaints(float timestep) //=============================================================================
            if (m_taintadd)
            if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
	        	 if (!_position.ApproxEquals(m_taintposition, 0f))

	             if (m_taintrot != _orientation)
	                if(childPrim && IsPhysical)	// For physical child prim...
	                    // KF: ODE will also rotate the parent prim!
	                    // so rotate the root back to where it was
	                    OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;
	                    //Just rotate the prim
                if (m_taintPhysics != m_isphysical && !(m_taintparent != _parent))

                if (!_size.ApproxEquals(m_taintsize,0f))

                if (m_taintshape)

                if (m_taintforce)

                if (m_taintaddangularforce)

                if (!m_taintTorque.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.001f))

                if (m_taintdisable)

                if (m_taintselected != m_isSelected)

                if (!m_taintVelocity.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.001f))

                if (m_taintparent != _parent)

                if (m_taintCollidesWater != m_collidesWater)
/* obsolete                    
                if (!m_angularLock.ApproxEquals(m_taintAngularLock,0f))
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The scene reused a disposed PhysActor! *waves finger*, Don't be evil.  A couple of things can cause this.   An improper prim breakdown(be sure to set prim_geom to zero after d.GeomDestroy!   An improper buildup (creating the geom failed).   Or, the Scene Reused a physics actor after disposing it.)");

/* obsolete
        private void changeAngularLock(float timestep) 
            if (_parent == null)
                m_angularLock = m_taintAngularLock;
                m_angularLockSet = true;
        private void changelink(float timestep)
            // If the newly set parent is not null
            // create link
            if (_parent == null && m_taintparent != null)
                if (m_taintparent.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                    OdePrim obj = (OdePrim)m_taintparent;

                    if (obj.Body != (IntPtr)0 && Body != (IntPtr)0 && obj.Body != Body)
                        _linkJointGroup = d.JointGroupCreate(0);
                        m_linkJoint = d.JointCreateFixed(_parent_scene.world, _linkJointGroup);
                        d.JointAttach(m_linkJoint, obj.Body, Body);
            // If the newly set parent is null
            // destroy link
            else if (_parent != null && m_taintparent == null)
                if (_parent is OdePrim)
                    OdePrim obj = (OdePrim)_parent;
                    childPrim = false;
                    //_parent = null;
                    if (Body != (IntPtr)0 && _linkJointGroup != (IntPtr)0)
                    _linkJointGroup = (IntPtr)0;
                    m_linkJoint = (IntPtr)0;
            _parent = m_taintparent;
            m_taintPhysics = m_isphysical;

        // I'm the parent
        // prim is the child
        public void ParentPrim(OdePrim prim)
            if (this.m_localID != prim.m_localID)
                if (Body == IntPtr.Zero)
                    Body = d.BodyCreate(_parent_scene.world);
                if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                    lock (childrenPrim)
                        if (!childrenPrim.Contains(prim))
                            foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)
                                d.Mass m2;
                                d.MassSetZero(out m2);
                                d.MassSetBoxTotal(out m2, prim.CalculateMass(), prm._size.X, prm._size.Y, prm._size.Z);

                                d.Quaternion quat = new d.Quaternion();
                                quat.W = prm._orientation.W;
                                quat.X = prm._orientation.X;
                                quat.Y = prm._orientation.Y;
                                quat.Z = prm._orientation.Z;

                                d.Matrix3 mat = new d.Matrix3();
                                d.RfromQ(out mat, ref quat);
                                d.MassRotate(ref m2, ref mat);
                                d.MassTranslate(ref m2, Position.X - prm.Position.X, Position.Y - prm.Position.Y, Position.Z - prm.Position.Z);
                                d.MassAdd(ref pMass, ref m2);
                            foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)
                                prm.m_collisionCategories |= CollisionCategories.Body;
                                prm.m_collisionFlags |= (CollisionCategories.Land | CollisionCategories.Wind);

                                if (prm.prim_geom == IntPtr.Zero)
                                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to link one of the linkset elements.  No geom yet");
//Console.WriteLine(" GeomSetCategoryBits 1: " + prm.prim_geom + " - " + (int)prm.m_collisionCategories + " for " + m_primName);    
                                d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prm.prim_geom, (int)prm.m_collisionCategories);
                                d.GeomSetCollideBits(prm.prim_geom, (int)prm.m_collisionFlags);

                                d.Quaternion quat = new d.Quaternion();
                                quat.W = prm._orientation.W;
                                quat.X = prm._orientation.X;
                                quat.Y = prm._orientation.Y;
                                quat.Z = prm._orientation.Z;

                                d.Matrix3 mat = new d.Matrix3();
                                d.RfromQ(out mat, ref quat);
                                if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    d.GeomSetBody(prm.prim_geom, Body);
                                    prm.childPrim = true;
                                    d.GeomSetOffsetWorldPosition(prm.prim_geom, prm.Position.X , prm.Position.Y, prm.Position.Z);
                                    //    (Position.X - prm.Position.X) - pMass.c.X,
                                    //    (Position.Y - prm.Position.Y) - pMass.c.Y,
                                    //    (Position.Z - prm.Position.Z) - pMass.c.Z);
                                    d.GeomSetOffsetWorldRotation(prm.prim_geom, ref mat);
                                    //d.GeomSetOffsetRotation(prm.prim_geom, ref mat);
                                    d.MassTranslate(ref pMass, -pMass.c.X, -pMass.c.Y, -pMass.c.Z);
                                    d.BodySetMass(Body, ref pMass);
                                    m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]:I ain't got no boooooooooddy, no body");

                                prm.m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
                                prm.m_collisionscore = 0;
                                prm.m_disabled = false;

                                prm.Body = Body;
                            m_collisionCategories |= CollisionCategories.Body;
                            m_collisionFlags |= (CollisionCategories.Land | CollisionCategories.Wind);

//Console.WriteLine("GeomSetCategoryBits 2: " + prim_geom + " - " + (int)m_collisionCategories + " for " + m_primName);  
                            d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
//Console.WriteLine(" Post GeomSetCategoryBits 2");
                            d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

                            d.Quaternion quat2 = new d.Quaternion();
                            quat2.W = _orientation.W;
                            quat2.X = _orientation.X;
                            quat2.Y = _orientation.Y;
                            quat2.Z = _orientation.Z;

                            d.Matrix3 mat2 = new d.Matrix3();
                            d.RfromQ(out mat2, ref quat2);
                            d.GeomSetBody(prim_geom, Body);
                            d.GeomSetOffsetWorldPosition(prim_geom, Position.X - pMass.c.X, Position.Y - pMass.c.Y, Position.Z - pMass.c.Z);
                            //    (Position.X - prm.Position.X) - pMass.c.X,
                            //    (Position.Y - prm.Position.Y) - pMass.c.Y,
                            //    (Position.Z - prm.Position.Z) - pMass.c.Z);
                            //d.GeomSetOffsetRotation(prim_geom, ref mat2);
                            d.MassTranslate(ref pMass, -pMass.c.X, -pMass.c.Y, -pMass.c.Z);
                            d.BodySetMass(Body, ref pMass);

                            d.BodySetAutoDisableFlag(Body, true);
                            d.BodySetAutoDisableSteps(Body, body_autodisable_frames);

                            m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
                            m_collisionscore = 0;
                            m_disabled = false;

                            d.BodySetPosition(Body, Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);
                            if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE) Enable(Body, _parent_scene);


        private void ChildSetGeom(OdePrim odePrim)
            //if (m_isphysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
            lock (childrenPrim)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)
                    //prm.childPrim = true;
                    //prm.m_taintparent = null;
                    //prm._parent = null;
                    //prm.m_taintPhysics = false;
                    //prm.m_disabled = true;
                    //prm.childPrim = false;

            if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)

            lock (childrenPrim)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)

        private void ChildDelink(OdePrim odePrim)
            // Okay, we have a delinked child..   need to rebuild the body.
            lock (childrenPrim)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)
                    prm.childPrim = true;
                    //prm.m_taintparent = null;
                    //prm._parent = null;
                    //prm.m_taintPhysics = false;
                    //prm.m_disabled = true;
                    //prm.childPrim = false;

            lock (childrenPrim)

            if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)

            lock (childrenPrim)
                foreach (OdePrim prm in childrenPrim)

        private void changeSelectedStatus(float timestep)
            if (m_taintselected)
                m_collisionCategories = CollisionCategories.Selected;
                m_collisionFlags = (CollisionCategories.Sensor | CollisionCategories.Space);

                // We do the body disable soft twice because 'in theory' a collision could have happened
                // in between the disabling and the collision properties setting
                // which would wake the physical body up from a soft disabling and potentially cause it to fall
                // through the ground.
                // NOTE FOR JOINTS: this doesn't always work for jointed assemblies because if you select
                // just one part of the assembly, the rest of the assembly is non-selected and still simulating,
                // so that causes the selected part to wake up and continue moving.

                // even if you select all parts of a jointed assembly, it is not guaranteed that the entire
                // assembly will stop simulating during the selection, because of the lack of atomicity
                // of select operations (their processing could be interrupted by a thread switch, causing
                // simulation to continue before all of the selected object notifications trickle down to
                // the physics engine).

                // e.g. we select 100 prims that are connected by joints. non-atomically, the first 50 are
                // selected and disabled. then, due to a thread switch, the selection processing is
                // interrupted and the physics engine continues to simulate, so the last 50 items, whose
                // selection was not yet processed, continues to simulate. this wakes up ALL of the 
                // first 50 again. then the last 50 are disabled. then the first 50, which were just woken
                // up, start simulating again, which in turn wakes up the last 50.

                if (m_isphysical)

                if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                    d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

                if (m_isphysical)

                    if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                        d.BodySetForce(Body, 0, 0, 0);
                m_collisionCategories = CollisionCategories.Geom;

                if (m_isphysical)
                    m_collisionCategories |= CollisionCategories.Body;

                m_collisionFlags = m_default_collisionFlags;

                if (m_collidesLand)
                    m_collisionFlags |= CollisionCategories.Land;
                if (m_collidesWater)
                    m_collisionFlags |= CollisionCategories.Water;

                if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetCategoryBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionCategories);
                    d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);
/* Uhhh - stop the motion if the object is _selected_!!
                if (m_isphysical)
                    if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                        d.BodySetForce(Body, 0, 0, 0);

            m_isSelected = m_taintselected;
        }//end changeSelectedStatus

        public void ResetTaints()
            m_taintposition = _position;
            m_taintrot = _orientation;
            m_taintPhysics = m_isphysical;
            m_taintselected = m_isSelected;
            m_taintsize = _size;
            m_taintshape = false;
            m_taintforce = false;
            m_taintdisable = false;
            m_taintVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        public void CreateGeom(IntPtr m_targetSpace, IMesh _mesh)
            if (_mesh != null)					// Special - make mesh
                setMesh(_parent_scene, _mesh);
            else						// not a mesh
                if (_pbs.ProfileShape == ProfileShape.HalfCircle && _pbs.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)		// special profile??
                    if (_size.X == _size.Y && _size.Y == _size.Z && _size.X == _size.Z)					// Equi-size
                        if (((_size.X / 2f) > 0f))									// Has size
//Console.WriteLine(" CreateGeom 1");
                                SetGeom(d.CreateSphere(m_targetSpace, _size.X / 2));
                            catch (AccessViolationException)
                                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to create physics proxy for object");
//Console.WriteLine(" CreateGeom 2");                           
                                SetGeom(d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z));
                            catch (AccessViolationException)
                                m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to create physics proxy for object");
                    else												// not equi-size
//Console.WriteLine("  CreateGeom 3");                       
                            SetGeom(d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z));
                        catch (AccessViolationException)
                            m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to create physics proxy for object");

                else											// not special profile
//Console.WriteLine("  CreateGeom 4");                  
                        SetGeom(d.CreateBox(m_targetSpace, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z));
                    catch (AccessViolationException)
                        m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to create physics proxy for object");

        public void changeadd(float timestep)
            int[] iprimspaceArrItem = _parent_scene.calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(_position);
            IntPtr targetspace = _parent_scene.calculateSpaceForGeom(_position);

            if (targetspace == IntPtr.Zero)
                targetspace = _parent_scene.createprimspace(iprimspaceArrItem[0], iprimspaceArrItem[1]);

            m_targetSpace = targetspace;

            if (_mesh == null && m_meshfailed == false)
                if (_parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs))
                    // Don't need to re-enable body..   it's done in SetMesh
                        _mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(m_primName, _pbs, _size, _parent_scene.meshSculptLOD, IsPhysical);
                        //Don't continuously try to mesh prims when meshing has failed
                        m_meshfailed = true;
                    // createmesh returns null when it's a shape that isn't a cube.
                   // m_log.Debug(m_localID);

            lock (_parent_scene.OdeLock)
//Console.WriteLine("changeadd 1");           
                CreateGeom(m_targetSpace, _mesh);

                if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
                    d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
                    myrot.X = _orientation.X;
                    myrot.Y = _orientation.Y;
                    myrot.Z = _orientation.Z;
                    myrot.W = _orientation.W;
                    d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

                if (m_isphysical && Body == IntPtr.Zero)


            m_taintadd = false;

        public void changemove(float timestep)
//Console.WriteLine("changemove sing/root {0} to {1}", m_primName, _position );
            if (m_isphysical)
//Console.WriteLine("phys  {0}   {1}   {2}", m_disabled, m_taintremove, childPrim);                
//                if (!m_disabled && !m_taintremove && !childPrim)  After one edit m_disabled is sometimes set, disabling further edits!
                if (!m_taintremove && !childPrim)
                    if (Body == IntPtr.Zero)
                    //Prim auto disable after 20 frames,
                    //if you move it, re-enable the prim manually.
                    if (_parent != null)
                        if (m_linkJoint != IntPtr.Zero)
                            m_linkJoint = IntPtr.Zero;
                    if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.BodySetPosition(Body, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);

                        if (_parent != null)
                            OdePrim odParent = (OdePrim)_parent;
                            if (Body != (IntPtr)0 && odParent.Body != (IntPtr)0 && Body != odParent.Body)
// KF: Fixed Joints were removed? Anyway - this Console.WriteLine does not show up, so routine is not used??
Console.WriteLine(" JointCreateFixed");                           
                                m_linkJoint = d.JointCreateFixed(_parent_scene.world, _linkJointGroup);
                                d.JointAttach(m_linkJoint, Body, odParent.Body);
                        if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)
                            Enable(Body, _parent_scene);
                        m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Body Still null after enableBody().  This is a crash scenario.");
               // {
                    //m_log.Debug("[BUG]: race!");
                // string primScenAvatarIn = _parent_scene.whichspaceamIin(_position);
                // int[] arrayitem = _parent_scene.calculateSpaceArrayItemFromPos(_position);

                IntPtr tempspace = _parent_scene.recalculateSpaceForGeom(prim_geom, _position, m_targetSpace);
                m_targetSpace = tempspace;

                if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);

                    d.SpaceAdd(m_targetSpace, prim_geom);


            m_taintposition = _position;

        public void rotate(float timestep)
            d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
            myrot.X = _orientation.X;
            myrot.Y = _orientation.Y;
            myrot.Z = _orientation.Z;
            myrot.W = _orientation.W;
            if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
	            // KF: If this is a root prim do BodySet
                d.BodySetQuaternion(Body, ref myrot);
	        	// daughter prim, do Geom set
	            d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);
            m_taintrot = _orientation;

        private void resetCollisionAccounting()
            m_collisionscore = 0;
            m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
            m_disabled = false;

        public void changedisable(float timestep)
            m_disabled = true;
            if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                Body = IntPtr.Zero;

            m_taintdisable = false;

        public void changePhysicsStatus(float timestep)
            if (m_isphysical == true)
                if (Body == IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (_pbs.SculptEntry && _parent_scene.meshSculptedPrim)
                if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (_pbs.SculptEntry && _parent_scene.meshSculptedPrim)
                        _mesh = null;
//Console.WriteLine("changePhysicsStatus for " + m_primName );
                    if (childPrim)
                        if (_parent != null)
                            OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;


            m_taintPhysics = m_isphysical;

        public void changesize(float timestamp)
            string oldname = _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom];

            if (_size.X <= 0) _size.X = 0.01f;
            if (_size.Y <= 0) _size.Y = 0.01f;
            if (_size.Z <= 0) _size.Z = 0.01f;

            // Cleanup of old prim geometry
            if (_mesh != null)
                // Cleanup meshing here
            //kill body to rebuild
            if (IsPhysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (childPrim)
                    if (_parent != null)
                        OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;
            if (d.SpaceQuery(m_targetSpace, prim_geom))
                d.SpaceRemove(m_targetSpace, prim_geom);
            // we don't need to do space calculation because the client sends a position update also.

            // Construction of new prim
            if (_parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs) && m_meshfailed == false)
                float meshlod = _parent_scene.meshSculptLOD;

                if (IsPhysical)
                    meshlod = _parent_scene.MeshSculptphysicalLOD;
                // Don't need to re-enable body..   it's done in SetMesh

                IMesh mesh = null;

                    if (_parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs))
                        mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(oldname, _pbs, _size, meshlod, IsPhysical);
                    m_meshfailed = true;

                //IMesh mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(oldname, _pbs, _size, meshlod, IsPhysical);
//Console.WriteLine("changesize 1");
                CreateGeom(m_targetSpace, mesh);

                _mesh = null;
//Console.WriteLine("changesize 2");    
                CreateGeom(m_targetSpace, _mesh);

            d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
            d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
            myrot.X = _orientation.X;
            myrot.Y = _orientation.Y;
            myrot.Z = _orientation.Z;
            myrot.W = _orientation.W;
            d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

            //d.GeomBoxSetLengths(prim_geom, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
            if (IsPhysical && Body == IntPtr.Zero && !childPrim)
                // Re creates body on size.
                // EnableBody also does setMass()

            _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = oldname;

            if (childPrim)
                if (_parent is OdePrim)
                    OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;
            m_taintsize = _size;


        public void changefloatonwater(float timestep)
            m_collidesWater = m_taintCollidesWater;

            if (prim_geom != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (m_collidesWater)
                    m_collisionFlags |= CollisionCategories.Water;
                    m_collisionFlags &= ~CollisionCategories.Water;
                d.GeomSetCollideBits(prim_geom, (int)m_collisionFlags);

        public void changeshape(float timestamp)
            string oldname = _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom];

            // Cleanup of old prim geometry and Bodies
            if (IsPhysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (childPrim)
                    if (_parent != null)
                        OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;

            // we don't need to do space calculation because the client sends a position update also.
            if (_size.X <= 0) _size.X = 0.01f;
            if (_size.Y <= 0) _size.Y = 0.01f;
            if (_size.Z <= 0) _size.Z = 0.01f;
            // Construction of new prim

            if (_parent_scene.needsMeshing(_pbs) && m_meshfailed == false)
                // Don't need to re-enable body..   it's done in SetMesh
                float meshlod = _parent_scene.meshSculptLOD;

                if (IsPhysical)
                    meshlod = _parent_scene.MeshSculptphysicalLOD;
                    IMesh mesh = _parent_scene.mesher.CreateMesh(oldname, _pbs, _size, meshlod, IsPhysical);
                    CreateGeom(m_targetSpace, mesh);
                    m_meshfailed = true;
                // createmesh returns null when it doesn't mesh.
                _mesh = null;
                CreateGeom(m_targetSpace, null);

            d.GeomSetPosition(prim_geom, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
            d.Quaternion myrot = new d.Quaternion();
            //myrot.W = _orientation.w;
            myrot.W = _orientation.W;
            myrot.X = _orientation.X;
            myrot.Y = _orientation.Y;
            myrot.Z = _orientation.Z;
            d.GeomSetQuaternion(prim_geom, ref myrot);

            //d.GeomBoxSetLengths(prim_geom, _size.X, _size.Y, _size.Z);
            if (IsPhysical && Body == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Re creates body on size.
                // EnableBody also does setMass()
                if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
            _parent_scene.geom_name_map[prim_geom] = oldname;

            if (childPrim)
                if (_parent is OdePrim)
                    OdePrim parent = (OdePrim)_parent;
            m_taintshape = false;

        public void changeAddForce(float timestamp)
            if (!m_isSelected)
                lock (m_forcelist)
                    //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: dequeing forcelist");
                    if (IsPhysical)
                        Vector3 iforce = Vector3.Zero;
                        int i = 0;
                            for (i = 0; i < m_forcelist.Count; i++)

                                iforce = iforce + (m_forcelist[i] * 100);
                        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                            m_forcelist = new List<Vector3>();
                            m_collisionscore = 0;
                            m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
                            m_taintforce = false;
                        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                            m_forcelist = new List<Vector3>();
                            m_collisionscore = 0;
                            m_interpenetrationcount = 0;
                            m_taintforce = false;
                        d.BodyAddForce(Body, iforce.X, iforce.Y, iforce.Z);

                m_collisionscore = 0;
                m_interpenetrationcount = 0;

            m_taintforce = false;


        public void changeSetTorque(float timestamp)
            if (!m_isSelected)
                if (IsPhysical && Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                    d.BodySetTorque(Body, m_taintTorque.X, m_taintTorque.Y, m_taintTorque.Z);

            m_taintTorque = Vector3.Zero;

        public void changeAddAngularForce(float timestamp)
            if (!m_isSelected)
                lock (m_angularforcelist)
                    //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: dequeing forcelist");
                    if (IsPhysical)
                        Vector3 iforce = Vector3.Zero;
                        for (int i = 0; i < m_angularforcelist.Count; i++)
                            iforce = iforce + (m_angularforcelist[i] * 100);
                        d.BodyAddTorque(Body, iforce.X, iforce.Y, iforce.Z);

                m_collisionscore = 0;
                m_interpenetrationcount = 0;

            m_taintaddangularforce = false;

        private void changevelocity(float timestep)
            if (!m_isSelected)
                if (IsPhysical)
                    if (Body != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, m_taintVelocity.X, m_taintVelocity.Y, m_taintVelocity.Z);
            m_taintVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        public void UpdatePositionAndVelocity()
        	return;   // moved to the Move () method
        public d.Mass FromMatrix4(Matrix4 pMat, ref d.Mass obj)
            obj.I.M00 = pMat[0, 0];
            obj.I.M01 = pMat[0, 1];
            obj.I.M02 = pMat[0, 2];
            obj.I.M10 = pMat[1, 0];
            obj.I.M11 = pMat[1, 1];
            obj.I.M12 = pMat[1, 2];
            obj.I.M20 = pMat[2, 0];
            obj.I.M21 = pMat[2, 1];
            obj.I.M22 = pMat[2, 2];
            return obj;

        public override void SubscribeEvents(int ms)
            m_eventsubscription = ms;

        public override void UnSubscribeEvents()
            m_eventsubscription = 0;

        public void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
            if (CollisionEventsThisFrame == null)
                CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate();
            CollisionEventsThisFrame.addCollider(CollidedWith, contact);

        public void SendCollisions()
            if (CollisionEventsThisFrame == null)


            if (CollisionEventsThisFrame.m_objCollisionList.Count == 0)
                CollisionEventsThisFrame = null;
                CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate();

        public override bool SubscribedEvents()
            if (m_eventsubscription > 0)
                return true;
            return false;

        public static Matrix4 Inverse(Matrix4 pMat)
            if (determinant3x3(pMat) == 0)
                return Matrix4.Identity; // should probably throw an error.  singluar matrix inverse not possible

            return (Adjoint(pMat) / determinant3x3(pMat));

        public static Matrix4 Adjoint(Matrix4 pMat)
            Matrix4 adjointMatrix = new Matrix4();
            for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
                for (int j=0; j<4; j++)
                    Matrix4SetValue(ref adjointMatrix, i, j, (float)(Math.Pow(-1, i + j) * (determinant3x3(Minor(pMat, i, j)))));

            adjointMatrix = Transpose(adjointMatrix);
            return adjointMatrix;

        public static Matrix4 Minor(Matrix4 matrix, int iRow, int iCol)
            Matrix4 minor = new Matrix4();
            int m = 0, n = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (i == iRow)
                n = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    if (j == iCol)
                    Matrix4SetValue(ref minor, m,n, matrix[i, j]);
            return minor;

        public static Matrix4 Transpose(Matrix4 pMat)
            Matrix4 transposeMatrix = new Matrix4();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    Matrix4SetValue(ref transposeMatrix, i, j, pMat[j, i]);
            return transposeMatrix;

        public static void Matrix4SetValue(ref Matrix4 pMat, int r, int c, float val)
            switch (r)
                case 0:
                    switch (c)
                        case 0:
                            pMat.M11 = val;
                        case 1:
                            pMat.M12 = val;
                        case 2:
                            pMat.M13 = val;
                        case 3:
                            pMat.M14 = val;

                case 1:
                    switch (c)
                        case 0:
                            pMat.M21 = val;
                        case 1:
                            pMat.M22 = val;
                        case 2:
                            pMat.M23 = val;
                        case 3:
                            pMat.M24 = val;

                case 2:
                    switch (c)
                        case 0:
                            pMat.M31 = val;
                        case 1:
                            pMat.M32 = val;
                        case 2:
                            pMat.M33 = val;
                        case 3:
                            pMat.M34 = val;

                case 3:
                    switch (c)
                        case 0:
                            pMat.M41 = val;
                        case 1:
                            pMat.M42 = val;
                        case 2:
                            pMat.M43 = val;
                        case 3:
                            pMat.M44 = val;

        private static float determinant3x3(Matrix4 pMat)
            float det = 0;
            float diag1 = pMat[0, 0]*pMat[1, 1]*pMat[2, 2];
            float diag2 = pMat[0, 1]*pMat[2, 1]*pMat[2, 0];
            float diag3 = pMat[0, 2]*pMat[1, 0]*pMat[2, 1];
            float diag4 = pMat[2, 0]*pMat[1, 1]*pMat[0, 2];
            float diag5 = pMat[2, 1]*pMat[1, 2]*pMat[0, 0];
            float diag6 = pMat[2, 2]*pMat[1, 0]*pMat[0, 1];

            det = diag1 + diag2 + diag3 - (diag4 + diag5 + diag6);
            return det;

        private static void DMassCopy(ref d.Mass src, ref d.Mass dst)
            dst.c.W = src.c.W;
            dst.c.X = src.c.X;
            dst.c.Y = src.c.Y;
            dst.c.Z = src.c.Z;
            dst.mass = src.mass;
            dst.I.M00 = src.I.M00;
            dst.I.M01 = src.I.M01;
            dst.I.M02 = src.I.M02;
            dst.I.M10 = src.I.M10;
            dst.I.M11 = src.I.M11;
            dst.I.M12 = src.I.M12;
            dst.I.M20 = src.I.M20;
            dst.I.M21 = src.I.M21;
            dst.I.M22 = src.I.M22;

        public override void SetMaterial(int pMaterial)
            m_material = pMaterial;

        internal void ProcessFloatVehicleParam(Vehicle pParam, float pValue)
            switch (pParam)
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = pValue;
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.3f) pValue = 0.3f;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.3f) pValue = 0.3f;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.BANKING_EFFICIENCY:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = pValue;
                case Vehicle.BANKING_MIX:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_bankingMix = pValue;
                case Vehicle.BANKING_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.BUOYANCY:
                	if (pValue < -1f) pValue = -1f;
                	if (pValue > 1f) pValue = 1f;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = pValue;
//                case Vehicle.HOVER_EFFICIENCY:
//                	if (pValue < 0f) pValue = 0f;
//                	if (pValue > 1f) pValue = 1f;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = pValue;
//                    break;
                case Vehicle.HOVER_HEIGHT:
                    m_VhoverHeight = pValue;
                case Vehicle.HOVER_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_DEFLECTION_EFFICIENCY:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = pValue;
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_DEFLECTION_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.01f) pValue = 0.01f;
                    // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_DECAY_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.3f) pValue = 0.3f;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = pValue;
                case Vehicle.VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_EFFICIENCY:
                    if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;	// Less goes unstable
                    if (pValue > 1.0f) pValue = 1.0f;
                    m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = pValue;
                case Vehicle.VERTICAL_ATTRACTION_TIMESCALE:
                    if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    m_verticalAttractionTimescale = pValue;
                // These are vector properties but the engine lets you use a single float value to 
                // set all of the components to the same value
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE:
                	if (pValue > 30f) pValue = 30f;
                	if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(pValue, pValue, pValue);
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION:
                    m_angularMotorDirection = new Vector3(pValue, pValue, pValue);
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE:
                	if (pValue < 0.1f) pValue = 0.1f;
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(pValue, pValue, pValue);
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION:
                    m_linearMotorDirection = new Vector3(pValue, pValue, pValue);
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_OFFSET:
                    // m_linearMotorOffset = new Vector3(pValue, pValue, pValue);

        }//end ProcessFloatVehicleParam

        internal void ProcessVectorVehicleParam(Vehicle pParam, Vector3 pValue)
            switch (pParam)
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE:
                	if (pValue.X > 30f) pValue.X = 30f;
                	if (pValue.X < 0.1f) pValue.X = 0.1f;
                	if (pValue.Y > 30f) pValue.Y = 30f;
                	if (pValue.Y < 0.1f) pValue.Y = 0.1f;
                	if (pValue.Z > 30f) pValue.Z = 30f;
                	if (pValue.Z < 0.1f) pValue.Z = 0.1f;
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(pValue.X, pValue.Y, pValue.Z);
                case Vehicle.ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION:
                    m_angularMotorDirection = new Vector3(pValue.X, pValue.Y, pValue.Z);
                    // Limit requested angular speed to 2 rps= 4 pi rads/sec
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.X > 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.X = 12.56f; 
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.X < - 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.X = - 12.56f; 
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.Y > 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.Y = 12.56f; 
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.Y < - 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.Y = - 12.56f; 
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.Z > 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.Z = 12.56f; 
                    if(m_angularMotorDirection.Z < - 12.56f) m_angularMotorDirection.Z = - 12.56f; 
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_FRICTION_TIMESCALE:
                	if (pValue.X < 0.1f) pValue.X = 0.1f;
                	if (pValue.Y < 0.1f) pValue.Y = 0.1f;
                	if (pValue.Z < 0.1f) pValue.Z = 0.1f;
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(pValue.X, pValue.Y, pValue.Z);
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION:
                    m_linearMotorDirection = new Vector3(pValue.X, pValue.Y, pValue.Z);	// velocity requested by LSL, for max limiting
                case Vehicle.LINEAR_MOTOR_OFFSET:
                    // m_linearMotorOffset = new Vector3(pValue.X, pValue.Y, pValue.Z);
        }//end ProcessVectorVehicleParam

        internal void ProcessRotationVehicleParam(Vehicle pParam, Quaternion pValue)
            switch (pParam)
                case Vehicle.REFERENCE_FRAME:
                    // m_referenceFrame = pValue;
        }//end ProcessRotationVehicleParam
        internal void ProcessVehicleFlags(int pParam, bool remove)
            if (remove)
        		m_flags &= ~((VehicleFlag)pParam);         
        		m_flags |= (VehicleFlag)pParam;
        internal void ProcessTypeChange(Vehicle pType)
			// Set Defaults For Type
            m_type = pType;
            switch (pType)
                case Vehicle.TYPE_SLED:
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(30, 1, 1000);
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(30, 30, 30);
//                     m_lLinMotorVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = 1000;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 120;
                    m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = 1000;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 120;
                    m_VhoverHeight = 0;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = 1;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = 10;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = 0;
                    // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 1;
                    // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 1;
                    // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 1;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 1000;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = 0;
                    // m_bankingMix = 1;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = 10;
                    // m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_flags &=
                        ~(VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY |
                          VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY);
                    m_flags |= (VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_MOTOR_UP);
                case Vehicle.TYPE_CAR:
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(100, 2, 1000);
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(30, 30, 30);		// was 1000, but sl max frict time is 30.
//                     m_lLinMotorVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = 1;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 60;
                    m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = 1;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 0.8f;
                    m_VhoverHeight = 0;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = 0;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = 1000;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = 0;
                    // // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 1;
                    // // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 2;
                    // // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 0;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 10;
                    m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = 1f;
                    m_verticalAttractionTimescale = 10f;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = -0.2f;
                    // m_bankingMix = 1;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = 1;
                    // m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_flags &= ~(VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT);
                    m_flags |= (VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY |
                case Vehicle.TYPE_BOAT:
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(10, 3, 2);
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(10,10,10);
//                     m_lLinMotorVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = 5;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 60;
                    m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = 4;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 4;
                    m_VhoverHeight = 0;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = 2;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = 1;
                    // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 3;
                    // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 5;
                    m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    m_verticalAttractionTimescale = 5f;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = -0.3f;
                    // m_bankingMix = 0.8f;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = 1;
                    // m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_flags &= ~(VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | 
                    		VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY);
                    m_flags |= (VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY |
                case Vehicle.TYPE_AIRPLANE:
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(200, 10, 5);
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(20, 20, 20);
//                     m_lLinMotorVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = 2;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 60;
                    m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = 4;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 4;
                    m_VhoverHeight = 0;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = 1000;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = 0;
                    // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 0.5f;
                    // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 3;
                    // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 1;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 2;
                    m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = 0.9f;
                    m_verticalAttractionTimescale = 2f;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = 1;
                    // m_bankingMix = 0.7f;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = 2;
                    // m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_flags &= ~(VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY |
                        VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT | VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_MOTOR_UP);
                    m_flags |= (VehicleFlag.LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY);
                case Vehicle.TYPE_BALLOON:
                    m_linearFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);
                    m_angularFrictionTimescale = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);
                    m_linearMotorTimescale = 5;
                    m_linearMotorDecayTimescale = 60;
                    m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
                    m_angularMotorTimescale = 6;
                    m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 10;
                    m_VhoverHeight = 5;
//                    m_VhoverEfficiency = 0.8f;
                    m_VhoverTimescale = 10;
                    m_VehicleBuoyancy = 1;
                    // m_linearDeflectionEfficiency = 0;
                    // m_linearDeflectionTimescale = 5;
                    // m_angularDeflectionEfficiency = 0;
                    // m_angularDeflectionTimescale = 5;
                    m_verticalAttractionEfficiency = 1f;
                    m_verticalAttractionTimescale = 100f;
                    // m_bankingEfficiency = 0;
                    // m_bankingMix = 0.7f;
                    // m_bankingTimescale = 5;
                    // m_referenceFrame = Quaternion.Identity;
                    m_flags &= ~(VehicleFlag.NO_DEFLECTION_UP | VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY |
                        VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY | VehicleFlag.LIMIT_MOTOR_UP);
                    m_flags |= (VehicleFlag.LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT);

        }//end SetDefaultsForType

        internal void Enable(IntPtr pBody, OdeScene pParentScene)
            if (m_type == Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)

            m_body = pBody;

		internal void Halt()
		{	// Kill all motions, when non-physical
		//	m_linearMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;
			m_lLinMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
			m_lLinObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;						
			m_wLinObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;
			m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;		
			m_lastAngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
			m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
			_acceleration = Vector3.Zero;	
		private void UpdateLinDecay()
//			if (Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirection.X) > Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.X)) m_lLinMotorDVel.X = m_linearMotorDirection.X;
//			if (Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirection.Y) > Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.Y)) m_lLinMotorDVel.Y = m_linearMotorDirection.Y;
//			if (Math.Abs(m_linearMotorDirection.Z) > Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.Z)) m_lLinMotorDVel.Z = m_linearMotorDirection.Z;
			m_lLinMotorDVel.X = m_linearMotorDirection.X;
			m_lLinMotorDVel.Y = m_linearMotorDirection.Y;
			m_lLinMotorDVel.Z = m_linearMotorDirection.Z;
		} // else let the motor decay on its own

		private void UpdateAngDecay()
//			if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.X) > Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.X)) m_angularMotorDVel.X = m_angularMotorDirection.X;
//			if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.Y) > Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.Y)) m_angularMotorDVel.Y = m_angularMotorDirection.Y;
//			if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDirection.Z) > Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.Z)) m_angularMotorDVel.Z = m_angularMotorDirection.Z;
			m_angularMotorDVel.X = m_angularMotorDirection.X;
			m_angularMotorDVel.Y = m_angularMotorDirection.Y;
			m_angularMotorDVel.Z = m_angularMotorDirection.Z;
		} // else let the motor decay on its own
        public void Move(float timestep)
            float fx = 0;
            float fy = 0;
            float fz = 0;
            Vector3 linvel;				// velocity applied, including any reversal
            int outside = 0;
            // If geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds is set to 0 in OpenSim.ini then phys objects bounce off region borders.
            // This is a temp patch until proper region crossing is developed. 
            int failureLimit = _parent_scene.geomCrossingFailuresBeforeOutofbounds;
            int fence = _parent_scene.geomRegionFence;
			float border_limit = 0.05f;	// original limit
			if (fence == 1) border_limit = 0.5f;		// bounce point

            frcount++;					// used to limit debug comment output
            if (frcount > 50)
                frcount = 0;
            if(revcount > 0) revcount--;
            if (IsPhysical && (Body != IntPtr.Zero) && !m_isSelected && !childPrim)		// Only move root prims.
				//  Old public void UpdatePositionAndVelocity(), more accuratley calculated here
            	bool lastZeroFlag = _zeroFlag;  // was it stopped
                d.Vector3 vec = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
                Vector3 l_position = Vector3.Zero;
                l_position.X = vec.X;
                l_position.Y = vec.Y;
                l_position.Z = vec.Z;
                m_lastposition = _position;
                _position = l_position;
                d.Quaternion ori = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
         //       Quaternion l_orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
                _orientation.X = ori.X;
                _orientation.Y = ori.Y;
                _orientation.Z = ori.Z;
                _orientation.W = ori.W;
                m_lastorientation = _orientation;
                d.Vector3 vel = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);
                m_lastVelocity = _velocity;
                _velocity.X = vel.X;
                _velocity.Y = vel.Y;
                _velocity.Z = vel.Z;
                _acceleration = ((_velocity - m_lastVelocity) / timestep);
                d.Vector3 torque = d.BodyGetTorque(Body);
                _torque = new Vector3(torque.X, torque.Y, torque.Z);
//Console.WriteLine("Move {0}  at  {1}", m_primName, l_position);        
				// Check if outside region
				// In Scene.cs/CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion the object is checked for 0.1M from border!
                if (l_position.X > ((float)_parent_scene.WorldExtents.X - border_limit))
                    l_position.X = ((float)_parent_scene.WorldExtents.X - border_limit);
                 	outside = 1;
                if (l_position.X < border_limit)
					l_position.X = border_limit;
					outside = 2;
				if (l_position.Y > ((float)_parent_scene.WorldExtents.Y - border_limit))
                    l_position.Y = ((float)_parent_scene.WorldExtents.Y - border_limit);
                 	outside = 3;
                if (l_position.Y < border_limit)
					l_position.Y = border_limit;
					outside = 4;
                if (outside > 0)
//Console.WriteLine("   fence = {0}",fence);     
//Console.WriteLine("Border {0}",  l_position);               
                    if (fence == 1)		// bounce object off boundary 
                    	if (revcount == 0)
	                    	if (outside < 3)
	                   			_velocity.X = -_velocity.X;
	                   			_velocity.Y = -_velocity.Y;
	                   		if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE) Halt();
	                   		_position = l_position;
         		            m_taintposition = _position;
					        m_lastVelocity = _velocity;     
							_acceleration = Vector3.Zero;	
    	                    d.BodySetPosition(Body, _position.X, _position.Y, _position.Z);
					        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, _velocity.X, _velocity.Y, _velocity.Z);

		    		    	revcount = 25;		// wait for object to move away from border
                    } // else old crossing mode
                    else if (m_crossingfailures < failureLimit)
                    {	// keep trying to cross?
                        _position = l_position;
                        if (_parent == null) base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate();
                        return;		// Dont process any other motion?
                    {	// Too many tries
                        if (_parent == null) base.RaiseOutOfBounds(l_position);
//Console.WriteLine("ROOB 2");            
                        return;		// Dont process any other motion?
                    }  // end various methods
                }    // end outside region horizontally

                if (l_position.Z < 0)
                    // This is so prim that get lost underground don't fall forever and suck up
                    // Sim resources and memory.
                    // Disables the prim's movement physics....
                    // It's a hack and will generate a console message if it fails.

                    //IsPhysical = false;
                    if (_parent == null) base.RaiseOutOfBounds(_position);
//Console.WriteLine("ROOB 3");            
                    _acceleration.X = 0;			// This stuff may stop client display but it has no
                    _acceleration.Y = 0;			// effect on the object in phys engine!
                    _acceleration.Z = 0;

                    _velocity.X = 0;
                    _velocity.Y = 0;
                    _velocity.Z = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;

                    if (_parent == null) base.RequestPhysicsterseUpdate();

                    m_throttleUpdates = false;
                    throttleCounter = 0;
                    _zeroFlag = true;
                    //outofBounds = true;
                }  // end neg Z check

				// Is it moving?
                if ((Math.Abs(m_lastposition.X - l_position.X) < 0.02)
                    && (Math.Abs(m_lastposition.Y - l_position.Y) < 0.02)
                    && (Math.Abs(m_lastposition.Z - l_position.Z) < 0.02)
                    && (1.0 - Math.Abs(Quaternion.Dot(m_lastorientation, _orientation)) < 0.0001))  // KF 0.01 is far to large
                    _zeroFlag = true;
                    m_throttleUpdates = false;
                    //m_log.Debug(Math.Abs(m_lastposition.X - l_position.X).ToString());
                    _zeroFlag = false;
                    m_lastUpdateSent = false;
                    //m_throttleUpdates = false;

                if (_zeroFlag)
                {		// Its stopped
                    _velocity.X = 0.0f;
                    _velocity.Y = 0.0f;
                    _velocity.Z = 0.0f;

                    _acceleration.X = 0;
                    _acceleration.Y = 0;
                    _acceleration.Z = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;
                    if (!m_lastUpdateSent)
                        m_throttleUpdates = false;
                        throttleCounter = 0;
                        if (_parent == null)

                        m_lastUpdateSent = true;
                {			// Its moving
                    if (lastZeroFlag != _zeroFlag)
                        if (_parent == null)
                    m_lastUpdateSent = false;
                    if (!m_throttleUpdates || throttleCounter > _parent_scene.geomUpdatesPerThrottledUpdate)
                        if (_parent == null)
                m_lastposition = l_position;
				/// End UpdatePositionAndVelocity insert     
                // Rotation lock  =====================================
                    // Snapshot current angles, set up Amotor(s)
                    m_rotateEnableUpdate = false;
                    m_rotateEnable = m_rotateEnableRequest;
Console.WriteLine("RotEnable {0} = {1}",m_primName,  m_rotateEnable);

                    if (Amotor != IntPtr.Zero)
                        Amotor = IntPtr.Zero;
Console.WriteLine("Old Amotor Destroyed");                        
                    if (!m_rotateEnable.ApproxEquals(Vector3.One, 0.003f))
                    {   // not all are enabled
                        d.Quaternion r = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
                        Quaternion locrot = new Quaternion(r.X, r.Y, r.Z, r.W);
                        // extract the axes vectors
                        Vector3 vX = new Vector3(1f,0f,0f);
                        Vector3 vY = new Vector3(0f,1f,0f);
                        Vector3 vZ = new Vector3(0f,0f,1f);
                        vX = vX * locrot;    
                        vY = vY * locrot;
                        vZ = vZ * locrot;
                        // snapshot the current angle vectors
                        m_lockX = vX;
                        m_lockY = vY;
                        m_lockZ = vZ;
             //           m_lockRot = locrot;
                        Amotor = d.JointCreateAMotor(_parent_scene.world, IntPtr.Zero);
                        d.JointAttach(Amotor, Body, IntPtr.Zero);
                        d.JointSetAMotorMode(Amotor, 0);  // User mode??
Console.WriteLine("New Amotor Created for {0}", m_primName);                   
                        float axisnum = 3;  // how many to lock
                        axisnum = (axisnum - (m_rotateEnable.X + m_rotateEnable.Y + m_rotateEnable.Z));

                        int i = 0;

                        if (m_rotateEnable.X == 0)
                            d.JointSetAMotorAxis(Amotor, i, 0, m_lockX.X, m_lockX.Y, m_lockX.Z);
Console.WriteLine("AxisX {0} set to {1}", i,  m_lockX);                           

                        if (m_rotateEnable.Y == 0)
                            d.JointSetAMotorAxis(Amotor, i, 0, m_lockY.X, m_lockY.Y, m_lockY.Z);
Console.WriteLine("AxisY {0} set to {1}", i,  m_lockY);                           

                        if (m_rotateEnable.Z == 0)
                            d.JointSetAMotorAxis(Amotor, i, 0, m_lockZ.X, m_lockZ.Y, m_lockZ.Z);
Console.WriteLine("AxisZ {0} set to {1}", i,  m_lockZ);                           

                        // These lowstops and high stops are effectively (no wiggle room)
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.LowStop, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.LoStop3, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.LoStop2, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.HiStop, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.HiStop3, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.HiStop2, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int) dParam.Vel, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int) dParam.Vel3, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int) dParam.Vel2, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.StopCFM, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.StopCFM3, 0f);
                        d.JointSetAMotorParam(Amotor, (int)dParam.StopCFM2, 0f);
                    } // else none are locked
                } // end Rotation Update  
                // VEHICLE processing ==========================================            
            	if (m_type != Vehicle.TYPE_NONE)
            		// get body attitude
		            d.Quaternion rot = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
			        Quaternion rotq = new Quaternion(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W);	// rotq = rotation of object
			        Quaternion irotq = Quaternion.Inverse(rotq);
		  			// VEHICLE Linear Motion
					d.Vector3 velnow = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);					// this is in world frame
					Vector3 vel_now = new Vector3(velnow.X, velnow.Y, velnow.Z);
			        m_lLinObjectVel = vel_now * irotq;
		            if (m_linearMotorDecayTimescale < 300.0f) //setting of 300 or more disables decay rate
		            	if ( Vector3.Mag(m_lLinMotorDVel) < 1.0f)
			           		float decayfactor = m_linearMotorDecayTimescale/timestep;
			            	Vector3 decayAmount = (m_lLinMotorDVel/decayfactor);
			            	m_lLinMotorDVel -= decayAmount;
			           		float decayfactor = 3.0f - (0.57f * (float)Math.Log((double)(m_linearMotorDecayTimescale)));
							Vector3 decel = Vector3.Normalize(m_lLinMotorDVel) * decayfactor * timestep;
							m_lLinMotorDVel -= decel;
						if (m_lLinMotorDVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))
							m_lLinMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
					/*	else
					        if (Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.X) <  Math.Abs(m_lLinObjectVel.X)) m_lLinObjectVel.X = m_lLinMotorDVel.X;
			    		    if (Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.Y) <  Math.Abs(m_lLinObjectVel.Y)) m_lLinObjectVel.Y = m_lLinMotorDVel.Y;
					        if (Math.Abs(m_lLinMotorDVel.Z) <  Math.Abs(m_lLinObjectVel.Z)) m_lLinObjectVel.Z = m_lLinMotorDVel.Z;	
					    } */
					}  // end linear motor decay
		            if ( (! m_lLinMotorDVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f)) || (! m_lLinObjectVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f)) )
		            	if(!d.BodyIsEnabled (Body))  d.BodyEnable (Body);
		                if (m_linearMotorTimescale < 300.0f)
			                Vector3 attack_error = m_lLinMotorDVel - m_lLinObjectVel;	
			                float linfactor = m_linearMotorTimescale/timestep;
			                Vector3 attackAmount = (attack_error/linfactor) * 1.3f;
		                	m_lLinObjectVel += attackAmount;
				        if (m_linearFrictionTimescale.X < 300.0f)
					        float fricfactor = m_linearFrictionTimescale.X / timestep;
					        float fricX = m_lLinObjectVel.X / fricfactor;
					        m_lLinObjectVel.X -= fricX;
				        if (m_linearFrictionTimescale.Y < 300.0f)
					        float fricfactor = m_linearFrictionTimescale.Y / timestep;
					        float fricY = m_lLinObjectVel.Y / fricfactor;
					        m_lLinObjectVel.Y -= fricY;
				        if (m_linearFrictionTimescale.Z < 300.0f)
					        float fricfactor = m_linearFrictionTimescale.Z / timestep;
					        float fricZ = m_lLinObjectVel.Z / fricfactor;
					        m_lLinObjectVel.Z -= fricZ;
				    m_wLinObjectVel = m_lLinObjectVel * rotq;
					// Gravity and Buoyancy
		            Vector3 grav = Vector3.Zero;
					if(m_VehicleBuoyancy < 1.0f)
						// There is some gravity, make a gravity force vector
						// that is applied after object velocity.     
			            d.Mass objMass;
			            d.BodyGetMass(Body, out objMass);
			            // m_VehicleBuoyancy: -1=2g; 0=1g; 1=0g; 
			            grav.Z = _parent_scene.gravityz * objMass.mass * (1f - m_VehicleBuoyancy); // Applied later as a force
			        } // else its 1.0, no gravity.
			        // Hovering
			        if( (m_flags & (VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY | VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT)) != 0)
			        	// We should hover, get the target height
		        		d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
			        	if((m_flags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY) == VehicleFlag.HOVER_WATER_ONLY)
			        		m_VhoverTargetHeight = _parent_scene.GetWaterLevel() + m_VhoverHeight;
			        	else if((m_flags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY) == VehicleFlag.HOVER_TERRAIN_ONLY)
			        		m_VhoverTargetHeight = _parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.X, pos.Y) + m_VhoverHeight;
			        	else if((m_flags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT) == VehicleFlag.HOVER_GLOBAL_HEIGHT)
			        		m_VhoverTargetHeight = m_VhoverHeight;
						if((m_flags & VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY) == VehicleFlag.HOVER_UP_ONLY)
							// If body is aready heigher, use its height as target height
							if(pos.Z > m_VhoverTargetHeight) m_VhoverTargetHeight = pos.Z;
//	            m_VhoverEfficiency = 0f;	// 0=boucy, 1=Crit.damped
//				m_VhoverTimescale = 0f;		// time to acheive height
//				timestep  is time since last frame,in secs 
						float herr0 = pos.Z - m_VhoverTargetHeight;
						// Replace Vertical speed with correction figure if significant
						if(Math.Abs(herr0) > 0.01f )
				  //?          d.Mass objMass;
				  //?          d.BodyGetMass(Body, out objMass);
							m_wLinObjectVel.Z = - ( (herr0 * timestep * 50.0f) / m_VhoverTimescale);
							//KF: m_VhoverEfficiency is not yet implemented
							m_wLinObjectVel.Z = 0f;
					{	// not hovering
						if (m_wLinObjectVel.Z == 0f)
						{		// Gravity rules
							m_wLinObjectVel.Z = vel_now.Z;
						}  // else the motor has it
	    		    linvel = m_wLinObjectVel;

	    		    // Vehicle Linear  Motion done =======================================
			        // Apply velocity
					d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, linvel.X, linvel.Y, linvel.Z);        
		            // apply gravity force
					d.BodyAddForce(Body, grav.X, grav.Y, grav.Z);		
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Grav {0}", grav);
		        	// end MoveLinear()

				    // MoveAngular
			        private Vector3 m_angularMotorDirection = Vector3.Zero;			// angular velocity requested by LSL motor 
			        private float m_angularMotorTimescale = 0;						// motor angular Attack rate set by LSL
			        private float m_angularMotorDecayTimescale = 0;					// motor angular Decay rate set by LSL
			        private Vector3 m_angularFrictionTimescale = Vector3.Zero;		// body angular Friction set by LSL

			        private Vector3 m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;				// decayed angular motor
			        private Vector3 m_angObjectVel = Vector3.Zero;					// what was last applied to body
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("MoveAngular ");	
		        	d.Vector3 angularObjectVel = d.BodyGetAngularVel(Body);
		        	Vector3 angObjectVel = new Vector3(angularObjectVel.X, angularObjectVel.Y, angularObjectVel.Z);
		         	angObjectVel = angObjectVel * irotq;	// ============ Converts to LOCAL rotation
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("V0 = {0}", angObjectVel);        	

		        	// Decay Angular Motor 1. In SL this also depends on attack rate! decay ~= 23/Attack.
		        	float atk_decayfactor = 23.0f  / (m_angularMotorTimescale * timestep); 
		        	m_angularMotorDVel -= m_angularMotorDVel / atk_decayfactor;
		        	// Decay Angular Motor 2.
		        	if (m_angularMotorDecayTimescale < 300.0f)
		            	if ( Vector3.Mag(m_angularMotorDVel) < 1.0f)
							float decayfactor = (m_angularMotorDecayTimescale)/timestep;
				            Vector3 decayAmount = (m_angularMotorDVel/decayfactor);	
				            m_angularMotorDVel -= decayAmount;             	
							Vector3 decel = Vector3.Normalize(m_angularMotorDVel) * timestep / m_angularMotorDecayTimescale;
							m_angularMotorDVel -= decel;
						if (m_angularMotorDVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f))
							m_angularMotorDVel = Vector3.Zero;
					        if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.X) <  Math.Abs(angObjectVel.X)) angObjectVel.X = m_angularMotorDVel.X;
			    		    if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.Y) <  Math.Abs(angObjectVel.Y)) angObjectVel.Y = m_angularMotorDVel.Y;
					        if (Math.Abs(m_angularMotorDVel.Z) <  Math.Abs(angObjectVel.Z)) angObjectVel.Z = m_angularMotorDVel.Z;
		        	} // end decay angular motor
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("MotorDvel {0}    Obj {1}", m_angularMotorDVel, angObjectVel);

//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("VA = {0}", angObjectVel);   

		            if ( (! m_angularMotorDVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f)) || (! angObjectVel.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.01f)) )
		            {  // if motor or object have motion
		            	if(!d.BodyIsEnabled (Body))  d.BodyEnable (Body);
		                if (m_angularMotorTimescale < 300.0f)
			                Vector3 attack_error = m_angularMotorDVel - angObjectVel;	
			                float angfactor = m_angularMotorTimescale/timestep;
			                Vector3 attackAmount = (attack_error/angfactor);
		                	angObjectVel += attackAmount;
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Accel {0}      Attk {1}",FrAaccel, attackAmount);                	
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("V2+= {0}", angObjectVel);        	
				        angObjectVel.X -= angObjectVel.X / (m_angularFrictionTimescale.X * 0.7f / timestep);
				        angObjectVel.Y -= angObjectVel.Y / (m_angularFrictionTimescale.Y * 0.7f / timestep);
				        angObjectVel.Z -= angObjectVel.Z / (m_angularFrictionTimescale.Z * 0.7f / timestep);
					} // else no signif. motion
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("Dmotor {0}      Obj {1}", m_angularMotorDVel, angObjectVel);
					// Bank section tba
					// Deflection section tba
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("V3 = {0}", angObjectVel);        	
		/*			// Rotation Axis Disables:
				    if (!m_angularEnable.ApproxEquals(Vector3.One, 0.003f))
		                if (m_angularEnable.X == 0)
			            	angObjectVel.X = 0f;
			            if (m_angularEnable.Y == 0)
			            	angObjectVel.Y = 0f;
			            if (m_angularEnable.Z == 0)
			            	angObjectVel.Z = 0f;
					angObjectVel = angObjectVel * rotq; // ================ Converts to WORLD rotation
		            // Vertical attractor section
					Vector3 vertattr = Vector3.Zero;
					if(m_verticalAttractionTimescale < 300)
			            float VAservo = 1.0f / (m_verticalAttractionTimescale * timestep);
			    	    // make a vector pointing up
						Vector3 verterr = Vector3.Zero;
						verterr.Z = 1.0f;
						// rotate it to Body Angle
						verterr = verterr * rotq;
						// verterr.X and .Y are the World error ammounts. They are 0 when there is no error (Vehicle Body is 'vertical'), and .Z will be 1.
						// As the body leans to its side |.X| will increase to 1 and .Z fall to 0. As body inverts |.X| will fall and .Z will go
						// negative. Similar for tilt and |.Y|. .X and .Y must be modulated to prevent a stable inverted body.
						if (verterr.Z < 0.0f)
						{	// Deflection from vertical exceeds 90-degrees. This method will ensure stable return to
							// vertical, BUT for some reason a z-rotation is imparted to the object. TBI.
							verterr.X = 2.0f - verterr.X;
							verterr.Y = 2.0f - verterr.Y;
						verterr *= 0.5f;
						// verterror is 0 (no error) to +/- 1 (max error at 180-deg tilt)
						Vector3 xyav = angObjectVel;
						xyav.Z = 0.0f;
						if ((!xyav.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.001f)) || (verterr.Z < 0.49f))
							// As the body rotates around the X axis, then verterr.Y increases; Rotated around Y then .X increases, so 
							// Change  Body angular velocity  X based on Y, and Y based on X. Z is not changed.
							vertattr.X =    verterr.Y;
							vertattr.Y =  - verterr.X;
							vertattr.Z = 0f;
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("VAerr=" + verterr);	
							// scaling appears better usingsquare-law
							float damped = m_verticalAttractionEfficiency * m_verticalAttractionEfficiency;
							float bounce = 1.0f - damped;  
							// 0 = crit damp, 1 = bouncy
							float oavz = angObjectVel.Z;   // retain z velocity
							// time-scaled correction, which sums, therefore is bouncy:
							angObjectVel = (angObjectVel + (vertattr * VAservo * 0.0333f)) * bounce; 
							// damped, good @ < 90:
							angObjectVel = angObjectVel + (vertattr * VAservo *  0.0667f * damped); 
							angObjectVel.Z = oavz;
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("VA+");					
//Console.WriteLine("VAttr {0}         OAvel {1}", vertattr, angObjectVel);
							// else error is very small
							angObjectVel.X = 0f;
							angObjectVel.Y = 0f;
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("VA0");					
					} // else vertical attractor is off
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("V1 = {0}", angObjectVel);        	

					m_lastAngularVelocity = angObjectVel;
					// apply Angular Velocity to body
					d.BodySetAngularVel (Body, m_lastAngularVelocity.X, m_lastAngularVelocity.Y, m_lastAngularVelocity.Z);
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("V4 = {0}", m_lastAngularVelocity);        	
            	}  // end VEHICLES
            		// Dyamics (NON-'VEHICLES') are dealt with here ================================================================	                
            		if(!d.BodyIsEnabled (Body))  d.BodyEnable (Body); // KF add 161009
					/// Dynamics Buoyancy
	                //KF: m_buoyancy is set by llSetBuoyancy() and is for non-vehicle.
	                // m_buoyancy: (unlimited value) <0=Falls fast; 0=1g; 1=0g; >1 = floats up 
	                // NB Prims in ODE are no subject to global gravity
	                // This should only affect gravity operations 
	                float m_mass = CalculateMass();
	                // calculate z-force due togravity on object.
	                fz = _parent_scene.gravityz * (1.0f - m_buoyancy) * m_mass; // force = acceleration * mass

	                if ((m_usePID) && (m_PIDTau > 0.0f))  // Dynamics  llMoveToTarget.
	                    fz = 0;     // llMoveToTarget ignores gravity.
	                                // it also ignores mass of object, and any physical resting on it.
	                                // Vector3 m_PIDTarget is where we are going
                                    // float m_PIDTau is time to get there
                        fx = 0;
                        fy = 0;                                    
	                    d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
	                    Vector3 error = new Vector3(
	                            (m_PIDTarget.X - pos.X),
	                            (m_PIDTarget.Y - pos.Y),
	                            (m_PIDTarget.Z - pos.Z));
	                    if (error.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero,0.01f))
	                    {   // Very close, Jump there and quit move
	                        d.BodySetPosition(Body, m_PIDTarget.X, m_PIDTarget.Y, m_PIDTarget.Z);
	                        _target_velocity = Vector3.Zero;
                            d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, _target_velocity.X, _target_velocity.Y, _target_velocity.Z);
    	                    float scale =  50.0f * timestep / m_PIDTau;
     	                    if ((error.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero,0.5f)) && (_target_velocity != Vector3.Zero))
	                            // Nearby, quit update of velocity
	                        {  // Far, calc damped velocity
	                            _target_velocity = error * scale;
                            d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, _target_velocity.X, _target_velocity.Y, _target_velocity.Z);	                            
	                } // end PID MoveToTarget
    /* Original OS implementation: Does not work correctly as another phys object resting on THIS object purturbs its position.
       This is incorrect behavior. llMoveToTarget must move the Body no matter what phys object is resting on it.	                
                    	//if (!d.BodyIsEnabled(Body))
	                    //d.BodySetForce(Body, 0f, 0f, 0f);

	                    //  no lock; for now it's only called from within Simulate()
	                    // If the PID Controller isn't active then we set our force
	                    // calculating base velocity to the current position

	                    if ((m_PIDTau < 1) && (m_PIDTau != 0))
	                        //PID_G = PID_G / m_PIDTau;
	                        m_PIDTau = 1;
	                    if ((PID_G - m_PIDTau) <= 0)
	                        PID_G = m_PIDTau + 1;
	                    //PidStatus = true;

	                    // PhysicsVector vec = new PhysicsVector();
//	                    d.Vector3 vel = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);

	                    d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
	                    _target_velocity =
                            new Vector3(
	                            (m_PIDTarget.X - pos.X) * ((PID_G - m_PIDTau) * timestep),
	                            (m_PIDTarget.Y - pos.Y) * ((PID_G - m_PIDTau) * timestep),
	                            (m_PIDTarget.Z - pos.Z) * ((PID_G - m_PIDTau) * timestep)

if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("PID {0}  b={1}  fz={2}  vel={3}", m_primName, m_buoyancy, fz, _target_velocity);           	
	                    //  if velocity is zero, use position control; otherwise, velocity control

	                    if (_target_velocity.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero,0.1f))
	                        //  keep track of where we stopped.  No more slippin' & slidin'
	                        // We only want to deactivate the PID Controller if we think we want to have our surrogate
	                        // react to the physics scene by moving it's position.
	                        // Avatar to Avatar collisions
	                        // Prim to avatar collisions

	                        //fx = (_target_velocity.X - vel.X) * (PID_D) + (_zeroPosition.X - pos.X) * (PID_P * 2);
	                        //fy = (_target_velocity.Y - vel.Y) * (PID_D) + (_zeroPosition.Y - pos.Y) * (PID_P * 2);
	                        //fz = fz + (_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * (PID_D) + (_zeroPosition.Z - pos.Z) * PID_P;
	                        d.BodySetPosition(Body, m_PIDTarget.X, m_PIDTarget.Y, m_PIDTarget.Z);
	                        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, 0, 0, 0);
	                        d.BodyAddForce(Body, 0, 0, fz);
	                //        return;
	                        _zeroFlag = false;

	                        // We're flying and colliding with something
	                        fx = ((_target_velocity.X) - vel.X) * (PID_D);
	                        fy = ((_target_velocity.Y) - vel.Y) * (PID_D);
	                        // vec.Z = (_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * PID_D + (_zeroPosition.Z - pos.Z) * PID_P;

	                        fz = fz + ((_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * (PID_D) * m_mass);
	                }		// end if (m_usePID)
 End of old PID  system */
	                /// Dynamics Hover ===================================================================================
	                // Hover PID Controller can only run if the PIDcontroller is not in use.
	                if (m_useHoverPID && !m_usePID)
//Console.WriteLine("Hover " +  m_primName);           	
	                    // If we're using the PID controller, then we have no gravity
	                    fz = (-1 * _parent_scene.gravityz) * m_mass;

	                    //  no lock; for now it's only called from within Simulate()

	                    // If the PID Controller isn't active then we set our force
	                    // calculating base velocity to the current position

	                    if ((m_PIDTau < 1))
	                        PID_G = PID_G / m_PIDTau;

	                    if ((PID_G - m_PIDTau) <= 0)
	                        PID_G = m_PIDTau + 1;

	                    // Where are we, and where are we headed?
	                    d.Vector3 pos = d.BodyGetPosition(Body);
//	                    d.Vector3 vel = d.BodyGetLinearVel(Body);

						//    Non-Vehicles have a limited set of Hover options.
	                    // determine what our target height really is based on HoverType
	                    switch (m_PIDHoverType)
	                        case PIDHoverType.Ground:
	                            m_groundHeight = _parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.X, pos.Y);
	                            m_targetHoverHeight = m_groundHeight + m_PIDHoverHeight;
	                        case PIDHoverType.GroundAndWater:
	                            m_groundHeight = _parent_scene.GetTerrainHeightAtXY(pos.X, pos.Y);
	                            m_waterHeight  = _parent_scene.GetWaterLevel();
	                            if (m_groundHeight > m_waterHeight)
	                                m_targetHoverHeight = m_groundHeight + m_PIDHoverHeight;
	                                m_targetHoverHeight = m_waterHeight + m_PIDHoverHeight;

	                    } 	// end switch (m_PIDHoverType)

	                    _target_velocity =
                            new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f,
    	                        (m_targetHoverHeight - pos.Z) * ((PID_G - m_PIDHoverTau) * timestep)

    	                //  if velocity is zero, use position control; otherwise, velocity control

    	                if (_target_velocity.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, 0.1f))
    	                    //  keep track of where we stopped.  No more slippin' & slidin'
    	                    // We only want to deactivate the PID Controller if we think we want to have our surrogate
    	                    // react to the physics scene by moving it's position.
    	                    // Avatar to Avatar collisions
    	                    // Prim to avatar collisions
			    		    d.Vector3 dlinvel = vel;

    	                    d.BodySetPosition(Body, pos.X, pos.Y, m_targetHoverHeight);
					        d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, dlinvel.X, dlinvel.Y, dlinvel.Z);       
    	                    d.BodyAddForce(Body, 0, 0, fz);
    	            //KF this prevents furthur motions        return;
    	                    _zeroFlag = false;

    	                    // We're flying and colliding with something
    	                    fz = fz + ((_target_velocity.Z - vel.Z) * (PID_D) * m_mass);
    	            } // end m_useHoverPID && !m_usePID
    	            /// Dynamics RotLookAt =================================================================================
	                if (m_useAPID)
	                	// RotLookAt, apparently overrides all other rotation sources. Inputs:
	                	// Quaternion m_APIDTarget
						// float m_APIDStrength		// From SL experiments, this is the time to get there
						// float m_APIDDamping		// From SL experiments, this is damping, 1.0 = damped, 0.1 = wobbly
													// Also in SL the mass of the object has no effect on time to get there.
						// Factors:
			    	    // get present body rotation
			    	    float limit = 1.0f;
			    	    float scaler = 50f;		// adjusts damping time
			    	    float RLAservo = 0f;
			    	    d.Quaternion rot = d.BodyGetQuaternion(Body);
			    	    Quaternion rotq = new Quaternion(rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z, rot.W);
			    	    Quaternion rot_diff = Quaternion.Inverse(rotq) * m_APIDTarget;
                        float diff_angle;
                        Vector3 diff_axis;
                        rot_diff.GetAxisAngle(out diff_axis, out diff_angle);
						if(diff_angle > 0.01f)			// diff_angle is always +ve
//	                        PhysicsVector rotforce = new PhysicsVector(diff_axis.X, diff_axis.Y, diff_axis.Z);
	                        Vector3 rotforce = new Vector3(diff_axis.X, diff_axis.Y, diff_axis.Z);
    	                    rotforce = rotforce * rotq;
    	                    if(diff_angle > limit) diff_angle = limit;		// cap the rotate rate
//    	                    RLAservo = timestep / m_APIDStrength * m_mass * scaler;
  //  	                    rotforce = rotforce * RLAservo * diff_angle ;
    //	                    d.BodyAddRelTorque(Body, rotforce.X, rotforce.Y, rotforce.Z);
    	                    RLAservo = timestep / m_APIDStrength * scaler;
    	                    rotforce = rotforce * RLAservo * diff_angle ;
		                    if (m_angularEnable.X == 0)
		                        rotforce.X = 0;
		                    if (m_angularEnable.Y == 0)
		                        rotforce.Y = 0;
		                    if (m_angularEnable.Z == 0)
		                        rotforce.Z = 0;
							d.BodySetAngularVel (Body,  rotforce.X, rotforce.Y, rotforce.Z);
//Console.WriteLine("axis= " + diff_axis + "    angle= " + diff_angle + "servo= " + RLAservo);							
//if(frcount == 0) Console.WriteLine("mass= " + m_mass + "  servo= " + RLAservo + "   angle= " + diff_angle);							
	                } // end m_useAPID
	                /// Dynamics Apply Forces ===================================================================================
    	            fx *= m_mass;
    	            fy *= m_mass;
    	            //fz *= m_mass;

    	            fx += m_force.X;
    	            fy += m_force.Y;
    	            fz += m_force.Z;

    	            //m_log.Info("[OBJPID]: X:" + fx.ToString() + " Y:" + fy.ToString() + " Z:" + fz.ToString());
    	            if (fx != 0 || fy != 0 || fz != 0)
    	                //m_taintdisable = true;
    	                //d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, fx, fy, 0f);
    	                if (!d.BodyIsEnabled(Body))
    	                	// A physical body at rest on a surface will auto-disable after a while,
    	                	// this appears to re-enable it incase the surface it is upon vanishes,
    	                	// and the body should fall again. 
    	                    d.BodySetLinearVel(Body, 0f, 0f, 0f);
    	                    d.BodySetForce(Body, 0, 0, 0);

    	                // 35x10 = 350n times the mass per second applied maximum.
    	                float nmax = 35f * m_mass;
    	                float nmin = -35f * m_mass;

    	                if (fx > nmax)
    	                    fx = nmax;
    	                if (fx < nmin)
    	                    fx = nmin;
    	                if (fy > nmax)
    	                    fy = nmax;
    	                if (fy < nmin)
    	                    fy = nmin;
    	                d.BodyAddForce(Body, fx, fy, fz);
//Console.WriteLine("AddForce " + fx + "," + fy + "," + fz);    	                
    	            }  // end apply forces
				} // end Dynamics
/* obsolete?				
                {	// is not physical, or is not a body or is selected
                     // from old UpdatePositionAndVelocity, ... Not a body..   so Make sure the client isn't interpolating
                    _velocity.X = 0;
                    _velocity.Y = 0;
                    _velocity.Z = 0;

                    _acceleration.X = 0;
                    _acceleration.Y = 0;
                    _acceleration.Z = 0;

                    m_rotationalVelocity.X = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Y = 0;
                    m_rotationalVelocity.Z = 0;
                    _zeroFlag = true;
            } // end root prims
       }  // end Move()
	} // end class