/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyrightD * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OpenSim.Framework; using OMV = OpenMetaverse; namespace OpenSim.Region.Physics.BulletSPlugin { // When a child is linked, the relationship position of the child to the parent // is remembered so the child's world position can be recomputed when it is // removed from the linkset. sealed class BSLinksetCompoundInfo : BSLinksetInfo { public int Index; public OMV.Vector3 OffsetFromRoot; public OMV.Vector3 OffsetFromCenterOfMass; public OMV.Quaternion OffsetRot; public BSLinksetCompoundInfo(int indx, OMV.Vector3 p, OMV.Quaternion r) { Index = indx; OffsetFromRoot = p; OffsetFromCenterOfMass = p; OffsetRot = r; } // 'centerDisplacement' is the distance from the root the the center-of-mass (Bullet 'zero' of the shape) public BSLinksetCompoundInfo(int indx, BSPrimLinkable root, BSPrimLinkable child, OMV.Vector3 centerDisplacement) { // Each child position and rotation is given relative to the center-of-mass. OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(root.RawOrientation); OMV.Vector3 displacementFromRoot = (child.RawPosition - root.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation; OMV.Vector3 displacementFromCOM = displacementFromRoot - centerDisplacement; OMV.Quaternion displacementRot = child.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation; // Save relative position for recomputing child's world position after moving linkset. Index = indx; OffsetFromRoot = displacementFromRoot; OffsetFromCenterOfMass = displacementFromCOM; OffsetRot = displacementRot; } public override void Clear() { Index = 0; OffsetFromRoot = OMV.Vector3.Zero; OffsetFromCenterOfMass = OMV.Vector3.Zero; OffsetRot = OMV.Quaternion.Identity; } public override string ToString() { StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); buff.Append(""); return buff.ToString(); } }; public sealed class BSLinksetCompound : BSLinkset { private static string LogHeader = "[BULLETSIM LINKSET COMPOUND]"; private BSShape LinksetShape; public BSLinksetCompound(BSScene scene, BSPrimLinkable parent) : base(scene, parent) { LinksetShape = new BSShapeNull(); } // When physical properties are changed the linkset needs to recalculate // its internal properties. public override void Refresh(BSPrimLinkable requestor) { base.Refresh(requestor); // Something changed so do the rebuilding thing // ScheduleRebuild(); } // Schedule a refresh to happen after all the other taint processing. private void ScheduleRebuild(BSPrimLinkable requestor) { DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.ScheduleRebuild,,rebuilding={1},hasChildren={2},actuallyScheduling={3}", requestor.LocalID, Rebuilding, HasAnyChildren, (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren)); // When rebuilding, it is possible to set properties that would normally require a rebuild. // If already rebuilding, don't request another rebuild. // If a linkset with just a root prim (simple non-linked prim) don't bother rebuilding. if (!Rebuilding && HasAnyChildren) { m_physicsScene.PostTaintObject("BSLinksetCompound.ScheduleRebuild", LinksetRoot.LocalID, delegate() { if (HasAnyChildren) RecomputeLinksetCompound(); }); } } // The object is going dynamic (physical). Do any setup necessary for a dynamic linkset. // Only the state of the passed object can be modified. The rest of the linkset // has not yet been fully constructed. // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object. // Called at taint-time! public override bool MakeDynamic(BSPrimLinkable child) { bool ret = false; DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeDynamic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child)); if (IsRoot(child)) { // The root is going dynamic. Rebuild the linkset so parts and mass get computed properly. ScheduleRebuild(LinksetRoot); } // The origional prims are removed from the world as the shape of the root compound // shape takes over. m_physicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE); m_physicsScene.PE.ForceActivationState(child.PhysBody, ActivationState.DISABLE_SIMULATION); // We don't want collisions from the old linkset children. m_physicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_SUBSCRIBE_COLLISION_EVENTS); child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild; ret = true; return ret; } // The object is going static (non-physical). Do any setup necessary for a static linkset. // Return 'true' if any properties updated on the passed object. // This doesn't normally happen -- OpenSim removes the objects from the physical // world if it is a static linkset. // Called at taint-time! public override bool MakeStatic(BSPrimLinkable child) { bool ret = false; DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.MakeStatic,call,IsRoot={1}", child.LocalID, IsRoot(child)); if (IsRoot(child)) { ScheduleRebuild(LinksetRoot); } else { // The non-physical children can come back to life. m_physicsScene.PE.RemoveFromCollisionFlags(child.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.CF_NO_CONTACT_RESPONSE); child.PhysBody.collisionType = CollisionType.LinksetChild; // Don't force activation so setting of DISABLE_SIMULATION can stay if used. m_physicsScene.PE.Activate(child.PhysBody, false); ret = true; } return ret; } // 'physicalUpdate' is true if these changes came directly from the physics engine. Don't need to rebuild then. // Called at taint-time. public override void UpdateProperties(UpdatedProperties whichUpdated, BSPrimLinkable updated) { if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysicallyActive) { // No reason to do this physical stuff for static linksets. DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,notPhysical", LinksetRoot.LocalID); return; } // The user moving a child around requires the rebuilding of the linkset compound shape // One problem is this happens when a border is crossed -- the simulator implementation // stores the position into the group which causes the move of the object // but it also means all the child positions get updated. // What would cause an unnecessary rebuild so we make sure the linkset is in a // region before bothering to do a rebuild. if (!IsRoot(updated) && m_physicsScene.TerrainManager.IsWithinKnownTerrain(LinksetRoot.RawPosition)) { // If a child of the linkset is updating only the position or rotation, that can be done // without rebuilding the linkset. // If a handle for the child can be fetch, we update the child here. If a rebuild was // scheduled by someone else, the rebuild will just replace this setting. bool updatedChild = false; // Anything other than updating position or orientation usually means a physical update // and that is caused by us updating the object. if ((whichUpdated & ~(UpdatedProperties.Position | UpdatedProperties.Orientation)) == 0) { // Find the physical instance of the child if (LinksetRoot.PhysShape.HasPhysicalShape && m_physicsScene.PE.IsCompound(LinksetRoot.PhysShape.physShapeInfo)) { // It is possible that the linkset is still under construction and the child is not yet // inserted into the compound shape. A rebuild of the linkset in a pre-step action will // build the whole thing with the new position or rotation. // The index must be checked because Bullet references the child array but does no validity // checking of the child index passed. int numLinksetChildren = m_physicsScene.PE.GetNumberOfCompoundChildren(LinksetRoot.PhysShape.physShapeInfo); if (updated.LinksetChildIndex < numLinksetChildren) { BulletShape linksetChildShape = m_physicsScene.PE.GetChildShapeFromCompoundShapeIndex(LinksetRoot.PhysShape.physShapeInfo, updated.LinksetChildIndex); if (linksetChildShape.HasPhysicalShape) { // Found the child shape within the compound shape m_physicsScene.PE.UpdateChildTransform(LinksetRoot.PhysShape.physShapeInfo, updated.LinksetChildIndex, updated.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition, updated.RawOrientation * OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation), true /* shouldRecalculateLocalAabb */); updatedChild = true; DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,changeChildPosRot,whichUpdated={1},pos={2},rot={3}", updated.LocalID, whichUpdated, updated.RawPosition, updated.RawOrientation); } else // DEBUG DEBUG { // DEBUG DEBUG DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,couldNotUpdateChild,noChildShape,shape={1}", updated.LocalID, linksetChildShape); } // DEBUG DEBUG } else // DEBUG DEBUG { // DEBUG DEBUG // the child is not yet in the compound shape. This is non-fatal. DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,couldNotUpdateChild,childNotInCompoundShape,numChildren={1},index={2}", updated.LocalID, numLinksetChildren, updated.LinksetChildIndex); } // DEBUG DEBUG } else // DEBUG DEBUG { // DEBUG DEBUG DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,couldNotUpdateChild,noBodyOrNotCompound", updated.LocalID); } // DEBUG DEBUG if (!updatedChild) { // If couldn't do the individual child, the linkset needs a rebuild to incorporate the new child info. // Note: there are several ways through this code that will not update the child if // the linkset is being rebuilt. In this case, scheduling a rebuild is a NOOP since // there will already be a rebuild scheduled. DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.UpdateProperties,couldNotUpdateChild.schedulingRebuild,whichUpdated={1}", updated.LocalID, whichUpdated); updated.LinksetInfo = null; // setting to 'null' causes relative position to be recomputed. ScheduleRebuild(updated); } } } } // Routine called when rebuilding the body of some member of the linkset. // Since we don't keep in world relationships, do nothing unless it's a child changing. // Returns 'true' of something was actually removed and would need restoring // Called at taint-time!! public override bool RemoveDependencies(BSPrimLinkable child) { bool ret = false; DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RemoveBodyDependencies,refreshIfChild,rID={1},rBody={2},isRoot={3}", child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, IsRoot(child)); if (!IsRoot(child)) { // Because it is a convenient time, recompute child world position and rotation based on // its position in the linkset. RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, true /* inTaintTime */); child.LinksetInfo = null; } // Cannot schedule a refresh/rebuild here because this routine is called when // the linkset is being rebuilt. // InternalRefresh(LinksetRoot); return ret; } // When the linkset is built, the child shape is added to the compound shape relative to the // root shape. The linkset then moves around but this does not move the actual child // prim. The child prim's location must be recomputed based on the location of the root shape. private void RecomputeChildWorldPosition(BSPrimLinkable child, bool inTaintTime) { // For the moment (20130201), disable this computation (converting the child physical addr back to // a region address) until we have a good handle on center-of-mass offsets and what the physics // engine moving a child actually means. // The simulator keeps track of where children should be as the linkset moves. Setting // the pos/rot here does not effect that knowledge as there is no good way for the // physics engine to send the simulator an update for a child. /* BSLinksetCompoundInfo lci = child.LinksetInfo as BSLinksetCompoundInfo; if (lci != null) { if (inTaintTime) { OMV.Vector3 oldPos = child.RawPosition; child.ForcePosition = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot; child.ForceOrientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot; DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeChildWorldPosition,oldPos={1},lci={2},newPos={3}", child.LocalID, oldPos, lci, child.RawPosition); } else { // TaintedObject is not used here so the raw position is set now and not at taint-time. child.Position = LinksetRoot.RawPosition + lci.OffsetFromRoot; child.Orientation = LinksetRoot.RawOrientation * lci.OffsetRot; } } else { // This happens when children have been added to the linkset but the linkset // has not been constructed yet. So like, at taint time, adding children to a linkset // and then changing properties of the children (makePhysical, for instance) // but the post-print action of actually rebuilding the linkset has not yet happened. // PhysicsScene.Logger.WarnFormat("{0} Restoring linkset child position failed because of no relative position computed. ID={1}", // LogHeader, child.LocalID); DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.recomputeChildWorldPosition,noRelativePositonInfo", child.LocalID); } */ } // ================================================================ // Add a new child to the linkset. // Called while LinkActivity is locked. protected override void AddChildToLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child) { if (!HasChild(child)) { m_children.Add(child); DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.AddChildToLinkset,call,child={1}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, child.LocalID); // Rebuild the compound shape with the new child shape included ScheduleRebuild(child); } return; } // Remove the specified child from the linkset. // Safe to call even if the child is not really in the linkset. protected override void RemoveChildFromLinkset(BSPrimLinkable child) { child.ClearDisplacement(); if (m_children.Remove(child)) { DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RemoveChildFromLinkset,call,rID={1},rBody={2},cID={3},cBody={4}", child.LocalID, LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody.AddrString, child.LocalID, child.PhysBody.AddrString); // Cause the child's body to be rebuilt and thus restored to normal operation RecomputeChildWorldPosition(child, false); child.LinksetInfo = null; child.ForceBodyShapeRebuild(false); if (!HasAnyChildren) { // The linkset is now empty. The root needs rebuilding. LinksetRoot.ForceBodyShapeRebuild(false); } else { // Rebuild the compound shape with the child removed ScheduleRebuild(LinksetRoot); } } return; } // Called before the simulation step to make sure the compound based linkset // is all initialized. // Constraint linksets are rebuilt every time. // Note that this works for rebuilding just the root after a linkset is taken apart. // Called at taint time!! private bool UseBulletSimRootOffsetHack = false; private bool disableCOM = true; // For basic linkset debugging, turn off the center-of-mass setting private void RecomputeLinksetCompound() { if (!LinksetRoot.IsPhysicallyActive) { // There is no reason to build all this physical stuff for a non-physical linkset DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeLinksetCompound,notPhysical", LinksetRoot.LocalID); return; } try { // This replaces the physical shape of the root prim with a compound shape made up of the root // shape and all the children. // RootPrim.PhysShape is the shape of the root prim. // Here we build the compound shape made up of all the children. // Free up any shape we'd previously built. LinksetShape.Dereference(m_physicsScene); // Get a new compound shape to build the linkset shape in. LinksetShape = BSShapeCompound.GetReference(m_physicsScene); // The center of mass for the linkset is the geometric center of the group. // Compute a displacement for each component so it is relative to the center-of-mass. // Bullet presumes an object's origin (relative <0,0,0>) is its center-of-mass OMV.Vector3 centerOfMassW = ComputeLinksetCenterOfMass(); OMV.Quaternion invRootOrientation = OMV.Quaternion.Inverse(LinksetRoot.RawOrientation); // 'centerDisplacement' is the value to subtract from children to give physical offset position OMV.Vector3 centerDisplacement = (centerOfMassW - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation; if (UseBulletSimRootOffsetHack || disableCOM) { centerDisplacement = OMV.Vector3.Zero; LinksetRoot.ClearDisplacement(); } else { LinksetRoot.SetEffectiveCenterOfMassDisplacement(centerDisplacement); } DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeLinksetCompound,COM,rootPos={1},com={2},comDisp={3}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.RawPosition, centerOfMassW, centerDisplacement); // Add the shapes of all the components of the linkset int memberIndex = 1; ForEachMember(delegate(BSPrimLinkable cPrim) { if (IsRoot(cPrim)) { cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = 0; } else { cPrim.LinksetChildIndex = memberIndex; } BSShape childShape = cPrim.PhysShape.GetReference(m_physicsScene, cPrim); OMV.Vector3 offsetPos = (cPrim.RawPosition - LinksetRoot.RawPosition) * invRootOrientation - centerDisplacement; OMV.Quaternion offsetRot = cPrim.RawOrientation * invRootOrientation; m_physicsScene.PE.AddChildShapeToCompoundShape(LinksetShape.physShapeInfo, childShape.physShapeInfo, offsetPos, offsetRot); DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeLinksetCompound,addChild,indx={1}cShape={2},offPos={3},offRot={4}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, memberIndex, cPrim.PhysShape, offsetPos, offsetRot); memberIndex++; return false; // 'false' says to move onto the next child in the list }); // Sneak the built compound shape in as the shape of the root prim. // Note this doesn't touch the root prim's PhysShape so be sure the manage the difference. // Object removed and added to world to get collision cache rebuilt for new shape. m_physicsScene.PE.RemoveObjectFromWorld(m_physicsScene.World, LinksetRoot.PhysBody); m_physicsScene.PE.SetCollisionShape(m_physicsScene.World, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, LinksetShape.physShapeInfo); m_physicsScene.PE.AddObjectToWorld(m_physicsScene.World, LinksetRoot.PhysBody); DetailLog("{0},BSLinksetCompound.RecomputeLinksetCompound,addBody,body={1},shape={2}", LinksetRoot.LocalID, LinksetRoot.PhysBody, LinksetShape); // With all of the linkset packed into the root prim, it has the mass of everyone. LinksetMass = ComputeLinksetMass(); LinksetRoot.UpdatePhysicalMassProperties(LinksetMass, true); if (UseBulletSimRootOffsetHack) { // Enable the physical position updator to return the position and rotation of the root shape. // This enables a feature in the C++ code to return the world coordinates of the first shape in the // compound shape. This eleviates the need to offset the returned physical position by the // center-of-mass offset. m_physicsScene.PE.AddToCollisionFlags(LinksetRoot.PhysBody, CollisionFlags.BS_RETURN_ROOT_COMPOUND_SHAPE); } } finally { Rebuilding = false; } // See that the Aabb surrounds the new shape m_physicsScene.PE.RecalculateCompoundShapeLocalAabb(LinksetShape.physShapeInfo); } } }