* Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/
* See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the
* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using log4net;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.Packets;
using OpenSim.Framework;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scripting;
using OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Serialization;
using OpenSim.Region.Physics.Manager;
namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
#region Enumerations
public enum Changed : uint
COLOR = 2,
SHAPE = 4,
SCALE = 8,
LINK = 32,
OWNER = 128,
REGION = 256,
MEDIA = 2048,
ANIMATION = 16384,
POSITION = 32768
// I don't really know where to put this except here.
// Can't access the OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common.LSL_BaseClass.Changed constants
public enum ExtraParamType
Something1 = 1,
Something2 = 2,
Something3 = 4,
Something4 = 8,
Flexible = 16,
Light = 32,
Sculpt = 48,
Something5 = 64,
Something6 = 128
public enum TextureAnimFlags : byte
NONE = 0x00,
ANIM_ON = 0x01,
LOOP = 0x02,
REVERSE = 0x04,
PING_PONG = 0x08,
SMOOTH = 0x10,
ROTATE = 0x20,
SCALE = 0x40
public enum PrimType : int
BOX = 0,
PRISM = 2,
TORUS = 4,
TUBE = 5,
RING = 6,
#endregion Enumerations
public class SceneObjectPart : IScriptHost, ISceneEntity
/// Denote all sides of the prim
public const int ALL_SIDES = -1;
private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
/// Is this sop a root part?
public bool IsRoot
get { return ParentGroup.RootPart == this; }
#region Fields
public bool AllowedDrop;
public bool DIE_AT_EDGE;
public bool RETURN_AT_EDGE;
public bool BlockGrab;
public bool StatusSandbox;
public Vector3 StatusSandboxPos;
public int[] PayPrice = {-2,-2,-2,-2,-2};
public PhysicsActor PhysActor
get { return m_physActor; }
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SOP]: PhysActor set to {0} for {1} {2}", value, Name, UUID);
m_physActor = value;
//Xantor 20080528 Sound stuff:
// Note: This isn't persisted in the database right now, as the fields for that aren't just there yet.
// Not a big problem as long as the script that sets it remains in the prim on startup.
// for SL compatibility it should be persisted though (set sound / displaytext / particlesystem, kill script)
public UUID Sound;
public byte SoundFlags;
public double SoundGain;
public double SoundRadius;
public uint TimeStampFull;
public uint TimeStampLastActivity; // Will be used for AutoReturn
public uint TimeStampTerse;
public UUID FromItemID;
public UUID FromFolderID;
// The following two are to hold the attachment data
// while an object is inworld
public byte AttachPoint = 0;
public Vector3 AttachOffset = Vector3.Zero;
public int STATUS_ROTATE_X;
public int STATUS_ROTATE_Y;
public int STATUS_ROTATE_Z;
private Dictionary m_CollisionFilter = new Dictionary();
/// The UUID of the user inventory item from which this object was rezzed if this is a root part.
/// If UUID.Zero then either this is not a root part or there is no connection with a user inventory item.
private UUID m_fromUserInventoryItemID;
public UUID FromUserInventoryItemID
get { return m_fromUserInventoryItemID; }
set { m_fromUserInventoryItemID = value; }
public scriptEvents AggregateScriptEvents;
public Vector3 AttachedPos;
public Vector3 RotationAxis = Vector3.One;
public bool VolumeDetectActive; // XmlIgnore set to avoid problems with persistance until I come to care for this
// Certainly this must be a persistant setting finally
public bool IsWaitingForFirstSpinUpdatePacket;
public Quaternion SpinOldOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
public Quaternion m_APIDTarget = Quaternion.Identity;
public float m_APIDDamp = 0;
public float m_APIDStrength = 0;
/// This part's inventory
public IEntityInventory Inventory
get { return m_inventory; }
protected SceneObjectPartInventory m_inventory;
public bool Undoing;
public bool IgnoreUndoUpdate = false;
private PrimFlags LocalFlags;
private float m_damage = -1.0f;
private byte[] m_TextureAnimation;
private byte m_clickAction;
private Color m_color = Color.Black;
private string m_description = String.Empty;
private readonly List m_lastColliders = new List();
private int m_linkNum;
private int m_scriptAccessPin;
private readonly Dictionary m_scriptEvents = new Dictionary();
private string m_sitName = String.Empty;
private Quaternion m_sitTargetOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;
private Vector3 m_sitTargetPosition;
private string m_sitAnimation = "SIT";
private bool m_occupied; // KF if any av is sitting on this prim
private string m_text = String.Empty;
private string m_touchName = String.Empty;
private readonly Stack m_undo = new Stack(5);
private readonly Stack m_redo = new Stack(5);
private UUID _creatorID;
private bool m_passTouches;
/// Only used internally to schedule client updates.
/// 0 - no update is scheduled
/// 1 - terse update scheduled
/// 2 - full update scheduled
/// TODO - This should be an enumeration
private byte m_updateFlag;
private PhysicsActor m_physActor;
protected Vector3 m_acceleration;
protected Vector3 m_angularVelocity;
//unkown if this will be kept, added as a way of removing the group position from the group class
protected Vector3 m_groupPosition;
protected uint m_localId;
protected Material m_material = OpenMetaverse.Material.Wood;
protected string m_name;
protected Vector3 m_offsetPosition;
protected SceneObjectGroup m_parentGroup;
protected byte[] m_particleSystem = Utils.EmptyBytes;
protected ulong m_regionHandle;
protected Quaternion m_rotationOffset = Quaternion.Identity;
protected PrimitiveBaseShape m_shape;
protected UUID m_uuid;
protected Vector3 m_velocity;
protected Vector3 m_lastPosition;
protected Quaternion m_lastRotation;
protected Vector3 m_lastVelocity;
protected Vector3 m_lastAcceleration;
protected Vector3 m_lastAngularVelocity;
protected int m_lastTerseSent;
protected float m_buoyancy = 0.0f;
/// Stores media texture data
protected string m_mediaUrl;
// TODO: Those have to be changed into persistent properties at some later point,
// or sit-camera on vehicles will break on sim-crossing.
private Vector3 m_cameraEyeOffset;
private Vector3 m_cameraAtOffset;
private bool m_forceMouselook;
// TODO: Collision sound should have default.
private UUID m_collisionSound;
private float m_collisionSoundVolume;
#endregion Fields
// ~SceneObjectPart()
// {
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Destructor called for {0}, local id {1}, parent {2} {3}",
// Name, LocalId, ParentGroup.Name, ParentGroup.LocalId);
// }
#region Constructors
/// No arg constructor called by region restore db code
public SceneObjectPart()
// It's not necessary to persist this
m_TextureAnimation = Utils.EmptyBytes;
m_particleSystem = Utils.EmptyBytes;
Rezzed = DateTime.UtcNow;
m_inventory = new SceneObjectPartInventory(this);
/// Create a completely new SceneObjectPart (prim). This will need to be added separately to a SceneObjectGroup
public SceneObjectPart(
UUID ownerID, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, Vector3 groupPosition,
Quaternion rotationOffset, Vector3 offsetPosition)
m_name = "Object";
Rezzed = DateTime.UtcNow;
_creationDate = (int)Utils.DateTimeToUnixTime(Rezzed);
_ownerID = ownerID;
_creatorID = _ownerID;
_lastOwnerID = UUID.Zero;
UUID = UUID.Random();
Shape = shape;
// Todo: Add More Object Parameter from above!
_ownershipCost = 0;
_objectSaleType = 0;
_salePrice = 0;
_category = 0;
_lastOwnerID = _creatorID;
// End Todo: ///
GroupPosition = groupPosition;
OffsetPosition = offsetPosition;
RotationOffset = rotationOffset;
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
Acceleration = Vector3.Zero;
m_TextureAnimation = Utils.EmptyBytes;
m_particleSystem = Utils.EmptyBytes;
// Prims currently only contain a single folder (Contents). From looking at the Second Life protocol,
// this appears to have the same UUID (!) as the prim. If this isn't the case, one can't drag items from
// the prim into an agent inventory (Linden client reports that the "Object not found for drop" in its log
Flags = 0;
CreateSelected = true;
m_inventory = new SceneObjectPartInventory(this);
#endregion Constructors
#region XML Schema
private UUID _lastOwnerID;
private UUID _ownerID;
private UUID _groupID;
private int _ownershipCost;
private byte _objectSaleType;
private int _salePrice;
private uint _category;
private Int32 _creationDate;
private uint _parentID = 0;
private UUID m_sitTargetAvatar = UUID.Zero;
private uint _baseMask = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
private uint _ownerMask = (uint)PermissionMask.All;
private uint _groupMask = (uint)PermissionMask.None;
private uint _everyoneMask = (uint)PermissionMask.None;
private uint _nextOwnerMask = (uint)(PermissionMask.Move | PermissionMask.Modify | PermissionMask.Transfer);
private PrimFlags _flags = PrimFlags.None;
private DateTime m_expires;
private DateTime m_rezzed;
private bool m_createSelected = false;
private string m_creatorData = string.Empty;
public UUID CreatorID
return _creatorID;
_creatorID = value;
/// Data about the creator in the form profile_url;name
public string CreatorData
get { return m_creatorData; }
set { m_creatorData = value; }
/// Used by the DB layer to retrieve / store the entire user identification.
/// The identification can either be a simple UUID or a string of the form
/// uuid[;profile_url[;name]]
public string CreatorIdentification
if (m_creatorData != null && m_creatorData != string.Empty)
return _creatorID.ToString() + ';' + m_creatorData;
return _creatorID.ToString();
if ((value == null) || (value != null && value == string.Empty))
m_creatorData = string.Empty;
if (!value.Contains(";")) // plain UUID
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
UUID.TryParse(value, out uuid);
_creatorID = uuid;
else // [;[;name]]
string name = "Unknown User";
string[] parts = value.Split(';');
if (parts.Length >= 1)
UUID uuid = UUID.Zero;
UUID.TryParse(parts[0], out uuid);
_creatorID = uuid;
if (parts.Length >= 2)
m_creatorData = parts[1];
if (parts.Length >= 3)
name = parts[2];
m_creatorData += ';' + name;
/// A relic from when we we thought that prims contained folder objects. In
/// reality, prim == folder
/// Exposing this is not particularly good, but it's one of the least evils at the moment to see
/// folder id from prim inventory item data, since it's not (yet) actually stored with the prim.
public UUID FolderID
get { return UUID; }
set { } // Don't allow assignment, or legacy prims wil b0rk - but we need the setter for legacy serialization.
/// Access should be via Inventory directly - this property temporarily remains for xml serialization purposes
public uint InventorySerial
get { return m_inventory.Serial; }
set { m_inventory.Serial = value; }
/// Get the inventory list
public TaskInventoryDictionary TaskInventory
get {
return m_inventory.Items;
set {
m_inventory.Items = value;
/// This is idential to the Flags property, except that the returned value is uint rather than PrimFlags
[Obsolete("Use Flags property instead")]
public uint ObjectFlags
get { return (uint)Flags; }
set { Flags = (PrimFlags)value; }
public UUID UUID
get { return m_uuid; }
m_uuid = value;
// This is necessary so that TaskInventoryItem parent ids correctly reference the new uuid of this part
if (Inventory != null)
public uint LocalId
get { return m_localId; }
set { m_localId = value; }
public virtual string Name
get { return m_name; }
m_name = value;
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.SOPName = value;
public byte Material
get { return (byte) m_material; }
m_material = (Material)value;
if (PhysActor != null)
public bool PassTouches
get { return m_passTouches; }
m_passTouches = value;
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public Dictionary CollisionFilter
get { return m_CollisionFilter; }
m_CollisionFilter = value;
public Quaternion APIDTarget
get { return m_APIDTarget; }
set { m_APIDTarget = value; }
public float APIDDamp
get { return m_APIDDamp; }
set { m_APIDDamp = value; }
public float APIDStrength
get { return m_APIDStrength; }
set { m_APIDStrength = value; }
public ulong RegionHandle
get { return m_regionHandle; }
set { m_regionHandle = value; }
public int ScriptAccessPin
get { return m_scriptAccessPin; }
set { m_scriptAccessPin = (int)value; }
private SceneObjectPart m_PlaySoundMasterPrim = null;
public SceneObjectPart PlaySoundMasterPrim
get { return m_PlaySoundMasterPrim; }
set { m_PlaySoundMasterPrim = value; }
private List m_PlaySoundSlavePrims = new List();
public List PlaySoundSlavePrims
get { return m_PlaySoundSlavePrims; }
set { m_PlaySoundSlavePrims = value; }
private SceneObjectPart m_LoopSoundMasterPrim = null;
public SceneObjectPart LoopSoundMasterPrim
get { return m_LoopSoundMasterPrim; }
set { m_LoopSoundMasterPrim = value; }
private List m_LoopSoundSlavePrims = new List();
public List LoopSoundSlavePrims
get { return m_LoopSoundSlavePrims; }
set { m_LoopSoundSlavePrims = value; }
public Byte[] TextureAnimation
get { return m_TextureAnimation; }
set { m_TextureAnimation = value; }
public Byte[] ParticleSystem
get { return m_particleSystem; }
set { m_particleSystem = value; }
public DateTime Expires
get { return m_expires; }
set { m_expires = value; }
public DateTime Rezzed
get { return m_rezzed; }
set { m_rezzed = value; }
public float Damage
get { return m_damage; }
set { m_damage = value; }
/// The position of the entire group that this prim belongs to.
public Vector3 GroupPosition
// If this is a linkset, we don't want the physics engine mucking up our group position here.
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (_parentID == 0)
if (actor != null)
m_groupPosition = actor.Position;
return m_groupPosition;
if (m_parentGroup.IsAttachment)
ScenePresence sp = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetScenePresence(ParentGroup.AttachedAvatar);
if (sp != null)
return sp.AbsolutePosition;
// use root prim's group position. Physics may have updated it
if (ParentGroup.RootPart != this)
m_groupPosition = ParentGroup.RootPart.GroupPosition;
return m_groupPosition;
m_groupPosition = value;
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
// Root prim actually goes at Position
if (_parentID == 0)
actor.Position = value;
// To move the child prim in respect to the group position and rotation we have to calculate
actor.Position = GetWorldPosition();
actor.Orientation = GetWorldRotation();
// Tell the physics engines that this prim changed.
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("[SCENEOBJECTPART]: GROUP POSITION. " + e.Message);
public Vector3 OffsetPosition
get { return m_offsetPosition; }
Vector3 oldpos = m_offsetPosition;
m_offsetPosition = value;
if (ParentGroup != null && !ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (_parentID != 0 && actor != null)
actor.Position = GetWorldPosition();
actor.Orientation = GetWorldRotation();
// Tell the physics engines that this prim changed.
if (m_parentGroup.Scene != null)
if (!m_parentGroup.m_dupeInProgress)
List avs = ParentGroup.GetLinkedAvatars();
foreach (ScenePresence av in avs)
if (av.LinkedPrim == m_uuid)
Vector3 offset = (m_offsetPosition - oldpos);
av.AbsolutePosition += offset;
public Vector3 RelativePosition
if (IsRoot)
if (m_parentGroup.IsAttachment)
return AttachedPos;
return AbsolutePosition;
return OffsetPosition;
public Quaternion RotationOffset
// We don't want the physics engine mucking up the rotations in a linkset
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (_parentID == 0 && (Shape.PCode != 9 || Shape.State == 0) && actor != null)
if (actor.Orientation.X != 0f || actor.Orientation.Y != 0f
|| actor.Orientation.Z != 0f || actor.Orientation.W != 0f)
m_rotationOffset = actor.Orientation;
return m_rotationOffset;
m_rotationOffset = value;
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
// Root prim gets value directly
if (_parentID == 0)
actor.Orientation = value;
//m_log.Info("[PART]: RO1:" + actor.Orientation.ToString());
// Child prim we have to calculate it's world rotationwel
Quaternion resultingrotation = GetWorldRotation();
actor.Orientation = resultingrotation;
//m_log.Info("[PART]: RO2:" + actor.Orientation.ToString());
if (m_parentGroup != null)
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.Error("[SCENEOBJECTPART]: ROTATIONOFFSET" + ex.Message);
public Vector3 Velocity
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
if (actor.IsPhysical)
m_velocity = actor.Velocity;
return m_velocity;
m_velocity = value;
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
if (actor.IsPhysical)
actor.Velocity = value;
public Vector3 AngularVelocity
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if ((actor != null) && actor.IsPhysical)
m_angularVelocity = actor.RotationalVelocity;
return m_angularVelocity;
set { m_angularVelocity = value; }
public Vector3 Acceleration
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
m_acceleration = actor.Acceleration;
return m_acceleration;
set { m_acceleration = value; }
public string Description
get { return m_description; }
m_description = value;
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
actor.SOPDescription = value;
/// Text color.
public Color Color
get { return m_color; }
m_color = value;
/* ScheduleFullUpdate() need not be called b/c after
* setting the color, the text will be set, so then
* ScheduleFullUpdate() will be called. */
public string Text
string returnstr = m_text;
if (returnstr.Length > 255)
returnstr = returnstr.Substring(0, 254);
return returnstr;
m_text = value;
public string SitName
get { return m_sitName; }
set { m_sitName = value; }
public string TouchName
get { return m_touchName; }
set { m_touchName = value; }
public int LinkNum
get { return m_linkNum; }
set { m_linkNum = value; }
public byte ClickAction
get { return m_clickAction; }
m_clickAction = value;
public PrimitiveBaseShape Shape
get { return m_shape; }
set { m_shape = value; }
/// Change the scale of this part.
public Vector3 Scale
get { return m_shape.Scale; }
if (m_shape != null)
m_shape.Scale = value;
PhysicsActor actor = PhysActor;
if (actor != null)
if (m_parentGroup.Scene != null)
if (m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene != null)
actor.Size = m_shape.Scale;
if (Shape.SculptEntry)
public byte UpdateFlag
get { return m_updateFlag; }
set { m_updateFlag = value; }
/// Used for media on a prim.
/// Do not change this value directly - always do it through an IMoapModule.
public string MediaUrl
return m_mediaUrl;
m_mediaUrl = value;
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public bool CreateSelected
get { return m_createSelected; }
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SOP]: Setting CreateSelected to {0} for {1} {2}", value, Name, UUID);
m_createSelected = value;
#region Public Properties with only Get
public Vector3 AbsolutePosition
if (m_parentGroup.IsAttachment)
return GroupPosition;
return m_offsetPosition + m_groupPosition;
public SceneObjectGroup ParentGroup
get { return m_parentGroup; }
public scriptEvents ScriptEvents
get { return AggregateScriptEvents; }
public Quaternion SitTargetOrientation
get { return m_sitTargetOrientation; }
set { m_sitTargetOrientation = value; }
public Vector3 SitTargetPosition
get { return m_sitTargetPosition; }
set { m_sitTargetPosition = value; }
// This sort of sucks, but I'm adding these in to make some of
// the mappings more consistant.
public Vector3 SitTargetPositionLL
get { return new Vector3(m_sitTargetPosition.X, m_sitTargetPosition.Y,m_sitTargetPosition.Z); }
set { m_sitTargetPosition = value; }
public Quaternion SitTargetOrientationLL
return new Quaternion(
set { m_sitTargetOrientation = new Quaternion(value.X, value.Y, value.Z, value.W); }
public bool Stopped
get {
double threshold = 0.02;
return (Math.Abs(Velocity.X) < threshold &&
Math.Abs(Velocity.Y) < threshold &&
Math.Abs(Velocity.Z) < threshold &&
Math.Abs(AngularVelocity.X) < threshold &&
Math.Abs(AngularVelocity.Y) < threshold &&
Math.Abs(AngularVelocity.Z) < threshold);
public uint ParentID
get { return _parentID; }
set { _parentID = value; }
public int CreationDate
get { return _creationDate; }
set { _creationDate = value; }
public uint Category
get { return _category; }
set { _category = value; }
public int SalePrice
get { return _salePrice; }
set { _salePrice = value; }
public byte ObjectSaleType
get { return _objectSaleType; }
set { _objectSaleType = value; }
public int OwnershipCost
get { return _ownershipCost; }
set { _ownershipCost = value; }
public UUID GroupID
get { return _groupID; }
set { _groupID = value; }
public UUID OwnerID
get { return _ownerID; }
set { _ownerID = value; }
public UUID LastOwnerID
get { return _lastOwnerID; }
set { _lastOwnerID = value; }
public uint BaseMask
get { return _baseMask; }
set { _baseMask = value; }
public uint OwnerMask
get { return _ownerMask; }
set { _ownerMask = value; }
public uint GroupMask
get { return _groupMask; }
set { _groupMask = value; }
public uint EveryoneMask
get { return _everyoneMask; }
set { _everyoneMask = value; }
public uint NextOwnerMask
get { return _nextOwnerMask; }
set { _nextOwnerMask = value; }
/// Property flags. See OpenMetaverse.PrimFlags
/// Example properties are PrimFlags.Phantom and PrimFlags.DieAtEdge
public PrimFlags Flags
get { return _flags; }
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SOP]: Setting flags for {0} {1} to {2}", UUID, Name, value);
_flags = value;
public bool IsOccupied // KF If an av is sittingon this prim
get { return m_occupied; }
set { m_occupied = value; }
public UUID SitTargetAvatar
get { return m_sitTargetAvatar; }
set { m_sitTargetAvatar = value; }
public virtual UUID RegionID
if (ParentGroup.Scene != null)
return ParentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionID;
return UUID.Zero;
set {} // read only
private UUID _parentUUID = UUID.Zero;
public UUID ParentUUID
if (ParentGroup != null)
_parentUUID = ParentGroup.UUID;
return _parentUUID;
set { _parentUUID = value; }
public string SitAnimation
get { return m_sitAnimation; }
set { m_sitAnimation = value; }
public UUID CollisionSound
get { return m_collisionSound; }
m_collisionSound = value;
public float CollisionSoundVolume
get { return m_collisionSoundVolume; }
set { m_collisionSoundVolume = value; }
public float Buoyancy
get { return m_buoyancy; }
m_buoyancy = value;
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.Buoyancy = value;
#endregion Public Properties with only Get
private uint ApplyMask(uint val, bool set, uint mask)
if (set)
return val |= mask;
return val &= ~mask;
/// Clear all pending updates of parts to clients
private void ClearUpdateSchedule()
m_updateFlag = 0;
/// Send this part's properties (name, description, inventory serial, base mask, etc.) to a client
public void SendPropertiesToClient(IClientAPI client)
/// For the scene object group to which this part belongs, send that scene object's root part properties to a client.
private void SendRootPartPropertiesToClient(UUID AgentID)
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
// Ugly reference :(
if (avatar.UUID == AgentID)
// TODO: unused:
// private void handleTimerAccounting(uint localID, double interval)
// {
// if (localID == LocalId)
// {
// float sec = (float)interval;
// if (m_parentGroup != null)
// {
// if (sec == 0)
// {
// if (m_parentGroup.scriptScore + 0.001f >= float.MaxValue - 0.001)
// m_parentGroup.scriptScore = 0;
// m_parentGroup.scriptScore += 0.001f;
// return;
// }
// if (m_parentGroup.scriptScore + (0.001f / sec) >= float.MaxValue - (0.001f / sec))
// m_parentGroup.scriptScore = 0;
// m_parentGroup.scriptScore += (0.001f / sec);
// }
// }
// }
#region Public Methods
public void ResetExpire()
Expires = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(600000000);
public void AddFlag(PrimFlags flag)
// PrimFlags prevflag = Flags;
if ((Flags & flag) == 0)
//m_log.Debug("Adding flag: " + ((PrimFlags) flag).ToString());
Flags |= flag;
if (flag == PrimFlags.TemporaryOnRez)
// m_log.Debug("Aprev: " + prevflag.ToString() + " curr: " + Flags.ToString());
/// Tell all scene presences that they should send updates for this part to their clients
public void AddFullUpdateToAllAvatars()
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
/// Tell the scene presence that it should send updates for this part to its client
public void AddFullUpdateToAvatar(ScenePresence presence)
public void AddNewParticleSystem(Primitive.ParticleSystem pSystem)
m_particleSystem = pSystem.GetBytes();
public void RemoveParticleSystem()
m_particleSystem = new byte[0];
/// Terse updates
public void AddTerseUpdateToAllAvatars()
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
public void AddTerseUpdateToAvatar(ScenePresence presence)
public void AddTextureAnimation(Primitive.TextureAnimation pTexAnim)
byte[] data = new byte[16];
int pos = 0;
// The flags don't like conversion from uint to byte, so we have to do
// it the crappy way. See the above function :(
data[pos] = ConvertScriptUintToByte((uint)pTexAnim.Flags); pos++;
data[pos] = (byte)pTexAnim.Face; pos++;
data[pos] = (byte)pTexAnim.SizeX; pos++;
data[pos] = (byte)pTexAnim.SizeY; pos++;
Utils.FloatToBytes(pTexAnim.Start).CopyTo(data, pos);
Utils.FloatToBytes(pTexAnim.Length).CopyTo(data, pos + 4);
Utils.FloatToBytes(pTexAnim.Rate).CopyTo(data, pos + 8);
m_TextureAnimation = data;
public void AdjustSoundGain(double volume)
if (volume > 1)
volume = 1;
if (volume < 0)
volume = 0;
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence sp)
if (!sp.IsChildAgent)
sp.ControllingClient.SendAttachedSoundGainChange(UUID, (float)volume);
/// hook to the physics scene to apply impulse
/// This is sent up to the group, which then finds the root prim
/// and applies the force on the root prim of the group
/// Vector force
/// true for the local frame, false for the global frame
public void ApplyImpulse(Vector3 impulsei, bool localGlobalTF)
Vector3 impulse = impulsei;
if (localGlobalTF)
Quaternion grot = GetWorldRotation();
Quaternion AXgrot = grot;
Vector3 AXimpulsei = impulsei;
Vector3 newimpulse = AXimpulsei * AXgrot;
impulse = newimpulse;
if (m_parentGroup != null)
/// hook to the physics scene to apply angular impulse
/// This is sent up to the group, which then finds the root prim
/// and applies the force on the root prim of the group
/// Vector force
/// true for the local frame, false for the global frame
public void ApplyAngularImpulse(Vector3 impulsei, bool localGlobalTF)
Vector3 impulse = impulsei;
if (localGlobalTF)
Quaternion grot = GetWorldRotation();
Quaternion AXgrot = grot;
Vector3 AXimpulsei = impulsei;
Vector3 newimpulse = AXimpulsei * AXgrot;
impulse = newimpulse;
/// hook to the physics scene to apply angular impulse
/// This is sent up to the group, which then finds the root prim
/// and applies the force on the root prim of the group
/// Vector force
/// true for the local frame, false for the global frame
public void SetAngularImpulse(Vector3 impulsei, bool localGlobalTF)
Vector3 impulse = impulsei;
if (localGlobalTF)
Quaternion grot = GetWorldRotation();
Quaternion AXgrot = grot;
Vector3 AXimpulsei = impulsei;
Vector3 newimpulse = AXimpulsei * AXgrot;
impulse = newimpulse;
/// Apply physics to this part.
public void ApplyPhysics(uint rootObjectFlags, bool VolumeDetectActive, bool m_physicalPrim)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Applying physics to {0} {1} {2}", Name, LocalId, UUID);
bool isPhysical = (((rootObjectFlags & (uint) PrimFlags.Physics) != 0) && m_physicalPrim);
bool isPhantom = ((rootObjectFlags & (uint) PrimFlags.Phantom) != 0);
if (IsJoint())
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(isPhysical, true);
// Special case for VolumeDetection: If VolumeDetection is set, the phantom flag is locally ignored
if (VolumeDetectActive)
isPhantom = false;
// Added clarification.. since A rigid body is an object that you can kick around, etc.
bool RigidBody = isPhysical && !isPhantom;
// The only time the physics scene shouldn't know about the prim is if it's phantom or an attachment, which is phantom by definition
// or flexible
if (!isPhantom && !m_parentGroup.IsAttachment && !(Shape.PathCurve == (byte) Extrusion.Flexible))
PhysActor = m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.AddPrimShape(
string.Format("{0}/{1}", Name, UUID),
m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE]: caught exception meshing object {0}. Object set to phantom.", m_uuid);
PhysActor = null;
// Basic Physics returns null.. joy joy joy.
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.SOPName = this.Name; // save object name and desc into the PhysActor so ODE internals know the joint/body info
PhysActor.SOPDescription = this.Description;
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(RigidBody, true);
PhysActor.SetVolumeDetect(VolumeDetectActive ? 1 : 0);
m_log.DebugFormat("[SOP]: physics actor is null for {0} with parent {1}", UUID, this.ParentGroup.UUID);
public byte ConvertScriptUintToByte(uint indata)
byte outdata = (byte)TextureAnimFlags.NONE;
if ((indata & 1) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.ANIM_ON;
if ((indata & 2) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.LOOP;
if ((indata & 4) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.REVERSE;
if ((indata & 8) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.PING_PONG;
if ((indata & 16) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.SMOOTH;
if ((indata & 32) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.ROTATE;
if ((indata & 64) != 0) outdata |= (byte)TextureAnimFlags.SCALE;
return outdata;
/// Duplicates this part.
/// True if the duplicate will immediately be in the scene, false otherwise
public SceneObjectPart Copy(uint localID, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, int linkNum, bool userExposed)
SceneObjectPart dupe = (SceneObjectPart)MemberwiseClone();
dupe.m_shape = m_shape.Copy();
dupe.m_regionHandle = m_regionHandle;
if (userExposed)
dupe.UUID = UUID.Random();
//memberwiseclone means it also clones the physics actor reference
// This will make physical prim 'bounce' if not set to null.
if (!userExposed)
dupe.PhysActor = null;
dupe._ownerID = AgentID;
dupe._groupID = GroupID;
dupe.GroupPosition = GroupPosition;
dupe.OffsetPosition = OffsetPosition;
dupe.RotationOffset = RotationOffset;
dupe.Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
dupe.Acceleration = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
dupe.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
dupe.Flags = Flags;
dupe._ownershipCost = _ownershipCost;
dupe._objectSaleType = _objectSaleType;
dupe._salePrice = _salePrice;
dupe._category = _category;
dupe.m_rezzed = m_rezzed;
dupe.m_inventory = new SceneObjectPartInventory(dupe);
dupe.m_inventory.Items = (TaskInventoryDictionary)m_inventory.Items.Clone();
if (userExposed)
dupe.m_inventory.HasInventoryChanged = true;
dupe.m_inventory.HasInventoryChanged = m_inventory.HasInventoryChanged;
// Move afterwards ResetIDs as it clears the localID
dupe.LocalId = localID;
if(dupe.PhysActor != null)
dupe.PhysActor.LocalID = localID;
// This may be wrong... it might have to be applied in SceneObjectGroup to the object that's being duplicated.
dupe._lastOwnerID = OwnerID;
byte[] extraP = new byte[Shape.ExtraParams.Length];
Array.Copy(Shape.ExtraParams, extraP, extraP.Length);
dupe.Shape.ExtraParams = extraP;
if (userExposed)
if (dupe.m_shape.SculptEntry && dupe.m_shape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
dupe.m_shape.SculptTexture.ToString(), dupe, dupe.AssetReceived);
bool UsePhysics = ((dupe.Flags & PrimFlags.Physics) != 0);
dupe.DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, true);
ParentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerOnSceneObjectPartCopy(dupe, this, userExposed);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Clone of {0} {1} finished", Name, UUID);
return dupe;
/// Called back by asynchronous asset fetch.
/// ID of asset received
/// Register
protected void AssetReceived(string id, Object sender, AssetBase asset)
if (asset != null)
"[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Part {0} {1} requested mesh/sculpt data for asset id {2} from asset service but received no data",
Name, LocalId, id);
/// Do a physics property update for a NINJA joint.
protected void DoPhysicsPropertyUpdateForNinjaJoint(bool UsePhysics, bool isNew)
if (UsePhysics)
// by turning a joint proxy object physical, we cause creation of a joint in the ODE scene.
// note that, as a special case, joints have no bodies or geoms in the physics scene, even though they are physical.
PhysicsJointType jointType;
if (IsHingeJoint())
jointType = PhysicsJointType.Hinge;
else if (IsBallJoint())
jointType = PhysicsJointType.Ball;
jointType = PhysicsJointType.Ball;
List bodyNames = new List();
string RawParams = Description;
string[] jointParams = RawParams.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string trackedBodyName = null;
if (jointParams.Length >= 2)
for (int iBodyName = 0; iBodyName < 2; iBodyName++)
string bodyName = jointParams[iBodyName];
if (bodyName != "NULL")
if (trackedBodyName == null)
trackedBodyName = bodyName;
SceneObjectPart trackedBody = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(trackedBodyName); // FIXME: causes a sequential lookup
Quaternion localRotation = Quaternion.Identity;
if (trackedBody != null)
localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(trackedBody.RotationOffset) * this.RotationOffset;
// error, output it below
PhysicsJoint joint;
joint = m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.RequestJointCreation(Name, jointType,
if (trackedBody == null)
ParentGroup.Scene.jointErrorMessage(joint, "warning: tracked body name not found! joint location will not be updated properly. joint: " + Name);
if (isNew)
// if the joint proxy is new, and it is not physical, do nothing. There is no joint in ODE to
// delete, and if we try to delete it, due to asynchronous processing, the deletion request
// will get processed later at an indeterminate time, which could cancel a later-arriving
// joint creation request.
// here we turn off the joint object, so remove the joint from the physics scene
m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.RequestJointDeletion(Name); // FIXME: what if the name changed?
// make sure client isn't interpolating the joint proxy object
Velocity = Vector3.Zero;
AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
Acceleration = Vector3.Zero;
/// Do a physics propery update for this part.
public void DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(bool UsePhysics, bool isNew)
if (IsJoint())
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdateForNinjaJoint(UsePhysics, isNew);
if (PhysActor != null)
if (UsePhysics != PhysActor.IsPhysical || isNew)
if (PhysActor.IsPhysical) // implies UsePhysics==false for this block
if (!isNew)
PhysActor.OnRequestTerseUpdate -= PhysicsRequestingTerseUpdate;
PhysActor.OnOutOfBounds -= PhysicsOutOfBounds;
if (ParentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints && (!isNew))
// destroy all joints connected to this now deactivated body
// stop client-side interpolation of all joint proxy objects that have just been deleted
// this is done because RemoveAllJointsConnectedToActor invokes the OnJointDeactivated callback,
// which stops client-side interpolation of deactivated joint proxy objects.
if (!UsePhysics && !isNew)
// reset velocity to 0 on physics switch-off. Without that, the client thinks the
// prim still has velocity and continues to interpolate its position along the old
// velocity-vector.
Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Acceleration = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
AngularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
//RotationalVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
PhysActor.IsPhysical = UsePhysics;
// If we're not what we're supposed to be in the physics scene, recreate ourselves.
/// that's not wholesome. Had to make Scene public
//PhysActor = null;
if ((Flags & PrimFlags.Phantom) == 0)
if (UsePhysics)
PhysActor.OnRequestTerseUpdate += PhysicsRequestingTerseUpdate;
PhysActor.OnOutOfBounds += PhysicsOutOfBounds;
if (_parentID != 0 && _parentID != LocalId)
if (ParentGroup.RootPart.PhysActor != null)
// If this part is a sculpt then delay the physics update until we've asynchronously loaded the
// mesh data.
if (Shape.SculptEntry)
/// Restore this part from the serialized xml representation.
public static SceneObjectPart FromXml(XmlTextReader xmlReader)
SceneObjectPart part = SceneObjectSerializer.Xml2ToSOP(xmlReader);
// for tempOnRez objects, we have to fix the Expire date.
if ((part.Flags & PrimFlags.TemporaryOnRez) != 0)
return part;
public UUID GetAvatarOnSitTarget()
return m_sitTargetAvatar;
public bool GetDieAtEdge()
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
return false;
return m_parentGroup.RootPart.DIE_AT_EDGE;
public bool GetReturnAtEdge()
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
return false;
return m_parentGroup.RootPart.RETURN_AT_EDGE;
public void SetReturnAtEdge(bool p)
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
m_parentGroup.RootPart.RETURN_AT_EDGE = p;
public bool GetBlockGrab()
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
return false;
return m_parentGroup.RootPart.BlockGrab;
public void SetBlockGrab(bool p)
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
m_parentGroup.RootPart.BlockGrab = p;
public void SetStatusSandbox(bool p)
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
StatusSandboxPos = m_parentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition;
m_parentGroup.RootPart.StatusSandbox = p;
public bool GetStatusSandbox()
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
return false;
return m_parentGroup.RootPart.StatusSandbox;
public int GetAxisRotation(int axis)
//Cannot use ScriptBaseClass constants as no referance to it currently.
if (axis == 2)//STATUS_ROTATE_X
if (axis == 4)//STATUS_ROTATE_Y
if (axis == 8)//STATUS_ROTATE_Z
return 0;
public double GetDistanceTo(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
float dx = a.X - b.X;
float dy = a.Y - b.Y;
float dz = a.Z - b.Z;
return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
public uint GetEffectiveObjectFlags()
// Commenting this section of code out since it doesn't actually do anything, as enums are handled by
// value rather than reference
// PrimFlags f = _flags;
// if (m_parentGroup == null || m_parentGroup.RootPart == this)
// f &= ~(PrimFlags.Touch | PrimFlags.Money);
return (uint)Flags | (uint)LocalFlags;
public Vector3 GetGeometricCenter()
if (PhysActor != null)
return new Vector3(PhysActor.CenterOfMass.X, PhysActor.CenterOfMass.Y, PhysActor.CenterOfMass.Z);
return new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public float GetMass()
if (PhysActor != null)
return PhysActor.Mass;
return 0;
public Vector3 GetForce()
if (PhysActor != null)
return PhysActor.Force;
return Vector3.Zero;
/// Method for a prim to get it's world position from the group.
/// Remember, the Group Position simply gives the position of the group itself
/// A Linked Child Prim objects position in world
public Vector3 GetWorldPosition()
Quaternion parentRot = ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset;
Vector3 axPos = OffsetPosition;
axPos *= parentRot;
Vector3 translationOffsetPosition = axPos;
if(_parentID == 0)
return GroupPosition;
return ParentGroup.AbsolutePosition + translationOffsetPosition; //KF: Fix child prim position
/// Gets the rotation of this prim offset by the group rotation
public Quaternion GetWorldRotation()
Quaternion newRot;
if (this.LinkNum == 0 || this.LinkNum == 1)
newRot = RotationOffset;
Quaternion parentRot = ParentGroup.RootPart.RotationOffset;
Quaternion oldRot = RotationOffset;
newRot = parentRot * oldRot;
return newRot;
public void MoveToTarget(Vector3 target, float tau)
if (tau > 0)
m_parentGroup.moveToTarget(target, tau);
/// Uses a PID to attempt to clamp the object on the Z axis at the given height over tau seconds.
/// Height to hover. Height of zero disables hover.
/// Determines what the height is relative to
/// Number of seconds over which to reach target
public void SetHoverHeight(float height, PIDHoverType hoverType, float tau)
m_parentGroup.SetHoverHeight(height, hoverType, tau);
public void StopHover()
m_parentGroup.SetHoverHeight(0f, PIDHoverType.Ground, 0f);
public virtual void OnGrab(Vector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
public void PhysicsCollision(EventArgs e)
// single threaded here
if (e == null)
CollisionEventUpdate a = (CollisionEventUpdate)e;
Dictionary collissionswith = a.m_objCollisionList;
List thisHitColliders = new List();
List endedColliders = new List();
List startedColliders = new List();
// calculate things that started colliding this time
// and build up list of colliders this time
foreach (uint localid in collissionswith.Keys)
if (!m_lastColliders.Contains(localid))
//m_log.Debug("[OBJECT]: Collided with:" + localid.ToString() + " at depth of: " + collissionswith[localid].ToString());
// calculate things that ended colliding
foreach (uint localID in m_lastColliders)
if (!thisHitColliders.Contains(localID))
//add the items that started colliding this time to the last colliders list.
foreach (uint localID in startedColliders)
// remove things that ended colliding from the last colliders list
foreach (uint localID in endedColliders)
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
// play the sound.
if (startedColliders.Count > 0 && CollisionSound != UUID.Zero && CollisionSoundVolume > 0.0f)
SendSound(CollisionSound.ToString(), CollisionSoundVolume, true, (byte)0, 0, false, false);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) != 0)
// do event notification
if (startedColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs StartCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in startedColliders)
if (localId == 0)
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
SceneObjectPart obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
string data = "";
if (obj != null)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString())
|| m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence av)
if (av.LocalId == localId)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString())
|| m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
StartCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
if (m_parentGroup.PassCollision == true)
//TODO: Add pass to root prim!
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptCollidingStart(LocalId, StartCollidingMessage);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0)
if (m_lastColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs CollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in m_lastColliders)
// always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
if (localId == 0)
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
SceneObjectPart obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
string data = "";
if (obj != null)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString())
|| m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence av)
if (av.LocalId == localId)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString())
|| m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
CollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptColliding(LocalId, CollidingMessage);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) != 0)
if (endedColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs EndCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in endedColliders)
if (localId == 0)
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
SceneObjectPart obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
string data = "";
if (obj != null)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString()) || m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = obj.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = obj.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = obj._ownerID;
detobj.posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation();
detobj.velVector = obj.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = obj._groupID;
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence av)
if (av.LocalId == localId)
if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString())
|| m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.Name))
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
if (found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
//If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
//If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
if (!found)
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name;
detobj.ownerUUID = av.UUID;
detobj.posVector = av.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = av.Rotation;
detobj.velVector = av.Velocity;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = av.ControllingClient.ActiveGroupId;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
EndCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptCollidingEnd(LocalId, EndCollidingMessage);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) != 0)
if (startedColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs LandStartCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in startedColliders)
if (localId == 0)
//Hope that all is left is ground!
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.nameStr = "";
detobj.ownerUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.posVector = m_parentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity;
detobj.velVector = Vector3.Zero;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = UUID.Zero;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
LandStartCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptLandCollidingStart(LocalId, LandStartCollidingMessage);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0)
if (m_lastColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs LandCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in startedColliders)
if (localId == 0)
//Hope that all is left is ground!
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.nameStr = "";
detobj.ownerUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.posVector = m_parentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity;
detobj.velVector = Vector3.Zero;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = UUID.Zero;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
LandCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptLandColliding(LocalId, LandCollidingMessage);
if ((m_parentGroup.RootPart.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) != 0)
if (endedColliders.Count > 0)
ColliderArgs LandEndCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
List colliding = new List();
foreach (uint localId in startedColliders)
if (localId == 0)
//Hope that all is left is ground!
DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject();
detobj.keyUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.nameStr = "";
detobj.ownerUUID = UUID.Zero;
detobj.posVector = m_parentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition;
detobj.rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity;
detobj.velVector = Vector3.Zero;
detobj.colliderType = 0;
detobj.groupUUID = UUID.Zero;
if (colliding.Count > 0)
LandEndCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptLandCollidingEnd(LocalId, LandEndCollidingMessage);
public void PhysicsOutOfBounds(Vector3 pos)
m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: Physical Object went out of bounds.");
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(false, true);
public void PhysicsRequestingTerseUpdate()
if (PhysActor != null)
Vector3 newpos = new Vector3(PhysActor.Position.GetBytes(), 0);
if (m_parentGroup.Scene.TestBorderCross(newpos, Cardinals.N)
| m_parentGroup.Scene.TestBorderCross(newpos, Cardinals.S)
| m_parentGroup.Scene.TestBorderCross(newpos, Cardinals.E)
| m_parentGroup.Scene.TestBorderCross(newpos, Cardinals.W))
m_parentGroup.AbsolutePosition = newpos;
//m_parentGroup.RootPart.m_groupPosition = newpos;
public void PreloadSound(string sound)
// UUID ownerID = OwnerID;
UUID objectID = ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID;
UUID soundID = UUID.Zero;
if (!UUID.TryParse(sound, out soundID))
//Trys to fetch sound id from prim's inventory.
//Prim's inventory doesn't support non script items yet
foreach (KeyValuePair item in TaskInventory)
if (item.Value.Name == sound)
soundID = item.Value.ItemID;
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence sp)
if (sp.IsChildAgent)
if (!(Util.GetDistanceTo(sp.AbsolutePosition, AbsolutePosition) >= 100))
sp.ControllingClient.SendPreLoadSound(objectID, objectID, soundID);
public void RemFlag(PrimFlags flag)
// PrimFlags prevflag = Flags;
if ((Flags & flag) != 0)
//m_log.Debug("Removing flag: " + ((PrimFlags)flag).ToString());
Flags &= ~flag;
//m_log.Debug("prev: " + prevflag.ToString() + " curr: " + Flags.ToString());
public void RemoveScriptEvents(UUID scriptid)
lock (m_scriptEvents)
if (m_scriptEvents.ContainsKey(scriptid))
scriptEvents oldparts = scriptEvents.None;
oldparts = (scriptEvents) m_scriptEvents[scriptid];
// remove values from aggregated script events
AggregateScriptEvents &= ~oldparts;
/// Reset UUIDs for this part. This involves generate this part's own UUID and
/// generating new UUIDs for all the items in the inventory.
/// Link number for the part
public void ResetIDs(int linkNum)
UUID = UUID.Random();
LinkNum = linkNum;
LocalId = 0;
/// Set the scale of this part.
/// Unlike the scale property, this checks the new size against scene limits and schedules a full property
/// update to viewers.
public void Resize(Vector3 scale)
scale.X = Math.Min(scale.X, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxNonphys);
scale.Y = Math.Min(scale.Y, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxNonphys);
scale.Z = Math.Min(scale.Z, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxNonphys);
if (PhysActor != null && PhysActor.IsPhysical)
scale.X = Math.Min(scale.X, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxPhys);
scale.Y = Math.Min(scale.Y, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxPhys);
scale.Z = Math.Min(scale.Z, ParentGroup.Scene.m_maxPhys);
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Resizing {0} {1} to {2}", Name, LocalId, scale);
Scale = scale;
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public void RotLookAt(Quaternion target, float strength, float damping)
m_parentGroup.rotLookAt(target, strength, damping); // This calls method in SceneObjectGroup.
public void rotLookAt(Quaternion target, float strength, float damping)
if (m_parentGroup.IsAttachment)
ScenePresence avatar = m_scene.GetScenePresence(rootpart.AttachedAvatar);
if (avatar != null)
Rotate the Av?
} */
APIDDamp = damping;
APIDStrength = strength;
APIDTarget = target;
public void startLookAt(Quaternion rot, float damp, float strength)
APIDDamp = damp;
APIDStrength = strength;
APIDTarget = rot;
public void stopLookAt()
APIDTarget = Quaternion.Identity;
/// Schedules this prim for a full update
public void ScheduleFullUpdate()
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Scheduling full update for {0} {1}", Name, LocalId);
if (m_parentGroup == null)
int timeNow = Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
// If multiple updates are scheduled on the same second, we still need to perform all of them
// So we'll force the issue by bumping up the timestamp so that later processing sees these need
// to be performed.
if (timeNow <= TimeStampFull)
TimeStampFull += 1;
TimeStampFull = (uint)timeNow;
m_updateFlag = 2;
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Scheduling full update for {0}, {1} at {2}",
// UUID, Name, TimeStampFull);
/// Schedule a terse update for this prim. Terse updates only send position,
/// rotation, velocity, rotational velocity and shape information.
public void ScheduleTerseUpdate()
if (m_parentGroup == null)
if (m_updateFlag < 1)
m_parentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
TimeStampTerse = (uint) Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();
m_updateFlag = 1;
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Scheduling terse update for {0}, {1} at {2}",
// UUID, Name, TimeStampTerse);
public void ScriptSetPhysicsStatus(bool UsePhysics)
/// Set sculpt and mesh data, and tell the physics engine to process the change.
/// The mesh itself.
public void SculptTextureCallback(AssetBase texture)
if (m_shape.SculptEntry)
// commented out for sculpt map caching test - null could mean a cached sculpt map has been found
//if (texture != null)
if (texture != null)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Setting sculpt data for {0} on SculptTextureCallback()", Name);
m_shape.SculptData = texture.Data;
if (PhysActor != null)
// Update the physics actor with the new loaded sculpt data and set the taint signal.
PhysActor.Shape = m_shape;
/// Send a full update to the client for the given part
protected internal void SendFullUpdate(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint clientFlags)
if (m_parentGroup == null)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SOG]: Sendinging part full update to {0} for {1} {2}", remoteClient.Name, part.Name, part.LocalId);
if (IsRoot)
if (m_parentGroup.IsAttachment)
SendFullUpdateToClient(remoteClient, AttachedPos, clientFlags);
SendFullUpdateToClient(remoteClient, AbsolutePosition, clientFlags);
SendFullUpdateToClient(remoteClient, clientFlags);
/// Send a full update for this part to all clients.
public void SendFullUpdateToAllClients()
if (m_parentGroup == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
SendFullUpdate(avatar.ControllingClient, avatar.GenerateClientFlags(UUID));
/// Send a full update to all clients except the one nominated.
public void SendFullUpdateToAllClientsExcept(UUID agentID)
if (m_parentGroup == null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
// Ugly reference :(
if (avatar.UUID != agentID)
SendFullUpdate(avatar.ControllingClient, avatar.GenerateClientFlags(UUID));
/// Sends a full update to the client
public void SendFullUpdateToClient(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint clientflags)
Vector3 lPos;
lPos = OffsetPosition;
SendFullUpdateToClient(remoteClient, lPos, clientflags);
/// Sends a full update to the client
public void SendFullUpdateToClient(IClientAPI remoteClient, Vector3 lPos, uint clientFlags)
if (ParentGroup == null)
// Suppress full updates during attachment editing
if (ParentGroup.IsSelected && ParentGroup.IsAttachment)
if (ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
if (ParentGroup.IsAttachment && (ParentGroup.AttachedAvatar != remoteClient.AgentId) &&
(ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint >= 31) && (ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint <= 38))
clientFlags &= ~(uint) PrimFlags.CreateSelected;
if (remoteClient.AgentId == _ownerID)
if ((Flags & PrimFlags.CreateSelected) != 0)
clientFlags |= (uint) PrimFlags.CreateSelected;
Flags &= ~PrimFlags.CreateSelected;
//bool isattachment = IsAttachment;
//if (LocalId != ParentGroup.RootPart.LocalId)
//isattachment = ParentGroup.RootPart.IsAttachment;
remoteClient.SendEntityUpdate(this, PrimUpdateFlags.FullUpdate);
/// Tell all the prims which have had updates scheduled
public void SendScheduledUpdates()
const float ROTATION_TOLERANCE = 0.01f;
const float VELOCITY_TOLERANCE = 0.001f;
const float POSITION_TOLERANCE = 0.05f; // I don't like this, but I suppose it's necessary
const int TIME_MS_TOLERANCE = 200; //llSetPos has a 200ms delay. This should NOT be 3 seconds.
if (m_updateFlag == 1)
// Throw away duplicate or insignificant updates
if (!RotationOffset.ApproxEquals(m_lastRotation, ROTATION_TOLERANCE) ||
!Acceleration.Equals(m_lastAcceleration) ||
!Velocity.ApproxEquals(m_lastVelocity, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) ||
Velocity.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) ||
!AngularVelocity.ApproxEquals(m_lastAngularVelocity, VELOCITY_TOLERANCE) ||
!OffsetPosition.ApproxEquals(m_lastPosition, POSITION_TOLERANCE) ||
Environment.TickCount - m_lastTerseSent > TIME_MS_TOLERANCE)
// This causes the Scene to 'poll' physical objects every couple of frames
// bad, so it's been replaced by an event driven method.
//if ((ObjectFlags & (uint)PrimFlags.Physics) != 0)
// Only send the constant terse updates on physical objects!
// Update the "last" values
m_lastPosition = OffsetPosition;
m_lastRotation = RotationOffset;
m_lastVelocity = Velocity;
m_lastAcceleration = Acceleration;
m_lastAngularVelocity = AngularVelocity;
m_lastTerseSent = Environment.TickCount;
//Moved this outside of the if clause so updates don't get blocked.. *sigh*
m_updateFlag = 0; //Why were we calling a function to do this? Inefficient! *screams*
if (m_updateFlag == 2) // is a new prim, just created/reloaded or has major changes
m_updateFlag = 0; //Same here
m_updateFlag = 0;
/// Trigger or play an attached sound in this part's inventory.
public void SendSound(string sound, double volume, bool triggered, byte flags, float radius, bool useMaster, bool isMaster)
if (volume > 1)
volume = 1;
if (volume < 0)
volume = 0;
UUID ownerID = _ownerID;
UUID objectID = ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID;
UUID parentID = ParentGroup.UUID;
UUID soundID = UUID.Zero;
Vector3 position = AbsolutePosition; // region local
ulong regionHandle = m_parentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle;
if (!UUID.TryParse(sound, out soundID))
// search sound file from inventory
foreach (KeyValuePair item in TaskInventory)
if (item.Value.Name == sound && item.Value.Type == (int)AssetType.Sound)
soundID = item.Value.ItemID;
if (soundID == UUID.Zero)
ISoundModule soundModule = m_parentGroup.Scene.RequestModuleInterface();
if (soundModule != null)
if (useMaster)
if (isMaster)
if (triggered)
soundModule.TriggerSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, parentID, volume, position, regionHandle, radius);
soundModule.PlayAttachedSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, volume, position, flags, radius);
ParentGroup.PlaySoundMasterPrim = this;
ownerID = _ownerID;
objectID = ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID;
parentID = ParentGroup.UUID;
position = AbsolutePosition; // region local
regionHandle = ParentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle;
if (triggered)
soundModule.TriggerSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, parentID, volume, position, regionHandle, radius);
soundModule.PlayAttachedSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, volume, position, flags, radius);
foreach (SceneObjectPart prim in ParentGroup.PlaySoundSlavePrims)
ownerID = prim._ownerID;
objectID = prim.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID;
parentID = prim.ParentGroup.UUID;
position = prim.AbsolutePosition; // region local
regionHandle = prim.ParentGroup.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle;
if (triggered)
soundModule.TriggerSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, parentID, volume, position, regionHandle, radius);
soundModule.PlayAttachedSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, volume, position, flags, radius);
ParentGroup.PlaySoundMasterPrim = null;
if (triggered)
soundModule.TriggerSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, parentID, volume, position, regionHandle, radius);
soundModule.PlayAttachedSound(soundID, ownerID, objectID, volume, position, flags, radius);
/// Send a terse update to all clients
public void SendTerseUpdateToAllClients()
m_parentGroup.Scene.ForEachScenePresence(delegate(ScenePresence avatar)
public void SetAxisRotation(int axis, int rotate)
m_parentGroup.SetAxisRotation(axis, rotate);
//Cannot use ScriptBaseClass constants as no referance to it currently.
if (axis == 2)//STATUS_ROTATE_X
if (axis == 4)//STATUS_ROTATE_Y
if (axis == 8)//STATUS_ROTATE_Z
public void SetBuoyancy(float fvalue)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.Buoyancy = fvalue;
public void SetDieAtEdge(bool p)
if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
m_parentGroup.RootPart.DIE_AT_EDGE = p;
public void SetFloatOnWater(int floatYN)
if (PhysActor != null)
if (floatYN == 1)
PhysActor.FloatOnWater = true;
PhysActor.FloatOnWater = false;
public void SetForce(Vector3 force)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.Force = force;
public void SetVehicleType(int type)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.VehicleType = type;
public void SetVehicleFloatParam(int param, float value)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.VehicleFloatParam(param, value);
public void SetVehicleVectorParam(int param, Vector3 value)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.VehicleVectorParam(param, value);
public void SetVehicleRotationParam(int param, Quaternion rotation)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.VehicleRotationParam(param, rotation);
/// Set the color of prim faces
public void SetFaceColor(Vector3 color, int face)
Primitive.TextureEntry tex = Shape.Textures;
Color4 texcolor;
if (face >= 0 && face < GetNumberOfSides())
texcolor = tex.CreateFace((uint)face).RGBA;
texcolor.R = Util.Clip((float)color.X, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.G = Util.Clip((float)color.Y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.B = Util.Clip((float)color.Z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
tex.FaceTextures[face].RGBA = texcolor;
else if (face == ALL_SIDES)
for (uint i = 0; i < GetNumberOfSides(); i++)
if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null)
texcolor = tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA;
texcolor.R = Util.Clip((float)color.X, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.G = Util.Clip((float)color.Y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.B = Util.Clip((float)color.Z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA = texcolor;
texcolor = tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA;
texcolor.R = Util.Clip((float)color.X, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.G = Util.Clip((float)color.Y, 0.0f, 1.0f);
texcolor.B = Util.Clip((float)color.Z, 0.0f, 1.0f);
tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA = texcolor;
/// Get the number of sides that this part has.
public int GetNumberOfSides()
int ret = 0;
bool hasCut;
bool hasHollow;
bool hasDimple;
bool hasProfileCut;
PrimType primType = GetPrimType();
HasCutHollowDimpleProfileCut(primType, Shape, out hasCut, out hasHollow, out hasDimple, out hasProfileCut);
switch (primType)
case PrimType.BOX:
ret = 6;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.CYLINDER:
ret = 3;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.PRISM:
ret = 5;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.SPHERE:
ret = 1;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasDimple) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.TORUS:
ret = 1;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasProfileCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.TUBE:
ret = 4;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasProfileCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.RING:
ret = 3;
if (hasCut) ret += 2;
if (hasProfileCut) ret += 2;
if (hasHollow) ret += 1;
case PrimType.SCULPT:
ret = 1;
return ret;
/// Tell us what type this prim is
public PrimType GetPrimType()
if (Shape.SculptEntry)
return PrimType.SCULPT;
if ((Shape.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.Square)
if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
return PrimType.BOX;
else if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
return PrimType.TUBE;
else if ((Shape.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.Circle)
if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
return PrimType.CYLINDER;
// ProfileCurve seems to combine hole shape and profile curve so we need to only compare against the lower 3 bits
else if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
return PrimType.TORUS;
else if ((Shape.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.HalfCircle)
if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1 || Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve2)
return PrimType.SPHERE;
else if ((Shape.ProfileCurve & 0x07) == (byte)ProfileShape.EquilateralTriangle)
if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Straight)
return PrimType.PRISM;
else if (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Curve1)
return PrimType.RING;
return PrimType.BOX;
/// Tell us if this object has cut, hollow, dimple, and other factors affecting the number of faces
protected static void HasCutHollowDimpleProfileCut(PrimType primType, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, out bool hasCut, out bool hasHollow,
out bool hasDimple, out bool hasProfileCut)
if (primType == PrimType.BOX
primType == PrimType.CYLINDER
primType == PrimType.PRISM)
hasCut = (shape.ProfileBegin > 0) || (shape.ProfileEnd > 0);
hasCut = (shape.PathBegin > 0) || (shape.PathEnd > 0);
hasHollow = shape.ProfileHollow > 0;
hasDimple = (shape.ProfileBegin > 0) || (shape.ProfileEnd > 0); // taken from llSetPrimitiveParms
hasProfileCut = hasDimple; // is it the same thing?
public void SetVehicleFlags(int param, bool remove)
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.VehicleFlags(param, remove);
public void SetGroup(UUID groupID, IClientAPI client)
_groupID = groupID;
if (client != null)
m_updateFlag = 2;
/// Set the parent group of this prim.
public void SetParent(SceneObjectGroup parent)
m_parentGroup = parent;
// Use this for attachments! LocalID should be avatar's localid
public void SetParentLocalId(uint localID)
_parentID = localID;
public void SetPhysicsAxisRotation()
if (PhysActor != null)
/// Set the events that this part will pass on to listeners.
public void SetScriptEvents(UUID scriptid, int events)
// scriptEvents oldparts;
lock (m_scriptEvents)
if (m_scriptEvents.ContainsKey(scriptid))
// oldparts = m_scriptEvents[scriptid];
// remove values from aggregated script events
if (m_scriptEvents[scriptid] == (scriptEvents) events)
m_scriptEvents[scriptid] = (scriptEvents) events;
m_scriptEvents.Add(scriptid, (scriptEvents) events);
/// Set the text displayed for this part.
public void SetText(string text)
Text = text;
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public void StopLookAt()
m_parentGroup.stopLookAt(); // This calls method in SceneObjectGroup.
/// Set the text displayed for this part.
public void SetText(string text, Vector3 color, double alpha)
Color = Color.FromArgb((int) (alpha*0xff),
(int) (color.X*0xff),
(int) (color.Y*0xff),
(int) (color.Z*0xff));
public void StopMoveToTarget()
public void StoreUndoState()
public void StoreUndoState(bool forGroup)
if (!Undoing)
if (!IgnoreUndoUpdate)
if (ParentGroup != null)
lock (m_undo)
if (m_undo.Count > 0)
UndoState last = m_undo.Peek();
if (last != null)
// TODO: May need to fix for group comparison
if (last.Compare(this))
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Not storing undo for {0} {1} since current state is same as last undo state, initial stack size {2}",
// Name, LocalId, m_undo.Count);
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Storing undo state for {0} {1}, forGroup {2}, initial stack size {3}",
// Name, LocalId, forGroup, m_undo.Count);
if (m_parentGroup.GetSceneMaxUndo() > 0)
UndoState nUndo = new UndoState(this, forGroup);
if (m_redo.Count > 0)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Stored undo state for {0} {1}, forGroup {2}, stack size now {3}",
// Name, LocalId, forGroup, m_undo.Count);
// else
// {
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Ignoring undo store for {0} {1}", Name, LocalId);
// }
// else
// {
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Ignoring undo store for {0} {1} since already undoing", Name, LocalId);
// }
/// Return number of undos on the stack. Here temporarily pending a refactor.
public int UndoCount
lock (m_undo)
return m_undo.Count;
public void Undo()
lock (m_undo)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Handling undo request for {0} {1}, stack size {2}",
// Name, LocalId, m_undo.Count);
if (m_undo.Count > 0)
UndoState goback = m_undo.Pop();
if (goback != null)
UndoState nUndo = null;
if (m_parentGroup.GetSceneMaxUndo() > 0)
nUndo = new UndoState(this, goback.ForGroup);
if (nUndo != null)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Handled undo request for {0} {1}, stack size now {2}",
// Name, LocalId, m_undo.Count);
public void Redo()
lock (m_undo)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Handling redo request for {0} {1}, stack size {2}",
// Name, LocalId, m_redo.Count);
if (m_redo.Count > 0)
UndoState gofwd = m_redo.Pop();
if (gofwd != null)
if (m_parentGroup.GetSceneMaxUndo() > 0)
UndoState nUndo = new UndoState(this, gofwd.ForGroup);
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Handled redo request for {0} {1}, stack size now {2}",
// Name, LocalId, m_redo.Count);
public void ClearUndoState()
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Clearing undo and redo stacks in {0} {1}", Name, LocalId);
lock (m_undo)
public EntityIntersection TestIntersection(Ray iray, Quaternion parentrot)
// In this case we're using a sphere with a radius of the largest dimension of the prim
// TODO: Change to take shape into account
EntityIntersection result = new EntityIntersection();
Vector3 vAbsolutePosition = AbsolutePosition;
Vector3 vScale = Scale;
Vector3 rOrigin = iray.Origin;
Vector3 rDirection = iray.Direction;
//rDirection = rDirection.Normalize();
// Buidling the first part of the Quadratic equation
Vector3 r2ndDirection = rDirection*rDirection;
float itestPart1 = r2ndDirection.X + r2ndDirection.Y + r2ndDirection.Z;
// Buidling the second part of the Quadratic equation
Vector3 tmVal2 = rOrigin - vAbsolutePosition;
Vector3 r2Direction = rDirection*2.0f;
Vector3 tmVal3 = r2Direction*tmVal2;
float itestPart2 = tmVal3.X + tmVal3.Y + tmVal3.Z;
// Buidling the third part of the Quadratic equation
Vector3 tmVal4 = rOrigin*rOrigin;
Vector3 tmVal5 = vAbsolutePosition*vAbsolutePosition;
Vector3 tmVal6 = vAbsolutePosition*rOrigin;
// Set Radius to the largest dimension of the prim
float radius = 0f;
if (vScale.X > radius)
radius = vScale.X;
if (vScale.Y > radius)
radius = vScale.Y;
if (vScale.Z > radius)
radius = vScale.Z;
// the second part of this is the default prim size
// once we factor in the aabb of the prim we're adding we can
// change this to;
// radius = (radius / 2) - 0.01f;
radius = (radius / 2) + (0.5f / 2) - 0.1f;
//radius = radius;
float itestPart3 = tmVal4.X + tmVal4.Y + tmVal4.Z + tmVal5.X + tmVal5.Y + tmVal5.Z -
(2.0f*(tmVal6.X + tmVal6.Y + tmVal6.Z + (radius*radius)));
// Yuk Quadradrics.. Solve first
float rootsqr = (itestPart2*itestPart2) - (4.0f*itestPart1*itestPart3);
if (rootsqr < 0.0f)
// No intersection
return result;
float root = ((-itestPart2) - (float) Math.Sqrt((double) rootsqr))/(itestPart1*2.0f);
if (root < 0.0f)
// perform second quadratic root solution
root = ((-itestPart2) + (float) Math.Sqrt((double) rootsqr))/(itestPart1*2.0f);
// is there any intersection?
if (root < 0.0f)
// nope, no intersection
return result;
// We got an intersection. putting together an EntityIntersection object with the
// intersection information
Vector3 ipoint =
new Vector3(iray.Origin.X + (iray.Direction.X*root), iray.Origin.Y + (iray.Direction.Y*root),
iray.Origin.Z + (iray.Direction.Z*root));
result.HitTF = true;
result.ipoint = ipoint;
// Normal is calculated by the difference and then normalizing the result
Vector3 normalpart = ipoint - vAbsolutePosition;
result.normal = normalpart / normalpart.Length();
// It's funny how the Vector3 object has a Distance function, but the Axiom.Math object doesn't.
// I can write a function to do it.. but I like the fact that this one is Static.
Vector3 distanceConvert1 = new Vector3(iray.Origin.X, iray.Origin.Y, iray.Origin.Z);
Vector3 distanceConvert2 = new Vector3(ipoint.X, ipoint.Y, ipoint.Z);
float distance = (float) Util.GetDistanceTo(distanceConvert1, distanceConvert2);
result.distance = distance;
return result;
public EntityIntersection TestIntersectionOBB(Ray iray, Quaternion parentrot, bool frontFacesOnly, bool faceCenters)
// In this case we're using a rectangular prism, which has 6 faces and therefore 6 planes
// This breaks down into the ray---> plane equation.
// TODO: Change to take shape into account
Vector3[] vertexes = new Vector3[8];
// float[] distance = new float[6];
Vector3[] FaceA = new Vector3[6]; // vertex A for Facei
Vector3[] FaceB = new Vector3[6]; // vertex B for Facei
Vector3[] FaceC = new Vector3[6]; // vertex C for Facei
Vector3[] FaceD = new Vector3[6]; // vertex D for Facei
Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[6]; // Normal for Facei
Vector3[] AAfacenormals = new Vector3[6]; // Axis Aligned face normals
AAfacenormals[0] = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
AAfacenormals[1] = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
AAfacenormals[2] = new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);
AAfacenormals[3] = new Vector3(0, -1, 0);
AAfacenormals[4] = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
AAfacenormals[5] = new Vector3(0, 0, -1);
Vector3 AmBa = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Vertex A - Vertex B
Vector3 AmBb = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Vertex B - Vertex C
Vector3 cross = new Vector3();
Vector3 pos = GetWorldPosition();
Quaternion rot = GetWorldRotation();
// Variables prefixed with AX are Axiom.Math copies of the LL variety.
Quaternion AXrot = rot;
Vector3 AXpos = pos;
// tScale is the offset to derive the vertex based on the scale.
// it's different for each vertex because we've got to rotate it
// to get the world position of the vertex to produce the Oriented Bounding Box
Vector3 tScale = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 AXscale = new Vector3(m_shape.Scale.X * 0.5f, m_shape.Scale.Y * 0.5f, m_shape.Scale.Z * 0.5f);
//Vector3 pScale = (AXscale) - (AXrot.Inverse() * (AXscale));
//Vector3 nScale = (AXscale * -1) - (AXrot.Inverse() * (AXscale * -1));
// rScale is the rotated offset to find a vertex based on the scale and the world rotation.
Vector3 rScale = new Vector3();
// Get Vertexes for Faces Stick them into ABCD for each Face
// Form: Face[face] that corresponds to the below diagram
#region ABCD Face Vertex Map Comment Diagram
// A _________ B
// | |
// | 4 top |
// |_________|
// C D
// A _________ B
// | Back |
// | 3 |
// |_________|
// C D
// A _________ B B _________ A
// | Left | | Right |
// | 0 | | 2 |
// |_________| |_________|
// C D D C
// A _________ B
// | Front |
// | 1 |
// |_________|
// C D
// C _________ D
// | |
// | 5 bot |
// |_________|
// A B
#region Plane Decomposition of Oriented Bounding Box
tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[0] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[0].X = pos.X + vertexes[0].X;
//vertexes[0].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[0].Y;
//vertexes[0].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[0].Z;
FaceA[0] = vertexes[0];
FaceB[3] = vertexes[0];
FaceA[4] = vertexes[0];
tScale = AXscale;
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[1] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[1].X = pos.X + vertexes[1].X;
// vertexes[1].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[1].Y;
//vertexes[1].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[1].Z;
FaceB[0] = vertexes[1];
FaceA[1] = vertexes[1];
FaceC[4] = vertexes[1];
tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[2] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
//vertexes[2].X = pos.X + vertexes[2].X;
//vertexes[2].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[2].Y;
//vertexes[2].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[2].Z;
FaceC[0] = vertexes[2];
FaceD[3] = vertexes[2];
FaceC[5] = vertexes[2];
tScale = new Vector3(AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[3] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
//vertexes[3].X = pos.X + vertexes[3].X;
// vertexes[3].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[3].Y;
// vertexes[3].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[3].Z;
FaceD[0] = vertexes[3];
FaceC[1] = vertexes[3];
FaceA[5] = vertexes[3];
tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[4] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[4].X = pos.X + vertexes[4].X;
// vertexes[4].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[4].Y;
// vertexes[4].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[4].Z;
FaceB[1] = vertexes[4];
FaceA[2] = vertexes[4];
FaceD[4] = vertexes[4];
tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[5] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[5].X = pos.X + vertexes[5].X;
// vertexes[5].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[5].Y;
// vertexes[5].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[5].Z;
FaceD[1] = vertexes[5];
FaceC[2] = vertexes[5];
FaceB[5] = vertexes[5];
tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[6] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[6].X = pos.X + vertexes[6].X;
// vertexes[6].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[6].Y;
// vertexes[6].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[6].Z;
FaceB[2] = vertexes[6];
FaceA[3] = vertexes[6];
FaceB[4] = vertexes[6];
tScale = new Vector3(-AXscale.X, -AXscale.Y, -AXscale.Z);
rScale = tScale * AXrot;
vertexes[7] = (new Vector3((pos.X + rScale.X), (pos.Y + rScale.Y), (pos.Z + rScale.Z)));
// vertexes[7].X = pos.X + vertexes[7].X;
// vertexes[7].Y = pos.Y + vertexes[7].Y;
// vertexes[7].Z = pos.Z + vertexes[7].Z;
FaceD[2] = vertexes[7];
FaceC[3] = vertexes[7];
FaceD[5] = vertexes[7];
// Get our plane normals
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
//m_log.Info("[FACECALCULATION]: FaceA[" + i + "]=" + FaceA[i] + " FaceB[" + i + "]=" + FaceB[i] + " FaceC[" + i + "]=" + FaceC[i] + " FaceD[" + i + "]=" + FaceD[i]);
// Our Plane direction
AmBa = FaceA[i] - FaceB[i];
AmBb = FaceB[i] - FaceC[i];
cross = Vector3.Cross(AmBb, AmBa);
// normalize the cross product to get the normal.
normals[i] = cross / cross.Length();
//m_log.Info("[NORMALS]: normals[ " + i + "]" + normals[i].ToString());
//distance[i] = (normals[i].X * AmBa.X + normals[i].Y * AmBa.Y + normals[i].Z * AmBa.Z) * -1;
EntityIntersection result = new EntityIntersection();
result.distance = 1024;
float c = 0;
float a = 0;
float d = 0;
Vector3 q = new Vector3();
#region OBB Version 2 Experiment
//float fmin = 999999;
//float fmax = -999999;
//float s = 0;
//for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
//s = iray.Direction.Dot(normals[i]);
//d = normals[i].Dot(FaceB[i]);
//if (s == 0)
//if (iray.Origin.Dot(normals[i]) > d)
//return result;
// else
//a = (d - iray.Origin.Dot(normals[i])) / s;
//if (iray.Direction.Dot(normals[i]) < 0)
//if (a > fmax)
//if (a > fmin)
//return result;
//fmax = a;
//if (a < fmin)
//if (a < 0 || a < fmax)
//return result;
//fmin = a;
//if (fmax > 0)
// a= fmax;
// a=fmin;
//q = iray.Origin + a * iray.Direction;
// Loop over faces (6 of them)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
AmBa = FaceA[i] - FaceB[i];
AmBb = FaceB[i] - FaceC[i];
d = Vector3.Dot(normals[i], FaceB[i]);
//if (faceCenters)
// c = normals[i].Dot(normals[i]);
c = Vector3.Dot(iray.Direction, normals[i]);
if (c == 0)
a = (d - Vector3.Dot(iray.Origin, normals[i])) / c;
if (a < 0)
// If the normal is pointing outside the object
if (Vector3.Dot(iray.Direction, normals[i]) < 0 || !frontFacesOnly)
//if (faceCenters)
//{ //(FaceA[i] + FaceB[i] + FaceC[1] + FaceD[i]) / 4f;
// q = iray.Origin + a * normals[i];
q = iray.Origin + iray.Direction * a;
float distance2 = (float)GetDistanceTo(q, AXpos);
// Is this the closest hit to the object's origin?
//if (faceCenters)
// distance2 = (float)GetDistanceTo(q, iray.Origin);
if (distance2 < result.distance)
result.distance = distance2;
result.HitTF = true;
result.ipoint = q;
//m_log.Info("[FACE]:" + i.ToString());
//m_log.Info("[POINT]: " + q.ToString());
//m_log.Info("[DIST]: " + distance2.ToString());
if (faceCenters)
result.normal = AAfacenormals[i] * AXrot;
Vector3 scaleComponent = AAfacenormals[i];
float ScaleOffset = 0.5f;
if (scaleComponent.X != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.X;
if (scaleComponent.Y != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.Y;
if (scaleComponent.Z != 0) ScaleOffset = AXscale.Z;
ScaleOffset = Math.Abs(ScaleOffset);
Vector3 offset = result.normal * ScaleOffset;
result.ipoint = AXpos + offset;
///pos = (intersectionpoint + offset);
result.normal = normals[i];
result.AAfaceNormal = AAfacenormals[i];
return result;
/// Serialize this part to xml.
public void ToXml(XmlTextWriter xmlWriter)
SceneObjectSerializer.SOPToXml2(xmlWriter, this, new Dictionary());
public void TriggerScriptChangedEvent(Changed val)
if (m_parentGroup != null && m_parentGroup.Scene != null)
m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerOnScriptChangedEvent(LocalId, (uint)val);
public void TrimPermissions()
_baseMask &= (uint)PermissionMask.All;
_ownerMask &= (uint)PermissionMask.All;
_groupMask &= (uint)PermissionMask.All;
_everyoneMask &= (uint)PermissionMask.All;
_nextOwnerMask &= (uint)PermissionMask.All;
public void UpdateExtraParam(ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data)
m_shape.ReadInUpdateExtraParam(type, inUse, data);
if (type == 0x30)
if (m_shape.SculptEntry && m_shape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
m_parentGroup.Scene.AssetService.Get(m_shape.SculptTexture.ToString(), this, AssetReceived);
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
public void UpdateGroupPosition(Vector3 pos)
if ((pos.X != GroupPosition.X) ||
(pos.Y != GroupPosition.Y) ||
(pos.Z != GroupPosition.Z))
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
GroupPosition = newPos;
public void UpdateOffSet(Vector3 pos)
if ((pos.X != OffsetPosition.X) ||
(pos.Y != OffsetPosition.Y) ||
(pos.Z != OffsetPosition.Z))
Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
if (ParentGroup.RootPart.GetStatusSandbox())
if (Util.GetDistanceTo(ParentGroup.RootPart.StatusSandboxPos, newPos) > 10)
newPos = OffsetPosition;
ParentGroup.Scene.SimChat(Utils.StringToBytes("Hit Sandbox Limit"),
ChatTypeEnum.DebugChannel, 0x7FFFFFFF, ParentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition, Name, UUID, false);
OffsetPosition = newPos;
public void UpdatePermissions(UUID AgentID, byte field, uint localID, uint mask, byte addRemTF)
bool set = addRemTF == 1;
bool god = m_parentGroup.Scene.Permissions.IsGod(AgentID);
uint baseMask = _baseMask;
if (god)
baseMask = 0x7ffffff0;
// Are we the owner?
if ((AgentID == _ownerID) || god)
switch (field)
case 1:
if (god)
_baseMask = ApplyMask(_baseMask, set, mask);
case 2:
_ownerMask = ApplyMask(_ownerMask, set, mask) &
case 4:
_groupMask = ApplyMask(_groupMask, set, mask) &
case 8:
_everyoneMask = ApplyMask(_everyoneMask, set, mask) &
case 16:
_nextOwnerMask = ApplyMask(_nextOwnerMask, set, mask) &
// Prevent the client from creating no mod, no copy
// objects
if ((_nextOwnerMask & (uint)PermissionMask.Copy) == 0)
_nextOwnerMask |= (uint)PermissionMask.Transfer;
_nextOwnerMask |= (uint)PermissionMask.Move;
public bool IsHingeJoint()
// For now, we use the NINJA naming scheme for identifying joints.
// In the future, we can support other joint specification schemes such as a
// custom checkbox in the viewer GUI.
if (m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints)
string hingeString = "hingejoint";
return (Name.Length >= hingeString.Length && Name.Substring(0, hingeString.Length) == hingeString);
return false;
public bool IsBallJoint()
// For now, we use the NINJA naming scheme for identifying joints.
// In the future, we can support other joint specification schemes such as a
// custom checkbox in the viewer GUI.
if (m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints)
string ballString = "balljoint";
return (Name.Length >= ballString.Length && Name.Substring(0, ballString.Length) == ballString);
return false;
public bool IsJoint()
// For now, we use the NINJA naming scheme for identifying joints.
// In the future, we can support other joint specification schemes such as a
// custom checkbox in the viewer GUI.
if (m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.SupportsNINJAJoints)
return IsHingeJoint() || IsBallJoint();
return false;
/// Update the flags on this prim. This covers properties such as phantom, physics and temporary.
public void UpdatePrimFlags(bool UsePhysics, bool SetTemporary, bool SetPhantom, bool SetVD)
bool wasUsingPhysics = ((Flags & PrimFlags.Physics) != 0);
bool wasTemporary = ((Flags & PrimFlags.TemporaryOnRez) != 0);
bool wasPhantom = ((Flags & PrimFlags.Phantom) != 0);
bool wasVD = VolumeDetectActive;
if ((UsePhysics == wasUsingPhysics) && (wasTemporary == SetTemporary) && (wasPhantom == SetPhantom) && (SetVD == wasVD))
// Special cases for VD. VD can only be called from a script
// and can't be combined with changes to other states. So we can rely
// that...
// ... if VD is changed, all others are not.
// ... if one of the others is changed, VD is not.
if (SetVD) // VD is active, special logic applies
// State machine logic for VolumeDetect
// More logic below
bool phanReset = (SetPhantom != wasPhantom) && !SetPhantom;
if (phanReset) // Phantom changes from on to off switch VD off too
SetVD = false; // Switch it of for the course of this routine
VolumeDetectActive = false; // and also permanently
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.SetVolumeDetect(0); // Let physics know about it too
// If volumedetect is active we don't want phantom to be applied.
// If this is a new call to VD out of the state "phantom"
// this will also cause the prim to be visible to physics
SetPhantom = false;
if (UsePhysics && IsJoint())
SetPhantom = true;
if (UsePhysics)
if (!wasUsingPhysics)
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, false);
if (!m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
if (LocalId == m_parentGroup.RootPart.LocalId)
if (wasUsingPhysics)
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, false);
if (SetPhantom
|| ParentGroup.IsAttachment
|| (Shape.PathCurve == (byte)Extrusion.Flexible)) // note: this may have been changed above in the case of joints
if (PhysActor != null)
else // Not phantom
if (ParentGroup.Scene == null)
PhysicsActor pa = PhysActor;
if (pa == null)
// It's not phantom anymore. So make sure the physics engine get's knowledge of it
PhysActor = m_parentGroup.Scene.PhysicsScene.AddPrimShape(
string.Format("{0}/{1}", Name, UUID),
pa = PhysActor;
if (pa != null)
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, true);
if (!m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
if (LocalId == m_parentGroup.RootPart.LocalId)
if (
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) != 0) ||
(CollisionSound != UUID.Zero)
PhysActor.OnCollisionUpdate += PhysicsCollision;
else // it already has a physical representation
pa.IsPhysical = UsePhysics;
DoPhysicsPropertyUpdate(UsePhysics, false); // Update physical status. If it's phantom this will remove the prim
if (!m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)
if (LocalId == m_parentGroup.RootPart.LocalId)
if (SetVD)
// If the above logic worked (this is urgent candidate to unit tests!)
// we now have a physicsactor.
// Defensive programming calls for a check here.
// Better would be throwing an exception that could be catched by a unit test as the internal
// logic should make sure, this Physactor is always here.
if (this.PhysActor != null)
AddFlag(PrimFlags.Phantom); // We set this flag also if VD is active
this.VolumeDetectActive = true;
// Remove VolumeDetect in any case. Note, it's safe to call SetVolumeDetect as often as you like
// (mumbles, well, at least if you have infinte CPU powers :-))
PhysicsActor pa = this.PhysActor;
if (pa != null)
this.VolumeDetectActive = false;
if (SetTemporary)
// m_log.Debug("Update: PHY:" + UsePhysics.ToString() + ", T:" + IsTemporary.ToString() + ", PHA:" + IsPhantom.ToString() + " S:" + CastsShadows.ToString());
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
// m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Updated PrimFlags on {0} {1} to {2}", Name, LocalId, Flags);
/// This removes the part from physics
/// This isn't the same as turning off physical, since even without being physical the prim has a physics
/// representation for collision detection. Rather, this would be used in situations such as making a prim
/// phantom.
public void RemoveFromPhysics()
PhysActor = null;
public void UpdateRotation(Quaternion rot)
if ((rot.X != RotationOffset.X) ||
(rot.Y != RotationOffset.Y) ||
(rot.Z != RotationOffset.Z) ||
(rot.W != RotationOffset.W))
RotationOffset = rot;
if (ParentGroup != null)
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
/// Update the shape of this part.
public void UpdateShape(ObjectShapePacket.ObjectDataBlock shapeBlock)
m_shape.PathBegin = shapeBlock.PathBegin;
m_shape.PathEnd = shapeBlock.PathEnd;
m_shape.PathScaleX = shapeBlock.PathScaleX;
m_shape.PathScaleY = shapeBlock.PathScaleY;
m_shape.PathShearX = shapeBlock.PathShearX;
m_shape.PathShearY = shapeBlock.PathShearY;
m_shape.PathSkew = shapeBlock.PathSkew;
m_shape.ProfileBegin = shapeBlock.ProfileBegin;
m_shape.ProfileEnd = shapeBlock.ProfileEnd;
m_shape.PathCurve = shapeBlock.PathCurve;
m_shape.ProfileCurve = shapeBlock.ProfileCurve;
m_shape.ProfileHollow = shapeBlock.ProfileHollow;
m_shape.PathRadiusOffset = shapeBlock.PathRadiusOffset;
m_shape.PathRevolutions = shapeBlock.PathRevolutions;
m_shape.PathTaperX = shapeBlock.PathTaperX;
m_shape.PathTaperY = shapeBlock.PathTaperY;
m_shape.PathTwist = shapeBlock.PathTwist;
m_shape.PathTwistBegin = shapeBlock.PathTwistBegin;
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.Shape = m_shape;
// This is what makes vehicle trailers work
// A script in a child prim re-issues
// llSetPrimitiveParams(PRIM_TYPE) every few seconds. That
// prevents autoreturn. This is not well known. It also works
// in SL.
if (ParentGroup.RootPart != this)
ParentGroup.RootPart.Rezzed = DateTime.UtcNow;
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
/// If the part is a sculpt/mesh, retrieve the mesh data and reinsert it into the shape so that the physics
/// engine can use it.
/// When the physics engine has finished with it, the sculpt data is discarded to save memory.
public void CheckSculptAndLoad()
// m_log.DebugFormat("Processing CheckSculptAndLoad for {0} {1}", Name, LocalId);
if (ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
if ((ParentGroup.RootPart.GetEffectiveObjectFlags() & (uint)PrimFlags.Phantom) != 0)
if (Shape.SculptEntry && Shape.SculptTexture != UUID.Zero)
// check if a previously decoded sculpt map has been cached
// We don't read the file here - the meshmerizer will do that later.
// TODO: Could we simplify the meshmerizer code by reading and setting the data here?
if (File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine("j2kDecodeCache", "smap_" + Shape.SculptTexture.ToString())))
ParentGroup.Scene.AssetService.Get(Shape.SculptTexture.ToString(), this, AssetReceived);
/// Update the textures on the part.
/// Added to handle bug in libsecondlife's TextureEntry.ToBytes()
/// not handling RGBA properly. Cycles through, and "fixes" the color
/// info
public void UpdateTexture(Primitive.TextureEntry tex)
//Color4 tmpcolor;
//for (uint i = 0; i < 32; i++)
// if (tex.FaceTextures[i] != null)
// {
// tmpcolor = tex.GetFace((uint) i).RGBA;
// tmpcolor.A = tmpcolor.A*255;
// tmpcolor.R = tmpcolor.R*255;
// tmpcolor.G = tmpcolor.G*255;
// tmpcolor.B = tmpcolor.B*255;
// tex.FaceTextures[i].RGBA = tmpcolor;
// }
//tmpcolor = tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA;
//tmpcolor.A = tmpcolor.A*255;
//tmpcolor.R = tmpcolor.R*255;
//tmpcolor.G = tmpcolor.G*255;
//tmpcolor.B = tmpcolor.B*255;
//tex.DefaultTexture.RGBA = tmpcolor;
/// Update the texture entry for this part.
public void UpdateTextureEntry(byte[] textureEntry)
m_shape.TextureEntry = textureEntry;
m_updateFlag = 1;
ParentGroup.HasGroupChanged = true;
//This is madness..
//This is sparta
public void aggregateScriptEvents()
AggregateScriptEvents = 0;
// Aggregate script events
lock (m_scriptEvents)
foreach (scriptEvents s in m_scriptEvents.Values)
AggregateScriptEvents |= s;
uint objectflagupdate = 0;
if (
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.touch) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.touch_end) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.touch_start) != 0)
objectflagupdate |= (uint) PrimFlags.Touch;
if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.money) != 0)
objectflagupdate |= (uint) PrimFlags.Money;
if (AllowedDrop)
objectflagupdate |= (uint) PrimFlags.AllowInventoryDrop;
if (
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0) ||
((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) != 0) ||
(CollisionSound != UUID.Zero)
// subscribe to physics updates.
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.OnCollisionUpdate += PhysicsCollision;
if (PhysActor != null)
PhysActor.OnCollisionUpdate -= PhysicsCollision;
//if ((GetEffectiveObjectFlags() & (uint)PrimFlags.Scripted) != 0)
// m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.OnScriptTimerEvent += handleTimerAccounting;
// m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.OnScriptTimerEvent -= handleTimerAccounting;
LocalFlags = (PrimFlags)objectflagupdate;
if (m_parentGroup != null && m_parentGroup.RootPart == this)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[SCENE OBJECT PART]: Scheduling part {0} {1} for full update in aggregateScriptEvents()", Name, LocalId);
public void SetCameraAtOffset(Vector3 v)
m_cameraAtOffset = v;
public void SetCameraEyeOffset(Vector3 v)
m_cameraEyeOffset = v;
public void SetForceMouselook(bool force)
m_forceMouselook = force;
public Vector3 GetCameraAtOffset()
return m_cameraAtOffset;
public Vector3 GetCameraEyeOffset()
return m_cameraEyeOffset;
public bool GetForceMouselook()
return m_forceMouselook;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("{0} {1} (parent {2}))", Name, UUID, ParentGroup);
#endregion Public Methods
public void SendTerseUpdateToClient(IClientAPI remoteClient)
if (ParentGroup.IsDeleted)
if (ParentGroup.IsAttachment && ((ParentGroup.RootPart != this) ||
((ParentGroup.AttachedAvatar != remoteClient.AgentId) && (ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint >= 31) && (ParentGroup.AttachmentPoint <= 38))))
// Causes this thread to dig into the Client Thread Data.
// Remember your locking here!
PrimUpdateFlags.Position | PrimUpdateFlags.Rotation | PrimUpdateFlags.Velocity
| PrimUpdateFlags.Acceleration | PrimUpdateFlags.AngularVelocity);
public void AddScriptLPS(int count)
public void ApplyNextOwnerPermissions()
_baseMask &= _nextOwnerMask;
_ownerMask &= _nextOwnerMask;
_everyoneMask &= _nextOwnerMask;
public void UpdateLookAt()
if (APIDTarget != Quaternion.Identity)
if (Single.IsNaN(APIDTarget.W) == true)
APIDTarget = Quaternion.Identity;
Quaternion rot = RotationOffset;
Quaternion dir = (rot - APIDTarget);
float speed = ((APIDStrength / APIDDamp) * (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f));
if (dir.Z > speed)
rot.Z -= speed;
if (dir.Z < -speed)
rot.Z += speed;
catch (Exception ex)
m_log.Error("[Physics] " + ex);
public Color4 GetTextColor()
Color color = Color;
return new Color4(color.R, color.G, color.B, (byte)(0xFF - color.A));
public void ResetOwnerChangeFlag()
List inv = Inventory.GetInventoryList();
foreach (UUID itemID in inv)
TaskInventoryItem item = Inventory.GetInventoryItem(itemID);
item.OwnerChanged = false;
Inventory.UpdateInventoryItem(item, false, false);