using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.IO;
using System;
using Axiom.Math;
using libsecondlife;
using libsecondlife.Packets;
using OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces;
using OpenSim.Framework.Types;
using OpenSim.Physics.Manager;
using OpenSim.Framework.Data;

namespace OpenSim.Region.Environment.Scenes
    // public delegate void PrimCountTaintedDelegate();

    public class SceneObjectGroup : EntityBase
        private Encoding enc = Encoding.ASCII;

        protected SceneObjectPart m_rootPart;
        protected Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectPart> m_parts = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectPart>();

        protected ulong m_regionHandle;

        public event PrimCountTaintedDelegate OnPrimCountTainted;

        #region Properties
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public int PrimCount
            get { return 1; }

        public LLQuaternion GroupRotation
            get { return m_rootPart.RotationOffset; }

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public LLVector3 GroupCentrePoint
            get { return new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); }

        public Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectPart> Children
            get { return this.m_parts; }
            set { m_parts = value; }

        public SceneObjectPart RootPart
            get { return this.m_rootPart; }
            set { m_rootPart = value; }

        public ulong RegionHandle
            get { return m_regionHandle; }
                m_regionHandle = value;
                lock (this.m_parts)
                    foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                        part.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;

        public override LLVector3 AbsolutePosition
            get { return m_rootPart.GroupPosition; }
                LLVector3 val = value;
                if (val.X > 255.6f)
                    val.X = 255.6f;
                else if (val.X < 0.4f)
                    val.X = 0.4f;

                if (val.Y > 255.6f)
                    val.Y = 255.6f;
                else if (val.Y < 0.4f)
                    val.Y = 0.4f;

                lock (this.m_parts)
                    foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                        part.GroupPosition = val;
                if (m_rootPart.PhysActor != null)
                    m_rootPart.PhysActor.Position = new PhysicsVector(m_rootPart.GroupPosition.X, m_rootPart.GroupPosition.Y, m_rootPart.GroupPosition.Z);

        public override uint LocalId
            get { return m_rootPart.LocalID; }
            set { m_rootPart.LocalID = value; }

        public override LLUUID UUID
            get { return m_rootPart.UUID; }
            set { m_rootPart.UUID = value; }

        public LLUUID OwnerID
            get { return m_rootPart.OwnerID; }

        public string Text
            get { return m_rootPart.Text; }
            set { m_rootPart.Text = value; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Added because the Parcel code seems to use it
        /// but not sure a object should have this
        /// as what does it tell us? that some avatar has selected it (but not what Avatar/user)
        /// think really there should be a list (or whatever) in each scenepresence
        /// saying what prim(s) that user has selected. 
        /// </summary>
        protected bool m_isSelected = false;
        public bool IsSelected
            get { return m_isSelected; }
            set { m_isSelected = value; }

        // The UUID for the Region this Object is in.
        public LLUUID RegionUUID
                if (m_scene != null)
                { return m_scene.RegionInfo.SimUUID; }
                return LLUUID.Zero;

        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public SceneObjectGroup()


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public SceneObjectGroup(Scene scene, ulong regionHandle, string xmlData)
            m_scene = scene;
            m_regionHandle = regionHandle;

            StringReader sr = new StringReader(xmlData);
            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(sr);
            this.m_rootPart = SceneObjectPart.FromXml(reader);

            while (reader.Read())
                switch (reader.NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        if (reader.Name == "Part")
                            SceneObjectPart Part = SceneObjectPart.FromXml(reader);
                            Part.LocalID = m_scene.PrimIDAllocate();
                            Part.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
            this.m_parts.Add(m_rootPart.UUID, m_rootPart);
            this.m_rootPart.LocalID = m_scene.PrimIDAllocate();
            this.m_rootPart.ParentID = 0;
            this.m_rootPart.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle;
            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup += this.ProcessBackup;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public SceneObjectGroup(byte[] data)


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public SceneObjectGroup(Scene scene, ulong regionHandle, LLUUID ownerID, uint localID, LLVector3 pos, PrimitiveBaseShape shape)
            m_regionHandle = regionHandle;
            m_scene = scene;

            // this.Pos = pos;
            LLVector3 rootOffset = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0);
            SceneObjectPart newPart = new SceneObjectPart(m_regionHandle, this, ownerID, localID, shape, pos, rootOffset);
            this.m_parts.Add(newPart.UUID, newPart);
            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup += this.ProcessBackup;

        public string ToXmlString()
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
            XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(sw);
            writer.WriteStartElement(String.Empty, "SceneObjectGroup", String.Empty);
            writer.WriteStartElement(String.Empty, "RootPart", String.Empty);
            writer.WriteStartElement(String.Empty, "OtherParts", String.Empty);
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (part.UUID != this.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    writer.WriteStartElement(String.Empty, "Part", String.Empty);
            return sw.ToString();

        #region Copying
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public new SceneObjectGroup Copy()
            SceneObjectGroup dupe = (SceneObjectGroup)this.MemberwiseClone();
            dupe.m_parts = new Dictionary<LLUUID, SceneObjectPart>();
            dupe.AbsolutePosition = new LLVector3(AbsolutePosition.X, AbsolutePosition.Y, AbsolutePosition.Z);
            dupe.m_scene = m_scene;
            dupe.m_regionHandle = this.m_regionHandle;

            List<SceneObjectPart> partList = new List<SceneObjectPart>(this.m_parts.Values);
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in partList)
                if (part.UUID != this.m_rootPart.UUID)

            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup += dupe.ProcessBackup;
            return dupe;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        public void CopyRootPart(SceneObjectPart part)
            SceneObjectPart newPart = part.Copy(m_scene.PrimIDAllocate());
            this.m_parts.Add(newPart.UUID, newPart);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        public void CopyPart(SceneObjectPart part)
            SceneObjectPart newPart = part.Copy(m_scene.PrimIDAllocate());
            this.m_parts.Add(newPart.UUID, newPart);

        #region Scheduling
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override void Update()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ScheduleGroupForFullUpdate()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void ScheduleGroupForTerseUpdate()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void SendGroupFullUpdate()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void SendGroupTerseUpdate()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)


        #region SceneGroupPart Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SceneObjectPart GetChildPart(LLUUID primID)
            SceneObjectPart childPart = null;
            if (this.m_parts.ContainsKey(primID))
                childPart = this.m_parts[primID];
            return childPart;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SceneObjectPart GetChildPart(uint localID)
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (part.LocalID == localID)
                    return part;
            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Does this group contain the child prim
        /// should be able to remove these methods once we have a entity index in scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool HasChildPrim(LLUUID primID)
            SceneObjectPart childPart = null;
            if (this.m_parts.ContainsKey(primID))
                childPart = this.m_parts[primID];
                return true;
            return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Does this group contain the child prim
        /// should be able to remove these methods once we have a entity index in scene
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool HasChildPrim(uint localID)
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (part.LocalID == localID)
                    return true;
            return false;

        #region Packet Handlers
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objectGroup"></param>
        public void LinkToGroup(SceneObjectGroup objectGroup)
            SceneObjectPart linkPart = objectGroup.m_rootPart;
            Axiom.Math.Vector3 oldGroupPosition = new Vector3(linkPart.GroupPosition.X, linkPart.GroupPosition.Y, linkPart.GroupPosition.Z);
            Axiom.Math.Quaternion oldRootRotation = new Quaternion(linkPart.RotationOffset.W, linkPart.RotationOffset.X, linkPart.RotationOffset.Y, linkPart.RotationOffset.Z);

            linkPart.OffsetPosition = linkPart.GroupPosition - this.AbsolutePosition;
            linkPart.GroupPosition = this.AbsolutePosition;

            Vector3 axPos = new Vector3(linkPart.OffsetPosition.X, linkPart.OffsetPosition.Y, linkPart.OffsetPosition.Z);
            Quaternion parentRot = new Quaternion(this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);
            axPos = parentRot.Inverse() * axPos;
            linkPart.OffsetPosition = new LLVector3(axPos.x, axPos.y, axPos.z);
            Quaternion oldRot = new Quaternion(linkPart.RotationOffset.W, linkPart.RotationOffset.X, linkPart.RotationOffset.Y, linkPart.RotationOffset.Z);
            Quaternion newRot = parentRot.Inverse() * oldRot;
            linkPart.RotationOffset = new LLQuaternion(newRot.x, newRot.y, newRot.z, newRot.w);
            linkPart.ParentID = this.m_rootPart.LocalID;
            this.m_parts.Add(linkPart.UUID, linkPart);

            if (linkPart.PhysActor != null)
                linkPart.PhysActor = null;

            //TODO: rest of parts
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in objectGroup.Children.Values)
                if (part.UUID != objectGroup.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    this.LinkNonRootPart(part, oldGroupPosition, oldRootRotation);

            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup -= objectGroup.ProcessBackup;

        private void LinkNonRootPart(SceneObjectPart part, Vector3 oldGroupPosition, Quaternion oldGroupRotation)
            part.ParentID = this.m_rootPart.LocalID;
            this.m_parts.Add(part.UUID, part);

            Vector3 axiomOldPos = new Vector3(part.OffsetPosition.X, part.OffsetPosition.Y, part.OffsetPosition.Z);
            axiomOldPos = oldGroupRotation * axiomOldPos;
            axiomOldPos += oldGroupPosition;
            LLVector3 oldAbsolutePosition = new LLVector3(axiomOldPos.x, axiomOldPos.y, axiomOldPos.z);
            part.OffsetPosition = oldAbsolutePosition - this.AbsolutePosition;

            Quaternion axiomRootRotation = new Quaternion(m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);

            Vector3 axiomPos = new Vector3(part.OffsetPosition.X, part.OffsetPosition.Y, part.OffsetPosition.Z);
            axiomPos = axiomRootRotation.Inverse() * axiomPos;
            part.OffsetPosition = new LLVector3(axiomPos.x, axiomPos.y, axiomPos.z);

            Quaternion axiomPartRotation = new Quaternion(part.RotationOffset.W, part.RotationOffset.X, part.RotationOffset.Y, part.RotationOffset.Z);

            axiomPartRotation = oldGroupRotation * axiomPartRotation;
            axiomPartRotation = axiomRootRotation.Inverse() * axiomPartRotation;
            part.RotationOffset = new LLQuaternion(axiomPartRotation.x, axiomPartRotation.y, axiomPartRotation.z, axiomPartRotation.w);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        public void GrabMovement(LLVector3 offset, LLVector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
            this.AbsolutePosition = pos;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        public void GetProperites(IClientAPI client)
            ObjectPropertiesPacket proper = new ObjectPropertiesPacket();
            proper.ObjectData = new ObjectPropertiesPacket.ObjectDataBlock[1];
            proper.ObjectData[0] = new ObjectPropertiesPacket.ObjectDataBlock();
            proper.ObjectData[0].ItemID = LLUUID.Zero;
            proper.ObjectData[0].CreationDate = (ulong)this.m_rootPart.CreationDate;
            proper.ObjectData[0].CreatorID = this.m_rootPart.CreatorID;
            proper.ObjectData[0].FolderID = LLUUID.Zero;
            proper.ObjectData[0].FromTaskID = LLUUID.Zero;
            proper.ObjectData[0].GroupID = LLUUID.Zero;
            proper.ObjectData[0].InventorySerial = (short) this.m_rootPart.InventorySerial;
            proper.ObjectData[0].LastOwnerID = this.m_rootPart.LastOwnerID;
            proper.ObjectData[0].ObjectID = this.UUID;
            proper.ObjectData[0].OwnerID = this.m_rootPart.OwnerID;
            proper.ObjectData[0].TouchName = enc.GetBytes(this.m_rootPart.TouchName + "\0");
            proper.ObjectData[0].TextureID = new byte[0];
            proper.ObjectData[0].SitName = enc.GetBytes(this.m_rootPart.SitName + "\0");
            proper.ObjectData[0].Name = enc.GetBytes(this.m_rootPart.Name + "\0");
            proper.ObjectData[0].Description = enc.GetBytes(this.m_rootPart.Description + "\0");
            proper.ObjectData[0].OwnerMask = this.m_rootPart.OwnerMask;
            proper.ObjectData[0].NextOwnerMask = this.m_rootPart.NextOwnerMask;
            proper.ObjectData[0].GroupMask = this.m_rootPart.GroupMask;
            proper.ObjectData[0].EveryoneMask = this.m_rootPart.EveryoneMask;
            proper.ObjectData[0].BaseMask = this.m_rootPart.BaseMask;


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        public void SetPartName(string name, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                part.Name = name;

        public void SetPartDescription(string des, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                part.Description = des;

        public void SetPartText(string text, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                part.Text = text;

        public void SetPartText(string text, LLUUID partID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(partID);
            if (part != null)
                part.Text = text;

        public string GetPartName(uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                return part.Name;
            return "";

        public string GetPartDescription(uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                return part.Description;
            return "";

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        public bool GetPartInventoryFileName(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
               return part.GetInventoryFileName(remoteClient, localID);
            return false;

        public string RequestInventoryFile(uint localID, XferManager xferManager)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                return part.RequestInventoryFile(xferManager);
            return "";

        public bool AddInventoryItem(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID, InventoryItemBase item)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem taskItem = new SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem();
                taskItem.item_id = item.inventoryID;
                taskItem.asset_id = item.assetID;
       = item.inventoryName;
                taskItem.desc = item.inventoryDescription;
                taskItem.owner_id = item.avatarID;
                taskItem.creator_id = item.creatorsID;
                taskItem.type = SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem.Types[item.assetType];
                taskItem.inv_type = SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem.Types[item.invType];
                return true;
            return false;

        public bool AddInventoryItem(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID, InventoryItemBase item, LLUUID copyItemID)
            if (copyItemID != LLUUID.Zero)
                SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
                if (part != null)
                    SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem taskItem = new SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem();
                    taskItem.item_id = copyItemID;
                    taskItem.asset_id = item.assetID;
           = item.inventoryName;
                    taskItem.desc = item.inventoryDescription;
                    taskItem.owner_id = new LLUUID(item.avatarID.ToString());
                    taskItem.creator_id = new LLUUID(item.creatorsID.ToString());
                    taskItem.type = SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem.Types[item.assetType];
                    taskItem.inv_type = SceneObjectPart.TaskInventoryItem.Types[item.invType];
                    return true;
               return AddInventoryItem(remoteClient, localID, item);
            return false;

        public int RemoveInventoryItem(IClientAPI remoteClient, uint localID, LLUUID itemID)
             SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
             if (part != null)
                return part.RemoveInventoryItem(remoteClient, localID, itemID);
             return -1;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="inUse"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public void UpdateExtraParam(uint localID, ushort type, bool inUse, byte[] data)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                part.UpdateExtraParam(type, inUse, data);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        /// <param name="textureEntry"></param>
        public void UpdateTextureEntry(uint localID, byte[] textureEntry)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)

        #region Shape
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeBlock"></param>
        public void UpdateShape(ObjectShapePacket.ObjectDataBlock shapeBlock, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)

        #region Resize
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scale"></param>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        public void Resize(LLVector3 scale, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                if (part.UUID == this.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    if (m_rootPart.PhysActor != null)
                        m_rootPart.PhysActor.Size = new PhysicsVector(m_rootPart.Scale.X, m_rootPart.Scale.Y, m_rootPart.Scale.Z);

        #region Position
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        public void UpdateGroupPosition(LLVector3 pos)
            this.AbsolutePosition = pos;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        public void UpdateSinglePosition(LLVector3 pos, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                if (part.UUID == this.m_rootPart.UUID)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        private void UpdateRootPosition(LLVector3 pos)
            LLVector3 newPos = new LLVector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
            LLVector3 oldPos = new LLVector3(this.AbsolutePosition.X + this.m_rootPart.OffsetPosition.X, this.AbsolutePosition.Y + this.m_rootPart.OffsetPosition.Y, this.AbsolutePosition.Z + this.m_rootPart.OffsetPosition.Z);
            LLVector3 diff = oldPos - newPos;
            Axiom.Math.Vector3 axDiff = new Vector3(diff.X, diff.Y, diff.Z);
            Axiom.Math.Quaternion partRotation = new Quaternion(this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);
            axDiff = partRotation.Inverse() * axDiff;
            diff.X = axDiff.x;
            diff.Y = axDiff.y;
            diff.Z = axDiff.z;

            foreach (SceneObjectPart obPart in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (obPart.UUID != this.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    obPart.OffsetPosition = obPart.OffsetPosition + diff;
            this.AbsolutePosition = newPos;

        #region Rotation
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rot"></param>
        public void UpdateGroupRotation(LLQuaternion rot)
            if (m_rootPart.PhysActor != null)
                m_rootPart.PhysActor.Orientation = new Quaternion(m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="rot"></param>
        public void UpdateGroupRotation(LLVector3 pos, LLQuaternion rot)
            if (m_rootPart.PhysActor != null)
                m_rootPart.PhysActor.Orientation = new Quaternion(m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);
            this.AbsolutePosition = pos;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rot"></param>
        /// <param name="localID"></param>
        public void UpdateSingleRotation(LLQuaternion rot, uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                if (part.UUID == this.m_rootPart.UUID)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rot"></param>
        private void UpdateRootRotation(LLQuaternion rot)
            if (m_rootPart.PhysActor != null)
                m_rootPart.PhysActor.Orientation = new Quaternion(m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);
            Axiom.Math.Quaternion axRot = new Quaternion(rot.W, rot.X, rot.Y, rot.Z);
            Axiom.Math.Quaternion oldParentRot = new Quaternion(this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.W, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.X, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Y, this.m_rootPart.RotationOffset.Z);

            foreach (SceneObjectPart prim in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (prim.UUID != this.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    Vector3 axPos = new Vector3(prim.OffsetPosition.X, prim.OffsetPosition.Y, prim.OffsetPosition.Z);
                    axPos = oldParentRot * axPos;
                    axPos = axRot.Inverse() * axPos;
                    prim.OffsetPosition = new LLVector3(axPos.x, axPos.y, axPos.z);
                    Axiom.Math.Quaternion primsRot = new Quaternion(prim.RotationOffset.W, prim.RotationOffset.X, prim.RotationOffset.Y, prim.RotationOffset.Z);
                    Axiom.Math.Quaternion newRot = oldParentRot * primsRot;
                    newRot = axRot.Inverse() * newRot;
                    prim.RotationOffset = new LLQuaternion(newRot.w, newRot.x, newRot.y, newRot.z);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        private void SetPartAsRoot(SceneObjectPart part)
            this.m_rootPart = part;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        private void SetPartAsNonRoot(SceneObjectPart part)
            part.ParentID = this.m_rootPart.LocalID;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<ScenePresence> RequestSceneAvatars()
            return m_scene.RequestAvatarList();

        #region Events
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void TriggerTainted()
            if (OnPrimCountTainted != null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Processes backup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datastore"></param>
        public void ProcessBackup(OpenSim.Region.Interfaces.IRegionDataStore datastore)
            datastore.StoreObject(this, m_scene.RegionInfo.SimUUID);

        #region Client Updating
        public void SendFullUpdateToClient(IClientAPI remoteClient)
            lock (this.m_parts)
                foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                    this.SendPartFullUpdate(remoteClient, part);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        internal void SendPartFullUpdate(IClientAPI remoteClient, SceneObjectPart part)
            if (m_rootPart.UUID == part.UUID)
                part.SendFullUpdateToClient(remoteClient, AbsolutePosition);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        internal void SendPartTerseUpdate(IClientAPI remoteClient, SceneObjectPart part)
            if (m_rootPart.UUID == part.UUID)
                part.SendTerseUpdateToClient(remoteClient, AbsolutePosition);

        public override void UpdateMovement()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in m_parts.Values)


        /// <summary>
        /// Added as a way for the storage provider to reset the scene, 
        /// most likely a better way to do this sort of thing but for now...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        public void SetScene(Scene scene)
            m_scene = scene;
            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup += this.ProcessBackup;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        public void AddPart(SceneObjectPart part)
            this.m_parts.Add(part.UUID, part);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateParentIDs()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                if (part.UUID != this.m_rootPart.UUID)
                    part.ParentID = this.m_rootPart.LocalID;

        public void RegenerateFullIDs()
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                part.UUID = LLUUID.Random();

        public LLUUID GetPartsFullID(uint localID)
            SceneObjectPart part = this.GetChildPart(localID);
            if (part != null)
                return part.UUID;
            return null;

        public void UpdateText(string text)
            m_rootPart.Text = text;

        public void ObjectGrabHandler(uint localId, LLVector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
            if (m_rootPart.LocalID == localId)
                OnGrabGroup(offsetPos, remoteClient);
                SceneObjectPart part = GetChildPart(localId);
                OnGrabPart(part, offsetPos, remoteClient);

        public virtual void OnGrabPart(SceneObjectPart part, LLVector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient)
            part.OnGrab(offsetPos, remoteClient);

        public virtual void OnGrabGroup(LLVector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient)


        public void DeleteGroup()
            m_scene.EventManager.OnBackup -= this.ProcessBackup;
            foreach (SceneObjectPart part in this.m_parts.Values)
                List<ScenePresence> avatars = this.RequestSceneAvatars();
                for (int i = 0; i < avatars.Count; i++)
                    avatars[i].ControllingClient.SendKillObject(this.m_regionHandle, part.LocalID);

        public void DeleteParts()
            this.m_rootPart = null;

        public override void SetText(string text, Vector3 color, double alpha)
            Text = text;