/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSim Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using libsecondlife; using Nwc.XmlRpc; using OpenSim.Framework; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Data; using OpenSim.Framework.Servers; using OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL; namespace OpenSim.Grid.GridServer { public class GridManager { private static readonly log4net.ILog m_log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); private Dictionary<string, IGridData> _plugins = new Dictionary<string, IGridData>(); private Dictionary<string, ILogData> _logplugins = new Dictionary<string, ILogData>(); // This is here so that the grid server can hand out MessageServer settings to regions on registration private List<MessageServerInfo> _MessageServers = new List<MessageServerInfo>(); public GridConfig Config; /// <summary> /// Adds a new grid server plugin - grid servers will be requested in the order they were loaded. /// </summary> /// <param name="FileName">The filename to the grid server plugin DLL</param> public void AddPlugin(string FileName) { m_log.Info("[DATA]: Attempting to load " + FileName); Assembly pluginAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(FileName); m_log.Info("[DATA]: Found " + pluginAssembly.GetTypes().Length + " interfaces."); foreach (Type pluginType in pluginAssembly.GetTypes()) { if (!pluginType.IsAbstract) { // Regions go here Type typeInterface = pluginType.GetInterface("IGridData", true); if (typeInterface != null) { IGridData plug = (IGridData)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginAssembly.GetType(pluginType.ToString())); plug.Initialise(); _plugins.Add(plug.getName(), plug); m_log.Info("[DATA]: Added IGridData Interface"); } typeInterface = null; // Logs go here typeInterface = pluginType.GetInterface("ILogData", true); if (typeInterface != null) { ILogData plug = (ILogData)Activator.CreateInstance(pluginAssembly.GetType(pluginType.ToString())); plug.Initialise(); _logplugins.Add(plug.getName(), plug); m_log.Info("[DATA]: Added ILogData Interface"); } typeInterface = null; } } pluginAssembly = null; } /// <summary> /// Logs a piece of information to the database /// </summary> /// <param name="target">What you were operating on (in grid server, this will likely be the region UUIDs)</param> /// <param name="method">Which method is being called?</param> /// <param name="args">What arguments are being passed?</param> /// <param name="priority">How high priority is this? 1 = Max, 6 = Verbose</param> /// <param name="message">The message to log</param> private void logToDB(string target, string method, string args, int priority, string message) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ILogData> kvp in _logplugins) { try { kvp.Value.saveLog("Gridserver", target, method, args, priority, message); } catch (Exception) { m_log.Warn("[storage]: Unable to write log via " + kvp.Key); } } } /// <summary> /// Returns a region by argument /// </summary> /// <param name="uuid">A UUID key of the region to return</param> /// <returns>A SimProfileData for the region</returns> public RegionProfileData getRegion(LLUUID uuid) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { try { return kvp.Value.GetProfileByLLUUID(uuid); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn("[storage]: getRegion - " + e.Message); } } return null; } /// <summary> /// Returns a region by argument /// </summary> /// <param name="uuid">A regionHandle of the region to return</param> /// <returns>A SimProfileData for the region</returns> public RegionProfileData getRegion(ulong handle) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { try { return kvp.Value.GetProfileByHandle(handle); } catch { m_log.Warn("[storage]: Unable to find region " + handle.ToString() + " via " + kvp.Key); } } return null; } public Dictionary<ulong, RegionProfileData> getRegions(uint xmin, uint ymin, uint xmax, uint ymax) { Dictionary<ulong, RegionProfileData> regions = new Dictionary<ulong, RegionProfileData>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { try { RegionProfileData[] neighbours = kvp.Value.GetProfilesInRange(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax); foreach (RegionProfileData neighbour in neighbours) { regions[neighbour.regionHandle] = neighbour; } } catch { m_log.Warn("[storage]: Unable to query regionblock via " + kvp.Key); } } return regions; } /// <summary> /// Returns a XML String containing a list of the neighbouring regions /// </summary> /// <param name="reqhandle">The regionhandle for the center sim</param> /// <returns>An XML string containing neighbour entities</returns> public string GetXMLNeighbours(ulong reqhandle) { string response = String.Empty; RegionProfileData central_region = getRegion(reqhandle); RegionProfileData neighbour; for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) { if ( getRegion( Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((central_region.regionLocX + x) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(central_region.regionLocY + y) * Constants.RegionSize)) != null) { neighbour = getRegion( Util.UIntsToLong((uint)((central_region.regionLocX + x) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(central_region.regionLocY + y) * Constants.RegionSize)); response += "<neighbour>"; response += "<sim_ip>" + neighbour.serverIP + "</sim_ip>"; response += "<sim_port>" + neighbour.serverPort.ToString() + "</sim_port>"; response += "<locx>" + neighbour.regionLocX.ToString() + "</locx>"; response += "<locy>" + neighbour.regionLocY.ToString() + "</locy>"; response += "<regionhandle>" + neighbour.regionHandle.ToString() + "</regionhandle>"; response += "</neighbour>"; } } return response; } protected virtual bool ValidateOverwrite(RegionProfileData sim, RegionProfileData existingSim) { bool validated; validated = (existingSim.regionRecvKey == sim.regionRecvKey && existingSim.regionSendKey == sim.regionSendKey); return validated; } protected virtual bool ValidateNewRegion(RegionProfileData sim) { bool validated; validated = (sim.regionRecvKey == Config.SimSendKey && sim.regionSendKey == Config.SimRecvKey); return validated; } private XmlRpcResponse ErrorResponse(string error) { XmlRpcResponse errorResponse = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable errorResponseData = new Hashtable(); errorResponse.Value = errorResponseData; errorResponseData["error"] = error; return errorResponse; } /// <summary> /// Performed when a region connects to the grid server initially. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The XMLRPC Request</param> /// <returns>Startup parameters</returns> public XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcSimulatorLoginMethod(XmlRpcRequest request) { RegionProfileData sim; RegionProfileData existingSim; Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; LLUUID uuid; if (requestData.ContainsKey("UUID") && LLUUID.TryParse((string)requestData["UUID"], out uuid)) { } else { m_log.Info("[GRID]: Region connected without a UUID, ignoring."); return ErrorResponse("No UUID passed to grid server - unable to connect you"); } try { sim = RegionFromRequest(requestData); } catch (FormatException e) { m_log.Info("[GRID]: Invalid login parameters, ignoring."); return ErrorResponse("Wrong format in login parameters. Please verify parameters."); } existingSim = getRegion(sim.regionHandle); if (existingSim == null || existingSim.UUID == sim.UUID || sim.UUID != sim.originUUID) { bool validated; if (existingSim == null) { validated = ValidateNewRegion(sim); } else { validated = ValidateOverwrite(sim, existingSim); } if (validated) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { try { DataResponse insertResponse = kvp.Value.AddProfile(sim); switch (insertResponse) { case DataResponse.RESPONSE_OK: m_log.Info("[grid]: New sim " + (existingSim == null ? "creation" : "connection") + " successful: " + sim.regionName); break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_ERROR: m_log.Warn("[storage]: New sim creation failed (Error): " + sim.regionName); break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_INVALIDCREDENTIALS: m_log.Warn("[storage]: " + "New sim creation failed (Invalid Credentials): " + sim.regionName); break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_AUTHREQUIRED: m_log.Warn("[storage]: " + "New sim creation failed (Authentication Required): " + sim.regionName); break; } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn("[storage]: " + "Unable to add region " + sim.UUID.ToString() + " via " + kvp.Key); m_log.Warn("[storage]: " + e.ToString()); } } XmlRpcResponse response = CreateLoginResponse(sim); return response; } else { if (existingSim == null) { m_log.Warn("[grid]: Authentication failed when trying to add new region " + sim.regionName + " at location " + sim.regionLocX + " " + sim.regionLocY + " with TheSim.regionRecvKey " + sim.regionRecvKey + "(" + Config.SimSendKey + ") and TheSim.regionRecvKey " + sim.regionSendKey + "(" + Config.SimRecvKey + ") "); } else { m_log.Warn("[grid]: Authentication failed when trying to add new region " + sim.regionName + " at location " + sim.regionLocX + " " + sim.regionLocY + " currently occupied by " + existingSim.regionName); } return ErrorResponse("The key required to connect to your region did not match. Please check your send and recieve keys."); } } else { m_log.Warn("[grid]: Failed to add new region " + sim.regionName + " at location " + sim.regionLocX + " " + sim.regionLocY + " currently occupied by " + existingSim.regionName); return ErrorResponse("Another region already exists at that location. Try another"); } } private XmlRpcResponse CreateLoginResponse(RegionProfileData sim) { XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; ArrayList SimNeighboursData = GetSimNeighboursData(sim); responseData["UUID"] = sim.UUID.ToString(); responseData["region_locx"] = sim.regionLocX.ToString(); responseData["region_locy"] = sim.regionLocY.ToString(); responseData["regionname"] = sim.regionName; responseData["estate_id"] = "1"; responseData["neighbours"] = SimNeighboursData; responseData["sim_ip"] = sim.serverIP; responseData["sim_port"] = sim.serverPort.ToString(); responseData["asset_url"] = sim.regionAssetURI; responseData["asset_sendkey"] = sim.regionAssetSendKey; responseData["asset_recvkey"] = sim.regionAssetRecvKey; responseData["user_url"] = sim.regionUserURI; responseData["user_sendkey"] = sim.regionUserSendKey; responseData["user_recvkey"] = sim.regionUserRecvKey; responseData["authkey"] = sim.regionSecret; // New! If set, use as URL to local sim storage (ie http://remotehost/region.yap) responseData["data_uri"] = sim.regionDataURI; responseData["allow_forceful_banlines"] = Config.AllowForcefulBanlines; // Instead of sending a multitude of message servers to the registering sim // we should probably be sending a single one and parhaps it's backup // that has responsibility over routing it's messages. // The Sim won't be contacting us again about any of the message server stuff during it's time up. responseData["messageserver_count"] = _MessageServers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < _MessageServers.Count; i++) { responseData["messageserver_uri" + i] = _MessageServers[i].URI; responseData["messageserver_sendkey" + i] = _MessageServers[i].sendkey; responseData["messageserver_recvkey" + i] = _MessageServers[i].recvkey; } return response; } private ArrayList GetSimNeighboursData(RegionProfileData sim) { ArrayList SimNeighboursData = new ArrayList(); RegionProfileData neighbour; Hashtable NeighbourBlock; bool fastMode = false; // Only compatible with MySQL right now if (fastMode) { Dictionary<ulong, RegionProfileData> neighbours = getRegions(sim.regionLocX - 1, sim.regionLocY - 1, sim.regionLocX + 1, sim.regionLocY + 1); foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, RegionProfileData> aSim in neighbours) { NeighbourBlock = new Hashtable(); NeighbourBlock["sim_ip"] = Util.GetHostFromDNS(aSim.Value.serverIP.ToString()).ToString(); NeighbourBlock["sim_port"] = aSim.Value.serverPort.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locx"] = aSim.Value.regionLocX.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locy"] = aSim.Value.regionLocY.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["UUID"] = aSim.Value.UUID.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["regionHandle"] = aSim.Value.regionHandle.ToString(); if (aSim.Value.UUID != sim.UUID) { SimNeighboursData.Add(NeighbourBlock); } } } else { for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) { if ( getRegion( Helpers.UIntsToLong((uint)((sim.regionLocX + x) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(sim.regionLocY + y) * Constants.RegionSize)) != null) { neighbour = getRegion( Helpers.UIntsToLong((uint)((sim.regionLocX + x) * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(sim.regionLocY + y) * Constants.RegionSize)); NeighbourBlock = new Hashtable(); NeighbourBlock["sim_ip"] = Util.GetHostFromDNS(neighbour.serverIP).ToString(); NeighbourBlock["sim_port"] = neighbour.serverPort.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locx"] = neighbour.regionLocX.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["region_locy"] = neighbour.regionLocY.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["UUID"] = neighbour.UUID.ToString(); NeighbourBlock["regionHandle"] = neighbour.regionHandle.ToString(); if (neighbour.UUID != sim.UUID) SimNeighboursData.Add(NeighbourBlock); } } } return SimNeighboursData; } private RegionProfileData RegionFromRequest(Hashtable requestData) { RegionProfileData sim; sim = new RegionProfileData(); sim.UUID = new LLUUID((string)requestData["UUID"]); sim.originUUID = new LLUUID((string)requestData["originUUID"]); sim.regionRecvKey = String.Empty; sim.regionSendKey = String.Empty; sim.regionSecret = Config.SimRecvKey; sim.regionDataURI = String.Empty; sim.regionAssetURI = Config.DefaultAssetServer; sim.regionAssetRecvKey = Config.AssetRecvKey; sim.regionAssetSendKey = Config.AssetSendKey; sim.regionUserURI = Config.DefaultUserServer; sim.regionUserSendKey = Config.UserSendKey; sim.regionUserRecvKey = Config.UserRecvKey; sim.serverIP = (string)requestData["sim_ip"]; sim.serverPort = Convert.ToUInt32((string)requestData["sim_port"]); sim.httpPort = Convert.ToUInt32((string)requestData["http_port"]); sim.remotingPort = Convert.ToUInt32((string)requestData["remoting_port"]); sim.regionLocX = Convert.ToUInt32((string)requestData["region_locx"]); sim.regionLocY = Convert.ToUInt32((string)requestData["region_locy"]); sim.regionLocZ = 0; LLUUID textureID; if (LLUUID.TryParse((string)requestData["map-image-id"], out textureID)) { sim.regionMapTextureID = textureID; } // part of an initial brutish effort to provide accurate information (as per the xml region spec) // wrt the ownership of a given region // the (very bad) assumption is that this value is being read and handled inconsistently or // not at all. Current strategy is to put the code in place to support the validity of this information // and to roll forward debugging any issues from that point // // this particular section of the mod attempts to receive a value from the region's xml file by way of // OSG1GridServices for the region's owner sim.owner_uuid = (string)requestData["master_avatar_uuid"]; try { sim.regionRecvKey = (string)requestData["recvkey"]; sim.regionSendKey = (string)requestData["authkey"]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } sim.regionHandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((sim.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize), (sim.regionLocY * Constants.RegionSize)); sim.serverURI = (string)requestData["server_uri"]; sim.httpServerURI = "http://" + sim.serverIP + ":" + sim.httpPort + "/"; sim.regionName = (string)requestData["sim_name"]; return sim; } /// <summary> /// Returns an XML RPC response to a simulator profile request /// Performed after moving a region. /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <param name="request">The XMLRPC Request</param> /// <returns>Processing parameters</returns> public XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcDeleteRegionMethod(XmlRpcRequest request) { XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; //RegionProfileData TheSim = null; string uuid = String.Empty; ; Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("UUID")) { //TheSim = getRegion(new LLUUID((string) requestData["UUID"])); uuid = requestData["UUID"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("deleting region " + uuid); // logToDB((new LLUUID((string)requestData["UUID"])).ToString(),"XmlRpcDeleteRegionMethod","", 5,"Attempting delete with UUID."); } else { responseData["error"] = "No UUID or region_handle passed to grid server - unable to delete"; return response; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { //OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL.MySQLGridData dbengine = new OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL.MySQLGridData(); try { OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL.MySQLGridData mysqldata = (OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL.MySQLGridData)(kvp.Value); //DataResponse insertResponse = mysqldata.DeleteProfile(TheSim); DataResponse insertResponse = mysqldata.DeleteProfile(uuid); switch (insertResponse) { case DataResponse.RESPONSE_OK: //MainLog.Instance.Verbose("grid", "Deleting region successful: " + uuid); responseData["status"] = "Deleting region successful: " + uuid; break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_ERROR: //MainLog.Instance.Warn("storage", "Deleting region failed (Error): " + uuid); responseData["status"] = "Deleting region failed (Error): " + uuid; break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_INVALIDCREDENTIALS: //MainLog.Instance.Warn("storage", "Deleting region failed (Invalid Credentials): " + uuid); responseData["status"] = "Deleting region (Invalid Credentials): " + uuid; break; case DataResponse.RESPONSE_AUTHREQUIRED: //MainLog.Instance.Warn("storage", "Deleting region failed (Authentication Required): " + uuid); responseData["status"] = "Deleting region (Authentication Required): " + uuid; break; } } catch (Exception) { m_log.Error("storage Unable to delete region " + uuid + " via MySQL"); //MainLog.Instance.Warn("storage", e.ToString()); } } return response; } /// <summary> /// Returns an XML RPC response to a simulator profile request /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <returns></returns> public XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcSimulatorDataRequestMethod(XmlRpcRequest request) { Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); RegionProfileData simData = null; if (requestData.ContainsKey("region_UUID")) { simData = getRegion(new LLUUID((string)requestData["region_UUID"])); } else if (requestData.ContainsKey("region_handle")) { //CFK: The if/else below this makes this message redundant. //CFK: Console.WriteLine("requesting data for region " + (string) requestData["region_handle"]); simData = getRegion(Convert.ToUInt64((string)requestData["region_handle"])); } if (simData == null) { //Sim does not exist Console.WriteLine("region not found"); responseData["error"] = "Sim does not exist"; } else { m_log.Info("[DATA]: found " + (string)simData.regionName + " regionHandle = " + (string)requestData["region_handle"]); responseData["sim_ip"] = Util.GetHostFromDNS(simData.serverIP).ToString(); responseData["sim_port"] = simData.serverPort.ToString(); responseData["server_uri"] = simData.serverURI; responseData["http_port"] = simData.httpPort.ToString(); responseData["remoting_port"] = simData.remotingPort.ToString(); responseData["region_locx"] = simData.regionLocX.ToString(); responseData["region_locy"] = simData.regionLocY.ToString(); responseData["region_UUID"] = simData.UUID.UUID.ToString(); responseData["region_name"] = simData.regionName; responseData["regionHandle"] = simData.regionHandle.ToString(); } XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); response.Value = responseData; return response; } public XmlRpcResponse XmlRpcMapBlockMethod(XmlRpcRequest request) { int xmin = 980, ymin = 980, xmax = 1020, ymax = 1020; Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; if (requestData.ContainsKey("xmin")) { xmin = (Int32)requestData["xmin"]; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("ymin")) { ymin = (Int32)requestData["ymin"]; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("xmax")) { xmax = (Int32)requestData["xmax"]; } if (requestData.ContainsKey("ymax")) { ymax = (Int32)requestData["ymax"]; } //CFK: The second log is more meaningful and either standard or fast generally occurs. //CFK: m_log.Info("[MAP]: World map request for range (" + xmin + "," + ymin + ")..(" + xmax + "," + ymax + ")"); XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); response.Value = responseData; IList simProfileList = new ArrayList(); bool fastMode = false; // MySQL Only fastMode = (Config.DatabaseProvider == "OpenSim.Framework.Data.MySQL.dll"); if (fastMode) { Dictionary<ulong, RegionProfileData> neighbours = getRegions((uint)xmin, (uint)ymin, (uint)xmax, (uint)ymax); foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, RegionProfileData> aSim in neighbours) { Hashtable simProfileBlock = new Hashtable(); simProfileBlock["x"] = aSim.Value.regionLocX.ToString(); simProfileBlock["y"] = aSim.Value.regionLocY.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("send neighbour info for " + aSim.Value.regionLocX.ToString() + " , " + aSim.Value.regionLocY.ToString()); simProfileBlock["name"] = aSim.Value.regionName; simProfileBlock["access"] = 21; simProfileBlock["region-flags"] = 512; simProfileBlock["water-height"] = 0; simProfileBlock["agents"] = 1; simProfileBlock["map-image-id"] = aSim.Value.regionMapTextureID.ToString(); // For Sugilite compatibility simProfileBlock["regionhandle"] = aSim.Value.regionHandle.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_ip"] = aSim.Value.serverIP.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_port"] = aSim.Value.serverPort.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_uri"] = aSim.Value.serverURI.ToString(); simProfileBlock["uuid"] = aSim.Value.UUID.ToString(); simProfileBlock["remoting_port"] = aSim.Value.remotingPort; simProfileList.Add(simProfileBlock); } m_log.Info("[MAP]: Fast map " + simProfileList.Count.ToString() + " regions @ (" + xmin + "," + ymin + ")..(" + xmax + "," + ymax + ")"); } else { RegionProfileData simProfile; for (int x = xmin; x < xmax + 1; x++) { for (int y = ymin; y < ymax + 1; y++) { ulong regHandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((uint)(x * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(y * Constants.RegionSize)); simProfile = getRegion(regHandle); if (simProfile != null) { Hashtable simProfileBlock = new Hashtable(); simProfileBlock["x"] = x; simProfileBlock["y"] = y; simProfileBlock["name"] = simProfile.regionName; simProfileBlock["access"] = 0; simProfileBlock["region-flags"] = 0; simProfileBlock["water-height"] = 20; simProfileBlock["agents"] = 1; simProfileBlock["map-image-id"] = simProfile.regionMapTextureID.ToString(); // For Sugilite compatibility simProfileBlock["regionhandle"] = simProfile.regionHandle.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_ip"] = simProfile.serverIP.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_port"] = simProfile.serverPort.ToString(); simProfileBlock["sim_uri"] = simProfile.serverURI.ToString(); simProfileBlock["uuid"] = simProfile.UUID.ToString(); simProfileList.Add(simProfileBlock); } } } m_log.Info("[MAP]: Std map " + simProfileList.Count.ToString() + " regions @ (" + xmin + "," + ymin + ")..(" + xmax + "," + ymax + ")"); } responseData["sim-profiles"] = simProfileList; return response; } /// <summary> /// Performs a REST Get Operation /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string RestGetRegionMethod(string request, string path, string param) { return RestGetSimMethod(String.Empty, "/sims/", param); } /// <summary> /// Performs a REST Set Operation /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string RestSetRegionMethod(string request, string path, string param) { return RestSetSimMethod(String.Empty, "/sims/", param); } /// <summary> /// Returns information about a sim via a REST Request /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="param">A string representing the sim's UUID</param> /// <returns>Information about the sim in XML</returns> public string RestGetSimMethod(string request, string path, string param) { string respstring = String.Empty; RegionProfileData TheSim; LLUUID UUID; if (LLUUID.TryParse(param, out UUID)) { TheSim = getRegion(UUID); if (!(TheSim == null)) { respstring = "<Root>"; respstring += "<authkey>" + TheSim.regionSendKey + "</authkey>"; respstring += "<sim>"; respstring += "<uuid>" + TheSim.UUID.ToString() + "</uuid>"; respstring += "<regionname>" + TheSim.regionName + "</regionname>"; respstring += "<sim_ip>" + Util.GetHostFromDNS(TheSim.serverIP).ToString() + "</sim_ip>"; respstring += "<sim_port>" + TheSim.serverPort.ToString() + "</sim_port>"; respstring += "<region_locx>" + TheSim.regionLocX.ToString() + "</region_locx>"; respstring += "<region_locy>" + TheSim.regionLocY.ToString() + "</region_locy>"; respstring += "<estate_id>1</estate_id>"; respstring += "</sim>"; respstring += "</Root>"; } } else { respstring = "<Root>"; respstring += "<error>Param must be a UUID</error>"; respstring += "</Root>"; } return respstring; } /// <summary> /// Creates or updates a sim via a REST Method Request /// BROKEN with SQL Update /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="param"></param> /// <returns>"OK" or an error</returns> public string RestSetSimMethod(string request, string path, string param) { Console.WriteLine("Processing region update via REST method"); RegionProfileData TheSim; TheSim = getRegion(new LLUUID(param)); if ((TheSim) == null) { TheSim = new RegionProfileData(); LLUUID UUID = new LLUUID(param); TheSim.UUID = UUID; TheSim.regionRecvKey = Config.SimRecvKey; } XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(request); XmlNode rootnode = doc.FirstChild; XmlNode authkeynode = rootnode.ChildNodes[0]; if (authkeynode.Name != "authkey") { return "ERROR! bad XML - expected authkey tag"; } XmlNode simnode = rootnode.ChildNodes[1]; if (simnode.Name != "sim") { return "ERROR! bad XML - expected sim tag"; } //TheSim.regionSendKey = Cfg; TheSim.regionRecvKey = Config.SimRecvKey; TheSim.regionSendKey = Config.SimSendKey; TheSim.regionSecret = Config.SimRecvKey; TheSim.regionDataURI = String.Empty; TheSim.regionAssetURI = Config.DefaultAssetServer; TheSim.regionAssetRecvKey = Config.AssetRecvKey; TheSim.regionAssetSendKey = Config.AssetSendKey; TheSim.regionUserURI = Config.DefaultUserServer; TheSim.regionUserSendKey = Config.UserSendKey; TheSim.regionUserRecvKey = Config.UserRecvKey; for (int i = 0; i < simnode.ChildNodes.Count; i++) { switch (simnode.ChildNodes[i].Name) { case "regionname": TheSim.regionName = simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText; break; case "sim_ip": TheSim.serverIP = simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText; break; case "sim_port": TheSim.serverPort = Convert.ToUInt32(simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); break; case "region_locx": TheSim.regionLocX = Convert.ToUInt32((string)simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); TheSim.regionHandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((TheSim.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize), (TheSim.regionLocY * Constants.RegionSize)); break; case "region_locy": TheSim.regionLocY = Convert.ToUInt32((string)simnode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText); TheSim.regionHandle = Helpers.UIntsToLong((TheSim.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize), (TheSim.regionLocY * Constants.RegionSize)); break; } } TheSim.serverURI = "http://" + TheSim.serverIP + ":" + TheSim.serverPort + "/"; bool requirePublic = false; bool requireValid = true; if (requirePublic && (TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("172.16") || TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("192.168") || TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("10.") || TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("0.") || TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("255."))) { return "ERROR! Servers must register with public addresses."; } if (requireValid && (TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("0.") || TheSim.serverIP.StartsWith("255."))) { return "ERROR! 0.*.*.* / 255.*.*.* Addresses are invalid, please check your server config and try again"; } try { m_log.Info("[DATA]: " + "Updating / adding via " + _plugins.Count + " storage provider(s) registered."); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IGridData> kvp in _plugins) { try { //Check reservations ReservationData reserveData = kvp.Value.GetReservationAtPoint(TheSim.regionLocX, TheSim.regionLocY); if ((reserveData != null && reserveData.gridRecvKey == TheSim.regionRecvKey) || (reserveData == null && authkeynode.InnerText != TheSim.regionRecvKey)) { kvp.Value.AddProfile(TheSim); m_log.Info("[grid]: New sim added to grid (" + TheSim.regionName + ")"); logToDB(TheSim.UUID.ToString(), "RestSetSimMethod", String.Empty, 5, "Region successfully updated and connected to grid."); } else { m_log.Warn("[grid]: " + "Unable to update region (RestSetSimMethod): Incorrect reservation auth key."); // Wanted: " + reserveData.gridRecvKey + ", Got: " + TheSim.regionRecvKey + "."); return "Unable to update region (RestSetSimMethod): Incorrect auth key."; } } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn("[GRID]: getRegionPlugin Handle " + kvp.Key + " unable to add new sim: " + e.ToString()); } } return "OK"; } catch (Exception e) { return "ERROR! Could not save to database! (" + e.ToString() + ")"; } } public XmlRpcResponse XmlRPCRegisterMessageServer(XmlRpcRequest request) { XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); if (requestData.Contains("uri")) { string URI = (string)requestData["URI"]; string sendkey = (string)requestData["sendkey"]; string recvkey = (string)requestData["recvkey"]; MessageServerInfo m = new MessageServerInfo(); m.URI = URI; m.sendkey = sendkey; m.recvkey = recvkey; if (!_MessageServers.Contains(m)) _MessageServers.Add(m); responseData["responsestring"] = "TRUE"; response.Value = responseData; } return response; } public XmlRpcResponse XmlRPCDeRegisterMessageServer(XmlRpcRequest request) { XmlRpcResponse response = new XmlRpcResponse(); Hashtable requestData = (Hashtable)request.Params[0]; Hashtable responseData = new Hashtable(); if (requestData.Contains("uri")) { string URI = (string)requestData["uri"]; string sendkey = (string)requestData["sendkey"]; string recvkey = (string)requestData["recvkey"]; MessageServerInfo m = new MessageServerInfo(); m.URI = URI; m.sendkey = sendkey; m.recvkey = recvkey; if (_MessageServers.Contains(m)) _MessageServers.Remove(m); responseData["responsestring"] = "TRUE"; response.Value = responseData; } return response; } } }