/* * Copyright (c) Contributors, http://opensimulator.org/ * See CONTRIBUTORS.TXT for a full list of copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenSimulator Project nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using log4net; using log4net.Appender; using log4net.Core; using log4net.Repository; using Nini.Config; using OpenSim.Framework.Console; using OpenSim.Framework.Monitoring; namespace OpenSim.Framework.Servers { public class ServerBase { private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); public IConfigSource Config { get; protected set; } /// <summary> /// Console to be used for any command line output. Can be null, in which case there should be no output. /// </summary> protected ICommandConsole m_console; protected OpenSimAppender m_consoleAppender; protected FileAppender m_logFileAppender; protected FileAppender m_statsLogFileAppender; protected DateTime m_startuptime; protected string m_startupDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; protected string m_pidFile = String.Empty; protected ServerStatsCollector m_serverStatsCollector; /// <summary> /// Server version information. Usually VersionInfo + information about git commit, operating system, etc. /// </summary> protected string m_version; public ServerBase() { m_startuptime = DateTime.Now; m_version = VersionInfo.Version; EnhanceVersionInformation(); } protected void CreatePIDFile(string path) { if (File.Exists(path)) m_log.ErrorFormat( "[SERVER BASE]: Previous pid file {0} still exists on startup. Possibly previously unclean shutdown.", path); try { string pidstring = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id.ToString(); using (FileStream fs = File.Create(path)) { Byte[] buf = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(pidstring); fs.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length); } m_pidFile = path; m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Created pid file {0}", m_pidFile); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Warn(string.Format("[SERVER BASE]: Could not create PID file at {0} ", path), e); } } protected void RemovePIDFile() { if (m_pidFile != String.Empty) { try { File.Delete(m_pidFile); } catch (Exception e) { m_log.Error(string.Format("[SERVER BASE]: Error whilst removing {0} ", m_pidFile), e); } m_pidFile = String.Empty; } } /// <summary> /// Log information about the circumstances in which we're running (OpenSimulator version number, CLR details, /// etc.). /// </summary> public void LogEnvironmentInformation() { // FIXME: This should be done down in ServerBase but we need to sort out and refactor the log4net // XmlConfigurator calls first accross servers. m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Starting in {0}", m_startupDirectory); m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: OpenSimulator version: {0}", m_version); // clr version potentially is more confusing than helpful, since it doesn't tell us if we're running under Mono/MS .NET and // the clr version number doesn't match the project version number under Mono. //m_log.Info("[STARTUP]: Virtual machine runtime version: " + Environment.Version + Environment.NewLine); m_log.InfoFormat( "[SERVER BASE]: Operating system version: {0}, .NET platform {1}, {2}-bit", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.OSVersion.Platform, Util.Is64BitProcess() ? "64" : "32"); } public void RegisterCommonAppenders(IConfig startupConfig) { ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository(); IAppender[] appenders = repository.GetAppenders(); foreach (IAppender appender in appenders) { if (appender.Name == "Console") { m_consoleAppender = (OpenSimAppender)appender; } else if (appender.Name == "LogFileAppender") { m_logFileAppender = (FileAppender)appender; } else if (appender.Name == "StatsLogFileAppender") { m_statsLogFileAppender = (FileAppender)appender; } } if (null == m_consoleAppender) { Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!"); } else { // FIXME: This should be done through an interface rather than casting. m_consoleAppender.Console = (ConsoleBase)m_console; // If there is no threshold set then the threshold is effectively everything. if (null == m_consoleAppender.Threshold) m_consoleAppender.Threshold = Level.All; Notice(String.Format("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold)); } if (m_logFileAppender != null && startupConfig != null) { string cfgFileName = startupConfig.GetString("LogFile", null); if (cfgFileName != null) { m_logFileAppender.File = cfgFileName; m_logFileAppender.ActivateOptions(); } m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Logging started to file {0}", m_logFileAppender.File); } if (m_statsLogFileAppender != null && startupConfig != null) { string cfgStatsFileName = startupConfig.GetString("StatsLogFile", null); if (cfgStatsFileName != null) { m_statsLogFileAppender.File = cfgStatsFileName; m_statsLogFileAppender.ActivateOptions(); } m_log.InfoFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Stats Logging started to file {0}", m_statsLogFileAppender.File); } } /// <summary> /// Register common commands once m_console has been set if it is going to be set /// </summary> public void RegisterCommonCommands() { if (m_console == null) return; m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "show info", "show info", "Show general information about the server", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "show version", "show version", "Show server version", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "show uptime", "show uptime", "Show server uptime", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "get log level", "get log level", "Get the current console logging level", (mod, cmd) => ShowLogLevel()); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "set log level", "set log level <level>", "Set the console logging level for this session.", HandleSetLogLevel); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "config set", "config set <section> <key> <value>", "Set a config option. In most cases this is not useful since changed parameters are not dynamically reloaded. Neither do changed parameters persist - you will have to change a config file manually and restart.", HandleConfig); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "config get", "config get [<section>] [<key>]", "Synonym for config show", HandleConfig); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "config show", "config show [<section>] [<key>]", "Show config information", "If neither section nor field are specified, then the whole current configuration is printed." + Environment.NewLine + "If a section is given but not a field, then all fields in that section are printed.", HandleConfig); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "config save", "config save <path>", "Save current configuration to a file at the given path", HandleConfig); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "command-script", "command-script <script>", "Run a command script from file", HandleScript); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "show threads", "show threads", "Show thread status", HandleShow); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "Debug", false, "threads abort", "threads abort <thread-id>", "Abort a managed thread. Use \"show threads\" to find possible threads.", HandleThreadsAbort); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "threads show", "threads show", "Show thread status. Synonym for \"show threads\"", (string module, string[] args) => Notice(GetThreadsReport())); m_console.Commands.AddCommand ( "Debug", false, "debug threadpool set", "debug threadpool set worker|iocp min|max <n>", "Set threadpool parameters. For debug purposes.", HandleDebugThreadpoolSet); m_console.Commands.AddCommand ( "Debug", false, "debug threadpool status", "debug threadpool status", "Show current debug threadpool parameters.", HandleDebugThreadpoolStatus); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "Debug", false, "debug threadpool level", "debug threadpool level 0.." + Util.MAX_THREADPOOL_LEVEL, "Turn on logging of activity in the main thread pool.", "Log levels:\n" + " 0 = no logging\n" + " 1 = only first line of stack trace; don't log common threads\n" + " 2 = full stack trace; don't log common threads\n" + " 3 = full stack trace, including common threads\n", HandleDebugThreadpoolLevel); // m_console.Commands.AddCommand( // "Debug", false, "show threadpool calls active", // "show threadpool calls active", // "Show details about threadpool calls that are still active (currently waiting or in progress)", // HandleShowThreadpoolCallsActive); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "Debug", false, "show threadpool calls complete", "show threadpool calls complete", "Show details about threadpool calls that have been completed.", HandleShowThreadpoolCallsComplete); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "Debug", false, "force gc", "force gc", "Manually invoke runtime garbage collection. For debugging purposes", HandleForceGc); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "quit", "quit", "Quit the application", (mod, args) => Shutdown()); m_console.Commands.AddCommand( "General", false, "shutdown", "shutdown", "Quit the application", (mod, args) => Shutdown()); ChecksManager.RegisterConsoleCommands(m_console); StatsManager.RegisterConsoleCommands(m_console); } public void RegisterCommonComponents(IConfigSource configSource) { // IConfig networkConfig = configSource.Configs["Network"]; m_serverStatsCollector = new ServerStatsCollector(); m_serverStatsCollector.Initialise(configSource); m_serverStatsCollector.Start(); } private void HandleShowThreadpoolCallsActive(string module, string[] args) { List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> calls = Util.GetFireAndForgetCallsInProgress().ToList(); calls.Sort((kvp1, kvp2) => kvp2.Value.CompareTo(kvp1.Value)); int namedCalls = 0; ConsoleDisplayList cdl = new ConsoleDisplayList(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in calls) { if (kvp.Value > 0) { cdl.AddRow(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); namedCalls += kvp.Value; } } cdl.AddRow("TOTAL NAMED", namedCalls); long allQueuedCalls = Util.TotalQueuedFireAndForgetCalls; long allRunningCalls = Util.TotalRunningFireAndForgetCalls; cdl.AddRow("TOTAL QUEUED", allQueuedCalls); cdl.AddRow("TOTAL RUNNING", allRunningCalls); cdl.AddRow("TOTAL ANONYMOUS", allQueuedCalls + allRunningCalls - namedCalls); cdl.AddRow("TOTAL ALL", allQueuedCalls + allRunningCalls); MainConsole.Instance.Output(cdl.ToString()); } private void HandleShowThreadpoolCallsComplete(string module, string[] args) { List<KeyValuePair<string, int>> calls = Util.GetFireAndForgetCallsMade().ToList(); calls.Sort((kvp1, kvp2) => kvp2.Value.CompareTo(kvp1.Value)); int namedCallsMade = 0; ConsoleDisplayList cdl = new ConsoleDisplayList(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> kvp in calls) { cdl.AddRow(kvp.Key, kvp.Value); namedCallsMade += kvp.Value; } cdl.AddRow("TOTAL NAMED", namedCallsMade); long allCallsMade = Util.TotalFireAndForgetCallsMade; cdl.AddRow("TOTAL ANONYMOUS", allCallsMade - namedCallsMade); cdl.AddRow("TOTAL ALL", allCallsMade); MainConsole.Instance.Output(cdl.ToString()); } private void HandleDebugThreadpoolStatus(string module, string[] args) { int workerThreads, iocpThreads; ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); Notice("Min worker threads: {0}", workerThreads); Notice("Min IOCP threads: {0}", iocpThreads); ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); Notice("Max worker threads: {0}", workerThreads); Notice("Max IOCP threads: {0}", iocpThreads); ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); Notice("Available worker threads: {0}", workerThreads); Notice("Available IOCP threads: {0}", iocpThreads); } private void HandleDebugThreadpoolSet(string module, string[] args) { if (args.Length != 6) { Notice("Usage: debug threadpool set worker|iocp min|max <n>"); return; } int newThreads; if (!ConsoleUtil.TryParseConsoleInt(m_console, args[5], out newThreads)) return; string poolType = args[3]; string bound = args[4]; bool fail = false; int workerThreads, iocpThreads; if (poolType == "worker") { if (bound == "min") { ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); if (!ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(newThreads, iocpThreads)) fail = true; } else { ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); if (!ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(newThreads, iocpThreads)) fail = true; } } else { if (bound == "min") { ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); if (!ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(workerThreads, newThreads)) fail = true; } else { ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out workerThreads, out iocpThreads); if (!ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, newThreads)) fail = true; } } if (fail) { Notice("ERROR: Could not set {0} {1} threads to {2}", poolType, bound, newThreads); } else { int minWorkerThreads, maxWorkerThreads, minIocpThreads, maxIocpThreads; ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorkerThreads, out minIocpThreads); ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out maxWorkerThreads, out maxIocpThreads); Notice("Min worker threads now {0}", minWorkerThreads); Notice("Min IOCP threads now {0}", minIocpThreads); Notice("Max worker threads now {0}", maxWorkerThreads); Notice("Max IOCP threads now {0}", maxIocpThreads); } } private static void HandleDebugThreadpoolLevel(string module, string[] cmdparams) { if (cmdparams.Length < 4) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Usage: debug threadpool level 0.." + Util.MAX_THREADPOOL_LEVEL); return; } string rawLevel = cmdparams[3]; int newLevel; if (!int.TryParse(rawLevel, out newLevel)) { MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("{0} is not a valid debug level", rawLevel); return; } if (newLevel < 0 || newLevel > Util.MAX_THREADPOOL_LEVEL) { MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("{0} is outside the valid debug level range of 0.." + Util.MAX_THREADPOOL_LEVEL, newLevel); return; } Util.LogThreadPool = newLevel; MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("LogThreadPool set to {0}", newLevel); } private void HandleForceGc(string module, string[] args) { Notice("Manually invoking runtime garbage collection"); GC.Collect(); } public virtual void HandleShow(string module, string[] cmd) { List<string> args = new List<string>(cmd); args.RemoveAt(0); string[] showParams = args.ToArray(); switch (showParams[0]) { case "info": ShowInfo(); break; case "version": Notice(GetVersionText()); break; case "uptime": Notice(GetUptimeReport()); break; case "threads": Notice(GetThreadsReport()); break; } } /// <summary> /// Change and load configuration file data. /// </summary> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="cmd"></param> private void HandleConfig(string module, string[] cmd) { List<string> args = new List<string>(cmd); args.RemoveAt(0); string[] cmdparams = args.ToArray(); if (cmdparams.Length > 0) { string firstParam = cmdparams[0].ToLower(); switch (firstParam) { case "set": if (cmdparams.Length < 4) { Notice("Syntax: config set <section> <key> <value>"); Notice("Example: config set ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine NumberOfScriptThreads 5"); } else { IConfig c; IConfigSource source = new IniConfigSource(); c = source.AddConfig(cmdparams[1]); if (c != null) { string _value = String.Join(" ", cmdparams, 3, cmdparams.Length - 3); c.Set(cmdparams[2], _value); Config.Merge(source); Notice("In section [{0}], set {1} = {2}", c.Name, cmdparams[2], _value); } } break; case "get": case "show": if (cmdparams.Length == 1) { foreach (IConfig config in Config.Configs) { Notice("[{0}]", config.Name); string[] keys = config.GetKeys(); foreach (string key in keys) Notice(" {0} = {1}", key, config.GetString(key)); } } else if (cmdparams.Length == 2 || cmdparams.Length == 3) { IConfig config = Config.Configs[cmdparams[1]]; if (config == null) { Notice("Section \"{0}\" does not exist.",cmdparams[1]); break; } else { if (cmdparams.Length == 2) { Notice("[{0}]", config.Name); foreach (string key in config.GetKeys()) Notice(" {0} = {1}", key, config.GetString(key)); } else { Notice( "config get {0} {1} : {2}", cmdparams[1], cmdparams[2], config.GetString(cmdparams[2])); } } } else { Notice("Syntax: config {0} [<section>] [<key>]", firstParam); Notice("Example: config {0} ScriptEngine.DotNetEngine NumberOfScriptThreads", firstParam); } break; case "save": if (cmdparams.Length < 2) { Notice("Syntax: config save <path>"); return; } string path = cmdparams[1]; Notice("Saving configuration file: {0}", path); if (Config is IniConfigSource) { IniConfigSource iniCon = (IniConfigSource)Config; iniCon.Save(path); } else if (Config is XmlConfigSource) { XmlConfigSource xmlCon = (XmlConfigSource)Config; xmlCon.Save(path); } break; } } } private void HandleSetLogLevel(string module, string[] cmd) { if (cmd.Length != 4) { Notice("Usage: set log level <level>"); return; } if (null == m_consoleAppender) { Notice("No appender named Console found (see the log4net config file for this executable)!"); return; } string rawLevel = cmd[3]; ILoggerRepository repository = LogManager.GetRepository(); Level consoleLevel = repository.LevelMap[rawLevel]; if (consoleLevel != null) m_consoleAppender.Threshold = consoleLevel; else Notice( "{0} is not a valid logging level. Valid logging levels are ALL, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF", rawLevel); ShowLogLevel(); } private void ShowLogLevel() { Notice("Console log level is {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold); } protected virtual void HandleScript(string module, string[] parms) { if (parms.Length != 2) { Notice("Usage: command-script <path-to-script"); return; } RunCommandScript(parms[1]); } /// <summary> /// Run an optional startup list of commands /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> protected void RunCommandScript(string fileName) { if (m_console == null) return; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { m_log.Info("[SERVER BASE]: Running " + fileName); using (StreamReader readFile = File.OpenText(fileName)) { string currentCommand; while ((currentCommand = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { currentCommand = currentCommand.Trim(); if (!(currentCommand == "" || currentCommand.StartsWith(";") || currentCommand.StartsWith("//") || currentCommand.StartsWith("#"))) { m_log.Info("[SERVER BASE]: Running '" + currentCommand + "'"); m_console.RunCommand(currentCommand); } } } } } /// <summary> /// Return a report about the uptime of this server /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetUptimeReport() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.Format("Time now is {0}\n", DateTime.Now)); sb.Append(String.Format("Server has been running since {0}, {1}\n", m_startuptime.DayOfWeek, m_startuptime)); sb.Append(String.Format("That is an elapsed time of {0}\n", DateTime.Now - m_startuptime)); return sb.ToString(); } protected void ShowInfo() { Notice(GetVersionText()); Notice("Startup directory: " + m_startupDirectory); if (null != m_consoleAppender) Notice(String.Format("Console log level: {0}", m_consoleAppender.Threshold)); } /// <summary> /// Enhance the version string with extra information if it's available. /// </summary> protected void EnhanceVersionInformation() { string buildVersion = string.Empty; // The subversion information is deprecated and will be removed at a later date // Add subversion revision information if available // Try file "svn_revision" in the current directory first, then the .svn info. // This allows to make the revision available in simulators not running from the source tree. // FIXME: Making an assumption about the directory we're currently in - we do this all over the place // elsewhere as well string gitDir = "../.git/"; string gitRefPointerPath = gitDir + "HEAD"; string svnRevisionFileName = "svn_revision"; string svnFileName = ".svn/entries"; string manualVersionFileName = ".version"; string inputLine; int strcmp; if (File.Exists(manualVersionFileName)) { using (StreamReader CommitFile = File.OpenText(manualVersionFileName)) buildVersion = CommitFile.ReadLine(); m_version += buildVersion ?? ""; } else if (File.Exists(gitRefPointerPath)) { // m_log.DebugFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Found {0}", gitRefPointerPath); string rawPointer = ""; using (StreamReader pointerFile = File.OpenText(gitRefPointerPath)) rawPointer = pointerFile.ReadLine(); // m_log.DebugFormat("[SERVER BASE]: rawPointer [{0}]", rawPointer); Match m = Regex.Match(rawPointer, "^ref: (.+)$"); if (m.Success) { // m_log.DebugFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Matched [{0}]", m.Groups[1].Value); string gitRef = m.Groups[1].Value; string gitRefPath = gitDir + gitRef; if (File.Exists(gitRefPath)) { // m_log.DebugFormat("[SERVER BASE]: Found gitRefPath [{0}]", gitRefPath); using (StreamReader refFile = File.OpenText(gitRefPath)) { string gitHash = refFile.ReadLine(); m_version += gitHash.Substring(0, 7); } } } } else { // Remove the else logic when subversion mirror is no longer used if (File.Exists(svnRevisionFileName)) { StreamReader RevisionFile = File.OpenText(svnRevisionFileName); buildVersion = RevisionFile.ReadLine(); buildVersion = buildVersion.Trim(); RevisionFile.Close(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildVersion) && File.Exists(svnFileName)) { StreamReader EntriesFile = File.OpenText(svnFileName); inputLine = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); while (inputLine != null) { // using the dir svn revision at the top of entries file strcmp = String.Compare(inputLine, "dir"); if (strcmp == 0) { buildVersion = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); break; } else { inputLine = EntriesFile.ReadLine(); } } EntriesFile.Close(); } m_version += string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildVersion) ? " " : ("." + buildVersion + " ").Substring(0, 6); } } public string GetVersionText() { return String.Format("Version: {0} (SIMULATION/{1} - SIMULATION/{2})", m_version, VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionSupportedMin, VersionInfo.SimulationServiceVersionSupportedMax); } /// <summary> /// Get a report about the registered threads in this server. /// </summary> protected string GetThreadsReport() { // This should be a constant field. string reportFormat = "{0,6} {1,35} {2,16} {3,13} {4,10} {5,30}"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Watchdog.ThreadWatchdogInfo[] threads = Watchdog.GetThreadsInfo(); sb.Append(threads.Length + " threads are being tracked:" + Environment.NewLine); int timeNow = Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue; sb.AppendFormat(reportFormat, "ID", "NAME", "LAST UPDATE (MS)", "LIFETIME (MS)", "PRIORITY", "STATE"); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); foreach (Watchdog.ThreadWatchdogInfo twi in threads) { Thread t = twi.Thread; sb.AppendFormat( reportFormat, t.ManagedThreadId, t.Name, timeNow - twi.LastTick, timeNow - twi.FirstTick, t.Priority, t.ThreadState); sb.Append("\n"); } sb.Append(GetThreadPoolReport()); sb.Append("\n"); int totalThreads = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count; if (totalThreads > 0) sb.AppendFormat("Total process threads active: {0}\n\n", totalThreads); return sb.ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Get a thread pool report. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetThreadPoolReport() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // framework pool is alwasy active int maxWorkers; int minWorkers; int curWorkers; int maxComp; int minComp; int curComp; try { ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out maxWorkers, out maxComp); ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out minWorkers, out minComp); ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out curWorkers, out curComp); curWorkers = maxWorkers - curWorkers; curComp = maxComp - curComp; sb.Append("\nFramework main threadpool \n"); sb.AppendFormat("workers: {0} ({1} / {2})\n", curWorkers, maxWorkers, minWorkers); sb.AppendFormat("Completion: {0} ({1} / {2})\n", curComp, maxComp, minComp); } catch { } if ( Util.FireAndForgetMethod == FireAndForgetMethod.QueueUserWorkItem || Util.FireAndForgetMethod == FireAndForgetMethod.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem) { sb.AppendFormat("\nThread pool used: Framework main threadpool\n"); return sb.ToString(); } string threadPoolUsed = null; int maxThreads = 0; int minThreads = 0; int allocatedThreads = 0; int inUseThreads = 0; int waitingCallbacks = 0; if (Util.FireAndForgetMethod == FireAndForgetMethod.SmartThreadPool) { STPInfo stpi = Util.GetSmartThreadPoolInfo(); // ROBUST currently leaves this the FireAndForgetMethod but never actually initializes the threadpool. if (stpi != null) { threadPoolUsed = "SmartThreadPool"; maxThreads = stpi.MaxThreads; minThreads = stpi.MinThreads; inUseThreads = stpi.InUseThreads; allocatedThreads = stpi.ActiveThreads; waitingCallbacks = stpi.WaitingCallbacks; } } if (threadPoolUsed != null) { sb.Append("\nThreadpool (excluding script engine pools)\n"); sb.AppendFormat("Thread pool used : {0}\n", threadPoolUsed); sb.AppendFormat("Max threads : {0}\n", maxThreads); sb.AppendFormat("Min threads : {0}\n", minThreads); sb.AppendFormat("Allocated threads : {0}\n", allocatedThreads < 0 ? "not applicable" : allocatedThreads.ToString()); sb.AppendFormat("In use threads : {0}\n", inUseThreads); sb.AppendFormat("Work items waiting : {0}\n", waitingCallbacks < 0 ? "not available" : waitingCallbacks.ToString()); } else { sb.AppendFormat("Thread pool not used\n"); } return sb.ToString(); } public virtual void HandleThreadsAbort(string module, string[] cmd) { if (cmd.Length != 3) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("Usage: threads abort <thread-id>"); return; } int threadId; if (!int.TryParse(cmd[2], out threadId)) { MainConsole.Instance.Output("ERROR: Thread id must be an integer"); return; } if (Watchdog.AbortThread(threadId)) MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("Aborted thread with id {0}", threadId); else MainConsole.Instance.OutputFormat("ERROR - Thread with id {0} not found in managed threads", threadId); } /// <summary> /// Console output is only possible if a console has been established. /// That is something that cannot be determined within this class. So /// all attempts to use the console MUST be verified. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg"></param> protected void Notice(string msg) { if (m_console != null) { m_console.Output(msg); } } /// <summary> /// Console output is only possible if a console has been established. /// That is something that cannot be determined within this class. So /// all attempts to use the console MUST be verified. /// </summary> /// <param name="format"></param> /// <param name="components"></param> protected void Notice(string format, params object[] components) { if (m_console != null) m_console.OutputFormat(format, components); } public virtual void Shutdown() { m_serverStatsCollector.Close(); ShutdownSpecific(); } /// <summary> /// Should be overriden and referenced by descendents if they need to perform extra shutdown processing /// </summary> protected virtual void ShutdownSpecific() {} } }