// You have to specifically register for '/' and to get it, you must specificaly request it
if (pattern == "/" && searchquery == "/" || pattern != "/")
bestMatch = pattern;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch))
llsdHandler = null;
return false;
llsdHandler = m_llsdHandlers[bestMatch];
return true;
private OSDMap GenerateNoLLSDHandlerResponse()
OSDMap map = new OSDMap();
map["reason"] = OSD.FromString("LLSDRequest");
map["message"] = OSD.FromString("No handler registered for LLSD Requests");
map["login"] = OSD.FromString("false");
return map;
/// A specific agent handler was provided. Such a handler is expecetd to have an
/// intimate, and highly specific relationship with the client. Consequently,
/// nothing is done here.
private bool HandleAgentRequest(IHttpAgentHandler handler, OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response)
// In the case of REST, then handler is responsible for ALL aspects of
// the request/response handling. Nothing is done here, not even encoding.
return handler.Handle(request, response);
catch (Exception e)
// If the handler did in fact close the stream, then this will blow
// chunks. So that that doesn't disturb anybody we throw away any
// and all exceptions raised. We've done our best to release the
// client.
m_log.Warn("[HTTP-AGENT]: Error - " + e.Message);
response.SendChunked = false;
response.KeepAlive = true;
response.StatusCode = (int)OSHttpStatusCode.ServerErrorInternalError;
catch (SocketException f)
// This has to be here to prevent a Linux/Mono crash
String.Format("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: XmlRpcRequest issue {0}.\nNOTE: this may be spurious on Linux. ", f.Message), f);
// Indicate that the request has been "handled"
return true;
public byte[] HandleHTTPRequest(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleHTTPRequest for request to {0}, method {1}",
// request.RawUrl, request.HttpMethod);
switch (request.HttpMethod)
case "OPTIONS":
response.StatusCode = (int)OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOk;
return null;
return HandleContentVerbs(request, response);
private byte[] HandleContentVerbs(OSHttpRequest request, OSHttpResponse response)
// m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: HandleContentVerbs for request to {0}", request.RawUrl);
// This is a test. There's a workable alternative.. as this way sucks.
// We'd like to put this into a text file parhaps that's easily editable.
// For this test to work, I used the following secondlife.exe parameters
// "C:\Program Files\SecondLifeWindLight\SecondLifeWindLight.exe" -settings settings_windlight.xml -channel "Second Life WindLight" -set SystemLanguage en-us -loginpage -loginuri -user
// Even after all that, there's still an error, but it's a start.
// I depend on show_login_form being in the secondlife.exe parameters to figure out
// to display the form, or process it.
// a better way would be nifty.
byte[] buffer;
Stream requestStream = request.InputStream;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(requestStream, encoding);
string requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
// avoid warning for now
Hashtable keysvals = new Hashtable();
Hashtable headervals = new Hashtable();
Hashtable requestVars = new Hashtable();
string host = String.Empty;
string[] querystringkeys = request.QueryString.AllKeys;
string[] rHeaders = request.Headers.AllKeys;
keysvals.Add("body", requestBody);
keysvals.Add("uri", request.RawUrl);
keysvals.Add("content-type", request.ContentType);
keysvals.Add("http-method", request.HttpMethod);
foreach (string queryname in querystringkeys)
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Got query paremeter {0}={1}", queryname, request.QueryString[queryname]);
keysvals.Add(queryname, request.QueryString[queryname]);
requestVars.Add(queryname, keysvals[queryname]);
foreach (string headername in rHeaders)
// m_log.Debug("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: " + headername + "=" + request.Headers[headername]);
headervals[headername] = request.Headers[headername];
if (headervals.Contains("Host"))
host = (string)headervals["Host"];
keysvals.Add("headers", headervals);
keysvals.Add("querystringkeys", querystringkeys);
keysvals.Add("requestvars", requestVars);
// keysvals.Add("form", request.Form);
if (keysvals.Contains("method"))
// m_log.Debug("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Contains Method");
string method = (string) keysvals["method"];
// m_log.Debug("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: " + requestBody);
GenericHTTPMethod requestprocessor;
bool foundHandler = TryGetHTTPHandler(method, out requestprocessor);
if (foundHandler)
Hashtable responsedata1 = requestprocessor(keysvals);
buffer = DoHTTPGruntWork(responsedata1,response);
// m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Handler Not Found");
buffer = SendHTML404(response, host);
GenericHTTPMethod requestprocessor;
bool foundHandler = TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased(request.RawUrl, out requestprocessor);
if (foundHandler)
Hashtable responsedata2 = requestprocessor(keysvals);
buffer = DoHTTPGruntWork(responsedata2, response);
// m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Handler Not Found2");
buffer = SendHTML404(response, host);
return buffer;
private bool TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased(string path, out GenericHTTPMethod httpHandler)
httpHandler = null;
// Pull out the first part of the path
// splitting the path by '/' means we'll get the following return..
// {0}/{1}/{2}
// where {0} isn't something we really control 100%
string[] pathbase = path.Split('/');
string searchquery = "/";
if (pathbase.Length < 1)
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < pathbase.Length; i++)
searchquery += pathbase[i];
if (pathbase.Length - 1 != i)
searchquery += "/";
// while the matching algorithm below doesn't require it, we're expecting a query in the form
// [] = optional
// /resource/UUID/action[/action]
// now try to get the closest match to the reigstered path
// at least for OGP, registered path would probably only consist of the /resource/
string bestMatch = null;
// m_log.DebugFormat(
// "[BASE HTTP HANDLER]: TryGetHTTPHandlerPathBased() looking for HTTP handler to match {0}", searchquery);
lock (m_HTTPHandlers)
foreach (string pattern in m_HTTPHandlers.Keys)
if (searchquery.ToLower().StartsWith(pattern.ToLower()))
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch) || searchquery.Length > bestMatch.Length)
// You have to specifically register for '/' and to get it, you must specifically request it
if (pattern == "/" && searchquery == "/" || pattern != "/")
bestMatch = pattern;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bestMatch))
httpHandler = null;
return false;
if (bestMatch == "/" && searchquery != "/")
return false;
httpHandler = m_HTTPHandlers[bestMatch];
return true;
internal byte[] DoHTTPGruntWork(Hashtable responsedata, OSHttpResponse response)
//m_log.Info("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Doing HTTP Grunt work with response");
int responsecode = (int)responsedata["int_response_code"];
string responseString = (string)responsedata["str_response_string"];
string contentType = (string)responsedata["content_type"];
if (responsedata.ContainsKey("error_status_text"))
response.StatusDescription = (string)responsedata["error_status_text"];
if (responsedata.ContainsKey("http_protocol_version"))
response.ProtocolVersion = (string)responsedata["http_protocol_version"];
if (responsedata.ContainsKey("keepalive"))
bool keepalive = (bool)responsedata["keepalive"];
response.KeepAlive = keepalive;
if (responsedata.ContainsKey("reusecontext"))
response.ReuseContext = (bool) responsedata["reusecontext"];
// Cross-Origin Resource Sharing with simple requests
if (responsedata.ContainsKey("access_control_allow_origin"))
response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", (string)responsedata["access_control_allow_origin"]);
//Even though only one other part of the entire code uses HTTPHandlers, we shouldn't expect this
//and should check for NullReferenceExceptions
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(contentType))
contentType = "text/html";
// The client ignores anything but 200 here for web login, so ensure that this is 200 for that
response.StatusCode = responsecode;
if (responsecode == (int)OSHttpStatusCode.RedirectMovedPermanently)
response.RedirectLocation = (string)responsedata["str_redirect_location"];
response.StatusCode = responsecode;
response.AddHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
byte[] buffer;
if (!(contentType.Contains("image")
|| contentType.Contains("x-shockwave-flash")
|| contentType.Contains("application/x-oar")
|| contentType.Contains("application/vnd.ll.mesh")))
// Text
buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
// Binary!
buffer = Convert.FromBase64String(responseString);
response.SendChunked = false;
response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return buffer;
public byte[] SendHTML404(OSHttpResponse response, string host)
// I know this statuscode is dumb, but the client doesn't respond to 404s and 500s
response.StatusCode = 404;
response.AddHeader("Content-type", "text/html");
string responseString = GetHTTP404(host);
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
response.SendChunked = false;
response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return buffer;
public byte[] SendHTML500(OSHttpResponse response)
// I know this statuscode is dumb, but the client doesn't respond to 404s and 500s
response.StatusCode = (int)OSHttpStatusCode.SuccessOk;
response.AddHeader("Content-type", "text/html");
string responseString = GetHTTP500();
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(responseString);
response.SendChunked = false;
response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
return buffer;
public void Start()
private void StartHTTP()
//m_httpListener = new HttpListener();
NotSocketErrors = 0;
if (!m_ssl)
//m_httpListener.Prefixes.Add("http://+:" + m_port + "/");
//m_httpListener.Prefixes.Add("" + m_port + "/");
m_httpListener2 = CoolHTTPListener.Create(m_listenIPAddress, (int)m_port);
m_httpListener2.ExceptionThrown += httpServerException;
m_httpListener2.LogWriter = httpserverlog;
// Uncomment this line in addition to those in HttpServerLogWriter
// if you want more detailed trace information from the HttpServer
//m_httpListener2.UseTraceLogs = true;
//m_httpListener2.DisconnectHandler = httpServerDisconnectMonitor;
//m_httpListener.Prefixes.Add("https://+:" + (m_sslport) + "/");
//m_httpListener.Prefixes.Add("http://+:" + m_port + "/");
m_httpListener2 = CoolHTTPListener.Create(IPAddress.Any, (int)m_port, m_cert);
m_httpListener2.ExceptionThrown += httpServerException;
m_httpListener2.LogWriter = httpserverlog;
m_httpListener2.RequestReceived += OnRequest;
// Long Poll Service Manager with 3 worker threads a 25 second timeout for no events
m_PollServiceManager = new PollServiceRequestManager(this, 3, 25000);
HTTPDRunning = true;
//HttpListenerContext context;
//while (true)
// context = m_httpListener.GetContext();
// ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(HandleRequest), context);
// }
catch (Exception e)
m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Error - " + e.Message);
m_log.Error("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Tip: Do you have permission to listen on port " + m_port + ", " + m_sslport + "?");
// We want this exception to halt the entire server since in current configurations we aren't too
// useful without inbound HTTP.
throw e;
public void httpServerDisconnectMonitor(IHttpClientContext source, SocketError err)
switch (err)
case SocketError.NotSocket:
public void httpServerException(object source, Exception exception)
m_log.Error(String.Format("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: {0} had an exception: {1} ", source.ToString(), exception.Message), exception);
if (HTTPDRunning)// && NotSocketErrors > 5)
m_log.Warn("[HTTPSERVER]: Died. Trying to kick.....");
public void Stop()
HTTPDRunning = false;
m_httpListener2.ExceptionThrown -= httpServerException;
//m_httpListener2.DisconnectHandler = null;
m_httpListener2.LogWriter = null;
m_httpListener2.RequestReceived -= OnRequest;
catch (NullReferenceException)
m_log.Warn("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Null Reference when stopping HttpServer.");
public void RemoveStreamHandler(string httpMethod, string path)
string handlerKey = GetHandlerKey(httpMethod, path);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[BASE HTTP SERVER]: Removing handler key {0}", handlerKey);
lock (m_streamHandlers)
public void RemoveHTTPHandler(string httpMethod, string path)
lock (m_HTTPHandlers)
if (httpMethod != null && httpMethod.Length == 0)
m_HTTPHandlers.Remove(GetHandlerKey(httpMethod, path));
public void RemovePollServiceHTTPHandler(string httpMethod, string path)
lock (m_pollHandlers)
public bool RemoveAgentHandler(string agent, IHttpAgentHandler handler)
lock (m_agentHandlers)
IHttpAgentHandler foundHandler;
if (m_agentHandlers.TryGetValue(agent, out foundHandler) && foundHandler == handler)
return true;
return false;
public void RemoveXmlRPCHandler(string method)
lock (m_rpcHandlers)
public bool RemoveLLSDHandler(string path, LLSDMethod handler)
lock (m_llsdHandlers)
LLSDMethod foundHandler;
if (m_llsdHandlers.TryGetValue(path, out foundHandler) && foundHandler == handler)
return true;
return false;
public string GetHTTP404(string host)
string file = Path.Combine(".", "http_404.html");
if (!File.Exists(file))
return getDefaultHTTP404(host);
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(file);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();
return result;
public string GetHTTP500()
string file = Path.Combine(".", "http_500.html");
if (!File.Exists(file))
return getDefaultHTTP500();
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(file);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();
return result;
// Fallback HTTP responses in case the HTTP error response files don't exist
private static string getDefaultHTTP404(string host)
return "404 Page not found
The page you requested has been obsconded with by knomes. Find hippos quick!
If you are trying to log-in, your link parameters should have: "-loginpage http://" + host + "/?method=login -loginuri http://" + host + "/" in your link
private static string getDefaultHTTP500()
return "500 Internal Server Error
The server you requested is overun by knomes! Find hippos quick!
public class HttpServerContextObj
public IHttpClientContext context = null;
public IHttpRequest req = null;
public OSHttpRequest oreq = null;
public OSHttpResponse oresp = null;
public HttpServerContextObj(IHttpClientContext contxt, IHttpRequest reqs)
context = contxt;
req = reqs;
public HttpServerContextObj(OSHttpRequest osreq, OSHttpResponse osresp)
oreq = osreq;
oresp = osresp;
/// Relays HttpServer log messages to our own logging mechanism.
/// To use this you must uncomment the switch section
/// You may also be able to get additional trace information from HttpServer if you uncomment the UseTraceLogs
/// property in StartHttp() for the HttpListener
public class HttpServerLogWriter : ILogWriter
// private static readonly ILog m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public void Write(object source, LogPrio priority, string message)
switch (priority)
case LogPrio.Trace:
m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message);
case LogPrio.Debug:
m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message);
case LogPrio.Error:
m_log.ErrorFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message);
case LogPrio.Info:
m_log.InfoFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message);
case LogPrio.Warning:
m_log.WarnFormat("[{0}]: {1}", source, message);
case LogPrio.Fatal:
m_log.ErrorFormat("[{0}]: FATAL! - {1}", source, message);