using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OpenSim.types; using libsecondlife; using libsecondlife.Packets; using OpenSim.Framework.Interfaces; using OpenSim.Physics.Manager; using OpenSim.Framework.Assets; using OpenSim.Framework.Inventory; namespace { public class Primitive2 :Entity { protected PrimData primData; private ObjectUpdatePacket OurPacket; private LLVector3 positionLastFrame = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); private Dictionary<uint, SimClient> m_clientThreads; private ulong m_regionHandle; private const uint FULL_MASK_PERMISSIONS = 2147483647; private bool physicsEnabled = false; private Dictionary<LLUUID, InventoryItem> inventoryItems; private string inventoryFileName = ""; #region Properties public LLVector3 Scale { set { this.primData.Scale = value; //this.dirtyFlag = true; } get { return this.primData.Scale; } } public PhysicsActor PhysActor { set { this._physActor = value; } } #endregion public Primitive2(Dictionary<uint, SimClient> clientThreads, ulong regionHandle, World world) { m_clientThreads = clientThreads; m_regionHandle = regionHandle; m_world = world; inventoryItems = new Dictionary<LLUUID, InventoryItem>(); } public byte[] GetByteArray() { byte[] result = null; List<byte[]> dataArrays = new List<byte[]>(); dataArrays.Add(primData.ToBytes()); foreach (Entity child in children) { if (child is { dataArrays.Add(((; } } byte[] primstart = Helpers.StringToField("<Prim>"); byte[] primend = Helpers.StringToField("</Prim>"); int totalLength = primstart.Length + primend.Length; for (int i = 0; i < dataArrays.Count; i++) { totalLength += dataArrays[i].Length; } result = new byte[totalLength]; int arraypos = 0; Array.Copy(primstart, 0, result, 0, primstart.Length); arraypos += primstart.Length; for (int i = 0; i < dataArrays.Count; i++) { Array.Copy(dataArrays[i], 0, result, arraypos, dataArrays[i].Length); arraypos += dataArrays[i].Length; } Array.Copy(primend, 0, result, arraypos, primend.Length); return result; } #region Overridden Methods public override void update() { LLVector3 pos2 = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); } public override void BackUp() { } #endregion #region Packet handlers public void UpdateShape(ObjectShapePacket.ObjectDataBlock addPacket) { this.primData.PathBegin = addPacket.PathBegin; this.primData.PathEnd = addPacket.PathEnd; this.primData.PathScaleX = addPacket.PathScaleX; this.primData.PathScaleY = addPacket.PathScaleY; this.primData.PathShearX = addPacket.PathShearX; this.primData.PathShearY = addPacket.PathShearY; this.primData.PathSkew = addPacket.PathSkew; this.primData.ProfileBegin = addPacket.ProfileBegin; this.primData.ProfileEnd = addPacket.ProfileEnd; this.primData.PathCurve = addPacket.PathCurve; this.primData.ProfileCurve = addPacket.ProfileCurve; this.primData.ProfileHollow = addPacket.ProfileHollow; this.primData.PathRadiusOffset = addPacket.PathRadiusOffset; this.primData.PathRevolutions = addPacket.PathRevolutions; this.primData.PathTaperX = addPacket.PathTaperX; this.primData.PathTaperY = addPacket.PathTaperY; this.primData.PathTwist = addPacket.PathTwist; this.primData.PathTwistBegin = addPacket.PathTwistBegin; } public void UpdateTexture(byte[] tex) { this.OurPacket.ObjectData[0].TextureEntry = tex; this.primData.Texture = tex; //this.dirtyFlag = true; } public void UpdateObjectFlags(ObjectFlagUpdatePacket pack) { } public void AssignToParent(Primitive prim) { } #endregion # region Inventory Methods public bool AddToInventory(InventoryItem item) { return false; } public InventoryItem RemoveFromInventory(LLUUID itemID) { return null; } public void RequestInventoryInfo(SimClient simClient, RequestTaskInventoryPacket packet) { } public void RequestXferInventory(SimClient simClient, ulong xferID) { //will only currently work if the total size of the inventory data array is under about 1000 bytes SendXferPacketPacket send = new SendXferPacketPacket(); send.XferID.ID = xferID; send.XferID.Packet = 1 + 2147483648; send.DataPacket.Data = this.ConvertInventoryToBytes(); simClient.OutPacket(send); } public byte[] ConvertInventoryToBytes() { System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; byte[] result = new byte[0]; List<byte[]> inventoryData = new List<byte[]>(); int totallength = 0; foreach (InventoryItem invItem in inventoryItems.Values) { byte[] data = enc.GetBytes(invItem.ExportString()); inventoryData.Add(data); totallength += data.Length; } //TODO: copy arrays into the single result array return result; } public void CreateInventoryFromBytes(byte[] data) { } #endregion #region Update viewers Methods public void SendFullUpdateToClient(SimClient remoteClient) { LLVector3 lPos; if (this._physActor != null && this.physicsEnabled) { PhysicsVector pPos = this._physActor.Position; lPos = new LLVector3(pPos.X, pPos.Y, pPos.Z); } else { lPos = this.Pos; } byte[] pb = lPos.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 0, pb.Length); this.UpdatePacketShapeData(); remoteClient.OutPacket(OurPacket); } public void SendTerseUpdateToClient(SimClient RemoteClient) { } public void SendTerseUpdateToALLClients() { } #endregion #region Create Methods public void CreateFromPacket(ObjectAddPacket addPacket, LLUUID agentID, uint localID) { ObjectUpdatePacket objupdate = new ObjectUpdatePacket(); objupdate.RegionData.RegionHandle = m_regionHandle; objupdate.RegionData.TimeDilation = 64096; objupdate.ObjectData = new libsecondlife.Packets.ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock[1]; PrimData PData = new PrimData(); this.primData = PData; this.primData.CreationDate = (Int32)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds; objupdate.ObjectData[0] = new ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(); this.SetDefaultPacketValues(objupdate.ObjectData[0]); objupdate.ObjectData[0].UpdateFlags = 32 + 65536 + 131072 + 256 + 4 + 8 + 2048 + 524288 + 268435456; PData.OwnerID = objupdate.ObjectData[0].OwnerID = agentID; PData.PCode = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PCode = addPacket.ObjectData.PCode; PData.PathBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathBegin; PData.PathEnd = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.PathEnd; PData.PathScaleX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleX; PData.PathScaleY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathScaleY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathScaleY; PData.PathShearX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearX; PData.PathShearY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathShearY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathShearY; PData.PathSkew = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathSkew = addPacket.ObjectData.PathSkew; PData.ProfileBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileBegin; PData.ProfileEnd = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileEnd = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileEnd; PData.Scale = objupdate.ObjectData[0].Scale = addPacket.ObjectData.Scale; PData.PathCurve = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.PathCurve; PData.ProfileCurve = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileCurve = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileCurve; PData.ParentID = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ParentID = 0; PData.ProfileHollow = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ProfileHollow = addPacket.ObjectData.ProfileHollow; PData.PathRadiusOffset = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRadiusOffset = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRadiusOffset; PData.PathRevolutions = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathRevolutions = addPacket.ObjectData.PathRevolutions; PData.PathTaperX = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperX = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperX; PData.PathTaperY = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTaperY = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTaperY; PData.PathTwist = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwist = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwist; PData.PathTwistBegin = objupdate.ObjectData[0].PathTwistBegin = addPacket.ObjectData.PathTwistBegin; objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID = (uint)(localID); objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID = new LLUUID("edba7151-5857-acc5-b30b-f01efef" + (localID - 702000).ToString("00000")); LLVector3 pos1 = addPacket.ObjectData.RayEnd; //update position byte[] pb = pos1.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, objupdate.ObjectData[0].ObjectData, 0, pb.Length); //this.newPrimFlag = true; this.primData.FullID = this.uuid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].FullID; this.localid = objupdate.ObjectData[0].ID; this.primData.Position = this.Pos = pos1; this.OurPacket = objupdate; } public void CreateFromBytes(byte[] data) { } public void CreateFromPrimData(PrimData primData) { } #endregion #region Packet Update Methods protected void SetDefaultPacketValues(ObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock objdata) { objdata.PSBlock = new byte[0]; objdata.ExtraParams = new byte[1]; objdata.MediaURL = new byte[0]; objdata.NameValue = new byte[0]; objdata.Text = new byte[0]; objdata.TextColor = new byte[4]; objdata.JointAxisOrAnchor = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); objdata.JointPivot = new LLVector3(0, 0, 0); objdata.Material = 3; objdata.TextureAnim = new byte[0]; objdata.Sound = LLUUID.Zero; LLObject.TextureEntry ntex = new LLObject.TextureEntry(new LLUUID("00000000-0000-0000-5005-000000000005")); this.primData.Texture = objdata.TextureEntry = ntex.ToBytes(); objdata.State = 0; objdata.Data = new byte[0]; objdata.ObjectData = new byte[60]; objdata.ObjectData[46] = 128; objdata.ObjectData[47] = 63; } protected void UpdatePacketShapeData() { OurPacket.ObjectData[0].OwnerID = this.primData.OwnerID; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PCode = this.primData.PCode; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathBegin = this.primData.PathBegin; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathEnd = this.primData.PathEnd; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathScaleX = this.primData.PathScaleX; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathScaleY = this.primData.PathScaleY; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathShearX = this.primData.PathShearX; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathShearY = this.primData.PathShearY; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathSkew = this.primData.PathSkew; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileBegin = this.primData.ProfileBegin; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileEnd = this.primData.ProfileEnd; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].Scale = this.primData.Scale; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathCurve = this.primData.PathCurve; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileCurve = this.primData.ProfileCurve; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ParentID = this.primData.ParentID; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].ProfileHollow = this.primData.ProfileHollow; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathRadiusOffset = this.primData.PathRadiusOffset; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathRevolutions = this.primData.PathRevolutions; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTaperX = this.primData.PathTaperX; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTaperY = this.primData.PathTaperY; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTwist = this.primData.PathTwist; OurPacket.ObjectData[0].PathTwistBegin = this.primData.PathTwistBegin; } #endregion protected ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock CreateImprovedBlock() { uint ID = this.localid; byte[] bytes = new byte[60]; int i = 0; ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock dat = new ImprovedTerseObjectUpdatePacket.ObjectDataBlock(); dat.TextureEntry = new byte[0]; bytes[i++] = (byte)(ID % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 16) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ID >> 24) % 256); bytes[i++] = 0; bytes[i++] = 0; LLVector3 lPos; Axiom.MathLib.Quaternion lRot; if (this._physActor != null && this.physicsEnabled) { PhysicsVector pPos = this._physActor.Position; lPos = new LLVector3(pPos.X, pPos.Y, pPos.Z); lRot = this._physActor.Orientation; } else { lPos = this.Pos; lRot = this.rotation; } byte[] pb = lPos.GetBytes(); Array.Copy(pb, 0, bytes, i, pb.Length); i += 12; ushort ac = 32767; //vel bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); //accel bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); ushort rw, rx, ry, rz; rw = (ushort)(32768 * (lRot.w + 1)); rx = (ushort)(32768 * (lRot.x + 1)); ry = (ushort)(32768 * (lRot.y + 1)); rz = (ushort)(32768 * (lRot.z + 1)); //rot bytes[i++] = (byte)(rx % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((rx >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ry % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ry >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(rz % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((rz >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(rw % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((rw >> 8) % 256); //rotation vel bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)(ac % 256); bytes[i++] = (byte)((ac >> 8) % 256); dat.Data = bytes; return dat; } } }