From d48ea5bb797037069d641da41da0f195f0124491 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dan miller
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 05:20:48 +0000
Subject: one more for the gipper

 .../contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff      | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 libraries/ode-0.9/contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff

(limited to 'libraries/ode-0.9/contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff')

diff --git a/libraries/ode-0.9/contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff b/libraries/ode-0.9/contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24415a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/ode-0.9/contrib/BreakableJoints/diff/common.h.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+< /******************** breakable joint contribution ***********************/
+< /* joint break callback function */
+< typedef void dJointBreakCallback (dJointID joint);
+< /* joint break modes */
+< enum {
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint wil break
+<   dJOINT_BROKEN =             0x0001,
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint wil be deleted when it breaks
+<   dJOINT_DELETE_ON_BREAK =    0x0002,
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint can break at a certain force on body 1
+<   dJOINT_BREAK_AT_B1_FORCE =  0x0004,
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint can break at a certain torque on body 1
+<   dJOINT_BREAK_AT_B1_TORQUE = 0x0008,
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint can break at a certain force on body 2
+<   dJOINT_BREAK_AT_B2_FORCE =  0x0010,
+<   // if this flag is set, the joint can break at a certain torque on body 2
+<   dJOINT_BREAK_AT_B2_TORQUE = 0x0020
+< };
+< /*************************************************************************/
cgit v1.1