From 0fc46fc9590912bf6925c899edd02d7a2cdf5f79 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dan miller Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:28:53 +0000 Subject: adding ode source to /libraries --- .../ode-0.9\\/docs/collision_8h-source.html" | 417 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 417 insertions(+) create mode 100755 "libraries/ode-0.9\\/docs/collision_8h-source.html" (limited to 'libraries/ode-0.9\/docs/collision_8h-source.html') diff --git "a/libraries/ode-0.9\\/docs/collision_8h-source.html" "b/libraries/ode-0.9\\/docs/collision_8h-source.html" new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b6ff3b7 --- /dev/null +++ "b/libraries/ode-0.9\\/docs/collision_8h-source.html" @@ -0,0 +1,417 @@ + + +Open Dynamics Engine: collision.h Source File + + + + +
+ +


00001 /*************************************************************************
+00002  *                                                                       *
+00003  * Open Dynamics Engine, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Russell L. Smith.       *
+00004  * All rights reserved.  Email:   Web:          *
+00005  *                                                                       *
+00006  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
+00007  * modify it under the terms of EITHER:                                  *
+00008  *   (1) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free  *
+00009  *       Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at  *
+00010  *       your option) any later version. The text of the GNU Lesser      *
+00011  *       General Public License is included with this library in the     *
+00012  *       file LICENSE.TXT.                                               *
+00013  *   (2) The BSD-style license that is included with this library in     *
+00014  *       the file LICENSE-BSD.TXT.                                       *
+00015  *                                                                       *
+00016  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
+00017  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
+00019  * LICENSE.TXT and LICENSE-BSD.TXT for more details.                     *
+00020  *                                                                       *
+00021  *************************************************************************/
+00023 #ifndef _ODE_COLLISION_H_
+00024 #define _ODE_COLLISION_H_
+00026 #include <ode/common.h>
+00027 #include <ode/collision_space.h>
+00028 #include <ode/contact.h>
+00030 #ifdef __cplusplus
+00031 extern "C" {
+00032 #endif
+00049 /* ************************************************************************ */
+00050 /* general functions */
+00065 ODE_API void dGeomDestroy (dGeomID geom);
+00075 ODE_API void dGeomSetData (dGeomID geom, void* data);
+00084 ODE_API void *dGeomGetData (dGeomID geom);
+00105 ODE_API void dGeomSetBody (dGeomID geom, dBodyID body);
+00114 ODE_API dBodyID dGeomGetBody (dGeomID geom);
+00131 ODE_API void dGeomSetPosition (dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00146 ODE_API void dGeomSetRotation (dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
+00162 ODE_API void dGeomSetQuaternion (dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion Q);
+00181 ODE_API const dReal * dGeomGetPosition (dGeomID geom);
+00191 ODE_API void dGeomCopyPosition (dGeomID geom, dVector3 pos);
+00210 ODE_API const dReal * dGeomGetRotation (dGeomID geom);
+00226 ODE_API void dGeomCopyRotation(dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R);
+00242 ODE_API void dGeomGetQuaternion (dGeomID geom, dQuaternion result);
+00261 ODE_API void dGeomGetAABB (dGeomID geom, dReal aabb[6]);
+00270 ODE_API int dGeomIsSpace (dGeomID geom);
+00280 ODE_API dSpaceID dGeomGetSpace (dGeomID);
+00307 ODE_API int dGeomGetClass (dGeomID geom);
+00322 ODE_API void dGeomSetCategoryBits (dGeomID geom, unsigned long bits);
+00337 ODE_API void dGeomSetCollideBits (dGeomID geom, unsigned long bits);
+00348 ODE_API unsigned long dGeomGetCategoryBits (dGeomID);
+00359 ODE_API unsigned long dGeomGetCollideBits (dGeomID);
+00374 ODE_API void dGeomEnable (dGeomID geom);
+00389 ODE_API void dGeomDisable (dGeomID geom);
+00405 ODE_API int dGeomIsEnabled (dGeomID geom);
+00407 /* ************************************************************************ */
+00408 /* geom offset from body */
+00425 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetPosition (dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00441 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetRotation (dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
+00457 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetQuaternion (dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion Q);
+00476 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetWorldPosition (dGeomID geom, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00493 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetWorldRotation (dGeomID geom, const dMatrix3 R);
+00510 ODE_API void dGeomSetOffsetWorldQuaternion (dGeomID geom, const dQuaternion);
+00526 ODE_API void dGeomClearOffset(dGeomID geom);
+00544 ODE_API int dGeomIsOffset(dGeomID geom);
+00560 ODE_API const dReal * dGeomGetOffsetPosition (dGeomID geom);
+00573 ODE_API void dGeomCopyOffsetPosition (dGeomID geom, dVector3 pos);
+00590 ODE_API const dReal * dGeomGetOffsetRotation (dGeomID geom);
+00604 ODE_API void dGeomCopyOffsetRotation (dGeomID geom, dMatrix3 R);
+00617 ODE_API void dGeomGetOffsetQuaternion (dGeomID geom, dQuaternion result);
+00620 /* ************************************************************************ */
+00621 /* collision detection */
+00623 /*
+00624  * Just generate any contacts (disables any contact refining).
+00625  */
+00626 #define CONTACTS_UNIMPORTANT        0x80000000
+00675 ODE_API int dCollide (dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, int flags, dContactGeom *contact,
+00676          int skip);
+00705 ODE_API void dSpaceCollide (dSpaceID space, void *data, dNearCallback *callback);
+00742 ODE_API void dSpaceCollide2 (dGeomID space1, dGeomID space2, void *data, dNearCallback *callback);
+00745 /* ************************************************************************ */
+00746 /* standard classes */
+00748 /* the maximum number of user classes that are supported */
+00749 enum {
+00750   dMaxUserClasses = 4
+00751 };
+00753 /* class numbers - each geometry object needs a unique number */
+00754 enum {
+00755   dSphereClass = 0,
+00756   dBoxClass,
+00757   dCapsuleClass,
+00758   dCylinderClass,
+00759   dPlaneClass,
+00760   dRayClass,
+00761   dConvexClass,
+00762   dGeomTransformClass,
+00763   dTriMeshClass,
+00764   dHeightfieldClass,
+00766   dFirstSpaceClass,
+00767   dSimpleSpaceClass = dFirstSpaceClass,
+00768   dHashSpaceClass,
+00769   dQuadTreeSpaceClass,
+00770   dLastSpaceClass = dQuadTreeSpaceClass,
+00772   dFirstUserClass,
+00773   dLastUserClass = dFirstUserClass + dMaxUserClasses - 1,
+00774   dGeomNumClasses
+00775 };
+00797 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateSphere (dSpaceID space, dReal radius);
+00809 ODE_API void dGeomSphereSetRadius (dGeomID sphere, dReal radius);
+00820 ODE_API dReal dGeomSphereGetRadius (dGeomID sphere);
+00837 ODE_API dReal dGeomSpherePointDepth (dGeomID sphere, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00840 //--> Convex Functions
+00841 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateConvex (dSpaceID space,
+00842                 dReal *_planes,
+00843                 unsigned int _planecount,
+00844                 dReal *_points,
+00845                 unsigned int _pointcount,unsigned int *_polygons);
+00847 ODE_API void dGeomSetConvex (dGeomID g,
+00848               dReal *_planes,
+00849               unsigned int _count,
+00850               dReal *_points,
+00851               unsigned int _pointcount,unsigned int *_polygons);
+00852 //<-- Convex Functions
+00875 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateBox (dSpaceID space, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
+00889 ODE_API void dGeomBoxSetLengths (dGeomID box, dReal lx, dReal ly, dReal lz);
+00901 ODE_API void dGeomBoxGetLengths (dGeomID box, dVector3 result);
+00916 ODE_API dReal dGeomBoxPointDepth (dGeomID box, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00919 ODE_API dGeomID dCreatePlane (dSpaceID space, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d);
+00920 ODE_API void dGeomPlaneSetParams (dGeomID plane, dReal a, dReal b, dReal c, dReal d);
+00921 ODE_API void dGeomPlaneGetParams (dGeomID plane, dVector4 result);
+00922 ODE_API dReal dGeomPlanePointDepth (dGeomID plane, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00924 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateCapsule (dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length);
+00925 ODE_API void dGeomCapsuleSetParams (dGeomID ccylinder, dReal radius, dReal length);
+00926 ODE_API void dGeomCapsuleGetParams (dGeomID ccylinder, dReal *radius, dReal *length);
+00927 ODE_API dReal dGeomCapsulePointDepth (dGeomID ccylinder, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
+00929 // For now we want to have a backwards compatible C-API, note: C++ API is not.
+00930 #define dCreateCCylinder dCreateCapsule
+00931 #define dGeomCCylinderSetParams dGeomCapsuleSetParams
+00932 #define dGeomCCylinderGetParams dGeomCapsuleGetParams
+00933 #define dGeomCCylinderPointDepth dGeomCapsulePointDepth
+00934 #define dCCylinderClass dCapsuleClass
+00936 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateCylinder (dSpaceID space, dReal radius, dReal length);
+00937 ODE_API void dGeomCylinderSetParams (dGeomID cylinder, dReal radius, dReal length);
+00938 ODE_API void dGeomCylinderGetParams (dGeomID cylinder, dReal *radius, dReal *length);
+00940 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateRay (dSpaceID space, dReal length);
+00941 ODE_API void dGeomRaySetLength (dGeomID ray, dReal length);
+00942 ODE_API dReal dGeomRayGetLength (dGeomID ray);
+00943 ODE_API void dGeomRaySet (dGeomID ray, dReal px, dReal py, dReal pz,
+00944         dReal dx, dReal dy, dReal dz);
+00945 ODE_API void dGeomRayGet (dGeomID ray, dVector3 start, dVector3 dir);
+00947 /*
+00948  * Set/get ray flags that influence ray collision detection.
+00949  * These flags are currently only noticed by the trimesh collider, because
+00950  * they can make a major differences there.
+00951  */
+00952 ODE_API void dGeomRaySetParams (dGeomID g, int FirstContact, int BackfaceCull);
+00953 ODE_API void dGeomRayGetParams (dGeomID g, int *FirstContact, int *BackfaceCull);
+00954 ODE_API void dGeomRaySetClosestHit (dGeomID g, int closestHit);
+00955 ODE_API int dGeomRayGetClosestHit (dGeomID g);
+00957 #include "collision_trimesh.h"
+00959 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateGeomTransform (dSpaceID space);
+00960 ODE_API void dGeomTransformSetGeom (dGeomID g, dGeomID obj);
+00961 ODE_API dGeomID dGeomTransformGetGeom (dGeomID g);
+00962 ODE_API void dGeomTransformSetCleanup (dGeomID g, int mode);
+00963 ODE_API int dGeomTransformGetCleanup (dGeomID g);
+00964 ODE_API void dGeomTransformSetInfo (dGeomID g, int mode);
+00965 ODE_API int dGeomTransformGetInfo (dGeomID g);
+00968 /* ************************************************************************ */
+00969 /* heightfield functions */
+00972 // Data storage for heightfield data.
+00973 struct dxHeightfieldData;
+00974 typedef struct dxHeightfieldData* dHeightfieldDataID;
+00994 typedef dReal dHeightfieldGetHeight( void* p_user_data, int x, int z );
+01017 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateHeightfield( dSpaceID space,
+01018                dHeightfieldDataID data, int bPlaceable );
+01033 ODE_API dHeightfieldDataID dGeomHeightfieldDataCreate();
+01044 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataDestroy( dHeightfieldDataID d );
+01088 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataBuildCallback( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01089             void* pUserData, dHeightfieldGetHeight* pCallback,
+01090             dReal width, dReal depth, int widthSamples, int depthSamples,
+01091             dReal scale, dReal offset, dReal thickness, int bWrap );
+01136 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataBuildByte( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01137             const unsigned char* pHeightData, int bCopyHeightData,
+01138             dReal width, dReal depth, int widthSamples, int depthSamples,
+01139             dReal scale, dReal offset, dReal thickness,  int bWrap );
+01184 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataBuildShort( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01185             const short* pHeightData, int bCopyHeightData,
+01186             dReal width, dReal depth, int widthSamples, int depthSamples,
+01187             dReal scale, dReal offset, dReal thickness, int bWrap );
+01234 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataBuildSingle( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01235             const float* pHeightData, int bCopyHeightData,
+01236             dReal width, dReal depth, int widthSamples, int depthSamples,
+01237             dReal scale, dReal offset, dReal thickness, int bWrap );
+01284 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataBuildDouble( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01285             const double* pHeightData, int bCopyHeightData,
+01286             dReal width, dReal depth, int widthSamples, int depthSamples,
+01287             dReal scale, dReal offset, dReal thickness, int bWrap );
+01306 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldDataSetBounds( dHeightfieldDataID d,
+01307             dReal minHeight, dReal maxHeight );
+01320 ODE_API void dGeomHeightfieldSetHeightfieldData( dGeomID g, dHeightfieldDataID d );
+01332 ODE_API dHeightfieldDataID dGeomHeightfieldGetHeightfieldData( dGeomID g );
+01336 /* ************************************************************************ */
+01337 /* utility functions */
+01339 ODE_API void dClosestLineSegmentPoints (const dVector3 a1, const dVector3 a2,
+01340             const dVector3 b1, const dVector3 b2,
+01341             dVector3 cp1, dVector3 cp2);
+01343 ODE_API int dBoxTouchesBox (const dVector3 _p1, const dMatrix3 R1,
+01344           const dVector3 side1, const dVector3 _p2,
+01345           const dMatrix3 R2, const dVector3 side2);
+01347 // The meaning of flags parameter is the same as in dCollide()
+01348 ODE_API int dBoxBox (const dVector3 p1, const dMatrix3 R1,
+01349         const dVector3 side1, const dVector3 p2,
+01350         const dMatrix3 R2, const dVector3 side2,
+01351         dVector3 normal, dReal *depth, int *return_code,
+01352         int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
+01354 ODE_API void dInfiniteAABB (dGeomID geom, dReal aabb[6]);
+01355 ODE_API void dInitODE(void);
+01356 ODE_API void dCloseODE(void);
+01358 /* ************************************************************************ */
+01359 /* custom classes */
+01361 typedef void dGetAABBFn (dGeomID, dReal aabb[6]);
+01362 typedef int dColliderFn (dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2,
+01363           int flags, dContactGeom *contact, int skip);
+01364 typedef dColliderFn * dGetColliderFnFn (int num);
+01365 typedef void dGeomDtorFn (dGeomID o);
+01366 typedef int dAABBTestFn (dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, dReal aabb[6]);
+01368 typedef struct dGeomClass {
+01369   int bytes;
+01370   dGetColliderFnFn *collider;
+01371   dGetAABBFn *aabb;
+01372   dAABBTestFn *aabb_test;
+01373   dGeomDtorFn *dtor;
+01374 } dGeomClass;
+01376 ODE_API int dCreateGeomClass (const dGeomClass *classptr);
+01377 ODE_API void * dGeomGetClassData (dGeomID);
+01378 ODE_API dGeomID dCreateGeom (int classnum);
+01380 /* ************************************************************************ */
+01382 #ifdef __cplusplus
+01383 }
+01384 #endif
+01386 #endif

Generated on Fri Oct 12 08:36:51 2007 for Open Dynamics Engine by  + +doxygen 1.5.3
+ + -- cgit v1.1