From 7a274a7e1dfa651c17cb33ca1994f321ccddc005 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: diva
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 23:23:44 +0000
Subject: Makes region crossings asynchronous. Moved the bulk of the original
code out of ScenePresence and into SceneCommunicationService, where it should
be (next to RequestTeleportToLocation). No changes in the crossing mechanism
itself, yet. But this change opens the way to doing crossings as slowly as
it needs to be, outside the simulator Update loop. Note: weirdnesses may
OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs | 164 +++++------------------
1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
(limited to 'OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs')
diff --git a/OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs b/OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs
index 2dd305a..f841707 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Region/Framework/Scenes/ScenePresence.cs
@@ -547,6 +547,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
get { return m_animations; }
+ private bool m_inTransit;
+ public bool IsInTransit
+ {
+ get { return m_inTransit; }
+ set { m_inTransit = value; }
+ }
#region Constructor(s)
@@ -850,7 +857,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
CachedUserInfo userInfo = m_scene.CommsManager.UserProfileCacheService.GetUserDetails(m_uuid);
if (userInfo != null)
- userInfo.FetchInventory();
+ userInfo.FetchInventory();
m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE]: Could not find user info for {0} when making it a root agent", m_uuid);
@@ -2377,15 +2384,31 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
pos2.Y = pos2.Y + (vel.Y*timeStep);
pos2.Z = pos2.Z + (vel.Z*timeStep);
- if ((pos2.X < 0) || (pos2.X > Constants.RegionSize))
+ if (!IsInTransit)
- CrossToNewRegion();
- }
+ if ((pos2.X < 0) || (pos2.X > Constants.RegionSize))
+ {
+ CrossToNewRegion();
+ }
- if ((pos2.Y < 0) || (pos2.Y > Constants.RegionSize))
+ if ((pos2.Y < 0) || (pos2.Y > Constants.RegionSize))
+ {
+ CrossToNewRegion();
+ }
+ }
+ else
- CrossToNewRegion();
+ RemoveFromPhysicalScene();
+ // This constant has been inferred from experimentation
+ // I'm not sure what this value should be, so I tried a few values.
+ timeStep = 0.04f;
+ pos2 = AbsolutePosition;
+ pos2.X = pos2.X + (vel.X * timeStep);
+ pos2.Y = pos2.Y + (vel.Y * timeStep);
+ pos2.Z = pos2.Z + (vel.Z * timeStep);
+ m_pos = pos2;
@@ -2396,130 +2419,13 @@ namespace OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes
protected void CrossToNewRegion()
- Vector3 pos = AbsolutePosition;
- Vector3 newpos = new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
- uint neighbourx = m_regionInfo.RegionLocX;
- uint neighboury = m_regionInfo.RegionLocY;
- // distance to edge that will trigger crossing
- const float boundaryDistance = 1.7f;
- // distance into new region to place avatar
- const float enterDistance = 0.1f;
- if (pos.X < boundaryDistance)
- {
- neighbourx--;
- newpos.X = Constants.RegionSize - enterDistance;
- }
- else if (pos.X > Constants.RegionSize - boundaryDistance)
- {
- neighbourx++;
- newpos.X = enterDistance;
- }
- if (pos.Y < boundaryDistance)
- {
- neighboury--;
- newpos.Y = Constants.RegionSize - enterDistance;
- }
- else if (pos.Y > Constants.RegionSize - boundaryDistance)
- {
- neighboury++;
- newpos.Y = enterDistance;
- }
- Vector3 vel = m_velocity;
- ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));
- SimpleRegionInfo neighbourRegion = m_scene.RequestNeighbouringRegionInfo(neighbourHandle);
- if (neighbourRegion != null && ValidateAttachments())
- {
- // When the neighbour is informed of the border crossing, it will set up CAPS handlers for the avatar
- // This means we need to remove the current caps handler here and possibly compensate later,
- // in case both scenes are being hosted on the same region server. Messy
- //m_scene.RemoveCapsHandler(UUID);
- newpos = newpos + (vel);
- CachedUserInfo userInfo = m_scene.CommsManager.UserProfileCacheService.GetUserDetails(UUID);
- if (userInfo != null)
- {
- userInfo.DropInventory();
- }
- else
- {
- m_log.WarnFormat("[SCENE PRESENCE]: No cached user info found for {0} {1} on leaving region", Name, UUID);
- }
- bool crossingSuccessful =
- m_scene.InformNeighbourOfCrossing(neighbourHandle, m_controllingClient.AgentId, newpos,
- m_physicsActor.Flying);
- if (crossingSuccessful)
- {
- // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
- CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);
- //AgentCircuitData circuitdata = m_controllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
- m_controllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
- //Console.WriteLine("BEFORE CROSS");
- //Scene.DumpChildrenSeeds(UUID);
- //DumpKnownRegions();
- string agentcaps;
- if (!m_knownChildRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
- {
- m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE PRESENCE]: No CAPS information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
- neighbourRegion.RegionHandle);
- return;
- }
- // TODO Should construct this behind a method
- string capsPath =
- "http://" + neighbourRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + neighbourRegion.HttpPort
- + "/CAPS/" + agentcaps /*circuitdata.CapsPath*/ + "0000/";
- m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, m_uuid);
- IEventQueue eq = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface();
- if (eq != null)
- {
- eq.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, newpos, vel, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
- capsPath, UUID, ControllingClient.SessionId);
- }
- else
- {
- m_controllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, newpos, vel, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
- capsPath);
- }
- MakeChildAgent();
- // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents
- SendInitialFullUpdateToAllClients();
- CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourHandle, true);
- // m_scene.SendKillObject(m_localId);
- m_scene.NotifyMyCoarseLocationChange();
- // the user may change their profile information in other region,
- // so the userinfo in UserProfileCache is not reliable any more, delete it
- if (m_scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(UUID))
- {
- m_scene.CommsManager.UserProfileCacheService.RemoveUser(UUID);
- m_log.DebugFormat(
- "[SCENE PRESENCE]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed", UUID);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Restore the user structures that we needed to delete before asking the receiving region
- // to complete the crossing
- userInfo.FetchInventory();
- m_scene.CapsModule.AddCapsHandler(UUID);
- }
- }
+ m_inTransit = true;
+ m_scene.CrossAgentToNewRegion(this, m_physicsActor.Flying);
+ }
- //Console.WriteLine("AFTER CROSS");
- //Scene.DumpChildrenSeeds(UUID);
- //DumpKnownRegions();
+ public void RestoreInCurrentScene()
+ {
+ AddToPhysicalScene();
cgit v1.1