From 0df0258087e18757a77514ac4cba8a50e01b27d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lbsa71
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 12:11:19 +0000
Subject: *** POTENTIAL BREAKAGE *** * Finally got to the point where I could
pull up the CustomiseResponse function. Major de-duplication. * Introduced
FromRegionInfo on RegionProfileData * This revision needs both grid and
standalone testing galore.
Work in progress!
OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs | 143 +---------------------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
(limited to 'OpenSim/Client/Linden')
diff --git a/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs b/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
index 8fe7172..b596e14 100644
--- a/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
+++ b/OpenSim/Client/Linden/LLStandaloneLoginService.cs
@@ -126,150 +126,17 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
- ///
- /// Customises the login response and fills in missing values.
- ///
- /// The existing response
- /// The user profile
- /// The requested start location
- public override bool CustomiseResponse(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser, string startLocationRequest)
- {
- // add active gestures to login-response
- AddActiveGestures(response, theUser);
- // HomeLocation
- RegionInfo homeInfo = null;
- // use the homeRegionID if it is stored already. If not, use the regionHandle as before
- UUID homeRegionId = theUser.HomeRegionID;
- ulong homeRegionHandle = theUser.HomeRegion;
- if (homeRegionId != UUID.Zero)
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionId);
- }
- else
- {
- homeInfo = GetRegionInfo(homeRegionHandle);
- }
- if (homeInfo != null)
- {
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- (homeInfo.RegionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
- (homeInfo.RegionLocY * Constants.RegionSize),
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- }
- else
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("not found the region at {0} {1}", theUser.HomeRegionX, theUser.HomeRegionY);
- // Emergency mode: Home-region isn't available, so we can't request the region info.
- // Use the stored home regionHandle instead.
- // NOTE: If the home-region moves, this will be wrong until the users update their user-profile again
- ulong regionX = homeRegionHandle >> 32;
- ulong regionY = homeRegionHandle & 0xffffffff;
- response.Home =
- string.Format(
- "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- regionX, regionY,
- theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN] Home region of user {0} {1} is not available; using computed region position {2} {3}",
- theUser.FirstName, theUser.SurName,
- regionX, regionY);
- }
- // StartLocation
- RegionInfo regionInfo = null;
- if (startLocationRequest == "home")
- {
- regionInfo = homeInfo;
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = theUser.HomeLocation;
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.HomeLookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
- }
- else if (startLocationRequest == "last")
- {
- UUID lastRegion = theUser.CurrentAgent.Region;
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(lastRegion);
- response.LookAt = "[r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.X.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Y.ToString() + ",r" + theUser.CurrentAgent.LookAt.Z.ToString() + "]";
- }
- else
- {
- Regex reURI = new Regex(@"^uri:(?[^&]+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)&(?\d+)$");
- Match uriMatch = reURI.Match(startLocationRequest);
- if (uriMatch == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, but can't process it", startLocationRequest);
- }
- else
- {
- string region = uriMatch.Groups["region"].ToString();
- regionInfo = RequestClosestRegion(region);
- if (regionInfo == null)
- {
- m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: Got Custom Login URL {0}, can't locate region {1}", startLocationRequest, region);
- }
- else
- {
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["x"].Value),
- float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["y"].Value), float.Parse(uriMatch.Groups["z"].Value));
- }
- }
- response.LookAt = "[r0,r1,r0]";
- // can be: last, home, safe, url
- response.StartLocation = "url";
- }
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response)))
- {
- return true;
- }
- // StartLocation not available, send him to a nearby region instead
- // regionInfo = m_gridService.RequestClosestRegion("");
- //m_log.InfoFormat("[LOGIN]: StartLocation not available sending to region {0}", regionInfo.regionName);
- // Send him to default region instead
- ulong defaultHandle = (((ulong)m_defaultHomeX * Constants.RegionSize) << 32) |
- ((ulong)m_defaultHomeY * Constants.RegionSize);
- if ((regionInfo != null) && (defaultHandle == regionInfo.RegionHandle))
- {
- m_log.ErrorFormat("[LOGIN]: Not trying the default region since this is the same as the selected region");
- return false;
- }
- m_log.Error("[LOGIN]: Sending user to default region " + defaultHandle + " instead");
- regionInfo = GetRegionInfo(defaultHandle);
- // Customise the response
- //response.Home =
- // string.Format(
- // "{{'region_handle':[r{0},r{1}], 'position':[r{2},r{3},r{4}], 'look_at':[r{5},r{6},r{7}]}}",
- // (SimInfo.regionLocX * Constants.RegionSize),
- // (SimInfo.regionLocY*Constants.RegionSize),
- // theUser.HomeLocation.X, theUser.HomeLocation.Y, theUser.HomeLocation.Z,
- // theUser.HomeLookAt.X, theUser.HomeLookAt.Y, theUser.HomeLookAt.Z);
- theUser.CurrentAgent.Position = new Vector3(128, 128, 0);
- response.StartLocation = "safe";
- return PrepareLoginToRegion(regionInfo, theUser, response);
- }
- protected RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
+ protected override RegionInfo RequestClosestRegion(string region)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestClosestRegion(region);
- protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(ulong homeRegionHandle)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionHandle);
- protected RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
+ protected override RegionInfo GetRegionInfo(UUID homeRegionId)
return m_regionsConnector.RequestNeighbourInfo(homeRegionId);
@@ -283,7 +150,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// A
- private void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
+ protected override void AddActiveGestures(LoginResponse response, UserProfileData theUser)
List gestures = m_interServiceInventoryService.GetActiveGestures(theUser.ID);
//m_log.DebugFormat("[LOGIN]: AddActiveGestures, found {0}", gestures == null ? 0 : gestures.Count);
@@ -309,7 +176,7 @@ namespace OpenSim.Client.Linden
/// true if the region was successfully contacted, false otherwise
- protected bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
+ protected override bool PrepareLoginToRegion(RegionInfo regionInfo, UserProfileData user, LoginResponse response)
IPEndPoint endPoint = regionInfo.ExternalEndPoint;
response.SimAddress = endPoint.Address.ToString();
cgit v1.1